Killer Kayak Flounder Fishing!
Kayak 8 years ago 771,180 views
A rare day in NJ when the weather forecast holds and the fluke fishing is on! Caught a limit and watched my buddy Romo @ land his PB Fluke! His fish was 27.75" and somehow brought the boga down to graze the 10lb line, that lucky motherf*cker! They bit bluefish and only bluefish, gulp saw no keepers this day, which is quite suspicious. Camera: Rod- Shimano Crucial 7' Reel- Shimano sustain 4000 Kayak- Hobie Revo 13 (we both have revo 13's)
10. comment for Killer Kayak Flounder Fishing!
And summer flounder (fluke ) Google is your friend
20. comment for Killer Kayak Flounder Fishing!
btw have u ever encountered Parasite egg st tail part of flounder, should we throw awaay the fish?
30. comment for Killer Kayak Flounder Fishing!
Harambe, We know that your upset that people killed you but that doesn't mean that people need to kill the fish that they catch.
50. comment for Killer Kayak Flounder Fishing!
I'm in Staten island.. Not into piers unless I have to..
thanks for any heads-up
100. comment for Killer Kayak Flounder Fishing!
Why do you bleed the flounder, then put it on a stringer? The point of a stringer is to keep the fish alive and and therefore the meet fresh. If you cut it's gills and are then out there for three hours what you have is a flounder three hours dead with no refrigeration.
actually, a stripped down hobie adventure is nearly 3/4 mph faster in all conditions than a revo.
the revo is more agile, and slightly more stable. the adventure tracks better and is better in chop.
the adventure weighs 4 pounds more than a revo.
depending on where you fish, what you fish for, and how you fish for them...
the aventure may be the better boat. The revo is no slouch though.
on lakes? or just outside the surf. revo every time, that agility is primo.
off shore in blue water a couple miles out trolling for pelagics?
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You pulled up some real beauties.
The Gulp formula is derived from chicken fat. Flounder don't eat chicken.
You proved it well. Nice video.
I was amazed that your stinger of fish didn't attract any freeloaders.
Down he-ah in no shirt, no shoes Nokomis we gots to use a cooler. Hot water and sharks...
Thanks for the video
absolut geil!
Gruß aus Deutschland.
Good stuff again Chris
I just started my own you should give it a look. You and along with a few others inspired to start making my own videos, thank you
looks like it
if you fall in you cannot stay afloat in waders
are you aware of that
also, the more mature the fish, the more plentiful the roe. larger,older fish produce more eggs, and more viable offspring per spawn than smaller less mature fish.
so not only are they superior genetically, you get more of them.
its the non fisherman fish eaters that are raping the oceans.
we hook and line sport guys take only what we can use, and know what to take to maintain stocks.
I aways got over cautious when this happens...
must be raking in that YouTube money! (sarcasm)
You by far are my favorite YouTube channel !!
Please keep the videos coming.