Kayak 6 years ago 320,481 views
Fun day out on the Atlantic and a very basic stop and license look up. This is a pretty routine check on the water. I bring my wallet in a dry bag for this purpose as well. Marine Patrol inspected my NC fishing license and the Spans The fishing was decent. I went 1 for 2 on big barracuda and landed a ton of spanish mackerel to wrap up the day as well. ▬▬Gear Used/Discussed▬▬ Set up #1 Dark Matter Rod - Reel: Daiwa Fuego LT - Line: 15lb Power Pro Super Slick - 25lb Seaguar Leader - Set up #2 Penn Slammer 5500 (great deal) - Jigging World Nexus Rod 7'6" - 50lb Braid - 69lb wire - Lures used - Hogy SI Jig - Barracuda/Striper Tube - My kayak: Catch Bag: Fishfinder: ▬▬Ketch Board + Cradle▬▬ - The newest partner to EliasVFishing is Ketch products. The ketch board I was using is available here: - You'll probably want the cradle with the board also: Above are affiliate links ▬▬EliasV Partner Performance Apparel By SetTheHook▬▬ Receive 10% off at checkout for performance gear from - use code EliasV at check out ▬▬Social Media▬▬ Instagram @ EliasVFishing ▬▬Support The Channel▬▬ You can help support future uploads here - or visit the Amazon store @ Your support allows me to keep uploading regularly.
Smash that like button and subscirbe. This is a demonstration of a normal inspection of license and fish. Not that drama usual crap. Simple stuff and courteous. Make friends out there, rising tides float ALL ships. Coast Guard typically also would ask for your ID on their inspection ,so carry it. Have fun and play safe. Have lots of vids to upload this week.
As far as i know there is no european country where you need a license to fish at sea, there are only regulations about size and quantity
Great Vid! Thank You.
Shame on you, lost a sub, and blocked for clickbaiting
10. comment for MARINE POLICE CHECKS KAYAK FISHERMAN - WHATS IN THE COOLER? + Barracuda/Spanish Mackerel Blitz
20. comment for MARINE POLICE CHECKS KAYAK FISHERMAN - WHATS IN THE COOLER? + Barracuda/Spanish Mackerel Blitz
30. comment for MARINE POLICE CHECKS KAYAK FISHERMAN - WHATS IN THE COOLER? + Barracuda/Spanish Mackerel Blitz
What sort of country do you live in where you need a licence to fish?
I suppose next that you'll be telling me it's illegal to collect rainwater.
Definition of boarded: to get onto or allow people to get onto a boat, train, or aircraft
It is uncommon when you're on a boat that has room for more than one person for the DNR to actually board your boat, but it does happen. And that would be being boarded. But they are not going to board your kayak or jetski...
50. comment for MARINE POLICE CHECKS KAYAK FISHERMAN - WHATS IN THE COOLER? + Barracuda/Spanish Mackerel Blitz
Anyone who thinks licenses are bad is retarded and probably okay with poaching/want and waste. Do some research into why we have licences, it's not because the government needs their slice. Half the time that you go fishing what you're catching was put in there by a government agency just for you to be able to catch. And they need to do this every year which is why we need licenses you fucking idiots
I watch video.
And dumbass clickbait titles piss me off.
The Leo boarding was total crap. Waiting for it, I watched fishing in a kayak.... thinking, dude, do you know how your drag works?
Good 1st video to watch. No more wasted time here.
Bye. Thanks.
tight lines
Very nice video! thanks for sharing!!!
Question, I just replaced my old good humminbird fishfinder with Lowrance Hook2-7 SpliShot,
in hull trancducer installation.
tried it twice and encounterd strange issue, on water up to 30 Meter all look fine,
A clean and accurate picture of the bottom and sea floor, same for fish and lure movement.
On water above 30 Meter and around 40 Meter where the bottom is very rocky,
The image of sea floor becomes flat.
Tried optimize it with Range, sensitivity, frequency and zoom without success.
i will be happy to get any tweak tips that may optimize it, thanks and Tight lines :-)
the land of the free-ROFLMAO
100. comment for MARINE POLICE CHECKS KAYAK FISHERMAN - WHATS IN THE COOLER? + Barracuda/Spanish Mackerel Blitz
The Constitution says the Country is a Nation of Laws
That barracuda was literally a F'n monster, wow!
TLDR: licences aren't taxes we NEED licences for funding and natural resource (fish/game/parks) management. Without them there isn't enough funding.
God's forbid the peasants feed themselves.
Tightest of lines...
I only run a heavy rod with it. I will pull any fish my direction. Great video!
There are not to many places to relax and gather your thoughts anymore.
Please keep fishing if you still enjoy it.
Hence Mr tiger shark decides to have lunch and hit it and knocks you off the yak ...
Don't ask me how I know this ...
Thinking of cooler bag for my Hobie PA, how long does your hold ice?
OSH :-)
The charge for catching undersized fish and or not having the correct license is called POACHING. You can actually loose your Boat,Vehicle and trailer. In fact the DNR police delight seizing and reusing the boats.
You actually get more jail time for poaching than shooting somebody. The area is heavily dependent on the water ways as there are generations of small fishing businesses. There are certain areas where you can fish for free. The money generated from the license is put to good use however.
They have cleaned The Chesapeake Bay , The Delaware Bay. Most true fishermen have no problem with it.
What we do have a problem with is a lot of the unnecessary stops and boardings by DNR and Customs and Border.
In this area we have voluntary Coast Guard Inspections. Where the Coast Guard gives you a decal to put on your boat so you won't get stopped.
My issue is all law enforcement should respect the decal or learn the rules and they don't
I have to regester for free with NJ if I'm fishing in there waters.
Law or not. Get out of our way while we do what we been doing forever. It's natural and it's wrong and unjust to tax it.
Same with NOAA. From their cushy chairs in Washington D.C. they can tell you how many red snapper there are in the Gulf of Mexico. Smart folks.
Love the videos bro!
Then I realize I don't have my PFD. Crap. (It was completely flat water, and I accidentally left it in my car not even thinking about it). They also notice and proceed to escort me as I paddle back to my launch, well over a mile to write me a $90 ticket. Ouch. Yes, I screwed up, and we were very friendly with each other, but was all that really necessary? What killed me was that they never even checked my fishing license! (Which actually expired the following day..). I even offered, and they declined.
Ummm...think you misunderstood. My post was in response to the comment that we the people pay millions for these rescues that our Coast Guard or military, that theres additional expenses for them to do perform these rescues.
I guess DNR has there panties in a bunch because there have been so many water deaths this year. You cant fix stupid. Drinking and boating is not a smart idea. That and not paying attention to the Small Craft Advisory. They should have just given you a warning. Or left you alone.
Where are they when the motor boats are speeding dangerously close and throwing wakes on small vessels.
I've seen them ignore these safety issues to chase length and creel limit tickets.
Kayaks should be the least or their worries.