Kayaking Tips - Greenland Paddle vs Euro Blade

I get asked this question a lot. Which is better? Pros and Cons. The truth is, they each have their strengths and weaknesses. Some love only one of the two. Others love both. I'm in this latter group. I like using each for its appropriate purpose. The conversation of comparing the two can go on for hours, so in this video I just focused on the general points that differentiate these two paddles from each other. For more info on the Greenland Paddle's origin, as well as technique and overall traditional paddling check out http://qajaqusa.org/ - Massive source of info http://www.greenlandorbust.org/ - Helen Wilson has excellent rolling videos and all sorts of info http://www.kayakways.net/ - Turner and Cheri also are a great resource for all things traditional paddling and rolling If you'd like to find out more about the camera gear I use to make these videos, here's a list of affiliated Amazon links to each item: Sony a6300 - http://amzn.to/2rUtx3o Sony G OSS 18-105mm F4 lens - http://amzn.to/2s4DPMS Canon 50mm 1.2 - http://amzn.to/2tfacaP Canon 16-35mm 2.8 II - http://amzn.to/2s4P7R9 DJI Mavic Pro Quadcopter - http://amzn.to/2svBKvW GoPro 4 Silver - http://amzn.to/2smju8J 360Fly 4K - http://amzn.to/2smLAkf Music - Aver the Mono http://www.averthemono.com Kayak Hipster http://www.kayakhipster.com

Kayaking Tips - Greenland Paddle vs Euro Blade sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3

Kayak 9 years ago 35,475 views

I get asked this question a lot. Which is better? Pros and Cons. The truth is, they each have their strengths and weaknesses. Some love only one of the two. Others love both. I'm in this latter group. I like using each for its appropriate purpose. The conversation of comparing the two can go on for hours, so in this video I just focused on the general points that differentiate these two paddles from each other. For more info on the Greenland Paddle's origin, as well as technique and overall traditional paddling check out http://qajaqusa.org/ - Massive source of info http://www.greenlandorbust.org/ - Helen Wilson has excellent rolling videos and all sorts of info http://www.kayakways.net/ - Turner and Cheri also are a great resource for all things traditional paddling and rolling If you'd like to find out more about the camera gear I use to make these videos, here's a list of affiliated Amazon links to each item: Sony a6300 - http://amzn.to/2rUtx3o Sony G OSS 18-105mm F4 lens - http://amzn.to/2s4DPMS Canon 50mm 1.2 - http://amzn.to/2tfacaP Canon 16-35mm 2.8 II - http://amzn.to/2s4P7R9 DJI Mavic Pro Quadcopter - http://amzn.to/2svBKvW GoPro 4 Silver - http://amzn.to/2smju8J 360Fly 4K - http://amzn.to/2smLAkf Music - Aver the Mono http://www.averthemono.com Kayak Hipster http://www.kayakhipster.com

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Most popular comments
for Kayaking Tips - Greenland Paddle vs Euro Blade

J Peter Marquardt
J Peter Marquardt - 7 years ago
The Euro paddle is also a reason why I have carpel tunnel....in windy conditions I had to feather the blades so that each blade face was not becoming a "sail." I look forward to using a GL design.....my biggest fear on a long trip I am planning (Ketchikan to Seattle) is being 100 miles out and not begin able to use my arms.....Good, well reasoned and shot videos. Keep them coming!
Brandyn McKibben
Brandyn McKibben - 7 years ago
Do you have any recommendations on wing paddles?
Kayak Hipster
Kayak Hipster - 7 years ago
Brandyn McKibben sadly I do not. I never use them, I can't tell you anything about them first hand.
Paul Chance
Paul Chance - 7 years ago
I sent you an email with these question before I saw the video - but they weren't answered here. When looking at GP's I see two options. One is construction with shoulders or not. The other is a straight tip or rounded tip. I was asking what criteria one would use to select those various choices.
Kayak Hipster
Kayak Hipster - 7 years ago
Paul Chance Paul, got your note. Stuck at work at the moment. Will put together a full response a bit later. Thanks for reaching out!
Trevor Keen
Trevor Keen - 7 years ago
I like the Greenland paddle for paddling upwind. I don't have to feather the blade.
RE the commenter below who asked about getting wetter because the GL paddle has no drip-rings; I made my own by cutting them out of an old bicycle inner tube and stretching them over the shaft. They work great. You cannot fit store-bought rings over a GL paddle blade.
Kayak Hipster
Kayak Hipster - 7 years ago
Trevor Keen interesting idea. You're right, I too really enjoy not feeling the wind on a Greenland paddle.
Alabama Woodsman
Alabama Woodsman - 7 years ago
Very good information. Helps a lot. Thanks!
Kayak Hipster
Kayak Hipster - 7 years ago
Tombstone Ted glad it was helpful. Cheers!
Alexandre Beaudry
Alexandre Beaudry - 7 years ago
What would you recommand for adventure racer? That mean i need speed, efficency, versatility and ergonomy.

Note that in adventure race we often use double paddle in a canoe. Have you tried the greenland paddle with one
Wan ZalmanWZ
Wan ZalmanWZ - 7 years ago
Good tips and so honest in giving comment. I agreed with you they're different tools for different occasions.
Kayak Hipster
Kayak Hipster - 7 years ago
Wan ZalmanWZ thanks, much appreciated! Absolutely. They each have their strengths and weaknesses, and it comes down to preference and when you want to use each.
PharmGeek Outdoor Fun
PharmGeek Outdoor Fun - 7 years ago
ok, so I have been considering getting one of the Greenland paddles...been using a 180 dollar werner paddle for over a year, fairly narrow width, it seems ok...but my question is: what is best for most new comers to touring kayaks? Most of us novice/beginners are doing plenty of flatwater paddling, camping, day trips with hours of paddling.  It seems based on the pro's/con's as you lay it out, a Greenland paddle would be appropriate and maybe often even better for many of us relative newB's? My wife is joining me in getting a touring kayak, and I am debating on getting a Greenland paddle for myself or even for her. I am learning my rolls better this year, and the Greenland paddle looks fun for that too.
risa bear
risa bear - 8 years ago
Thank you, that was clear and helpful.
Kayak Hipster
Kayak Hipster - 8 years ago
risa bear wonderful to hear. Thanks for letting me know.

10. comment for Kayaking Tips - Greenland Paddle vs Euro Blade

Chris - 8 years ago
Just took out today for the first time a low angle blade,bent shaft Werner Kalliste paddle. LOVED IT. upgraded from an Aquabound FG stingray. what a difference! Now would the low angle blade be the choice for those who want to do long touring but also work fairly good playing in surf/swells? I guess those would be two different blades for two different tasks. Guess the only real solution is to have 2 blade type paddles.
Kayak Hipster
Kayak Hipster - 8 years ago
Yep, two different blades for different tasks. Usually you'd want high angle and large blade paddles for surf/swells, so that you can get a lot of power on each stroke. The Greenland paddle sneaks in extra buoyancy along its entire length, making it ok to have less area at the ends but overall has lots of other pros in surf. A touring euro blade would not be my choice for playing in rough water. But it's perfect for long distance paddling. Glad you're enjoying the Kalliste. I've heard very good things about it!
Max G.
Max G. - 8 years ago
one little stupid question: don't you get more wet with a greenland-style? euro-style have those little rubber-stirpping-rings...
(excellent videos by the way - greetings from switzerland!)
Kayak Hipster
Kayak Hipster - 8 years ago
You do indeed. Some make drip-rings for Greenland paddles. I just deal with knowing I'll have a bit more water on my lap. No big deal. Thanks, much appreciated!
datapro007 - 8 years ago
I enjoyed your video. I noticed that your forward stroke with the Greenland paddle is not an efficient one. I recommend watching some of the forward stroke videos on http://qajaqusa.org/ to see what I mean. Part of what folks say about Greenland style paddling is colored by improper technique.
Kayak Hipster
Kayak Hipster - 8 years ago
Thanks! This is a bit of an old video for me. Since making it I've made my way to a couple of qajaqusa events and worked with mentors on the forward stroke and other areas of traditional paddling. Their wealth of knowledge is astounding as well as being extremely nice and willing to help.

I've indeed been working towards a more efficient stroke since, but there's always a lot of room to grow. And qajaqusa.org is a great resource - I have it listed in the info section as well as mention it at the end of the video. BUT it's nothing compared to in-person guidance from their mentors.

Alan Cohen
Alan Cohen - 8 years ago
Enjoyed your video. I found it very useful. How would you compare a Greenland to an Aleutian for distance paddling?
Kayak Hipster
Kayak Hipster - 8 years ago
Alan Cohen absolutely, anytime. Let me know what you think when you get to try them out!
Alan Cohen
Alan Cohen - 8 years ago
KayakHipster Thanks for the quick response. I haven't actually tried either yet. hopefully next year.
Kayak Hipster
Kayak Hipster - 8 years ago
Alan Cohen thanks, much appreciated! I would not be able to say, I've only tested Aleutian paddles here and there, and not for long periods of time. I know some paddlers swear by them. Their ridges give them a different flow through the water. In the very short time I've tested them, they felt a bit stiff and heavy to me vs the Greenland paddles I'm used to, but that's just an opinion based on very short times using them. As always, I think time spent and preference come into play.
John Moore
John Moore - 8 years ago
Nice video, informative, accurate, well-scripted with no rambling on about what he had for breakfast. Wish there were more like that.
Kayak Hipster
Kayak Hipster - 8 years ago
John Moore thank you, much appreciated. Cheers.
HydeMyJekyll - 8 years ago
can you link to the specific Greenland paddles you used in this video? I like the carbon fiber ones for sure
Roger Cruz
Roger Cruz - 8 years ago
How can I get a discount on one of them paddles? I've been considering buying a Greenland paddle for a few weeks now, and I really like the carbon fiber ones they offer.
Kayak Hipster
Kayak Hipster - 8 years ago
Sounds good and let me know if questions come up when getting your gear. Cheers!
HydeMyJekyll - 8 years ago
Awesome man, thanks for the info. It will be a little bit before I buy one- I am just now getting into kayaking and purchasing my own gear. Borrowing other people's stuff has let me have a lot of fun, but I've had a lot of bad experiences using equipment not suited for the tasks I try and do with it! Thanks for the great videos!
Kayak Hipster
Kayak Hipster - 8 years ago
Absolutely, you can find the Nutilik I used in this video by following this link - http://www.gearlabpaddles.com

If you decide to go for one of them, let me know, I can help with a discount.

Joe O's Channel
Joe O's Channel - 8 years ago
Enjoyed your video. Myself, I use only Greenland Paddles now and have for many years. I build between 100 and 200 of them a year in my woodshop.
One of your links in the description, Greenlandorbust.org... the girl with that webste, Helen Wilson, is a close friend of mine and has been my sponsored paddlers for nearly 7 years now. If you've seen her videos and DVD's, then you have seen my paddles :)

Cheers...Joe O'
Kayak Hipster
Kayak Hipster - 8 years ago
That is amazing. I have watched Helen Wilson rolling extensively, so I'm sure I've seen plenty of your paddles then! Thanks for checking the video out, I'm hoping it'll be helpful in bringing more attention to the use of Greenland paddles as well as traditional paddling in general. Cheers and thanks for taking the time to comment!
Richie Dunne
Richie Dunne - 9 years ago
Nice...loved the on the water shots during the talk on GP v E.....
Kayak Hipster
Kayak Hipster - 9 years ago
+dunneryak Thanks!

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