Motorized Fishing Kayak- Jackson Big Rig (2015)

My Jackson Big Rig fishing kayak outfitted with a Minn Kota trolling motor. Comment below for any questions.

Motorized Fishing Kayak- Jackson Big Rig (2015) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 134

Kayak 9 years ago 479,475 views

My Jackson Big Rig fishing kayak outfitted with a Minn Kota trolling motor. Comment below for any questions.

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Most popular comments
for Motorized Fishing Kayak- Jackson Big Rig (2015)

Matthew Ryckman
Matthew Ryckman - 7 years ago
Have you taken this offshore?
Joel Vines
Joel Vines - 7 years ago
Optima Blue Top weighs alot less and they're sealed. They last along time.
LITTY KITTY MUSIC - 7 years ago
add springs to both eye bolts and attach to the other end to the hull in a fixed position. Auto center on the motor and pedals.....
Den Ho
Den Ho - 7 years ago
Where do you buy the trolling?
Den Ho
Den Ho - 7 years ago
Where do you buy the peddle?
Daniel Adams
Daniel Adams - 7 years ago
Slick setup man..very nice work and great tutorial!
wickedroots08 - 7 years ago
May gain some speed by lifting prop depth , less drag
Logan McNealy
Logan McNealy - 7 years ago
So if I took the top of the motor off and extended to 4 wires you were talking about and put the top in the front would it work?
Ballistic Brian
Ballistic Brian - 7 years ago
Cool setup but instead of buying two sets of petals you should have drilled a hole though the track and used the cable pins to hold the petals in place when not using the motor.

10. comment for Motorized Fishing Kayak- Jackson Big Rig (2015)

Kayak Excursions
Kayak Excursions - 7 years ago
That is the perfect setup, you definitely did a great job with that! I want to try to do something like that.
Barry Thompson
Barry Thompson - 7 years ago
Kevin, please provide more information on the switch. Also have you thought about a variable resistor to control the speed? Outstanding video and craftsmanship on your modifications.
James Warner
James Warner - 7 years ago
Is this set up still working out for you? About to be getting my first kayak and looking for ideas.
Andrew Eddy
Andrew Eddy - 7 years ago
What is the parts list for the steering mechanism attached to the trolling motor shaft?
David Reece
David Reece - 7 years ago
I know this is an old video, but yours is still the cleanest install I have ever seen. Great job! Do you think this variable remote would work to control the speed instead of simple on/off functionality?
Vik lugaru
Vik lugaru - 7 years ago
Как он себя на воде ведёт?
Lithfkn00 - 7 years ago
Hey mate where did you get the mount for the engine? Did you make it yourself?
Brian Noll
Brian Noll - 7 years ago
Where did you get your remote system? Any idea if you could do similar with Fwd/Rev but also levels of speed? Would save battery
Thomas Smith
Thomas Smith - 7 years ago
Do you have a link for the fr switch
Darren Turner
Darren Turner - 7 years ago
How do you lift the prop out of the water when you come into the beach?

20. comment for Motorized Fishing Kayak- Jackson Big Rig (2015)

William Bowen
William Bowen - 7 years ago
That is totally awesome!!!
woodman39 - 7 years ago
Excellent job. Best home built set up I have seen yet.
G SOULJA - 7 years ago
Jeffrey Hall
Jeffrey Hall - 7 years ago
You have a part number or link for the RF mod and key fob??
Ja Man
Ja Man - 7 years ago
sweet, nice work
thechosendude - 7 years ago
Now to do this in Florida you need...
-Title the kayak as a boat (requires builders certificate/proof of ownership paperwork, which most people don't even have)
-Register the kayak with the state after getting title
-Boater ID card since you're operating a motor boat
-Flares (or other signaling device) if operating in salt water, and noise signal (whistle is fine) in addition to your PFD
Bobby Cooper
Bobby Cooper - 7 years ago
Kevin, I have a 14 lb thrust motor. Would this motor be too weak to propel your kayak? I fish a lot of choppy and wind blown water.
Jason Poole
Jason Poole - 7 years ago
Will the back end of the kayak go down too far because of the battery and submerged your steering holes that you have the cable running through?
Patty Hsyes
Patty Hsyes - 7 years ago
Looks cool have you ever tried to use a wind sail
Isotelus - 7 years ago

30. comment for Motorized Fishing Kayak- Jackson Big Rig (2015)

Adam Butler
Adam Butler - 7 years ago
looking at getting a fishing kayak and doing this to it. Nice work kev
Dick Tracey
Dick Tracey - 7 years ago
Kevin, would you use your rig on the ocean?
jyden coffey
jyden coffey - 7 years ago
Are u selling it and how much is it if u are going to sell it
Dirty South Angler
Dirty South Angler - 7 years ago
Do you know what kind of thrust you're getting on that trolling motor? Are your average speed.
Corrado Mallia
Corrado Mallia - 7 years ago
Hey Kevin any chance of you making me the same transit and I can pay you
Tahoe YakFisher
Tahoe YakFisher - 7 years ago
I am building a similar setup, did you ever figure out how to make the motor tilt up from the seat?
Hicham Marzak
Hicham Marzak - 7 years ago
Wach kayna hadi fi lmarouc
stephen dixson
stephen dixson - 7 years ago
Add a solar charger to the battery and increase your time out on the water infinitely.
Joe Puentes
Joe Puentes - 7 years ago
How do u charge the battery
CODmaster123464 - 7 years ago
You should ad a altimeter so your battery doesn't die as fast
Sean Larson
Sean Larson - 7 years ago
Coukd you list a matrrials list, and where you purchased the key fob, switch, and receptacle. Id like to give this setup a try
morrellp - 7 years ago
Just a suggestion but I would add a voltage monitoring device in the cockpit to monitor the battery just in case. Great setup.
Kevin Perry
Kevin Perry - 7 years ago
Also you might want to check it a producer called a bull nose(I believe) but it's a rudder that mounts to the shaft of the motor, it helps eliminate the "Pushing" that you get from a trolling motor. I have one on my pontoon boat and it helps a lot.
Kevin Perry
Kevin Perry - 7 years ago
Looks awesome, the only thing that I see failing in the field are the eye bolts for the steering. I see one is bent already. May want to try and find some stronger metal.
SummitisBEAST - 7 years ago
Catch & Release PR
Catch & Release PR - 7 years ago
Wao great job!
Mike Tull
Mike Tull - 7 years ago
Where did you get the steering "ring" that goes around the shaft?
Steven Robertson
Steven Robertson - 7 years ago
Add a solar panel on top of the battery's lid so you can get more time on your battery's run time
Richard Federation
Richard Federation - 7 years ago
Do you sell the trolling motor mount? I am trying to find one and the ones I do find are complicated and over built. Would you be willing to build and sell one?
Richard Federation
Richard Federation - 7 years ago
My Facebook is Richard Federation if you could contact me
Brad Reid
Brad Reid - 7 years ago
Kevin, great! Just a thought that what you might do is leave the set of foot pegs that are attached to the cables running back to the TM, just leave them on and push them all the way forward when not it use, then leave the non-attached second set on behind them. I suppose this could be done in the other order depending on leg length and how far forward you have to set the pegs up for paddling. But, this way you wouldn't have to replace them, remove hardware and so on. Brad

50. comment for Motorized Fishing Kayak- Jackson Big Rig (2015)

Zack Langlois
Zack Langlois - 7 years ago
Gatta put a solar charging kit
John Henschen
John Henschen - 7 years ago
Any chance you'd be willing to make and sell me that motor mount? :) I don't have the resources to make one myself, otherwise I would.
Dustin Mittel
Dustin Mittel - 7 years ago
have you thought about a solar charger while your fishing ?
Ryan Koehler
Ryan Koehler - 7 years ago
You should do a complete build with materials and wiring instructions. Very cool man.
Blue del Ray
Blue del Ray - 7 years ago
Nice project, would like to have one. Would this setup doable on a seat-on tandem kayak. My problem is transom, is your customized or bought it someplace?
VirginyaDigger - 7 years ago
Im buying 55lb thrust trolling motor, will switch work with 60amp fuse with no overheating issues?
I like your setup amazing
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+Daniel Pompell The switch will probably overheat and melt with something like that. The switch has a maximum rating of 30 amp
VirginyaDigger - 7 years ago
Is this a 12 volt trolling motor? Would like to see a solar charger or something for a all day fishing
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+Daniel Pompell I may add a solar charger for it at some point. It wasn't something that I thought originally. Thanks Daniel
RelentlessHomesteading - 7 years ago
Nice. Think I'd put a spring on each of the 'rudder' cables to take up slack.
RelentlessHomesteading - 7 years ago
Your welcome == thanks for the video
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+RelentlessHomesteading that's a great idea. Thank you for the comment!
4_sons_fishing - 7 years ago
That's a clean install! Great job!
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+FishSCTV thanks man!! Appreciate it
jeremy hipp
jeremy hipp - 7 years ago
clean man. very clean. well done.
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+jeremy hipp thanks a lot Jeremy!
Gary Bentley
Gary Bentley - 7 years ago
How did you get the large piece of plywood in?
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+Gary Bentley I just slid it in one way and it fit... it was tricky
Brad - 7 years ago
Can you install a wireless remote on any trolling motor?
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+Brad hey my friend... the switch I used is only good for 30amp. So the motor would have to stay under 30 amp.
Jap Crap
Jap Crap - 7 years ago
You might get more life out of a 12v deep cycle. I noticed your battery is for 24v, and the Minn Kota C2 is only a 12v motor as far as I know.
Jayson Losado
Jayson Losado - 7 years ago
24DC = 24 group size Deep Cycle 12v battery...not a 24 volt
Jap Crap
Jap Crap - 7 years ago
Kevin Bullington Nice! How has the motor setup helo up? Ive been wanting to do this for a long time
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+Jap Crap hey buddy! The battery is actually a 12v battery... idk why it says 24. But it's definitely a 12v
shadythereok - 7 years ago
mount the switch on the bulk head
Christian Harnisch
Christian Harnisch - 7 years ago
What about lifting the trolling motor when close to shore, or even slowly running the motor to actually troll?
Christian Harnisch
Christian Harnisch - 7 years ago
Kevin Bullington I do like the simplicity, especially the clicker for thrust. Well informed video though.
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+Christian Harnisch hey buddy. Those features were not important to me so I kept them out of this build in an effort to be simplistic. I suppose you could add them relatively easily.
David Frocione
David Frocione - 7 years ago
Hi!, Im on the Jackson Kayak pro fishing team out of hobe sound, Fl.  I have a  12.5 kuda, and the 15.5 Kraken.  Did you make that trailer or buy it?
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+David Frocione hey David... I bought the trailer from Harbor Freight... it was like $250 or so.
Romenite NY
Romenite NY - 7 years ago
Kevin Bullington Love the setup . but the one thing i dont like is the on and off , is there a variable speed option would like to control how fast im going ?
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+Romenite NY I personally didn't like the variable option so I elected to keep it off this build. But I'm sure it would be easy to include one... thanks for watching man!
ScottRidesHonda - 7 years ago
Nice! I do question how well the steel cable will hold up after taking water a few times.
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+ScottRidesHonda mine held for almost 3 years... I replaced them because I felt it was time...
McNasty JR
McNasty JR - 7 years ago
How do you launch this thing
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+McNasty JR depends on the body of water. Watch some of my latest fishing videos to see. Thanks man! - 7 years ago
nice setup up Bullington
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago thanks buddy!!
Alan - 7 years ago
I'd seriously recommend building a lithium-ion battery pack for this. Lighter for the same power, or way more power for the same weight. Win win.
Alan - 7 years ago
Look up videos on harvesting 18650 cells from old laptop batteries. You can get them as job lots on ebay. You'll need to test all the cells and discard the dead ones. Then when you've got a set of good cells you'll make a 4s pack. As I said, there's loads of really good videos on YouTube on it.
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+Alan Bacon I want to very much so... but it's so expensive! Any suggestions??
Jonathan Alonzo
Jonathan Alonzo - 7 years ago
great build!! have the same BigRig (2016)... saw the Appomattox River Co local 757 as well. would love to scope it out in person!
Jonathan Alonzo
Jonathan Alonzo - 7 years ago
Kevin Bullington well damn!! hahaha!
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
I'm actually in California LOL! I had the boat shipped to me across the country! They had such great service.
Matthew Bieri
Matthew Bieri - 7 years ago
Do you have a pic or video of your trolling motor mount?
Matthew Bieri
Matthew Bieri - 7 years ago
Kevin Bullington looking for design and how you attached the mount to the yak?
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+Matthew Bieri just on the video. What are you looking for exactly?
Nate NHB
Nate NHB - 7 years ago
You can also hook up a small solar panel somwhere on the kayak and hook it to the battery to keep it charged all the time
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+Nate NHB I definitely need to look into the solar panel thing. I wonder how quickly it will charge the battery though.
Nate NHB
Nate NHB - 7 years ago
Wow! The end product has a really clean finish! Great job!
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+Nate NHB thanks Nate!
Bass Strong
Bass Strong - 7 years ago
Best setup I've seen! Awesome!
Bass Strong
Bass Strong - 7 years ago
Kevin Bullington No problem man! I've been messing around with the idea of putting a trolling motor on mine and you knocked it out of the park with this one.. best I've seen so far!
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+Jonathan Whited thanks Jonathan!! Appreciate your comment!!
Ron Walton
Ron Walton - 7 years ago
Awesome! I've got a Coosa HD I want to try this on. Nicely done.
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+Ron Walton thanks Ron. I love the Coosa HD... I hope to own one soon
jeff i
jeff i - 7 years ago
holy badass setup
ASJC - 7 years ago
Hey cool video, about the battery, i've just bought a 40lbs electric motor and I want a battery that can last me a long time on the water, how long does you 24dc battery last on the 30lbs motor???
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+ASJC my battery is a 12vdc... if I ran the motor straight from beginning to end, the battery would probably last about 4 hours or so
Mark Andress
Mark Andress - 7 years ago
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+fauzi namawi thanks!!
Beartakedown - 7 years ago
Great job
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+Beartakedown thanks bro!!
Zachary Wartley
Zachary Wartley - 7 years ago
50 watt solar panel with built-in charge controller would keep that battery going all day
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+Zachary Wartley Great idea buddy! Thanks for the tip Zachary
Serge The Car Hauler
Serge The Car Hauler - 7 years ago
Very cool. I want to build a jet style under my paddelboard powered by a drill. The remote switch would be awesome. Where is the best place to get remote and receiver?
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+Serge The Car Hauler great idea!! I would love to see that happen! As far as the switch is concerned, I made a video regarding that. You'll find it in my video playlists.
Mark A
Mark A - 7 years ago
Absolutely brilliant !!!
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+Mark A thanks Mark!!
dji rc drone
dji rc drone - 7 years ago
you should get a solar panel to charge your battery.
Scott Riegert
Scott Riegert - 7 years ago
Sweet setup! My Coosa needs one!
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+Scott Riegert thanks scott
willard jacobson
willard jacobson - 7 years ago
to cool
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+willard jacobson thanks buddy
Albert Cervantes
Albert Cervantes - 7 years ago
Kevin, nice vid. Where did u get wireless switch? Also the small holes u drilled for the steering, does water seep into the kayak from that point?
Drigo Poster
Drigo Poster - 7 years ago
Good job!! How many hours you get with that size battery?
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+Rodrigo Guimaraes thanks buddy!! I probably get a couple hours of straight maximum runtime out of the group 24 battery
BloodSweatnBass - 7 years ago
That's a dope set up dude...I would like to know more about the RF remote control switch. Where did you get it? I can think of so many more uses for me in my Slayer 13. You saved me a few dollars with this video thanks for sharing....Tightlines brother
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+BloodSweatnBass thanks brother! I actually did a video about the switch. Your should check it out. It's in my playlists.
M&M Outdoors
M&M Outdoors - 7 years ago
how did ypu get the wire throught the hule of the kayak
M&M Outdoors
M&M Outdoors - 7 years ago
Kevin Bullington thank you helped alot
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+3shot mason hey buddy. I drilled 4 holes in the appropriate places and fed some tubing into the holes. Then I fed the cable through the tubing and connected the cables to the adjoining areas.
Kayak Fisher123
Kayak Fisher123 - 7 years ago
What did you use around the shaft of the trolling motor to hold your eye bolts on? picked up a 55lb minn kota tonight for next to nothing and plan on doing this project over next week.
Kayak Fisher123
Kayak Fisher123 - 7 years ago
Thanks man! Your videos are awesome, appreciate all the ideas!
Rich Schnippel
Rich Schnippel - 7 years ago
Very well done. My only concern would be that you should have considered a glass mat battery...they don't require ventilation whereas the deep cycle battery you have should be properly ventilated, especially using on longer runs. Interesting that it doesn't squat in the water. You did a great job putting this together. How hard would it be to have had the controller have variable speed? I like your wireless system, but I would want the ability to control speed. Great job!!
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+Rich Schnippel thanks for the compliment and input buddy! As far as the switch is concerned, I believe installing a variable switch would be pretty straight forward. You would just have to find one to install on it.
Jimmy Anderson
Jimmy Anderson - 7 years ago
That's pretty cool!! Good Job!! Man I could use that transom. I would buy if you could make me one.
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+Jimmy Anderson thanks buddy! It's a pretty simple build if you can weld...
Lalo Perez
Lalo Perez - 7 years ago
Can you post the part number for the RF remote control you used?
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+Lalo Perez hello friend! I made another video about this. Check it out in my video lists
k P
k P - 7 years ago
hi! i been watching ur video and decided to go this route, but how come when i click to go forward /back it don't stay on like ur, with mine i have to keep press on it ,if i let go of the bottom it stop, but i see ur first click it stay on and click again to stop it , mine dont do that .
k P
k P - 7 years ago
Kevin Bullington i just figured out, i press and hold on the program bottom till the red light come on and it will stay on for like 5 second then i set to latching mode, thank you for your reply.
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+k P interesting, I think it may be a little programming feature you may have to disable. I'm not sure...
Cristobal Manzano
Cristobal Manzano - 7 years ago
Way cool if you would forward me a list of parts that I would need to do the same I would appreciate it real nice job you did
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+Cristobal Manzano hey buddy! I have a few videos about up on my channel regarding some of the various parts of the kayak. Check em out and if you still have questions, let me know and I try and get them answered. KB
Big Slick
Big Slick - 7 years ago
pretty sure those holes for motor steering will let in water
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+Big Slick understood. Gotta say though, never leaked from there in 3 years.
Big Slick
Big Slick - 7 years ago
Just saying it's a weak point, if it leaks it's from there.
Kev Han
Kev Han - 7 years ago
Awesome setup Kevin, love that RF remote switch. I'm in process of installing a TM on my Big Rig. I'm wondering why you didn't use exit holes for the rudder system for your steering cables. Also, what did you use for the collar where the eyelets are connected ?
Kev Han
Kev Han - 7 years ago
Got it Thank you!!!
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 7 years ago
+Kev Han hey buddy! Check out my new video, I answer some of these questions... have a good day!

100. comment for Motorized Fishing Kayak- Jackson Big Rig (2015)

Chase Frazier
Chase Frazier - 7 years ago
Soo witch rf switch did u use? And could u do a vid on how that works??
Kurt Siemers
Kurt Siemers - 7 years ago
Great Video. Where do you mount the battery for your Lowrance unit? I have Big Tuna-can you refer me to a you tube or photo of the transom mount used on a Big Tuna?
Efrain De La Riva
Efrain De La Riva - 7 years ago
i love your kayak work and i have one but i was wondry how much will it cost me for you to build my will you help me out bc i am bad with putting stuff in kayak
redroofretriever - 7 years ago
Needs the - in the water test run - at the end of this video. Great job and very creative way to propel your kayak.
Nick Frank
Nick Frank - 7 years ago
Just a suggestion I wouldn't use that remote thing for your trolling motor because you can't control your speed because since you did the controller thing it's now one speed forward and one speed backward and sometimes when your going into a cove you might just want to go really slow into the cove and fish it for a little while instead of Turing it on forward and the it just guns in so just a suggestion
Sam Estrada
Sam Estrada - 8 years ago
Kevin, what do you think about an i pilot on the stern instead of that?
Shack's Outdoor Adventures
Shack's Outdoor Adventures - 8 years ago
do you have any issues getting stuck in weeds or anything?
aussi3212 - 8 years ago
i have a question will you take 150 bucks and a old dodge 6 cylinder for it all? - 8 years ago
does all that weight in the back effect the kayak at all?
radar 211
radar 211 - 8 years ago
That's a really nice setup, nice fabrication as well. This is exactly what I'm gonna do on mine.
How much were the remote assemblies for the trolling motor?
Alameda Jon
Alameda Jon - 8 years ago
Very nice set up. so your turning cables Dont leak water into the hull?... I see way above the water line.
Francois Pichette
Francois Pichette - 8 years ago
Great setup but no speed control!!!
j m
j m - 8 years ago
since you removed the head from the trolling motor i assume you don't have multiple speeds does that mean that the motor is on the "high" setting ? and awesome job on the video and the fabrication
mike o boy
mike o boy - 8 years ago
nice job
Aaron Cleary
Aaron Cleary - 8 years ago
Kevin...the ring that you have around the trolling motor shat, what type is it and where might I get it from?
Donald Mildrum
Donald Mildrum - 8 years ago
nice set up man. good job. love the foot pedal design you did
raffis15 - 8 years ago
nice setup mate
eLCaPItAnCR DHys - 8 years ago
Good Job Brother,,  ,Thank you for the planning to get  my kayak soon,,, Do  you have the description for everything on the electric motor.. any info will be appreciated..
BossHawg 408
BossHawg 408 - 8 years ago
the pins that you have on the trolling motor shaft to turn it left n right. where did you get those?
James Wright
James Wright - 8 years ago
Hey i noticed that you had a appomattox river comp sticker on your kayak. Do you need to register your boat since you have a electric motor?
mieke sipma
mieke sipma - 8 years ago
Aaron Cleary
Aaron Cleary - 8 years ago
Hey Kevin....what's the name of the remote switch and where did you purchase it?
Raymond Litschgy
Raymond Litschgy - 8 years ago
A few questions that would be a big help, I would like to do the same for both my big rig and my friends. The way you have done your is brilliant thank you for sharing this information.

1) What length are the two eye bolts that you run your cables off of the motor, does it matter?

2The transom you made is brilliant! What size are the two square tubes you used? Would you still have the measurements of your custom transom, and if so would you be willing to share them with us?

3) May I ask about the four galvanized or stainless steel bolts used to attach your transom what length and did you use teflon nuts to secure them?

4) Finally the fused switch and fobs where would one get them and do you have a brand name or model # for these items?

Sorry for all the questions I just would like to do this for my boat and my friends and don't what to waste money or do it wrong?

Thank In Advance
Joe Frias
Joe Frias - 8 years ago
@kevinbullington , have you thought of using Dewalt 20V batteries? Would save you a ton of weight and the ease of charging. I just thought I'd bring it up as an idea. I switched the battery out of my daughter's electric power wheel and what a difference!
Grow Yourself
Grow Yourself - 8 years ago
What are you using to recharge the battery?
Richard Belanger
Richard Belanger - 8 years ago
Great video.  I just bought a kayak and I will be fixing my electric motor on.  Why a 24 dc battery?  Also I was told that for a trolling moter I needed a battery with a reading on it of something like 65 amp/hour but I dont see that on yours and yet you are riding 3 hrs, does all I really need is a deep discharge battery ?  I'll wait for your answers before I buy the battery...
evan fowler
evan fowler - 8 years ago
Where do you get the wire and bolts and the controller
Fred Fable
Fred Fable - 8 years ago
Derrick Greenwell
Derrick Greenwell - 8 years ago
this is great man! I plan to fold your design outlined here on a coosa hd.
is it still pretty easy to put rudder on when you're wanting to just paddle? also is there room for a power pole?
Tito r
Tito r - 8 years ago
Were do you purchase the mounting bracket for the trolly ? looks very nice your project I want to do too.
emilio lopez
emilio lopez - 8 years ago
what if you added a solar charger to charge that battery?
Seelah King Of Kings & Lord Of Lords
Seelah King Of Kings & Lord Of Lords - 8 years ago
how much does everything cost including the kayak? cheers
HOOK & KOOK - 8 years ago
HOOK & KOOK - 8 years ago
YAKMAN ONT - 8 years ago
Jackson makes a good YAK
Drew Maurey
Drew Maurey - 8 years ago
how long will a 12 volt car battery run the trolling motor before it dies?
Austin Kayak - Houston Store
Austin Kayak - Houston Store - 8 years ago
look up native slayer minn kota solar kayak at william alford.
Mark Pouliot
Mark Pouliot - 8 years ago
what about hydrogen from battery?
cool kayak
cool kayak - 8 years ago
Hey where can I get the bracket to hold the motor? If you're in California let's go fishing.
Reverse Forward
Reverse Forward - 8 years ago
You should check out lithium-ion batteries. They are expensive and last forever. They are extremely light and have enough charge to last all day long. Beats having to having to lug that heavy lead battery around.
Jeffrey Elliott
Jeffrey Elliott - 8 years ago
Yeah how do you steer the boat with the foot peddles  ?
david hendry
david hendry - 8 years ago
Jeffrey Elliott you didn't watch the video?
Major lbgaming
Major lbgaming - 8 years ago
Jeffrey Elliott the Patel
Toms Matisons
Toms Matisons - 8 years ago
kevin, is remote control part of motor or fuse box? where did you get it? tnx
Aaron Cleary
Aaron Cleary - 8 years ago
GEMA Electronics
JC - 8 years ago
nice setup
mike kazk
mike kazk - 8 years ago
Hey Kevin,
Love the setup looks very clean and organized, and i want to follow a similar setup that you ran. I was wondering how you ran the wiring from the stern to the foot peddle. Did you have to make any holes, if so is it easy to run it through the hull? it would be a huge help thx
JThomsen1286 - 8 years ago
What size square tubing did you use? been battling some designs for my BigRig and having trouble with the tubing size. Any help would be great. Thanks
DarkSagan - 8 years ago
So you cant lift the motor when youre in super shallow?
Josue Lopez
Josue Lopez - 8 years ago
Dude. That's awesome.
nsternberg1 - 8 years ago
Kevin, not sure your seeing these comments, can I get a similar mount for my Jackson Big Tuna?
Richard Belanger
Richard Belanger - 8 years ago
Good show!!  But why a 24v  dc battery?  I used to have a 12 v dc deep discharge marine and it work well and for prolonged tin=me with a 30 Lbs trust motor"
David Madden
David Madden - 8 years ago
how did you fabricate the transom mount?
DONALD MCCAFFREY - 8 years ago
what kind of rf switch did you use and where did you get it ? loved your video !! just bought a fs128t ascend and want to do all what you have done
Neal Sternberg
Neal Sternberg - 8 years ago
CAn i get the mount you used for your motor, I have a Jackson Big Tuna
Neal Sternberg
Neal Sternberg - 8 years ago
Can I get the dimensions from you, I have a guy who can weld one. I live close to Redding and I think Kevin B does also, if I could get some close photos or meet to measure it, that would be very helpful
bill nunya
bill nunya - 8 years ago
Show this video to any welding shop in your area. This is the ind of project they give to the boy. I would expect to pay about 100 dollars. I would get it made in Aluminum though. Better yet, bring your kayak and your motor to the fabricator and any mediocre welder should be able to produce something nice. Look up metal fabrication or welding in your area and there should be plenty of resources. You might call and ask if they'd be interested in making a small transom for your kayak.
Jonathan datlag
Jonathan datlag - 8 years ago
thank you for giving me awesome ideas for kayak fishing. since I can't afford a boat. keep the videos coming
JungleJimAB9AB - 8 years ago
Awesome thought process! Thanks for sharing this idea. Great video. This is exactly what YouTube was made for. Keep up the great work.
Joey Garcia
Joey Garcia - 8 years ago
Love the design and the video. I like the RF controller, but not crazy about having a fob. Some might say RF is overkill for a kayak since it is such a small area, but if does offer a cool factor.

3.5 hours only? Hmm I fish longer than that, that is the main draw back I see. Not sure if a solar panel will help if you are drawing that much current so fast. Have you considered adding one? Would a 20 Watt Polycrystalline Solar Panel even help enough to make it worthwhile?

The only other cool thing you could add would be a servo that can tilt it so it can be beached or go over rocks/shallow areas without having to get out. If you could figure this out that would be awesome. A single linear actuator will probably work, since it is a small load considering it should cost more than $60.
Michael Trevino
Michael Trevino - 8 years ago
you use this rig in saltwater?
Tim Last
Tim Last - 8 years ago
Pretty neat
Craig from CT
Craig from CT - 8 years ago
Be nice if you sold a "How to" manual. I would pay! I bought a used Ocean Prowler big Game that I would like to add a trolling motor so I can spend more time fishing instead of paddling. I would use mine a ton if I had flippers or a motor! thanks for Posting!
James  Schell
James Schell - 8 years ago
and I like that you can still tip the trolling motor up for shallow water
James  Schell
James Schell - 8 years ago
how many times have you popped the fuse in it
Kyle Kishbaugh
Kyle Kishbaugh - 8 years ago
scranton pa craigslist...sweeet bigrig cheap..motor bells whistles.....sick
Robert Doyle
Robert Doyle - 8 years ago
Where did you get your 12 VDC 30 Amp RF Remote Control? Any Part numbers, etc.
Controlled Chaos RC
Controlled Chaos RC - 8 years ago
very cool. What is the weight capacity of the cayak with you on it.
Seth Hoffman
Seth Hoffman - 8 years ago
Great set up! I've been thinking of doing this same thing on my kayak with the same idea for the pedals. Well done.
Robin Gilliam
Robin Gilliam - 8 years ago
TRY A SOLAr panel to charge battery
Phu Vet
Phu Vet - 8 years ago
I tried it with mine, and after failing, I did the math. It would have taken me a panel almost 3 times the size of my Kayak! I keep one on mine to charge my onboard battery though.
Lemon Bleach
Lemon Bleach - 8 years ago
What size PVC did you use to thread the wires through on the head of the trolling motor shaft
Lemon Bleach
Lemon Bleach - 8 years ago
just found out that on the head of the motor you can use a 3/4 pvc elbow like he did to make it slip on you just need to heat it up with a heat gun first.
this is the best way I've seen to do this so far. good job guy.
FealSmart - 8 years ago
Also something else is you could rig something up to where you hit shallow water and you can pull the motor up to horizontal, so you can skim if you want. Looks like it does come up, just find a way to pull that pin manually and a pulley system to pull the motor up
Lemon Bleach
Lemon Bleach - 8 years ago
How did you thread the cables through the hull and tools I want to do it on my kayak
Devin Ward
Devin Ward - 8 years ago
MAN your kayak is perfect, I'm new to the kayak fishing scene and I'm trying to get as many ideas as I can so when I finally get my kayak I can set it up but my one question is how long does the battery last you until you have to recharge it?
Indalecio Perez
Indalecio Perez - 8 years ago
add a car battery solar panel keeps the battery charge all the time get it at Walmart about 40.00 plus dollars.
youtube surfer
youtube surfer - 8 years ago
with your steering cable setup, are you still able to tilt up the motor to get the prop out of the water when you are loading or unloading, and in shallow water areas..
Bobby Vu
Bobby Vu - 8 years ago
Awesome video and clear, I watched your video over and over and really impress what you did. Question: Where do you buy a ring that connect to the cable? and what is call? Thanks
Flinginairos - 8 years ago
Super awesome set up! I will be using the same motor on my Vibe SeaGhost and installing it very similar to that. I want to keep the variable speed for trolling though. Havent decided if I will mount the head from the motor up near my seat or make a new box with on/off switch and potentiometer for the speed control or not. Need to figure that out. Looks great though and very professional install!
RBastien - 8 years ago
Awesome setup, great job!
Adrian Caldwell
Adrian Caldwell - 8 years ago
Where can you buy that RF switch its very interesting?
Andrzej Czupryniak
Andrzej Czupryniak - 8 years ago
dopracowane do końca marzenie wędkarza
Andrzej Czupryniak
Andrzej Czupryniak - 8 years ago
dopracowane do końca marzenie wędkarza
Omar Lomboy
Omar Lomboy - 8 years ago
This is the best trolling on kayak ever.
Petrol Headz
Petrol Headz - 8 years ago
Hi great job so when you take the top off the minn Kota is just 3 wires 2 positive wires 1 for reverse 1 for forward and a negative wire so just a case of wiring up to how ever I choose to control
they now sell kayak with paddle steering at back cheap so the job would be simple to add a motor
Tony Broussard
Tony Broussard - 8 years ago
That's a cool setup! You should post this at!
Andrew Clarke
Andrew Clarke - 8 years ago
nice set up..
just looking to get one of these motors..I wanted to ask, do you have a lifting system for this kayak? or is the motor always fixed in one position?
What - 8 years ago
it has screws you loosen with your hand and it slides up and down, and for the tilt there is a lever you squeeze and then you tilt it however much
WatchTryst - 8 years ago
I'm curious about this also. From what I can see in the video it looks to be fixed.
Satber Hoxhaj
Satber Hoxhaj - 8 years ago
You really did your homework very sweet setup
J Maddox
J Maddox - 8 years ago
Aren't there marine batteries out there that could last longer than 3 hrs? That's discerning..
Id want one with a Minimum of 6 hrs of life... IDK just wondering
Alan - 8 years ago
Sweet setup, I think I will do this on my Malibu Stealth12
Chris Gagnon
Chris Gagnon - 8 years ago
That is one sweet setup. I'm going to have to do this to one of my kayak. Thanks for the great video.
Lemon Bleach
Lemon Bleach - 8 years ago
Any one know of a person that installs this in Massachusetts?
It’s Emma & Remy
It’s Emma & Remy - 8 years ago
Can you detail how you made the mounting bracket?
Marsh Monkeys
Marsh Monkeys - 8 years ago
awesome vid. that kayak is awesome
Edward Avelar
Edward Avelar - 8 years ago
Can you post up a link for the Rf switch remote you used
Dick Face
Dick Face - 8 years ago
Looks like this one RF Remote Control Reverse Polarity 12VDC Motor Control with Auxiliary Switch Input
Allen Barnette
Allen Barnette - 8 years ago
I really like the big rig setup. everyone pushing the self propelled kayaks on me but the peddles take up a lot of space in also see there have been problems with the drives. the kayaks cost 2600 to 3300 bucks and come stripped. the big rig comes ready to fish with hatch covers and and and. what are your thoughts on them, also have you considered a solar charger to charge battery while your out might extend your battery life, just an idea.
Garrett Bone
Garrett Bone - 8 years ago
When you fish out of a kayak, you use a paddle, not a trolling motor. BUT!!! I like it!:)
Charles Lambeth
Charles Lambeth - 8 years ago
you really should put a chain or something between the eyebolts they are starting to bend.
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 8 years ago
+Charles Lambeth I purposefully bent the bolts. Good idea though
Dennis Dickerson
Dennis Dickerson - 8 years ago
What type of stores would carry the electricial detint switch , or Ebay ? Would you have a # ?
Sean Tse
Sean Tse - 8 years ago
Hi Kevin,
wouldnt water enter to you kayak from/through the 1/4 tubing?
Brian Nguyen
Brian Nguyen - 8 years ago
How fast does this go on the water at full speed
Almighty sosa Gaming
Almighty sosa Gaming - 8 years ago
decent about 10 mph
Anthony yrigoyen
Anthony yrigoyen - 8 years ago
Very nice!!!
Survivor Kip
Survivor Kip - 8 years ago
Awesome! The wireless switch is brilliant and would be a big help if you fall overboard with the motor running.
C DP - 8 years ago
C DP - 8 years ago
Josh Braddock
Josh Braddock - 8 years ago
Edwin DeArti
Edwin DeArti - 8 years ago
You should look into Nissan Leaf Li-On cells. They are the best Cells for DIY kayak projects. You need at least two at 64Ah , 7.4V each. You get more power for about 1/4 of the weight of the battery you have installed. I have 4 cells for a total of 1KWh on my setup, for what it seems like endless power...
Jeff T.
Jeff T. - 8 years ago
Kevin, I gotta know what you use to connect those I-bolts to the shafts. Where did you get that collar?
Jack Nemo
Jack Nemo - 8 years ago
now you need a Lithium Ion battery shallow water pole anchor. Put it on the front with a key fob as well.
andrew perez
andrew perez - 8 years ago
It's not a kayak, it's a plastic boat
andrew perez
andrew perez - 8 years ago
I'm not saying it's bad tho, good job lol
Jette Christensen
Jette Christensen - 8 years ago
30lb is not that much thrust but i guess you dont wanna lug around 200lbs of deep cycle batteries for a 200lb motor.
Hamid Alsaleh
Hamid Alsaleh - 8 years ago
للبيع اخوي ؟
Fry Pan
Fry Pan - 8 years ago
did it add more stability when you added the battery ?
Rob C
Rob C - 8 years ago
What is that on the shafts that you have the eye bolts screwed into?
Jeff T.
Jeff T. - 8 years ago
Ya, I wouldn't mind knowing that as well.
Štěpán Neuwirth
Štěpán Neuwirth - 8 years ago
Hello Dear Kevin. Can you let me know please the dimensions of the base for attaching the engine? I want to take your experience and base made of stainless sheet. My email address: Thank you and best regards, Stepan Neuwirth from Czech Republic (Europe) :-))
Bailey - 8 years ago
How did you mount the transducer ?
J Lewis
J Lewis - 8 years ago
great work man. Where can i get the rf switch and remote?
daconverse - 8 years ago
man great job.
Britannya G H
Britannya G H - 8 years ago
We're can I buy a motor that I can just put in? I'm not good at fabricating stuff. And I got my kayak at Walmart the longest but for one person so the BF stays home.
daconverse - 8 years ago
try a minn kota trolling motor. easy to install
Darryl BEAN
Darryl BEAN - 8 years ago
(Solar Panel?) Check out a system to trickle charge your battery while out on the water with all that sun. You would increase your range from three to four or more hours... nice set up.
Hazen Gray
Hazen Gray - 8 years ago
+Darryl BEAN Exactly! I've got just 2 15 watt panels mounted to my trolling motor setup on my kayak, and I can fish all day long! I've even gone on a weekend fishing trip to lake Sonoma, and still had power when I got it home! But I do need to invest in a Li-on battery to save on weight....
ktmobile24 - 8 years ago
Great stuff. Best motor set up yet.
pkoerner6 - 8 years ago
Really clean rigging. Very impressive!!
Kevin Carlson
Kevin Carlson - 8 years ago
Wojciech Gierczynski
Wojciech Gierczynski - 8 years ago
What kind and size of fitting you used on the shaft of your trolling motor the one that bends and you have wires coming out of which are connected to Minnkota plug
Jack M
Jack M - 8 years ago
Have you thought about putting a HF 1.5 watt solar battery charger on the lid to the battery storage area? I've used this charger to keep my TWO Group 27's in my RV charged and it work great! It is completely water resistant and doesn't require a charge controller. Doing this would increase your fishing time as it would charge the battery while you fishing.
spike lovelace
spike lovelace - 8 years ago
What was your total cost on that bad boy?
Leland Holton
Leland Holton - 8 years ago
Have you broke the eye bolts yet? I saw the port side bolt was bent. I can only imagine that you've used your whole body weight on the foot pedals and bent them hard.
Leland Holton
Leland Holton - 8 years ago
Just a suggestion but you could put some of that steel cable to connect both eyebolts together to give it more strength. I like your setup.
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 8 years ago
+Leland Holton I actually bent both sides on purpose to give it a better angle that wasn't so steep on my brass fittings. The galvanized eyebolts do in fact bend a lot easier than the stainless steel ones which are very rigid but I have yet to run into an issue with pushing too hard and bending the eyebolts at all.
Geno Ory
Geno Ory - 9 years ago
I also have one to that's fully loaded with a Bassyaks kit
Geno Ory
Geno Ory - 9 years ago
I also have one to that's fully loaded with a Bassyaks kits
Geno Ory
Geno Ory - 9 years ago
I also have one to that's fully loaded with a Bassyaks kits
Donald Merseal
Donald Merseal - 9 years ago
could u tell me where you bought the plate forthemotor
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
+Donald Merseal we actually made it
Chris Rogers Sr.
Chris Rogers Sr. - 9 years ago
Kevin where can I get one of those forward reverse switches.
DeliriousIntentions - 9 years ago
I love those kipawa propellers! It adds a lot of power to the throttle action and a lot less weed tangle.
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
+DeliriousIntentions very nice props. Treats me very well.
jim k
jim k - 9 years ago
Now take a perfectly good horse and attach rockets to him to get to places faster. You have completely missed the point of kayak fishing. By the way you're gonna spend your whole day with your back to the wind or facing upstream with that motor on the back. Nice lcr too. Sorry man no sale.
Tony at1022
Tony at1022 - 7 years ago
The hole point of kayak fishing is to get to areas, that you can't with a big boat, his setup is very awesome, now go back into hidie hole troll boy, freaken hater.
flock security
flock security - 7 years ago
jim k #dead
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
+jim k Hey, Jim K, I'm not selling anything here. You're going to get on here and post your short sighted and narrow "opinion" like I'm supposed to fall in line with it. And when my vision doesn't jive with yours, then it's wrong and needs to be condemned. You got into kayak fishing for one reason or another, just like I did. I've had my boat out on the water on windy days and it works flawlessly guy. And I don't take my boat on rivers and streams guy (it's a Big Rig not a Karma). Also, I still EXCLUSIVELY paddle my boat on small bodies of water like ponds and swamps but Shasta and Clear Lake are HUGE and paddling them for an hour straight gets quite tiring (thus the reason for a motor to get me there). So, why don't you tell me some more about your headstrong views on kayak fishing and how they should be explicitly "cart and horse" restrictively....
Jim Knowles
Jim Knowles - 9 years ago
thanks Kevin!!
one of the most intreaging parts of there add is that they claim "superior efficiency" in that it will run almost all day??? what is your opinion?
Jim Knowles
Jim Knowles - 9 years ago
Thanks Kevin!!
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
+Jim Knowles depending on the battery, and the way you set up the wiring, you may get to use it. I have it set up to 12 V whenever I turn it on so on long trips, it may drain in a few hours.
James Bradley
James Bradley - 9 years ago
i have a motor like that,i understand how you did the battery connection. but what speed do you leave it in.when you use it
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
+James Bradley The way I have it set up, I only have one speed which is a 100% 12 volts all the time.
Lee Fazzani
Lee Fazzani - 9 years ago
Just an observation I had:

With the steering cables attached below the pivot point on the motor shaft, if the motor hits ground or something hard underwater there will likely be damage.

If the cables were attached above the pivot point then hitting something would cause the motor to flip up out of the way and avoid damage.
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
+Lee Fazzani you are right except for the motor is locked in position so damage would occur regardless
Jim Knowles
Jim Knowles - 9 years ago
great video!
Question: How would you compare your kayak to a old town predator II Minkota ??? Advantages.....disadvantages.....???
thanks !
just jim
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
+Jim Knowles I almost bought the predator when it first came out but there were issues with the first batch. I think the predator may not be as stable as the big rig just because the big rig is so large. The predator may be more convenient to have the minn Kota in the center. I'm sure my boat turns better and quicker but that may not be a big deal. There are quite a few differences but the predator looks like a good machine!! I like it from the looks of it...
Beast For ever
Beast For ever - 9 years ago
How fast dose it go
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
+Beast For ever about 3.5-4 mph. Not winning any speed records but it gets me there.
DirtyBass Catcher
DirtyBass Catcher - 9 years ago
what's up Kevin, so I got the Field & Stream Eagle Talon 120 Kayak. if you don't mind checking it out and giving some pointers on where  to mount a trolling motor.
michael mencev
michael mencev - 9 years ago
Great job mate. Your remote idea kicks ass.
Bryson Thistrup
Bryson Thistrup - 9 years ago
where did u get the polarity switch
Bill Stoger
Bill Stoger - 9 years ago
Nice set up! You should youtube etc. research how to add an inline variable speed option to your motor setup so that you don't lose that capability. You can control it from your seat (I would miss not being able to troll at variable speeds.) Also there is a simple way of flattening out your motor shaft to aid in launching your kayak with the motor installed and not scrapping under the prop...then lowering it once you are in the kayak and in the water. I have seen both of these features documented on youtube. Thanks for posting all you vids! I have learned a great deal from your efforts!
Shannon DeFriese
Shannon DeFriese - 8 years ago
Also, I thought the white and yellow wires controlled the speeds. Am I wrong? At the moment, I'd like the ability for variable speeds, but am questioning if I really need that. If that's the case, the remote setup would be ideal.
Shannon DeFriese
Shannon DeFriese - 8 years ago
I would like to see the videos you're talking about. Doing research now on how best to raise and lower the motor.
Vanossgaming237 - 9 years ago
Where is your throttle
Adrian Wolf
Adrian Wolf - 9 years ago
very nice and cool kayak , good motor upgrades, :) i like it 5*
Donald Merseal
Donald Merseal - 9 years ago
very nice set up be great for spider rigging for crappie
LonestarYaker - 9 years ago
Thanks for a kewl and informative vid.  Nice delivery, steady cam technique and impressive setup on your Big Rig.  Your $400 output sure beats heck out of the cost of a Torqueedo rig with battery!  Right!?
Richard  Villarreal
Richard Villarreal - 9 years ago
can you control your speed on the trolling motor or do you just have to have one speed, that's a pretty cool setup
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
Just one speed. I could outfit it with a variable speed set up but I didn't need it.
David Hogan
David Hogan - 9 years ago
Sam Soto
Sam Soto - 9 years ago
Great job on the install. I'm wondering if a solar panel could substitute the battery.Also curious how your prop runs with the motor head sitting on the wheel well.
Andrew Cogliano
Andrew Cogliano - 9 years ago
Hey I recently discovered your channel. Love your ingenuity, I am quite the Engineer myself. Haha, I have one question though how did you mount the eye bolts on the trolling motor shaft for the steering?
G Loomis Redfish
G Loomis Redfish - 9 years ago
what kind of remote is that. and how do you wire in remote.
Israel Perez
Israel Perez - 9 years ago
Where Did you get the RF Black Box and the Key fob 12 volt DC 30 amp for it, and what about the other wires on the trolling motor did u cancel them out? love that set up like to put that on my nucanoe frontier.
maxbomb101 - 9 years ago
thats fantastic man, top work...i get my 1st ever kayak tomorrow so im stocked to modify it....thanks for the vid, you just got another sub
Lance Gilliland
Lance Gilliland - 9 years ago
Simple yet elegant solution. Great job.
Chris Sugg
Chris Sugg - 9 years ago
You've just defeated the purpose of the kayak, getting into super skinny water chasing tailing reds smdh
Teo Pit
Teo Pit - 8 years ago
+Really Happenings
well,then I guess you have some extremely wet poop xD
Really Happenings
Really Happenings - 8 years ago
Manufacturer recommends pooping in it.
Teo Pit
Teo Pit - 8 years ago
+Kevin Bullignton hi! how do you recharge the marine battery when its empty??
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
I suppose if I was "chasing tailing reds" I would have defeated the purpose. But you're assuming that I got into kayak fishing for the same reasons you did... For what I do, I made it bitchin'!
Paul Houston
Paul Houston - 9 years ago
Great video.  Great install as well.  Ive got a Big Rig as well.  I have buddy that's giving me his 80LB thrust Motorguide.  Is there any reason I wouldn't want to use his motor?  I know its a larger thrust than needed, but if its almost free......I hate to not use it.  I'll take any advise you can give.  Thanks!
Z71Ranger - 8 years ago
80LB thrust Motorguide. May be 24 volts... You would need two 12 volt batteries... That would add 100 lbs in battery weight to your kayak...
Lemon Bleach
Lemon Bleach - 8 years ago
If you can use it just sell it!
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
Thank you man. As far as the trolling motor your friend is giving you, the problem I see with it is that you will not get any additional speed out of that motor versus a lesser thrust motor and you will eat up a tremendous amount of current over a smaller motor. Which basically means that you will need a larger capacity battery or more batteries to run that motor to get the same performance that you would get out of a lesser thrust trolling motor which requires less current.
MasterBaiting - 9 years ago
looks great man! thanks for sharing..
Cast and retrieve
Cast and retrieve - 9 years ago
cool dude
Tom Loughnan
Tom Loughnan - 9 years ago
Where did you buy that keyfob and receiver from?
Michael Collins
Michael Collins - 9 years ago
dang buddy, you just made me want to drop the $ on a big rig... Sweet setup! Thanks for posting a helpful detailed video.
Peter Laurence
Peter Laurence - 9 years ago
Which brand of RF switch did you use? Is there a video on the transom fabrication?
David Dawson
David Dawson - 9 years ago
what are you using on the end of the shaft to make the wires run at a 90 degree and keep water out.
Bob Gransee
Bob Gransee - 9 years ago
thanks for the help. I've been looking for ways to rig my trolling motor to my kayak. Your video has been the best
BassHooker689 _
BassHooker689 _ - 9 years ago
very nice rig, professional install boss. thanks.
Tony Perez
Tony Perez - 9 years ago
did u cancel the other wires? are they useless?
Tony Perez
Tony Perez - 9 years ago
did u cancel the other wires? are they useless?
Tony Perez
Tony Perez - 9 years ago
did u just cancel the other four wires ?are they useless?
Tony Perez
Tony Perez - 9 years ago
did u just cancel the other four wires ?are they useless?
Wills420913 - 9 years ago
awesome dude im trying to make a motorized kayak for my mom she loves kayaking but she has a bad shoulder so she cant paddle very long. i love this design very well built im gonna have to steal some of your ideas lol
dashphotovideo - 9 years ago
Nice yak setup! Can you control the forward speed with the remote?
Terry Kloeffler
Terry Kloeffler - 9 years ago
This is a great remote speed control system and I looked at all the questions and comments and several people have asked you where you purchased the controller, what brand or unit number to get why wont you tell us. PLEASE you have great ideas but some of us need more help on getting the right components.Thank you
Darin Weiszbrod
Darin Weiszbrod - 9 years ago
Where did you get the RF Switch ?
Thanks Kevin .
Paul Hughes
Paul Hughes - 9 years ago
Would you share where you got the RF switch?. That's genius, as well as your whole setup. With the head of the trolling motor off, do you think it's possible to set it up for variable speed using your setup? I have reasonable experience with electrical work, so it shouldn't be too complicated, but I've never done it myself, so I can't be sure. Overall, I am really impressed with your rig. I watch kayak rigging videos all the time and this is one of the best. Just subscribed to your channel.
Russell Oaks
Russell Oaks - 9 years ago
Can your fishfinder connect to the same battery?
Brian Nguyen
Brian Nguyen - 9 years ago
can you make a tutorial video on how you made it please
MarcoMtz1979 - 9 years ago
Awesome cayak man, nice job.
Jeramy Gonzales
Jeramy Gonzales - 9 years ago
Where did you get the kit for your Minn kota C2
Marco sala
Marco sala - 9 years ago
Wayn Jul
Wayn Jul - 9 years ago
Nice rig. I got tired of paddling against the wind so just set up my yak with a trolling motor.
I stuck a nut under the foot pad lock to force the lock open. Click my head if you want to check mine out.
yak up n go fishing.
TaylorJ - 9 years ago
8:18 damn this nigga strong as fuck.
jeff hainley
jeff hainley - 9 years ago
hello great video love the remote for the motor. I also have a cable style steering on my scanoe. I'm redoing mine over the winter and I was wo wondering what you used for the ibolts on the shaft. thank you in advance
dihappy - 9 years ago
2 Q's
Can you tell or show me how far you're able to trim the troller up with the amount of cable thats on there? Im concerned about getting in and out of shallow water.

Also, can you go into detail about the mount you made? Thanks
jbarb33 - 9 years ago
can you list all the materials purchased for this build?
Freedom & Justice
Freedom & Justice - 9 years ago
Great job and Kayak! Where I can find this on/off remote switch you got? What's volt(24) / (30)amp of your battery? Keep up the videos. Thanks!
AnimalMother224 - 9 years ago
if you could post link of that remote setup the would be a huge help!! nice setup man!
B_Ave_Reel - 9 years ago
Hey Kevin, I was wondering how you rigged the steering linkage on the trolling motor shaft. What is the round piece you used to thread the "eye bolts" through to secure it to the shaft? I have my motor mounted on my kayak but been looking at several ideas for the linkage. Looks simple and was wanting to do the same thing to mine.
Jason Kirby
Jason Kirby - 9 years ago
Hey Kevin. im getting alot of great ideas from you man. thanks. question. the circular piece that appears to be drilled and tapped for the I bolts on the steering linkage. where did you pick that up? i would prefer your method rather than drilling the shaft on the trolling motor. 2nd. what size is the fitting on top of the shaft that the wires are coming through? standard plumbing fitting does not match up. thanks in advance for any help
Garry Englet
Garry Englet - 9 years ago
now all you need is a solar panel to stay out longer
West_Nebraska_Dude - 9 years ago
Ratdog 305
Ratdog 305 - 9 years ago
Nicely done! Where did you get the wireless control from?
John's Marine Solutions
John's Marine Solutions - 9 years ago
Hi Kevin,

Congratulations on a nice clean/neat install. Like the remote. Many thanks for sharing.

I also use a manual cable steering system on my kayak as a backup to my linear actuator steering system with tilt and trim. I used round/smooth weed eater cable that is the same size as your stainless steel cable. It is less abrasive and you may look at it as a possible alternative.

I am working on a prototype to convert the Minn Kota 5 speed units to variable speed. So far the testing looks good.

Max Stevens
Max Stevens - 9 years ago
never seen a pitch like that on a thirty pound . what brand troller is that please. lot of neat ideals . thanks.
Daniel Collins
Daniel Collins - 9 years ago
nice prop setup, may I suggest you tie the two eye bolts in the steering linkage together with something like bailing wire as they seem to be spreading.
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
Thanks. I actually bent them by hand.
Robalo de praia
Robalo de praia - 9 years ago
Emanuel V
Emanuel V - 9 years ago
Great set up:). Was wandering what brand name and where did you get the remote control unit and the part where the wired from the battery and from the motor meet. I assume that is where the remote is sending the signal. I am looking in to getting a motor on my new Kayak.
Sawyer henderson
Sawyer henderson - 9 years ago
would you sell the trolling motor setup how much?
Sawyer henderson
Sawyer henderson - 9 years ago
doe you sell these set ups
1911HeadBanger - 9 years ago
So when do we get to see it on the water?
Michael Sever
Michael Sever - 9 years ago
+1911HeadBanger ......Have no idea what it looks like
Gary West
Gary West - 9 years ago
I like that quick change you have on the Minn Kota trolling motor, that would be good going between several boats, I wonder how that would do with a endura maxx 55# thrust Minn Kota, on that boat? weight of your boat only is 100# plus 50# gear, + 75# drive/batt + you 200# your at 425# total, you need to build a floating cooler that you can tie onto the back of the boat to pull along behind you.
 Is that Ever Start battery a Wally world battery? how that working for you? any problems with it? instead of a fuse a Circuit Breaker is much better, No Fuses just reset the Circuit Breaker, they come in what ever amp trip you want, I would never use a replaceable fuse in that setup.
KAYAK FRANK - 9 years ago
Nice set up.
KAYAK FRANK - 9 years ago
Nice set up.
Daimian Bowen
Daimian Bowen - 9 years ago
Where Did you get the RF Black Box and the Key fob 12 volt DC 30 amp? Very Nice Job !!!
Nazeri Nazeri
Nazeri Nazeri - 9 years ago long this battery go..or how far max mls can go..? plz tell me.
Enoc Cruz
Enoc Cruz - 9 years ago
Does the switch comes with the rf remote control box and where did you pick this up at?
Ahmad El Ghali
Ahmad El Ghali - 9 years ago
how can i get one kayak same
SteriGary - 9 years ago
Nice setup, Kevin! Looks just like my '14 Big Rig, except I don't have the motor...yet. How do you handle shallow water with the motor? I don't see that you have a way to lift the motor up/out while on the water if needed to avoid prop impact. Any consideration for that in the future? I assume you just avoid the shallows..but thought I'd ask. :) I've looked at the BassYak setup, but don't want to drop that much $$ into the rig so I might do something similar to yours for the time being. Keep up the good work! Love the vids!
Noah Cumming-Turner
Noah Cumming-Turner - 9 years ago
How much did the original boat cost?
yowza yowza
yowza yowza - 9 years ago
they are about 1500-2k. jackson are great yaks. I would love to have one but I don't need another expensive hobby. I ended up buying a demo wilderness 115 ride X at a local yak store. it came with the track system 4 ram rod holders and the rudder all for 800bucks. normally the yak i bought is 1300 new
Scott Bigmofo
Scott Bigmofo - 9 years ago
hey brother can I get some info on how you made it wireless!
William Ramos-Munoz
William Ramos-Munoz - 9 years ago
hi man i was wondering where you could get the correct RF Switch if you could please send me the link I'd really appreciate it, thank you.
Terry Sturtevant
Terry Sturtevant - 9 years ago
Kevin I have a similar setup but on a non description Future Beach fishing yak. I didn't have the remote. I place the control head in a rod holder next to me. I steer with a push pull stick until I can set up foot pedals. I also included a release mechanism and a tilt rope. Works great. Nice work. Very professional.
HydraYak Outdoors
HydraYak Outdoors - 9 years ago
I like the video! Great job! I have a big tuna and have been thinking of ways to incorporate a trolling motor.
vincent kicas
vincent kicas - 9 years ago
where did you get the rf module and what does that usually cost
Gerbrand Grobler
Gerbrand Grobler - 9 years ago
Nice setup and great vid - Do you have some detailed info for the control unit and remote making. Had been thinking of making the same thing for some year but I am not sure about the wiring of the trolling motor and the speed controller. Could you send the links of the electric hardware please.
TonydlP650 - 9 years ago
you should sell all the parts as a kit with directions, I bet you would make a killing
Mark Elsen
Mark Elsen - 9 years ago
Very nice video. I've watched a lot on setting up a trolling motor with a yak and only yours explained what & why & how you hooked it all up.

For running the wires through your yak, do you have them in plastic tubing so you won't be bringing on water from the holes in back?

I have an Old Town Preditor 13 and started taking it in the ocean. Is your trolling motor ok in salt water?

Great job, Mark
Jennifer Prentice
Jennifer Prentice - 9 years ago
Can you give us more details on the transom mount and how you made it?
KGW Kayaking Adventures
KGW Kayaking Adventures - 9 years ago
Very nice
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
Thank you!
Jeramy Gonzales
Jeramy Gonzales - 9 years ago
Where did you get the remote switch?
Mark Polsky
Mark Polsky - 9 years ago
Nice install! Where did you get the prop at?
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
Directly from Kipawa
Tibi Jovica
Tibi Jovica - 9 years ago
Great job, very clean install
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
Thank you
daniel parker
daniel parker - 9 years ago
can you make a vid of you on the water with it
daniel parker
daniel parker - 9 years ago
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
I will add some clips on the next fishing video
Joseph Bohbot
Joseph Bohbot - 9 years ago
So I recently bought a Bass Pro Shop Crankin' Stick IM6 Unidirectional Graphite, Med Act 7' rod off my friend and I'm not really sure what all can I throw on it, if you can answer me back that would be awesome.
Thank you so much.
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
Medium action or medium power??
YaKnMulisHa - 9 years ago
Nice I just installed my trolling motor on my BIGRIG as well although I took a different direction since I mainly fish roughly 18" of water or less I really like the idea of the RF switch what speed out of the 5 do you have it on forward and what speed out of the 3 do you have it on for Reverse?
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
It's not on a speed. Applying 12v and the motor is pulling the current it needs. So it's full power.
Tyler K.
Tyler K. - 9 years ago
Nice vid
Evan Warwick
Evan Warwick - 9 years ago
did you have to get a tittle because it is motorized
thechosendude - 7 years ago
Don't forget you will likely also need a boaters license, since you are operating a motor boat. And if you want to get even more picky, you may need additional safety items depending on your area because it's now a boat (I.E. - flares, extinguisher, etc).
Antrigen - 7 years ago
If it's motorized it has to be registered, makes no difference how its mounted. But like David Campbell said above it's usually pretty cheap.
mach-a-chine seahawksgoonie
mach-a-chine seahawksgoonie - 7 years ago
Evan Warwick is this for kayaks? shoot! i did not know that! if it is permanently mounted then it has to be registered?
David Campbell
David Campbell - 9 years ago
+Kevin Bullington In my state it is 10 bucks for 3 years under 16ft.
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
In most states I think you do have to have it registered. Shouldn't be too expensive.
Jackson Abrams
Jackson Abrams - 9 years ago
You should do kayak bass fishing tournaments
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
I'd like to. Time is a bit of an issue
Jackson Abrams
Jackson Abrams - 9 years ago
i like how the company name is my name
Jake Ingram
Jake Ingram - 9 years ago
I just got into bass fishing and I usually go to Salish pond. Where I usually use worms or spinners and I catch some smaller largemouths but there are some big fish in there and I would like to know what is a good lure that will catch small as well as bigger fish?
TheOnion12 - 9 years ago
Nice Kayak.
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
Thanks man
Mitchell Lilly
Mitchell Lilly - 9 years ago
Where did you get the RF remote switch
Adam McKinney
Adam McKinney - 9 years ago
now thats cool.... makes me wanna get a kayak.....
David Reece
Bashar Hito
Bashar Hito - 8 years ago
Thanks for the video. Are you able to lift the motor when in shallow water? I want to do the same setup to my big tuna kayak but I always beach launch and I need to be able to launch with the motor up and then lower after the break. Can you also elaborate a little more on the electrical part? And last thing can you please list the remote control name or amazon link?
Mar Rey
Mar Rey - 8 years ago
put a small power plant on it and never run out of electricity,but, you may run out of motor
Jeremy Raber
Jeremy Raber - 9 years ago
+Kevin Bullington How do you troll then? if you want to, cause I wouldn't want to troll 3mph or can you set the speed however fast or slow you wanna go?
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
Thank you. Kayaks are very fun and affordable when compared to boats.
Roberto Chiuz
Roberto Chiuz - 9 years ago
Impressive! Great video
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
Thanks man
JESSE CHRISTY - 9 years ago
JESSE CHRISTY - 9 years ago
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
Thanks man!
NoelkerFishing TV
NoelkerFishing TV - 9 years ago
What size is your trailer and where did you get it. Because i got a big rig and it wont fit in my truck and want to get a trailer
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
It's from harbor freight. 8x4
WeeJeeMan - 9 years ago
Amazing I love your setup what clips are you using to hold the guide wires to your eye hooks ?
Mike West
Mike West - 7 years ago
Shane Mccaul those are called cable crimps.
geoffr1679 - 9 years ago
Very clean setup! Nice job
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
Thank you very much
Cincinnatus08 - 9 years ago
Nice kayak! Jealous.
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
Thank you man
DanLewis - 9 years ago
Well done!
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
Thanks man
Kevin B
Kevin B - 9 years ago
Hi Kevin why not put battery up frt to ballance it better. I heard that a 27 series the big  battery in the frt hatch
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
Good question. Balance is not really an issue because I stand toward the end of the boat when I fish and that off sets the weight. Also, the rear keeps the battery out of my way and frees the front hatch completely. It also keeps the battery close to the motor which is good for efficiency. And the front bow area had a steep "v" hull design which was more difficult to overcome when setting the battery inside whereas the rear is flat when the plywood is in place.
MidwestVideoDepot - 9 years ago
Yeah, that is cool!  Question - can you tilt the motor up and down while on the water in case you are over very shallow water?
James Williams
James Williams - 7 years ago
Kevin very nice setup. So you just need to run an additional cable to tilt motor? And is there a way to utilize the speed control and remote? Thanks for any feed back
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
It has the ability to do that but I chose not to include it in order to keep my work space clear of more cords
Jeremy Bates
Jeremy Bates - 9 years ago
That's a bad ass set-up you got there man!  "slappin da bass"....Is that inspired by the Rush/Paul Rudd skit by any chance?
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
Thanks buddy. And, YES! That's basically where it came from.
Shane Winburn
Shane Winburn - 9 years ago
Really nice setup, looks like that would work out great on the water
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
Thank you Shane.
Ethan Kron
Ethan Kron - 9 years ago
Have you fished with it yet? Will u have to take the trolling motor off when u go flipping??
ToneJabrone - 9 years ago
Clean! Great job
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
Thank you man
Ben Baumgartner
Ben Baumgartner - 9 years ago
Kevin, I just gotta say, you are one lucky bastard! I watch almost all of your videos. Your reviews are extremely helpful. And you are a dynamite fisherman. You are living the dream of a bass fisherman with that kayak. And now you even have a trolling motor handy for you. I love your videos and keep up the great work. Have a good one sir, and thank you!
Drew Slatinsky
Drew Slatinsky - 9 years ago
That's one nice setup I wish I had it im fishing off a little paddle boat
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
Thank you bud. Paddle boats are fun too.
VBbassfishing - 9 years ago
Fish finder ?
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
Lowrance Elite 5 HDI. Check out my Big Rig video I put out last year if you get a chance
New2Kendo - 9 years ago
Nice setup
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
Thanks man
Michael ghattas
Michael ghattas - 9 years ago
Hey man how could I get ahold of you to get the full details about the wiring and things like that just let me know how I could get a hold of you please and thank you!!
JPipFishing - 9 years ago
Is there a way to be able to change the speed
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
Not on mine, but there are systems available to help with that.
Caleb Bomb
Caleb Bomb - 9 years ago
This is legit
Kennnny77 - 9 years ago
Great job man, you really have it dialed in! Love the pedals and how you took the top off to streamline it. Is that a regular 30" shaft or did you have to cut it? I'm working on a sportspal canoe right now and am gonna have to steal a couple ideas from ya.
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
Thanks man. I actually cut the shaft about 4 inches. Upon reflection, it wasn't necessary for my set up. I could've dropped the motor in the water farther.
Daniel Soria
Daniel Soria - 9 years ago
How much did every thing on the kayak and the kayak cost altogether
Blake Latta
Blake Latta - 9 years ago
+Kevin Bullington hey Kevin I fish at a local country club that is stocked with bass and a few other small fish what would the best thing to use be I used a white rattle trap and caught my first 3 1/2 pound and 4 pound bass but that the only lure I've tried what would u recommend thanks!
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
Gosh, that's hard to say.....
skfish - 9 years ago
Clean. Can't wait to see how you utilize it on the water. Very nice!
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
I'll include some on the water video in my next fishing outing
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
I'll include some on the water video in my next fishing outing
Lance - 9 years ago
What kind of lowrance?
Kevin Bullington
Kevin Bullington - 9 years ago
Elite 5 HDI

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