Lobster Hunting and Kayak Diving with GoPro

Lobster Hunting (California Spiny Lobster or Panulirus interruptus) while SCUBA diving. For this video I used a GoPro HD Hero2 in the GoPro underwater Dive housing with a head mount. A normal lobster dive isn't this action packed and it took several dives to capture everything, all edited down to about six minutes... My latest lobster hunting video can be seen here: http://youtu.be/sCF4ODEEhRk Lobsters caught by hand.

Lobster Hunting and Kayak Diving with GoPro sentiment_very_dissatisfied 969

Kayak 12 years ago 3,417,111 views

Lobster Hunting (California Spiny Lobster or Panulirus interruptus) while SCUBA diving. For this video I used a GoPro HD Hero2 in the GoPro underwater Dive housing with a head mount. A normal lobster dive isn't this action packed and it took several dives to capture everything, all edited down to about six minutes... My latest lobster hunting video can be seen here: http://youtu.be/sCF4ODEEhRk Lobsters caught by hand.

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Most popular comments
for Lobster Hunting and Kayak Diving with GoPro

เกมส์ มือเบส วง แสงดาว
เกมส์ มือเบส วง แสงดาว - 6 years ago
เกมส์ มือเบส วง แสงดาว
เกมส์ มือเบส วง แสงดาว - 6 years ago
NSRepublic - 6 years ago
2:44 holy shit lol
•f̶a̶t̶e̶• Con4Faym-
•f̶a̶t̶e̶• Con4Faym- - 6 years ago
How many you got?
BITCH RIPPER - 6 years ago
Hey this is incredible
Penang Channel
Penang Channel - 6 years ago
Watch lobster molting amazing moment...https://youtu.be/Ma2-eYy3ZWQ
Hari Yadav
Hari Yadav - 6 years ago
Awesome man....
Space Kid
Space Kid - 6 years ago
1:06 lobster - HAHA ! You may have caught me Mr Diver Man but I have caught your camera !!!
Willy Prince
Willy Prince - 6 years ago
Those sharks you've met are very timid.

10. comment for Lobster Hunting and Kayak Diving with GoPro

Al Cats
Al Cats - 6 years ago
Fishing level?
Chris Lang
Chris Lang - 6 years ago
No claws?
Silent Anons
Silent Anons - 6 years ago
How to say a words in sea ? I mean under the sea ?
Jack Ross
Jack Ross - 6 years ago
These are basically freebies the aren’t even hiding under rocks
HOLO - 6 years ago
This guy reaching under every rock fking balls of steel
Jason V
Jason V - 6 years ago
Love the video! I think this season is too close to closing for me to get my diving act together, but maybe next season. A couple years back I snuck onto a pier at night after the gates closed (nighttime photography purposes) and I found a guy out at the end of the pier with a three ring net. It was the first night of the season, and about every fifteen minutes he would pull up the net and pull a couple lobster out. But after seeing this Id rather dive for them!
Angie - 6 years ago
With those hands he looks like he may be the Scranton strangler
puwanon boonthod
puwanon boonthod - 6 years ago
คือได้หลายแท้จาร เอามาแบ่งข่อยแหน่ ข่อยสิแบ่งเหล้าขาวให้ดอก
Kevin Wongpaibool
Kevin Wongpaibool - 6 years ago
The lobster that loves the GoPro should had been you youtube thing buddy
NwoDog - 6 years ago
1:50 white nike shoes?

20. comment for Lobster Hunting and Kayak Diving with GoPro

Barry Xayachack
Barry Xayachack - 6 years ago
So what’s the limit? I think he’s over his limit.
HI I'm a perso
HI I'm a perso - 7 years ago
Mikey Kosarin #2
Mikey Kosarin #2 - 7 years ago
2:40 Hello Mr.Jellyfish from spongebob
Mikey Kosarin #2
Mikey Kosarin #2 - 7 years ago
Mito que Mita
Mito que Mita - 7 years ago
why those lobsters hasn't claw?
Hash Brown
Hash Brown - 7 years ago
New subnautica looks awesome
Luis Ponce
Luis Ponce - 7 years ago
No falló uno
FitzWolf 12
FitzWolf 12 - 7 years ago
Omg he is crazy he goes in the night alone WITH A KAYAK
ZuZu TheTrashGod
ZuZu TheTrashGod - 7 years ago
I thought lobster have pincers? These don't
Jose Ortega
Jose Ortega - 7 years ago
Do thornback ray sting you

30. comment for Lobster Hunting and Kayak Diving with GoPro

Muhammad Ryaas
Muhammad Ryaas - 7 years ago
Angel Shark is a rae fish, you r lucky dude (:
NAJOX - 7 years ago
You can’t fishing with air bottle and it’s not a good idea to scuba dub when you’re alone
RebelEvolution - 7 years ago
I notice these lobsters have no claws, I thought they all had a crunching and a cutting claw.
Patrick Rowell
Patrick Rowell - 7 years ago
2:10 is That a stone Fish?
MidiMan0 - 7 years ago
Бляяяя как заебало это кави.....
rachele bertini
rachele bertini - 7 years ago
Dovevi lasciarli vivi
Diesel 06030
Diesel 06030 - 7 years ago
Btw that octopus is called the blue ringed octopus and it is also the deadliest octopus in the world
That One Guy
That One Guy - 7 years ago
Is he catching these for himself or a restaurant or something bc it seems a little overkill for himself
That One Guy
That One Guy - 7 years ago
2:40 dude wtf is that it looks like an alien
Chantal Chambers
Chantal Chambers - 7 years ago
1:03 it's a diva it loves the gopro
oranye Oranye
oranye Oranye - 7 years ago
Ocean at night : nightmare
kilrcrusade 360 2.0
kilrcrusade 360 2.0 - 7 years ago
How do you know if they have eggs or not?
Edesio Sousa
Edesio Sousa - 7 years ago
Rick, you're the biggest lobster hunter I've ever seen in my life.
Hamlet6465 -Roblox and more random stuff
Hamlet6465 -Roblox and more random stuff - 7 years ago
I would never have the balls to go that deep and that far into the ocean
emajej - 7 years ago
I really feel bad for these animals :(
NaaffaX - 7 years ago
what kind of gloves are you wearing and where to purchase it? also dont you get any scratches from those spines on your sleeves? how do you protect your sleeve area?
IulianRO. - 7 years ago
Bro i want to know , you keep the lobsters???
박예담 - 7 years ago
MaMaSayYes - 7 years ago
thank you ^^
jon parker
jon parker - 7 years ago
Awsome video

50. comment for Lobster Hunting and Kayak Diving with GoPro

Timothy Long
Timothy Long - 7 years ago
That twofer @ 2:10 was sick!
Exrteme boy
Exrteme boy - 7 years ago
Damn dood your so lucky for seeing all that ocean life
Fernando Contreras
Fernando Contreras - 7 years ago
Alguien a qui habla español
Peter Vang
Peter Vang - 7 years ago
You should be jailed for stealing others gopro 1:06
Bruno Henrique
Bruno Henrique - 7 years ago
que coragem nunca na vida faço isso
Arok Narahita Prasojo
Arok Narahita Prasojo - 7 years ago
This is like oddly satisfying
W.D Gaster
W.D Gaster - 7 years ago
You are speed underwater bro
Mark Buntad
Mark Buntad - 7 years ago
catch the sea orchin like how you grab the lobster
การัณยภาส นวลประเสริฐ
การัณยภาส นวลประเสริฐ - 7 years ago
яυѕн To 刀工モ
яυѕн To 刀工モ - 7 years ago
Edgar Duarte
Edgar Duarte - 7 years ago
0:56 "Try me u pussy"
Joseph Lai
Joseph Lai - 7 years ago
My first time to see how a guy catch lobsters like this, awesome
Francis Acevedo
Francis Acevedo - 7 years ago
2:24 my moms calling me for dinner
Morgan - 7 years ago
Lobster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Muszywianka Źródło magnezu
Muszywianka Źródło magnezu - 7 years ago
Ritch lobster 1:05
Casey Eastridge
Casey Eastridge - 7 years ago
How many lobsters are you going to eat
pinky playz1
pinky playz1 - 7 years ago
They have family TOO EAT SALED
Dav Gram
Dav Gram - 7 years ago
pavlos male
pavlos male - 7 years ago
that was a jelly fish right
ventador67 - 7 years ago
These guys have no respect. They are destroying the corals.
Muhammad Ridhwan
Muhammad Ridhwan - 7 years ago
human: lobster hunting
lobster: kidnap and murder case
Joey eats Marcos
Joey eats Marcos - 7 years ago
Lucky I got grounded for lobster season
Big Fella
Big Fella - 7 years ago
Fast little bastards aren’t they
흰둥이약을보면근육이커지는 - 7 years ago
와.. 뭐이리 많어.. 게다가 잘잡어..
Loser Boyz
Loser Boyz - 7 years ago
Brave man. Catch almost a whole sea.
MR. POTATO - 7 years ago
I just saw a stone fish be careful dude
Ernest Dale M. Merene
Ernest Dale M. Merene - 7 years ago
GIve me one hahaha LOL
Ferenai Nexi
Ferenai Nexi - 7 years ago
Ur a good guy and not stabbing the shit of there lives.
Mario Motik
Mario Motik - 7 years ago
Spearfishing for big fish from your lake! https://youtu.be/ox0-KrDYC2k
David Rojas
David Rojas - 7 years ago
very funny that the lobster gpt your gopro
William Kaminski
William Kaminski - 7 years ago
Where are the lobsters claws
Jesus Guevara
Jesus Guevara - 7 years ago
Nice Rick, need to find your spot ;)
Limethief - 7 years ago
this is really different to king crab hunting because you dont face fuck them with a knife then sever all its limbs and leave its body right where you murdered it
Felipe T Tôco
Felipe T Tôco - 7 years ago
You are evil are killing the beast, this is illegal.
GeRMaNmAgiC - 7 years ago
Rip spongebobs good friend
Jackson José Manerich
Jackson José Manerich - 7 years ago
In Brazil this type of fishery is illegal, only allowed by apnea.
Travis Wong
Travis Wong - 7 years ago
His hands are like how to basic
Wassim Nahr
Wassim Nahr - 7 years ago
Did you catch them' all ?
Miridotoji - 7 years ago
Did you find Bikini Bottom?
Xrowblack blue
Xrowblack blue - 7 years ago
Perfecto vid
Erik - 7 years ago
elly hasanah
elly hasanah - 7 years ago
What is that lobster gonna do with that go pro
Doge! !!!
Doge! !!! - 7 years ago
1:20 swigaty swoogaty I'm coming for that bootie
HeadHunter 1987
HeadHunter 1987 - 7 years ago
Lobsters in the hood gone wrong
Gregory Neff
Gregory Neff - 7 years ago
it wanted a go pro man!! They dont have those things down there!
Madam Lolo
Madam Lolo - 7 years ago
that's scary
owen sanders
owen sanders - 7 years ago
I think Larry the lobster needs to get more buff
Tuan Murphy
Tuan Murphy - 7 years ago
kostas stef
kostas stef - 7 years ago
guys dont hunt at night...learn to respect the nature
xXTheGamer98Xx - 7 years ago
1:05 lobster prank. (Gone Wrong!!)

100. comment for Lobster Hunting and Kayak Diving with GoPro

Arnel Gernade
Arnel Gernade - 7 years ago
Guys did u even notice there was a sea urchin 0:44
Mantan Pacarmu
Mantan Pacarmu - 7 years ago
Hooman is waterproof -2k17
Gary Westbrook
Gary Westbrook - 7 years ago
Hello everyone. I've been trying to find information on what time of night the lobster come out. For instance if I begin to dive at sunset will they be out already or is it better toward dawn? Or do they come out all night long? Any info would be nice.
I dive near Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic.

NTPX Colony
NTPX Colony - 7 years ago
Dude at1:28 you almost got spiked by the thorny devil sea star
Erika Esparza
Erika Esparza - 7 years ago
How many lobsters did you get?
jordan howard
jordan howard - 7 years ago
Takes momma lobster from its baby and shouts "woohoo"
Luis García
Luis García - 7 years ago
Tell me that im not the one who would never do that shit!
Leonardo Milani
Leonardo Milani - 7 years ago
Could this entire operation not be done in daylight though? Do you have to dive at night? Sweet Jesus...
Rick Coleman
Rick Coleman - 7 years ago
Night diving is the best. Lobsters are nocturnal, plus other creatures are out that you normally don't see during the day.
Ramadevi Kadapalla
Ramadevi Kadapalla - 7 years ago
God dam his is fast
PE crafter
PE crafter - 7 years ago
Perfect ad for gopro
Emmanuel  Ferraei
Emmanuel Ferraei - 7 years ago
me encanta ese ruido que hace el agua cunado te metes
iDrVoid - 7 years ago
The lobsters have no defense then besides that rasping noise? Is it deadly or something?
R3born Sin
R3born Sin - 7 years ago
Surprise moda foka
Fabrizio Diaz
Fabrizio Diaz - 7 years ago
What I if told you ,you read this wrong
Wasted Arkahol
Wasted Arkahol - 7 years ago
This dude is skilled
Frogierpilow79 Noob
Frogierpilow79 Noob - 7 years ago
Those poor lobsters
ItsTypical GT
ItsTypical GT - 7 years ago
Kadyn Herc
Kadyn Herc - 7 years ago
That’s crayfish not lobster
Oralys Rodríguez
Oralys Rodríguez - 7 years ago
What have I become my sweetest friend?
What have I become my sweetest friend? - 7 years ago
I don't bother diving when I catch lobbies. I just go to Karamja and throw out my cage for a couple seconds.
tucko11 - 7 years ago
I agree diving alone at night in the ocean is balsy. Aside from sharks there is really nothing to worry about quite peaceful actually. Unless your kayak gets lost, your scuba gear fails and you get caught in a storm to boot. LOL but you're totally safe from rapists and murderers thieves or other criminals LOL I doubt they're out in the middle of the ocean hahaha.
Anthony Galler
Anthony Galler - 7 years ago
You are a beast of a lobster hunter, awesome stuff man!!!!
iiSipp - 7 years ago
Rip Larry the lobster (1998- 2012)
EvilEj XD Gaming
EvilEj XD Gaming - 7 years ago
That lobster was like " PLZZZ LET ME HAVE THE GOPRO PLZZZZZ!!!"
Core Voltage
Core Voltage - 7 years ago
Honestly impressed at this guys speed underwater.
Kryztyna Williams
Kryztyna Williams - 7 years ago
Lol selfie loving lobster
Hoàng Hải Nam
Hoàng Hải Nam - 7 years ago
omg how many lobsters do you eat a day?
Doomy Doom
Doomy Doom - 7 years ago
2:53 that cute "Whoo hoo"!
Mona Ahmad
Mona Ahmad - 7 years ago
Does anyone notice that it's a crayfish because it doesn't have claws
Riteyoyhy - 7 years ago
Fun fact:

Lobsters are immortal. The only way they can die is by being eaten or cooked or killed. :)
Mega hoovy Overwatch sucks
Mega hoovy Overwatch sucks - 7 years ago
I wonder if this guy seen a shark? Just it was cut from the video.
42Ø Piløts
42Ø Piløts - 7 years ago
What happened if you're diving and there's a tsunami?
42Ø Piløts
42Ø Piløts - 7 years ago
42Ø Piløts
42Ø Piløts - 7 years ago
But.. but it's night
J varito jeison XD
J varito jeison XD - 7 years ago
kill frency
LinusHimmer - 7 years ago
You must have been doing this for years, you're so fast
Ili loly
Ili loly - 7 years ago
Shark Attack At Night #Savage
XxMegaCrimzioZhardzxX RedZ
XxMegaCrimzioZhardzxX RedZ - 7 years ago
Lobster Fest.
DFALEO 123 - 7 years ago
I really enjoyed you catching the fish
The Joy Of Life *
The Joy Of Life * - 7 years ago
He abides by the law with small but when it comes to big ones he doesn't. If lobster is bigger than a sertin size Its illegal to hunt them because they're breeders.
Mark Axel Bacalso
Mark Axel Bacalso - 7 years ago
2:42 Aliens
Hazmat MemeCat
Hazmat MemeCat - 7 years ago
I went to the beach and some guy was diving and picked up a lobster and this od lady yells "ANIMAL ABUSE!" "YOU ARE HURTING IT" and im sittin there like, he let it go and thats the point of them having shells idiot -_-
Will L
Will L - 7 years ago
I back out when a crayfish swims anywhere near me and this guy is grabbing two fully grown lobsters at once
Meowthful 127
Meowthful 127 - 7 years ago
You should hire this guy for military for good at stealth attacking
Erik Fjerdingstad
Erik Fjerdingstad - 7 years ago
Im glad he isnt like those crab fishers. Stabs the crabs in the fucking face
Deasy Ariyanti Rahayuningsih
Deasy Ariyanti Rahayuningsih - 7 years ago
sound like fart lol
Madelyn - 7 years ago
Shittt what the fuck that looks awesome
killer- nebulous
killer- nebulous - 7 years ago
Fish : hey its my camera noob
Man : give me it back motherfucker
Penguin Lorr
Penguin Lorr - 7 years ago
Dude I can't even go Swimming at the baby pool and night.
Flores Erik
Flores Erik - 7 years ago
calin morales
calin morales - 7 years ago
Wow ..that's a lot of lobsters
Scar Cycle
Scar Cycle - 7 years ago
At 0:34 The lobster tryin to run and the diver is like YEET.. I had to watch it 12 times xD
SuperSayianSemaJ - 7 years ago
Damn why do you need so much lobster XD
Nathan Manikhout
Nathan Manikhout - 7 years ago
Now thats how you get dinner
Marisa Plays roblox and draws
Marisa Plays roblox and draws - 7 years ago
On 2:51 i thought of the baby lobster like "NOOOOO MOM/DAD DONT LEAVE ME COME BACK NOOOOOO"
Noobie _
Noobie _ - 7 years ago
How I creep up on people XD
Pixater Cubes
Pixater Cubes - 7 years ago
What do you call three lobsters on the ocean floor

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner
Jade Woo
Jade Woo - 7 years ago
Sees giant as$ jellyfish*
Jade Woo
Jade Woo - 7 years ago
Dang I'm so tall if I was a lobster I would be dead
Wyatt Caldwell
Wyatt Caldwell - 7 years ago
What gloves do you use? Where do you mount your gopro? Its really steady + no bubbles. Video got me excited for lobster season!
fydy dfhdhd
fydy dfhdhd - 7 years ago
this is like hide and seek at my place
Tiffany Amador
Tiffany Amador - 7 years ago
when the lobster was holding the GoPro I was laughing so hard that I cried lol
Nabeel Akhtar
Nabeel Akhtar - 7 years ago
This guy catches lobsters way too good
Emil Baker
Emil Baker - 7 years ago
cool video :)
adam Jaroslawiec
adam Jaroslawiec - 7 years ago
Dean Aquino
Dean Aquino - 7 years ago
I've been looking through the comments...and just trying to find out. Where is this at?
Ethan Empleo
Ethan Empleo - 7 years ago
I'm I the only one who was saying awwww in 1:08
Tristan Bautista
Tristan Bautista - 7 years ago
Grab them right on the p*ssy!!
CraneGaming - 7 years ago
Are you breaking their backs?
Max Amphetamine
Max Amphetamine - 7 years ago
2:40 i woulnd't mess wth that
Jdogg7565 - 7 years ago
I didn't know Kenny McCormick was filming
Zack Queripel
Zack Queripel - 7 years ago
He has the grip of a god
Joshy TheLegend
Joshy TheLegend - 7 years ago
The thumbnail look like he grabbed his hips and unzip his pants and....
Captain Bartolo
Captain Bartolo - 7 years ago
Great !
Evan McKimmy
Evan McKimmy - 7 years ago
Yea nah, not worth it. I'd rather never eat lobster again then go diving at that time
KOR3YAN 33 - 7 years ago
Red lobster commercial bloopers
PopularOOmous IV
PopularOOmous IV - 7 years ago
quick speed
Cube 556
Cube 556 - 7 years ago
Thank you that you don't kill anyone
MarcDaPotato :3
MarcDaPotato :3 - 7 years ago
Now the lobster is a yt
Ednilton oliveira
Ednilton oliveira - 7 years ago
CAL - 7 years ago
1:06 it's Mr lobster and welcome back to my channel
Johnathan Kruzick
Johnathan Kruzick - 7 years ago
What's the profit after being air?
조미희 - 7 years ago
julie xoxo
julie xoxo - 7 years ago
I can't take the trash out alone at night.. This man is diving.. alone.. at night.. in the ocean.
UlemanMaster 420
UlemanMaster 420 - 7 years ago
Lary the lopster will kill you
Mr. Pickles
Mr. Pickles - 7 years ago
Do I have one strange feeling on my foot when he catches them?
Rene Angel
Rene Angel - 7 years ago
Juan Rios
Juan Rios - 7 years ago
you have some giant nuts my friend, and are an exceptional human being.. Come on down to New England and try grabbing some of the lobster down here lIke that LoL... Great Video
RF Flare
RF Flare - 7 years ago
U just got a sub
Prkm Rose
Prkm Rose - 7 years ago
Why does it feel like my boy here is a lobsterphile straight up touching them at night.
Noah Felker
Noah Felker - 7 years ago
You should have let him have the go pro he wanted to make his on youtube :(
The Sunshine Gamer
The Sunshine Gamer - 7 years ago
What do you do with the lobsters after you've captured them?
Lesly Lee
Lesly Lee - 7 years ago
Lobsters: Ahh what a nice day it I-
Scuba Divers: Kidnaps Lobsters and stuffs them in bags
Rookie2.0 - 7 years ago
How do you know where to find them?
stephen dennis
stephen dennis - 7 years ago
4:50 that's a stone fish. That hoe is poisonous asf.
grapezzzz19 - 7 years ago
i live how you snatch the lobsters
the fortnite jon
the fortnite jon - 7 years ago
I hade this
Gonjo Guaiya
Gonjo Guaiya - 7 years ago
What if he's filming one lobster.
Bludika - 7 years ago
can you catch how many you want? im guessing you need some kind of license or certification that you pay to renew to be able to do this right? and also i see he uses some kind of a measuring device to make sure they're at a legal size? is there a limit on how many you can catch? really curious lol, and also can you catch anything else like Stingray? or any others like octopus?
CT-21-0408 Echo
CT-21-0408 Echo - 7 years ago
he atac, he protec, and also he steal my lobsters
Tanya Stien
Tanya Stien - 7 years ago
I'd shoot that jellyfish
Ryan Moon
Ryan Moon - 7 years ago
how can you even fit in the ocean with balls that big
Filthy Junior
Filthy Junior - 7 years ago
When Plankton sends a hit man for mr crabs
lieutenant dan
lieutenant dan - 7 years ago
great video nice catches and balls to dive at night
Stephen Walsh
Stephen Walsh - 7 years ago
Barely legal is best.
big stacks
big stacks - 7 years ago
I kept thinking turn around man there's something behind you.how do you swim so easily with your balls draggin the ocean floor dude
SILAS NASCIMENTO - 7 years ago
Cara tem muita prática em pega lagosta
Alexis West
Alexis West - 7 years ago
How many did you catch???
Alexis West
Alexis West - 7 years ago
Damnnn. I love lobster. Im jealous.
Morokuskus morokuskus
Morokuskus morokuskus - 7 years ago
Y se escucha claro en el video el aire en ese entorno tu eres uno de ellos
Morokuskus morokuskus
Morokuskus morokuskus - 7 years ago
Hijo de puta pesca con oxigeno esta prohibida
sasoen - 7 years ago
im soooo jealous i want to do this soooooo bad.
Ruben Monge
Ruben Monge - 7 years ago
Your not scared of sharks at all have you ever encountered one?
Cameron Herman
Cameron Herman - 7 years ago
How come these types of lobsters don't have pinchers/claws in front of them
najeeb Salah
najeeb Salah - 7 years ago
مين عربي هنا لايك
Sherryann Price
Sherryann Price - 7 years ago
You are so sick
Jamecia  Chandler
Jamecia Chandler - 7 years ago
0:57-1:02 oh hell no ain't no way I could do that
Gage Yoder
Gage Yoder - 7 years ago
the lobster wanted a selfie
claudia f
claudia f - 7 years ago
Btw i love how he sneaks like that in the lobster's back and then BAM catch him ! lol
Cedrik Frey
Cedrik Frey - 7 years ago
I hate this people they catch animals
Woody lee H
Woody lee H - 7 years ago
peachy - 7 years ago
Jon Borg
Jon Borg - 7 years ago
You should really go with a friend next time, especially at night
Hamid Mehmood
Hamid Mehmood - 7 years ago
I wish if I could do this ever
Mokhzani Mokhtar
Mokhzani Mokhtar - 7 years ago
Wow..so many lobster in sea
mitchel da boss
mitchel da boss - 7 years ago
rip larry the lobster
alessandro pecchini
alessandro pecchini - 7 years ago
you are completely crazy... you go alone in the ocean.. at night! wtf?!?!
Meow Chi
Meow Chi - 7 years ago
CRUZEOO - 7 years ago
diving at night? alone? white people are crazy
Dylan Morley
Dylan Morley - 7 years ago
bruh i'm scared to put my feet in the water at the beach at night AND U GO OUT PITCH BLACK ON A KAYAK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PACIFIC U HAVE BALLS MAN
Josh James Kiwi Bushman
Josh James Kiwi Bushman - 7 years ago
try coming from underneath the front and grab it at the base of the feelers mate, easiest way to grab them and also makes it easier to rip them out of holes, cheers
Deja Keputa
Deja Keputa - 7 years ago
How do you feel now Ariel?
Ables Batu
Ables Batu - 7 years ago
In Australia...
King Of Hearts
King Of Hearts - 7 years ago
Love the video luckily you did not try to grab that octopus because they are one of the most poisonous animals in the world when they bite that blue ring glows if they feel threatened
Jaylen Flissaard
Jaylen Flissaard - 7 years ago
Rick Coleman 10.000 ths like on your video!!!!
Mugen - 7 years ago
where is this so much sea life
Mugen - 7 years ago
what if they gang up on you and feast on your flesh
Captain FOX
Captain FOX - 7 years ago
Poor lobsters :,-(
xiao zhao
xiao zhao - 7 years ago
Hello. How deep did you go?
Ferny Flores
Ferny Flores - 7 years ago
Idk man... lobsters are creepy. I just wouldn't be able to touch them.
Platy02 Platy02
Platy02 Platy02 - 7 years ago
Pyro catching lobsters
James Humphrey
James Humphrey - 7 years ago
I like that predatory snatch that one has to employ to catch them. I'm a North Sea diver, so I'm only experienced with edible crab, velvet crab, common spider crab and European Lobster. And I can tell you: you can't just shove your hands forward to get those bastards.
Cute Sydney
Cute Sydney - 7 years ago
JoJo's Cultist Leader
JoJo's Cultist Leader - 7 years ago
I jumped at this time 1:00
ODONE_GAMING_ 2 - 7 years ago
He clutched 2 lobsters at a time
chen pouw yung
chen pouw yung - 7 years ago
Tronix Elektra
Tronix Elektra - 7 years ago
In which country do you hounting them??
Fefe LaTulipe
Fefe LaTulipe - 7 years ago
It's cheating to hunt in scuba diving, better freedive to be fair with those lazy creatures ;) Actually illegal in my country if you don't freedive or use light! It's easy to hunt when you can breathe under water...
Strategics Empire
Strategics Empire - 7 years ago
Is it just me or does anyone else feel bad about that one little lobster viewing his mother being snatch up
Ryan Lee
Ryan Lee - 7 years ago
Would like to know what's your gopro/ scuba light set up to be hands free. What scuba light are you using by the way?
ali hagyhya
ali hagyhya - 7 years ago
its mr crabs he wants to sell it
WhyDidYouKillMe ?
WhyDidYouKillMe ? - 7 years ago
Horn sharks are blessed
WhyDidYouKillMe ?
WhyDidYouKillMe ? - 7 years ago
That moment when your minding your own business then you just get grabbed
Phoenix Johnson
Phoenix Johnson - 7 years ago
Aaron Yu
Aaron Yu - 7 years ago
Watching people do this kind of stuff makes me want to buy a crab trap and some diving stuff and fly to my sisters place in LA and catch some seafood. It looks fuuuun.
Metal Constructions
Metal Constructions - 7 years ago
You got the lobsters and i got the beer XDDD
Богдан Чупрына
Богдан Чупрына - 7 years ago
Lobster vove give
Zettabyte - 7 years ago
2:43 He found the flying spaghetti monster
LlamaCrokyGamer - 7 years ago
Tall Guy
Tall Guy - 7 years ago
you ever encounter large sharks?
Adit Wisuda
Adit Wisuda - 7 years ago
The lobster want a go pro to take a vlog
Eirc Lee
Eirc Lee - 7 years ago
Are you diving alone? and in night?! be careful man!
the gam3r
the gam3r - 7 years ago
How is there no fish!?!
the gam3r
the gam3r - 7 years ago
Why are there no fish
the gam3r
the gam3r - 7 years ago
GoPro lover
the gam3r
the gam3r - 7 years ago
ttot catalony
ttot catalony - 7 years ago
Wtf is wrong with ya? U cleared the sea from the lobsters. Jabroni
Đăng Phong Trương
Đăng Phong Trương - 7 years ago
0:35 That is how nowadays criminals capture children
Shoegum - 7 years ago
Adam rojas
Adam rojas - 7 years ago
Looks like the beginning to a JAWS movie.
InfiniteMemes - 7 years ago
3:01 awesome big lobby
InfiniteMemes - 7 years ago
I really hope u get ate by a shark
Justin leenard Maglantay
Justin leenard Maglantay - 7 years ago
He loves gopro why....HE TRY TO DISTROY IT!!!
Sir Lancelot
Sir Lancelot - 7 years ago
You just like diving in a small pond full of lobster..good catch, at my place barely see a big shrimp..lobster?nahh long way extinct
Trophgaming 04
Trophgaming 04 - 7 years ago
wtf did zoidberg do to you
DR.wordpress - 7 years ago
1:13 i wanna try it pls let me <v
Teagan Ven
Teagan Ven - 7 years ago
These creepy af , but may I say it must be fun down there seeing all the beautiful things, those rays and that octopus were magnificent
korpakukac - 7 years ago
I would be so scared of sharks diving in darkness :O
chewey changga
chewey changga - 7 years ago
holy****did yu kill larry the lobster
B Delirious
B Delirious - 7 years ago
Hey man great video! I was just wondering what kinds of head mount you used that had the double flashlights on them
peter doan
peter doan - 7 years ago
Why won't you let the Lobster have a YouTube channel it need cash to
AwkwardAilene - 7 years ago
dude, you have some guts to go diving at night
Donabella Navarro
Donabella Navarro - 7 years ago
Well I'm Hungry now
Your lord Mushymetroid
Your lord Mushymetroid - 7 years ago
Post this on pornhub with the title
Man viciously Gropes Unwary Sexy lobsters
Pinoy Anglers Club
Pinoy Anglers Club - 7 years ago
Spiny lobster are like the hippies of the sea / ocean...They are sooo carefree, so relaxed...Btw, that lobster grabbing the gopro craked me up and so as the caption aswell...Gotta love them gloves...Can you send me a pair of em please..thanks :D

Subscribed + Liked

Btw, What's the brand / make of your kayak ???
And how many feet was the dive ???
And why u didn't get that octo...??? hahaha
Big Red
Big Red - 7 years ago
3:55 you not going any where, get the fuck over here
Big Red
Big Red - 7 years ago
that's the biggest lobster I have ever seen
mr ender gameing
mr ender gameing - 7 years ago
I saw a cuddle fish
Marco Cordova
Marco Cordova - 7 years ago
those are not lobsters there cray fish.
Johny Salimi
Johny Salimi - 7 years ago
tepigang kau kepo, binasa kau
Khent Bejoc
Khent Bejoc - 7 years ago
how to kidnap lobsters
SuNydrian Miles
SuNydrian Miles - 7 years ago
It gave me the ibby jibbies
Ryan H
Ryan H - 7 years ago
Why do you go alone at night And why don't the lobsters have claws
Ryan H
Ryan H - 7 years ago
Alone too.
Skuudz xo
Skuudz xo - 7 years ago
1myisyouguy1 - 7 years ago
4:51 that fish look so high
xevious2501 - 7 years ago
some sharks are known to sleep at night, but others like black tips become more active at sunset when other fish retreat to their "safe-houses' These shark in particular patrol reefs to ambush fish not well hidden. So if your hanging around reefs at that time, well.. also, larger fish like great whites must continually swim to survive. in fact all sharks need a decent current passing their gills despite some being able to sit motionless on the bottom. But we must not forget, Sharks are not the only predatory aggressive animals in the ocean. even more aggressive are schools of devil squid located in the warm waters of mexico on up to California. These squid take the lives of fisherman every year. The best defense to all sea creatures is electricity. though sharks are known to take flight when the remains of dead shark is placed in water. aka shark repellent, which really does work.
John Winstead
John Winstead - 7 years ago
it tried to steal his GoPro!
John Winstead
John Winstead - 7 years ago
lol the way he grabbed the first one!
Avoiidz - 7 years ago
I had a hard time breathing wathing this. I don't know why xd
Storm Diane
Storm Diane - 7 years ago
hurting lobsters is cruel
Cringe e
Cringe e - 7 years ago
wait? Dosent lobsters have huge claws?
claudia f
claudia f - 7 years ago
2:40 Wtf is that !?
Daniel Yoon
Daniel Yoon - 7 years ago
the real question is how did you find your way back to the kayak?
nathan0717 - 7 years ago
Yeahhhhhhh fukkkkingggg rightttttttt! I'd be so terrified diving in dark deep water!
Gabriel Olivera
Gabriel Olivera - 7 years ago
que covarde isso é crime
Dave Trupiano
Dave Trupiano - 7 years ago
how2 catche a lobstar step1. div into ocen from a kiak and den catche dem mothafuckers.
W33B - 7 years ago
hahahahah he toke ur camra
Johnny Boi
Johnny Boi - 7 years ago
Living like Larry
Christopher Wilson
Christopher Wilson - 7 years ago
Sounded like Kenny when he woohooed
Matheus Castilhos
Matheus Castilhos - 7 years ago
1:04 kkkkkkk Lobster Trololo Need a hug
KB Daily
KB Daily - 7 years ago
under the sea a lot of thing. do you like catch fishing is under sea?
Moses Maya
Moses Maya - 7 years ago
I can't believe that lobster actually like a GoPro
baily anderson
baily anderson - 7 years ago
isn't a list lobster just one big ass crayfish
GraudGaming - 7 years ago
I don't know much about lobsters do the pinch like crabs or anything
BITCH YOU A THOT - 7 years ago
Črt Novak
Črt Novak - 7 years ago
why do you throw them out
HawkeyeOfTheSky - 7 years ago
you fucking i take your fucking go pro, how ya like them apples
Ryan de Bruin
Ryan de Bruin - 7 years ago
I don't know why but this is calming.
Marion Church
Marion Church - 7 years ago
"You've got big balls for doing this at night"

There's nothing in there at night that isn't there during the day
Hidden - 7 years ago
Do you go alone in water??
BlueSlime 360
BlueSlime 360 - 7 years ago
And they see me runen
x.Josiah - 7 years ago
2:05 stonefish?
XYandere.AdrienX - 7 years ago
I'm slowly terrified!
Bli T
Bli T - 7 years ago
the way he grabs them is so funny
Joe Scherrey
Joe Scherrey - 7 years ago
that is a big one
doruk bolat
doruk bolat - 7 years ago
Kapt’n Kartoffel
Kapt’n Kartoffel - 7 years ago
Don't forget to spot the liberals lol
Tammie Terry-Delton
Tammie Terry-Delton - 7 years ago
1:08 translation:"HEY! that's why i'm having you for dinner lobster fuck"
pokeperson zach
pokeperson zach - 7 years ago
Ty for not having annoying music
pls - 7 years ago
That's a big dog
Est Queen 210
Est Queen 210 - 7 years ago
dun dun dun dun..........SUPRISE MOTHERFUCKER
Coral The Betta
Coral The Betta - 7 years ago
WB - 7 years ago
Hunting with scuba divnig air bottles is just retarded if you ask me..
ROBERT CARROLL - 7 years ago
lobster is recording a vlog "so uh today we are going to be talking about lobster equal-" "Nice lobster right her mate OOOO A GO PRO" Proceeds to take go pro lobster "THIS IS WHAT I WAS FUCKING TAKING ABOUT"
Rammus Bot
Rammus Bot - 7 years ago
You Are Cool xd
Saur Studios
Saur Studios - 7 years ago
That Gabezon was just like "fuck off"
GTZ - 7 years ago
secret - 7 years ago
u could make a religion out of this
prone gone wrong
prone gone wrong - 7 years ago
Never knew lobsters were so fast
frog 420
frog 420 - 7 years ago
I Got That MutherFucking Fish
The Dippin American
The Dippin American - 7 years ago
Wish I could do that with lobsters around here, but two factors don't allow it...
1 low visibility
2 ours have big claws
GangsterTankster - 7 years ago
Nice Video
Matt Moore
Matt Moore - 7 years ago
Amazing video how do you not get lost from your kayak
JJX - 7 years ago
Lobsters getting jumped
Sholitotz - 7 years ago
Why is he letting go of some of the lobster?
Spaghetti Speaker
Spaghetti Speaker - 7 years ago
When he yells "woo hoo" he sounds like Kenny from South Park
Regina George
Regina George - 7 years ago
omg they're so brave if I ever toach one like a OCEAN ANIMal I scream
Wang Wang Ye
Wang Wang Ye - 7 years ago
i would love to do stuff like this or go fishing. i dont think i can do that where i live tho
brandon krone
brandon krone - 7 years ago
3:30 he broke lobster
Owldude000 - 7 years ago
Lobster logic:
You grab me.
I grab your GoPro. Deal?
Juan Jose Vera Montalvo
Juan Jose Vera Montalvo - 7 years ago

Anthony Bider
Anthony Bider - 7 years ago
Great video rick! We have the same lobster here in the Caribbean. What gloves would you recommend?
Valeria Griego
Valeria Griego - 7 years ago
stop trying to catch Lobster because then they're going to get extinct
TheVloggingTrio - 7 years ago
I fell sorry for the lobsters
sʎɐʍlɐ ̇ƃuıɥɔʇɐʍ
sʎɐʍlɐ ̇ƃuıɥɔʇɐʍ - 7 years ago
0:23 time to see Rms titanic grab pops up rusty color that's the titanic
Jake Robson
Jake Robson - 7 years ago
Easy pickings!
LinFeng Qian
LinFeng Qian - 7 years ago
The dreaming life
José Sigala
José Sigala - 7 years ago
Lol "Bug"
archiebarchie100 - 7 years ago
that is illegal
Like Dislike
Like Dislike - 7 years ago
U catch one with a baby and u let it go
Jacob Kelly
Jacob Kelly - 7 years ago
Whats the legal limit?
MR guy
MR guy - 7 years ago
0:47 WOW
Logan Gardner
Logan Gardner - 7 years ago
Ever have any scary encounters down there? Looks like a lot of fun :)
John Battye
John Battye - 7 years ago
3:57 no, no.. NO! NO! NO! NO GOD NO, PLEASE!
CRYPTO6261 - 7 years ago
I don't have much knowledge about the types of lobsters but I thought lobsters have claws? without claws wouldn't these be big prawns?
Relieved Dimetrodon
Relieved Dimetrodon - 7 years ago
You didn't kill these right?
Rene Segat
Rene Segat - 7 years ago
I noticed several sea urchins throughout. Do you, can you, should you?
David Moore
David Moore - 7 years ago
lol why none of them lobster have pinchers?
BlowMindGT - 7 years ago
Snatches one checking if its a virgin not a virgin throw it out
Nick Schlabaugh
Nick Schlabaugh - 7 years ago
How do you find your kayak?
Rick Coleman
Rick Coleman - 7 years ago
It's anchored with a light in the bow and on the stern and I usually leave it near a point of reference.
Megaflamebird//Mega - 7 years ago
Those lobsters were just taking a nice stroll when a hand comes by and. BOOM! Dead
Cat - 7 years ago
Haha thats the new cameraman
Lachlan Croker
Lachlan Croker - 7 years ago
Love it.
MegaTurkyMan - 7 years ago
Slide into her dm's like
Theo Devlaminck
Theo Devlaminck - 7 years ago
Besides the fact that lobster catching looks pretty fun, I would be fucking terrified of everything down there thinking I'm basically lost alone deep underwater in the dark at night and I might die. Dunno if that's just me
Theo Devlaminck
Theo Devlaminck - 7 years ago
xevious2501 - 7 years ago
Well that clears up the underwater roach population
Jin Johnson
Jin Johnson - 7 years ago
Why dont they have claws?
Logan Stroup
Logan Stroup - 7 years ago
i click on these videos just for the comments haha
julio victoria
julio victoria - 7 years ago
when the lobsters get caught the look like the accepted there fate and thought well fuck me
Aidan LaRose
Aidan LaRose - 7 years ago
Why'd you go at night though?
Natalia Madero
Natalia Madero - 7 years ago
Are you feeling it now, mr.krabs?
snoop game
snoop game - 7 years ago
can you give me a lobster?
Dustin Hickey
Dustin Hickey - 7 years ago
I notice the lobsters don't have claws. are those what they call rock lobster?!
LoveMessi and RespectRonaldo
LoveMessi and RespectRonaldo - 7 years ago
Your balls are size of those lobsters
Joep Van ederen
Joep Van ederen - 7 years ago
it seems like he is killing al the lobsters
Rachel & Moses Alfonso
Rachel & Moses Alfonso - 7 years ago
gotta have balls for that
Wiwornrut Wiwornrut1
Wiwornrut Wiwornrut1 - 7 years ago
Alessandro Damario
Alessandro Damario - 7 years ago
That jellyfish was AAWEESOMEEEE!!!!!
gandalf - 7 years ago
Nice video but never swim alone bro, you never know what could happen. Better safe than sorry.
Pacifique- alex
Pacifique- alex - 7 years ago
Fils de pute
Peter Au
Peter Au - 7 years ago
The one thing i dont understand is how people can dislike the video...?
Eli Does Gaming
Eli Does Gaming - 7 years ago
dude how do u move ur hands so fast under water
ssfreeze cool
ssfreeze cool - 7 years ago
Bro can I have some
ssfreeze cool
ssfreeze cool - 7 years ago
It's so dark out guess lobsters love going to the strip club holy shit u got alot
X501TheNinja - 7 years ago
See? Living in the ocean isn't so bad as long as you have the balls to do it
The zerastora
The zerastora - 7 years ago
That sound they make is so cute haha I do feel sorry for them by the fact they are like the most helpless creatures against humans.
Leon drageljevic
Leon drageljevic - 7 years ago
this nigga catches lobsters like a boss.
LightRealms - 7 years ago
that jellyfish tho
Tiger Cry
Tiger Cry - 7 years ago
You forgot to mention what state you fish?
Director 1447
Director 1447 - 7 years ago
this dude was eating good as hell
BigBadWolf - 7 years ago
I know I'm late but why does he let some go?
BigBadWolf - 7 years ago
Alex Fang oh ok thanks
Alex Fang
Alex Fang - 7 years ago
Untouchable Bosses he leaves the smaller ones to grow and not sure bout US but I think in australia the females carrying eggs have to be returned as well
BigBadWolf - 7 years ago
Can he only keep the male ones?
Arun Sanichara
Arun Sanichara - 7 years ago
This guy is so badass lol
Big Smoke
Big Smoke - 7 years ago
Its little scary
The two Crazed girls
The two Crazed girls - 7 years ago
is that the lobsters making the growling sound?
©ProPlays - 7 years ago
Nick Fenderson
Nick Fenderson - 7 years ago
is it weird that I can do the noise what those lobsters make in that video?
M C - 7 years ago
anybody clicked on this video cause your interested and its on a recommended part but you dont watch this kind of videos?
Sussy Player
Sussy Player - 7 years ago

Miguel - 7 years ago
Larry the lobster?
Marcus Aploy
Marcus Aploy - 7 years ago
I actualy want to be a fulltime diver, the way you are alone in the ocean and just exploring... its just wow..
JabbaTheBops - 7 years ago
almost like a video game
vin ny
vin ny - 7 years ago
so i was taking a walk the other day....
Erik Collins
Erik Collins - 7 years ago
That second lobster was like whispering "sponsor me GoPro I love your products from a small YouTuber with a dream of 50k" lmao
FxTv Gaming
FxTv Gaming - 7 years ago
Omg this is so freaking COOL! I didn't watched yet. ITS COOL!
PEKKA hod - 7 years ago
the lobster that has the go pro is like hey guys mr lobster here todays video is me being hold by a scuba diver yay
Ermac Dahitman
Ermac Dahitman - 7 years ago
I love how you sneak up on them and wammmm!!! ur mine sucka hahaha cool shit bro
MC-PS-PLAYA - 7 years ago
No offense but diving at night alone is extremely stupid.
Never Trust
Never Trust - 7 years ago
Where is his at?
Never Trust
Never Trust - 7 years ago
Great video man!!!!
Evan Mccallister
Evan Mccallister - 7 years ago
5:52 is basically finding Nemo but with lobster and no happy ending lol
Silly Fuzzynoodle
Silly Fuzzynoodle - 7 years ago
Guy: approaches lobster with his left hand
Lobster: Don't you fucking dare
Guy: uses his right hand to quickly grab the lobster SUPRISE!
Paradox 458 Man
Paradox 458 Man - 7 years ago
Do those lobsters even have claws
Cassie C
Cassie C - 7 years ago
That lobster tried to steal your GoPro haha
Hung La
Hung La - 7 years ago
the lobsters were like : hmmm, just chilling around...then wham....WTF is happening..
Jesse C.
Jesse C. - 7 years ago
this guy is a sea ninja
AvlisadSirk - 7 years ago
4:20 Put some scary music behind that little series of catches. Lobster serial killer lmao
Buffalocat C:
Buffalocat C: - 7 years ago
How do those seemingly defenseless lobsters even survive to those size...
deunidocristobendito - 7 years ago
Damn Damn man!!! misericordy for the lobster... who love lobster dont destroy them! T T Tough life weak Lobsters.
MichaelDShark - 7 years ago
How do you know the areas the lobsters will be in ?
Cherise Hodge
Cherise Hodge - 7 years ago
I saw a lotr
Southern Fishing TV
Southern Fishing TV - 7 years ago
I thought lobsters had pinchers
Peter Bradshaw
Peter Bradshaw - 7 years ago
I almost feel bad until I realize that that is the circle of loife
Joe Moukarzel
Joe Moukarzel - 7 years ago
man southern California rnt u scared from great whites??
TwinMom3 - 7 years ago
I find this oddly satisfying to watch!! I think these creatures are absolutely disgusting..lol
Great British Airsoft
Great British Airsoft - 7 years ago
how deep?
Anezka Voprsalova
Anezka Voprsalova - 7 years ago
the sound of "yey or wow" he makes is my new reason to live :D
marcus släkting
marcus släkting - 7 years ago
i love these videos
muhamad asraf talip
muhamad asraf talip - 7 years ago
what a big
Hadrian Sparte
Hadrian Sparte - 7 years ago
this dudes go t more guts than he needs for his own good
Sheila Calhoun
Sheila Calhoun - 7 years ago
Just add a squeaky toy noise every time he grabs one
James 18
James 18 - 7 years ago
Do lobsters taste nice ?
Flash - 7 years ago
They taste like chicken
Notkoi - 7 years ago
Badass over here is going deep sea lobster hunting in the middle of night while my ass is afraid to go out in my own backyard at night.
Katie Payne
Katie Payne - 7 years ago
I live in Louisiana, and we have crawfish. Lobster looks just like giant crawfish lol
youa xiong
youa xiong - 7 years ago
he is brave of going down there and catching the lobsters by him self
Frederick Stern
Frederick Stern - 7 years ago
what ocean is this
J k
J k - 7 years ago
Theres probably no way you'd ever find me in an ocean for a night dive... i don't know what it is but fuuuuck that lol
L D - 7 years ago
You're telling me you go out on a kayak in the dark and then scuba in the dark, in California waters?
Samuel Nixon
Samuel Nixon - 7 years ago
You should not be proud of this it is cruel
dcx - 7 years ago
..and that's how your dad was abducted by aliens...said the mother lobster to her son.
Ernest Jay
Ernest Jay - 7 years ago
1:50 some asshole throwing a flip flops to the ocean.
__extinctmamba ___
__extinctmamba ___ - 7 years ago
to be doing that at night
__extinctmamba ___
__extinctmamba ___ - 7 years ago
you have BALLS
br3wskee - 7 years ago
Why he didn't grab that jelly fish tho?
Oscar-Mike - 7 years ago
I just watched 4 of your videos, amazing footage. keep em commin! The wife, not so good at catchin them but her video was epic still. lol
Monni Koira
Monni Koira - 7 years ago
Selling raw lobster 350ea
joesr31 - 7 years ago
Do the lobster bite and stuff? what are the dangers catching them like this?
Swivel - 7 years ago
i wanna go diving in the dark sometime in my life (it looks much more exciting) but i keep hearing stories about how dangerous diving is i.e. u can't rise too quickly to surface or risk death etc
Joel Nadasde-Price
Joel Nadasde-Price - 7 years ago
do they bite or just like scratch?
Penguin Pilot
Penguin Pilot - 7 years ago
Christopher kilpatrick Kilpatrick
Christopher kilpatrick Kilpatrick - 7 years ago
I might sound stupid but why didn't those lobsters have claws
Spek - 7 years ago
2:43 is about the time i would shit my pants
Ivan Campos
Ivan Campos - 7 years ago
2:52 you can hear kenny from south park.
Trevor Morgan
Trevor Morgan - 7 years ago
2:52 ....Kenny from South Park, lol
John Hagan
John Hagan - 7 years ago
Such good memories...great video! We used to do this a few times a week in winter, and by Super Bowl Sunday we had enough lobster and abalone for 20 people to eat until ready to burst. (Yes, the old days when you could still find 12" red and pink abalone and were allowed to take them on SCUBA).

I have to say though, you're a lot quicker than we were. You're like a lobster gathering ninja. A few of those in the rocks would have easily escaped,, leaving me with an antenna in my hand but nothing else.

Thanks for this!
Tyler NA
Tyler NA - 7 years ago
have u ever miss one?
Utaha - Senpai
Utaha - Senpai - 7 years ago
Damn i have no idea, there are so many lobster in one area inthe ocean. Your next meal is gotta be luxury.
CerealKillerOats - 7 years ago
Seeing that jellyfish was so weird
XeDragHD - 7 years ago
I thought lobsters had big claws like mr. Crabs..
Delta Gamer
Delta Gamer - 7 years ago
How heavy was the "big lobster" ?
危巍 - 7 years ago
Honkyhomeboy5000 - 7 years ago
as much as they want for those in the grocery store. hall yeah I'd go catch my own lobsters ,all you need is lemon and butter to go with em.
1insane - 7 years ago
I don't know why, but every time he grabs a lobster I laugh.
G0BLiN - 7 years ago
I find myself watching this at 12:30 am how I got here I don't remember .......man does he make this look easy though
Jonny Sonnenfeld
Jonny Sonnenfeld - 7 years ago
why don't you trap for the lobsters like in maine
Daily Patriot
Daily Patriot - 7 years ago
That jellyfish sitting there suspended in the water was pretty wicked
Jordan John
Jordan John - 7 years ago
When you caught a huge one "woooh hooo"
bruhh - 7 years ago
WhackyBard0 gamer
WhackyBard0 gamer - 7 years ago
what kind of jellyfish is that
Thiago Cardieri
Thiago Cardieri - 7 years ago
not dangerous????night time ...if a shark hunts you?
Albe Rt
Albe Rt - 7 years ago
No fish is safe
Sebastian Mireles
Sebastian Mireles - 7 years ago
I get anxiety watching videos like this
Miquel Graanoogst
Miquel Graanoogst - 7 years ago
If I had a sea aquarium I would catch the fish myself
Demar Gio
Demar Gio - 7 years ago
Aren't you scared of sharks in that water? I know they rarely attack human.... its just scary thought. And what lamp do u use?
Retarded Banana
Retarded Banana - 7 years ago
The big one got him excited
Richardt Loots
Richardt Loots - 7 years ago
You're allowed to catch lobsters with SCUBA gear? not allowed in SA! too easy
Quintessence of Life
Quintessence of Life - 7 years ago
At 1:50 was that a show? The white thing on the left?
abu3qab - 7 years ago
not lobsters.
Kenneth Vang
Kenneth Vang - 7 years ago
Man that lobster is a savage taking his gopro
vinstual - 7 years ago
1:00 sounds more like a under wather pig baby ^ ^''
We're loved
We're loved - 7 years ago
He sounds like Kenny
КαтнуВσт III
КαтнуВσт III - 7 years ago
Fascinatingly weird & oddly satisfying
Sauri_an - 7 years ago
"3/14", this one is barely legal"
Like my girl.

That was a joke that just came to my mind when I saw this and I thought that I might as well comment it. Don't judge me.
Faulkner Gray
Faulkner Gray - 7 years ago
Great video and two quick questions:
-- At what depth and how far from shore do you usually catch them?
-- Do you have a long tether connecting to your kayak?
Rick Coleman
Rick Coleman - 7 years ago
Most of the lobsters captured were 20-50 feet deep. Our Kayak dive sites are usually a 15-20 minute paddle. The kayak is anchored during the dive and I'm not ever tethered to it.
Speed Ariel
Speed Ariel - 7 years ago
on land they kidnapped kids in the ocean lobsters
Speed Ariel
Speed Ariel - 7 years ago
The Whole Species Could Be Wiped out because of one man addicted to kidnapping XD
Andrew404 - 7 years ago
You know you could get a knife with you right?
Aydra Music
Aydra Music - 7 years ago
this is one of my all time youtube fav video
Campbell Peters
Campbell Peters - 7 years ago
Great video, I've never tried night diving for lobster, probably because it's a little sharky where we dive. Do you find the lobster are more on the move at night?
Rick Coleman
Rick Coleman - 7 years ago
Yes, lobsters are nocturnal and come out at night.
Bandito Dorito
Bandito Dorito - 7 years ago
I wonder how was his dinner.
the foxes unite WAO//WZO
the foxes unite WAO//WZO - 7 years ago
I don't like lobster I peer crab
Piktor - 7 years ago
let the lobster have the GoPro.. he has only some minutes left on his life...
KommodantSlorvo - 7 years ago
If you take all the letters from the words "night diving", rearrange them, then add a few more, you get "absolutely fucking terrifying, I'd be pissing myself doing that alone during the day, let alone at night in the middle of the open ocean, you mad bastard"

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