Making the Skin-on-Frame Kayak - Build Overview
Kayak 7 years ago 49,395 views
A full overview of the building process of my Skin on Frame microBootlegger Sport sea kayak. This is an adaptation of one of my favorite new designs. Skin on frame is a quick way to build a kayak, and I hope to get this done quickly and out on the water soon. You can see the whole build in more detail at this playlist: If you learn something from my videos, please consider supporting my video production efforts through my Patreon site: Plans for other DIY small boats are available through Music: Unfoldment, Revealment, Evolution, Exposition, Integration by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist:
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10. comment for Making the Skin-on-Frame Kayak - Build Overview
The weight will be how much water is "displaced" when you try to float. You will displace an equal weight of water for however much weight that kayak will carry.
To determine the volume of the kayak below the waterline you need to determine the volume of the water that weighs what you want to displace. You then need to design the kayak to have that much volume below the waterline.
This requires some calculation, either that is you look at other kayaks that are similar to what you want to design and base your dimensions on those other kayaks. This should get you close.
If you have specific questions about anything, I'm happy to offer my input.
I hope to be back in the Philippines soon and your kayak design would Sail very smoothly there and give me something creative to do in my spare time. Thanks!
I've done the more traditional steamed ribs and coaming method. It is a lot of fun also and gives you that ability to improvise as you go, but the cut frames work well for getting you to the design you had in mind when you started.
20. comment for Making the Skin-on-Frame Kayak - Build Overview
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