Learning to Roll a Kayak

John Harcombe learning to roll a kayak for the first time.

Learning to Roll a Kayak sentiment_very_dissatisfied 12

Kayak 16 years ago 177,409 views

John Harcombe learning to roll a kayak for the first time.

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Most popular comments
for Learning to Roll a Kayak

xlr8r17 - 11 years ago
Not sure what boat that is, but that's a great boat to learn a roll on. Look at those sides, it pops right up.
procrastinator300 - 11 years ago
What is the purpose of rolling? Is it just for fun or is there another reason?
bigeggs100 - 11 years ago
The water up the nose is horrible How did you get around it?
Bruno Bronosky
Bruno Bronosky - 11 years ago
It's time to revisit the kayak mate.
feiz01 - 12 years ago
hi where are you based and are you still running rolling courses in the pool?
Jamie S
Jamie S - 12 years ago
After carrying it for 20 minutes from my house to the beach and shitting myself of the wavy sea (i have a fear of waves) it is now safely in my shed and has become a great home for spiders.
vader1a - 12 years ago
Where are you based? I would like to get into Kayaking, having done a weekend induction course a while back.
Jamie S
Jamie S - 12 years ago
Getting my kayak ina week i cant wait :)
Tom Vaughan
Tom Vaughan - 12 years ago
whats the other pyranha boat ??

10. comment for Learning to Roll a Kayak

KageKC - 12 years ago
I tried rolling at a local ocean beach and the salt water up my nose and in my eyes had me a little disheartened, as well as many failed attempts. So the next day, I got everything packed up and went to a local man made lake. For the first hour or so I had no success and was due in no small part to rushing my set-up and panicking. For the next 4 hours I focused on relaxing and proper set-up. The rest of the afternoon the only fail I had was then switching to offside roll. Practice makes perfect.
littlerubberninja - 13 years ago
@PeterandGarrett Dunno about that; I find sea kayaks much easier to roll than playboats. That said, this is a river runner with a nice round cross section so should be easier than a playboat, but the lack of length might make it fractionally harder than a sea kayak.
187TROOPER - 13 years ago
@PeterandGarrett Not trying to sound mean but...This is instruction on how to roll a creek boat/playboat...There are other videos on how to roll a sea kayak as well. Not everyone can roll these boats...however, if you know the principles and technique of rolling, you can pretty much roll anything pal. Good luck.
Peter Quaintance
Peter Quaintance - 13 years ago
anybody can roll those. not trying to make u look bad but u should make a video with some sea kayaks. not a play boat like that. also could u post a video of how to do a hand roll?
ZwergpiratXXL - 13 years ago
veryvery nice teacher!
craig777 - 13 years ago
@MrRandomusername01 A river kayak
DickoProductions - 13 years ago
@MrRandomusername01 A wavesport diesel
Kara A.
Kara A. - 13 years ago
this helped me with my school project lol
Maggot2607 - 13 years ago
Highest Brace Ive Ever Seen!!!!!
Ruby Price
Ruby Price - 14 years ago
Wow that was really good. I think I now understand a way to roll better, some of the other videos i've been watching just confuse me but that one I could actually figure hout how i'd manage it in the pool. Cant wait till I'm in the pool in two weeks, hoping to possibly learn it in one session if possible as im heading to the mainland the following 2 weeks for some river kayaking so being able to roll would be useful! Aint done river p[addling before but cant wait!

20. comment for Learning to Roll a Kayak

wood barron
wood barron - 14 years ago
i find rolling a kayak is best done naked and alone
Soccerownzu - 14 years ago
so i got my first kayak today and went out with a friend to try to learn how to roll. it took us about twenty minutes to figure out what we were doing and we finally started rolling over about 2/5 times. i just studied this video and it helped soooo much. Great video just need better sound quality because of the echo in the pool.
sqwid - 15 years ago
By the way, I heard some people take THREE months to learn to roll... this video makes it look SO easy wtf!
sqwid - 15 years ago
Thanks alot for giving me false hopes! I came late for a rolling session and had 10 minutes to learn to roll. Based on this video I thought I'd be done with time to spare. Well I went home disappointed... never rolled lol
Aaron Mobberley
Aaron Mobberley - 15 years ago
Great instructor, good work right there!
Matt Brockmann
Matt Brockmann - 15 years ago
Holy crap you are an amazing instructor.....You taught him how to do that in like 6 mins. that is so awesome. I just mastered my sweep roll. one thing that i try to do in my roll is if i am sure of how deep the water is i like to stay underwater for just a few more moments so i can feel the top of the water. but you are a very good teacher.....5/5
DickoProductions - 15 years ago
Hi Guy's don't fall out, lfe is to short! kyaker123 thanks for stickin up for me. kgriggs8 Yeah the echo is bad but its a small indoor pool and the vid was done to help the guy I was teachin! I can get most people rolling in 15 mins! I know what your saying about coming up forwards but its harder for you to teach and for the pupil to master. So I get them a bomb proof roll so they know they are coming u! Then their confidence sores and the rest is history, so they can start comin forward
kgriggs8 - 15 years ago
I see a couple of dudes in the water mumbling something but I can't make out a word. Too much echo. I learned nothing.

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