Mini Gun Battleship VS RC Divebombers | Foamboard Kayak

Huge Thanks to Evike for sponsoring this video! Micro Gun: Air Tank: Air System Regulator: Tracer Unit: Airsoft BB's: Fully: Hardwood Standing Desk: Fully Balans Kneeling Chair: Capisco Chair: P-47 Notification: Jeremy's Channel: Power Pack C motors that were on both the boat and the planes► Click here to subscribe► Get Fusion 360 Software ► Trial - Purchase Subscription - Get Flite Test's Beginner's guide to R/C Airplanes! FT Store► Amazon► Check out our awesome products► Subscribe to our Podcast on iTunes: Thanks to our sponsors for helping making these videos possible. By supporting these companies, you support us► RC PRODUCTS Horizon Hobby► TRANSMITTERS Spektrum► BATTERIES Lumenier► NEW TO THE HOBBY? Get started here► Visit our site for more content and to join our community!► Follow us on Social Media!!!!!! Instagram► @flitetest Facebook► Twitter► @flitetest Periscope► @flitetest Follow the team on the Instagrams► @flitetestjb @zvada @jeremyandrewdavis @stefanohyea @sidewinderfpv @austinfurey EPISODE MUSIC► David Cutter Music -

Mini Gun Battleship VS RC Divebombers | Foamboard Kayak sentiment_very_dissatisfied 410

Kayak 5 years ago 330,684 views

Huge Thanks to Evike for sponsoring this video! Micro Gun: Air Tank: Air System Regulator: Tracer Unit: Airsoft BB's: Fully: Hardwood Standing Desk: Fully Balans Kneeling Chair: Capisco Chair: P-47 Notification: Jeremy's Channel: Power Pack C motors that were on both the boat and the planes► Click here to subscribe► Get Fusion 360 Software ► Trial - Purchase Subscription - Get Flite Test's Beginner's guide to R/C Airplanes! FT Store► Amazon► Check out our awesome products► Subscribe to our Podcast on iTunes: Thanks to our sponsors for helping making these videos possible. By supporting these companies, you support us► RC PRODUCTS Horizon Hobby► TRANSMITTERS Spektrum► BATTERIES Lumenier► NEW TO THE HOBBY? Get started here► Visit our site for more content and to join our community!► Follow us on Social Media!!!!!! Instagram► @flitetest Facebook► Twitter► @flitetest Periscope► @flitetest Follow the team on the Instagrams► @flitetestjb @zvada @jeremyandrewdavis @stefanohyea @sidewinderfpv @austinfurey EPISODE MUSIC► David Cutter Music -

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Most popular comments
for Mini Gun Battleship VS RC Divebombers | Foamboard Kayak

FliteTest - 5 years ago
Bill A
Bill A - 5 years ago
Can't imagine having more fun than these guys do... second best of just watching this video. :)
Daniel Charles
Daniel Charles - 5 years ago
i would like a plane am poor
Gabe 2606
Gabe 2606 - 5 years ago
FliteTest you should try to launch a rocket
Daniel Charles
Daniel Charles - 5 years ago
can i have a plane or boat plzz am very poor
joe selzer
joe selzer - 5 years ago
i still think your plan need a mini camera on the bottom of the plan facing to the ground so when u drop ur bombs u will see much better and it will give u more of an idea when to drop them. also put the booms in the middle as well middle bottom make airplane door bomb hatch the one that are bubble doors thy open in the middle like round shaped like the fuselage because it part of the fuselage. this will give even more bomb dropping accuracy.

this is what i think make bomb hatch the doors open like a bobble doors in the middle now to keep the bomb from moving around in the plan you make a rectangle box with no bottom to it then when the doors open bomb drops down put the camera the smaller the better right above the hatch so u can see better u will also get video shots of the bombs dropping
Taylor Jesse
Taylor Jesse - 5 years ago
Ray Pimienta
Ray Pimienta - 5 years ago
yall really need to stop deleting comments tho
devinahudson - 5 years ago
What's those two planes on the right at?: AND the one in the background on the wall here?:
Wade Meservy
Wade Meservy - 5 years ago
Please make the X-02 from Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies. It’s a beautiful jet with legit switchblade wings!!

Like this post if you love Flite Test ;)
adventures of a new home schooler
adventures of a new home schooler - 5 years ago
FliteTest Challenge me go pro boats that float
Firaz Bhikhie
Firaz Bhikhie - 5 years ago
Already more than 800 comments.
DragonKing - 5 years ago
Plz do a giant heli
germania empire
germania empire - 5 years ago
For tinker cad
germania empire
germania empire - 5 years ago
Hey flight test I know a good bomb a guided bomb design for the guided bomb try the fritz-x
ACE 888
ACE 888 - 5 years ago
Do you guys think you can make a space ship from the game halo
Kilic Murathan
Kilic Murathan - 5 years ago
Make an aircraft carier
TheCuteChoco - 5 years ago
Make the ship fly
The_RoyalTiger - 5 years ago
0:15 is this a f14 in the back? Jesus now Im hyped to see something awesome <3
Joshua Duyck
Joshua Duyck - 5 years ago
Great Video! I love the easter egg airplanes in the background of your videos. I want the build plans to that f22 (or whatever) in the background at 10:04.
Anabella del Pilar
Anabella del Pilar - 5 years ago
Your grandfather was on the USS
Tech's by Gleb Bagrov
Tech's by Gleb Bagrov - 5 years ago
The things I want to see with this battleship:
-aircraft carrier
-the person who can sit in the ship with a airsoft gun that can't shoot, but will control the turrets' shooting(gyroscope and trigger)
-battleship vs battleship
Tectonic - 5 years ago
Hey guys can I make one of your planes out of cardboard or is there any alternative for formboard
Jonathan O'Connor
Jonathan O'Connor - 5 years ago
drop a nerf Vortex as if it were a Tallboy bomb. look up "Tallboy WW2 Bomb"
The Gaming Firebolt
The Gaming Firebolt - 5 years ago
could You guys build an AC-130 next with something like some golf ball cannons
Jack Rubenfeld
Jack Rubenfeld - 5 years ago
Can you please respond to my comments? Thanks so much!
Garrett - 5 years ago
Excellent content. How deep is that pond? Is the water over his head? Don't want to be a party pooper but I know someone who drowned while wearing waders in water over his head. Waders fill with water, making it impossible to swim. Just a concern I have if you're going to do similar videos in the future. Again.. great content!
Jackson 22
Jackson 22 - 5 years ago
FliteTest what are all those jets and warbirds that have been in the background the past couple of videos?
some random T-34 85
some random T-34 85 - 5 years ago
Finally an AA upgrade
Davis Tuck
Davis Tuck - 5 years ago
Burn the ship
someramdomeperson E
someramdomeperson E - 5 years ago
I like your videos
Mudlij Al-Zakwani
Mudlij Al-Zakwani - 5 years ago
21:45 same music from DCS trailer
Jamie Buxton
Jamie Buxton - 5 years ago
You guys rock! Perfect way to start my Monday!
Matchrocket - 5 years ago
That was freakin' awesome.
kinda retarded
kinda retarded - 5 years ago
Mount Airsoft guns on the tarret and maybe make it rotatable
artsliced - 5 years ago
There's this energy in Stephen that I love so much! rock on bro!
M. Sierra
M. Sierra - 5 years ago
Why dont you guys do some ACTUAL dive-bombing? They achieve precision by flying high and then diving more or less straight down. Or would that put too much stress on your planes?
Michael Tejano
Michael Tejano - 5 years ago
make a dragon
Michael Tejano
Michael Tejano - 5 years ago
make a dragon make a dragon

10. comment for Mini Gun Battleship VS RC Divebombers | Foamboard Kayak

stu booth
stu booth - 5 years ago
Jeremy looks like beavis!
I need t.p for my bung hole.
A Bit Of A Pickel
A Bit Of A Pickel - 5 years ago
Another cool plane idea should be a pusher F-14 with working swept wings. Awesome video you guys are great. The Jug has earned its name
Gadget λumic
Gadget λumic - 5 years ago
Dive bombers...And no Stuka?! No Stuka no like ;v;

likes anyways
Mr. Miyagi
Mr. Miyagi - 5 years ago
These fags are the biggest soy-boy drama queens ever.
SyborgKatze_LP - 5 years ago
Boi that’s thicc
Neman8 - 5 years ago
Make a super carrier and try to land small planes on it!
Joseph Perkins
Joseph Perkins - 5 years ago
too bad you guys can't use electro-magnets to hold the bombs in place on the planes.
David Goodwin
David Goodwin - 5 years ago
It's not FliteTested anymore its AD AD INFOMERSH AD INFOMERCH ADTESTED
Jared Alexander
Jared Alexander - 5 years ago
Just wanna say thank you I havent had the best last month it's been rough and long an you guys have helped my mind calm down lately thank you Stephen for your 1000 percent attitude your so positive an Alex your so calm an positive wish I was working with you guys I love flying an rc cars good luck hope to see you around alot, an Josh your the man so down to earth an happy thank you so much
PAOLO FILOSA - 5 years ago
Difficile recupero di un vecchio giocattolo!

20. comment for Mini Gun Battleship VS RC Divebombers | Foamboard Kayak

PAOLO FILOSA - 5 years ago
Un grandissimo lavoro , completo e fatto bene!
LazyNinja - 5 years ago
So when’s that swooped wing F-14 Tomcat in the back being released?
りんご。 - 5 years ago
赵JOHN帅沣 - 5 years ago
you should build a B-29 with bomb dropping sight that make bomb runs easier
Oscar Thorpe
Oscar Thorpe - 5 years ago
Hitsugaya - 5 years ago
Do a battle to shoot down the plane with the air soft gun
Dimas152 - 5 years ago
protip : make a bomb yoke mechanism to push away the bomb so it wont hit the propeller
itsdonaldo - 5 years ago
11:51 I've heard of washboard abs but carbboard abs?
Lucas McCurdy
Lucas McCurdy - 5 years ago
A-10 warthog with an airsoft mini gun as the mini gun on the fron
john porteiro
john porteiro - 5 years ago
Epic as! I reckon do it again but fit an airsoft rifle onto an a10. Fantastic stuff gents. Keep it up.

30. comment for Mini Gun Battleship VS RC Divebombers | Foamboard Kayak

Brandon Postel
Brandon Postel - 5 years ago
Make Alexa fly
Michael Kork
Michael Kork - 5 years ago
He called it a micro gun
Frank deBros
Frank deBros - 5 years ago
A spar on a boat is called a keel.
zimmy1958 - 5 years ago
I have been with you from day 1in the garage love all the content. Thanks
Ken Fosdick
Ken Fosdick - 5 years ago
How about making a Harrier Jump Jet? Been Done?
nick lis
nick lis - 5 years ago
The battleship looks retarded with that suit
Arjun Pabla
Arjun Pabla - 5 years ago
You should make a strong plane and crash it on perpis and see is it react
nick lis
nick lis - 5 years ago
And ask killerfish games to sponsor and use cold waters great sub models and tech things
Coolkidgaming -
Coolkidgaming - - 5 years ago
its pronounced evayke, not evik
nick lis
nick lis - 5 years ago
Do a submarine next
DragonSlayer 1273
DragonSlayer 1273 - 5 years ago
Cool suggestion: submarine with torpedoes
Riley Woodbeck
Riley Woodbeck - 5 years ago
Love the veteran shoutout! Amen!
Ardith Wolfe
Ardith Wolfe - 5 years ago
Can you make a tank instructional video
DomesticZeus500 - 5 years ago
Make an plane carrier
Isaac Ben-zvi
Isaac Ben-zvi - 5 years ago
It would be cool to see a ju-87
D L - 5 years ago
Hey guys! I couldn't help noticing the F18E and F14s in the video. When will the kits be made available? Very cool!
Awesome computers
Awesome computers - 5 years ago
Next make an aircraft carrier with an operational air wing and an rc battleship with fpv main and secondary turrets and make them do a 1v1 to see which one comes out victorious.
fazril ahmad
fazril ahmad - 5 years ago
Patrick Conkright
Patrick Conkright - 5 years ago
Maybe next time dress the person in the battleship to blend into the ship with dual wield airsoft guns to look like cannons. Kind of (cough) transformorish. If ya get what I mean? lol
Patrick Conkright
Patrick Conkright - 5 years ago
roflmao guess I should of watched the whole video before commenting.
Daniel Charles
Daniel Charles - 5 years ago

50. comment for Mini Gun Battleship VS RC Divebombers | Foamboard Kayak

Sean Jackson
Sean Jackson - 5 years ago
Put those minis on an A10!
Kole M
Kole M - 5 years ago
Build an A10 around that minigun.

Do it. You won't.
neth ; nethanel mas ; masters
neth ; nethanel mas ; masters - 5 years ago
The airsoft gun should have been stationary with it only traversing and elevating as they do on actual ships. His free handing gives him a better opportunity to get a shot.
King Albby
King Albby - 5 years ago
those where fuel tanks on the wings, not bombs.
Goose duck132
Goose duck132 - 5 years ago
He Blackbeard from r6 siege
JGplanes - 5 years ago
For a 25min video, not enough action shots of the “battle”. The P-47s and B-25 look awesome though.
quietmale00101 - 5 years ago
cute idea on the tripple bombs in the military we called that a TER (Tripple Ejector Rack) the larger one would be a MER (Multiple Ejector Rack) that one hel 6 bombs per rack lol
Ryan Strong
Ryan Strong - 5 years ago
Hey flitetest, you guys should build some SBD Dauntless divebombers and try again with FPV cams on them. Like legit, 70° dives from high altitude just like in real life. The dive combined with a First Person Camera should up your accuracy by a lot. (Ps dive-brakes would be cool too.)
Marshall Norcross
Marshall Norcross - 5 years ago
You guys need to make torpedoes
KDavidson - 5 years ago
Anyone else see the swing wing F-14 on the floor behind the boat? I need to see that one fly and please make plans for that one.
Harrison Fowler
Harrison Fowler - 5 years ago
What's up with this F-14's?
Awkward Penguin
Awkward Penguin - 5 years ago
So my husband works with air force C-17, and i think it would be awesome if you can build a giant C-17. If its possible to make a foam tank and toilet to fly, a C-17 SHOULD be easy. lolz
Boeing 17
Boeing 17 - 5 years ago
Ik you know how to fly planes and all but they were not bombs. They were fuel tanks. The rockets yes they are rockets.
Aaron incognito
Aaron incognito - 5 years ago
bath bombs would be way cooler than ducks
SimpleMac - 5 years ago
I would like the boat to sink or a plane to die to the cause of airsoft
Mason Langner
Mason Langner - 5 years ago
Buy a toy pig and make it fly
MineTerra Gaming
MineTerra Gaming - 5 years ago
im only 15 but i have been aiming for real plane design and you got me into it. thanks.
Jasper Entwistle
Jasper Entwistle - 5 years ago
So in the book (and film from last year) Mortal Engines, there's this absolutely beautiful airship design where the gas envelope also functions as the aerofoil.
Reckon you guys can make an RC of it that flies?
HalfBredNinja - 5 years ago
While "spar" is correct in planes, the word you're looking for is "keel" in this case.
David Patterson
David Patterson - 5 years ago
I want to see them have a war with fighters and bombers.
Monkey Bomber36
Monkey Bomber36 - 5 years ago
HobbyKing just came out with an RC paramotor and its only ~$136 USD
Seth Wellendorf
Seth Wellendorf - 5 years ago
What golf course is this filmed on
rejetron 2003
rejetron 2003 - 5 years ago
Make it fly
Taylor Jesse
Taylor Jesse - 5 years ago
Rodri Segura
Rodri Segura - 5 years ago
Put some servos on the turrets of the ship with Fpv and airsoft guns to be more realistic
Matty Fattypatty
Matty Fattypatty - 5 years ago
Put the water proof propeller on a cardboard topedo and put on a plane so you can torpedo stuff
Tristan Erickson
Tristan Erickson - 5 years ago
Olivier Nadeau
Olivier Nadeau - 5 years ago
You should construct a rocket like the Rocket apollo 11
stabg289 - 5 years ago
where are the plans to the f-14 tomcat at the beginning of the video next to the Ship ?
General Hobbies
General Hobbies - 5 years ago
nice work fellas
Caleb W
Caleb W - 5 years ago
Land airplanes on a flying aircraft carrier
Codesmatodes - 5 years ago
it would have been better to have a dunk tank button so that if the ducks hit the switch he would fall through the trap door into the water a
Codesmatodes - 5 years ago
rip ruined their beautiful planes and didn't even get to actually have a chance at sinking their friend
Secretgamer - 5 years ago
Yass finally a new video
Codesmatodes - 5 years ago
all this work and still didn't use bombs that actually explode
Aditya_paradise _reborn
Aditya_paradise _reborn - 5 years ago
Hello i'am from Indonesia.
Good job flite test
Harold King
Harold King - 5 years ago
Do kamikaze
Wolfie - 5 years ago
Wonder if they could do a CH-47 Chinook Helicopter? I mean they have made a tank fly.
Kenny - 5 years ago
6:10 is that a foamboard F-14 Tomcat? 100% wonder when the kit will be released.....
also seeing foamboard F18 and F16, holy smokes!
exobyte317x - 5 years ago
How about arming the planes with co2 canister rockets to try to sink the boat
Javier Solis A.
Javier Solis A. - 5 years ago
Build a airsoft flak gun taking down a whole squad of airplanes and bombers
Yasser Masood
Yasser Masood - 5 years ago
Nice place but dirty and unorganised inside.
TheGoldenFish - 5 years ago
you guys need to learn how to dive bomb lol
Blu Dude
Blu Dude - 5 years ago
If you guys ever do other things with boats, the buoyant force is determined by the amount of fluid displaced, so the material inside the boat doesn't matter
Roy Chen
Roy Chen - 5 years ago
you guys should put more motors on the boat
Landon Childers
Landon Childers - 5 years ago
Please try to make an aircraft carrier and actually land a plane on it. With tailhook and arresting gears. Thatd be sick. Everyone like so they can see
James Ray
James Ray - 5 years ago
I want this gun in the a-10 let's make that happen
Hunter Jackson
Hunter Jackson - 5 years ago
Should have put the minigun on a turret, vid was kind of underwhelming.
Jojo Beat
Jojo Beat - 5 years ago
Fill bombs with explosive BBS
cristina chiorra
cristina chiorra - 5 years ago
Mount those miniguns on an airplane and fight with the ship!

100. comment for Mini Gun Battleship VS RC Divebombers | Foamboard Kayak

Josué y Rafael Hernandez
Josué y Rafael Hernandez - 5 years ago
I thought Andres was dead
Topher Rock World
Topher Rock World - 5 years ago
I don't know if any body has seen this , but at time stamp 23.51 I believe you filmed some UFO's in the top right of the video. Check it.
Specialist Squad
Specialist Squad - 5 years ago
You guys should make a pirate blimp

It's a pirate ship that is also a blimp
Nichola Hines
Nichola Hines - 5 years ago
Sebastian Barbe
Sebastian Barbe - 5 years ago
I love air soft. To see you guys using it is pretty cool.
GOODIE AIRSOFT - 5 years ago
I think it’s evike not evick
Meme Lord
Meme Lord - 5 years ago
I sense another viral video.
Adam Weiley
Adam Weiley - 5 years ago
I wloud be willing to help wuth the fishing chanel
P C - 5 years ago
I am not sure what the laws are like for dropping fireworks from airplanes but there is a thing called "cracklin balls". Those would make a cheap, sweet looking cluster bomb.
Kevin Corbitt
Kevin Corbitt - 5 years ago
I enjoy watching the videos and was wondering if anyone has thought about a klingon bird of prey?
Jack Hubbard
Jack Hubbard - 5 years ago
Planes next to the A10 at 12:50???
Dielanboooyyy Niks
Dielanboooyyy Niks - 5 years ago
ohmygod, imagine a Battleship Transformer in the next movie
2484marshall - 5 years ago
Hope your using biodegradeable BBs? Otherwise, you've got a lot of walking to do!
Fisher Of Men
Fisher Of Men - 5 years ago
I thought they would be dropping smoke bombs of some sort, then he says rubber duckies lol wth.
Gamer Da Real
Gamer Da Real - 5 years ago
Make more videos like that
onebladeprop - 5 years ago
I'm not too sure about this new kancolle
Isak Laursen
Isak Laursen - 5 years ago
You should make a hercules c 130
Corysrcplaneaventures leaf warrior
Corysrcplaneaventures leaf warrior - 5 years ago
Vacation hahahahaha, do you really need that with a job like that ?
Austin Best
Austin Best - 5 years ago
yall should put a skid plate on your planes to protect the inside and the hull from landings
Nero Fatal
Nero Fatal - 5 years ago
What about fpv jdams?
Skeletorlord - 5 years ago
Next time armor pircing bombs that cause flooding
Edward K. A.
Edward K. A. - 5 years ago
What is that plane on the wall @ 11:56? I need it in my life.
yaboi - 5 years ago
Make the JU-88 / Stuka
Exploitzz Geez
Exploitzz Geez - 5 years ago
Nice one. Though, i wanted usable turrets with like 3 airsoft guns in them
HumboldtRc Crawlers
HumboldtRc Crawlers - 5 years ago
Maybe laminate floor paneling would be good as well to use as reinforcement? I don’t know what the weight of the 2x4s would be but the flooring could cut weight and add even weight distribution.

Great video btw!
katie_incredible - 5 years ago
With all that weight of the wood and stuff, call me crazy, but that battleship will never fly. Prove me wrong, FT.
TigerLoaf Games
TigerLoaf Games - 5 years ago
Put one of the airsoft mini guns in the A10!!!
Martin Bijl
Martin Bijl - 5 years ago
Can you make a aircraftboot
Snecho - 5 years ago
Remember when FliteTest actually made interesting and informative videos?
SchmidtN - 5 years ago
@0:15 is that a foamboard F-14 Tomcat on the ground? When was that build video?!
Chris Cross
Chris Cross - 5 years ago
I just kept waiting for that almost inevitable pun, but it never came: "Hey, Jeremy? DUCK!!!" Good fun! And nice for once to see someone else than Stefan to be the Guineapig......
Ben Nield
Ben Nield - 5 years ago
Why not like have a spitfire with Airsoft or paintball guns against the same ship
Ray Pimienta
Ray Pimienta - 5 years ago
yall really shouldn't delete comments tho
Tom Pham
Tom Pham - 5 years ago
Is it possible to make an rc car glider? Drive off a cliff and land safely. How hard could that be?
Toby Rowland
Toby Rowland - 5 years ago
Now that’s what you call a cluster duck
Arco Kemp
Arco Kemp - 5 years ago
Please make a plane with that minigun on IT xd
Rami Touhami
Rami Touhami - 5 years ago
video starts at 18:41
MagicMRFox -progaming
MagicMRFox -progaming - 5 years ago
Bomb the ship with watermelons from the Big Cargoplane
Philip Hardy
Philip Hardy - 5 years ago
Make the boat fly and use mini gun
Alfredo Potato Gaming
Alfredo Potato Gaming - 5 years ago
gotta stay boner dry
ye boi Engie
ye boi Engie - 5 years ago
two boats against each other with airsoft guns of each.
Code Master
Code Master - 5 years ago
There's a new gun to mount on the Kraken!!!
the lilSoviet-
the lilSoviet- - 5 years ago
6:46 Kyle you need to calm down seriously...
sam york
sam york - 5 years ago
What’s the song in the background at the end
michael howell
michael howell - 5 years ago
They should have used Zeroes instead of P-47s. Still pretty damn cool!
Oskar Kopecký
Oskar Kopecký - 5 years ago
Make a dji ocusync air system episode

How to set it up

And tell us your opinion
SLASHER GG - 5 years ago
Make a ship and use the planes and make 2 more so 2 can lift from the ship and 2 are liftning from the ground
My IPHONE - 5 years ago
Make a bf 109 E3 with a Airsoft inside and Fight the P47
The Hags
The Hags - 5 years ago
Cluster ducks
Wolfmonster 222
Wolfmonster 222 - 5 years ago
What if you put a mini gun on the warthog
kevin smith
kevin smith - 5 years ago
Can you put that minigun inside the a-10 and make it fire
Александр Романовский
Александр Романовский - 5 years ago
I would like to know, this is your whole territory or no? If yours, how much it cost?
Richard Roper
Richard Roper - 5 years ago
What I wanna see is that mother fly. Just sayin'
TORN8OR - 5 years ago
Why not rubber pigs so you can say pigs fly
Collision Course
Collision Course - 5 years ago
make the ship fly!
Taariq Bovell
Taariq Bovell - 5 years ago
Y’all should off used small bouncy balls that you get from the gumball machines as bombs
Oguzhan Aybar
Oguzhan Aybar - 5 years ago
I dont think reflections works like in thumbnail
Jacob Thornton
Jacob Thornton - 5 years ago
Put the mini gun on the A-10, that would be awsome!!!☆☆☆♤☆☆☆
martinaydenov - 5 years ago
This is all we have ever wanted.
martinaydenov - 5 years ago
Think of the ship, be the ship!
Fedor Kuznetsov
Fedor Kuznetsov - 5 years ago
Make FPV cruise missile and sink that ship!
Wade Meservy
Wade Meservy - 5 years ago
Do the same thing but with paintball guns
Jbonezzz 500
Jbonezzz 500 - 5 years ago
Now make it go against the A10
The_Dank_Potato - 5 years ago
75 years.
Izz Man
Izz Man - 5 years ago
E-vike not e-vic
Robert Pinnell
Robert Pinnell - 5 years ago
Anyone eles get a black beard vibe from the rifle mounted sheild
Elishathomas02 - 5 years ago
You know what we are going to say...
Callsign: Vanguard
Callsign: Vanguard - 5 years ago
Isnt it eVIKE like eve Mike without the m?
BRB hunter
BRB hunter - 5 years ago
As boring as this video was it was kinda cool, idk why i keep coming back to these videos only to be disappointed every time
Juan Velez
Juan Velez - 5 years ago
drop some fruit on the boat!
Ops y Yeet
Ops y Yeet - 5 years ago
Love your videos but I wish you could do more videos
Sean Chavez
Sean Chavez - 5 years ago
Those air crafts where sitting ducks
Nathan Bayles
Nathan Bayles - 5 years ago
Make the minigun fly
CR G - 5 years ago
when did they come out with the p-47???
matthew parker
matthew parker - 5 years ago
Could you not just use foamex or would that be to heavy?
Samuel Arenas
Samuel Arenas - 5 years ago
You should use paintball guns so they actually do some damage to the planes
James Mcafee
James Mcafee - 5 years ago
Put a gate in the 2nd floor railing
endermen productions
endermen productions - 5 years ago
You should Make the minny gun fly
RoryFH - 5 years ago
Skip to 20 mins
Ambition 76
Ambition 76 - 5 years ago
Please start a fishing channel!
Moraren - 5 years ago
Oh man, you guys totally read my mind! I was wondering if it would support a person. Well, as they say: Great minds think alike!
Zak thewarcat
Zak thewarcat - 5 years ago
do airsoft dog fights
Zak thewarcat
Zak thewarcat - 5 years ago
that was AWSOME
Foxinator - 5 years ago
Try and make a javelin rocket launcher that shoots BBs and is launched by an elastic band
Jim Gagne
Jim Gagne - 5 years ago
needed more battle air time,,lol
Chester Podpora
Chester Podpora - 5 years ago
I hate the rubber ducks he ruined it
Jay - 5 years ago
The 2x4s were WAY overkill. You should have made it like how some surf boards and paddle boards are made.
Howie Moth
Howie Moth - 5 years ago
Kinda of a Clusterduck of af a vid.
William Javier
William Javier - 5 years ago
You guys dont have giri friends do you. Put the toys down men. Buy a real boat. 26ft. Center Console fisher. Hit the sandbarlots of chicks.
K P - 5 years ago
You guys should have an airsoft war with each other
Flyin High FPV
Flyin High FPV - 5 years ago
Mini gun must fly!
Mike R
Mike R - 5 years ago
you'd think ducks would more aerodynamic
GLiTcH_EtAn - 5 years ago
The armor makes you look like Lisa Simpson
Howie Moth
Howie Moth - 5 years ago
Bottle rockets w/needles on front mounted/launched from plane. Hit, stick and explode.
evilcanofdrpepper - 5 years ago
that looks like a cluster duck
Matthew e
Matthew e - 5 years ago
Ok so about teaching people about planes can you do that but with tanks
Nadia Baig
Nadia Baig - 5 years ago
I wish I could see the ship flying in the sky .
Luke skywalker
Luke skywalker - 5 years ago
pls make air soft on the the planes
then make an war!
Shattered DnB
Shattered DnB - 5 years ago
Next time you´re doing some epidc airsoft stuff, ask Evike to send you some grenades! I bet you could have some loud fun with a bunch of Enola Gayes or Thunder Bs
Andre Santa Maria
Andre Santa Maria - 5 years ago
Hate to correct Andres but at 7:03 that's actually an external fuel tank. It would be pretty awesome if you guys disguised an extra battery as an external fuel tank though!
photograffitist - 5 years ago
Hanalee Nichols
Hanalee Nichols - 5 years ago
Build an aircraft carrier
ravenishere nice
ravenishere nice - 5 years ago
Could you maybe do a more of theres videos and if you do could you get the Ju 87 stuka in there?
007alvareichon - 5 years ago
BUDDY KRISLER - 5 years ago
Is that your shop where you guys are building in?
Jeanre Van Rooyen
Jeanre Van Rooyen - 5 years ago
Make the boat fly!!!!!!
officer fry chicken
officer fry chicken - 5 years ago
keep up the good vids
Cobra Padilla
Cobra Padilla - 5 years ago
Build the batplane that would be so cool
frogsoda - 5 years ago
I think the term you guys you're looking for is "duck heavy." As in, "This plane is flying really duck heavy today!"
Doctor Brain
Doctor Brain - 5 years ago
Were I can get the blueprint's to build the airplanes that you make at the Chanel...
Pliss I need it...
TomTV - 5 years ago
Stefan has a king of random hat on
Joshua J. Herrmann
Joshua J. Herrmann - 5 years ago
Another way I've seen airsoft battleships built is by using an old kayak or a canoe as the base hull
Cowerdnerd Despacito
Cowerdnerd Despacito - 5 years ago
Wait a second you pointed at the external fuel tank of the p47 those aren’t bombs the bombs them selves were way smaller than that
Ace Ace
Ace Ace - 5 years ago
Aircraft carrier VS Battleship
Sensei Ted
Sensei Ted - 5 years ago
Make that battleship fly guys
Daniel Buday
Daniel Buday - 5 years ago
What about making each turret an independent fpv system whith servos, airsoft guns and motors and then battling? You know, each person controlling his own turret by fpv and a controller... And make another warship and have a fpv airsoft battle!!! Really like your videos, thanks
Bob - 5 years ago
Video starts at 19:55
Valletta Meme Master
Valletta Meme Master - 5 years ago
7:04 Those are drop tanks not bombs, they allowed for extra range and could be jettisoned when empty or if the circumstance required it.
A Frog
A Frog - 5 years ago
Displace the weight?
Disperse the weight..
LakeyDakey3000 - 5 years ago
You should make Japanese Planes and German Planes so it can be more Realistic.
dogtato - 5 years ago
was that a hhgttg reference? "eddies in the river", "is he?"
Storm Strike46
Storm Strike46 - 5 years ago
You should hook up the go pros you attach to the cockpits of your planes to VR head sets so the pilots will feel like they are actually flying plus it make it easier for the pilots to line up bombing runs and it’ll help with the sun problem. Edit: Like if you agree/so they’ll see!
Starberfarbin - 5 years ago
Your camera work inside (and some outside) is very dark and hard to see. Lighting? This video didn't seem up to your usual standards. None the less.......Awesome stuff as usual!!
XIII - 5 years ago
ok you have to put that mini gun in to a A-10 now
Mr.Spoopy Man
Mr.Spoopy Man - 5 years ago
I think a foam board kit for a p-82 twin mustang would be awesome can you please make a kit for it
Parker Russell
Parker Russell - 5 years ago
6:43 kyle? did they forget your monster?
Adam Schnurr
Adam Schnurr - 5 years ago
Thos ducks are ducking lame. Fireworks would've been way cooler.
Robert Peruzzini
Robert Peruzzini - 5 years ago
"how do I get off?" Uh... You don't, the captain goes down with the ship right?
Samuel Martins
Samuel Martins - 5 years ago
I think we know what’s next make the go back to the original boat and make it fly like the heliships in avengers
Mike Labauve
Mike Labauve - 5 years ago
add a carrier
Maximum RPM
Maximum RPM - 5 years ago
All right so I'm a huge fan of Airsoft and I've seen these micro guns and action do dumping a lot of BB's real fast this is going to be good
Sterby jr.
Sterby jr. - 5 years ago
16:51 spraying so much plastic into nature, not cool, Alex! We already have too much microplastics in the sea, the forests, etc...
Next time be more thoughtful of littering with dangerous waste materials!
FPV Arborist
FPV Arborist - 5 years ago
As a carpenter that wood box looks like sh** no good carpenter would let it look like that
galada52 - 5 years ago
Jeremy is so annoying! OMG it's always something. He's an emotional train wreck!
Garrett Mahoney
Garrett Mahoney - 5 years ago
What if you used a cheap Walmart kayak as a base for the ship so it doesnt break
Tafari Dean
Tafari Dean - 5 years ago
Yall should try to make a fighter jet and put airsoft bullets in it
Mark van der Kuur
Mark van der Kuur - 5 years ago
Spars are masts, booms... I believe what you are calling spars are actually called stringers.
I think your videos are every entertaining!
Bill Cornett
Bill Cornett - 5 years ago
You guy's need to build a small dock to make this kind of thing a lot easier.
Alexander Diaz
Alexander Diaz - 5 years ago
Next idea UFO drone, preferably Ricks UFO, from Rick and Morty
Quarzonu 87
Quarzonu 87 - 5 years ago
You guys should make a functioning aircraft raft carrier
Michelle Larocco
Michelle Larocco - 5 years ago
calls them "dive bombers" yet only does strafing runs.....
TopHat Videos Inc.
TopHat Videos Inc. - 5 years ago
I came to see you shred some planes with the micro gun. I'm disappointed
Pierre-Louis Ganne
Pierre-Louis Ganne - 5 years ago
That was awesome.
If you're going back to the Red bull flugtag you should do something just out of your foam board since it's seems strong enough to hold you!
wilgarcia1 - 5 years ago
I think we are ready for some air to air airsoft =D
Drew Stevenson
Drew Stevenson - 5 years ago
Big maker foam fly a person!
Can Bıçak
Can Bıçak - 5 years ago
Attack helicopter Building.
Drew Stevenson
Drew Stevenson - 5 years ago
That punch series was what we wanted from the bomb drop.
Costa Stamanis
Costa Stamanis - 5 years ago
where is chad??? And TJ???
Jonathan D
Jonathan D - 5 years ago
Costa Stamanis
Costa Stamanis - 5 years ago
It will sink because of weight and bouancy
Simplyy/\ Canadian
Simplyy/\ Canadian - 5 years ago
Crazy Cruzito
Crazy Cruzito - 5 years ago
Y’all should have made an sbd dauntless
Costa Stamanis
Costa Stamanis - 5 years ago
Make kits out of all the planes the wall
Hockey Wakeboard
Hockey Wakeboard - 5 years ago
Make an rc aircraft carrier with bombers and air soft guns
iflystuff1 - 5 years ago
7:05 that's a fuel tank
Costa Stamanis
Costa Stamanis - 5 years ago
Will you release a FT P-47
popcicle - 5 years ago
Costa Stamanis
Costa Stamanis - 5 years ago
If you want it to handle more weight, you have to displace more water
Remco Bontekoe
Remco Bontekoe - 5 years ago
try making controllable turrets with airsoft guns in them!
Costa Stamanis
Costa Stamanis - 5 years ago
Could you not have so much of a wait for videos
Caden C
Caden C - 5 years ago
Make a carrier
Jaisli Reis
Jaisli Reis - 5 years ago
Natty BGG
Natty BGG - 5 years ago
now you need to make torpedos
Costa Stamanis
Costa Stamanis - 5 years ago
I see a tomcat in the shop
Hans Yee
Hans Yee - 5 years ago
you know what would be awesome if you put a MINIGUN in the a 10 hahaha i would love to see that!!
Way to Go Paul.
Way to Go Paul. - 5 years ago
Can we get some German aircraft, Stuka, bf 109, 190?
Moose Man
Moose Man - 5 years ago
10:15 holy that's alot of planes in the background
Rider Made
Rider Made - 5 years ago
How boring.
Max Jones
Max Jones - 5 years ago
Now I just want to see it with a slightly heavier payload than rubber ducks on the planes. Firecrackers, maybe (without anyone on board, of course).
Kameron Ouellet
Kameron Ouellet - 5 years ago
So he’s taking off on a plane to Florida new challenge have him be flown in a RC airplane
roast master
roast master - 5 years ago
Please try to build a rocket for this p 47 and fire it on battleship.I think you can make it with fireworks...
2theSkysStudios - 5 years ago
You should do a b-17/ b-25 bombing over the ship. Maybe use a camera to make a bombsight?
Make a torpeado bomber like the tbf avenger and hit the battleship
Steven Johnson
Steven Johnson - 5 years ago
22:16. Epic failure
David Thorpe
David Thorpe - 5 years ago
You guys are seriously bonkers. Love it!
Jacob Cornwell
Jacob Cornwell - 5 years ago
put tennis ball cannons on the main batteries of the ship
Hiro Protagonist
Hiro Protagonist - 5 years ago
Get some of the other planes out there so we can see a few get shot down. Cool video
GuerrillaRadio - 5 years ago
Make each turret rc with an fpv camera and build airsoft guns into them.
morris mercier
morris mercier - 5 years ago
The A 10 wart hog idea sound good tome. Build one around that gat.
morris mercier
morris mercier - 5 years ago
I want to see a battle till a plane goes down from gun fire.
Nicpus - 5 years ago
Next vid: We buildt a formation of RC Divebombers to try and take over a country!
daedalus fpv
daedalus fpv - 5 years ago
Future aircraft carrier?
Anthony Izaguirre
Anthony Izaguirre - 5 years ago
Try torpedoes in one of your battleship videos.
David Geier
David Geier - 5 years ago
God bless your grandpa for fighting for not only his lives, but ours too.
William Hipps
William Hipps - 5 years ago
Coming up next. Air, Land, and Sea battle.
George Corbett
George Corbett - 5 years ago
@FliteTest make a video, similar to this one, but make torpedoes!
Qwerk y
Qwerk y - 5 years ago
Why not make a turret?
Gabriel Ho
Gabriel Ho - 5 years ago
make a mega version
winter GG
winter GG - 5 years ago
Make an aircraft carrier
Oscar Alho Durão Norrego
Oscar Alho Durão Norrego - 5 years ago
Q u e m e r d a !
Seth Bode
Seth Bode - 5 years ago
The place looks awesome!
Fortnite Cinema
Fortnite Cinema - 5 years ago
This is the first time a YouTubed saw one of my comments I said to make a kayak last video
Abdul Sadi
Abdul Sadi - 5 years ago
can yall try amd make a ceiling fan fly
Overrated Seagull
Overrated Seagull - 5 years ago
Kamikaze plane vs. Battleship would seem cool.
Gabriel Ho
Gabriel Ho - 5 years ago
Why dont u ask flex seal to sponser you and use flex glue to build things
ian cook
ian cook - 5 years ago
ouch, paper cut
FBI - 5 years ago
Make an aircraft carrier
Triggered Much?
Triggered Much? - 5 years ago
0:16, FT-14 when?????
MLWATKK - 5 years ago
What camera are you using on the following drone?
Vadim Simon
Vadim Simon - 5 years ago
Looks like a War Thunder promotion!
Redford Brown
Redford Brown - 5 years ago
I'm new and the pig in the background made me sub
dylan woerter
dylan woerter - 5 years ago
your saying evike wrong
CR G - 5 years ago
Anyone notice the Jet right behind the ship @15 seconds? It looks like an F-14!!
Josh Ortiz
Josh Ortiz - 5 years ago
Love it!! Want to see A-10 shooting airsoft at the ship!!!
peter zimic
peter zimic - 5 years ago
why dont you make one big rc war?
go into 2 groups.
build few planes few tanks few ships put fpv cameras on all of them. make lets say 3 base camps each. put them all over your property.
and have a war in multi part video series.
i would love to see that .
laxmannate07 - 5 years ago
Should have been 5 minutes long
Hell Fire
Hell Fire - 5 years ago
Drop firecrackers on to the boat
Sounak DuttaRoy
Sounak DuttaRoy - 5 years ago
CalebRCFlyer Caleb Teel
CalebRCFlyer Caleb Teel - 5 years ago
And are you gonna be doing reviews with all the foam board planes that are in the shop
OutspokenJedi - 5 years ago
You should build heavy bombers and then have other fighters intercept it in the way to the bomber’s target.
kenny johnson
kenny johnson - 5 years ago
Environmental friendly I guess....
Indi4n Burn3r
Indi4n Burn3r - 5 years ago
its eve Ike, not eve ick
Whis cheese
Whis cheese - 5 years ago
where was the plane launched into the water
CalebRCFlyer Caleb Teel
CalebRCFlyer Caleb Teel - 5 years ago
I see 2 very nice F-14 Tomcats that looks very nice at 0:16
lighthouse44 - 5 years ago
Great stuff, guys. Keep up the good work
Jeremy Martin
Jeremy Martin - 5 years ago
I would like to see you build a big A-10 warthog around the new airsoft Gatling gun.
Peter Szarow
Peter Szarow - 5 years ago
You know what...I purposely enrolled in the premium package of U-Tube to avoid commercials.
This is the 4th video I've watched that has a commercial embedded in the video itself. You just can't get away from them. Greed greed greed, the modern world revolves around it.
Peter Szarow
Peter Szarow - 5 years ago
@MrRaginglizard Opinions are like butt holes everyones has one. Thanks for your bright and intelligent input.
MrRaginglizard - 5 years ago
Peter Szarow
You think they can bring all this awesome content to you for free? Don’t expect something for nothing. Money is part of life. Sounds like your the one who is greedy complaining about them trying to make a living.
Thegn P.
Thegn P. - 5 years ago
Make torpedo bombs like the ones used in the pacific with corsairs
Alexander McDowell
Alexander McDowell - 5 years ago
Y'all need a aircraft carrier
Mr. Fox / J.kendrick
Mr. Fox / J.kendrick - 5 years ago
Build an ultra lite sport aircraft and fly in it
Khoi Nguyen Tran Mai
Khoi Nguyen Tran Mai - 5 years ago
Hey why don't you guys make a rc bomber like a B-17 with real bomb bay
Quin Justice
Quin Justice - 5 years ago
Deck out some planes with air soft guns
53rdcards - 5 years ago
This guy's got the right idea. He wore the brown pants
Nick Name
Nick Name - 5 years ago
Why is eddy in the water xD
Mark Taylor
Mark Taylor - 5 years ago
Mark Taylor
Mark Taylor - 5 years ago
Thank you so much for doing stuff like this.
Simon Schmidt Hermansson
Simon Schmidt Hermansson - 5 years ago
insane drone-driver! XD
ewokshoterz - 5 years ago
Is that an f18 at 10:15
Ernesto Martínez Ros
Ernesto Martínez Ros - 5 years ago
I want an RC plane bit i'm only eleven years old and my fathers don't want to buy it bit you guys inspired me thanks! You guys are the best.
Rcbif - 5 years ago
Please bring the minigun to Flite Fest....I wanna shoot some target planes down!
Jp Furrow
Jp Furrow - 5 years ago
Time to drop some air soft grenades from the planes.
world all video
world all video - 5 years ago
helw frends welcome to my YouTube channels
nuky boi
nuky boi - 5 years ago
Make a stuka for this
jordan - 5 years ago
You need fpv gun mounts on the battle ship. You guys can do it...
Steven Eloshway
Steven Eloshway - 5 years ago
It would be really cool if you could put the mini gun on an aircraft.
Roman Jose
Roman Jose - 5 years ago
Now make it fly
Nick Packer
Nick Packer - 5 years ago
Side note. All your planes are wonderful - could you imagine having the abilities to 3D print your engine firewalls and some other key structural components. Not asking you to print them but supply the stl files for us! Only reason I say this is because my firewall/engine mount for the edge has come apart after only a few flights. I wish I could create a better mounting point myself.
Box Monster
Box Monster - 5 years ago
So does that f-14’s wings move like the really one❓
Jefferson Mendes
Jefferson Mendes - 5 years ago
Make a mini torpedo for the plane to launch on the ship.
Jake Mains
Jake Mains - 5 years ago
I mean... another cool idea... might be, like... actually hitting the bombs... just saying...
Ward Bogaerts
Ward Bogaerts - 5 years ago
Can you make the boat fly?
That seems like a fun (and hard) challenge but maybe you can make it happen
UNZO - 5 years ago
You should make it fly
John Howland
John Howland - 5 years ago
e vike
Carter and tate vlogs
Carter and tate vlogs - 5 years ago
Bring back the hobby zone sport cud s
Tamar S
Tamar S - 5 years ago
Make a brewster buffalo
PikaBOO Arun moon
PikaBOO Arun moon - 5 years ago
Can you please make the Azreal drone from Ghost recon Breakpoint with rockets or a mini gun or any other drone from Ghost recon breakpoint it would be also very cool
The glazed Gamer
The glazed Gamer - 5 years ago
It’s E Vike like a bike
Air-headed Aviator
Air-headed Aviator - 5 years ago
As always these episodes put me in the mood to build, I’ve been buying a little more gear lately so hopefully I can go from zero planes to many planes by summers end.
Air-headed Aviator
Air-headed Aviator - 5 years ago
And now the tank, warthog, and battleship go head to head in a massive dogfight in the air; all flying by the way
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadsdf - 5 years ago
Way too much fun. I see just a pile of awesome planes in the background I hope to see plans of soon!
thebigdustin - 5 years ago
Now you need to build an A-10C thats to scale with the Micro Gun. Make it happen!
Jonney Harrington
Jonney Harrington - 5 years ago
I wrote in a while ago to do this!
The Backyard Engineer
The Backyard Engineer - 5 years ago
Absolutely allures
Julenot _2000
Julenot _2000 - 5 years ago
You should add little cabin at the centre to sit in in.
The_noman does stuff
The_noman does stuff - 5 years ago
make a torpedo bomber
David Weng
David Weng - 5 years ago
I got another idea build a plane that can carry a person BUT with wood
Anthony Sulsona
Anthony Sulsona - 5 years ago
You guys need to do more of this. It is awesome. Make a aircraft carrier to bomb.
Alessandro Del Pezzo
Alessandro Del Pezzo - 5 years ago
6:46 to 6:49 The inner soul of How to Basic
Frank The CADD Monkey
Frank The CADD Monkey - 5 years ago
Still need to offer a Japanese Zero for your war bird series...please?
CUBe - 5 years ago
Make a huge battle with bombs that acc explode
ItS BlueCuB
ItS BlueCuB - 5 years ago
Make a giant Airplane and try to land a drone on top of it in mid flight
omniversling - 5 years ago
While you guys are playing around with planes, are you aware of what's being done to the skies above your heads? Frankenskies...ffs, you guys are in trouble...
Gabriel Radford
Gabriel Radford - 5 years ago
It would be so much cooler if you had a VR camera in the cockpit of your planes
Alexander Jaulmes
Alexander Jaulmes - 5 years ago about a Dutch Fluytschip?
Jack Harvey
Jack Harvey - 5 years ago
That put the watermark at the coolest part
Andrew Murphy
Andrew Murphy - 5 years ago
You guys should build an aircraft carrier capable of launching the planes and possibly drop bomb on something
daxta23 - 5 years ago
All that effort just to do it wrong. disappointing.
Jordan Stamos
Jordan Stamos - 5 years ago
You guys should drop airsoft grenades next time
Bob The Tomatoe
Bob The Tomatoe - 5 years ago
Mark Webber
Mark Webber - 5 years ago
an other "fun" episode where Jeromy gets to tell us all about his many physical and emotional problems
B R - 5 years ago
Carrier with catapult! I triple dog dare you!
B R - 5 years ago
Is that an F-18?! 9:38 in. Yes please!
Yamuna Iris
Yamuna Iris - 5 years ago
if Phalanx was a human XD
ricomon64 - 5 years ago
OK, that was just gobs of fun! ...but what does the FAA have to say about shooting at aircraft?
KentuckyOutdoors21 S.
KentuckyOutdoors21 S. - 5 years ago
u need a fishing channel
Naheed Junaid
Naheed Junaid - 5 years ago
hey why you guys make helicopter battle vs warship and make a race of helicopter,new battle new video!
KentuckyOutdoors21 S.
KentuckyOutdoors21 S. - 5 years ago
try landing a drone on top of a plane or vice versa. or a drone on a helicarrier.
A Viking
A Viking - 5 years ago
16:50 say thats some accuracy, how far away would you say that flagpole is?
Trenton Tislau
Trenton Tislau - 5 years ago
It’s E vike not E Vick
Ronan Lyons
Ronan Lyons - 5 years ago
Absolute legend
TigerRic -
TigerRic - - 5 years ago
Omg I mentioned y’all doing this and I’m really happy. (I know you didn’t do this because I said but idc)
krza q
krza q - 5 years ago
I would love to see you automate all turrets on the ship so that every turret is controlled by one person.
kingspudgun - 5 years ago
Put the mini gun on the a10 ??? It would be so cool!!
Tomulf 12
Tomulf 12 - 5 years ago
hey guys, you should put one of the miniguns inside an even bigger A-10
Justus - 5 years ago
7:04 These are actually fuel tanks for long range missions :D
Tylar Alford
Tylar Alford - 5 years ago
have you tried to build an air liner yet
Anish Gupta
Anish Gupta - 5 years ago
Could you please link down those engines you used in the aircrafts?
Furiouszainedestroyer9161 - 5 years ago
I wish that wings of duty sponsored them
PiDsMedia - 5 years ago
Surprised you guys didn't go with FPV turrets, that would have been crazy cool, especially with some LED deck lighting and a near-night time bombing raid so those UV led's light up the rounds.
Hrmmmm, I wonder how those airsoft gatling guns would look, strapped to the side of a scale Hughes 500, with Ride of the Valkyries playing,...
Yousuf Ali
Yousuf Ali - 5 years ago
Aircraft Fail you ❌
Brian Dean
Brian Dean - 5 years ago
Ok, the little blurb about water proof motors, made me wonder if you guys can build the Flying Submarine from the show, Journey to the Bottom of the Sea.
Crockett FPV
Crockett FPV - 5 years ago
Build an aircraft carrier for the pond!
marios kalogeropoulos
marios kalogeropoulos - 5 years ago
Nobody - 5 years ago
12:50 that modified P-45(?) and the modified V-1 looks awesome.
Also a dogfight with airsoft would be a great project.
DSMX FPV - 5 years ago
Make an aircraft carrier which has a catapult that launches the models
Jamie Big mac
Jamie Big mac - 5 years ago
You should kamikaze a plane into the battleship
Keaton Ditchfield
Keaton Ditchfield - 5 years ago
Put air soft on the plains and tiny torpedoes on the plains. Make it real!!
BlueTerror Dzc
BlueTerror Dzc - 5 years ago
Yes Steffen is back!
KiteLeipzig - 5 years ago
more plastic waste in the environment your great
Josh Skywalker
Josh Skywalker - 5 years ago
Do Stuka with siren pls
Zuhair Arif
Zuhair Arif - 5 years ago
Make a plane ✈️ you can ride inside
Sean C.
Sean C. - 5 years ago
I know sit stand is a sponsor but those desks and similar ones are legit! I stand my entire work day now and would never go back.
Saud bin Salman Aldossary سعود بن سلمان الدوسري
Saud bin Salman Aldossary سعود بن سلمان الدوسري - 5 years ago
PRNAVY - 5 years ago
Make an actual aircraft carrier that launches and lands planes without the interferance of one of you
Jeffrey Is a Ho
Jeffrey Is a Ho - 5 years ago
Who else thinks that this video is gonna get demonetized because they used a clip of war machine?
Anthony Shane Bright
Anthony Shane Bright - 5 years ago
A10-Flyer - 5 years ago
I'd like to see the Arsenal Bird from Ace Combat 7, and done on a massive scale like the battleship, and if it flies, have an aerial battle with it and the A-10.
Firaz Bhikhie
Firaz Bhikhie - 5 years ago
17:20 wow.
Inga Baltokiene
Inga Baltokiene - 5 years ago
Do you have rubber band powered planes. Some thing powered by rubber bands .
kristos - 5 years ago
Welcome back, Andres!
Firaz Bhikhie
Firaz Bhikhie - 5 years ago
It'll 0be fun having some VR game about this!
Lars Claeys
Lars Claeys - 5 years ago
Yes nice vid man
Pat Ko
Pat Ko - 5 years ago
I remember
Dorssen Derhaeg
Dorssen Derhaeg - 5 years ago
Y'all need someone small and light
Ludvig The Birb
Ludvig The Birb - 5 years ago
the first p-47 picture was not fitted with bombs, they were external fuel tanks. amazing video regardless
mass - 5 years ago
You could of saved yourself a lot of work and spread the weight if you just would have got a hammock from your local big box store and stretched it on your frame and it would have been lighter than all the 2x4s used to protect the floor. Or just filled the whole thing with expanded foam and gouged out a seat for your "gunner". This would have supported the sides and the floor  better for the extra weight. IE no seams popping.
DaniPara2475 - 5 years ago
supertedogpriken - 5 years ago
you should start painting all your planes with some sort of bed liner for trucks. And make them planes crash proof.
HazNback - 5 years ago
You should make an aircraft carrier
Farooqueasif Siddiqui
Farooqueasif Siddiqui - 5 years ago
Flite test I love your videos
James's Blog
James's Blog - 5 years ago
Try to make the battleship fly, plz
scarysamons - 5 years ago
make the battle ship fly lol
Marko Morst
Marko Morst - 5 years ago
You know those anime girls that are in fact warships?
say no more.
Rambo 194385
Rambo 194385 - 5 years ago
Yeah, very stupid anime with no reason for existing.
lutzdercoole - 5 years ago
You should build a bigger plane with a camera so you can fly it in "First person"
National Security Agency
National Security Agency - 5 years ago
North Korea has a one made of tin foil
DudeManBroMan - 5 years ago
I first started watching flitetest in 2013 and lemme tell you guys... i would NOT think this is what it would have been like now... I emphasize that triple dot, a lot of memories (david, dave, chad, josh & josh, chris r) very different back then, purpose is the same and just getting greater
Tauri? - 5 years ago
Do air = plane vs water = boat vs ground = tank
Mr Bread
Mr Bread - 5 years ago
Just a suggestion it would be awesome to build an ac130 spectre that has airsoft guns at the side like the real one. Idk just a suggestion
Northern Nightmare
Northern Nightmare - 5 years ago
Anton Vogel
Anton Vogel - 5 years ago
all of the time you guy were talking about inspiren me well it worked i want to come one time to the flite fest i asked my mom but she said she dont know but you guy made me buy a speed build kit but not from your website i culdent find itbut thanks for inspiering me now i want to be a pilot because of you guys thanks
Tuulos - 5 years ago
How about some level bombers next time? Put downward pointing fpv cameras to the bottoms of the bombers for the bombardiers.
aloi gamer
aloi gamer - 5 years ago
Airsoft fighter vs bomber with airsoft turret?
felix andoliver
felix andoliver - 5 years ago
7:59 nazi cross omg
Stratos2 - no videos here
Stratos2 - no videos here - 5 years ago
00:15 Hold up, give me that F-14 Right Now!
Finn Lei Thomczyk
Finn Lei Thomczyk - 5 years ago
Make some more weird things fly!!!!!!!!!
Graham Parkinson
Graham Parkinson - 5 years ago
You guys are great, you've done this, the A10 and bomb drops but I'm thinking you really need to build a large bomber that can drop loads of ducks and bombs. keep up the great work.
Ola Ostrykiewicz
Ola Ostrykiewicz - 5 years ago
Buold a dock with airsoft AA guns for your boats
Ben Coleman
Ben Coleman - 5 years ago
Another great video gents!
Bona Indrawan
Bona Indrawan - 5 years ago
After rc plane,ship,car event tank now this channel bought airsoft content
Ben Coleman
Ben Coleman - 5 years ago
I believe the word your looking for in keel.
whatsapp inbox videos
whatsapp inbox videos - 5 years ago
dont know if im watching rc stuff or desperate house husbands
B Poort
B Poort - 5 years ago
What can we use as bombs?
*sees ducks*
g-a-g_24 team
g-a-g_24 team - 5 years ago
you need to get the the mini gun on the plane for a real 1v1
Thomas Gell
Thomas Gell - 5 years ago
You should watch grant Thompson s (king of random) video on where he made little bombs and you should drop them on the boat to see is you can sink it!!
Stavroula Theodorakaki
Stavroula Theodorakaki - 5 years ago
Could you do a Vietnam war dogfiphit The F4phantem vs the Mig 21
george palmer
george palmer - 5 years ago
I really liked the vid guys keep up the good work and try make a b-29 to drop bombs on the battleship because I think that would be so cool :D
Leandro - 5 years ago
you should try to shot down a Plane with you're airsoft guns
Zakaria Millie
Zakaria Millie - 5 years ago
Drop as many ducks on the air bus
Duarte Sousa
Duarte Sousa - 5 years ago
Make a p 40 p47 and corsair dogfight
Doug C
Doug C - 5 years ago
Revert FPV
Revert FPV - 5 years ago
first picture of p-47 dont have a bomb ... its a fuel tank
Kjell Ingvaldsen
Kjell Ingvaldsen - 5 years ago
You should try to make Co2 missiles to shoot from planes
Rex McStiller
Rex McStiller - 5 years ago
You should attac the ship with the A-10. :D And maybe a cam for aiming with the bombs.
Delicious DeBlair
Delicious DeBlair - 5 years ago
Put a chain gun on the A-10 and battle the ship next! \(^_^)/
Eren - 5 years ago
I have an idea. Why dont you make a boat which launches airplanes via a spring system and try to also land a plane on them maybe? Greetings from Turkey :)
Unknown - 5 years ago
Hats off to all brave soldiers who served in World War II, whether Germans or Americans or any other country, it was only humans who obeyed the order
Alexander Wan
Alexander Wan - 5 years ago
get a sponsor from ww2 dogfight
Ruu Ben
Ruu Ben - 5 years ago
Make tank vs battleship vs plane video airsoft battle PLZ
Redgis MT
Redgis MT - 5 years ago
Great video guys ! and .... Andreeeeees \o/ ;) Nice to see him around :)
Dr Dark
Dr Dark - 5 years ago
Can you guys make a replica of the virgin space ship
Oliver Lewis
Oliver Lewis - 5 years ago
Like if you want to see the battleship fly .
H311fi5h - 5 years ago
You know you have to get the whole ship to fly next, right? Maybe you shouldn't have increased the weight by so much ;)
countbuggula - 5 years ago
Something tells me Josh wasn't around when they made the terrible (and historically inaccurate - for obvious reasons) decision to drop them one at a time. Anyways, it probably wouldn't have mattered as much if they were still using the 3d printed bombs but the ducks are way heavier.
jackoghost - 5 years ago
next, build an carrier to hold those planes
Gijoeshow - 5 years ago
You should take the A-10 and have a war with the battleship just like you did with the tank
slate613 - 5 years ago
The "logical" progression from here.
A-10 versus flying Tank with twin mini guns!
Peter Zetstra
Peter Zetstra - 5 years ago
You guys have to buy a airsoft grenade to drop with a plane, or put a vortex grenade on it
Joseph Walton
Joseph Walton - 5 years ago
You forgot to name the ship! ;-) Great video either way!
alain philippe
alain philippe - 5 years ago
you are a crazy band, thanks forthis good video moment
joseph stanlin
joseph stanlin - 5 years ago
U should land a plane on the boat
Gamerboy 43
Gamerboy 43 - 5 years ago
Build an Airplane with a Minigun
John Anderson
John Anderson - 5 years ago
I saw a TOMCAT ! ! !
jocax188723 - 5 years ago
Soooo is anybody gonna freak out over the Tomcats? 'Cause I'm freaking out over the tomcats
KRZEMIEŃ - 5 years ago
Make an f22
Prinpupper 78
Prinpupper 78 - 5 years ago
Should build a bf109 or a bf110
Johann Voß
Johann Voß - 5 years ago
The orce.
Who understands like
Ark Royal
Ark Royal - 5 years ago
Might have been an idea to dive bomb them with the bombs like a Stuka or us the sun to block your approach like naval pilots used to do.
Faizaan Khan
Faizaan Khan - 5 years ago

Kilic Murathan
Kilic Murathan - 5 years ago
Make an Aiecraft Carrier
Anthony R
Anthony R - 5 years ago
Great job as usual guys and great to see Andres back!
Archie Scriven
Archie Scriven - 5 years ago
Can you turn it into an aircraft carrier?
Archie Scriven
Archie Scriven - 5 years ago
And call the the USS WIldcat because the first plane on this chanel was a wildcat and this is your first ship
Rollingo - 5 years ago
“P-47’s sometimes has bombs under the wings” shows extra fuel tanks.

Although they do look like bombs if you don’t know what they are I’ll give you that
ROOB dankmemes
ROOB dankmemes - 5 years ago
Build a aircraft carier and any planes!
TboyHi8 - 5 years ago
Now make the boat fly
Birk Hammen Agerskov
Birk Hammen Agerskov - 5 years ago
Why don’t you built a aircraft carrier
Kuxo Gaming & Racing
Kuxo Gaming & Racing - 5 years ago
now... make the boat fly.
Stinky. - 5 years ago
Put Airsoft guns on the planes Pls
Beavis4pres - 5 years ago
When I saw the P-47's, I forgot about everything else! Those planes are incredible. The build style innovation from the new Corsair is a HUGE winner! Get those planes to plans/market ASAP!
Gabriele Calvanese
Gabriele Calvanese - 5 years ago
I'm gonna buy the "Sea Duck" plane, but, will I recive the waterproof cardboard?
Samuel Kerby
Samuel Kerby - 5 years ago
You guys are bloody mental never change
Colin Williams
Colin Williams - 5 years ago
You should try guided bombs
Keenan Bartlome
Keenan Bartlome - 5 years ago
More stuff with the airsoft guns. Maybe a survival with the micro guns on the ground and see how long it takes to shoot down someone in a plane doing low passes. Or upgraded airsoft dogfights with actual high powered airsoft guns on planes shooting at each other.
Video 17
Video 17 - 5 years ago
papercut... "huge" 5:20 ... lol
Rc Freak 24
Rc Freak 24 - 5 years ago
When I paint a airplane can I paint over the tape?
Idiot Society
Idiot Society - 5 years ago
Try dropping firecrackers from your bombers!

Oh and also build a submarine that that you try to sink
Gezral Retotal
Gezral Retotal - 5 years ago
You say Evike like this
E as in Eli and vike like bike and then you combine them together
FliteTest - 5 years ago
Evike told us how to pronounce their name. It is not an English word so the rule about "e" at the end making the "i" a long vowel sound does not apply. It is pronounced like "brick" not like "Mike."
Lego Boy
Lego Boy - 5 years ago
you should make a flying mini gun
THE EXODUS - 5 years ago
looking for more such videos!
Blame USA
Blame USA - 5 years ago
Yeh thanks to the women that decided to make you use plastic toy ducks instead of cool as fk little bombs........... way to enhance it......
R3cK17 Rick
R3cK17 Rick - 5 years ago
pulls out flex seal can
Christos Mavrommatis
Christos Mavrommatis - 5 years ago
This was absolutely Epic!!! You nailed it this time big time.
Orion M42
Orion M42 - 5 years ago
Boeing B-17 flying fortress loaded with miniguns.

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