Massive 35m Kayak Drop from Keyhole Falls

CLICK CC for English! Keyhole Falls isn't your typical waterfall. The 3,000-cubic-metre-per-minute flow shoots out of a massive rock wall situated on the Lillooet River in BC, Canada. Subject to constantly high water levels from coastal mountain snowmelt, it's nearly impossible to see, and tough to scout. After an abandoned first mission, Aniol and the crew went back for a second look. Casual depth tests indicated reason for concern – but no line of sight between Aniol and the support crew, coupled with walkie-talkies dying, meant communication went from poor to non-existent. Aniol decided to run it anyway... _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. See into our world: Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here:

Massive 35m Kayak Drop from Keyhole Falls sentiment_very_dissatisfied 64

Kayak 10 years ago 337,272 views

CLICK CC for English! Keyhole Falls isn't your typical waterfall. The 3,000-cubic-metre-per-minute flow shoots out of a massive rock wall situated on the Lillooet River in BC, Canada. Subject to constantly high water levels from coastal mountain snowmelt, it's nearly impossible to see, and tough to scout. After an abandoned first mission, Aniol and the crew went back for a second look. Casual depth tests indicated reason for concern – but no line of sight between Aniol and the support crew, coupled with walkie-talkies dying, meant communication went from poor to non-existent. Aniol decided to run it anyway... _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. See into our world: Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here:

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Most popular comments
for Massive 35m Kayak Drop from Keyhole Falls

Chet - 7 years ago
He was never in any danger. Quit lying
BushLizard2 - 7 years ago
Awesome drop ... Wildman
Seraphin Michel
Seraphin Michel - 7 years ago
The slowmotion capturing the drop of the guys is amazing
John Carroll
John Carroll - 7 years ago
Awesome , the climb the drop totally awesome
matt sieg
matt sieg - 7 years ago
and this still makes me not wanna drink red energy.... nice try fellas.  maybe if you did a double blackflip w your kayak going over that waterfall I may consider it
Beast Mode
Beast Mode - 7 years ago
What the fuck was the point of that though
Hallucination 760
Hallucination 760 - 7 years ago
shits easy.
Caminando el Mundo
Caminando el Mundo - 7 years ago
Dritan Marku
Dritan Marku - 8 years ago

10. comment for Massive 35m Kayak Drop from Keyhole Falls

juliolufer - 8 years ago
tendo grana pra fazer patrocinado qualquer um faz....rsss
Bone Shelter
Bone Shelter - 8 years ago
he held on to the paddle?!
James Coolican Smith
James Coolican Smith - 7 years ago
Bone Shelter no, I think he threw it part way down
Mickyjoe - 8 years ago
Bone Shelter lucky he didn't take his head off doing that.b because first big drop I do I throw it half way . but fucking great bit of madness and skill.
RipGNAr - 8 years ago
Subtitles would've been nice lol
RipGNAr - 8 years ago
bikebird touché lmao
bikebird - 8 years ago
Uhh...the description says "CLICK CC for English!"
stickmanFS - 8 years ago
il a perdu sa gopro
Heist 719
Heist 719 - 8 years ago
this is so lame lol
Ken Takabe
Ken Takabe - 8 years ago
Incredible! Well done!
Baba Bootay
Baba Bootay - 8 years ago
Red Bull is poison
David Lalik
David Lalik - 8 years ago
Nuts, but hey no one stopped him they filmed him
RKs Tours
RKs Tours - 9 years ago
How did he get in his kayak with such massive balls?
Love Hear Name
Love Hear Name - 8 years ago
ɷɷɷɷ Heeey Friendsssss I Have F0unddd Workingggggg Online Hacck visitttt : -
InKa4484 - 9 years ago
I'm so glad I don't drink Redbull.

20. comment for Massive 35m Kayak Drop from Keyhole Falls

NELVK - 9 years ago
He makes it sound like the guy saying "I'm running it anyway" was a super risky clutch decision. Too bad they weren't prepared and had the drones ready to get the shots... Sarcasm..
Вадим Химченков
Вадим Химченков - 9 years ago
Ахуеть просто!!
Aggbir - 9 years ago
red bull gives you metephorical wings and a kayak to shove over a waterfall good luck!
Caleb Lehman
Caleb Lehman - 9 years ago
For anyone who thought he was going to die, they wouldn't show this video if he did...
Quico Reed
Quico Reed - 9 years ago
WEll done glad it all turned out well. Man...that's NUTS
r71oats6 - 9 years ago
Superb in every way.  You've got balls bigger than supertankers.
BobbySKeight - 9 years ago
Cool kayaking, but the editing was way overboard.
Magnus Sörensen
Magnus Sörensen - 9 years ago
+BobbySKeight Red Bull do every thing "way overboard" especially editing.... =P
Austin - 9 years ago
did anyone notice he lost his GoPro on the jump?
alexis sabte
alexis sabte - 9 years ago
molt bé Aniol m' agradat molt
Bruno Mele
Bruno Mele - 9 years ago
very beautiful line! great entrance for the drop

30. comment for Massive 35m Kayak Drop from Keyhole Falls

Kurt Perron
Kurt Perron - 9 years ago
Life is beautiful. Learn the beautiful truths of life.
Visit truthcontest com
Talia Morgan
Talia Morgan - 9 years ago
alright :)
Kevin Adams
Kevin Adams - 9 years ago
They say that the impact from the drop is like being in a car crash
너구리 너구리
너구리 너구리 - 9 years ago
너구리 너구리
너구리 너구리 - 9 years ago
Jake Thomas
Jake Thomas - 10 years ago
Bet it was nice to paddle right up to the hot springs down river too.
Daniel J. Fylan-Smith
Daniel J. Fylan-Smith - 10 years ago
Tarka Kumal
Tarka Kumal - 10 years ago
Kayaking is fun!!!! But until yr young . Do it today not tomorrow.
orangepartyhat - 10 years ago
Now I know how my turds feel
Nils Haferkemper
Nils Haferkemper - 10 years ago
I gotta know this song! Anybody got it?
RADIAN RS - 10 years ago
Wow! it's awesome!
N V - 10 years ago
holly fuck !!!! INSANE 
Matthias Böhmichen
Matthias Böhmichen - 10 years ago
Wow, wouldnt even dare to watch this from too close
Svantje Voigtbrink
Svantje Voigtbrink - 10 years ago
Jana Friedrich
Jana Friedrich - 10 years ago
das ich wirklich abgefahren. 
Vsevolod Tarkhanov
Vsevolod Tarkhanov - 10 years ago
Прыгнул с камерой на голове а приземлился уже без нее. )))
Bart van Brummelen
Bart van Brummelen - 10 years ago
omg that was nice !!!
Creature Craft & WATERWOG rescue
Creature Craft & WATERWOG rescue - 10 years ago
Aniol eres legendario viva la vida i viva la gente como tu !! 
Kayaking in Alaska
Kayaking in Alaska - 10 years ago
That was some sick kayaking
Javier - 10 years ago
jajaj impresionante!!
Tomás Silva
Tomás Silva - 10 years ago
dimasokolan - 10 years ago
Очень круто! молодцы.
Pritzl Nico
Pritzl Nico - 10 years ago

50. comment for Massive 35m Kayak Drop from Keyhole Falls

pim van munster
pim van munster - 10 years ago
KrudicFilms&Media - 10 years ago
Does anybody know the song in this video????????
Serve75 - 10 years ago
Olivier C
Olivier C - 10 years ago
What a stupid idea... AWESOME ! :D
tomlinsondavid2011 - 10 years ago
Why do they have to repel down the cliff side? Why don't they just go a couple miles up river and paddle down?
Aniol Serrasolses
Aniol Serrasolses - 10 years ago
yeah super gnarly and scary rapids on top... also when the water level might have been good for the rapids on top it would be too low for the waterfall itself..
Thomas Matthews
Thomas Matthews - 10 years ago
There could also be serious rapids up above which if he was to have trouble in greatly increases the risk.
J Fli
J Fli - 10 years ago
The canyon isn't wide enough to Kayak down, it's also partially underground, so pitch black. Hence why they repelled down.
tomlinsondavid2011 - 10 years ago
Alex Harry
Alex Harry - 10 years ago
I'm surprised his kayak didn't sink under the weight of his massive balls
RCHeliJet - 10 years ago
Fantastic Video.!! 3,000-cubic-metre-per-minute amazing.!! Thumb up from Switzerland
White Sheep
White Sheep - 10 years ago
hopp schwitz
joelyboyblue - 10 years ago
Sam - 10 years ago
Fuck yeah
Haminmyhair - 10 years ago
does this take skill or does the kayak do all the work?
Alex D
Alex D - 10 years ago
Hard, You have to make sure you're strokes are timed well or else you may fuck up and go side ways when you enter the water. Other than that it's knowing how your boat moves on the water and controlling it in rapids and eddies. 
Val Vidrih
Val Vidrih - 10 years ago
+JBkayaking Thanks for info ;) 
Johannes - 10 years ago
Kayaking is one of the most difficult extreme sports out there because you have to know how your boat moves in the water, how it reacts to your strokes and what strokes you have to do. But I think in that video the danger was that the crew didn't know if there are rocks in the underwater, the entry of the waterfall was not that difficult...
Val Vidrih
Val Vidrih - 10 years ago
i ment in a good way but yea i will some day for sure just not in that shallow water:)
Jubs - 10 years ago
why don't you give it a try and let us know....
Val Vidrih
Val Vidrih - 10 years ago
you need to be a bit nuts
Addicus Taylor
Addicus Taylor - 10 years ago
I wonder.
clnmyjts - 10 years ago
Niagara Falls, Height  167' (51 m)
SteepVisions - 9 years ago
+clnmyjts Rafa Ortiz/Tyler Bradt both ran 189foot Palouse falls. Rafa was going to do Niagara.
tiomintxo - 10 years ago
lamBETTERthanY0U - 10 years ago
speak english dickhead
Arkham Assassins
Arkham Assassins - 7 years ago
Serrasoles brothers both speak english very well this was a Red Bull decision to do the audio in Spanish
jason21jburg - 10 years ago
People like is what is wrong with the world.
Ivan Rubi
Ivan Rubi - 10 years ago
+lamBETTERthanY0U burn in hell fucking asshole, there are more native spanish speakers than english, so you MUST learn spanish!
lamBETTERthanY0U - 10 years ago
educate my dick faggot. if you dont speak english fuck you
McSkateness - 10 years ago
Educate your self man! Not everyone speaks English
Ryan Sinclair
Ryan Sinclair - 10 years ago
Captions, dickhead!
mistic mind
mistic mind - 10 years ago
holy fucking shit, even if its not shallow its suicide in my eyes.
Baba Bootay
Baba Bootay - 9 years ago
+mistic mind *you're
srdodem - 10 years ago
+mistic mind lol. No need to get defensive, we all make stupid mistakes sometimes. Some just more than others. I to thought he may have died, that was until i saw him paddling his kayak away. It was hard to see, but i think you'll find it around 2:48 if you look really hard.
mistic mind
mistic mind - 10 years ago
+srdodem only problem with your statement is that your a retard
srdodem - 10 years ago
only problem with that statement is that he didn't die.
Leon Monschauer
Leon Monschauer - 10 years ago
This is truly insane! 
Nate Meyer
Nate Meyer - 10 years ago
Please excuse my ignorance but how do the kayaks not fill with water and sink?
Mickyjoe - 8 years ago
+bikebird​ we put foam blocks or airbag's into the bow and stern of the kayak . Where ever you can get boyancy into the kayak after your first aid plus repair kit and food ect .. Kayaks don't sink unless maby they brace against a down flowing rock where they will cut in half and sink .But most kayaking entueast people are aware of this .So it's not very many kayaks you see sunk .The spraydeck is sealing around you and the cockpit also keeping the water out .
bikebird - 8 years ago
Bone Shelter--Nads float? I thought this guy had nads of steel.
Bone Shelter
Bone Shelter - 8 years ago
i paddle a large burn in NC USA
ever since my skirt imploded i can't wear pants
Bone Shelter
Bone Shelter - 8 years ago
at this level of kayaking all extraneous space in the boat is filled with ones nads-
Hoosh - 8 years ago
+Leon M you're completely wrong.
Hoosh - 8 years ago
They have float bags in the back which you fill with air so you stay buoyant. As for not filling with water, the kayak has a skirt that fits around the cockpit and the kayaker to keep water out.
Aniol Serrasolses
Aniol Serrasolses - 10 years ago
+pyranha kayaks I had a chasity belt to avoid an imploded skirt !!
Raging_H2O - 10 years ago
its called spraydeck and is made out of neoprene and a rubber band with which you can strap it onto the kayak that much water going down there it is a wonder the sprydeck didnt blew from the pressure, but still even if it gets full of water it wont sink
Wuskul - 10 years ago
+Blackhawk51806 rubber skirts lol kinky.
Leon Monschauer
Leon Monschauer - 10 years ago
There are air bubbles in the kayak that are able to raise your body weight I guess... and they also wear suits that are connected to the kayak that only a little water comes in :)
ricky samways
ricky samways - 10 years ago
thats hardcore man
Kaushal Pandya
Kaushal Pandya - 10 years ago
That was amazing!!!
UnkleCreepy75 - 10 years ago
Just crazy. These dudes have balls
Marco Galvez
Marco Galvez - 10 years ago
During the video they say it's 40m, not 35
Ethan Boswell
Ethan Boswell - 9 years ago
+Marco Galvez Kayakers often estimate when determining the height of a waterfall. They estimated it to be about 40 meters. In reality though, it's closer to 35 meters.
Dominic van W
Dominic van W - 10 years ago
What the fuck!
Tom Sleep
Tom Sleep - 10 years ago
Jesus, what a nuter
Jackx Br
Jackx Br - 10 years ago
Where is the go pro that was on his head ?
Raging_H2O - 10 years ago
i quess it was ripped off at the impact but secured with a string so it was dangling down somewere
Jordans Journey
Jordans Journey - 10 years ago
That is absolutely sickk!! 
Vel0x - 10 years ago
Jeremy David Hiebert
Jeremy David Hiebert - 10 years ago
Bruno Sees
Bruno Sees - 10 years ago
Amazing! Just Amazing
J Fraz
J Fraz - 10 years ago
Totally thought that was blood @ 2:16
pim van munster
pim van munster - 10 years ago
Idk vers dark
Shubbs Rudubz
Shubbs Rudubz - 10 years ago
Anton Claesson
Anton Claesson - 10 years ago
holy shit
nacho izuel
nacho izuel - 10 years ago
Español tenias que ser xDDD
StolenDesign - 10 years ago
Is that a specially modified kayak.... to fit his massive cojones
Quirin MOSER
Quirin MOSER - 10 years ago
Cool Video
Quirin MOSER
Quirin MOSER - 10 years ago
wytamalan - 10 years ago
Breno Oliveira
Breno Oliveira - 10 years ago
Instagram:bren_46 Rider Motocross

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