Launching a Kayak from a Dock

Learn how using a rope attached to the mid-point of a kayak can make launching and unloading from a dock easier

Launching a Kayak from a Dock sentiment_very_dissatisfied 8

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Learn how using a rope attached to the mid-point of a kayak can make launching and unloading from a dock easier

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Most popular comments
for Launching a Kayak from a Dock

David Nguyen
David Nguyen - 6 years ago
Thanks for the vid.
ozzmanzz - 7 years ago
Great idea, I would never have thought of this. Thanks.
CONFIDENCE - 7 years ago
Great and helpfull vid, thanks mate.
Mike Adams
Mike Adams - 7 years ago
What do you have the rope connected to on your kayak?
Joe Hamman
Joe Hamman - 7 years ago
Really clever and practical plan! Where did you get those "tallish" cleats. They look handy.
Egor patula
Egor patula - 7 years ago
This time I'll use woodprix instructions to make it by myself.
5tormy - 7 years ago
Very cool. Thank you!
Patrick Wood
Patrick Wood - 7 years ago
So clever yet so simple. I cant wait to try this!
Rene Schellenberg
Rene Schellenberg - 7 years ago
Sorry ...but this is a Video that shows how NOT to do it !!! Wy you lift your kayak ...its wood you just can slide it you can protect your back ...instead of the fancy rope you can use a tow line.... paddel can be keppt on the kakak you dont step on it...
Video like this are not really helpfull !
Will make on ...promised
RotorWing FPV
RotorWing FPV - 7 years ago
How you gonna slide the kayak when you have rope hooks on the edge of the dock? If a 60yo man can pick it up with ease, anyone can lol. Do u call a rope fancy? Where are you located, Ethiopia? Also, are u that stupid that your going to step on your paddle?
Dude shut the fuck up, you sound so stupid. You are the only one on this page being a whining bitch

10. comment for Launching a Kayak from a Dock

Anton Bouchette
Anton Bouchette - 7 years ago
What are you attaching to on your kayak?
Jimmy Cannon
Jimmy Cannon - 7 years ago
Simple but brilliant !
Doug Gann
Doug Gann - 7 years ago
Great.. thanks! Just got my first kayak.. the park where I'm testing it has a dock.. was wondering how that was going to work.. side rope!
Canadarago - 7 years ago
Have launched my canoe many time tying off to a clear or post but docks always scared me with my kayak. Have to try this. Will be real helpful here in NC where the air can be warm but the water's still cold and beach launches are foot freezers.
Phil Dixon
Phil Dixon - 8 years ago
Thank you! I have avoided docks like this for this reason alone.
wizeird - 8 years ago
love this tip, will have to try it out. watching him wrap a sheet around his arm at 0:42 makes me a bit nervous though
Keith Lapere
Keith Lapere - 9 years ago
great idea if your yak is light but having a 80 lb. one I don't think it will work that easy.
Mike Driscoll
Mike Driscoll - 9 years ago
What technique would you use for an uneven muddy bank? In most, of my kayaking I don't have the luxury of a dock of any kind (good info to know where I do, thank you!)
Le xa
Le xa - 9 years ago
I'm just thinking to be or not to be. Simple thing, but for me very very interesting tip. Thank you. +
zeeburtmeister - 9 years ago
Nice video! The only problem is that many of the docks, at least the ones I launch from up in the boonies, do not have cleats attached to the dock.
tranquility - 7 years ago
Anton Bouchette you can't do that to public docks, genius. For example, the only lake around here that has a dock is maintained by the army corps of engineers. They won't take too kindly, to someone adding their own modifications, duh! Smart ass
Laurie Brown
Laurie Brown - 7 years ago
Anton Bouchette, no need to be rude. We may be at a public or park dock where there are no cleats. You can still tie off around a piling.
Anton Bouchette
Anton Bouchette - 7 years ago
Buy a cleat or an inexpensive screw eye and attach it to the dock. Duh?????
Lauren Brown
Lauren Brown - 8 years ago
I tried this method on a typical creek pier by tying around the post (no cleat) and it worked great.

20. comment for Launching a Kayak from a Dock

Joseph Jordan
Joseph Jordan - 9 years ago
What a treat for older guys like me (age 78)!  Going to try it out right away.

Joe Jordan
Midwest Fishing Show
Midwest Fishing Show - 9 years ago
+Mike Henebry Whoa that's impressive guys hopefully I'll be able to do the same when I'm that age!
Mike Henebry
Mike Henebry - 9 years ago
Good for you. I am 69 myself, and plan to paddle at least into my 80s. I tend to do stand up paddle boarding almost more than kayaking during the warm, summer months.
R York Funston
R York Funston - 9 years ago
Good tip. What kind of kayak is that?
Mike Henebry
Mike Henebry - 9 years ago
I am using a Warren Light Craft Little Wing 12.5 in the video.

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