Making the Petrel Play - a Cedar Strip Kayak

An overview showing the process of building a cedar strip wooden kayak from start to finish. DIY Plans are available for this kayak at: If you learn something from my videos, please consider supporting my video production efforts through my Patreon site: Music: • Old Friend - Artist: Silent Partner • Easy Jam - Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: isrc=USUAN1100245 Artist: • The Creek - Artist: Topher Mohr and Alex Elena • Don't Look - Artist: Silent Partner • Elephants - Artist: Huma-Huma • Surfing Llama - Artist: Bird Creek

Making the Petrel Play - a Cedar Strip Kayak sentiment_very_dissatisfied 16

Kayak 7 years ago 54,535 views

An overview showing the process of building a cedar strip wooden kayak from start to finish. DIY Plans are available for this kayak at: If you learn something from my videos, please consider supporting my video production efforts through my Patreon site: Music: • Old Friend - Artist: Silent Partner • Easy Jam - Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: isrc=USUAN1100245 Artist: • The Creek - Artist: Topher Mohr and Alex Elena • Don't Look - Artist: Silent Partner • Elephants - Artist: Huma-Huma • Surfing Llama - Artist: Bird Creek

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Most popular comments
for Making the Petrel Play - a Cedar Strip Kayak

Nick Schade
Nick Schade - 7 years ago
This is a recap of a longer build that I documented in the "Making Petrel Play" video series. If you would like to see this build in more detail, please watch my play list at:
Nick Schade
Nick Schade - 7 years ago
about 16kg or 35 pounds
Alexandr Davidenko
Alexandr Davidenko - 7 years ago
what is the weight of this boat?
Ghislaine MONNERAYE - 7 years ago
Massa et michka
Otto Evers
Otto Evers - 6 years ago
work of art thx for sharing
Mike Builds
Mike Builds - 6 years ago
That is a work of art
Alexandre Da Silva Ferreira
Alexandre Da Silva Ferreira - 6 years ago
Uma obra de arte!!
Вячеслав Семенченко
Вячеслав Семенченко - 6 years ago
gold !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TheJack - 6 years ago
Rodolfo Santana
Rodolfo Santana - 6 years ago
Un exelente trabajo
spg77777 - 6 years ago
just my opinion but....I would really rather either listen to a bit of running commentary and/or the sounds of the work being done than the filler guitar and drum noise. And yes, I know I can just turn the sound off all together but that's kind of "hollow".... )) That said, beautiful boat. How many hours?
Nick Schade
Nick Schade - 6 years ago
One of the reasons I started adding music was because I like to listen to music while I work. As a result, the live audio would be bits and snippets of copyrighted music all in a jumble. Adding music to the audio track lets me overwhelm the background music and makes it less distracting.
Bladimiro Wojtowicz
Bladimiro Wojtowicz - 6 years ago
Wow man! That´s a real good work!

10. comment for Making the Petrel Play - a Cedar Strip Kayak

Cem karakann
Cem karakann - 6 years ago
warum so große aufwand und beim verkauf will der deep bestimmt aufen mist ich habe mir für wenig geld rest holz eine gebaut hat mich 15 euro gekostet und benutze zeit 14 jahre schon
Richard Perrin
Richard Perrin - 6 years ago
mihaylov alexandr
mihaylov alexandr - 6 years ago
... и в музей / ... and in museum
mumblingpreacher - 6 years ago
How much would be the cost if you had accepted to teach this art to somebody?
Nick Schade
Nick Schade - 6 years ago
I'm a DIYer who turned it into a business and hasn't ruined it for himself yet.
mumblingpreacher - 6 years ago
I thought you are just a DIYer. This is a reasonable price and I wish I could join you. More than 30 years of experience would be a treasure for me, but I'm from a far far away galaxy :) At least I know now that there will be successors of your art. Congrats!
Nick Schade
Aleks55513 - 6 years ago
С интересом смотрю работы этого мастера , все лодки произведения искуства !!! Жаль ,что учеников не видно , а может у них это не принято.
Eduardo Costa
Eduardo Costa - 6 years ago
Amazing! Congratulations!!!!
Robert Matter
Robert Matter - 6 years ago
A great work indeed and what a splendid result. Thank you to share.
GordWing - 6 years ago
Absolutely stellar project... Beautiful. How in the world 12 people don't like this is beyond me.
Christian Geiselmann
Christian Geiselmann - 6 years ago
What a beauty!

(I would, however, have enjoyed the video better without the music, just with the sound of work.)
Nathan Rapalus
Nathan Rapalus - 6 years ago
Starting at 4:01. What is the proper name of that tool?
Nathan Rapalus
Nathan Rapalus - 6 years ago
Cool. Thank you.
Nick Schade
Nick Schade - 6 years ago
I call it a paint scraper, but some may call it a shave hook.

20. comment for Making the Petrel Play - a Cedar Strip Kayak

Building SV Satoshi
Building SV Satoshi - 6 years ago
This was really a joy to watch. Amazing skills, beautiful Kayak. Great video and editing work too. Thank you for sharing.
deldridg - 6 years ago
Good lord - mesmerising in the extreme. About every 5 seconds I found myself imagining just how I could totally stuff up at that point. It's long been a dream of mine to build a strip kayak but watching this reinforces that perhaps my lifetime is insufficient for such a quest. Thank you for sharing your wonderful workmanship with us. Many regards from Sydney, Aust - Dave
Viru Sinstall
Viru Sinstall - 6 years ago
"I am really impressed by the way this guy glues sticks together"

-literally me
tree feller
tree feller - 6 years ago
Amazing work. Did a great job on your editing as well.
Max Lobo
Max Lobo - 6 years ago
Wooow such a beautiful thing!
Question: what is this product that you paint in the final (16:31)?
Max Lobo
Max Lobo - 6 years ago
Nick Schade thank you very much!
Nick Schade
Nick Schade - 6 years ago
Here is an example of epoxy. It is a 2-part glue. You mix the two parts together, a chemical reaction occurs, and it turns from a liquid to a hard plastic.

Here is varnish it is essentially clear paint typically applied to wood to protect it.
Max Lobo
Max Lobo - 6 years ago
Nick Schade, tks for replying... I live in Brazil and unfurtunately we don't have a good market for this kind of products. So I don't have any ideia of what a epoxy vanish really is! If it's not ask too much, cold you send me some link indicating this product? I'll try to buy overseas.
Nick Schade
Nick Schade - 6 years ago
I finish the boat off with varnish to protect the epoxy from UV.
AE LIVESTYLE - 6 years ago
You can open production plant is good.
KWH - 6 years ago
Giovanni Longo
Giovanni Longo - 6 years ago
Veramente stupendo! Un lavoro PERFETTO! Complimenti! GREAT GREAT GREAT WORK!
Ed Singer
Ed Singer - 6 years ago
WOW! What a beautiful boat!!
Helikopterpop - 6 years ago
I love this build. So inspiring

30. comment for Making the Petrel Play - a Cedar Strip Kayak

jareklotz - 6 years ago
Sir, this is amazing !!!
Mikhandmaker - 6 years ago
I love it
Mr Mudslide
Mr Mudslide - 6 years ago
This is one of the very best vids I have ever watched on YouTube. Excellent pace. World class craftsmanship. I could not afford it, but I wonder what this would cost to have made.
JF B - 6 years ago
Piece of art...
Stef bétonlux
Stef bétonlux - 6 years ago
c'est du grand art !!!
Chuck Williams
Chuck Williams - 6 years ago
Amazing craftsmanship.....wish I could afford one!
Rohrertech - 6 years ago
Noticed the respirator while you were applying the glass. Are you using polyester resin? If so, why that over epoxy? Love the custom planes for the rolling bevel setup. I've been building with bead & cove strips, but may get inspired to try doing one with square strips. Thanks for the inspiration!
Rohrertech - 6 years ago
Right on. Better safe than sorry, eh.
Nick Schade
Nick Schade - 6 years ago
I am using epoxy. While epoxy does not have a strong smell, it is a reactive petrochemical that does put off a small amount of vapor. I feel it is just good safety practice to avoid breathing stuff unnecessarily.
scott hyde
scott hyde - 6 years ago
Beautiful boat/kayak. Great skills sir!
Seth Warner
Seth Warner - 6 years ago
phenomimal custom planes!! and that combing! what fitting! ive built canoes, rowing shells; about 35 of em and wish you on our crew!!
J P - 6 years ago
Absolutely gorgeous, nice job!
Jeffrey Sebben
Jeffrey Sebben - 7 years ago
That is a Major work of Art
Nathan Stoddard
Nathan Stoddard - 7 years ago
My god that's beautiful, wonderful craftsmanship.
Benjamin Edom
Benjamin Edom - 7 years ago
Lovely work, Nick - how much does this boat weigh?
Benjamin Edom
Benjamin Edom - 7 years ago
Hey, that's a good weight - well done!
Nick Schade
Nick Schade - 7 years ago
It came out at about 32 pounds.
Bob Hudson
Bob Hudson - 7 years ago
Great product and very pleasing to watch. The craft on the water looks very efficient and fast. Do you paddle long distances?
Nick Schade
Nick Schade - 7 years ago
My morning fitness paddle is 6 miles, a typically day trip is 10 to 20 miles, with the several 20+ per year and maybe one 30+ a year.
Ineke Mateman
Ineke Mateman - 7 years ago
Now...,that's a true piece of ART..., compliments!
Brad Landolt
Brad Landolt - 7 years ago
I’ve always felt hat stonyfield makes the best fiberglass resin. Great build, great video!
Rodger Moore
Rodger Moore - 7 years ago
A very wonderful video as a woodworker I am very impressed, as a kayaker I am in awe.
Tony Bowen
Tony Bowen - 7 years ago
That is a piece of art...awesome video!
Florin G
Florin G - 7 years ago
great piece of art ...wood wizard.... congratulation & thanks for sharing
Brian Mitten
Brian Mitten - 7 years ago
Outstanding craftsmanship! Thank you for sharing the creation of a masterpiece.

50. comment for Making the Petrel Play - a Cedar Strip Kayak

Lex Luthor
Lex Luthor - 7 years ago
¡Hermano!, tú si que amas tu trabajo, felicidades quedó hermosos, Saludos
chrisguitton - 7 years ago
Wonderful, can you tell me how many hours have you worked on it? Thank's.
Nick Schade
Nick Schade - 7 years ago
Probably 250 to 300
phdfxwg Fischercat
phdfxwg Fischercat - 7 years ago
how many hrs a friend told me 215 for his 17 ft. and then gave me the mold he used . just wants me to suffer !
Olotele Forge
Olotele Forge - 7 years ago
Outstanding fit and finish! You are a true craftsman.
Ono Udont
Ono Udont - 7 years ago
How to epoxy your garage floor. The long way. Also, I doubt there is more than 1/32 of wood left
Robert Kuipers
Robert Kuipers - 7 years ago
wow.that is beautiful. your a real craftsman
michael knowlden
michael knowlden - 7 years ago
DAMN NICE! AND YOUR resin and glass work is spot on. ! Beautifull!
Bill Gurney
Bill Gurney - 7 years ago
Very nice, great to see some real craftsmanship , becoming a lost art.
mic jam
mic jam - 7 years ago
If you had a nickel for every time you shot yourself in the fingertip with the staple gun, could we both go out for an ice cream sunday??   lol   I was watching this and remembering how many times I did it.   Really enjoyed this video and your craftsmanship!
Coyote Jos
Coyote Jos - 7 years ago
What a splendid craft !
Walter 1408
Walter 1408 - 7 years ago
A thousand thumbs up.
pbkayakyer - 7 years ago
Looking at this, I can't help but wonder about all the consumables that it took to make this. The masking tape, the glue, staples and the sandpaper. Not to mention the fiberglass and resin. Then factor in all the tools you used- that's got to be a thousand dollars in clamps! It's no wonder handcrafted wooden kayaks go for several thousands of dollars!!

Beautiful work!
Nick Schade
Nick Schade - 7 years ago
There is a lot that goes into the making of a wooden kayak. While you can build the kayak with much less sophisticated tools than I am using, I have chosen quality tools that save me time. The tools and materials constitute a small portion of the price of a handmade boat. It is the labor that is the driving factor in the price.
Cláudio Grosso
Cláudio Grosso - 7 years ago
Amazing !!! Congratulations from Brazil !
jason coleman
jason coleman - 7 years ago
Wow amazing craftsmanship sir. Thanks for sharing the process!
WAREWOLF 247365 - 7 years ago
Awesome boat. Great work
rightmarker1 - 7 years ago
A thing of beauty is a joy forever.
Cesar Mejia
Cesar Mejia - 7 years ago
Wow! Es espectacular! Muchas felicitaciones. Respetos desde Colombia.
Jared Matthews
Jared Matthews - 7 years ago
I apologize if you have already answered this, but how long did this take to build?
Nick Schade
Nick Schade - 7 years ago
I built this kayak over the course of 4 months.
Luiz Nicolau
Luiz Nicolau - 7 years ago
Congratulations! I learn a lot, because I need to do some repairs in old wooden boats similar to these - but no so good as yours, off course, dear! It's a traditional wooden job with today composite resin, just wonderfull!!!!
Ice Age Aurochs
Ice Age Aurochs - 7 years ago
Wow that's the coolest thing I've seen in a long time. Being an Ice Age Aurochs, I've seen some "cool" stuff.
Dohko - 7 years ago
master piece of pacience, so nice, have fun with it...
Vernon Hastings
Vernon Hastings - 7 years ago
Breathtaking art.
Erick De Noorman
Erick De Noorman - 7 years ago
Andras Gyetvan
Andras Gyetvan - 7 years ago
What a craftsmanship! And the result is more than art. I will go over your playlist.
Studiovydra - 7 years ago
Supeeeeeer :)
Dan Poup
Dan Poup - 7 years ago
Forcement génial, je ne me lasse pas de regarder une telle virtuosité. Merci à vous Nick.
TheMaze400 - 7 years ago
I love watching you work, you are a master at your trade.....
qaannat - 7 years ago
love the shot of the seals "watching" you build... that was great
Nick Schade
Nick Schade - 7 years ago
That clip was actually from a trip out to Little Gull Island. Little Gull is a small island with a light house in the middle of the entrance to Long Island Sound. There is just one small beach to land at and the seals were giving us the hairy eyeball as we ate lunch.  

The big grey seal in the middle of the clip was really quite intimidating. I'm sure the grey seal thinks that everything I do is BS.

I just liked the clip and wanted to use it.
Stuart Lock
Stuart Lock - 7 years ago
EXCELLENT video Nick really enjoyed it
Brian Brown
Brian Brown - 7 years ago
Excellent as usual!
Sakura Dag
Sakura Dag - 7 years ago
A. Ferreira
A. Ferreira - 7 years ago
Amo carpintaria e marcenaria naval. Sou admirador do seu trabalho. Parabéns.
Jim Dodd
Jim Dodd - 7 years ago
Over the years, I've wrapped the bottom edge of my staplers, with tape, such that it lifts my stapler off the strips. Thus it's much easier to get under and pull the staple, but most importantly, the staples don't bruise the strips. Is this something you do ?
Nick Schade
Nick Schade - 7 years ago
I have done it, but I don't always. I have found that the 9/16" staples into MDF go in about right without other intervention. Also after awhile my staplers build up a layer of glue on the bottom that serves the same purpose. But, some sort of stand-off like you suggest is a good solution if you have a problem with staples shooting too deep.
Александр Ваулин
Александр Ваулин - 7 years ago
Excellent! :-)

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The "Making the Petrel Play - a Cedar Strip Kayak" video is part of the kayaking category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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