Killer Kayak Flounder Fishing!

A rare day in NJ when the weather forecast holds and the fluke fishing is on! Caught a limit and watched my buddy Romo @ land his PB Fluke! His fish was 27.75" and somehow brought the boga down to graze the 10lb line, that lucky motherf*cker! They bit bluefish and only bluefish, gulp saw no keepers this day, which is quite suspicious. Camera: Rod- Shimano Crucial 7' Reel- Shimano sustain 4000 Kayak- Hobie Revo 13 (we both have revo 13's)

Killer Kayak Flounder Fishing! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 277

Kayak 8 years ago 771,180 views

A rare day in NJ when the weather forecast holds and the fluke fishing is on! Caught a limit and watched my buddy Romo @ land his PB Fluke! His fish was 27.75" and somehow brought the boga down to graze the 10lb line, that lucky motherf*cker! They bit bluefish and only bluefish, gulp saw no keepers this day, which is quite suspicious. Camera: Rod- Shimano Crucial 7' Reel- Shimano sustain 4000 Kayak- Hobie Revo 13 (we both have revo 13's)

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Most popular comments
for Killer Kayak Flounder Fishing!

don black
don black - 6 years ago
yea we don't let them go like that in Louisiana that would of been in the pot for sure!!
Andres Jimenez
Andres Jimenez - 6 years ago
What is your white rod called? By the way, your vids are great.
Bruce Ireland
Bruce Ireland - 6 years ago
Love the Stoke! Good stuff.
Marie Constant
Marie Constant - 6 years ago
What ? Mr Morris zxito CE PA Sea mone ,,?Kaya Miami ladan Quel Miserie...
Marie Constant
Marie Constant - 6 years ago
Mezan mi gade fish's LA couverture Troue egou mim devant Wood Mullen couverture fish semble TI Lapia OU bien Kaneya L'Artibonite...Oh Mr Morris Sixto
Elmer Lee Clark
Elmer Lee Clark - 6 years ago
Nice flounder. You should come to the Bay Area and try our beast out. Our slot is 24inches!!! We get um 30+ inches from shore & kayak from Mid April till Mid July.
John C
John C - 7 years ago
Do you even have issues with sharks trying to steal your stringer?
Herbert Brown
Herbert Brown - 7 years ago
what name brand of Fish finder you got
Herbert Brown
Herbert Brown - 7 years ago
pec fin is good as, Bacon...

10. comment for Killer Kayak Flounder Fishing!

J. C.
J. C. - 7 years ago
Nice and Fatty
Frank Big
Frank Big - 7 years ago
they look like fluke
Max Chronister
Max Chronister - 7 years ago
They are
Alex  J.
Alex J. - 7 years ago
Nice of him to release it but I bet it will get caught 30 minutes later and kept by someone else.
Brian Richard
Brian Richard - 7 years ago
Enjoy your stuff, my brother and I got some outbacks last year and plan on trying flounder this year behind OCNJ. Planning on learning as we go and your vids are helpful.
PastełProductions - 7 years ago
No a good idea for a boat
Jordan Little
Jordan Little - 7 years ago
do they have a law so you cant release a kept fish?
Jordan Little
Jordan Little - 7 years ago
whats not good about a sundial?
Robert Pratt
Robert Pratt - 7 years ago
The biggest flounder I have ever caught is a 29" on a 8" live blue fish in the shark river inlet !
Ronald V. Gallo sr.
Ronald V. Gallo sr. - 7 years ago
That is not a flounder ....... that is a Fluke ......there is a difference !
Hooper45 - 7 years ago
J Wakeland there is difference winter flounder
And summer flounder (fluke ) Google is your friend
J Wakeland
J Wakeland - 7 years ago
Ronald V. Gallo sr. There is no difference between a fluke and a flounder. They have different names. Some people are raised saying one instead of the other.
claudio - 7 years ago
It's a flounder!

20. comment for Killer Kayak Flounder Fishing!

Emiliano Feliu
Emiliano Feliu - 7 years ago
You asshole why do you kill them they are beautifull
True seeker True
True seeker True - 7 years ago
such tight packed boat to fish lolz
btw have u ever encountered Parasite egg st tail part of flounder, should we throw awaay the fish?
Top Dog obedience
Top Dog obedience - 7 years ago
Ever had a shark maul your stringer?
Steve Tautog
Steve Tautog - 7 years ago
just curious, did the Bluefish guts fall in the Kayak , or did you let them fall out into the water
Bob Gardner
Bob Gardner - 7 years ago
what brand and model of Kayak are you using? thanks
mcmanusandson - 7 years ago
Hobie Outbacks
Luke Stakelbeck
Luke Stakelbeck - 7 years ago
Using your index finger & thumb grab fluke by the gills. They won't even try to fight
onur kahraman
onur kahraman - 7 years ago
seni takip ediyorum ve iyi bir avcısın
Lara Montez
Lara Montez - 7 years ago
only an immature dick argues with your buddy about a ten pound flounder- this is why your boyfriend left you! gigidie, gigidie looking mother fucker~ your friends episode has you saying "so"......... what a putz!
Brady Boslet
Brady Boslet - 7 years ago
I live in new jersy and I go fluke and striper fishing in the rartin bay.
Bobby T.
Bobby T. - 7 years ago
Where the fuck do you people come up with "he"s gill cutting these poor fish"? He is obviously stringing these fish to a string line, letting the fish live as long as possible, to preserve freshness. He is measuring these fish and following legal procedure. Lance Cobb said " don"t bleed a fish next to your kayak". He never did bleed a fish next to his kayak! Lance Cobb, please show me the video where a fish was " bled from a kayak".

30. comment for Killer Kayak Flounder Fishing!

CONDUIT 444 - 7 years ago
Nice chum slick, lol.. Jk.
Sniping MonkeyHD
Sniping MonkeyHD - 7 years ago
What a dumbass why the hell would he release that. That's such good eating. What a fucking retard
Roadkill - 7 years ago
Sniping MonkeyHD
Harambe, We know that your upset that people killed you but that doesn't mean that people need to kill the fish that they catch.
Sniping MonkeyHD
Sniping MonkeyHD - 7 years ago
Hi There ya but not doormats like that
Hi There
Hi There - 7 years ago
Sniping MonkeyHD there's plenty of fish in the sea.
Shug McGurran
Shug McGurran - 7 years ago
Nice fishing looks great dont you worry about sharks when you tie the fish onto the line so close to you
sahito escobar
sahito escobar - 7 years ago
nice, here where, I live we have a lot of catfish everywhere.
Chrizzly Atoms
Chrizzly Atoms - 7 years ago
I'm going to be moving to New Jersey soon from way inland, looking forward to the fishing . Thanks for all the great videos. Quick question on bleeding: would it not make sense to put them on the stringer live and then bleed them when you're pulling out and put on ice? Thanks
Bonfire - 7 years ago
what knot do you use?
Andy Cliett
Andy Cliett - 7 years ago
A word of advice. Tie your stringer to boat before you put he fish in the water. I speak from experience
barhydttyler - 7 years ago
Love it man. I grew up on this bay. My grandfather and grandmother lived in a lagoon for my entire life. Reminds me of the good ole days.
Colin Amburg
Colin Amburg - 7 years ago
I need someone to fish in the yak witg
Tam Phan
Tam Phan - 7 years ago
beautyful job dude
420 gee
420 gee - 7 years ago
use bacon it's easier nd they love it
viciados em pescar RJ
viciados em pescar RJ - 7 years ago
show de pescaria,
Big ick Rick 13
Big ick Rick 13 - 7 years ago
Hey buddy Love The Vids... If You Don't mind me asking... What part Of NJ???
lg1886 - 7 years ago
Hey man looking to start kayaking in NJ for the first time been watching your videos for a while. I'm gonna start off with a lifetime tamarack 120 is that good enough for the bays?
mcaardvark42 - 7 years ago
Should the heading read 'Flounder Killer Fishing in a Kayak '
Haris Burazerovic
Haris Burazerovic - 7 years ago
wow released it didnt expect that hahaha Awesome!!!! thats how you get your mojo going good job!
Paul C. Reilly
Paul C. Reilly - 7 years ago
Props on releasing the door matt.
Woody McKay
Woody McKay - 7 years ago
Love your videos!
Eat My Bait
Eat My Bait - 7 years ago
isnt it illegal to use cut bait with an artificial lure?
rodeoman2020 - 7 years ago
Add a small treble hook behind the bait!!!

50. comment for Killer Kayak Flounder Fishing!

squirms shed
squirms shed - 7 years ago
were you just jigging these on the bottom
Gabriel Hormuth
Gabriel Hormuth - 7 years ago
"he's good, he's not good"
Baguette - 7 years ago
"He's gonna die but, for me that's good." How dare you take the life away from flounders. They have done nothing to you. What would you feel if YOU were that flounder?
Michael Seidl
Michael Seidl - 7 years ago
I live in Jersey, and the only question I have is, what area are you fishing here? What part of the bay, what channel were you covering by the buoy markers?
tia jones
tia jones - 7 years ago
Are you really cutting those fish while they're alive, then keeping them alive?? WTF! I was going to subscribe, but not going to anymore, man, you are cruel!
John L'Heureux
John L'Heureux - 7 years ago
1 Shot
1 Shot - 7 years ago
He's Good Well, He's not good he's gonna die but that's good for me.
Michael Christopher Lucas
Michael Christopher Lucas - 7 years ago
So you dont kill the fist, you hack its gills to BLEED it and then drag it by the boat ?
Shish jjj
Shish jjj - 7 years ago
1 fish is a blue fish??
400 two-stroke 36 yamaha
400 two-stroke 36 yamaha - 7 years ago
That is net cool
Billy Dillard
Billy Dillard - 7 years ago
iv only shot one flounder and it was atleast 25 inches
xtremeyakfishing - 7 years ago
Where in NJ is this?
Joel Mcleod
Joel Mcleod - 7 years ago
i see you're near a channel and at one time, saw 24.3' on your depth finder. Do you fish in the channel at this depth, or on the side of the channel, and if not at this depth, how deep are you fishing?  down in texas, we don't fish the way you do, jigging for flounder, but this looks like an exciting way to fish. thanks for any help you can give. good luck.
Ken Halterman
Ken Halterman - 7 years ago
What kind of Gulp do you usually use?
Travis West
Travis West - 7 years ago
I soak my old gulps in bacon grease overnight.....try me!
benny w tan
benny w tan - 7 years ago
great video
jim bo
jim bo - 7 years ago
Cut bait in the kayak and dragging fish over the side "YIKES" asking for a up close encounter with a Shark!!!!!!
jim bo
jim bo - 7 years ago
Flounder teeth next to the family jewels "YIKES"
TCS VLogs - 7 years ago
Blues are fun to catch, just be careful they have some pretty sharp teeth.
Robert McCandless
Robert McCandless - 7 years ago
John L'Heureux
John L'Heureux - 7 years ago
Robert McCandless that's what I keep on thinking every time
Dylan Kurowsky
Dylan Kurowsky - 7 years ago
At 7:45 you ate your words in your latest kayak fluke video.
Kev Pick
Kev Pick - 7 years ago
I don't think fish live after a fight like that to often. they do have worms in them but that's good eating!
Kev Pick
Kev Pick - 7 years ago
jaddy540 they are harmless if you eat them raw the worms can't live in humans but no one likes the thought of it we pull them out most of the time for fun.
jaddy540 - 7 years ago
The worms are harmless,as long as the fish is properly cooked, All those big commercial ships have assembly belts where women remove the worms with pincers. often black drum will have a couple worms in the tail.
Nghia Tnug
Nghia Tnug - 7 years ago
where is this bay at?
Chip Fett
Chip Fett - 7 years ago
Please stop saying , son
stateniland - 7 years ago
In your boating travels have you seen any landing areas that a person in a wheelchair could toss a line?
I'm in Staten island.. Not into piers unless I have to..
thanks for any heads-up
MKP - 7 years ago
where in jersey?
T John Parbuoni
T John Parbuoni - 7 years ago
fat gaining simulator tom
fat gaining simulator tom - 7 years ago
you are a fuckn wanker can you stop killing the animals in the world and trees and people like you destroy the earth
Suzukisan - 7 years ago
nice release of big breeder. good work guys, enjoyed your vid.
Robert Contreras
Robert Contreras - 7 years ago
Nothing but doormats son!
ryan 6352
ryan 6352 - 7 years ago
What knot did you use
Jo Flores
Jo Flores - 7 years ago
Wow, you are the nerdiest person I have ever heard. I thought those movies were joking about the way nerds talk.
Jo Flores
Jo Flores - 7 years ago
Wow, you are the nerdiest person I have ever heard. I thought those movies were joking about the way nerds talk.
Q U I E T - 7 years ago
Sandy Hook NJ, the bay is great flounder, fluke, and blue fishing I suggest going there
Charlie - 7 years ago
Cool video! How deep was it in that location and was it a channel or was there drop offs or structure? Love flounder fishing from my kayak!
Tikki 2003
Tikki 2003 - 7 years ago
At the very least, they are called Summer Flounder. Fluke is the common name in the Northeast.
Drip HD
Drip HD - 7 years ago
The tag give me ocd
Igou Outdoors
Igou Outdoors - 7 years ago
What a day! This makes me not even want to post my next video. I'm bragging about a 2lb.12oz. flounder. Haha! Good grief! Great video, guys.
Áine MacDermot
Áine MacDermot - 7 years ago
I would be scared shitless on a kayak like that. I'm amazed you haven't lost everything overboard already. LOL
denucci - 7 years ago
isnt dangenrous to keep you fish on the water, tied to your boat?
FallenAngelRising - 7 years ago
lol "He's good. Well... he's not good... he's gonna die, but it's good for me"
Doug Peterson
Doug Peterson - 7 years ago
Nice release on that 10 pound fluke. If faced with the same decision, I may not do the same. Well done. If I already had a limit with plenty for the table, I would like to think I would send that one back. Just not sure I could do it. :)
Trance Parent
Trance Parent - 7 years ago
makes me want to go flounder fishing bad. I need a kayak lolololol. ty for the great vid ty for sharing .
Quincy Fergison
Quincy Fergison - 7 years ago
When I can't go fishing myself, I watch these vids. Thanks for an entertaining and informative romp through some of the best waters in America. Keep them coming, bro!
Darkstorm Outdoors
Darkstorm Outdoors - 7 years ago
Enjoyed that. Thanks for sharing!
Jacob Haldeman
Jacob Haldeman - 7 years ago
Not many 10 pound flukes left in Jersey. Congrats to both of you on a great day of hooking and reeling, and thank you for releasing the grandaddy.
karnage27 - 7 years ago
They stay fresh strung up in the water like that all day...?  Also will they show up on the fish finder?  What type of structure do you look for?  Thanks !
Jason Duncan
Jason Duncan - 7 years ago
How deep were your fishing? It looked like you were fishing just below the boat, is that accurate?
Stephen Restine
Stephen Restine - 8 years ago
Where are y'all fishing out of? That looks like the ICW out of Aransas pass by random RV park?
James Chamberlain
James Chamberlain - 8 years ago
dude please call the fluke ..flounder has no teeth eyes are tottely different and so is the size they also have lips that would be the same as if i kept calling the fluke hallabit ...because same species
James Chamberlain
James Chamberlain - 8 years ago
looks like a 7 ponder tops

100. comment for Killer Kayak Flounder Fishing!

Christian Silva
Christian Silva - 8 years ago
I'm not into fishing at all but I really do enjoy these videos.
Rose Kang
Rose Kang - 8 years ago
Love this video as I am still looking for them big fluke haha. Just wondering what kind of rod and reel you got there bud? Fish on
The master gamer
The master gamer - 8 years ago
Ilived in high bar harbor right around the corner from the inlet
Young Guns Angling
Young Guns Angling - 8 years ago
flounder look like they're fun to catch!
Raymond Somers
Raymond Somers - 8 years ago
thanks bug love the flounder fishing
Tahmim Ahmed
Tahmim Ahmed - 8 years ago
where is the location of your fishing spot
Ricky Kuzas
Ricky Kuzas - 8 years ago
what kind of knot did he tie? so i can try to tie it :)
Black Vest Airsoft
Black Vest Airsoft - 8 years ago
Bleeding the fish, interesting. I always hit the fish with a club.
DaebakMonkey - 8 years ago
When I heard you say "bird play" I thought it was a sexual term. Whoops! Can you make a video on how you do your knots?
Mr Dank™
Mr Dank™ - 8 years ago
Whats the kayak you're using called? very curious
watwat79 - 8 years ago
Mr Dank™ Hobie Revo 13
fishing-for- reel
fishing-for- reel - 8 years ago
lol nice vid
VANS2424 - 8 years ago
Nice vids. What kayak you using looks good
Sinsmauler - 8 years ago
bleeding flounder... googans
born1sucker - 8 years ago
Sweet!! How do you prepare and cook the flounder?
Willy D
Willy D - 8 years ago
glad to see that im not the only one that release mature reproducing fish...nice fish
Animallecter - 8 years ago
In Texas we do not cut there gills. That way if you lose your stringer they live.
Nelson Ortiz
Nelson Ortiz - 8 years ago
Holy shit that 10lb'er was nice!
Vil Ramos
Vil Ramos - 8 years ago
This video is amazing. I have caught striped bass on my kayak, but have not had any luck yet with flounder. I will try again next summer. What type of a rig and bait do you recommend?
Alexyt Man
Alexyt Man - 8 years ago
how do you steer that kayak?
Cheryl O'Dwyer
Cheryl O'Dwyer - 8 years ago
That flounder might get taken by a shark
Ruben Galvan
Ruben Galvan - 8 years ago
I would love to be able to do that. Are you on a lake? I would not think you could string them up like that on ocean, because of Sharks. The reason I would not be able to do it like you do is, because I'm in a wheelchair. If you would like to talk, I'm on Facebook under Ruben Galvan, Picture of a big man with beard in wheelchair.
All American Fishing
All American Fishing - 7 years ago
Ruben Galvan flounder only live in the bay and ocean
AirSoftMaverick3232 - 8 years ago
great idea with the blue, just like fluke belly - I mean, squid strips
daddysealtx Jackson
daddysealtx Jackson - 8 years ago
what brand kayak and fish finder is that, friend?
Coach Paul
Coach Paul - 8 years ago
Awesome video brother! Where were ya in jersey?
Walk With Wally
Walk With Wally - 8 years ago
never thought I'd be watching fishing videos but you make it quite interesting. I even checked out your competition. they grunt and groan too much. you seem like you're having fun. one youtuber to another, good luck with all your future endeavors
Insaf Khan
Insaf Khan - 8 years ago
Walk With Wally bro check out rokkit kit channel. really great kayak vids, pro like
Lee Winger
Lee Winger - 8 years ago
do they taste any good?
Colby Collett
Colby Collett - 8 years ago
Lee Winger oh yeah
Daniel Macintyre
Daniel Macintyre - 8 years ago
i subscribed
Josh Gold
Josh Gold - 8 years ago
what knot is that
Sean Harris
Sean Harris - 8 years ago
Nice... mind teaching us how to make that spiffy knot?
Handy Dandy Dalton
Handy Dandy Dalton - 8 years ago
I hunt and fish. I've never kept a fish that i didn't humanely and immediately kill. Gill cutting isn't a humane kill. Not really bashing you, but it takes 2 seconds to humanely dispatch a fish.
Keoni Hillier
Keoni Hillier - 7 years ago
I'm a commercial fisherman and wholesaler, I always bleed my fish, it's the best way. The fish won't feel it and they die fast. Definitely better than being hit on the head with a bat lol
Luke Stakelbeck
Luke Stakelbeck - 7 years ago
Handy Dandy Dalton you're serious about humanely killing fish? I throw them in a cooler n wait for their O face. I bet your guy/girlfriend sticks stuff in your bhole
PausePlease - 7 years ago
Bleeding fish help with the taste
Frank Stein
Frank Stein - 7 years ago
You are so SPECIAL!!! Good for you Mr. Nice guy!
Yolie Gunderson
Yolie Gunderson - 7 years ago
Handy Dandy Dalton thank you. I thought it was a shitty thing to do.
Burrito Gonzales
Burrito Gonzales - 7 years ago
was thinking the same thing
Julie Arnold
Julie Arnold - 8 years ago
damn fish is dead and he goes it'll be alright, stupid lil fish lmao
Jarred Maurer
Jarred Maurer - 8 years ago
I've got flounder fever now I'm sick to my stomach!! Great fishing man!! Ryan great release my man true outdoorsman!!
David Quintero
David Quintero - 8 years ago
I want to learn to make the knot
Aaron 117
Aaron 117 - 8 years ago
Love this video!
trongcuong nguyen
trongcuong nguyen - 8 years ago
what kind of racket....?
George Adams
George Adams - 8 years ago
You boys catch more than your share of fish... cool!
David Quintero
David Quintero - 8 years ago
can you show us your knots
Xixon - 8 years ago
It's the Palomar knot.
Aaron 117
Aaron 117 - 8 years ago
David Quintero That one knot where he made a loop than put it back over the lure was cool
Judy Rae
Judy Rae - 8 years ago
You rock nice fishing ........
Loki203 - 8 years ago
if you want to catch flounder use squid
AleaderWaterShoes - 8 years ago
Definitely one of the best YouTube fishing channels. Great stuff man, keep coming
Owen Schlegel
Owen Schlegel - 8 years ago
Where was this's specifically
Bryan Tena Flatoutyakin
Bryan Tena Flatoutyakin - 8 years ago
Those are some epic Flounder!
trongcuong nguyen
trongcuong nguyen - 8 years ago
like... like... like to you.
trongcuong nguyen
trongcuong nguyen - 8 years ago
you very good fishing, if you make a few clips can teach him how to bait false light, thank
SirLobsterman - 8 years ago
I've found a strip of atlantic mackerel just on a small jighead does amazing on the winter flounder up my way the blackbacks.
bdr5150 - 8 years ago
You buddy got a sweet fish!
Baitin Place
Baitin Place - 8 years ago
question will those flounder lay on top of grass
Baitin Place
Baitin Place - 8 years ago
hello I really enjoyed your video that brings back memories for me I'm an old man now thank you so much
Sulli Fishing
Sulli Fishing - 8 years ago
Nice flounder dude and good idea using cut bait as a trailer! Is the 18 inch 5 limit in affect all year in the areas you fish?
Peacock Pete Fishing
Peacock Pete Fishing - 8 years ago
I love this guy kayaks kick ass
Miket1325 1325
Miket1325 1325 - 8 years ago
what does bleeding them do??
cptafw - 8 years ago
I have the same reel (stradic FI?) but what pole is that?  I need a more lightweight rod.
Lance Cobb
Lance Cobb - 8 years ago
Also. Don't bleed a fish next to your kayak. Ever heard of sharks? Big shark comes and eats that flounder. Guess what? More than lily your flipping out that kayak.(I kayak fish also. A friend had that happen. Not tryna be a Dick)
Earl Anderson
Earl Anderson - 7 years ago
Lance Cobb
Lance Cobb
Lance Cobb - 8 years ago
I live in Florida and fish everyday. Pliers and scissors are a must. You need a multitool or a fricken pocket knife and pliers.(the multi tool I use got it a home depot, cost $20. Has pliers,scissors,2 knifes,bottleopener etc.
Seventh Ward
Seventh Ward - 8 years ago
Lance Cobb i use pliers and some fingernail clippers. I also live in florida, on the west coast. where abouts do you live?
Kyle Willetts
Kyle Willetts - 8 years ago
Im so jealous. In Australia we get them pretty small and not in them numbers haha
maritsa sierra
maritsa sierra - 8 years ago
why did you put a founder in the  side of your boat
FoundThe Bleach
FoundThe Bleach - 8 years ago
maritsa sierra he probably dosent have a live well so that's only way he can put them and the scent of flounder attracts other flounder in thinking its safe.
Wesley Ayers
Wesley Ayers - 8 years ago
why would cut the gills like that? You wouldnt want to keep them alive till end of the day?
james francis
james francis - 8 years ago
gallery are crazy yall are bleeding fish on a kayak in shark territory
Just Add Water
Just Add Water - 8 years ago
Killin em!
KLIVE FISHING - 8 years ago
Just amazing fish! Good job from france !
John Romack
John Romack - 8 years ago
try white jig heads with the white swimming mullet gulp
irishbreakfast - 8 years ago
you let it go????!!!!  HELL NO!!!! my day is done and I'm headin back with a monster flounder like that! no one could intice me to do otherwise!!
Salt Boy
Salt Boy - 8 years ago
How come you cut the gills? I'm from Texas I haven't seen anyone or heard of anyone do that till now only time I will do that is when they swallow the hook too deep
Ronald lucas
Ronald lucas - 8 years ago
You get to bleed the fish while still alive. Makes for cleaner looking fillets and supposedly tastes better when bled properly as compared to non-bled fish.
Frank Daniels
Frank Daniels - 8 years ago
Why do you call them flounder when they are fluke? Just wondering. Thanks
Chris Walker
Chris Walker - 8 years ago
Frank Daniels fluke and flounder are 2 different fish
DR Squad
DR Squad - 8 years ago
How dose the kayak work
DR Squad
DR Squad - 8 years ago
Thanks didn't know that
Falcon Jr
Falcon Jr - 8 years ago
No usually other fish wont eat them
Falcon Jr
Falcon Jr - 8 years ago
there are rudders connected to the pedals
DR Squad
DR Squad - 8 years ago
Have other fish taken your fish that you catch on the kayak
DR Squad
DR Squad - 8 years ago
It goes pretty fast
Angler Insight
Angler Insight - 8 years ago
Nick Vlogs
Nick Vlogs - 8 years ago
savge catches
Seamus Williams
Seamus Williams - 8 years ago
Where is this because i go fishing off spring lake where there is a reef. Thanks
Waifu Collector
Waifu Collector - 8 years ago
Were you using a j hook
BOON - 8 years ago
small snappers if you ve eaten them are more tastier than bigger ones, its 1 reason why flounders like them. I would eat more snappers than a grown up blue fish cause the bigger they are, they more it stinks.
thearmy88ify - 8 years ago
Why cut the gills before you limit out so you can cull your limit for the biggest fish?
Helene Hunter
Helene Hunter - 8 years ago
if my husband put back a 10 lbs flounder I would hit him upside the head with the empty frying pan
james phosy
james phosy - 8 years ago
you should run a sharpie through ur bump board numbers so itll show up better on camera. When you coming back to florida?
Jonathan Park
Jonathan Park - 8 years ago
Congratulations on a good day out.

Why do you bleed the flounder, then put it on a stringer? The point of a stringer is to keep the fish alive and and therefore the meet fresh. If you cut it's gills and are then out there for three hours what you have is a flounder three hours dead with no refrigeration.
FearNo Fish
FearNo Fish - 7 years ago
Water keeps it cold enough and you cut the gills to bleed the fish, same as bleeding an animal after killing it.
Sanjay Anand Pau
Sanjay Anand Pau - 8 years ago
Jonathan, what is your Korean name?
Croiseeman - 8 years ago
In Jersey we call that a Doormat.
Devin Hightower
Devin Hightower - 8 years ago
I have to admit, this video encouraged me to get a yak.
Devin Hightower
Devin Hightower - 8 years ago
I started rolling laughing when, "I already have my limit, so I don't care, I kinda care!" lmao!
igal kalderon
igal kalderon - 8 years ago
you are amazing keep on making videos you and leo are the best
ogilvie bros
ogilvie bros - 8 years ago
can any one subscribe to big gulp bass fishing I will appreciate it thank you
ogilvie bros
ogilvie bros - 8 years ago
nice video
Steve 70
Steve 70 - 8 years ago
Would be afraid of sharks grabbing the flounder on the stringer.
The UpNcoming
The UpNcoming - 8 years ago
What kind of rod is that?
bluwave79 - 8 years ago
you don't have seals over there, don't you? so why you hang your fish on the side of the kayak XD
Falcon Jr
Falcon Jr - 8 years ago
ive seen seals in mass.
Jack Bauerle
Jack Bauerle - 8 years ago
No seals in New Jersey. Only west coast.
the chesire judoka
the chesire judoka - 8 years ago
down here in Florida there smaller but taste much better than the ones up north
7citiesfishing - 7 years ago
the irish nadier the ones here in Virginia Beach tasted damn good haha
Jacob Taylor
Jacob Taylor - 8 years ago
hey i fished there i used worms and i got like 300 fish
Kekaroni Potato
Kekaroni Potato - 8 years ago
YOA Ownage HD
YOA Ownage HD - 8 years ago
What kind of shears are you using?
Northwest Angler
Northwest Angler - 8 years ago
Medium action rod?
Sethemiah - 8 years ago
good fishin, but your boat is nowhere near big enough for me to put my legs that close together. i hate the sit-on kayaks, and dont know what i would do if i actually got turned over by a wave.
Patrik Wood Fishing
Patrik Wood Fishing - 8 years ago
surprised that you don't put them on the stringer alive
Patrik Wood Fishing
Patrik Wood Fishing - 8 years ago
there's a stringer that they sell at Walmart, it's blue with 10 or 12 ss clips. I believe it's made by mustad. the clips are the shit! I cut them in half, and make 2. check em out.
HobbyTimewithGreg! - 8 years ago
I have a Hobie pro angler 12 and it is so much wider looking than your's. How's the stability on the one you have? I find mine to be extremely stable. Btw, great catches man! I hope to do some ocean fishing in my future but I am in Indiana so I'll have a bit of a trip if I want to ocean fish...
stinkyfungus - 8 years ago
+james phosy

actually, a stripped down hobie adventure is nearly 3/4 mph faster in all conditions than a revo.
the revo is more agile, and slightly more stable. the adventure tracks better and is better in chop.
the adventure weighs 4 pounds more than a revo.

depending on where you fish, what you fish for, and how you fish for them...
the aventure may be the better boat. The revo is no slouch though.
on lakes? or just outside the surf. revo every time, that agility is primo.

off shore in blue water a couple miles out trolling for pelagics?
james phosy
james phosy - 8 years ago
the revo is alot narrower but its also the fastest hobie model.
Go Teemos
Go Teemos - 8 years ago
Is there a better way of killing the fish i feel like bleeding it out is a cruel way of killing it.
Michael Dattalo
Michael Dattalo - 8 years ago
finger mullet are the best flounder baits
Joseph Vintuks
Joseph Vintuks - 8 years ago
would have geeked so hard if you GTAV'd his fish lmao
emoe40 - 8 years ago
excellent release. great group of guys. I enjoy your vid s.
Maggot King
Maggot King - 8 years ago
I caught my first flounder with a shrimp tied around with red yarn.
Beau Servidio
Beau Servidio - 8 years ago
Do u fish in Manasquan nj?
Conor O Meara
Conor O Meara - 8 years ago
a smack of a priest would be nice...
Anthony Palma
Anthony Palma - 8 years ago
hey man is that ventor to longport area?
Jimmy Galvan
Jimmy Galvan - 8 years ago
now that I think about it. I net you can!!
Jimmy Galvan
Jimmy Galvan - 8 years ago
do you think i could use strips of type of fish? like crocker,mullet?
justin queen
justin queen - 8 years ago
Skate is great eating!!! Hope you kept him
Fluresint 92
Fluresint 92 - 8 years ago
my favorite fish is a musky what's yours people
stinkyfungus - 8 years ago
tubetop trout?
Seventh Ward
Seventh Ward - 8 years ago
New Jersey whitefish
Peacock Pete Fishing
Peacock Pete Fishing - 8 years ago
clown knife fish
Austin Durscher
Austin Durscher - 8 years ago
james phosy
james phosy - 8 years ago
to catch or to eat?
james phosy
james phosy - 8 years ago
+Kirito Elucidator to catch to eat?
Kirito Elucidator
Kirito Elucidator - 8 years ago
Mine is walleye and LMB
Devyn Szulczewski
Devyn Szulczewski - 8 years ago
my fish is a muskie
015Froggy - 8 years ago
that is a small ass're on a banana boat..anyway..respects to you bro..kayak fishing is the best
Palpatine - 8 years ago
I hope 2017 fishing regs aren't rape like a few years ago
Enduro With Thomas
Enduro With Thomas - 8 years ago
What rod and reel u using
Jersey Bassin
Jersey Bassin - 8 years ago
Is that at LBI
Trebor Skeem
Trebor Skeem - 8 years ago
He caught your flounder
Richard Reichstadter
Richard Reichstadter - 8 years ago
"Well, he's not good actually, he's gonna die" hilarious commentary as usual. Nice flatties too.
Uhsepe Valdez
Uhsepe Valdez - 8 years ago
using perch has worked for me
Steven kim
Steven kim - 8 years ago
The passive aggressive fisherman LMAO.
dejlislive - 8 years ago
i just found the thing i like more then motovlogs.
Chris Walker
Chris Walker - 8 years ago
Falcon Jr gta5 and gaming are the same thing
Falcon Jr
Falcon Jr - 8 years ago
1. Fishing
2. Motovlogs
3. Vlogs
4. Gta 5
5. gaming
TheJohnmusk - 8 years ago
Been fluke (that's what we call them in NY) fishing for 40 years. Never saw anybody "bleeding them". That's a crock as far as I know. The best thing to do with any fish is throw them on ice as soon as they are caught (which is exactly what commercial fishing boats do by the way). Fluke are easy to catch for the most part, they are voracious and will try to eat almost anything they can get in their mouth. A live snapper is what I would try to get if I wanted a doormat.
Max Digiulio
Max Digiulio - 8 years ago
What rod and reel do you have
texaswader - 8 years ago
Enjoyed the video, but why don't you use a conventional stringer with a sharp point and poke it through the bottom jaw instead of that string that you have to force through the gills and out the mouth?

nothing beats live bait #1...regardless,,,,gulp then 2nd
Jason A.
Jason A. - 8 years ago
It's a kayak..... until you start pedaling : )

You pulled up some real beauties.
David Torrez
David Torrez - 8 years ago
This guys a fag
captaincrazy 123
captaincrazy 123 - 8 years ago
i have the same reel like you have
Micah Lib424
Micah Lib424 - 8 years ago
What is your #1 inshore casting rod to use? I fish a lot of stripers in the Chesapeake bay, the st.croixs seem nice but im not sure
Liam Willison
Liam Willison - 8 years ago
actually it was like the size of the first flounder he caught
Liam Willison
Liam Willison - 8 years ago
I caught a 7 inch wide 12 inch long flounder at white rock with my hands but then I dropped it
ben enea
ben enea - 8 years ago
"Putt n' on a beat down on a flounder town"

Daniel Hosler
Daniel Hosler - 8 years ago
What town are you in?
Awesome Man
Awesome Man - 8 years ago
Why the gulp did not work because you don't let it just sit
PaulOrientedotcom - 8 years ago
Nice day on the water.
Connor Richardson
Connor Richardson - 8 years ago
that flounder at 11:30 was like a small halibat
K.L W - 8 years ago
Very Nice, Can you tell me where to buy boat
Parallel Burrito
Parallel Burrito - 8 years ago
The humane thing to do is bring some Vodka with you and pour it on their gills. Instant death.
james phosy
james phosy - 8 years ago
thats if theres any left to pour on them there gillzz
Will Thomas
Will Thomas - 8 years ago
are you fishing any particular structure?
Alldaships Forreal
Alldaships Forreal - 8 years ago
I've caught a 10 pounder before, I have some crazy flounder fishing story's
Very Good hamburger
Very Good hamburger - 8 years ago
All you have to do is peddle to moveI like this type of fishing it has all the space you need and a built in hole for fish
J Doug
J Doug - 8 years ago
that's a amazing dude 10 lbs release I would probably do the same
J Doug
J Doug - 8 years ago
where in Jersey are you I'd love to fish those waters I love to fluke fish biggest I caught was 5.1 I want the 10lbs
Wezilla - 8 years ago
This Kayak is really cool things with pedal, I wish has this when I was younger...
Tater Salad29
Tater Salad29 - 8 years ago
Is this in the shrewsbury river
GulfCoastGirl5 - 8 years ago
I don't understand why you don't dispatch the fish quickly with an ice pick to the brain. I love fishing but I don't consider it very sportsman like to let them slowly bleed out.
Interesting Playlists
Interesting Playlists - 8 years ago
Dang we can catch 15 flounder and only have to be 14inch in South Carolina
Fj4LiFe23 - 8 years ago
Where where you in jersey I have my yak in the water in Pine beach/island heights area!
Dale Delrosario
Dale Delrosario - 8 years ago
how much is that kayak?☺️
mistercapnjoe - 8 years ago
I don't find it strange that the strip outfished the fake.
The Gulp formula is derived from chicken fat. Flounder don't eat chicken.
You proved it well. Nice video.
I was amazed that your stinger of fish didn't attract any freeloaders.
Down he-ah in no shirt, no shoes Nokomis we gots to use a cooler. Hot water and sharks...
RUDYAKAHALIBU77 - 8 years ago
08:03 He's good ,for me haha.
Superman - 8 years ago
When you try to set the hook and miss, you need to wait 2 or 3 seconds for the fish to inhale or swallow the hook especially with fresh bait on the hook.
John Lee
John Lee - 8 years ago
Very nice!
Hilleary Brown
Hilleary Brown - 8 years ago
man looks like fun, I fish in the western US and have always wanted to do some salt water fishing, Do you drag the bait across the bottom to catch flounder?
Thanks for the video
Sean McNierney
Sean McNierney - 8 years ago
What kind of yak are you in? Is it a hobie? What depth do you fish in for flounder?
Falcon Jr
Falcon Jr - 8 years ago
Joe Coppola
Joe Coppola - 8 years ago
It looks like a Hobie Revolution
Hantastic920 - 8 years ago
where exactly is this? would like to find a decent spot without going on a party boat
Edward Dergosits
Edward Dergosits - 8 years ago
Fish and Game frowns on using Bluefish carcass for Fluke bait. The anus is the anus. From what I have observed almost everyone does what you did in a New York minute.
tdok - 8 years ago
what kayak you used in this video?
Gabe Vandevere
Gabe Vandevere - 8 years ago
It's in the description
Rodney Hayes
Rodney Hayes - 8 years ago
I am curious as to why you cut the flounders gills then put it on a keeper line and back in the water?
NeonGaming - 8 years ago
it bleeds the fish so the meat wont go bad u only have to do that with some fish tho
It'z Squishy
It'z Squishy - 8 years ago
It kills the fish
John Andrews
John Andrews - 8 years ago
stephen lumb
stephen lumb - 8 years ago
not a sun dile true name is the brill
Colby Pearson
Colby Pearson - 8 years ago
That is also an interesting spot to fish. I have never seen any one fishing that spot everyone is always fishing the inlet or near the tires.
Colby Pearson
Colby Pearson - 8 years ago
How could i be so blind. I've been using squid this whole time. The fluke are here cause the snaps are here. Now all i gotta do is cast a snapper rig and get my bait that way. LOL
ajandnik1 - 8 years ago
nice vids bud just subscribed ive been doing really well this year on fluke did really well other day when we caught bunch of peanut bunker, what fish finder do you use
Sam Sen
Sam Sen - 8 years ago
Love you set up and expertise. So efficient. You could be my best buddy. If coming to Sunny Cali, leave me a note.
Pox Pox
Pox Pox - 8 years ago
You earned a sub from me
Tony Baba
Tony Baba - 8 years ago
Where Is This?
KillYourSelf Bro
KillYourSelf Bro - 8 years ago
1 questchen why you dont kill the fish??!
Leviathan JTV
Leviathan JTV - 8 years ago
He does, he cut their gills.
Nathan Mangold
Nathan Mangold - 8 years ago
The meat will be more fresh.
joerg liebig
joerg liebig - 8 years ago
absolut geil!
Gruß aus Deutschland.
Daryl Cheatham
Daryl Cheatham - 8 years ago
I doesn't make sense to me to kill and bleed the fish . . . A live fish is as fresh as you can get . . . and in answer to sharks, I have had sand sharks take fish off a stringer tied to my belt loop while wading. They are definitely gonna be attracted to that blood
nice fish way to HOOKEM IN THE MOUTH! gotta love the hobie!
Mitso Kyd
Mitso Kyd - 8 years ago
Were you using the sonar to find them or just fishing hit or miss?
Mitso Kyd
Mitso Kyd - 8 years ago
A nice day onthe water. Thanks for sharing with us.
bbcasting - 8 years ago
NICE!!! Getting a snapper for bait can sometimes be hard too though. Seems like they just aren't as easy to get as they used to be...especially with just a bucktail alone like you did here.
yosmomas Bli
yosmomas Bli - 8 years ago
some fish do get wise to the bait.
yosmomas Bli
yosmomas Bli - 8 years ago
How come when I go fishing<<< I DON"T CATCH SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
Jamie Redington
Jamie Redington - 8 years ago
What tide are you fishing incoming or outgoing? also how long was this trip? with all the clips its difficult to tell if it was an hour or all day
Cheezy Boy Nolan
Cheezy Boy Nolan - 8 years ago
I have a house in LBI are you on Manahawkin side or Barnegat Bay side  cause I need me some flounder when I go down this weekend!
Todd Taylor
Todd Taylor - 8 years ago
The89stang1 - 8 years ago
cool vid chris romo way to go bro releasing that doormat flatty!. I never do that great bucktailing with just gulp i always add a piece of meat with it and i do believe they are getting use to seeing gulp.
Tony Hong Fishing
Tony Hong Fishing - 8 years ago
Bluefish/snappers are the best bait I'm tellin ya
Good stuff again Chris
Fish_Your_ All
Fish_Your_ All - 8 years ago
XKingX1234 Ryu I live in friendswood
ItzVapid - 8 years ago
Fish_Your_ All
Fish_Your_ All - 8 years ago
XKingX1234 Ryu in Galveston ?!?!
ItzVapid - 8 years ago
I fish at seawolf park for flounder most of the time and I use 2-3 inch finger mullet and its awesome bait
Rory Denton
Rory Denton - 8 years ago
Clams are also pretty good for bait on flounder
Gregory Lisella
Gregory Lisella - 8 years ago
spierings are also pretty good bait for flounder.
john lindsey
john lindsey - 8 years ago
+Sea-Money Fishing jacks r realy good too
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
thanks Tony!
Unknown - 8 years ago
Is it dangerous to put the fish you catch on the side of the boat?
tj berry
tj berry - 8 years ago
You two need to look in to some stinky pants stringers for keeping fish
Antonio Montemarano
Antonio Montemarano - 8 years ago
Hey man, been following this channel since you started it up.
I just started my own you should give it a look. You and along with a few others inspired to start making my own videos, thank you
Ryan Fanale
Ryan Fanale - 8 years ago
Is this in Barnegat bay?
True Reviews
True Reviews - 8 years ago
Moviechannel2 are stealing your vids Chris
K.S.R Patnaik
K.S.R Patnaik - 8 years ago
K.S.R Patnaik
K.S.R Patnaik - 8 years ago
The89stang1 - 8 years ago
yup i just checked his utube channel
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
hmm thanks Ill check that out
Ghastly Videos!
Ghastly Videos! - 8 years ago
Biggest I caught was 19, that was like a couple days ago and only thing I caught in a while. By the way it was off a dock
Fjolleri - 8 years ago
Kekaroni Potato
Kekaroni Potato - 8 years ago
He did you fucking idiot
Cameron Seyring
Cameron Seyring - 8 years ago
+81kelstar ur retarded to stereotype something as fucking cultural and global as fishing to only Americans
819films - 8 years ago
I agree just kill it I would hate having it suffer like that
81kelstar - 8 years ago
to right fucin americans
Cold Nu66et
Cold Nu66et - 8 years ago
fuck u
Tayler Woida
Tayler Woida - 8 years ago
piss off
Ryan Fanale
Ryan Fanale - 8 years ago
Well yeah ur in a bay
dmancari18 - 8 years ago
What model Crucial are you using?
MrMerki - 8 years ago
What part of New Jersey ???
Cheezy Boy Nolan
Cheezy Boy Nolan - 8 years ago
Anthony Cappuccio
Anthony Cappuccio - 8 years ago
why not cause an instant death with a blow to the head? or a spike to the brain?
Logan Scribner
Logan Scribner - 8 years ago
what type of Kayak do u use?
M C - 8 years ago
u cut up a fish while its still alive
Nsm Nsm
Nsm Nsm - 8 years ago
Good fishing , Please get a a BIG NET to land the big ONE
CombatWombat19 - 8 years ago
Awesome video. Why do you "bleed" them?
Will Cox
Will Cox - 8 years ago
It keeps the meat fresher and it drains the bloodline, which is a favorable tactic when eating most fish.
Tyler Ludwig
Tyler Ludwig - 8 years ago
They die quicker
Justin Huffman
Justin Huffman - 8 years ago
why do you cut the gills?
Matt Woznick
Matt Woznick - 8 years ago
What kayak are you using?
boashna - 8 years ago
I believe you are drifting but i notice another boat pick the area . what is so special about the area what is the bottom look like are you drifting in and out of channel , are you deep or shallow i guess about 8 ft . did you catch many junk fish like catfish
Phoenix Gaming
Phoenix Gaming - 8 years ago
I'm the 33,900 Subscriber! And A Kayak Is A Type Of Small Canoe That Is Easy To Paddle. It's Like A Paddle Boat
Brandon  LeBoon
Brandon LeBoon - 8 years ago
What beach
Brandon  LeBoon
Brandon LeBoon - 8 years ago
Where r u at
Raydon Williams
Raydon Williams - 8 years ago
why is it that you cut the gills?
Patrick Henderlong
Patrick Henderlong - 8 years ago
r u on lbi
_UnoriginalName _
_UnoriginalName _ - 8 years ago
Why do u cut their gills?
Brandon  LeBoon
Brandon LeBoon - 8 years ago
To bleed them out
Steve Tautog
Steve Tautog - 8 years ago
Dude, are you wearing waders
looks like it
if you fall in you cannot stay afloat in waders
are you aware of that
Andrew Yarborough
Andrew Yarborough - 8 years ago
Scott Van
Scott Van - 8 years ago
Can you tell me what you are using as a rod & reel combo ?
Happilyretiredmark - 8 years ago
Excuse my ignorance but is there any concern of sharks with your fish on a stringer right next to you in the water?
Daniel Pang
Daniel Pang - 8 years ago
smokster0604 - 8 years ago
That strip bait was the ticket for sure....
B Stav
B Stav - 8 years ago
Way to go brother!!
WalkinBanana55 - 8 years ago
Where exactly were you in New Jersey catching all these fish? I live just south of Ocean City, but never catch this many fish in one day in the bay. Great video man!
Cheezy Boy Nolan
Cheezy Boy Nolan - 8 years ago
Robert McCandless
Robert McCandless - 8 years ago
Fluke, where are you from?
Dublin_1 - 8 years ago
What type of kayaks do yall have and which kayak would you recommend for a beginner
ᏟhᎬᏒᏒᎽ ᎪᎶᎪᏒ ᎪᏁᎠ mᎾᏒᎬ - 8 years ago
24:36 LOL THATS WHAT SHE SAID!!!!!! I'm sorry. nice fish and vid
My opinion matters more
My opinion matters more - 8 years ago
Don't kill too many innocent fish
Rebelution122 1
Rebelution122 1 - 8 years ago
Love your vids bro, I just turned 15 and I live in SoCal. Wish the halibut were as abundant down here as they are up there
Jason Ginn
Jason Ginn - 8 years ago
How deep are you fishing? Are you just in the middle of the waterway?
Dylan Goss
Dylan Goss - 8 years ago
Do you not have to worry about sharks at all?
Coham - 8 years ago
where do I buy that fish finder ? It's nice
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
I got mine from cabelas, its a lowrance elite 5 HDI
USP_Uxro - 8 years ago
good day brotha!!! iv been doing well but always love to chat and maby trade some info and some spots with other peeps.
csralumni - 8 years ago
What knot did you use to tie on the bucktail where you made the loop?
Jamie Redington
Jamie Redington - 8 years ago
I believe it was a palomar knot. works best for braid
George Shields
George Shields - 8 years ago
Get a piece of heat shrink tubing and put it on the end of your string. It will make the end stiff. That will make it easier to push through the fishes mouth. Make it at least six inches long to be able to make it all the way through.
Jett Moon
Jett Moon - 8 years ago
I always enjoy your videos so much. Watching you have so much fun made me get into kayak fishing. I purchased a new one 2 weeks ago. Thanks again for you videos and I've learned more about saltwater fishing. I've been a mostly freshwater fisherman for over 40 years.
Exotic Creations
Exotic Creations - 8 years ago
Do you know if you can launch a kayak into that bay in Atlantic City? I figured you might know since you fish in NJ a lot
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
you definitely can, try next to the bridge/old pier in brigantine
I Vigio
I Vigio - 8 years ago
@18:14 I think you are right. I did better with Killies than gulp yesterday.
dinnetzy morales
dinnetzy morales - 8 years ago
Yoooo big ass fish
treehorn70 - 8 years ago
you roll with no live well or ice and make a bloody mess. I agree, only a fool would throw back a flounder like that back. You got lucky you were there. fish on.....
Hector Coria
Hector Coria - 8 years ago
The Bucktail that you are using, can you send me like a closer look up. Maybe by pucs or links. I have never used that kind of rig.
Danica Huynh
Danica Huynh - 8 years ago
Won't sharks smell the blood
George Martin
George Martin - 7 years ago
Danica Huynh bigfis 5
DaebakMonkey - 8 years ago
There aren't many up north. as you go south then you have to worry about them. You have to reel fast so you don't lose half a fish to a bull shark.
Andy Hawked
Andy Hawked - 8 years ago
Danica Huynh you are wrong they would possibly smell the cent but that would probably see the fish and then see the kayak and wouldn't waste there energy so you right to think that I know I didn't do reading your comment made me think so I thank you for that
Quaint block
Quaint block - 8 years ago
Be attractived to them because of the boat
Quaint block
Quaint block - 8 years ago
Sharks will not
Danica Huynh
Danica Huynh - 8 years ago
+james phosy lol. I meant the fish.
james phosy
james phosy - 8 years ago
+Danica Huynh i dont think a big yellow banana kayak looks tasty to a shark lol
Danica Huynh
Danica Huynh - 8 years ago
+Midiman741 thanks
Danica Huynh
Danica Huynh - 8 years ago
+Midiman741 ok
Moog Lee
Moog Lee - 8 years ago
not many up in New Jersey
Mr. Banana
Mr. Banana - 8 years ago
nice man
QuantumV1 - 8 years ago
How deep of water do you fluke fish in?
7citiesfishing - 8 years ago
ive watched this vid like 5 times, weve had a good flounder bite here in VA. going out again tomorrow should have another founder video up on my channel
Jacob Conroy
Jacob Conroy - 8 years ago
Where do u launch ur kayak at
2001pontiacta - 8 years ago
dude hope that's your buddy cause your all but, fishing in his kayak,lol
2001pontiacta - 8 years ago
why do you cut there gills?
stank mcjank
stank mcjank - 8 years ago
ever had a seal come up and turn ya over when taking the fish off yer stringer???
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
not yet! Not many seals around NJ in the summer. I know in cape cod the seals are crazy and steal people fish often! we're lucky I guess haha dont have to worry about them
Ben Kittrell
Ben Kittrell - 8 years ago
david khampha
david khampha - 8 years ago
maybe you should do catch n cook
david khampha
david khampha - 8 years ago
i mean you should do
Corey Howard
Corey Howard - 8 years ago
Just cooked up some flounder fillets yesterday, try cooking them in a pan with a little bit of oil....Old Bay seasoning and pour about 4 or 5 shots of Malibu Rum in the pan and cover the pan with a lid for about 10 minutes....Tastes excellent!
Matthew Salvador
Matthew Salvador - 8 years ago
I cried when you put the thing trough it's mouth.
CatPaws - 8 years ago
try using little sharpen effect on videos for better quality you and ur videos rock!
Welsh y
Welsh y - 8 years ago
Your killing it! I always get shorts or skunked. Lol. Jealous..
Clifford Williams
Clifford Williams - 8 years ago
you should make a vid about tackle and how you use it and what fish because im failing at life at this saltwater thing
heath cuzzort
heath cuzzort - 8 years ago
Did you mount your transducer inside your kayak?
KAYAK FRANK - 8 years ago
Wow! Some nice flatties brother. Great day on the water.
iKylebby - 8 years ago
Do some more floundering!!
Dan Soderlund
Dan Soderlund - 8 years ago
Love when you bring the Hobie out! Keep it up!!!
Bert Harris
Bert Harris - 8 years ago
Im planning on doing the duke of fluke tournament on my Hobie.
Cooking and Fishing
Cooking and Fishing - 8 years ago
When I close my eyes tonight I will hear you say "Pec-Fin."
Marco Franchetti
Marco Franchetti - 7 years ago
Cooking and Fishing what's up I had a question for you I go to New Jersey in the summer to my shore house I wast to know if you can tell me the best was to catch flounder in the bay in wildwood crest and what bate to use I tried lest summer and didn't catch anything lol thanks for any info
Cooking and Fishing
Cooking and Fishing - 7 years ago
Gelios Ttransportation
Gelios Ttransportation - 8 years ago
Cooking and Fishing hi
[Kinto] - 8 years ago
Qualon Henson
Qualon Henson - 8 years ago
July 16th my birthday I prolly go to the fish tournament
LycomingWarrior - 8 years ago
Yeah son!
Sebastian Sibilia
Sebastian Sibilia - 8 years ago
Is this in the Barnaget bay?
Sibain Fishing
Sibain Fishing - 8 years ago
what rod and reel were u using?
Sibain Fishing
Sibain Fishing - 8 years ago
"I don't care, I kinda care, that sucks." :) lol
Peter Scharf
Peter Scharf - 8 years ago
man that short to keeper ratio is good. usually in the bay it's like 7-1
L.I.S. Fishing
L.I.S. Fishing - 8 years ago
Where in nj were you fishing?
Zac Wojnar
Zac Wojnar - 8 years ago
Badass man I've had some bad luck in the sj bays
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Nice one. Founder taste so good. Shame we don't get them here in Australia, not in those numbers and size anyway.
ThronedGlobe898 Sudyka
ThronedGlobe898 Sudyka - 7 years ago
Andy's Fishing do you mean flounder or actually founder
Suzukisan - 7 years ago
Thanks mate. Sister in law has a van there.
michael duong
michael duong - 7 years ago
lake conjola has some decent sized ones! caught a few about 2 years ago that were about 40cm. haven't gone back since it is so far from sydney....
Rave Dropz
Rave Dropz - 7 years ago
Andy's Fishing we get fairly decent ones down it tas!
Suzukisan - 7 years ago
Lake Illawarra NSW used to get bag fulls of flounder but like everything it got overfished.
I'll upload soon
I'll upload soon - 7 years ago
Andy's Fishing I only catch small flounder out near peel island but nothing to that size
Billydosestuff stuff
Billydosestuff stuff - 8 years ago
+Billydosestuff stuff inches I mean not cm
Billydosestuff stuff
Billydosestuff stuff - 8 years ago
Hey andy I went camping at coffin bay National Park and I got 3 about 24 cm
fishadephia fishing
fishadephia fishing - 8 years ago
wow great fishing were are you at love the videos
J I - 8 years ago
I thought flounders were bottom feeders are you not fishing mid depth in this video ?
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
+Joel Ibbotson we were dropping down to the bottom and jigging bottom
Chuck Barhorst
Chuck Barhorst - 8 years ago you fish for those in nj?
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
+Chuck Barhorst they're everywhere there's saltwater in NJ. Inlets bays surf jetty inshore offshore.. Fluke don't discriminate
bruce turek
bruce turek - 8 years ago
nice vid money always enjoy your vids
Brandon Lure
Brandon Lure - 8 years ago
why not release the smaller ones and keep the big one so the rest can grow to be 10 pounds?
stinkyfungus - 8 years ago
+Brandon Lure
also, the more mature the fish, the more plentiful the roe. larger,older fish produce more eggs, and more viable offspring per spawn than smaller less mature fish.
so not only are they superior genetically, you get more of them.

its the non fisherman fish eaters that are raping the oceans.
we hook and line sport guys take only what we can use, and know what to take to maintain stocks.
Brandon Lure
Brandon Lure - 8 years ago
+cobbs oh interesting. I never saw it that way before
cobbs - 8 years ago
The reason you release trophy fish is because they most likely have some genetic trait that enabled them to survive for so long. You want to keep them alive so that they can pass on these traits as much as possible.
FloridianFisherman - 8 years ago
Big fish are often very old and don't taste as good
Brandon Lure
Brandon Lure - 8 years ago
still love the video tho, awesome channel
Snapper - 8 years ago
you always looked so cramped in that hobie, we need to get you a pro angler! I'm aiming for the 14 next year.
thats what I'm talking about bro. HOOKEM IN THE MOUTH!
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
+Snapper haha I'm 6'7" so it's always cramped
MancityFan#17 - 8 years ago
+Sea-Money fishing what rod and reel were you using
Ravi C
Ravi C - 8 years ago
Won't other fish eat your flounder
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
+Ravi Chaudhary nope not in NJ. If this was Florida there might be bull sharks trying to take them but there's nothing crazy like that in nj. Not usually at least
killerninjao1o - 8 years ago
Lmao that sundial with the most dramatic release.
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
+killerninjao1o lol dramatic fish they are haha
Lachlan Thistlethwaite
Lachlan Thistlethwaite - 8 years ago
I love flounder fishing. here in BC we have a couple species of flounder, but Rock Sole is my favorite. those things taste pretty good!
Lachlan Thistlethwaite
Lachlan Thistlethwaite - 8 years ago
halibut are pretty big out here.
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
+Lachlan Thistlethwaite sweet we have a few kinds too, these in this vid are the biggest we have. Sole and turbot look sweet too, halibut too would be awesome
FishAholic Fishing
FishAholic Fishing - 8 years ago
Sweet! Really cool
FishAholic Fishing
FishAholic Fishing - 8 years ago
Damson i wish i need a couple days off to even think about it. Are they catching big Cobia?
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
+FishAholic Fishing you coming to VA with me this summer? I might go Wednesday haha as soon as the weather allows I'm out!
Icy Gaming YT
Icy Gaming YT - 8 years ago
Love fishing man and you are awsome and btw nice catch and if you are ever in cape may fishing try ou the sea star 3 fishing boat. Its really good +Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
+Aidan Guida Vlogs thanks man I know that boat, I've heard good things!
Zac Thomas
Zac Thomas - 8 years ago
where do you cut the flounder exactly to bleed it
Anthony Truong
Anthony Truong - 8 years ago
On his gills
Ravi C
Ravi C - 8 years ago
edward egnor jr
edward egnor jr - 8 years ago
sea robin and sand shark are also grate strip bait to use
BerksFishaMan - 8 years ago
Epic day! congratz!
MassBassin - 8 years ago
Just bought a few of those Trojan bucktails, they look good so far
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
theyre not bad, they worked fine on this day, first time I had used them
bmpTurboGLI - 8 years ago
Dont hook your bucktail on your guides on your rod. It can scrape the guide and put a bur on it and can cause it to rub the line going in and out. Could cause a break. I see the light house in the back ground. Are you in LBI? If so i have been killing the fluke in the bay with bunker strips.
edward egnor jr
edward egnor jr - 8 years ago
is no game taste in flounder bleeding is a waste and only brings the chance to have a shark eat them since u put them on a stringer
BroSkilzz 12455
BroSkilzz 12455 - 8 years ago
Eat it than
JBIRD FISHING - 8 years ago
You should invest in a big game clip. So much faster to secure keepers and less drag. After they bleed out I throw them into my cooler to eliminate drag. Nice video!
Chad The Walrus
Chad The Walrus - 8 years ago
really nice flukes dude! What kind of Kayak is that?
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
thanks its a hobie revo 13
OutOfTheBlue Fishing
OutOfTheBlue Fishing - 8 years ago
Do you use a waterproof case for your gopro?
Matt Orendorff
Matt Orendorff - 8 years ago
man - those CPR stickers are sweet! nice video mang.....
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
thanks dude! yea romo is truly a purist in conservation lol
High Hook Fishing
High Hook Fishing - 8 years ago
I have to head down to NJ , heard you guys are slamming the doormats. Not too much doormatting up here in RI lol
Long Island Fishing
Long Island Fishing - 8 years ago
10 pounds seems a little off for under 28" but that was pretty funny how you predicted that
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
+Long Island Fishing I hear ya I have caught 2 fluke at 28" in my life. One was 7.5lb the other 9lb... Then this guy gets one short of 28" and its 10 lbs haha he's a lucky one
Long Island Fishing
Long Island Fishing - 8 years ago
+Sea-Money Fishing ya you're right I just have fish envy because my biggest fish was 28" and only weighed 8 pounds lol
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
I agree, a 27.75" fluke is usually around 8lbs, give or take. that one had good genetics some how. the boga grips are pretty accurate, we could of put it on a meat scale at a tackle shop and seen what it weighed officially but releasing it was a much better option haha
CaptainDoge - 8 years ago
"that feels nice" lol
pcatalunia pedro
pcatalunia pedro - 8 years ago
the more you miss a hook set, the more likely you are to miss next hook set.. haha
I aways got over cautious when this happens...
Amy Van Camp
Amy Van Camp - 8 years ago
they hate us cuse day anus
Amy Van Camp
Amy Van Camp - 8 years ago
not land it boat it
warren duke
warren duke - 8 years ago
What do you do in the event of an unavoidable boat collision?
warren duke
warren duke - 8 years ago
If boats are headed in your direction and show no signs of changing course then I guess you must assume they don't see you and you must paddle like crazy. Risky Business! I live in California and often surf fish the Pacific Ocean. One commonality is I cannot turn my back on the ocean waves. I must assume a rogue wave is arriving to knock me down and sweep me away. I've been present when people have died that way. Thanks for taking the time to answer fan mail.
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
abandon ship! haha no I pay attention at all times and move out of the way of boats, so far I have never collided but there are collisions every day out on the water. That spot where we were at was a busy channel right behind the inlet and we were dodging boats all day
Nathan Katinas
Nathan Katinas - 8 years ago
can u make a video on how to fillet a flounder
Ben O'Toole
Ben O'Toole - 8 years ago
dude you risked getting a SPRO bit off by a little bluefish?!?

must be raking in that YouTube money! (sarcasm)
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
yeaaaa haha I had nothing for bluefish but needed it for bait. lost 2 jigs to them and then quit haha
High Hook Fishing
High Hook Fishing - 8 years ago
right lol
Born Lucky
Born Lucky - 8 years ago
you have taste,good eating fish
HVAC DOC. - 8 years ago
Great video Chris !!
You by far are my favorite YouTube channel !!
Please keep the videos coming.
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
thanks man!
LeanMeanFishinMachine - 8 years ago
Romos the man on that release! Very classy
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
it might be the first documented released doormat in the history of fishing haha generally when caught they are grilled, fried, or stuffed with crabmeat
NeverStopFishingNever - 8 years ago
why do you bleed the fish? I'm really curious
Joe Doug
Joe Doug - 8 years ago
I haven't tried it yet, but it's a big thing for ppl who catch bluefish too. Apparently, draining the blood makes the meat lighter in color too.
Chris Bussard
Chris Bussard - 8 years ago
it kills them and takes the game flavor out of them
John Kubiak
John Kubiak - 8 years ago
Does your kayak ever tip? I'm thinking of investing in one
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
its a hobie revo 13' and I havent flipped yet... I have seen my buddy's flip in them 2 or 3 times tho
John Kubiak
John Kubiak - 8 years ago
What kind of kayak is that?
Dietmar L.
Dietmar L. - 8 years ago
First dispatch then bleed!!!!
Lightnin Hopkins
Lightnin Hopkins - 8 years ago
You catch all this beautiful fish.  Time for you to make a few vids of you and your friends cooking some of those up.
Hardy Wiedemann
Hardy Wiedemann - 8 years ago
"He's good. Well he's not good, he's gonna die......but that's good for me." lol
Tyler Harkins
Tyler Harkins - 8 years ago
Hey man it was cool meeting u last week. Don't know how u and Tan made out but for me it was a little slower than usual, maybe I'll see u again back there sometime. Keep up the awesome vids!
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
yea good running into you! glad you found your way back there and got some fish! I dont know when Ill be back but keep on fishin man!
bernier 14
bernier 14 - 8 years ago
Good stuff man
Trevor Negron
Trevor Negron - 8 years ago
Love ur vids keep it up
VissieGames - 8 years ago
GG dude 0 dislikes
suicyderider - 8 years ago
u open to fish saturday?
Will Bernhardt
Will Bernhardt - 8 years ago
Why do you bleed flounders? I don't have a problem with it I'm just kinda curious.
NeverStopFishingNever - 8 years ago
+Sea-Money Fishing Ooh. Okay, thanks
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
i dont like them flopping around on the stringer all day, splashing me as I fish and whatnot. prefer them to be nice and dead haha, it helps keep the meat pristine too
NeverStopFishingNever - 8 years ago
+cawmaster couldn't he just keep it alive, and then bleed it?
NeverStopFishingNever - 8 years ago
+cawmaster couldn't he just keep it alive, and then bleed it?
cawmaster - 8 years ago
removes blood from the fish and keeps it out of the meat. most large game fish should be bled before stowing
Nick Copek
Nick Copek - 8 years ago
I think it helps get the bad fishy taste out of the meat
Jeff Firman
Jeff Firman - 8 years ago
@Sea-Money Fishing. Awesome video once again, really enjoy watching them. Why do you think the fluke are biting the strips better? I also noticed my last time out that live bait/strip baits outproduced gulp which hasn't happened for me in years.
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
It was weird.. this day there was no debate, the strips worked and the gulp did not! I honestly think these fish these days are smarter than we think and wont eat a gulp like they used to. Gulp will still work no doubt, but its tought to beat a natural bait like fresh strips or live bait
Snapper - 8 years ago
Have you ever been halibut fishing? I bet you would love catching one of those monsters.
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
nope, I wish! thats my dream haha
Snapper - 8 years ago
The flounder envy is real! that 10 pounder flounder will haunt you till the end of you're days.. lol
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
haha I have to catch one now!
Rebecca Micken
Rebecca Micken - 8 years ago
what kind of fish grips do you have and where did you get them?
Rebecca Micken
Rebecca Micken - 8 years ago
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
it is a 30lb boga grip, amazon or ebay would be the place to get one but most higher end tackle shops sell them
Romo Kayak Fishing
Romo Kayak Fishing - 8 years ago
awwww yeaaa
slimdog71 - 8 years ago
Hey Chris, are you fishing the duke of fluke? I'm going to miss this year, but that's always a good time! Cathy and George are great people! Got my PA14 from them
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
I want to yes! I havent registered yet but I plan on it!
OG Luke
OG Luke - 8 years ago
MegaBaller234 - 8 years ago
You should show us how you cook then
Jesusgaarcia Hernandez
Jesusgaarcia Hernandez - 8 years ago
nice video bro!!
KG_vetti - 8 years ago
where is this in jersey?? great vid man
Iron Entertainment
Iron Entertainment - 8 years ago
Hey man, great video. I live in the mid Chesapeake and all I own is a sit in Kayak, do you think its safe to take a sit in kayak in the bay? Also what bait or lures do you suggest for Rockfish [striped bass]
Iron Entertainment
Iron Entertainment - 8 years ago
+Sea-Money Fishing Alright man, thank you so much
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
for rockfish down in the chesapeake they seem to like soft plastics on jigheads, also live spot or perch is really good. You could take your sit-in out in the bay but you have to pick your days, definitely want to day when its flat out there and be ready to head in to shore as soon as it starts to get choppy
Brandon Sayre
Brandon Sayre - 8 years ago
"He's good, well actually he's not good he's going to die" the way you said that really made me laugh.
epiczazelite - 8 years ago
I love flounder fishing once I was around 8 and I was flounder fishing I had no clue what I was doing so I had a hole bluefish on the hook it was a good bluefish day though
ToxiC_SnipeZ _
ToxiC_SnipeZ _ - 8 years ago
finnaly i kove watching your vods your my favorite fishing youtuber
Ayden Altman
Ayden Altman - 8 years ago
down here in texas its 14 in
Billy Rhodes
Billy Rhodes - 8 years ago
in north Carolina a keeper is only 14in
Falcon Jr
Falcon Jr - 8 years ago
Nice frounder
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
lol thanks
z4CHy - 8 years ago
Your vids rock man!! Been fishing my ass off here on the Florida Panhandle!
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
thanks man!
Garrett Rouse
Garrett Rouse - 8 years ago
Why did you cut the gills to bleed the flounder?
lucky - 8 years ago
This was awesome!
7citiesfishing - 8 years ago
we got em on gulp for two trips, and then one day they barely hit em, threw down some flounder belly and tiny baby bunker, did the trick
7citiesfishing - 8 years ago
man the flounder bite is heating up here in Virginia Beach (rudee inlet) got a couple of vids up of it
Latario Rustin
Latario Rustin - 8 years ago
best fishing channel bro
Phat._.Panda - 8 years ago
Can u come to Pensacola Florida
lilwindex_ - 8 years ago
Thats 360p since im watching this once it was uploaded xD
Devon Santiago
Devon Santiago - 8 years ago
Hey sea monkey do you have the fish brain app in your phone
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
I do not haha I know about it tho, maybe I should get on there
Musa Siddiqui
Musa Siddiqui - 8 years ago
Rena Winne
Rena Winne - 8 years ago
A 27 inch flounder?? Wtf I thought 20 inchers only existed
High Hook Fishing
High Hook Fishing - 8 years ago
My dad ended up catching a 24in, biggest fluke ive seen haha
Max Wagner
Max Wagner - 8 years ago
+Sea-Money Fishing definitely try the fluke belly strips they work amazing
Cameron Myers
Cameron Myers - 8 years ago
+Sea-Money Fishing romos flounder 10lber was huge!!
7citiesfishing - 8 years ago
+Sea-Money Fishing hey man, a coold trick to do is use they're own bellies as bait after you fillet them up. easy and you get alot of strips off it, anyways keep up the awesome work
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
it was a big one!! haha
Octavius Rex
Octavius Rex - 8 years ago
What kind of kayak do you use?
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
hobie revolution 13
Jayden Abernathy
Jayden Abernathy - 8 years ago
Hey man nice video again.
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
Rena Winne
Rena Winne - 8 years ago
what type of Fishing do you like the most?? just wondering ;)
AustinGhost45 - 8 years ago
+Sea-Money Fishing come to San Diego or the pier in Cali
Rena Winne
Rena Winne - 8 years ago
+Sea-Money Fishing yup I like it too knowing there's 10 pound flounders :P .I will definitely be flounder fishing soon
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
honestly flounder fishing is one of my favorites, lots of fun when the fluke are biting!
epiczazelite - 8 years ago
love the vids
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
thanks man!
epiczazelite - 8 years ago
Musa Siddiqui
Musa Siddiqui - 8 years ago
epiczazelite - 8 years ago
+Awesome Gaming ok?
Rena Winne
Rena Winne - 8 years ago
nope I was first it said no views and I was the first to like

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