Kayaking with Redondo Beach Blue Whales, with underwater footage and Lunge feeding GoPro
Kayak 13 years ago 1,783,802 views
From 10/8/2011. A blue whale lunge feeding right next to the Kayak, plus some underwater footage. While the lunge feed was heart pounding excitement, I found that seeing one underwater was relaxing and peaceful. Was an awesome day!!! Shot with GoPro 1080 w/ mako flat lens. See the lunge feed in slow motion at: http://youtu.be/JaRO3jDzmH0 Some of our underwater photography can be seen at www.ricksusie.com I'd like to take a moment to state that I don't recommend, endorse or in any way want to encourage anyone to try and swim with these whales. The whales are large unpredictable animals and potentially dangerous. I've talked to the NOAA and would like to share these Whale Watching Guidelines from the NOAA site: http://swr.nmfs.noaa.gov/psd/watching.htm
And the whale is probably like "Oh look how small it is, this cute little thingy from above" ^o^
10. comment for Kayaking with Redondo Beach Blue Whales, with underwater footage and Lunge feeding GoPro
I mean, there are plenty of nature documentaries that give you perfect, stable images of whales in really clear water, but the first-person imagery there, right alongside the whale... the sheer immensity of the blue whale is overwhelming.
"Majestic" is often used as a joke, but this is the sort of thing the word was made for.
20. comment for Kayaking with Redondo Beach Blue Whales, with underwater footage and Lunge feeding GoPro
dudes got balls
30. comment for Kayaking with Redondo Beach Blue Whales, with underwater footage and Lunge feeding GoPro
To be honest, this animal weighs upward of 150 tonnes.
If it had so much as given one tail flap, this dude would be history.
The animal was never in any remote danger and judging from my previous experience with whales, they are genuinely intelligent & curious animals. It probably enjoyed the attention.
Meanwhile there are fishermen worldwide who are illegally killing these creatures for profit. Perhaps copy and paste your bullshit verbal attack on some greenpeace videos.
Lucky! There huge.. I'd be scared... Being very respectful..
50. comment for Kayaking with Redondo Beach Blue Whales, with underwater footage and Lunge feeding GoPro
100. comment for Kayaking with Redondo Beach Blue Whales, with underwater footage and Lunge feeding GoPro