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The "Motorized Fishing Kayak- Jackson Big Rig (2015)" video is part of the kayaking category, which contains similar videos like this one.
10. comment for Motorized Fishing Kayak- Jackson Big Rig (2015)
20. comment for Motorized Fishing Kayak- Jackson Big Rig (2015)
-Title the kayak as a boat (requires builders certificate/proof of ownership paperwork, which most people don't even have)
-Register the kayak with the state after getting title
-Boater ID card since you're operating a motor boat
-Flares (or other signaling device) if operating in salt water, and noise signal (whistle is fine) in addition to your PFD
30. comment for Motorized Fishing Kayak- Jackson Big Rig (2015)
50. comment for Motorized Fishing Kayak- Jackson Big Rig (2015)
I like your setup amazing
100. comment for Motorized Fishing Kayak- Jackson Big Rig (2015)
How much were the remote assemblies for the trolling motor?
1) What length are the two eye bolts that you run your cables off of the motor, does it matter?
2The transom you made is brilliant! What size are the two square tubes you used? Would you still have the measurements of your custom transom, and if so would you be willing to share them with us?
3) May I ask about the four galvanized or stainless steel bolts used to attach your transom what length and did you use teflon nuts to secure them?
4) Finally the fused switch and fobs where would one get them and do you have a brand name or model # for these items?
Sorry for all the questions I just would like to do this for my boat and my friends and don't what to waste money or do it wrong?
Thank In Advance
is it still pretty easy to put rudder on when you're wanting to just paddle? also is there room for a power pole?
Love the setup looks very clean and organized, and i want to follow a similar setup that you ran. I was wondering how you ran the wiring from the stern to the foot peddle. Did you have to make any holes, if so is it easy to run it through the hull? it would be a huge help thx
3.5 hours only? Hmm I fish longer than that, that is the main draw back I see. Not sure if a solar panel will help if you are drawing that much current so fast. Have you considered adding one? Would a 20 Watt Polycrystalline Solar Panel even help enough to make it worthwhile?
The only other cool thing you could add would be a servo that can tilt it so it can be beached or go over rocks/shallow areas without having to get out. If you could figure this out that would be awesome. A single linear actuator will probably work, since it is a small load considering it should cost more than $60.
they now sell kayak with paddle steering at back cheap so the job would be simple to add a motor
just looking to get one of these motors..I wanted to ask, do you have a lifting system for this kayak? or is the motor always fixed in one position?
Id want one with a Minimum of 6 hrs of life... IDK just wondering
wouldnt water enter to you kayak from/through the 1/4 tubing?
one of the most intreaging parts of there add is that they claim "superior efficiency" in that it will run almost all day??? what is your opinion?
With the steering cables attached below the pivot point on the motor shaft, if the motor hits ground or something hard underwater there will likely be damage.
If the cables were attached above the pivot point then hitting something would cause the motor to flip up out of the way and avoid damage.
Question: How would you compare your kayak to a old town predator II Minkota ??? Advantages.....disadvantages.....???
thanks !
just jim
or this one?
well,then I guess you have some extremely wet poop xD
Thanks Kevin .
I stuck a nut under the foot pad lock to force the lock open. Click my head if you want to check mine out.
yak up n go fishing.
Can you tell or show me how far you're able to trim the troller up with the amount of cable thats on there? Im concerned about getting in and out of shallow water.
Also, can you go into detail about the mount you made? Thanks
Congratulations on a nice clean/neat install. Like the remote. Many thanks for sharing.
I also use a manual cable steering system on my kayak as a backup to my linear actuator steering system with tilt and trim. I used round/smooth weed eater cable that is the same size as your stainless steel cable. It is less abrasive and you may look at it as a possible alternative.
I am working on a prototype to convert the Minn Kota 5 speed units to variable speed. So far the testing looks good.
Is that Ever Start battery a Wally world battery? how that working for you? any problems with it? instead of a fuse a Circuit Breaker is much better, No Fuses just reset the Circuit Breaker, they come in what ever amp trip you want, I would never use a replaceable fuse in that setup.
For running the wires through your yak, do you have them in plastic tubing so you won't be bringing on water from the holes in back?
I have an Old Town Preditor 13 and started taking it in the ocean. Is your trolling motor ok in salt water?
Great job, Mark
Thank you so much.