Lost Kayak at Sea | National Geographic

Leaving his wife and young son behind, a man bent on adventure sets off in his kayak to traverse an ocean--alone. ➡ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/NatGeoSubscribe About National Geographic: National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what's possible. Get More National Geographic: Official Site: http://bit.ly/NatGeoOfficialSite Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBNatGeo Twitter: http://bit.ly/NatGeoTwitter Instagram: http://bit.ly/NatGeoInsta Solo: Lost at Sea : http://ngcblog.nationalgeographic.com/ngcblog/2008/09/understanding_inspiration_and.html/source=4003 Lost Kayak at Sea | National Geographic https://youtu.be/KvCt3AVWr2s National Geographic https://www.youtube.com/natgeo

Lost Kayak at Sea | National Geographic sentiment_very_dissatisfied 39

Kayak 16 years ago 200,942 views

Leaving his wife and young son behind, a man bent on adventure sets off in his kayak to traverse an ocean--alone. ➡ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/NatGeoSubscribe About National Geographic: National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what's possible. Get More National Geographic: Official Site: http://bit.ly/NatGeoOfficialSite Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBNatGeo Twitter: http://bit.ly/NatGeoTwitter Instagram: http://bit.ly/NatGeoInsta Solo: Lost at Sea : http://ngcblog.nationalgeographic.com/ngcblog/2008/09/understanding_inspiration_and.html/source=4003 Lost Kayak at Sea | National Geographic https://youtu.be/KvCt3AVWr2s National Geographic https://www.youtube.com/natgeo

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Most popular comments
for Lost Kayak at Sea | National Geographic

Clint Westwood
Clint Westwood - 7 years ago
Look for Amyr Klink , he crossed the Atlantic, a True Brazilian explorer.
Bethany Mckeel
Bethany Mckeel - 7 years ago
I think he also wanted to make his wife and son proud---she said in a passage he wrote that he wished his wife would ask him not to go.But would he haven listened if she had? I just think he wanted to make them proud though they already were proud of him. Maybe he be in heavenly peace now.
mizBLU aka FRWG
mizBLU aka FRWG - 7 years ago
The fact he cried as he left makes me wonder if he knew....
sfhang - 7 years ago
selfish, stupid, irresponsible idiot
ALA ALAROY - 7 years ago
He was a true adventurer, willing to risk it all for a pursuit that he believed in.
pzeus11 - 8 years ago
He left his wife and son with a cheap boat, low experience...then he saw too competitors doing the same, and wanted to arrive first so went for the short and dangerous line...When I had my first kid, I stopped driving fast... no more comment than stupid... in any case if it was not on the sea, this guy would have looked for his end on the mountains or on the desert...
Explorer Mike
Explorer Mike - 8 years ago
This video is extra scary because it starts out with Andrew wearing white sunscreen that makes his face look like a skull.  Of course, other people have kayaked across oceans, but their human powered crafts are much larger and more robust.  It seems maybe a bit naïve to be going on such an expedition in a standard plastic kayak. It is hard to spend a half day in a kayak, much less a month or so.  Quite an undertaking to say the least.  There are plenty of people who have tried simply crossing 80 miles of Lake Michigan that don't make it.I thought it a bit odd that Andrew would cry as he took off on his journey.  I have done some adventuring, but never had the emotion to cry as I cast off.  I wonder if he knew the journey was too fraught with danger.   As if he knew his chances of survival were thin, but he could not fight the internal urge to go. Sadly, we will never know.
muammr ail
muammr ail - 8 years ago
Where documentary

10. comment for Lost Kayak at Sea | National Geographic

Alfred Harding
Alfred Harding - 9 years ago
Lucky nothing just a fool living his family to pouf nothing.
Vinit Trivedi
Vinit Trivedi - 9 years ago
The Tasman Sea is not exactly the English Channel....RIP bredren
vivitar45 - 9 years ago
he doesn't look that experienced  and the kayak is to over loaded top end heavy with all the stuff on it easy tip and sink think he had a grate idea but he should had a friend on another boat or a sail boat near him if he got into a problem
SD78 - 8 years ago
Not experienced?????

He nearly crossed 2000km+ of open ocean solo in a kayak.
Alexander Larder
Alexander Larder - 9 years ago
Andrew used to live next to my mum!
Ugur Usta
Ugur Usta - 10 years ago
R i p bro you a hero
BlankUberEverybody - 7 years ago
HE died for nothing except his own selfish ego. He's no hero, he's a loser. Theres nothing heroic about walking right into certain death if you;re not going in to help someone else out
EA - 9 years ago
+Kitasenju2 Andrew loved his kids and his wife. He knew that we only live once so he did this to accomplish something he loves. He wanted more than everything to be alive and managed to cross this sea but he died at the end that's why it's sad. He was not the kind of person who stays at home most of the time or to be in a office 8 hours a day. The only mistake he did is to have a wife and a kid before doing this, but life is not taken for granted. RIP Andrew.
Ugur Usta
Ugur Usta - 9 years ago
you so right buddy +Kitasenju2
shiva935 - 10 years ago
I just saw this in BBC... Man ...should we salute him or feel crazy about his sense of adventure?.. I dont know ...
Elliot Rutherford
Elliot Rutherford - 7 years ago
shiva935 everyone should salute him. It's people like him that discoverd the world. Rest in peace brother.
Ari Recio
Ari Recio - 10 years ago
en donde puedo encontrar el video completo del documental?? alguien me lo comparte por favor? gracias!!!
Watt Music
Watt Music - 9 years ago
chris pine
chris pine - 10 years ago
yeah well that was a different way of doing a suicide mission, whatta fool
ElektrobanK - 10 years ago
What a poorly conceived idea. This is not something a man (or woman) should attempt if they have a spouse and child at home. In reality, it's not something anyone should attempt, because it puts the lives of Coast Guard personnel at risk when they have go out and try to save this guy on a dangerous part of the ocean. Very sad that he died, but he clearly underestimated the ocean and overestimated his ability and equipment.
alaskanglenn - 9 years ago
Absolutely true, very sad, but he will not feel the pain of being left behind like his family will. Unfortunately mates like this have huge ego's which in the end get them killed. He flipped a coin and lost.
ElektrobanK - 10 years ago
+25benjiyo My issue is that this man was a parent of a young child. People who want to do extremely dangerous things for the thrill and sense of accomplishment probably shouldn't have children, because his son is now going to grow up dealing with the loss of a father who selfishly got himself killed during a kayaking stunt. My dad was an avid big-wall rock climber as a young man, which is less dangerous than this, and he quit climbing when he had a family. I'm not saying people with kids shouldn't do anything risky, but parents should not willingly put themselves in extreme danger like this man did. He could have continued kayaking, just not extreme.
25benjiyo - 10 years ago
The problem is that people like him need to do dangerous activities, because they need the adrenaline rush that near-death activities bring them. That man did many dangerous activities such as climbing mounts or crossing ravines with nothing but a rope. If you would've watched the wole documentary, he did know the dangers of the ocean, he even survived through a storm, but he got killed in the 20 last miles of his trip. He was a brave man who always did extremely challenging activities, but in the end, he died doing something that noone else could've even gotten close to doing, and i admire that. I don't think you should criticize him about his decisions because they probably led him to having a much more interesting life than any of us.
Jack Aldrich
Jack Aldrich - 10 years ago
What an irresponsible, selfish person. If he had just himself to consider then no problem if he wants to commit suicide. But obviously his foolish stunt was more important than his wife and kid. Brave?  I don't think so. Inconsiderate, irresponsible? Absolutely.  
MrBronBeast - 9 years ago
+Jack Aldrich I really hate people like you

20. comment for Lost Kayak at Sea | National Geographic

Daniel Holmgaard
Daniel Holmgaard - 10 years ago
Rip bro
misanthrop1958 - 10 years ago
His wife seems to be at least as stupid as he was. "I am really lucky to have such an `adventurous husband´". Now see what you `ve got morons... I have some other ideas for you: Going to the antarctic on an inflatable matress, walking to the north pole on bare feet, climbing the Mount Everest backwards, the possibilities are endless . Perhaps you will meet your husband again after death , Vicky, in a celestial rubber-room, who knows...
Grind y0ur Mind
Grind y0ur Mind - 7 years ago
Harsh but true
Jim Des
Jim Des - 7 years ago
misanthrop1958 keep lying on your couch doing nothing. That’s where you belong.
sethvicious - 11 years ago
It's like a retard version of the Don Crowhurst story.
ptong226 - 11 years ago
that's stupid. now he leaves his wife & young son behind without a husband and father.
keith rice
keith rice - 11 years ago
what sea did he try to cross . and did the sea kill him then .
8IH4 - 11 years ago
Typical troll pussy ass bitch! That's right, you just keep showing everyone how brave your fingertips can be... Where's your respect for his family now you piece of shit? And now you're trying to drag other's to your lower level of scum!? I'm done with this petty argument that you've established on this page. I don't fight on the computer...
8IH4 - 11 years ago
You're totally right... He should have just sat at home and trolled youtube along with you. Guess that's where you're brave? Brave men do stupid things all the time. What have you done lately other than talk shit about a man that died trying to do something that hasn't been done before? Show some respect and stfu!
choc0blocklet2 - 11 years ago
the shit thing is...he was my neighbour...the wife and son still live across the road from me
qrthrse1 - 11 years ago
Pause at 2:00 if you want to see THE JOKER.
Brett Miller
Brett Miller - 11 years ago
I just don't see how you can argue for his mental state based on what you think you know about him from a tv documentary. You might be right; maybe he was just crazy, but based on the fact that he made it almost all the way across one of the roughest seas in the world, I would bet he would have had to have at least a certain level of skill and understanding.

30. comment for Lost Kayak at Sea | National Geographic

G3isME - 11 years ago
He should have used a tandem sit on top style kayak.
Psykotiske Hyggen
Psykotiske Hyggen - 11 years ago
Why do some people do this ??? Andrew McAuley was one of "them" !
TungstenKid - 11 years ago
You can't just modify kayaks or anything else if you're not a trained designer, for example the famous pilot Wiley Post built his own plane in the 1930's from bits of two wrecked planes and it was nose-heavy, killing him and his passenger
TungstenKid - 11 years ago
He added that stupid dome thing to the kayak, experts say it was badly designed. Pity because the crossing was 1100 miles and he almost made it with just 30 miles to go
mic cen
mic cen - 12 years ago
she said aim" luck to have a driven husband" hes a moron anyone knows that a kayak cant hold up in deep ocean water that's just stupid putting him self in danger, and wasting our tax dollars in rescue for his dumb ass ,and putting good men in danger trying to get his ass out of the ocean what a moron and leaving his kids behind that even dumber go camping it better for you leave the ocean explorations to the real pros unbelievable what dumb ass people would do for attention
Brett Miller
Brett Miller - 12 years ago
@Jocktanian Wolf who are you to judge? I have been sea kayaking and sailing almost my entire life and I would never presume to judge this guy, he did something ballsier than I would ever do. The type of craft he was in is an example of one which over the last 4,000 years has taken people into some of the roughest seas on earth. Driving your car down the freeway at 60mph is "challenging nature", this guy was embracing it. Your respect means so very little.
MagicFanMan - 12 years ago
I have a problem with parents intentionally risking their lives when they have young children. War is one thing, this is another.
diesel - 12 years ago
This guy had bigger balls than anyone...i believe he made it...just incredibly brave..good on ya A MACK
TungstenKid - 12 years ago
I've seen the BBCTV docu and was shocked at how badly designed the kayak was, much too small and cramped. And in his last distress message when he was out of the kayak,, his voice was slurred, a sure sign of hypothermia. Another sign is an inability to think clearly which might explain why he never lashed himself to the kayak, lost consciousness and drifted away.
Alittlebitnuts2day - 12 years ago
Well they know he took a shower on the kayak because they found his "Head & Shoulders" on shore.
domin8ah - 12 years ago
Well what exactly happend once the kayak flipped is a bit uncertain.. He wasn't IN the kayak but also didn't have his drysuit on (if I remember correctly) and als didn't turn on his emergency beacon. He was also extremely tired, that couldn't have helped.
domin8ah - 12 years ago
*SPOILER ALERT* 1 : They found an SD card with video data.. there were also some tapes but the seawater ruined them. 2: He had a special canopy to cover the hole in the kayak so he had a sort of shelter to sleep and such. A part of that canopy was broken and when the kayak flipped that canopy prevented him from flipping the kayak back (which normally would be easy). So the kayak stayed upside down..
BigLebowski2000 - 12 years ago
Or Mrs. Tasman. :D +1 for your comment. Very true.
Paul Hannah
Paul Hannah - 12 years ago
I cant agree with you on this one, Macauley had the skills, this was proven by how close he got. His gear let him down. He gave it a crack, good on him.
Sean  Eldridge
Sean Eldridge - 12 years ago
an interesting way to commit suicide, but seriously, he was dying the moment he left shore just listen to him cry!
SIONE TOM - 12 years ago
andrew mcauley was only 80km-50 miles close to the coast of New Zealand, he almost made it. the open ocean is a dangerous place and you should think twice before you challenge her. i think he would of made it if they had better planing and a better support team. so close very sad R.I.P andrew mcauley
BigBrotherBlog - 12 years ago
I saw this last night. I cried, and it was sooo sad! RIP
HAC999999999 - 12 years ago
He should have at least explored the unknown,like the universe and actually help the human race. Instead he goes on a journey that only benefited his addiction to adrenaline rush. Selfish and moronic, especially since he had a family. I hope his kid realizes what an asshole his father was. What the hell was he trying to prove anyways... he even realized how retarded it was to do the trip, and i quote from his documentary "i'll never do this again". He had an addiction he never grew out of, *****
amrrmar - 12 years ago
From what I understand, his kayak was found capsized on shore but with no sign of him. He had some sort of hard plastic hoods to cover the seat when he slides in the kayak to sleep. when he was paddling the cup had to be on the side. After he capsized, they acted as weights so he couldn't do a self-rescue.
John Cecil
John Cecil - 12 years ago
A lot of people like this jump into kayaking and haven't been around the ocean long enough to fully respect it's power. His skills were no match for this voyage. There is a lot more to it than just paddling forward.

50. comment for Lost Kayak at Sea | National Geographic

John Cecil
John Cecil - 12 years ago
I watched this when it first broadcast. There was too much risk and poor planning on every level. Even the footage wasn't that good and there were many large gaps because it wasn't documented very well. The other captain of the sail boat warned him that the largest risk would be when he landed with the waves on the rocks, and that's exactly how he died. Why not have a fleet of boats head out and welcome/guide him in? But that would have required assessing the situation from a logical perspective
No Comment
No Comment - 12 years ago
Many quit living long before they die...
abarou said
abarou said - 12 years ago
je pleure quand j'écoute ce garçon mourir, il a l'air de mourir confiant..triste mais presque paisiblement.. c'est très touchant..il ne meurt pas seul...il y a ce monsieur au bout du fil... c'est très étrange . En Plus, il a gagné son pari puisqu'il est arrivé. Vraiment à pleuré.
diesel - 12 years ago
He was incredibly brave ..beyond believe.. 99.9 percent of people could never atempt a challenge half the size of this..he dam well nearly made it..just incredible he got that far..i respect Andrew and his challenge..you came so close..RIP
TheMightyForeskin - 12 years ago
they obviously found the kayak
Willisthenewb - 12 years ago
If only we knew what was out there beyond that ocean, probably the edge of the world or something.
Zacke - 12 years ago
Am I missing something? How did they get the footage if he died, or if he's lost?
frgich2 - 13 years ago
he dared to dare, rest in piece andrew
dale3858 - 13 years ago
This is a very sad story...
manhenk - 13 years ago
what a jerk.. that is like jumping out of an airplane in mid air without a chute and feeling surprised when you smack down on the ground. egoisitic, selfish... I am not impressed at all!! That is not what life is about. As always, extremes are only one thing, extremely stupid!!
Aaroncroy252016 - 13 years ago
how did he die? Didn't he have a life jacket on?
AndreT - 13 years ago
Happiness only real when shared. Alexander Supertramp. Into the wild. I have respect for anyone doing this, as I did and always will do things like this, it is my nature to run, from my own faults and those of society, We need to do certain things alone, to transcend this mundane life, not matter what the cost for others stuck in theirs. While happiness is a worthy cause, for some of us, It isn't the only thing to strive for. It's but one emotion, fear and exhilaration is just as powerful
miguelwpratt - 13 years ago
good bye ASS
Pilkie101 - 7 years ago
Louise Adie
Louise Adie - 13 years ago
This is heartbreaking...then and now...
Survivalistonabike - 13 years ago
did thay find him
Bart V
Bart V - 13 years ago
Breathtaking footage, beautyful documentary! However, the text at the end : all men die, but few men truly live upsets me a bit, do you only truly live when you risk your life that much? Leaving wife and kids behind? My way of truly live would be an happy family live above an adventure like this...
Englandsbestlover - 13 years ago
@tommyactionpants: Hi. Did you ever find the documentry? I cant find it and was hoping you know where to find it. Thanks
Englandsbestlover - 13 years ago
The link in the description doesnt work and i cant find the documentry anywhere. If anyone knows where to see it can you PLEASE send it to me...Thanks
shut up
shut up - 7 years ago
fuck iv been looking fr years please send the link plaseee
Tom DiBenedetto
Tom DiBenedetto - 13 years ago
Where do I find this footage?
BarEnFaroth - 13 years ago
Huh.. the bit where he was upset in the Kayak at the start was pretty touching... RIP.
diesel - 13 years ago
He got so dam close which is jtust amazing..thats as brave as one could be,i shiver just at the thought of what he attempted..RIP..
Leon H
Leon H - 13 years ago
@chicko84 hi, what's the name of the dvd? i would love to watch this thanks :)
MrSirGio308 - 13 years ago
White men's madness.....why would you do this? He has a family, i cant understand the drive to do such a ( in my eyes) worthless risk.....just sad this i mean forreal why?????
Kflash3782 - 13 years ago
@SuperNate86 The first attempt is when he was crying while paddling from shore. He came back the next day, then tried another time when he thought he was ready and the elements were better.
Imachowderhead - 13 years ago
@luvmonkey666 I agree, there are a lot of people on here critisizing adventurers like us, but I draw a fine line between what is possible and what is downright dangerous...
Gerald Hall
Gerald Hall - 7 years ago
Imachowderhead I agree
Nathan Sims
Nathan Sims - 13 years ago
of course he failed, this nigga already started crying 10 feet after he left lol
Kayak Man
Kayak Man - 13 years ago
@oyvindbl Look at the way he cries at the launch site, how can you not respect a man who loves his family so much.
kiwinrg - 13 years ago
You guys with all the neagative comments are fucken sad examples of human beings , Youre the kind of people that come in to the category of "gonnas" gonna do this gonna do that ,then youre on ya death bed ,at 70 after living youre shitty conservitive life and go umm fuck i should of done that should done this , and guess what its to fucken late , and you cant just hit rewind ... rip andrew living the dream , so close yet so far ..
Bertrand Wong
Bertrand Wong - 13 years ago
This is what I call the human spirit...there are no boundaries, no limits... only psychological barriers
luvmonkey666 - 13 years ago
I'm a fellow adventurer but there's a big line between adventuring and selfishness. He shoulda thought about his family and not have left them.
Lee Chamberlain
Lee Chamberlain - 13 years ago
I think very few really understand the philosophy of an explorer, those of us whom have ventured in small boats know the realities and as well love our families, children, and yet the calling moves us. The love of man and the sea, the love of family, all help us to move forward, in spite of fears, and trepidations we seek. I can appreciate the ambition and as well understand the heartbreak. Still within the heart of an explorer there is always the next stroke or challenge its what makes us excel
SummerTheFuzzy - 14 years ago
when i watched this i had no idea he actually dies doing it, very sad
oyvindbl - 14 years ago
I can understand a free spirit to do something like this.But if this is the way hehad chosen to live, he should have lived his life as a bachelor,instead of leaving a wife and child. I respect his dreams and his way of life, but I don't respect him as a husband and father.
Wessel Zapffe
Wessel Zapffe - 14 years ago
Sorry, but wasn´t it just "suicide" what he "tried"? I mean, trying something which is 99,99% certain to fail doesn´t seem that interesting.
lacrymosa85 - 14 years ago
@sisim47 well said
Neelix - 14 years ago
@LochlanachViking you are the fool, if you spend your hole lifetime @ home, you got my condolence. travel the around the world, visit & enjoy the oceans, savannas, rainforests, mountains, deserts and all the animals out there. enjoy the beauty of our world, if we go far so. that all will never be the same. save our wourld, its the only one we got =)
Anders Peter Jensen
Anders Peter Jensen - 14 years ago
Don`t ever do thing when you can say to yourself "I`m afraid". His wife said that he reached his goal. To die like a hero? It is so morbid and "pathetic".
charles5712 - 14 years ago
@tripleheshy i hope his son does not read yout comment
charles5712 - 14 years ago
U can make all the comments & give your opinions but after reading the book by his wife and realising he came within 30 kilometres of NZ as far as I'm concerned the crossing was not foolish, he made it. How many fisher people go off the coast for a day's fishing and sadly dont return. His story inspires me. He inspires me,he gives me more resolve to live a fuller life. I prob wont attempt what he attenpted but I'm not him. He's made my life richer by his endeavours & ability to chase his dreams.
matthew collins
matthew collins - 14 years ago
Without people like this man, no one would have ever discovered the United States. It takes grit and determination to do anything worth living for. No person true to self would ever talk down to about Andrew. I mean, isn't that what we live for? Don't we strive to achieve the impossible? Isn't that what makes us human? There are those just go day to day and there are those who strive to push the limits. Without the other, neither could survive.
lowedowndirtydog - 14 years ago
Lots of comments by people who don't know what they're talking about! Reading the book gives a pretty in depth and powerful understanding of what motivated this trip...something I thought was tragic but inspiring...Imagine if Mrs Cook didn't let James Cook go sailing etc, or Sir Ed was told to stay home to tend to the bees instead of climbing... People should keep negative comments to themselves!
ALA ALAROY - 14 years ago
Bit of a bugger he went so far and came so close to making it.
Talonnz1 - 14 years ago
@MalcolmLawrence24 Thats the standard response, just means they received a call for help but no information on the situation was really available from the message/
Talonnz1 - 14 years ago
The worst part is when he says "I'm.... going down.." You can just hear in his voice that he has given up and realizes his fate... :( RIP Andrew. Some people may say that he was foolish or whatever but you can never doubt that he was a brave adventurer.
Laura Bianchi
Laura Bianchi - 14 years ago
many men get killed by drinking and driving, smoking, working in the mines, or by surfing...at least ANDREW IS TRUE. good on ya mate, you're my hero, and god bless to all you've sadly left behind....you're it's a shame there aren't more people who are as true to their dreams and life as you and your family.
D D - 14 years ago
RIP Andrew.
Blue Mountain Edward
Blue Mountain Edward - 14 years ago
Carrying to much stuff to go in open seas. No adventure without risk. All that gear was like anchor dragging his kayak down. His kayak looks top heavy with gear on deck.
Jon Hay
Jon Hay - 14 years ago
@vornrob One could say the same thing about pedophiles or serial rapists...
Dylan Deroost
Dylan Deroost - 14 years ago
@nwaikikai Could be:) But I think people restrain themself because they are scared:) If he didn't took all his adventures he would be like you and me commenting on youtube vids

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