More Lobster Hunting and Kayak Diving with GoPro
Kayak 11 years ago 1,204,066 views
Lobster Hunting and Kayak Diving with Gopro is a compilation of numerous SCUBA dives from the 2012 California spiny lobster (Panulirus interruptus) season, which started in October and ran through the middle of March. Divers must catch lobsters by hand. I posted a previous video from early in the season - this video is all new footage from the remander of the season. Video includes appearances of other creatures encountered such as: octopus, pacific electric ray, swell shark, mating crabs, horn shark, cormorant feeding, california halibut, etc.
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10. comment for More Lobster Hunting and Kayak Diving with GoPro
20. comment for More Lobster Hunting and Kayak Diving with GoPro
30. comment for More Lobster Hunting and Kayak Diving with GoPro
Thanks very for the extra editing where you identified most of the sea creatures in the video. Very helpful for those of us who are new to this ecosystem.
I am 71 years old, a former professional pilot and skydiver. This is my current adventure before I get too old for activities like this. Any chance of you providing a link to where your camera and lights, etc can be purchased? Any other particulars you can share would be much appreciated. ;)
What are you using for mounts on the mask strap and the video Archon v10v or Archon D11? (Nothing recommended on Amazon)
and did you dont have a limit ??
50. comment for More Lobster Hunting and Kayak Diving with GoPro
100. comment for More Lobster Hunting and Kayak Diving with GoPro
Daily bag limit and in possession, each catch must be recorded on a lobster card. There is currently not a season limit, but talks of one.
And where are you hunting
I know that's real, but it almost looked fake the way he just shot off into the distance, lol
It is amazing you have such a similar spiny bug as in SoFla, but then I started to notice that your sealife is not all that far different than here! Very Cool, and Thanks for sharing. The GoPro and Lighting setup do make for a great hands free lobster grabbing combo.
Loved It!!
Hope that helps.
thanks dude
If so how much?
These aren't conservationists that make such comments, just ignorant trolls. We that actually DO dive and/or hunt on land know who the real conservationists are, Us.
6:08 OH Damn! 0_0"