MOKAI CLASSIC - Motorized Kayak in action.

The original MOKAI Classic motorized kayak in action on the water. Lightweight, durable, runs in 6" of water, fuel efficient (8 hours on 3 gallons of fuel) gets you places you never thought possible. The perfect watercraft for fishing, exploring and adventure. Easy to use, no tools, no towing, no trouble. Also available with Electric Start motor.

MOKAI CLASSIC - Motorized Kayak in action. sentiment_very_dissatisfied 24

Kayak 12 years ago 289,968 views

The original MOKAI Classic motorized kayak in action on the water. Lightweight, durable, runs in 6" of water, fuel efficient (8 hours on 3 gallons of fuel) gets you places you never thought possible. The perfect watercraft for fishing, exploring and adventure. Easy to use, no tools, no towing, no trouble. Also available with Electric Start motor.

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Most popular comments
for MOKAI CLASSIC - Motorized Kayak in action.

Василий Румянцев
Василий Румянцев - 7 years ago
Northwest Travel
Northwest Travel - 7 years ago
Wow, so cool. Wish I had one
Jacob Israel
Jacob Israel - 8 years ago
Bratrin - 8 years ago
no thanks if it was electric.. over priced and noise
max maximillion
max maximillion - 8 years ago
they are made in china now, you can get them FOB Guangzhou for $300, takes 6 weeks ocean freight and shipping for 6 is $1200
David Crosley
David Crosley - 7 years ago
Are you serious about that pricing or just opining without objective information? I'm a seriously interested person. I've been a serious whitewater kayaker since the mid-70's and paddled all over the world. Now suffering from the recurrent injuries of adrenaline junkie sports and a military career, my back and shoulders are unable to take me to the places which were always my place to recharge and unwind. I'd love to get back onto the water using something similar to this, even satisfy my entrepreneur spirit importing these at a price point regular people can afford. Reply to this and I'll work to set up a means for contacting you.
Wheres-my Angels
Wheres-my Angels - 8 years ago
As soon as china copys this I'm buying a dozen of them!
Darren Turner
Darren Turner - 7 years ago
Wheres-my Angels it's happened!
lifeforce - 8 years ago
way too expensive !
bluewolf412002 - 8 years ago
jerry mchargue
jerry mchargue - 7 years ago
For that price you can make one from old kayak
John P
John P - 8 years ago
@zakkrick: around $5400

10. comment for MOKAI CLASSIC - Motorized Kayak in action.

Trippy Hippie
Trippy Hippie - 8 years ago
love these yaks. i want o e so bad. i know they cant be chheap. but , you get what you pay for is what i say. how much and where to buy. New sub here.
zakkrick - 8 years ago
how much
Kurt Simmons
Kurt Simmons - 8 years ago
Nice, but definitely not a kayak
John John
John John - 8 years ago
Hose Bag Express.
Og Gamer
Og Gamer - 8 years ago
How much u want for one
Phil Jenkins
Phil Jenkins - 9 years ago
WHERE DO I BUY!?!?!??!?!
Phil Jenkins
Phil Jenkins - 9 years ago
+Phil Jenkins stupid
عراقي وافتخر
عراقي وافتخر - 9 years ago
nice . how much for this mokai ???
pdoggy10inch - 9 years ago
not a single word or update on any Mokai webpages in 2015………scary………..bankrupt???…..
Artstrada Magazine
Artstrada Magazine - 9 years ago
BEARD Productions
BEARD Productions - 9 years ago
but where would i stick my fishing gear :)
fishermanroly - 8 years ago
i thought the same thing this seems to be more for sightseeing And for the price you're better off getting a jet ski

20. comment for MOKAI CLASSIC - Motorized Kayak in action.

日杂美狗绿蛆港灿死全家 - 9 years ago
cool design, but not sure if the mokai can move backward or not. And not sure if this one is suit for fishing...
Joe Shmo
Joe Shmo - 9 years ago
These things are priced ridiculously
Ray Thompson
Ray Thompson - 9 years ago
Brilliantly simple and well-engineered.  Not sure how many folks realize how focused this product is.  Not a JetSki, and it's tough to get the speed and stability that you've achieved in a "kayak" design.  Nice job!
TheAtlanticCraft | Minecraft
TheAtlanticCraft | Minecraft - 9 years ago
Its a cool concept but I think you guys botched it. Pull starting my motorized kayak? No thank you make this more clean cut like you would a sea doo and much more sleeker design and I will think about it. Pull start yeah I would rather not drive my lawn mower in the water
Edward Vazquez
Edward Vazquez - 6 years ago
Haha, how lazy can you get.
Ruce Bajer
Ruce Bajer - 7 years ago
It’s weird that the Atlantic Craft is commenting on a motorized kayak video.
rhianon rushby
rhianon rushby - 8 years ago
+TheAtlanticCraft | Minecraft Why are you here?
He Charles
He Charles - 9 years ago
+TheAtlanticCraft | Minecraft How abou trying a clear kayak??
TheAtlanticCraft | Minecraft
TheAtlanticCraft | Minecraft - 9 years ago
+rainbranchtyler no if you read I show that it seems to be just something thrown together its a cool concept but it looks like something someone would do in there back yard and put together.
rainbranchtyler - 9 years ago
+TheAtlanticCraft That's your number one complaint? the fact it's pull start? Wow haha that's awesome.
j burggg
j burggg - 9 years ago
haha, that shit is lame....esp for $5k
Peter S. Brown
Peter S. Brown - 10 years ago
thats so dumb your polluting the freaking river and that stupid noise is annoying to everyone!!! 
Jim Garrison
Jim Garrison - 7 years ago
Go fuck a chainsaw you Eco-Freak.
StJohns River66
StJohns River66 - 10 years ago
They are about 5 grand from what I seen and expect a little more out of 5 Gs.... its really useless ...Hell pay me 5 Gs and I will build you a kayak better and a hell of a lot faster..
bradsdadg - 9 years ago
+StJohns River66 5 grand damn, that's a big NO for me then :P
John Echterhoff
John Echterhoff - 10 years ago
Same question.  I want one!
tonymaxedon - 10 years ago
Where can they be purchased?
Ron Lee
Ron Lee - 7 years ago
Dean Nunyabis Its comments like yours that make me wish I had more then one LIKE. have a good one Dean
Kojack - 9 years ago
+Dean Nunyabis Nice
Dean Nunyabis
Dean Nunyabis - 9 years ago
+tonymaxedon considering it's an overpriced piece of shit, maybe you can find it at the apple store.
fcukthiscarp - 11 years ago
Love the guy in the business shirt near the end

30. comment for MOKAI CLASSIC - Motorized Kayak in action.

davemx2 - 11 years ago
I gotta get me one!
Alisha - 11 years ago
Looks like a boat more then a kayak..
Pedro Trigolo Filho
Pedro Trigolo Filho - 11 years ago
desenvolvi eum caiaque semelhante (caseiro) com motor 4 tempos estacionario de 6,6 hp, gostaria de saber mais detalhes a respeito do seu mokai, como tipo de motor, sistema de propulsão... (meus videos CAIAQUE COM MOTOR 1 - 2 - 3 (demostração) e 4 (apresentação)... (meu email
landykid60 - 11 years ago
I woulden,t bother getting one,, just strap two kayak,s together and put a small motor in between,, much more stable,, and safer,,,,,

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