Fun day out on the Atlantic and a very basic stop and license look up. This is a pretty routine check on the water. I bring my wallet in a dry bag for this purpose as well. Marine Patrol inspected my NC fishing license and the Spans The fishing was decent. I went 1 for 2 on big barracuda and landed a ton of spanish mackerel to wrap up the day as well. ▬▬Gear Used/Discussed▬▬ Set up #1 Dark Matter Rod - Reel: Daiwa Fuego LT - Line: 15lb Power Pro Super Slick - 25lb Seaguar Leader - Set up #2 Penn Slammer 5500 (great deal) - Jigging World Nexus Rod 7'6" - 50lb Braid - 69lb wire - Lures used - Hogy SI Jig - Barracuda/Striper Tube - My kayak: Catch Bag: Fishfinder: ▬▬Ketch Board + Cradle▬▬ - The newest partner to EliasVFishing is Ketch products. The ketch board I was using is available here: - You'll probably want the cradle with the board also: Above are affiliate links ▬▬EliasV Partner Performance Apparel By SetTheHook▬▬ Receive 10% off at checkout for performance gear from - use code EliasV at check out ▬▬Social Media▬▬ Instagram @ EliasVFishing ▬▬Support The Channel▬▬ You can help support future uploads here - or visit the Amazon store @ Your support allows me to keep uploading regularly.

MARINE POLICE CHECKS KAYAK FISHERMAN - WHATS IN THE COOLER? + Barracuda/Spanish Mackerel Blitz sentiment_very_dissatisfied 480

Kayak 6 years ago 320,481 views

Fun day out on the Atlantic and a very basic stop and license look up. This is a pretty routine check on the water. I bring my wallet in a dry bag for this purpose as well. Marine Patrol inspected my NC fishing license and the Spans The fishing was decent. I went 1 for 2 on big barracuda and landed a ton of spanish mackerel to wrap up the day as well. ▬▬Gear Used/Discussed▬▬ Set up #1 Dark Matter Rod - Reel: Daiwa Fuego LT - Line: 15lb Power Pro Super Slick - 25lb Seaguar Leader - Set up #2 Penn Slammer 5500 (great deal) - Jigging World Nexus Rod 7'6" - 50lb Braid - 69lb wire - Lures used - Hogy SI Jig - Barracuda/Striper Tube - My kayak: Catch Bag: Fishfinder: ▬▬Ketch Board + Cradle▬▬ - The newest partner to EliasVFishing is Ketch products. The ketch board I was using is available here: - You'll probably want the cradle with the board also: Above are affiliate links ▬▬EliasV Partner Performance Apparel By SetTheHook▬▬ Receive 10% off at checkout for performance gear from - use code EliasV at check out ▬▬Social Media▬▬ Instagram @ EliasVFishing ▬▬Support The Channel▬▬ You can help support future uploads here - or visit the Amazon store @ Your support allows me to keep uploading regularly.

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Most popular comments

EliasVFishing - 6 years ago
Happy Labor Day Folks, uploaded this one first since here's a DOPE deal on amazon for Penn Slammer III

Smash that like button and subscirbe. This is a demonstration of a normal inspection of license and fish. Not that drama usual crap. Simple stuff and courteous. Make friends out there, rising tides float ALL ships. Coast Guard typically also would ask for your ID on their inspection ,so carry it. Have fun and play safe. Have lots of vids to upload this week.
crist ff
crist ff - 5 years ago
EliasVFishing you worry so much first thing you no like Spanish
Pagan Light
Pagan Light - 6 years ago
The unknown fish looks a bit like a rock cod, not sure if you get them over there though
Prynce Al
Prynce Al - 6 years ago
What is the red thing on the end of your line?
Eric Weisenhorn
Eric Weisenhorn - 6 years ago
aren melissant NC started requiring a salt water fishing license in 2005. Up until then it was not required. The revenue generated from sport fishing licenses goes directly toward enforcement (paying for wildlife officers) and conservation programs. Instead of the money coming from the state's general budget, it comes from those participating in the sport. The license is a nominal amount, $15 USD, and is valid for 1 year. Anyone over the age of 16 must have one. I don't have a problem paying the fee. It's not unreasonable and it directly supports a sport in which I love to participate.
Pat Lowney
Pat Lowney - 6 years ago
Wait till you hook onto what's 12 foot long shark then you wish you weren't sitting in a kayak. Did you know that man is a delicacy for shark. I'm a retired commercial fisherman I've seen a lot of big fish. We were dragging a beam trawl net. We caught everything in our 24-foot wide path. there were days we catch 400 pounds of shrimp in a matter of a half an hour. On average we would catch sturgeon 5 to 6 ft long one particular day we caught one over 9 ft long. We also caught halibut that we're close to 5 feet long and that was in the SF South Bay Google Dumbarton Bridge pull up an aerial photo and you will see that you're really finished.
SuperJlonergan - 6 years ago
aren...its crazy that the residents of some states have allowed state does not require one...its quite sickening that the supposed free country is very not free...i cant imagine poor people bein able to afford it which is a way to eat healthy as a poorer person
EliasVFishing - 6 years ago
4500 or 5500
RanochVTX - 6 years ago
+aren melissant Money bro that's why. Easy source of income for the states without doing anything.
Gusttavo - 6 years ago
Which size for the slammer would you recommend for the cape cod canal?
aren melissant
aren melissant - 6 years ago
As a european im very surprised that you need a license to fish at sea.
As far as i know there is no european country where you need a license to fish at sea, there are only regulations about size and quantity
MySuburbanHomestead - 6 years ago
What part of the Atlantic do you live on? I just moved to Virginia Beach from Mobile, AL. Looking to hook into some Spanish this year on my yak.

Great Vid! Thank You.
Christopher - 5 years ago
(In German accent) Are your papers in order? I wonder if this what are Founding Fathers envisioned.
Jason B
Jason B - 5 years ago
Nice Cuda, man. Law Enforcement are generally nice as long as you're nice to them and comply with what is requested, There are bad apples everywhere, but that's just the same as anything else. Keep on Fishin!
Bear Butthole
Bear Butthole - 5 years ago
I just found your content and was super excited until I came across this click batey ass video. Not how you should grow your channel. Unsubscribed.
CODY ELAM - 5 years ago
need a license to fish lmao
Geordie - 5 years ago
Guy didn't board kayak, he stopped his launch damaging your kayak by fending it with his hand.

Shame on you, lost a sub, and blocked for clickbaiting
ozarkarts - 5 years ago
I have to say, that was extremely BITCHIN’!!!!! Thanks for the great video!!!
Douglas Fox
Douglas Fox - 5 years ago
Nice set up..that Cuda was a Sick Fighter..them DNR make me Sick...Money Generators to pay for illegals Freebies...
rickychewy - 5 years ago
always with the clickbait

10. comment for MARINE POLICE CHECKS KAYAK FISHERMAN - WHATS IN THE COOLER? + Barracuda/Spanish Mackerel Blitz

Jon - 5 years ago
Scumbag Clickbait Bullshit Fishing Video. try something original.
maniac541 - 5 years ago
Jeff Hale
Jeff Hale - 5 years ago
fishing is supposed to be fun...catching that big one looked as much like fun as spending the day busting up a driveway with a 20 lb sledge...
Mike - 5 years ago
Whats up with the clickbait????
zillafan 7
zillafan 7 - 5 years ago
The title is "marine police boards kayak" he didn't board the kayak I guess it's click bait
Soul Fly
Soul Fly - 5 years ago
there ya go child , stick that hand nea a cudas mouth
Mark Shetterly
Mark Shetterly - 5 years ago
Sounds like Ray Romano fishing show.
Jacob Vizinat
Jacob Vizinat - 5 years ago
Why make a bs title like that?
korpakukac - 5 years ago
Downvoted for clickbait
Big Al Cervantes
Big Al Cervantes - 5 years ago
I freaking hate the police or pigs.

20. comment for MARINE POLICE CHECKS KAYAK FISHERMAN - WHATS IN THE COOLER? + Barracuda/Spanish Mackerel Blitz

john smith
john smith - 5 years ago
Don't wanna mishandle that snaggletooth!
TheDiamondRhino - 5 years ago
samoanpunch - 5 years ago
Surprise, surpruise, another sheeple bowing down to government. WTF is the point of a constituion if you just give up your rights? Americans have turned out to be the perfect slaves.
Mark White
Mark White - 5 years ago
Anybody ever tell you you sound like Raymond, from "Everybody Loves Raymond"
Joe Volvo
Joe Volvo - 5 years ago
People don’t like clickbait... making a clickbait title will only make people not want to subscribe.
Douglas Ewing
Douglas Ewing - 5 years ago
Why are the cops always around, like don't they have a job to do than to sit and watch two kayakers?
Static Grey
Static Grey - 5 years ago
4:56 with ur eyes closed
hearsay henderson
hearsay henderson - 5 years ago
Fishing license lmao. How dumb we are. Giving up a God given right for a privilege. We must be the stupidest generation yet
LS1 Ghost
LS1 Ghost - 5 years ago
Whos hear from NORTH CAROLINA
Matthew_Aviation - 5 years ago

30. comment for MARINE POLICE CHECKS KAYAK FISHERMAN - WHATS IN THE COOLER? + Barracuda/Spanish Mackerel Blitz

f dx
f dx - 5 years ago
You need a licence to fish?
What sort of country do you live in where you need a licence to fish?
I suppose next that you'll be telling me it's illegal to collect rainwater.
Ben Mallah
Ben Mallah - 5 years ago
Apparently not the 3rd world country you live in
Mr. Bar Down
Mr. Bar Down - 5 years ago
So I been wanting to kayak in the ocean, but I'm kinda scared. Will sharks fuck with you?
Gerald Chavannes
Gerald Chavannes - 5 years ago
Denny - 5 years ago
Taylor Boyd
Taylor Boyd - 5 years ago
If you’re watching this video ... DON’T total fkn CLICKBAIT
ozskipper - 5 years ago
Moist - 5 years ago
Didn't know Ray Romano was into fishing
davidenglish2003 - 5 years ago
That looks like a great workout.
Kenneth Dokus
Kenneth Dokus - 5 years ago
I don't know looked like a black sea bass to me. Specially in the Atlantic
Big Mike
Big Mike - 5 years ago
You are a Liar!!!
Nick Kiedaisch
Nick Kiedaisch - 5 years ago
ezkieler850 - 5 years ago
What’s the point of this? What service are they providing?
Matt - 5 years ago
Good fishin but boarded? C'mon, i know you want views but clickbait much? Annoying dude.
Matt - 5 years ago
+Joe Prett I no state is being checked by the man, called "being boarded".

Definition of boarded: to get onto or allow people to get onto a boat, train, or aircraft

It is uncommon when you're on a boat that has room for more than one person for the DNR to actually board your boat, but it does happen. And that would be being boarded. But they are not going to board your kayak or jetski...
Joe Prett
Joe Prett - 5 years ago
That's what happened, that's what it is called
Zeus The Gamer
Zeus The Gamer - 5 years ago
13:59 you missed a larger fish goin after the Spanish mackerel you should’ve dropped a larger jig down and gone after it
Maxwell Hunt
Maxwell Hunt - 5 years ago
That unknown fish is a bank sea bass
Deryk Anderson
Deryk Anderson - 5 years ago
Failed to see when he "boarded" the boat. CLIIICKBAIT!!!!
MrRaynemaker - 5 years ago
I think I would have kept the wrist rope on the fish pliers.
Sane Man
Sane Man - 5 years ago
0:55 LMAO!!
Jacob Vizinat
Jacob Vizinat - 5 years ago
Bob Boitt
Bob Boitt - 5 years ago
I understand they have a job but its messed up that now days you cant even fish without Police interference. Where have our freedoms gone? Understand Im an Old guy who fished in the days of no searches or interruptions while enjoying a day on the water. The most we had was to be checked once back at the dock and even that was rare.

50. comment for MARINE POLICE CHECKS KAYAK FISHERMAN - WHATS IN THE COOLER? + Barracuda/Spanish Mackerel Blitz

demetri kavoukas
demetri kavoukas - 5 years ago
We’re is this thank you
demetri kavoukas
demetri kavoukas - 5 years ago
Gears to light lol
Michael Davies
Michael Davies - 5 years ago
thats not heavy gear try pulling a 27kg cob on that
国王飞行 - 5 years ago
90% American never go fishing and don't know how but they do know how to jab blablabla.
Erwin Rommel
Erwin Rommel - 5 years ago
国王飞行 I guess I’m part of the 10%
Aero TV
Aero TV - 6 years ago
Imagine if your credit card falls in the ocean
razorsharpbt - 5 years ago
The fish might make a hot Amazon order for some chum.
Aero TV
Aero TV - 6 years ago
+Mike Ranochak lmaooooo
Mike Ranochak
Mike Ranochak - 6 years ago
At least you don't have to worry about anyone running it up lol.
Nick - 6 years ago
Anyone who thinks licenses are bad is retarded and probably okay with poaching/want and waste. Do some research into why we have licences, it's not because the government needs their slice. Half the time that you go fishing what you're catching was put in there by a government agency just for you to be able to catch. And they need to do this every year which is why we need licenses you fucking idiots
Nick - 6 years ago
My original comment (since it's being manually changed by host YouTube account)

Anyone who thinks licenses are bad is retarded and probably okay with poaching/want and waste. Do some research into why we have licences, it's not because the government needs their slice. Half the time that you go fishing what you're catching was put in there by a government agency just for you to be able to catch. And they need to do this every year which is why we need licenses you fucking idiots
Brad P.
Brad P. - 6 years ago
Chip Estrada
Chip Estrada - 6 years ago
You sound like Ray Ramano
Francis Ramp
Francis Ramp - 6 years ago
My buddy got a ticket for blowing through a no wake zone..... He is a charter Capt. He had a diabetic medical emergency. He had already called 911. The ambulance was at the ramp. The FWC Florida Wildlife Commission officer still wrote the ticket. My buddy took it to court. Explained his 20 years of violation free experience. His advanced first aid and CPR training and the rest of the story. The judge threw it out and made the officer write a formal letter of apology.
razorsharpbt - 5 years ago
Officers have discretion for a reason.
Joe Smith
Joe Smith - 6 years ago
I love fishing. Can't fish in winter.
I watch video.
And dumbass clickbait titles piss me off.
The Leo boarding was total crap. Waiting for it, I watched fishing in a kayak.... thinking, dude, do you know how your drag works?
Good 1st video to watch. No more wasted time here.
Bye. Thanks.
Timothy Reyna
Timothy Reyna - 6 years ago
Kendall Arthur
Kendall Arthur - 6 years ago
Where did y’all put out of?
THOMAS SODOMIZER - 6 years ago
What the fugg? How many fish could you poach in a kayak. Ridiculous waste of time.
The Hammer
The Hammer - 6 years ago
You click baiting mf
Rab Nord
Rab Nord - 6 years ago
President Trump is our Robin Hood!
Fisherman Reel time
Fisherman Reel time - 6 years ago
I caught that size barracuda on a little Penn 440 SSG reel and you had to fight that thing for THAT LONG it took me maybe 5 minutes if that to get it in
Fisherman Reel time
Fisherman Reel time - 5 years ago
+Patrick Briley yes I was in a little $200 one
Patrick Briley
Patrick Briley - 5 years ago
Were you in a kayak?
Paul Ernandez
Paul Ernandez - 6 years ago
love the rods from Jigging world!! I have several of the Black Widows...nice fishing!!
tight lines
Capt Termite
Capt Termite - 6 years ago
I think u gotta be butt-ars stupid to go offshore in a kayak. Get a real boat cause sooner or later the weather WILL change.
David Coker
David Coker - 6 years ago
Law enforcement ain't about right or wrong. It is about revenue. Law enforcement are the house negro of the Jewish nobility in America. The country is now run like a Jew owned corporation where we are no longer people but "human resources". They should just go ahead and call us cattle. That is what we have become. The insidious nature of an ever more intrusive government will one day smother our freedom like a wet blanket. People will just stay home for fear of the gauntlet of game wardens, corp of engineer, park police, local cops all looking for a promotion and a larger paycheck. Justice be damned. You think I am an anti Semite? Who cares. Facts are facts. Name me any important institution in America other than the N.R.A. and the Supreme Court of late that isn't either owned or controlled by those that identify as Jews. When this was a Christian nation there was not this distrust of public servants. There are a lot of cops that are simply thugs wearing badges acting as tax collectors for other thugs passing laws which under the color of law steal from all of us. America has lost all understanding of what liberty and freedom are all about. We were much more free before the the thugs in $1,000 suits wrote laws strictly defining our "rights" down to the last detail. We once could assume that we were free to engage in an activity as long as we weren't causing harm to another. In other words there needed to actually be a victim that was caused harm by your action. THAT AIN'T HOW THE LAW WORKS Now if you are just suspected of a crime you can be arrested and put in prison without access to an attorney or even a phone call. This is how it looks after a country attacks you and takes over your government from the inside. Zionists have hijacked America. You want to argue about it? Bring it on. Until we put the perpetrators of 911 in prison we will never regain our liberty, our freedom, or our country.
Rodney Pratt
Rodney Pratt - 6 years ago
Is it possible to use the propulsion of the kayak to fight the fish ? Or is that a safety issue ?
Walks As Elk
Walks As Elk - 6 years ago
I believe that was a sand perch
larrysheetmetal - 6 years ago
Can't you eat Barracuda caught North of Georgia , due to they don't eat fish the live on red coral which make them (cuda) poisonous ?
nunya business
nunya business - 6 years ago
Only reply" DO YOU HAVE A WARRANT. "
Sharkattack 966
Sharkattack 966 - 6 years ago
They are federal dont need no warrants
slowstang88 - 6 years ago
Freaking revenuers.... Had a game warden creep up on me and checked my license, didn't give a damn what was on the stringer or in the bucket....
Mr Yusuf
Mr Yusuf - 6 years ago
I love kayaking
brianadams429 - 6 years ago
My experiences here in Fl with FWC. Is nothing but positive. He'll I've had them tell me about killer fishing spots that had posted no trespassing signs, I don't break any of the laws so I have nothing to hide.
M KOZAZCKI - 6 years ago
Damn seems like you have decent content but I hate clickbaiters. That officer did not “board” your kayak at any point and he was nothing but respectful. Clickbait.
hornet - 6 years ago
Why do you need a fishing license for fishing in open ocean for catching a handful of fish.That shows me that we are being bullied by the government.
Petter Pam
Petter Pam - 6 years ago
Looks like a croaker
Kobi Shalom
Kobi Shalom - 6 years ago
Hello friend,
Very nice video! thanks for sharing!!!
Question, I just replaced my old good humminbird fishfinder with Lowrance Hook2-7 SpliShot,
in hull trancducer installation.
tried it twice and encounterd strange issue, on water up to 30 Meter all look fine,
A clean and accurate picture of the bottom and sea floor, same for fish and lure movement.
On water above 30 Meter and around 40 Meter where the bottom is very rocky,
The image of sea floor becomes flat.
Tried optimize it with Range, sensitivity, frequency and zoom without success.
i will be happy to get any tweak tips that may optimize it, thanks and Tight lines :-)
namingsway - 6 years ago
Clickbait title ftw
Iguana Pete
Iguana Pete - 6 years ago
What do you do if you get a leg cramp?
Zane M
Zane M - 6 years ago
From the amount of moaning im this i'd think this was porn
Ck T
Ck T - 6 years ago
try stoppin the click bait and you will get less thumbs down
tsfcancerman - 6 years ago
Just travel to norway and you dont need crap like this in saltwater unless you sell fish or fish on big scale. And i know of many good places thou i wouldnt use kayaks since waves are usaly never under 3 meters.
tsfcancerman - 6 years ago
And you should realy have a line on every tool and bottles on the boat or a floating device on them
tsfcancerman - 6 years ago
Should just have thicker lines and a handcrancked roller to get it up
tsfcancerman - 6 years ago
Just use 120 kg line:)
Eric Weisenhorn
Eric Weisenhorn - 6 years ago
I lived in a Caribbean country for a couple of years. There are no fishing regulations, thus no enforcement there. The fishing around the island was extremely poor since the locals had decimated the fish population and what they did manage to catch was small. It was typical for what happens when there are no regulations and no enforcement of those regulations. Humans don't do a very good job of self regulating without laws and enforcement. I have no problems with being checked by game officers. Some Americans have very poor concepts of how it would be without such regulations and enforcement.
Iowa_Bassin - 6 years ago
9:00 is what you came for
zheneggmobile - 6 years ago
too many adds, you are not that special. i wont be back
Alisha - 6 years ago
you need a fishng licence for offshore fishing in usa ? that's kinda silly. in australia we call those mackerel spotties. Spanish have lines at the back and a long line down the middle.. Odd how in usa they call it a spotty mackeral a spanish when you can clearly see the spots on the fish.
teveler - 6 years ago
jadekayak01 - 6 years ago
you need a fishing license for sea fishing???

the land of the free-ROFLMAO
J G - 6 years ago
Yeah dumbfuck we actually care about the health of our fisheries. It’s called responsibility.
cartmanrlsusall - 6 years ago
Those fish hit hard I'm wondering why you don't paddle towards the fish when it's on the hook especially with a wreck nearby for cover,
melvin boyce
melvin boyce - 6 years ago
unless they step on your boat they did not board you. Why add the click bait to what is a stand alone video?
Kdjdidkxjx Hdjfjfjfj
Kdjdidkxjx Hdjfjfjfj - 6 years ago
Click bait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sierra Force
Sierra Force - 6 years ago
Great Video!. Like the interactions with police. Everyone was respectful and presented information. People doing their jobs. and people enjoying their fishing trip.
J G - 6 years ago
Not really police but ok
Big Ron
Big Ron - 6 years ago
Thumbs up from me but I'm not built for Kayaks and I ain't fishing for any fish with teeth LOL. I'll stick to fresh water but it sure looks like fun!
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 6 years ago
Sweet video!

100. comment for MARINE POLICE CHECKS KAYAK FISHERMAN - WHATS IN THE COOLER? + Barracuda/Spanish Mackerel Blitz

MrCurtisass - 6 years ago
you have to buy fishing license so the cop can ride around in that boat to see if you have a license
Jay Dee
Jay Dee - 6 years ago
So has anyone seen where we LOOSE the 4th amendment right to unwarranted "search" while hunting & fishing??? The LAW is the LAW.. If you have NOT been observed committing a crime, they CAN NOT search . These "fish & game" cops are trained to violate the law. They believe there correct, but the Fish & Game arm of LAW ENFORCEMENT is not any more "above the constitution" than another city , county or state police. They do "observe through binoculars" & can search based on what "crime" they believe was observed, but to search your trunk just because? wake up America....
Sharkattack 966
Sharkattack 966 - 6 years ago
I know this is old but dude its federal they dont need warrants or probable cause
OC Run
OC Run - 6 years ago
Aren't you supposed to keep the fish you catch in your own vessel?
Steven Feil
Steven Feil - 6 years ago
Bow to the man..... no freedom.
A Conneely
A Conneely - 6 years ago
Steven Feil
The Constitution says the Country is a Nation of Laws
cope b
cope b - 6 years ago
where in nc? i live in wilmington
Bad Ass
Bad Ass - 6 years ago
the warden never boarded you , you just wish he would have. (but style)
semper fi ,
semper fi , - 6 years ago
Nex time use a better line please
James Wezkiewicz
James Wezkiewicz - 6 years ago
Great vid!
Cristian Leiva
Cristian Leiva - 6 years ago
I think this guy had just learn a new word!! Absurd
George Sykes
George Sykes - 6 years ago
8:30 is where it starts
Kroogg - 6 years ago
Not really sure why there are so many giving negative comments towards the wardens or in this case maritime police. 1) if your not doing anything wrong there is no problem. 2) they are out there to insure that the very thing we enjoy, are protected and we can do for many years down the road. 3) they are out there for your safety as well, they help prevent drunk drivers on the water. I have been stopped many times by wardens. Never had an issue, they were always polite (of course i was too).
Douglas R
Douglas R - 6 years ago
barracudas are the rats of the sea
Gerald Terán
Gerald Terán - 6 years ago
very good video! What model is the kayak?
henry carmona
henry carmona - 6 years ago
Hobie outback
Joe Blow
Joe Blow - 6 years ago
What is with all the internet fisherman and trying to bully every fish they hook, who taught this guy how to fish? Let the drag work!
Donny Vang
Donny Vang - 6 years ago
What a duesce bag go f with some drunken dicks sone where else
Khemtrail Frank and the Climate Changers
Khemtrail Frank and the Climate Changers - 6 years ago
what kind of chumps go around checking licenses. we are a nation of sissies....
Darrell Foust
Darrell Foust - 6 years ago
Boarding? Whatever
Shakes itoff
Shakes itoff - 6 years ago
Can't even fish today without government fn with us. Land of the fee home of the slave.
Gary Box
Gary Box - 6 years ago
sgtkrazykramer - 6 years ago
Ok.ok so its one guy. In a He's fishing. So what gives any so called agency. Cop. Fish f__k o's to hasle anyone in the ocean? Inland lakes. Ok yes. But the ocean. I'd tell him to f off. No hesitation at. F him
Андрей Краснопевцев
Андрей Краснопевцев - 6 years ago
Класс! Как всё строго.
Capt. Rich
Capt. Rich - 6 years ago
That barracuda was literally a F'n monster, wow!
Scott Bunning
Scott Bunning - 6 years ago
Man one day one day I hope to have as much experience as you man I see you catchin really nice fish all the time man maybe I need to start going farther than the local rivers again but I had a big trip for a skunk but I’ve been going every weekend last few months and already have learned a lot and then I pull a rookie move yesterday and snap my medium heavy rod trying to get a snag out pulling up instead of walking straight backwards and then it snaps and pops loose I was trying to save my leader set up didn’t want to rig up again but I had two other rods ready to go but now I need to buy another medium heavy
Scott Bunning
Scott Bunning - 6 years ago
Kinda freaky being out there on that kayak when you see people get theirs Cudas etc taken by big sharks at the boat oooh man that could end badly lost me are bringing my Cuda in lol not mention those Cuda teeth
Henry McNeil
Henry McNeil - 6 years ago
ads killed the vid I'm leaving
karl wood
karl wood - 6 years ago
you need a licence to fish in the sea in america? lol
Cindy  Harding
Cindy Harding - 5 years ago
How far off shore are u?
firebirdude2 - 5 years ago
The Asian countries fish species to extinction. We limit the number you can take (no single family needs 300 fish at once) as well as the size (you only take adults) to help prevent overfishing. If you can't understand why, then you're part of the problem.
Cerus98 - 5 years ago
karl wood - Without fees there would be no fish to catch.
Chase Lee
Chase Lee - 6 years ago
+die-eggo camaney god forbid we dont overfish or whale huh?
Iconoclast - 6 years ago
In Cali a lot of the funds have gone into breading and conservation. Fish like the white sea bass which were virtually extinct now have a crazy successful comeback. Also in Cali no need for a license if you fish from a man made structure ie.pier or jetty.
LongStraightLines - 6 years ago
+Bastian Delpiero No, Mike Lyons didn't kill anyone. Why are you even talking about stuff like that on a fishing video? Go back to your safe space.
Nick - 6 years ago
Yes because we have conservation efforts that are funded almost entirely by hunting /fishing. It's not about getting the kings animals it's about managing parks/wetland, preventing over use of natural resources, managing wild populations (ex: deer, turkey, small game) and ensuring future generation can do the same. If we don't pay for licences the scale of damage to the environment would grow exponentially. Some states have an overpopulation/competition issue with some species now that people aren't hunting as much. Instead now these State organizations that have been funded for years off of taxpayer licenses are now having to look to alternative means of funding which right now is unsustainable.

TLDR: licences aren't taxes we NEED licences for funding and natural resource (fish/game/parks) management. Without them there isn't enough funding.
A&A Britten
A&A Britten - 6 years ago
+die-eggo camaney Indeed they do and that is why all their seas are empty, ruined deserts.
Bastian Delpiero
Bastian Delpiero - 6 years ago
Mike Lyons now you own all the oceans? You killed and exterminated almost all native Americans do you feel proud of that?
Mike Lyons
Mike Lyons - 6 years ago
Only sense all the immigrants are raping our oceans, keeping under size fish and any species...
die-eggo camaney
die-eggo camaney - 6 years ago
Yes, and the commercial fisherman have it worst. Yet all the Asian countries fish all they want no restrictions.
Adirondack Bladesmith
Adirondack Bladesmith - 6 years ago
+Stevie Wonder well put.
God's forbid the peasants feed themselves.
Stevie Wonder
Stevie Wonder - 6 years ago
Its a lot like Robin Hood over here. Nobody gets to the kings animals without his paid for permission
DCD 1972
DCD 1972 - 6 years ago
Dude.... the last video I saw was you and your friends eating sand fleas. Somehow I got unsubscribed to you and several other of my fishing YouTubers. Good to see you. I want to drive up from Texas sometime to fish with you and a couple of the other guys. Bring my kayak in my Gulf Coast Surf gear and hit Montauk. I need to look back through your videos and see your version of the trip with John Skinner.
9363234 - 6 years ago
how did he board your Kayak?
mayassa58 - 6 years ago
Thanks great video
Tackle Advisors
Tackle Advisors - 6 years ago
And I thought you were gonna dive in and swim for freedom.....CLICKBAIT!!!
David Coker
David Coker - 6 years ago
I fear law enforcement more than I fear criminals. Oh wait. Many times they are one and the same.
Chris Lee
Chris Lee - 6 years ago
David Coker #MAGA
Frank Zima
Frank Zima - 6 years ago
That was a great video as always Elias! I'm not looking for specifics here (I'm only fishing NY and New England), but what's the closest town/city to where you're fishing, how far out, and how deep in that area? If it's confidential I understand!
Tightest of lines...

SuperJlonergan - 6 years ago
do you really have to pay 250 dollars for fish ocean waters!!!???? wtf is this country coming
GRPR TRPR - 6 years ago
Nope you gotta pay $20.
Patrick Dunavan
Patrick Dunavan - 6 years ago
SuperJlonergan No.
John Doe
John Doe - 6 years ago
You should have made an escape attempt. Would have gone viral.
NFiltr8Red - 6 years ago
I have a Penn Torque 2, 5500 and I will say I Love my Slammer 3 more. The Slammer just feels smoother but the Torque can definitely catch a small whale......jk.
Paul Bouchard
Paul Bouchard - 6 years ago
Bodega Bay California, go for a row, coast guard on hyper patrol
Hopeland - 6 years ago
Broskenini I've been subbed since 7k and I'm tryna tell you this now, the catch n cooks are the bread n butter. This is cool too tho.
marshallrayy - 6 years ago
Looking at how bent your rod was, i would personally loosen my drag, less stress on yourself and you wont lose the fish
KW Cearley
KW Cearley - 6 years ago
Its Ray Ramono….am I wrong?
Matthew Josef
Matthew Josef - 6 years ago
You won't see this in Hawaii - no fishing license required. They respect man's god given right to fish.
Jar of Smegma
Jar of Smegma - 6 years ago
An imaginary boogie man can't give you rights.
Nick - 6 years ago
The last comment is only one to make any sense. I hate people who think licenses are a tax. Morons.
GRPR TRPR - 6 years ago
Matthew Josef here’s what you don’t know...the recreational fishermen in NC wanted a recreational salt water license for years. The commercial fisherman association (I can’t remember the correct name but you get the idea) fought the license requirement for years. The reason the commercial fishermen did not want the recreational guys to have a required recreational salt water license is simple. Once the rec guys are paying money for a license to fish they then have the power to make their voice heard in regards to fishing regulations. Before the license requirement, the only group putting money into the government via license sales was the commercial industry. Now groups like CCA & other recreational fishing organizations can say “we have so many thousands of license holders in our organization & we want this regulation or that regulation changed.” The commercial guys fought the rec license tooth & nail because they knew that would give the rec guys more power in regards to fisheries management. Now you see the 2 sides fighting for & against regulations that would benefit one side or the other. The license is actually a very good thing. Now the rec guys have a say in how the resource is managed.
W Boring
W Boring - 6 years ago
but you can't own and carry a gun to protect your own life......
Villa.Cardenas_5 - 6 years ago
I don't think overfishing would be as much of a concern in Hawaii givin the population
Mace S
Mace S - 6 years ago
You should get a kastking Sharky Baitfeeder lll 4000. Best reel I have ever bought! I landed a 7 foot 120 pound Gar with it no problem. Great reel salt or fresh water.
I only run a heavy rod with it. I will pull any fish my direction. Great video!
Sebastian q
Sebastian q - 6 years ago
By the title you make it seem worse than what he did brotha.. I get not wanting to stop fishing. I’m a fisherman in Florida. And I’m glad to see those guys at work, it’s my tax dollars. He seemed very fair with you bro. Nice fish though man.
Great video brother!!! I’d love to hook up and fish with you some time. We fish behind Topsail all the time and occasionally btb. Thanks for sharing that!!!
Creative Health
Creative Health - 6 years ago
Elias do you have a job?
JoeC's_RC - 6 years ago
If you had to take a bite from the big Spanish Mac you caught on this video or a big blue fish which would you choose? I mean the mack has some big teeth but I don't know how much jaw pressure they can apply...a blue has smaller teeth but we know they have some powerful bite strength.
Christopher - 5 years ago
+f dx You are right... it is myth that Americans are free.
J/C - 5 years ago
+Dennis The Menance Stay cool Brother...
There are not to many places to relax and gather your thoughts anymore.
Please keep fishing if you still enjoy it.
f dx
f dx - 5 years ago
+Bob Boitt So why do people insist on calling the US of A the greatest country in the world and the land of the free when in fact you are living in a police state with very few freedoms and a lot of laws.....and guns, lots and lots of guns. But hey the very fact that everyone is armed makes your country so much safer from a dasterly government that wants to take away your freedoms....Ohhh wait on.....
Bob Boitt
Bob Boitt - 5 years ago
+Dennis The Menance Truth! I pulled up to a boat ramp with Dad started to back in a Jon Boat and here they come.....searched the boat; coolers asked for licenses, boat registration, ramp permit, found two beers in the cooler (saving for lunch time one each) demanded we dump them out! I said F-you we aint fishing here...packed up the boat and left. Fkn Police State we live in.
Thomas Mcluckie
Thomas Mcluckie - 6 years ago
ya you don't live in a police state lmao sad
Dennis The Menance
Dennis The Menance - 6 years ago
I no longer got 1 mile out and Bam, Got Hit by 3 different Pooleace cking my License .. I got so fed up? I gave my license to the last Cop and Turned around and went back in to port and haven't fished since.. they can keep it.. and told them all? I'm a Senior US ARMY Draftee..Shot more Assholes in Nam than you will ever and with a M14 and a 50 cal on a Jeep! Screw you and your boss forcing you to do this to us..!
Roi - 6 years ago
Can you refuse searches?
lee gar
lee gar - 6 years ago
this shit is unbelievable 2KAYAKS, I mean so many things, but in these days on this country there is no free expression
winner wolf
winner wolf - 6 years ago
Tip .... When releasing a big cuda on a yak just let it go and don't hold it next to the yak so long ..

Hence Mr tiger shark decides to have lunch and hit it and knocks you off the yak ...

Don't ask me how I know this ...
Dennis Dubois
Dennis Dubois - 6 years ago
The land of the free
leadbeatter James
leadbeatter James - 6 years ago
They didn't board
Phil Box
Phil Box - 6 years ago
Caught a 40 kilo Spanish Mackeral on the Great Barrier Reef off Mackay on the central Queensland coast recently. Nearly longer than me. Huuuuuge. Caught my first GT as well and then later I caught another one and that was nigh on 30 kilos. Soooo much fun. Cobia, Yellow fin Tuna and plenty of bottom bashing fish too.
Hisslave1 - 6 years ago
If they ask to see my fish I say go ahead, help yourself. I slush all the fish on my boat and add pool salt. The temperature in the cooler is well below freezing.
Charles Turner
Charles Turner - 6 years ago
make some fish chowder with corn , potatoes etc .
Christopher Biegel
Christopher Biegel - 6 years ago
I'm always happy to see them out there working. I'm always surprised that I have only been checked once in decades of fishing, crabbing, lobstering, etc.
jason R
jason R - 6 years ago
Craig from CT
Craig from CT - 6 years ago
How far off shore are you guys? That small fish looks like a black sea bass. same tail and colors jut a little lighter.
LOONY TOONER - 6 years ago
Those are some strong fish. Teeth look dangerous. Love the cloud formations.
LOONY TOONER - 6 years ago
I fish lake trout up here. They are doggers, but nothing like those things. You can see what I am talking about on my channel. That red tube thing. It,s a weight?
EliasVFishing - 6 years ago
Cuda are bad ass
Amy Zukowski
Amy Zukowski - 6 years ago
Nice catching and Happy Peddling.

Thinking of cooler bag for my Hobie PA, how long does your hold ice?
EliasVFishing - 6 years ago
Almost a full day for 20lbs of ice in 90 degree weather.
Noel Laflamme
Noel Laflamme - 6 years ago
any way that you could do a video on the new hobie outback? curious about your opinions of the changes
sakib khan
sakib khan - 6 years ago
baracudda catch and cook!!!!!!!!
Nick Traina
Nick Traina - 6 years ago
You gotta do a pugfish/stargazer catch and cook
Hooter Texas
Hooter Texas - 6 years ago
I got checked yesterday. It was super weird because he wanted to know when I got my live shrimp.
Swing4gr8nessN8 - 6 years ago
You should look into an action hat
Muhamed Husic - Ibrukic
Muhamed Husic - Ibrukic - 6 years ago
Hey Elias catch and cook Gar. Please?
old school hawking
old school hawking - 6 years ago
Isn't it nice when you don't break the law, you don't have to worry about anything? I subbed, you have a very interesting video there.
OSH :-)
Pap Papinskie
Pap Papinskie - 5 years ago
Isn't it nice not being Jewish so you have nothing to worry about?
RanochVTX - 6 years ago
Great video man. I'm jelly of your setup.
pat - 6 years ago
Never seen barracudas that fight like an AJ. They usually jump a few times and stay near the top. The small ones [up to say 15 pounds] are great eating.
E J - 6 years ago
Good video...i was waiting for the cop to board...he was cordial
Baked Bear
Baked Bear - 6 years ago
I believe it's a rockfish, but I'm not too sure. Happy labor day man.
walter makowski
walter makowski - 6 years ago
Baked Bear mm
Oxyrisen - 6 years ago
You need a license to fish in saltwater?
marineVaviator - 6 years ago
+Carl Smith in Florida a Saltwater and Freshwater license together is only $32.50. If you're only going to fish in Saltwater only it's $17 or if you are fishing from the Shoreline only then it's free. With inflation after almost 40 years, i would say it's relatively the same price. According to the inflation calculator from a $5 fishing license from 1980 is worth $15.27 in 2019. With the ease of doing it from a computer and printing it in the moment, I'd say it's cheaper doing it today then it was in 1980
Carl Smith
Carl Smith - 6 years ago
+marineVaviator $50 is not cheap, in 1980 it was $5.
Kumquat army
Kumquat army - 6 years ago
And fresh if your over 16 in certain states
cubanace Simulations
cubanace Simulations - 6 years ago
So much bullshit,that we have to pay to fish,it's just a way to get money out of people,it's the ocean and it's free to everything and everyone.
juan rodriguez
juan rodriguez - 6 years ago
seasons for different fish size limits state and fed laws it is complicated
Ronald J
Ronald J - 6 years ago
In the Delmarva area (Delaware , Maryland and Virginia) for those of you not familiar
The charge for catching undersized fish and or not having the correct license is called POACHING. You can actually loose your Boat,Vehicle and trailer. In fact the DNR police delight seizing and reusing the boats.
You actually get more jail time for poaching than shooting somebody. The area is heavily dependent on the water ways as there are generations of small fishing businesses. There are certain areas where you can fish for free. The money generated from the license is put to good use however.
They have cleaned The Chesapeake Bay , The Delaware Bay. Most true fishermen have no problem with it.
What we do have a problem with is a lot of the unnecessary stops and boardings by DNR and Customs and Border.
In this area we have voluntary Coast Guard Inspections. Where the Coast Guard gives you a decal to put on your boat so you won't get stopped.
My issue is all law enforcement should respect the decal or learn the rules and they don't
Oxyrisen - 6 years ago
Kroogg Thanks. Yeah, you’re right.
marineVaviator - 6 years ago
There's a license for both Freshwater and Saltwater but they're cheap.
Kroogg - 6 years ago
Florida Definitely has a license and it cost. Don't go fishing without it you will regret it.
Oxyrisen - 6 years ago
Really?! I have a house in NJ and Fl and I’ve never heard about this for either state. I don’t fish that much though.
John Radomski Jr
John Radomski Jr - 6 years ago
Every state is different in NY its a free salt water registry and that allows me to fish in CT RI with out having to buy a license.
I have to regester for free with NJ if I'm fishing in there waters.
RanochVTX - 6 years ago
In the U.S yes you do.
Binksy 07
Binksy 07 - 6 years ago
Dam that first kuda faught like a whale
Flash Cloud
Flash Cloud - 6 years ago
Kinda funny in a sad way. Chinese fishing boats are all over the world with 75 mile long fishing lines and a fleet of 3,500 boats catching as much fish in a week as other nations catch in a YEAR! But yeah stop dudes in Kayaks to pass out tickets for a regressive tax. yay...
Agent J
Agent J - 6 years ago
+jyoon106 as demonstrated by what, fucktard?!!
jyoon106 - 6 years ago
White folks do the same.. aite..
Agent J
Agent J - 6 years ago
+Bri B NC feeling all blessed at the moment? When exactly did it feel blessed?
Agent J
Agent J - 6 years ago
+Bri B good slave, the license everyone can buy, is quite the assurance of moral standard.
Agent J
Agent J - 6 years ago
It's easier than doing something actually useful. McJob Culture.
Villa.Cardenas_5 - 6 years ago
Yup. California spinny lobster. I've heard they snag them and sell them to the Asian markets. It's not just lobsters though. They keep pretty much anything they catch, undersized or not.
Villa.Cardenas_5 - 6 years ago
Right!? It's bullshi* here in the west coast we have poachers hitting the jetties for lobsters and they don't seem to do anything about it.
Cobradriver99 - 6 years ago
+Bri B because they are fishing illegally and keeping catches that are under size. On top of they are over fishing and doing everything you are whining about, so wht not? Oh let me guess, those little guys in a kayak are catching more fish right? Fuck out of here with your bullshit.
Jeremy Smith
Jeremy Smith - 6 years ago
Flash Cloud you sir are retarded and quit being a bitch, they are doing their job, you know that thing your dad keeps bitching at you to get!
Bri B
Bri B - 6 years ago
So what you're saying is, fuck hunting and fishing laws, licenses, etc. Let people kill all the deer they want, harvest all the fish they want. Derp indeed.
Flash Cloud
Flash Cloud - 6 years ago
Lots of projection in your words. Yeah the USA (remember that country?? Durr hurr)...Should go after the real perpetrators. It isn't guys in kayaks. Why? the numbers don't support it. Derp. I have an idea go back to your NC fish and game job. There is nothing else you can obviously do. HAHAHAHAHA
Bri B
Bri B - 6 years ago
So the NC fish and game guys should go hit up Chinese boats for license checks? Don't be a moron. I want fishing and hunting laws enforced, as any ethical sportsman should.
Bryan - 6 years ago
China does a lot of stupid stuff that they end up regretting.
Sold Not Told P
Sold Not Told P - 6 years ago
Tube n worm is the most rediculus setup that just works ..from cow stripah to massive cudaz lol ..I've even hooked and got spooled by massive blue finz ...ive tried to fish it w/o the worm doesn't work as well dun understand it but tube n worm is a giant slayer
Juan Miguel Elayda
Juan Miguel Elayda - 6 years ago
What's in the Box!......I,I mean what in the Cooler!?
fishman10988 - 6 years ago
That was a sand bass, they have no size limit and to my knowledge are decent table fare
Get Tight Fishing
Get Tight Fishing - 6 years ago
The penn slammer 3 is a great reel, but watch out for those side plate screws backing out. That’s the only real issue I’ve seen with them... the gears sometimes end up stripping from the side plate loosening.
BFries55 - 6 years ago
Those barracudas look like a lot of fun, too bad I don’t live by any oceans
riner9 - 6 years ago
I like seeing them doing their job.
jacob castille
jacob castille - 6 years ago
In theory is a word of the wise yall
Fishing Fresno
Fishing Fresno - 6 years ago
Do the patrol guys frown on talking like a pirate while on the water. Nice day of fishing.
Mike Whitaker
Mike Whitaker - 6 years ago
Same thing happened to Skinner not long ago
anthony alessi
anthony alessi - 6 years ago
Mike Whitaker I think these guys just want there five minutes of YouTube fame
Matt Jirgal
Matt Jirgal - 6 years ago
That's some beautiful view... I don't rember seeing that kind of sky when you were up here in NY...
EliasVFishing - 6 years ago
Too much pollution
Dr Ft
Dr Ft - 6 years ago
3:20 looks like a city from the future
Patrick Hartman
Patrick Hartman - 6 years ago
Neat to see when a check goes smoothly like that especially when they are so polite like that there's a few up my way that abuse their power and ain't so nice ☺
Steve Heins
Steve Heins - 6 years ago
That little guy was a bank sea bass.
Frank Ladd
Frank Ladd - 6 years ago
I'm glad they are out checking. It helps keep the slobs more honest and they are little trouble for the rest of us.
Adirondack Bladesmith
Adirondack Bladesmith - 6 years ago
The patrol should back off unless you are caught keeping premature fish or littering.

Law or not. Get out of our way while we do what we been doing forever. It's natural and it's wrong and unjust to tax it.
Fifth Horseman
Fifth Horseman - 6 years ago
+Frank Ladd
Frogger 251
Frogger 251 - 6 years ago
Frank Ladd just because something’s a law doesn’t make it just or moral. See Rosa parks
Hisslave1 - 6 years ago
I fish close to a hundred days a year, offshore up to 125 mi, never seen a Japanese or ChiCom boat.
Same with NOAA. From their cushy chairs in Washington D.C. they can tell you how many red snapper there are in the Gulf of Mexico. Smart folks.
Hisslave1 - 6 years ago
Maybe you need to study the Constitution
Frank Ladd
Frank Ladd - 6 years ago
+Frogger 251 I think you may need to study maritime law and history. Boats are always subject to search and always have been.
Frogger 251
Frogger 251 - 6 years ago
Frank Ladd really!? you’re glad they’re out there violating peoples civil liberties without any sort of probable cause!?
finsntail56 - 6 years ago
Thank you Elias, same to you.
carrier pigeon7
carrier pigeon7 - 6 years ago
How would you rate that nexas jigging world rod? I am looking for a spinning rod that can handle blue cats up to 70lb
EliasVFishing - 6 years ago
It’s the right stuff for that. Those cuda are animals
Ney Garcia
Ney Garcia - 6 years ago
Robert Gerber
Robert Gerber - 6 years ago
Really good. That cuda was like a missle. Congrats on 50000. I remember 2500.
EliasVFishing - 6 years ago
Yeah, long way thanks man!
KEVLAR TV - 6 years ago
I would love to see a video of your setup. Keep rocking!
J.A.Ratt85 - 6 years ago
Do my eyes deceive me or was that a baby hammerhead right after the fish and game guy? So Elias have you started using those cool Chinese jigs with new hooks in them? Sorry if I asked before my memory hasn't been the best lately.
J.A.Ratt85 - 6 years ago
those really cool looking ones you got in the video where you bought the super cheap stuff that you said you were going to trash/sell but I told you to just put some good hooks on them.
EliasVFishing - 6 years ago
Sharpnose shark. Which jigs you referring to?
Hart-Transplant Outdoors
Hart-Transplant Outdoors - 6 years ago
Another great catch, another great video. Thanks for the primo content. Just noticed the new PFD, that old one had seen better days.
OceanJoe - 6 years ago
Hey Elias, can you make a video of how you make the tubes? And would they work casting them from shore?
Love the videos bro!
EliasVFishing - 6 years ago
Don’t cast very far unfortunately.
Hey EliasVFishing I want to know are you fishing by the Buoy because I can hear it in your YouTube videos :-) ?
SeaBilly Fishing
SeaBilly Fishing - 6 years ago
You doing any color correction? That sky looks amazing man.
SeaBilly Fishing
SeaBilly Fishing - 6 years ago
EliasVFishing looking great man
EliasVFishing - 6 years ago
Nope natural amazingness.
RX Angler
RX Angler - 6 years ago
Great video! That bird action was pretty cool.
flysubcompact - 6 years ago
I would love to get on one of those bait ball frenzies in a kayak. Looks like a hoot.
M Clark
M Clark - 6 years ago
"Ohhh no I scratched the handle" everybody knows on of those guys!
EliasVFishing - 6 years ago
SchusterFishing - 6 years ago
Cool seeing you fish a Slammer 3, I have the 4500 and I love it
SchusterFishing - 6 years ago
ST Richards a big difference in size/weight
ST Richards
ST Richards - 6 years ago
Mind if I ask, what's diff b\w the 4500, 5500, 6500 etc etc?
RLP Systems
RLP Systems - 6 years ago
Love hearing that sea buoy. Well done
Patasaurus Rex
Patasaurus Rex - 6 years ago
Police state USA 2018.
Woody Stemms
Woody Stemms - 6 years ago
Good day on the water ... heavy-duty tackle was definitely in order. Thanks for posting. Enjoy the holiday.
LACHY EL MULATIKO - 6 years ago
What size cooler bag is that
EliasVFishing - 6 years ago
It’s the Reliable Fishing Products kayak bag. It fits on the bow of my yak perfectly. Click on link in description should give accurate info
Jonathan Denton
Jonathan Denton - 6 years ago
Hey man open invite to you I will be going to ocracoke island in October targeting bull reds at night from the surf and fishing flounder, trout, and puppy drum during the day from a boat if you’d like to fight a 50 inch drum in the surf get up with me
Jonathan Denton
Jonathan Denton - 6 years ago
EliasVFishing no problem if you click my name the one in my profile I caught there in April it was a 52 incher incredible fish in the surf
EliasVFishing - 6 years ago
Thanks man!
Scott Clausen
Scott Clausen - 6 years ago
Those barracuda look outrageous. Will be in that neighborhood in early October. Was planning on surf fishing, but now will definitely be bringing the boat. Hope all the Spanish, and maybe some of those cuda, will still be around.
EliasVFishing - 6 years ago
Def spanish should be around not sure about cuda
Mr. Queen
Mr. Queen - 6 years ago
Congrats on 50K great man <3 love your videos and you and your unique voice :)
naughtpigeon - 6 years ago
Recently had an interesting encounter with the MD DNR on my kayak. Was in the middle of finally catching some decent size stripers during the summer lull in MD, and I was probably the only boat of any type out there as far as I could see. They rolled up on me in the middle of catching a solid fish, and we were having a friendly chat about how the fishing's been and whatnot.

Then I realize I don't have my PFD. Crap. (It was completely flat water, and I accidentally left it in my car not even thinking about it). They also notice and proceed to escort me as I paddle back to my launch, well over a mile to write me a $90 ticket. Ouch. Yes, I screwed up, and we were very friendly with each other, but was all that really necessary? What killed me was that they never even checked my fishing license! (Which actually expired the following day..). I even offered, and they declined.
King Moo
King Moo - 5 years ago
+Phattygoodness Yes, it is. And when you get called out at 1800 after working 10 hours that day and you begin a SAR (search and rescue) for the missing vessel and boaters that runs another 10 hours your are getting overtime. Then there is the issue of additional Officers being called out to assist that would have been off duty... NOT getting paid running additional equipment that would NOT have been burning fuel. That's how the costs go up. Costs that not only you bear the burden of but the actual responders performing the SAR operation share the cost in. Contrary to your impressions not all agencies have manpower on duty 34/7/365 like you think. They can call it up... at additional expense. When you get off work at the end of your day stick around your job for another 8 or 10 hours and continue to work. Then tell your company you don't want the pay for the extra hours, that would save your company from somehow incurring the additional expenses for you performing services that you do every day, regardless. See what I did there?
Stephen Gates
Stephen Gates - 5 years ago
naughtpigeon - what is so stupid is that they want you safe and to have the proper gear, but made you paddle back on your own without it which is totally not safe. If they were going to site you for not having PDF then they should have made you get in their boat, take you back and tow your yak and have you get your stuff then site you.
Phattygoodness - 6 years ago
+Danilushka Ozera

Ummm...think you misunderstood. My post was in response to the comment that we the people pay millions for these rescues that our Coast Guard or military, that theres additional expenses for them to do perform these rescues.
Danilushka Ozera
Danilushka Ozera - 6 years ago
@ Phattygoodness: the fees are not for revenue: they are meant to penalize non-compliance with regulations in order to discourage people from breaking the regulations that protect our fisheries from abuse..
Sshooter444 - 6 years ago
You're lucky it was only $90, quit yer you don't forget it next time!
Phattygoodness - 6 years ago
Never really understood how a government agency that's on call and on duty patrolling and drilling 24/7/365, somehow incurs additional expenses for performing services that they do every day, regardless. It seems to me that "we the people" already pay to have these services and agencies do what they do, and anytime they actually engage and save lives, we're getting something in return for our investment. I know they do other things, but saving lives, even those of stupid people, is clearly part of their duties.
Danilushka Ozera
Danilushka Ozera - 6 years ago
Think of it from their perspective: a lot of people die every yer because they didn't wear PFD's and We The People (who fund the Coast Guard) pay millions of tax dollars for rescues in situations where a PFD might have prevented that emergency call. Better to have it and not need it.
Ronald J
Ronald J - 6 years ago
Naughtpigeon I dont know what is worse MD DNR or the Border Patrol and Customs Police.

I guess DNR has there panties in a bunch because there have been so many water deaths this year. You cant fix stupid. Drinking and boating is not a smart idea. That and not paying attention to the Small Craft Advisory. They should have just given you a warning. Or left you alone.
John Radomski Jr
John Radomski Jr - 6 years ago
personal flotation device or life jacket
RanochVTX - 6 years ago
Forgive my ignorance but what is a PFD?
EliasVFishing - 6 years ago
Damn that’s a trek and a half dude. Interesting story
Monica King
Monica King - 6 years ago
On that wreck jawn huh lol
CrimeVid - 6 years ago
Absurd !
Dean Fulford
Dean Fulford - 6 years ago
Nice work catch em up bro
Owen Francis
Owen Francis - 6 years ago
Looking good, when you coming back up here? You should come to the canal some time.
EliasVFishing - 6 years ago
I’ve had enough of Striper crowds to last me ten lifetimes. Striper on my terms only
R W Glavin
R W Glavin - 6 years ago
I'm surprised the clam cops were out that far. Nice vid. Thanx for posting.
14theroad1955 - 6 years ago
Great video, seemed like everything came together to bring you the perfect day of fishing...nice.
bobbyd41c - 6 years ago
I was gonna ask if you got that slammer on amazon. The deal is still in effect. Never thought I’d see you with such a heavy reel. I had one in my hand last week but thought it was to heavy for what I needed. Hell of a deal though.
EliasVFishing - 6 years ago
I’ve been having trouble with tarpon and cuda on my standard 3000 and 4000 stuff. Never needed anything heavier up north. Slow learner
Tyler Cahill7
Tyler Cahill7 - 6 years ago
You have a sort of Seth rogan voice in a way that’s not a insult or anything rood just something I think no one has to agree just a thought
Steven C
Steven C - 6 years ago
+EliasVFishing yea a little bit of both I reckon
Tyler Cahill7
Tyler Cahill7 - 6 years ago
EliasVFishing I never thought of that I think Seth rogan for sure
EliasVFishing - 6 years ago
What happened to Ray Romano?
Tyler Cahill7
Tyler Cahill7 - 6 years ago
ClovertheVandal to each is own I guess
ClovertheVandal - 6 years ago
cool guy 57 I can kinda see it but my friend thinks he sounds just like him
Tyler Cahill7
Tyler Cahill7 - 6 years ago
ClovertheVandal it’s like a hint of accent of his
ClovertheVandal - 6 years ago
cool guy 57 my friend says this every time we watch his videos but I dont hear it
MeMe man Mcfoster
MeMe man Mcfoster - 6 years ago
are the sharks dogfish?
EliasVFishing - 6 years ago
I think sharpnose
L Johnson
L Johnson - 6 years ago
I like your channel...soooo stop reaching for the hook on cudas without your pliers! Jeez LOL Looks like they could saw a finger clean off
its 5.56 somewhere
its 5.56 somewhere - 6 years ago
screw that guy. Go find some illegal aliens
Robert Curtin
Robert Curtin - 6 years ago
It's still a drag,let the little guys fish in peace.
Where are they when the motor boats are speeding dangerously close and throwing wakes on small vessels.
I've seen them ignore these safety issues to chase length and creel limit tickets.
Kayaks should be the least or their worries.
Bob Boitt
Bob Boitt - 5 years ago
+Rab Nord exactly....well said. Plunder fees from the little guy trying to enjoy a day on the water.
Rab Nord
Rab Nord - 6 years ago
And they allow corporations to decimate populations for profit, they also allow "Natives" to let millions of pounds of fish rot on the banks......
Richard Adams
Richard Adams - 6 years ago
Fishing license are unconstitutional.
Adirondack Bladesmith
Adirondack Bladesmith - 6 years ago
Gotta crack down on those pesky fishermen. No man who could efficiently feed himself with the gubment can be trusted.
cdimmm - 6 years ago
land of the fee
Will Riley
Will Riley - 6 years ago
Robert Curtin He was near a popular wreck that can get crowded at times so on the weekends they often quickly check people out there. I think what they are mainly checking is liscence.
Ralph Dellamorte
Ralph Dellamorte - 6 years ago
you should have replied “its filled with cocaine” our tax dollars hard at work
Adam Bomb Creations
Adam Bomb Creations - 6 years ago
Sold Not Told P
Sold Not Told P - 6 years ago
+War_Destroyer absolutely agree....just protecting our fisheries makein sure we all play by the rules
collin - 6 years ago
Nati Whatever definetly won't arrest you for an empty fish bag dumbass
War_Destroyer - 6 years ago
I'm fine with what they're doing, plenty of assholes out there.
Nati Whatever
Nati Whatever - 6 years ago
Being funny with those guys just doing their job can lead to you getting a free ride to the station and some hours of waiting while they go through all your stuff... wouldn't recommend.
Dfishman76 - 6 years ago
Are you fishing wrecks or ledges?
Dfishman76 - 6 years ago
EliasVFishing how far out are you going on those kayaks?
Dfishman76 - 6 years ago
EliasVFishing I live hour and a half from you here in NC. Wanting to get me a boat to do more saltwater fishing. Welcome to NC
EliasVFishing - 6 years ago
Wrecks, would prefer to find them on ledges, wouldn't break off on ledges. Have not found cuda on the inshore rocks here.
Ian Greenberg
Ian Greenberg - 6 years ago
Another good one
Mike Detres
Mike Detres - 6 years ago
Great video. And congratulations on reaching 50k subscribers

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