Most Viewed - Hi Resolution Underwater "Slo-Mo" Kayak Roll

Most Viewed, Most Watched Kayak Roll Video. Have fun watching in-water & under-water Kayak Roll Demo with Bow Camera to show what happens underwater during a C to C, Sweep and Hand Roll. Make your kayak skills evolution a thriller, learn to dance with your kayak. Next time you are looking for things to do...get out on the water and go kayaking

Most Viewed - Hi Resolution Underwater "Slo-Mo" Kayak Roll sentiment_very_dissatisfied 46

Kayak 17 years ago 295,673 views

Most Viewed, Most Watched Kayak Roll Video. Have fun watching in-water & under-water Kayak Roll Demo with Bow Camera to show what happens underwater during a C to C, Sweep and Hand Roll. Make your kayak skills evolution a thriller, learn to dance with your kayak. Next time you are looking for things to do...get out on the water and go kayaking

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Most popular comments
for Most Viewed - Hi Resolution Underwater "Slo-Mo" Kayak Roll

Owen Booth
Owen Booth - 13 years ago
i have just learned how to roll, and iam only 13 :)
dudicito - 13 years ago
just wondering, is this possible to do without a sprayskirt?
lesatseaside - 13 years ago
33 people could not master the roll
David Priest
David Priest - 14 years ago
great video.
CeriseValkyrie - 14 years ago
wow i can do a roll with a paddle but not with my hands... maybe because i don't get enough water resistance or stuff but i'm already leaning back with my head coming out last. no idea why i ain't able to come up
AcidRooster - 14 years ago
is the first one C to C or sweep? i was taught the sweep roll, but ppl tell me mine looks more like a C to C, i think im bracing against the water combined with a hip snap
tap51tap51 - 14 years ago
This video is great. I rolled my kayak for the first time today. I did it once, but couldn't do it again. I guess I need to figure out a method and stick to it. I was leaning forward with my nose on the skirt, but the majority of these guys were leaning back. I'll have to try that to see if it makes a difference. dagger approach 9.0
Jon Gann
Jon Gann - 14 years ago
Very cool, thanks for sharing.
TheStigel - 15 years ago
In the river, a high brace is not a waste.Minimising time with head down exposed to river bed is kind of interesting to us. But, learning and using are two different thiings.

10. comment for Most Viewed - Hi Resolution Underwater "Slo-Mo" Kayak Roll

1Jofus1 - 15 years ago
The angle (from setup on top of the water with the paddle to your side) is the front blade, side towards you should be just over the water with the outside edge of that blade in the water. give it a go and see how much it helps.
1Jofus1 - 15 years ago
Just remember to feather (angle) the paddle so that when you sweep the paddle out and away from the kayak the paddle stays on top of the water.
HurtinAlburtan - 16 years ago
that is a really awesome video cool to see the underwater side of things you know
Acqua Clara
Acqua Clara - 16 years ago
fantastic camera on the kayak following the kayaker under water and the movements. thanks, great video idea.
pmanausome08 - 16 years ago
Thx man this helps out ALOT and the high def is just an amazing teaching tool thanks again!
Remco Hitman
Remco Hitman - 16 years ago
I always say high braces are a waste of energy and much harder than rolls. I always skip high braces when teaching these things. High braces are also more prone to cause injuries. I'd rather get a little wetter doing a roll than busting a shoulder trying to keep my head out of the water :) But then again I only deal with sea kayakers so rolls aren't as potentially dangerous as for white water paddlers.
Cormac Roche
Cormac Roche - 16 years ago
Your right to get your braces right first A roll is just a high brace gone wrong
MoOnLiTwOlF - 17 years ago
What's the difference between c to c and sweep? *looks baffled* That guy musta been dizzy at the end of that... But, it looks so much fun! I get to have a go tomorrow again, yay!
Barry O'Shaughnessy
Barry O'Shaughnessy - 17 years ago
for all u guys tring to learn to roll. the first thing u gotta do is get comfortable under the water. i know that sounds tough for some people. but i know that i can stay under the water for 2mins and 12 seconds and still have enough time to pull off a hand roll. its all practise and building ur confidance! trust me, get a buddy and just sit under the water all day rescuing each other. it'll pay off, once ur comfortable under the water u wont panic and forget your movements or pop ur deck.
g05948 - 17 years ago
i feel well happy i just mastered it 2 nyt i cnt wait for the summer thanks for this post its helped

20. comment for Most Viewed - Hi Resolution Underwater "Slo-Mo" Kayak Roll

flyflinger - 17 years ago
sweep is faster, but it can put you in a position to injure your shoulder, the c2c needs a windup and you use your hips more to right the boat and it is slower. honestly i use them both when i paddle.
JallenDragonhide - 17 years ago
Thanks for the post!
tiosipper sipper
tiosipper sipper - 17 years ago
I have never been in a kayak, but I'll be eventually. thanks for teaching something like this

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