1000LB PULL MAGNET--- - Follow me below - Instagram--------- Facebook--------- James Hager P.O. BOX 1186 Bedford TX 76095 PAYPAL-- EMAIL ME AT----- MUSIC----

MAGNET FISHING WITH A 500 LB PULL MAGNET FROM A KAYAK!!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1875

Kayak 7 years ago 2,242,241 views

1000LB PULL MAGNET--- - Follow me below - Instagram--------- Facebook--------- James Hager P.O. BOX 1186 Bedford TX 76095 PAYPAL-- EMAIL ME AT----- MUSIC----

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Most popular comments

Lucas Red
Lucas Red - 7 years ago
You guys look cool people.
J. R. Thompson
J. R. Thompson - 7 years ago
I am interested in the type(s) of cameras you use to record your adventures
drmike 09
drmike 09 - 7 years ago
I just subscribed because of that intro
drmike 09
drmike 09 - 7 years ago
Omfg that intro was the sexiest thing I've ever seen. Mmmmmm
Tyler Hope
Tyler Hope - 7 years ago
Murda worth
Dear me Anything
Dear me Anything - 7 years ago
The Baton he caught this not mad of mettle at all it’s actually a police baton
whacky sun
whacky sun - 7 years ago
I ha've the same knife but dark red
Rage Outdoors
Rage Outdoors - 7 years ago
they're both good, big franks are good fried in a skillet and fried chicken is good with breading on it
Doge Gaming
Doge Gaming - 7 years ago


Zachary Matlock
Zachary Matlock - 7 years ago
Did you know that a police baton is called a night stick?
I figured that out a couple years ago and I'm still confused why.
Avery Matteson
Avery Matteson - 7 years ago
I live northwest of Fort Worth ☺️☺️☺️
ICamp4Fun - 7 years ago
eric robinson
eric robinson - 7 years ago
That intro made me hungry
Stefanie Ellinwood
Stefanie Ellinwood - 7 years ago
I have that exact same Tac-Force speedster knife holy crap
jpc1000 - 7 years ago
Having fun and cleaning the waterways, nutting' wrong with that!
Nash - 7 years ago
John - 7 years ago
What magnets are used here
Alton Haley
Alton Haley - 7 years ago
boi dat chicken doe
FlimFlam JimJam
FlimFlam JimJam - 7 years ago
Fuck your intro
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
Bahaha yessssss


#Gamer Girl06#
#Gamer Girl06# - 7 years ago
I hope you guys got your shots
A-Action Home Inspection Houston
A-Action Home Inspection Houston - 7 years ago
OMG I am jelly of that sign
skrr skrr
skrr skrr - 7 years ago
Daddy :-)
assks92 - 7 years ago
This guy is an idiot
Parkmaster G
Parkmaster G - 7 years ago
I subscribed
james mcnulty
james mcnulty - 7 years ago
thats some sort of post sadle
This Person
This Person - 7 years ago
Those are some nice Oakley shades. What lenses are those
Liam The Terrible
Liam The Terrible - 7 years ago
I’m subscribing to anyone who subscribes to my magnet fishing channel and letting me know in the comments :) thanks
Postal Patriot556
Postal Patriot556 - 7 years ago
I have a sit in kayak, I'm close the the weight limit, it's not open enough for me (I'm a tall guy) so I have to throw my legs on top, which isn't a big deal, cause I can put my tackle bag and still have room for my hiking pack.
BG Magnet Fishing
BG Magnet Fishing - 7 years ago
We subscribed to your GunsNChickenStrips channel yesterday. You have had some terrific magnet fishing finds. We magnet fish in Harbors and Marinas close to downtown Chicago on Lake Michigan.

Our magnet fishing channel is called BG Videos and it is new. It's all about magnet fishing. Put "bg must see videos" in your YouTube browser and our three magnet fishing videos should be grouped together.

After you have viewed our magnet fishing videos, we would like for you to ask your friends and followers via social media to visit BG Videos. We will be posting more magnet fishing videos soon. Thanks.


Jason Sauls
Jason Sauls - 7 years ago
Dude you need to find yourself a bigger kayak, go to the store an sit in a kayak an find one that u fit comfortably inside it
anthony cawley
anthony cawley - 7 years ago
tosspot. dick head.
DEYAZ - 7 years ago
You're pushing the limits of that kayak...
Tempest Eve
Tempest Eve - 7 years ago
Í feel like I recognise that bridge
cody Conner
cody Conner - 7 years ago
cody Conner
cody Conner - 7 years ago
I'm from whitne
Baxter Tribe
Baxter Tribe - 7 years ago
Best dam intro ever
YounoHou - 7 years ago
That may have been a murder weapon you found.
James Joseph Sewell
James Joseph Sewell - 7 years ago
What part of the Trinity is that?
Ferret Face
Ferret Face - 7 years ago
Am I the only fool who came here thinking they were using magnets to catch FISH?
Lentz Gaillard
Lentz Gaillard - 7 years ago
Best Fucking intro in the fucking universe i have never felt this moved emotionally im my fucking God damn fucking life!!!!.... fuck!
R Gaps
R Gaps - 7 years ago
What if your 500 lb magnet got stuck to a car or heavy metal object, in a 100 ft deep mine pit. Would you have to cut the rope?
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
JMAC191 - 7 years ago
You fella earned a sub with that chicken tender n gravy. Where could I get one of those magnets?
JMAC191 - 7 years ago
Ah alright, thanks brother. I'll check those out, I may have to get one with some good cord. What cord are you using there? It looks like some good nice strong cord. and that chicken thing cracked me up. PS: Just saw your new Magnet fishing vid with the double magnet. How's that thing work out for ya?
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
Glad to have ya!;) Amazon is where I bought mine!
Tim Evans
Tim Evans - 7 years ago
What a puss! Martin was so scared of dirt and river water he shouldn't be doing this.
Johnny Few hairs
Johnny Few hairs - 7 years ago
What if the magnet hooks on a car
Just Let Me FISH
Just Let Me FISH - 7 years ago
I fit but not this type of fishing lol
Potato Man69
Potato Man69 - 7 years ago
I love your intro
james ragsdale
james ragsdale - 7 years ago
Good job
Love cats
Love cats - 7 years ago
He's got a baton
William Watson
William Watson - 7 years ago
@GunsNChickenStrips Were you using neodymium magnets?


Mandie - 7 years ago
I'm out too many ads
Ben Ireson
Ben Ireson - 7 years ago
You guys are funny where’s the rest of your videos?
Aviation Sniper
Aviation Sniper - 7 years ago
i love this channel this is the second video i've watched i am definitely subbing
Sara Martin
Sara Martin - 7 years ago
It doesn't matter you need to sit in or asset or a sit-on-top
Kody Hendley
Kody Hendley - 7 years ago
It’s a dark gray camo amazon knife. I had the exact one and they’re about $8 on amazon
progaming network
progaming network - 7 years ago
I thought the beginning was a Popeyes ad
Super not Moral
Super not Moral - 7 years ago
The intro alone made me subscribe so fast.
The notorious cubs
The notorious cubs - 7 years ago
Loma Linda can foods are actually pretty good if you cook them. Especially the Swiss stake
orlando kaufusi
orlando kaufusi - 7 years ago
I miss that river
johnnyfrancis30 - 7 years ago
Babi kah
Evan Henderson
Evan Henderson - 7 years ago
Oh man, oh man.
Hurleygaming Pro
Hurleygaming Pro - 7 years ago
You fucking suck!!
C. Blue
C. Blue - 7 years ago
Ah, the two most important things in a man's life- guns and chicken strips
Rhonda Legendre
Rhonda Legendre - 7 years ago
Magnetic fishing, does it also clean the junk from bottom of the lakes and rivers?
Sean Thompson
Sean Thompson - 7 years ago
Hey do you ever come down to Kansas
Tyler Benton
Tyler Benton - 7 years ago
The sign could have said Churnity River cause that is where you were at maybe
antigov - 7 years ago
James, you’re fuckin crazy...and one of my favorite new channels.
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
Yesssssss lol
999,999,999,999 views - 7 years ago
I also like these vids because some of that stuff is trash but you pick d it up anyway helping the environment
Dave Exline
Dave Exline - 7 years ago
Blake Jones's life
Blake Jones's life - 7 years ago
I live in Texas by Livingston
The Amateur Adventurers UK
The Amateur Adventurers UK - 7 years ago
Great videos keep it up
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
Thank you!;)))))
αdkíng zч
αdkíng zч - 7 years ago
Haha intro
Wheelie King BMX
Wheelie King BMX - 7 years ago
What part of the Trinity are you in
Daniel Bowens
Daniel Bowens - 7 years ago
I was only able to find fishing poles and metal junk lol
Jesilmero - 7 years ago
Good video
Toxic Charger
Toxic Charger - 7 years ago
Can i ask something this magnets can take gold chains or gold erings or gold rings? Silver ? Or just metal?
Black6659 - 7 years ago
my moma allways said
life is like a big nasty river....
Ryan Neaves
Ryan Neaves - 7 years ago
Damn Americans eat some nasty looking stuff XD haha
Erik the Red
Erik the Red - 7 years ago
I just happened across this video. I haven't seen anything yet besides chicken strips. Subscribed just for that.
➍-cнaи Fag
➍-cнaи Fag - 7 years ago
6:20 Is when Notorious B.I.G T.H.I.C.C starts actually magnet fishing
Tammy Chapman
Tammy Chapman - 7 years ago
That is great. I loved this video.
Wild Bucky
Wild Bucky - 7 years ago
ultra instinct /limit braker
ultra instinct /limit braker - 7 years ago
Dalton Kellogg
Dalton Kellogg - 7 years ago
I skipped 3 times immedietly and got a ad everytime
INFOWARRIOR 1776 - 7 years ago
Where's y'alls life jackets
Ivar Alvarado
Ivar Alvarado - 7 years ago
Where do you get your magnets, I want to go magnet fishing
nigahiga J
nigahiga J - 7 years ago
i swear as soon as he got the ratchet strap, i thought he was gonna start to sink due to over weight limit.
Annie Boon
Annie Boon - 7 years ago
That was a bootoon that you thought was a stick
Adam Rittenhouse
Adam Rittenhouse - 7 years ago
Where are u from
Kaylyn Scott
Kaylyn Scott - 7 years ago
03Macdaddy - 7 years ago
christopher waldburg
christopher waldburg - 7 years ago
he jumped in the water because the rc boat was getting pulled by the fish on the hook
chris anderson
chris anderson - 7 years ago
Fucking stupid
Tori Farwell
Tori Farwell - 7 years ago
The sight read CAUTION
ArtisannasitrA - 7 years ago
DADD = Dudes Anal Dads Daughters :-) You guys need to mount a wide mouth pulley to the front of the kayak.
Gunther Raimund
Gunther Raimund - 7 years ago
i have the same knife he found, mine is green though
tonya waters
tonya waters - 7 years ago funny...great video
wafemaster - 7 years ago
His caracter is mean
i dont like the fat dude.
Matt Fayette
Matt Fayette - 7 years ago
Hey this tastes like barf you should try it
Alex Pompeu
Alex Pompeu - 7 years ago
I did not find this type of magnet in Brazil. Can you help me buy one?


Loving Designer
Loving Designer - 7 years ago
uses knife to open knife
Alex hernandez
Alex hernandez - 7 years ago
Lmao can u actually catch a fish with one of those magnets?
TheDesGamer MC RB
TheDesGamer MC RB - 7 years ago
Faded pink colour knife under a bridge boi someone got murdered by that knife
Retro Films
Retro Films - 7 years ago
I’m from fw tx
masongosh TV
masongosh TV - 7 years ago
Ooowae that's sum good eaten
masongosh TV
masongosh TV - 7 years ago
masongosh TV
masongosh TV - 7 years ago
masongosh TV
masongosh TV - 7 years ago
Hi my name is mason
Datboidh #LeakHouse
Datboidh #LeakHouse - 7 years ago
Have you ever hit a Fish ? Or caught animal maybe ate some medal ?
tanfo8 - 7 years ago
Why? What are you going to do with all that junk
Dack Bliamond Expeditions
Dack Bliamond Expeditions - 7 years ago
my gf and I just kept joking everything you pulled out was part of the bridge
Mark Smith
Mark Smith - 7 years ago
Pulling up rebar and old chairs... i dont see the fun in this but I guess everyone has their hobbies.
847MicRoss - 7 years ago
This could have easily been a 2 minute video.
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
And you could’ve easily kept your complaints to yourself! But, hey here we are!;)
gregucho969 - 7 years ago
Awww, those are both my favorites! Jealous here...
Sean Easton
Sean Easton - 7 years ago
Dude with that voice you should have your own radio station.
Kevin C
Kevin C - 7 years ago
I just love Loma Linda products, not bcuz I'm SDA but bcuz most of their items tastes good. It's also pronounced Low-ma. fyi. :-) Most of their products are soy based as a substitute for animal flesh.
EMT Brown
EMT Brown - 7 years ago
I believe fish need to be involved if you wish to call it fishing. What you are doing is magnetic scrap metal recovery.
Monstro Gaming
Monstro Gaming - 7 years ago
Why does Martin sound like Danny sex bang of the game grumps
Gman351 - 7 years ago
a Dislike for the Stupid Intro :-/
Dillon Hutchinson
Dillon Hutchinson - 7 years ago
at 16:45 you sounded like santa lmao
J Jj
J Jj - 7 years ago
Wheres those chicken strips from? They look succulent
Bestofgaming - 7 years ago
I have the same knife in black and gold
Joe Ransom
Joe Ransom - 7 years ago
I have that knife called the tac force speedster. Mine has a police badge logo on it. Mine is black though not pink
Ethan Huckeba
Ethan Huckeba - 7 years ago
Where this at I live so close
Gord Baker
Gord Baker - 7 years ago
LIFE JACKETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! time waster
McKenzy B
McKenzy B - 7 years ago
I’m sorry but his intro is sooooooooooooooo CCCCCRRRRRIIIIIIINNNNNNNGGGGGGGEEEE
DEtector CR
DEtector CR - 7 years ago
That looks pretty fun! Thank you for sharing guys.
stoner27th - 7 years ago
I need that DADD T shirt..
Dale Carpenter
Dale Carpenter - 7 years ago
If you want chicken and hotdogs .you aint vegan .
Kyler Christian
Kyler Christian - 7 years ago
I liked and sub
Burger gaming
Burger gaming - 7 years ago
That's a baton
your average plumbus
your average plumbus - 7 years ago
my dumb self never heard of magnet fishing so i thought it was catching actuall magnetic fish with magnets
Maël XAHD - 7 years ago
Ohhhhhh shit KFC
lv2mine - 7 years ago
Boys I got to say thank you I had a lot of fun watching that video I just laughed my ass off at the intro and then I was stuck and then when you guys ate the vegan weenies oh my God I was laughing brother that's a good time wish I was with there with you guys that was fun enjoyed it thanks again
joshuazoldschool - 7 years ago
Guy sounds like "Kenny Powers" from EastBoundAnDown.
deadex - 7 years ago
Gymbols - 7 years ago
I love the fucking intro
KingTut - 7 years ago
My Step-Mother and little sister love those franks and their not bad but I like my meat real XD
Dana Witte
Dana Witte - 7 years ago
i like your videos
Recking crew Relics and Adventures
Recking crew Relics and Adventures - 7 years ago
Thank you for the video
Keylan Lewis
Keylan Lewis - 7 years ago
Where did you get your magnet from
random rcs
random rcs - 7 years ago
Knife is called the shark blade city sells them
Sunset_Sunpai - 7 years ago
Who else was like WTF when the start of the video played?
Trap Shooter
Trap Shooter - 7 years ago
James I've been watching your videos for hours (sick) and have to say I love them.just subscribed
LockedTarget FlowsHardest
LockedTarget FlowsHardest - 7 years ago
Damn. Chicken looks great. And I'm hungry, too.
BlockGames - 7 years ago
cheap targets. take chicken strips lay em in a field and shootem
Patryk Pietra
Patryk Pietra - 7 years ago
Jonathan Wingard
Jonathan Wingard - 7 years ago
Thats awsome man glad to see you having fun. If you ever need supplies or knowledge check out
Valkyrie Crawford
Valkyrie Crawford - 7 years ago
You look fat in the channel is fat and you are
Eddie Edmondson
Eddie Edmondson - 7 years ago
FYI Loma Linda are hospitals in California and they ARE Vegan hospitals. I believe they are also 7th Day Adventists.
Julia and michelle monkeys
Julia and michelle monkeys - 7 years ago
Do you have to have a license to magnet fish
Judi - 7 years ago
looks fun
BWD Bubba Watts's Drone
BWD Bubba Watts's Drone - 7 years ago
No joke I was watching this video with my little bro and when you caught the knife and started looking at it I knew instantly that it was the same type of knife as mine. We held it up to the one in the video and it’s identical. Sadly it’s not a very expensive knife and mine probably has a different color scheme but if you were wondering what kind of knife it is, it’s a MTech USA Ballistic. Mine is a cheesy black and gold but it structurally looks alike to yours.
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+BWD Bubba Watts's Drone appreciate the info my brotha!;)
The_Legend_2008_ - 7 years ago
I can't wait to see you I live near the trinity river
TastyBaga - 7 years ago
Matt Zimmerman
Matt Zimmerman - 7 years ago
Haha this made my day. Something you'd never think of doing. And you guys are both some curious and cheerful. Keep doing what your doing.
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Matt Zimmerman thanks will do!;)
Tim Osmond
Tim Osmond - 7 years ago
Make some PVC outriggers for that Kyak, you'll be stable as a rock
AMERICAN - 7 years ago
Lie 300
candyking savage2
candyking savage2 - 7 years ago
I live in Georgetown Texas come visit
chevyboyz808 - 7 years ago
How does this video get 1.6 million views!?!? That was soooo fucken boring! Just pulling rubbish up....with that much views I thought that found something crazy or something
Sam Roberts
Sam Roberts - 7 years ago
did he say nigga?! whp gave you our black pass?
Taylor Guild
Taylor Guild - 7 years ago
DADD I have that same shirt lol
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Miss Lemonade mmmmmm yes lol
Jeff Myers
Jeff Myers - 7 years ago
That was cool I need to do that
Courbin Stineman
Courbin Stineman - 7 years ago
fish aren't magnetic I don't get
Catfish Billy
Catfish Billy - 7 years ago
I have that exact knife its $8 on amazon
Daniel Leonard
Daniel Leonard - 7 years ago
looks like country captain chicken MRE
charger bassing
charger bassing - 7 years ago
I have caught a car belt
Deteción Metálica WW2 Alemania
Deteción Metálica WW2 Alemania - 7 years ago
Nice video! I would like to try magnet fishing, can be very interesting
Amaleki Cox
Amaleki Cox - 7 years ago
Did one body else see Martin's shirt dadd
usa1327 - 7 years ago
lol that knife is an amazon knife, ive bought 2 of them for like $8 each kinda cool. had to find mine when i saw it come up
Rue Bob The Cat
Rue Bob The Cat - 7 years ago
First time i have commented on a video Seriously Funny young man I a 53-year-old i was thinking about magnet fishing after watching i,m all in because of your video being new to magnet fishing,it occurred to me last week while fising for fish i hooked a old "mac 10 fully automatic and completely rusted " you JOKINGLY mentioned a possable murder weapon,Living in the murder capatil of the world NEW ORLEANS KATRINA added tons of treasure into the water way everything from rebar to outboard motors hundreds of boats and contents of entire homes would love to explore water ways that surround the city
New to your channel come on down i would love to learn from you and your buddy you bring the knowledge i will show you a magnet fishermens haven GREAT JOB
My Day Off
My Day Off - 7 years ago
Dude, your videos are a blast! Good hauls!!

I just got started magnet fishing. Not quite as entertaining as y'all, but I'm trying.
Check it out.
Braden Wilhite
Braden Wilhite - 7 years ago
Tell me that is some good ol' bushes chicken in that intro?
thor 90
thor 90 - 7 years ago
The trick to eating canned wieners is to stick the middle one with a fork and twist it so it breaks free from the rest so you can slip it out and then you can break the rest of them out one by one from the side that is now exposed
Slug games
Slug games - 7 years ago
Hey I live 30 minutes away from Fort Worth
Logan Jones
Logan Jones - 7 years ago
lmao thought the beginning was a KFC ad
Marctoonz - 7 years ago
what is that beat for the outro called
CowTooons - 7 years ago
HE FOUND A ASP BATON? idk looks like it  lol
Tr33E00 - 7 years ago
You are a public service by doing this.
XxR4zR_DronexX - 7 years ago
14:11 I have almost the exact knife (the one they found)
YTAirhead - 7 years ago
Do you need a license to do this?
zoltan X
zoltan X - 7 years ago
lol at 10;12sec i thought you had windshield wiper
GraceEngineering - 7 years ago
500 lb pull magnet? Yet you easily pick the magnet off of bare metal framework on the dock. You want a REAL magnet?
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+GraceEngineering thank you I’m checking it out as we speak!;)
el noodle lover
el noodle lover - 7 years ago
What do you do with all this stuff? Do you melt it down and or sell it or what?
Crusty sox
Crusty sox - 7 years ago
11:58 when you ask God for a sign
Stockton Fisherman
Stockton Fisherman - 7 years ago
Lol good sports!!!
Terrible Stop motion
Terrible Stop motion - 7 years ago
10:00 it’s a police baton
Joe Cilluffo II
Joe Cilluffo II - 7 years ago
Where do you get you magnets from?
AAAliquis Music
AAAliquis Music - 7 years ago
Mikey G
Mikey G - 7 years ago
serious question, as corroded and nasty as this metal is, can you scrap it and get money?? or is it just to clean up the area and try to find cool shit?
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Mikey G pretty much just to find cool shit!;) lol
Digging Scotland's Past
Digging Scotland's Past - 7 years ago
Thanks for this great video
andrew kb
andrew kb - 7 years ago
14:00 $8 on Amazon. Actually a great knife for the price
The Black Night
The Black Night - 7 years ago
oh yea food porn!
Cole McClurg
Cole McClurg - 7 years ago
Hey I live by there
Todd Stevens
Todd Stevens - 7 years ago
What is the break point on rope you have on the 500lb? I got some 1800lb break nylon what's your thoughts?
Todd Stevens
Todd Stevens - 7 years ago
GunsNChickenStrips what's the name of the knot you use. I can't find it anywhere. Thanks man. Merica
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Todd Stevens that sounds beastly! I’m not sure the weight limit on the rope but I know it’s anchor line!;)
Andrew Weaver
Andrew Weaver - 7 years ago
Dude, your intro is so funny!
Loni Carr
Loni Carr - 7 years ago
What is that rope you're using on the 500lb?
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Loni Carr anchor rope from Home Depot
Shawn Foster
Shawn Foster - 7 years ago

choked on my coffee
Kitty Pontus
Kitty Pontus - 7 years ago
"Girl knife"
"Dads against daughters dating"
Noobanator - 7 years ago
I have a TAC Force Speedster model and it's awesome!
jackemled - 7 years ago
I should do this in the Savannah Canal, there has to be alot of really old stuff from its construction in it, probably stuff that fell off of the barges they pulled through it.
Monsterjoe Naso
Monsterjoe Naso - 7 years ago
Nice name
Levi g B
Levi g B - 7 years ago
22:35 what you came for
That'sWhatSheSaid - 7 years ago
The intro is sublime.
Tyler Fader
Tyler Fader - 7 years ago
Cool video can I get tips on the camera quality
Tyler Fader
Tyler Fader - 7 years ago
Best YouTube name on the planet it describes me
14598175 - 7 years ago
Fishing the sewer with magnets? That is the most disgusting water I have ever seen. Rivers here are clear as crystal. Even our lakes you can see the bottom everywhere.
sl789s - 7 years ago
That scares me. I can't pull something I can't see into the water
CookingDropTop - 7 years ago
CookingDropTop - 7 years ago
1:36 WOW
LyricsPlace 10
LyricsPlace 10 - 7 years ago
next video looking for titanic hahaha
Donald Slayton
Donald Slayton - 7 years ago
We used spark plugs to try and free snagged hooks while fishing
Scenic Driveways
Scenic Driveways - 7 years ago
Good video . But that little girl should have a life jacket on .
foreveralonegamer _
foreveralonegamer _ - 7 years ago
Why would a lawn chair end up in there
foreveralonegamer _
foreveralonegamer _ - 7 years ago
Another pipe
foreveralonegamer _
foreveralonegamer _ - 7 years ago
I was just hoping that you didn't sink down wards into the water
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Anøthęr Jęsüs you’re not alone!;)
Texas Relic Dan57
Texas Relic Dan57 - 7 years ago
Good video I am in your area springtown good to see people having fun in that area
1vs1 Football
1vs1 Football - 7 years ago
Hey, you stole my knife
Francisco Vides
Francisco Vides - 7 years ago
LMAO... That DADD shirt is hilarious
OMG, got to get me one
Trixtor Bloks and Animations
Trixtor Bloks and Animations - 7 years ago
Tbh this was in my recommended while I am eating chicken strips
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Trixtor Bloks nicccceeee
Junior Espinoza
Junior Espinoza - 7 years ago
Lol I have that knife
Adam Trojanowski
Adam Trojanowski - 7 years ago
How I can buy this magnet? and where?
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Adam Trojanowski amAzon!;)
G00B3R91 - 7 years ago
Many bodies have been found in the Trinity River.
How many points does that score?????
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+G00B3R91 at least 50
jawanhale - 7 years ago
Thats my knife!
Alehcksis Eizaxara
Alehcksis Eizaxara - 7 years ago
Never seen or heard of you.
I'm not into fishing.
Didn't know magnet fishing was a thing.
video showed up in recommendations.
Was actually an enjoyable video! Keep up your work.
Ze king of Tigers
Ze king of Tigers - 7 years ago
I live in Ft.Worth too lol
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+FaTaL ReCoN yesssssss isn’t it just so much better than dallas lol
John Robertson
John Robertson - 7 years ago
If you put some sort of U shaped pipe or something to use as a pulley on the bow of your kayak, you would be a LOT more stable pulling up heavy things and also have more torque. Great video!
Mvlogerg209 - 7 years ago
Free night stick awesome
One MemeBoi
One MemeBoi - 7 years ago
Chick bait central
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+OakThe PCpro lol how? It has everything in the title lol
One MemeBoi
One MemeBoi - 7 years ago
Brooks Mcgee
Brooks Mcgee - 7 years ago
I'm from Texas
Tyler Corveira
Tyler Corveira - 7 years ago
Haha you cheated!
Andrew Stephenson
Andrew Stephenson - 7 years ago
My nephew and I used to do food challenges and by far, this one was the worst:
Andreas Mathiassen
Andreas Mathiassen - 7 years ago
But why!?
Andreas Mathiassen
Andreas Mathiassen - 7 years ago
GunsNChickenStrips I mean in Spain there is many people walking the streets collecting metal, maybe there was a parallel
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Andreas Mathiassen why is the sky blue,why are boobs good? We don’t know we just roll with it!;)
De Curry
De Curry - 7 years ago
Am I the only one that cringed when that little girl is picking up rusty old metal with NO GLOVES? o.O
Mark Koplin
Mark Koplin - 7 years ago
you're not trying to be rude but why is your interest making me hungry so I got me Fried Chicken
Cookie Wookie889
Cookie Wookie889 - 7 years ago
IamYmaro - 7 years ago
Really enjoyed watching. Unique!
Cooley Butler
Cooley Butler - 7 years ago
waw thats a good find
Emil Haugan
Emil Haugan - 7 years ago
Komment 1000
Thomas Stewart
Thomas Stewart - 7 years ago
Wow what's your bench?? You tossed that 500 lb magnet around like it was nothing
The One-Eyed King
The One-Eyed King - 7 years ago
0:01 Thanks for making an unnecessary mess.
Cole Thompson Vlogz
Cole Thompson Vlogz - 7 years ago
no offense but ur moving the camera around too much i can't focus on the video
High for Life
High for Life - 7 years ago
What state y'all from I recognize that place
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+High for Life Texas
chickenbro5 - 7 years ago
Too many dead bodies thrown in the rivers where I live...
Taha Sultan
Taha Sultan - 7 years ago
All you got was trash why bother doing this
usakindatheart flower
usakindatheart flower - 7 years ago
Who hoped what he found would add enough wt to sink him
usakindatheart flower
usakindatheart flower - 7 years ago
Lol, hope this catches on, clean those creeks!
blake jones
blake jones - 7 years ago
This is my first time watching and the name of his channel are me instantly made me like an sub
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+blake jones glad you like it!! Thank you!!!!
Case Seven
Case Seven - 7 years ago
Well done guys! Getting the junk out of the rivers. I want to magnet fish for black sand and see how much gold I can get. Thats pretty much my only way to prospect this year. We got alot of rain here in CA
Moto Smith
Moto Smith - 7 years ago
Saw the title "I didn't know fish stuck to magnets"
mad hatter
mad hatter - 7 years ago
This looks like it is a ton of fun!
Travis Missaghi
Travis Missaghi - 7 years ago
bro u think what u got was cool... i caught a fishing rod.... with.... a.... FUCKING FISHING ROD
Travis Missaghi
Travis Missaghi - 7 years ago
yea haha
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Travis Missaghi dangggg that’s awesome
TS:GO - 7 years ago
I have that same exact knife and it’s only 7 bucks on amazon
Benjamin Cravey
Benjamin Cravey - 7 years ago
That knife might be a murder weapon someone ditched you never know. The things you find in Texas waters
Saunterblugget Hampterfuppinshire
Saunterblugget Hampterfuppinshire - 7 years ago
subbed. entertaining asf, I'm here at 3:27 AM so...
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Saunterblugget Hampterfuppinshire thank you you’re awesome!;)
TelephonePlays - 7 years ago
I have the exact same knife as the one found out there!
Benjamin Szymanski
Benjamin Szymanski - 7 years ago
See cautio n
Benjamin Szymanski
Benjamin Szymanski - 7 years ago
Big or small I would Daisy chain my line Everytime instead of maybe topping An having rope and magnets rapped around my legs but looks cool
John Yoshii
John Yoshii - 7 years ago
This is awesome, at the title I was wondering how the hell you're fishing with a magnet haha. Awesome video, props. Rock on
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+John Yoshii I appreciate it homie!;)
J Rod
J Rod - 7 years ago
Hi Everlast
rhino - 7 years ago
why is this dude giggling about everything he pulls up...a bunch of boring BS
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+John-Jacob Jingle-Heimer Schmidt I’m sorry to hear you didn’t like it!;)
Bogey Brower
Bogey Brower - 7 years ago
That was fun, but put a life jacket on that little cutie.
SneakyZeke - 7 years ago
This is the type of stuff that makes me not want to swim in the creek anymore
Gary McKinnon
Gary McKinnon - 7 years ago
Hope ya don't get anything that weighs 500LB !
BackDoorTeezzy 3xplor
BackDoorTeezzy 3xplor - 7 years ago
You look like a douche bagg and asshole
Gitmo - 7 years ago
I live in Fort Worth!
Str8 Destiny
Str8 Destiny - 7 years ago
GunsNChickenStrips omg! You actually replied
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Alex shelton thanks!!!;)
Ryan Chambers
Ryan Chambers - 7 years ago
Dude. Somehow I got here from looking up the 2018 corvette concept.. As an avid fisherman.... I gotta say this is awesome and I can't wait to try.
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Ryan Chambers it really is a lot of fun!;)
Charles Perkins
Charles Perkins - 7 years ago
Is that Williams chicken
C. Hogg
C. Hogg - 7 years ago
Man, what a nasty river.
Duckaization - 7 years ago
So MANY ADS!!!!!
david scott
david scott - 7 years ago
Talk much?
Cory Cooper
Cory Cooper - 7 years ago
Way more interesting than originally assumed
CowardlyMango - 7 years ago
Big Frank's are great
Smitty Werbenmanjensen
Smitty Werbenmanjensen - 7 years ago
Why am I so intrigued by this?
don"s den - 7 years ago
love the dadd shirt. i have the same one.
aXema 1
aXema 1 - 7 years ago
Not gonna lie, when I clicked this video I wasn't sure if it was the intro or an ad for Popeye's
Aaron Johnson
Aaron Johnson - 7 years ago
That intro was confusing but didn't disappoint when I saw the name.
duck9191 - 7 years ago
Hell I know some places around here you could literally find a car lol. And a few thousand rims/tires.
Chris 8 Plays the kaiju fan
Chris 8 Plays the kaiju fan - 7 years ago
Easy way to fish?
Dark Side of the Drone
Dark Side of the Drone - 7 years ago
The one guy drags his mavic along and we don't get to see one aerial shot!!! He best watch out or someone will be dredging his mavic next time!
Dayton Diederich
Dayton Diederich - 7 years ago
i am a red blooded meat loving beer drinking american, and i have to admit that those vegan big franks are delicious! my grandparents always cad them when i was a kid. dont judge lol
Karen O
Karen O - 7 years ago
Fish Swallows Hook ~ Fish for Dinner. I Love This! Need to get one!! ~ * eat well.
MGL LION - 7 years ago
Dam rednecks.
michael rodriguez
michael rodriguez - 7 years ago
Where can you buy those magnets???
Gavin Allen
Gavin Allen - 7 years ago
Do u have wheezing problem
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Gavin Allen no I'm just fat lol
Gleb Gavrilichenko
Gleb Gavrilichenko - 7 years ago
Put the nife in vinegar
xEpicxdestroyer 47
xEpicxdestroyer 47 - 7 years ago
Yuri Ramirez
Yuri Ramirez - 7 years ago
I must be going to the wrong place... i found nothing
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Yuri Ramirez sometimes you don't you just need to find that honey hole
Justin Earle
Justin Earle - 7 years ago
I expect Pence to show up and then make a show of leaving due to the disrespect this guy is showing the flag by disseminating its likeness on his t-shirt.
Jackson Ray
Jackson Ray - 7 years ago
i like them cold weather gloves from walmart. so did the trucker that told me about them last winter. i hate how they flip inside out tho
fracti 87
fracti 87 - 7 years ago
Captain Falcon
Captain Falcon - 7 years ago
But what did stancie eat!?!!!!?!???!
Michael Cornelius
Michael Cornelius - 7 years ago
I had one of those knifes before they're super sharp when you first get them its got a smooth opening to it as well
34longbow - 7 years ago
Looks like fun. Should at least have had a life jacket on the youngster - accidents happen!
Brian Hays
Brian Hays - 7 years ago
The unknown thingy is part of a vibration isolator. . Used to hang AC or mechanical equipment to stop noise and shaking. Spring is missing. Lmao
S. White
S. White - 7 years ago
Man, get on with it... 4 mins before anything happens.. chat while you're doing something for the short attention spanned folk like me pls!
Alex Hanfland
Alex Hanfland - 7 years ago
I have the exact same knife that you found but mines like a rainbow color and I didn't find it in a river
LordBattleSmurf - 7 years ago
But WHY are you doing this?
DaedalusProps - 7 years ago
The knife he got is an M-Tech knife and it's sadly garbage. :C

Decent for rope and box cutting! but not much else tbh.
Andrew - 7 years ago
Only if Gold was magnetic
Dragon Butt
Dragon Butt - 7 years ago
Fort worth nature preserve. Preserving the nature. Like what the fuck xD
Sky Gaming
Sky Gaming - 7 years ago
Jubz & Bud
Jubz & Bud - 7 years ago
no shit...i live in ft worth, have you ever tried marine creek lake? its a more kayak friendly "no wake" lake
William Scharer
William Scharer - 7 years ago
Im sorry but why would you wear jeans in a kayak
Blake Hutto
Blake Hutto - 7 years ago
I'm surprised y'all didn't find a dead hooker.
John Siebenbaum
John Siebenbaum - 7 years ago
THANK YOU FOR HELPING CLEAN UP THE RIVERS! Super awesome human beings!
Aaron Myers
Aaron Myers - 7 years ago
5:28 to skip all the talking and actually get in the water
Joshua Klochak
Joshua Klochak - 7 years ago
I don't get it
Archibald Hammer
Archibald Hammer - 7 years ago
"biast" -> bias
David McEnerney
David McEnerney - 7 years ago
I fucking lost that exact knife in a creek
flopy derp
flopy derp - 7 years ago
why u Got a Mack me hungry
Bradle Paddle
Bradle Paddle - 7 years ago
Not as nice as your Benchmade
PYROxSYCO - 7 years ago
What do you guys do with this?
steele polk
steele polk - 7 years ago
Lady bird lake in Austin Texas!!!
Rob Klusener
Rob Klusener - 7 years ago
@GunsNChickenStrips hell come to florida and go to haul over canal and do that! There's sooo much crap down in there!
KarmasSoldier - 7 years ago
O_O holy shit i have the same knife different design but the EXACT same knife. Good knife for the money must say Tackforce speedster is it thats so funny.
Ray MAKES - 7 years ago
i was wondering what in the heck Magnet fishing was.... now im wonder what is at the bottom of my local river!
Tr33E00 - 7 years ago
Ray Pena i found a shopping trolley a bicycle 2 scooter and a box of paper clips and some more stuff.
2jetskis - 7 years ago
Love the video, quick suggestion from a guy that works in the wastewater industry....wrap high-pull magnets in a small cut of visqueen and duct tape. Can't tell you how many times I've had iron shavings or needles just shred the "puncture resistant" gloves we wear. Also helps to keep the magnets clean time after time. Keep the vids coming!
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+2jetskis thank you for the advice!;) will do!;)
Charles Wilder
Charles Wilder - 7 years ago
Who even cares what you find; you guys are a kick, especially with Stacey! Fun!
M Kefayati
M Kefayati - 7 years ago
honestly though, these guys and the little girl are actually cleaning up that river! seriously....who would throw a battery in the water! it poisons the echo system!
lots of thanks to you guys for doing what youre doing!
Glocktopus - 7 years ago
13:50 you can find those knives from MTech on amazon
John Lewis
John Lewis - 7 years ago
This has to be one of the best videos on youtube
iSeaGoat - 7 years ago
fish arent magnetic
Simon Baumber
Simon Baumber - 7 years ago
Do gators live in that water? If so, why is it not dangerous...
KLAHMBO - 7 years ago
Ashchu117 - 7 years ago
danknug11 - 7 years ago
great vids!
WisconsinEric - 7 years ago
That "vegetable protein" is made from Big Gov subsidized GMO soy. It is the lowest cost protein on the market because Big Gov subsidized it with your Tax Dollars.
piffdaddy420 - 7 years ago
the knife was a murder weapon!
Southern Food Junkie
Southern Food Junkie - 7 years ago
Y'all pulled some interesting stuff out. I need to try that sometime. Thanks for sharing.
MS MTB - 7 years ago
why are you calling it fishing? tf you arent catching fish you're catching pieces of metal
derp derp
derp derp - 7 years ago
Am I the only one who saw a gun instead of strap?
WarriorofCathar - 7 years ago
500lbs?! What happens when he accidentally catches onto some sewer pipe?
DEEZY Jones - 7 years ago
The nature preserve is cool as hell too
partypoison485 - 7 years ago
tf is this being recommended to me on every video and why the fuck does it have over 1m views..?
Seth H
Seth H - 7 years ago
You need a pelican bass raider or catch 120 for that type of fishing. Super stable, small, and cheap
penroc3 - 7 years ago
good to see martin taking his kid out, new to the channel
Sinner7 OfHate
Sinner7 OfHate - 7 years ago
Someone stabbed somebody with that knife and threw it in the river seriously
SR Daily Cambodia
SR Daily Cambodia - 7 years ago
Amazing to video
bill bellychik
bill bellychik - 7 years ago
yall are cool dads
Zangatti - 7 years ago
LOL this is awesome
rmiraflor - 7 years ago
Hahaha! That was way more entertaining than it had any right to be. Hope your tetanus shots are u to date!
Kevin Danger Powers
Kevin Danger Powers - 7 years ago
This was the most redneck thing I've watched all day but it was pretty entertaining! lol. "oh man, what's he gonna pull up?!" lol. But props to them for cleaning up the river. Fun and good for the environment.
blitz playz
blitz playz - 7 years ago
Who else thought is intro was a ad
Mistical unicorn Mistical unicorn
Mistical unicorn Mistical unicorn - 7 years ago
Take a shot every time Stacey gasps
blistic chickn
blistic chickn - 7 years ago
Love the name
Al Ob
Al Ob - 7 years ago
And when you think you've seen everything the greatest channel and host ever!
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Al Ob lol I don't know about that but thank you lol!;)
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Melodie Schneider you're welcome I'm glad y'all enjoy them!;)
TheJustonemore - 7 years ago
ok i'm in i an justonemore sub
Eric Swift
Eric Swift - 7 years ago
Fort Worth!!!! is that Chicken Express?
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Eric Swift it issssssssss
Wes Tyler
Wes Tyler - 7 years ago
You know why that knife was in there right? Half that stuff is probably evidence.
Jackson Ray
Jackson Ray - 7 years ago
forreal... he should most definitely take the knife in atleast...
BasqueOblivion - 7 years ago
reads that it's made with vegetable protein "They are both made of tofu, right?"
BasqueOblivion - 7 years ago
vegetable protein is a collection of different veggie's protein and tofu is made from soy beans.
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+BasqueOblivion lol I have no idea!;)
AnorexicPandas - 7 years ago
Your personality really makes this video awesome!
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+AnorexicPandas thank you I appreciate it!;)
bear jr
bear jr - 7 years ago
You guys seem pretty cool! If your videos are this silly banter while doing cool things I'll subscribe
bear jr
bear jr - 7 years ago
You know I feel really stupid but I somehow thought coming into this video that you fed the fish lead or metal or something and then use magnets to catch the fish..... I'm kind of disappointed
Dreadnought83 - 7 years ago
Sehr unterhaltsam, Dankeschön.
Rich Gran
Rich Gran - 7 years ago
Lifejackets, just say'n
If You Sub Ill Sub With All My 5 Accounts
If You Sub Ill Sub With All My 5 Accounts - 7 years ago
Yoo love you vids but please be careful some of those metals can contain bacteria which can kill you
Deketrick Hayes
Deketrick Hayes - 7 years ago
That chicken look good!
Stu JD
Stu JD - 7 years ago
I didn't know kayaks had magnets!
lilljack - 7 years ago
Legit thought your intro was an ad for popeyes.
Colton Miller
Colton Miller - 7 years ago
I have a knife just like that at 14:00 if you go on amazon and such “rainbow knife” it’s the second one it’s like $10
Capt Ron
Capt Ron - 7 years ago
Murica! fuck yeah man i love this shit.. it doesn't get any better than this.. thanks GunsNChickenStrips!
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Capt Ron lol thanks man!;)
Harrison Remedios
Harrison Remedios - 7 years ago
That knife is like a $10 amazon knife, I have the same one in a black/grey camo
Melissa Kerns
Melissa Kerns - 7 years ago
love the videos
Bob Down
Bob Down - 7 years ago
Martin and I.
Blitz Storm
Blitz Storm - 7 years ago
What an interesting concept.... A backyard blacksmith's dream come true with a lot of that scrap. Melt it down and reforge it.
BlueberrySapSmoke - 7 years ago
You know you can't catch a fish with a magnet right?
Marc Bowman
Marc Bowman - 7 years ago
That's nice you let Louise Belcher help yall with your find.
Shaydes Of Blue
Shaydes Of Blue - 7 years ago
Never heard of them type of can food but for survival of an apocalypse
Magic Shadow
Magic Shadow - 7 years ago
I got a wave kyak to
Bobby Maleki
Bobby Maleki - 7 years ago
Looks like tons of fun, I’m in Euless so not too far from you guys.
There’s a nice access point to the trinity river in euless off 157 right before green oaks if you’re heading south bound
Kailen Bittner
Kailen Bittner - 7 years ago
That is the best intro I have ever seen without a doubt
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Kailen Bittner thank you I'm glad you enjoyed it!;)
Bobby Dert
Bobby Dert - 7 years ago
Kenny Powers?
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Bobby Dert kennnny paaaaawwweerrs
mudhound0530 - 7 years ago
You went viral bro!
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+mudhound0530 I know man thanks to yallll!;) thank youuuu!!!!
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Jon Omandam I know man I love it!!;)
M C - 7 years ago
Tendies porn is the best!
Gun_Klub - 7 years ago
yall be careful messing around in the trinity your bound to catch the HIV sooner or later!
Badger - 7 years ago
Do that long enough and you'll find yourself a gun.
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Badger I hope soooooo!!;)
Joe Milton
Joe Milton - 7 years ago
Was wondering why my ad block wasn't working when the video started, then saw the name of the channel
MilMike - 7 years ago
before I clicked the video I thought you will be fishing for a fish with a magnet.. then I wondered how... maybe you will throw a bait containing a metal ball, fishes will eat it and you will just swim and fish for these fishes..
But no, you just fish for hot dogs ;)
Southernbanna - 7 years ago
The internet got me here somehow
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Southernbanna I know isn't it a weird thing lol
Magnet Fishing Australia with Alison, Eti & Josh
Magnet Fishing Australia with Alison, Eti & Josh - 7 years ago
Love your chicken intro
Rocket League videos
Rocket League videos - 7 years ago
Sub to me
Tommy Boy
Tommy Boy - 7 years ago
My old dog would eat anything he loved banana ring peppers but bought the vegan hotdogs once and he sniffed and backed away and went right to his dry dog food and just looked at me like you want some
A Very Stoned Bear
A Very Stoned Bear - 7 years ago
This is like.... "Tweakers on water"
A Very Stoned Bear
A Very Stoned Bear - 7 years ago
I was expecting actual fish to be attracted to the magnet, like some aquaman shit. Maybe I'm too high.
A Very Stoned Bear
A Very Stoned Bear - 7 years ago
Honestly, as a hippie mad approval from the Bear over here for cleaning up waterways.
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Fathom Bear might be true lol!;)
Wade Patton
Wade Patton - 7 years ago
Thanks for helping clean up the waters!

Sad that so much junk accumulates everywhere mankind goes, but it does. I'll stick to removing monofiliment and other nasty plastics and hooked things from fishing areas.

Also note that you can find plenty of stuff right where metal detectors have been, they tend to skip over all the iron. As MagDraggers, you simply don't have that option. I'd turn that knife in for warranty sharpening. whoot!
Naughtydog - 7 years ago
breaching the weight limit with all that metal lol
Joseph Cole
Joseph Cole - 7 years ago
Your YouTube name sound like a great name for a registered horse.
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Joseph Cole you're right!;)
JOEY joe
JOEY joe - 7 years ago
so youre picking up trash?
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+JOEY joe kind of lol!;)
Texas Glass Authority
Texas Glass Authority - 7 years ago
Cleveland Texas?
Cortez Angel
Cortez Angel - 7 years ago
thank you for cleaning the water you like real times heros
Perpetual Student
Perpetual Student - 7 years ago
Makes me sad our rivers are this bad. Could be worse I guess.
J litt
J litt - 7 years ago
6min in and two ads about bud light
Oldstuff Man
Oldstuff Man - 7 years ago
not eating that. not gonna do it.
The random Channel
The random Channel - 7 years ago
And he said other people are noob kayakers the way he boards the kayak
Brayden Hastings
Brayden Hastings - 7 years ago
If he wants a more the chicken must taste bad
1000hpHONDA - 7 years ago
Those are some weird looking fish you guys, is this filmed in Chernobyl, Russia?
Brennan Jones
Brennan Jones - 7 years ago
Put that hot sauce on it
Sam Krieger
Sam Krieger - 7 years ago
TAC FORCE Speedster - The $14 Amazon special!
Frédérick Bergeron
Frédérick Bergeron - 7 years ago
Make more man this video is so nice magnet fishing is awesome need to do more
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Frédérick Bergeron will do!;)
Pacific Fishing
Pacific Fishing - 7 years ago
I have the exact same knife!!!
Bassmanwcm - 7 years ago
16:00 Too bad "jimmy" didn't come to help his friend...something tells me it's ALL about him...
Brayden Justice
Brayden Justice - 7 years ago
Why does his profile look like the "England is my city" guy
Fag Paul
Fag Paul - 7 years ago
I like how they act like it's super heavy.
KLAHMBO - 7 years ago
sitting in a kayak and lifting 50+ pounds out of the water while not tipping over is tricky
PartyWavePro Games
PartyWavePro Games - 7 years ago
I have the exact same knife it is oil spill color
Jonathan - 7 years ago
I actually have that knife you found.
carol buckner
carol buckner - 7 years ago
Like it. I'm a granny and I have my stuff ready to go fishing......can't wait!
jason Brewer
jason Brewer - 7 years ago
Can you subscribe to my channel I sub to your Channel
Spaced Chaos
Spaced Chaos - 7 years ago
Lol I thought that is was a McDonalds ad at first
James Peters
James Peters - 7 years ago
I wish the intro was a little longer. That made my day and earned a sub.
phartattack - 7 years ago
6 MINUTES OF BS Before a magnet hits the water...Jeeeeeeze!
Zachary Breeding
Zachary Breeding - 7 years ago
I said chair before he pulled it out
Snoips - 7 years ago
Your intro made me hard
jonathan Sheffield
jonathan Sheffield - 7 years ago
I actually have that knife he found
Walter Levesque
Walter Levesque - 7 years ago
These guys are totally trump voters
Gerald Onyekwere
Gerald Onyekwere - 7 years ago
Try Lake Ray Hubbard next!
Gerald Onyekwere
Gerald Onyekwere - 7 years ago
I hate Lake Whitney! BSR in Waco is cool though!
TVhyrus - 7 years ago
I hope you guys had your tetanus shots before you did this.
By Storm Productions
By Storm Productions - 7 years ago
Question... Anyway you can magnet fish for a smart phone...? My friend just dropped theirs in a Quarry lol
Tyler Palm
Tyler Palm - 7 years ago
What do you do with the metal?
Silver to burn
Silver to burn - 7 years ago
Hot Dog!!!! Dude's got some balls to jump in the river like that!
Defined Dragon
Defined Dragon - 7 years ago
The kid is so annoying
Moni Waters
Moni Waters - 7 years ago
Is it normal for people to open there eyes in merky ass water like that? I normally keep my eyes closed cause I don't trust what it'll do to my eyes
JJ Diamonds
JJ Diamonds - 7 years ago
Next time you should be in your kyack and also have another one hooked on behind to store the metal you find out there!
pineconethegamer - 7 years ago
What if a fish has a hook in it's mouth
drvelocci - 7 years ago
6:35 Thought it was a gun
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+drvelocci I wish lol
texas guy
texas guy - 7 years ago
y'all should go to oaks crossing in mineral Wells if y'all are close to fort worth
Mike of Indy
Mike of Indy - 7 years ago
That seemed terribly uncomfortable. A flat bottom would be so much more accommodating.
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Mike of Indy I definitely agree lol
Attzero - 7 years ago
At first I was like how the fuck are they gonna catch fish using a magnet

I feel stupid
J17PedroBarca - 7 years ago
Attzero hell yeah
Attzero - 7 years ago
J17PedroBarca call me some time 911111111
J17PedroBarca - 7 years ago
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Attzero lol don't! At least four different people I have tried to explain this too have asked the same thing lol
REV J - 7 years ago
Only on YouTube can I watch a very American gentlemen, hunt for scrap metal...using a a kayak. How did people exist before the internet?
sans is the king
sans is the king - 7 years ago
REV J we didn't
Ethan Huckeba
Ethan Huckeba - 7 years ago
They just fucked to pass the time
Now we have Mac books
EXOSKNIGHT - 7 years ago
Mad vlad?
Shaun Kelly
Shaun Kelly - 7 years ago
1 million views for magnet fishing. Wow. Amazing. I give props.
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Shaun Kelly thanks man I appreciate it just got extremely lucky!;)
Simon Simonarson
Simon Simonarson - 7 years ago
dat intro do
Rambler - 7 years ago
tac force knives are the worst
No Zignature
No Zignature - 7 years ago
What is the purpose of this ?
Emily Johnson
Emily Johnson - 7 years ago
Those pelicans suck asd
mike gager
mike gager - 7 years ago
anyone else click to see how to fish with a magnet? you know, for actual fish?
PL Daily
PL Daily - 7 years ago
Nice video help sub my channel about sexy girl
supreme ghost
supreme ghost - 7 years ago
thanks for reuploading it i was like wtf when i was looking for it
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+supreme ghost I never took it down
Anthony Doge
Anthony Doge - 7 years ago
Where's the chicken strips meme
Rage Gaming24
Rage Gaming24 - 7 years ago
Wtf with the intro
Slagg CS
Slagg CS - 7 years ago
That's gotta be bad if it's worse than an mre, those were shit
Kyle Dudley
Kyle Dudley - 7 years ago
video starts at 17:03
Slagg CS
Slagg CS - 7 years ago
You, Sir, have the best YouTube channel name.
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Gaz \m/ thank you very much!;)
Minecraftjake11 - 7 years ago
I hop guy in white loes and bring John boat for heavy stofe
Cj Caeton
Cj Caeton - 7 years ago
I have the exact knife that he found it's camo
Ask The Pro DJ
Ask The Pro DJ - 7 years ago
the guy with the camera is so annoying, I hate his big voice!
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Ask The Pro DJ lol why would you take the time just to say that? Lol
nicholas langevin
nicholas langevin - 7 years ago
I like 10 of those tac-force knives from Amazon there like 10 bucks a piece
Tx Bombero
Tx Bombero - 7 years ago
The trinity river is very gross. It's very dangerous to. Its killed a lot people with its undertoes. I'm on the trinity near Cleveland TX.
King Sheepdog
King Sheepdog - 7 years ago
I legitimately enjoyed this video!!! Thumbs up all day.
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+King Sheepdog thanks man I'm glad you enjoyed it!;)
TypeSupport - 7 years ago
Wow james channel fuken blew up
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+TypeSupport I knowww I got so lucky thanks to y'all viewers!;)
Matthew Connor
Matthew Connor - 7 years ago
$10 knife
slump. - 7 years ago
clicked on video from dallmyd saw chickenstrips falling in slowmotion

i like this guy already
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+scrappy well I like you as well!;)
Nicholas Lombardo
Nicholas Lombardo - 7 years ago
GunsNChickenStrips I live in Arlington
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Supreme Audrey like how close because Fort Worth is my jammmmm!;)
James29440 - 7 years ago
You should post how much you made from selling the scrap metal.
rexxed757 - 7 years ago
use evaporust
Isaiah Booth
Isaiah Booth - 7 years ago
i have the same knife they found except mine is a dragon breath color
redman tv
redman tv - 7 years ago
You kneed to find stuff better than stupid scraps
Adam Salchenberg
Adam Salchenberg - 7 years ago
I clicked on this video and I thought it was gunna be stupid but now I wanna go do this myself dude lol. great video bro, keep it up:))
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Adam Salchenberg thanks man and yessss its surprising fun!;)
Neil Clack
Neil Clack - 7 years ago
Kind of neat after all these years, coming across a streak of youtube videos from awesome people in my area!
Nya Stclair
Nya Stclair - 7 years ago
God that chicken looks fucking good...
ravinsaber - 7 years ago
I legit thought that ratchet strap he pulled up was a revolver when he first pulled it up
Starburst - 7 years ago
Me too
Aaron Nation
Aaron Nation - 7 years ago
I subscribed just because of the intro
Marcus Cochran
Marcus Cochran - 7 years ago
Hahaha try the Brazos...There's a lot of trash in there. Be interested in seeing what got churned up after the weather though.
PGH Bottom Feeders
PGH Bottom Feeders - 7 years ago
Very cool video and channel we just subscribe.
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+PGH Bottom Feeders thank you sooo much!;)
Crispy K
Crispy K - 7 years ago
8:03 looks at the sky "oh i see what's going on down here" XD
joshuawgarner - 7 years ago
Martin and I, just saying
J N Morgan
J N Morgan - 7 years ago
Nice! That looks like a lot of fun!
NavDocRet - 7 years ago
Knife is probably a murder weapon.
ok, i feel dumber
Chris Bailey
Chris Bailey - 7 years ago
I've actually eaten both of those and they arent really too bad.
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+Ross Thomas thanks man its all thanks to y'all!;)
TreasureTycoon - 7 years ago
This was a cool channel to stumble upon, you definitely got a new subscriber! Cheers, from Massachusetts!
Viva Frei
Viva Frei - 7 years ago
Why is this so much fun to watch?!?
Chris Ray
Chris Ray - 7 years ago
Viva Frei you like watching tha cock
Wake Boarder
Wake Boarder - 7 years ago
Because we are different weird people.
KLAHMBO - 7 years ago
Viva Frei LOL, I totally understand. You gotta try it
ethan richmond
ethan richmond - 7 years ago
I thought he was fishing for fish with the magnet
Ninjacatman 2015
Ninjacatman 2015 - 7 years ago
14:20 those knives honestly suck ass, they are so unreliable, half the time the liner lock breaks, and the spring assist is terrible. The forefinger flip notch is so bad too.
short step
short step - 7 years ago
Glad I came across this channel,...very interesting,send link to where a Canadian can buy such magnets
KLAHMBO - 7 years ago
short step Amazon
bennyboy 10101010
bennyboy 10101010 - 7 years ago
I feel bad for the fried chicken in the beginning
ian - 7 years ago
i  kill    you  fuck
Gage Cox
Gage Cox - 7 years ago
I think tjats my knife idk it look a lot like mine and I lost mine.
Diddles Johnston
Diddles Johnston - 7 years ago
I love this guy
Idek18 - 7 years ago
I'm so confused.... is this actually a thing
KLAHMBO - 7 years ago
Idek18 yes!!!!
csufzombie - 7 years ago
Logan Henke
Logan Henke - 7 years ago
Where’d you get those sunglasses? I like those!
The Ravengirl
The Ravengirl - 7 years ago
I'd like to try doing what you're doing on my Magnet Fishing videos, but not being able to swim is a little problem. lol. XD
Smokin' Toes
Smokin' Toes - 7 years ago
Martins lens makes me so dizzy
gabriel molina
gabriel molina - 7 years ago
first video and i like the channel lmao
Mike Ormsby
Mike Ormsby - 7 years ago
Ah I didn't realize this was the trinity. Poo river haha
Paisley - 7 years ago
I've got that same tac force knife! It's actually fully red
Samuel Höög
Samuel Höög - 7 years ago
Check in My video when i burn my Teddy bear to death, sad or funny, please comment!
HogyBun - 7 years ago
I was more than half way through the video and realized they weren’t fishing for actual fish. Shouldn’t smoke when I browse YouTube.
GunsNChickenStrips - 7 years ago
+HogyBun bahahahah hilarious!!!;)
Phil H
Phil H - 7 years ago
Looks like some chicken express in the intro.
Wubba lubba dub dub
Wubba lubba dub dub - 7 years ago
Never bring a girl they're stupid as fuck and say omg to everything
Ray S
Ray S - 7 years ago
"All kinds of cool stuff"
KitaChan - 7 years ago
Please no more daughter videos
bailey flanagan
bailey flanagan - 7 years ago
Exodus fivesixfivesix
Exodus fivesixfivesix - 7 years ago
That is the worst vegan food I have ever seen. lol I don't mind vegan meals, but damn that is just too much..

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