My Motorized Mokai Kayaks

Mokai Kayak: Here is a quick explanation and review of the Mokai motorized kayaks that I recently purchased used. They are the 2012 model and arguably the of best run of the boats. I have not actually seen the new models and the opinions expressed in the video are based on my online research.

My Motorized Mokai Kayaks sentiment_very_dissatisfied 101

Kayak 8 years ago 187,654 views

Mokai Kayak: Here is a quick explanation and review of the Mokai motorized kayaks that I recently purchased used. They are the 2012 model and arguably the of best run of the boats. I have not actually seen the new models and the opinions expressed in the video are based on my online research.

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Most popular comments
for My Motorized Mokai Kayaks

Small Wonda
Small Wonda - 6 years ago
It's a shame when these companies don't listen to their customers - I'd almost wonder if they weren't bought out - so much today is about FLASH - and SPEED oh yes, and NOISE: Look @ ME! Look how much FUN I'm having! And the bottom line... $ :( Shame this Co can't provide a practical aquatic vehicle for various uses, from what you want, to fishermen, to the flighty thrill-seeker! At least you KNOW how to make the modifications, but you really shouldn't have to - if the company was SMART they would produce an AT 'Kayak' for the genuine Adventurer... Don't let 'em git ya down!
Whys That
Whys That - 6 years ago
Do these turn over easily?
Shaun Sim
Shaun Sim - 7 years ago
You could make a aluminium one for $2000 you just buy the kit and the only thing you do is weld it together, all the sheets are already cut for you as part of the kit, No grinding or need to mark anything out. It's all be done by CNC, so all the parts fit tight like a jigsaw puzzle with a 15 BHP in the back takes about 40 hrs work and looks Bad Ass!. Looks like this company has a greed policy as well as scare you off one!, Best make your own one just the way you like it, I would like one with a deeper step down V hull for getting in and out the 8-10 ft wave surf safely. Great informative video on them plastic repos boaty thingies?
James Morris
James Morris - 7 years ago
I tried to find a used old-stile Mokai for use on our creeks & rivers here in Alabama, impossible to find. No way I'm paying that price, then have to change out so much to make it dependable. I love the Idea of one vehicle to carry the jet kayak to the put-in. then going up or & down our rocky creeks. It's so sad that Mokai took the wrong fork and stopped us from going up the creeks. If I wanted to go fast I'd ride a Ski-Doo on a flat lake.
Awesome. Kind regards David
Swamp Digger
Swamp Digger - 7 years ago
that is a great design the way it is, i would purchase one if priced right, love your videos man keep up the awesome work and happy hunting
Paulish Jones
Paulish Jones - 7 years ago
Love em.
UK laws mean it's got a motor it needs a licence and some places a permit and/or permission.Archeology has robbed many a fellow Englishman of treasure.
Roger Vaillant
Roger Vaillant - 7 years ago
The company should hire you!! Thanks for the upload
DEtector CR
DEtector CR - 7 years ago
Looks like a nice ride!

10. comment for My Motorized Mokai Kayaks

Captain Morgan
Captain Morgan - 7 years ago
Very interesting.
Chris Russell
Chris Russell - 7 years ago
cool. they ruined it. they have to justify hiring new (indian) engineers fresh out of (delhi) uni somehow i guess.

me myself and i will stick to using a kitchen rudder and prop, hooked up to a honda gx35.

they always work better when you make them yourself.
spymaine89 - 7 years ago THANK YOU, i was all set to buy, BUT your correct the new ones SUCK. WILL LOOK FOR USED, or we need a competitor, that makes them ''right'' , ...there only reason for existence is shallow bodies like rivers.
the flotation is by law on new boats. i see no legal reason for the other changes, ''faster is a different type boat . .
Predator 670
Predator 670 - 7 years ago
I looking around the Internet and I think I found the link I figured I would post it up there for you and help other people to be able to find it easy
Mel Deweese
Mel Deweese - 7 years ago
GOOD info. to know ! Amen, and THANKS.

I have been on " THEIR LIST " for over 3 yrs. = B.S. They never return my calls. Maybe the " Office Lady" sends me an " e-mail excuse" once a year (?)

I am age 75, a Ret. Navy parachute rigger and fly a powered para-glider = I like my gear to be EXACT and perform CORRECTLY. I do NOT like the CHANGES that MOKAI has made nor BAD customer service. I am TIRED of BEGGING the Mokai Co. to sell me a craft. Obvious, they are MAKING toooo much $ to " give a damn." I will search for an older, used model. I do believe , " Mr. Painless Cutch " man , etc. sincere people can assist and help build me a correct craft.

Next Mokai Co. will be selling " MADE IN CHINA " craft.

Let's join together, I will do donate time, $, whatever --- and put the pressure on them for " sincere, correct production, sales and service."

Sorry " Marie" but you have pissed this ol warrior off. P.S.- No need to call. I am taking my $ elsewhere.

"Mountain Mel" in Colo. - Ret. USN SERE-POW Inst. / VN combat Vet. Now tipi camp,
Just Me
Just Me - 7 years ago
Chigg, you need whats called a J-bar. Use the J-bar in the front and you can move that thing effortlessly
James Morris
James Morris - 7 years ago
Well, blankety blank! Enough said. I would have loved to buy one like yours. But they don't make them like that anymore. Just great! So now, I Wish I'd never heard of them now. I have two canoes and a kayak, so the very idea of my olda$$ needing just one vehicle to go on an adventure of our kind up and down shallow fast creeks and rivers is one that I I'm certain, I will regret, knowing. LOL! Just fabulous.
joshua wooten
joshua wooten - 7 years ago
Jack Jacke
Jack Jacke - 7 years ago
ok nevermind, iasked you before to show the boat n i just got answered i see. : ) gee thanks! Jack
qrthrse1 - 7 years ago
You're not going to post a link for the company because your not happy with the company? But yet you bought 2? Lol! And then you recommend the models? Lol! I like your channel, but something is wrong with you.
Jim Garrison
Jim Garrison - 7 years ago
I hope you're trolling. If not, then you are one of the dumbest people with internet access.
Jim Garrison
Jim Garrison - 7 years ago
What Heart of Dixie said makes perfect sense to any rational human. You are just another retard who thinks everyone else is stupid.
qrthrse1 - 7 years ago
O.k. Fart of Dixie, that makes no sense. Leave my thread, and the internet.
Outdoors Alabama
Outdoors Alabama - 7 years ago
qrthrse1 you must really be slow then. Go back to school and get some tutoring.If you don't understand that he's recommending the model's like he has but not the new style you're comprehension skills are weak. The last think he says is "I highly recommend them IF you can get the older model". What's so damn hard to understand? I suppose this isn't "coherent" for you either is it? Lol
qrthrse1 - 7 years ago
He recommends the kayak, then doesn't. Watch the video, then make coherent sentences.
Outdoors Alabama
Outdoors Alabama - 7 years ago
qrthrse1 so you've never bought a product and then afterward realized the company sux?? Why wouldn't he recommend the models he has if he likes them so much??I think it's you that something is wrong with if you can't figure that one out.
Steve Brecht
Steve Brecht - 7 years ago
In the video he says he bought them used and that you can't buy these models from the company anymore.
2/a gbh
2/a gbh - 7 years ago
If you want a jet ski, buy a jet ski ! If you want a kayak, buy a kayak !  If you want a sports car, buy a sports car ! If you want a jeep buy a jeep !  People who lobby for regulation to require a jeep to perform on the highway like a sports car ought to be told to bug off and lave us alone.
Jim Garrison
Jim Garrison - 7 years ago
A Jeep shouldn't have to perform like a sports car but having a vehicle or machine that can perform multiple duties saves money and is convenient.
Outdoors Alabama
Outdoors Alabama - 7 years ago
2/a gbh how about buy what you want how you want it and to hell with what everybody else thinks??

20. comment for My Motorized Mokai Kayaks

LyudmilaRGVK - 7 years ago
A 2004 Mokai sold on eBay this last 4th of July with the trailer for $25,00,00 It had a Honda motor (really nice looking)and of course was local pick up only, in Sparrow Bush NY.
LyudmilaRGVK - 7 years ago
Awesome Video Beau.Those are really neat and must be a lot of fun.I went to their website expecting them to be spendy,but I about fell over when I saw the too bad they changed it.I saw one you were using in one of your videos and was wondering how you launched it,for instance if their was no nearby boat ramp.
John 3.16
John 3.16 - 7 years ago
think i found my new trapping rig if I can find a 2012
Henrik87 - 7 years ago
damn those boats are expensive
seaworthy48 - 7 years ago
Wow you sound like you know a lot about these boats or kayaks , I think you decide your own business and make something similar with able to fish out of them ! To be honest with you I have an ocean kayak with the electric motor and it's okay I have three of them but this sounds like a much better boat for shallow water fishing yes I think you should's company I'll be the first one to buy your boat .
MeeFirst - 7 years ago
where can i buy these things
grandprismatic - 7 years ago
Nice Yota Chigg!!
G.B. Gareful
G.B. Gareful - 7 years ago
It's sad but most people want everything faster, speed is not what some of us need. A slow cruse is best for exploring. I like this little boat, wish they still made them like this.
Demolition J
Demolition J - 7 years ago
found it
petnzme01 - 7 years ago
This is best suited for shallow water......that's just dumb
Outdoors Alabama
Outdoors Alabama - 7 years ago
petnzme01 what's dumb about it? You posted a link to a different boat in shallow water. They are suited very good for shallow water.

30. comment for My Motorized Mokai Kayaks

Don Remley
Don Remley - 7 years ago
Funny, after just watching a vid. with you in the Kayak, I was wondering about the motor and the props getting caught up in rocks, cables, etc., I was going to ask you to put up a vid. on your boat, but now I don't have to.
Gary Nolen
Gary Nolen - 8 years ago
do u know any one  selling one
Joshua Wyatt
Joshua Wyatt - 8 years ago
At $5,400 I'll take 2....
Ian Cameron
Ian Cameron - 8 years ago
can you help me find a used Nokia like yours I,d deather have the older one like yours instead the newer style.also I am 60 and 245lbs would I fit and have some room.I have a bad back 13 screws and 2 you think I will have enough room for some comfort..can you help find a used one for me thank you
thewholearmourofgod - 8 years ago
Need to find two 2012's would love a good lead on some in the south
Leandro Machado Corrêa
Leandro Machado Corrêa - 8 years ago
Hi friend, I wonder if I can only buy the turbine
I have a kayak and would like to install it on the same
eckoarnettenin81 - 8 years ago
Sell me that silver toyota pickup!
Charles Jones
Charles Jones - 8 years ago
Wow they seem to be kinda expensive for what they are...they look really fun though
Hello By
Hello By - 8 years ago
In the 50's Chris Craft had the optional Chris o Matic shifter aka "dock crashers" (was basically an early version of using servos like on the new kayaks they make) with an electric shifter and a hydraulic cylinder that shifted the manual gear box. Well when you were coming back to the dock quickly shift into reverse and well that always didn't happen when the contacts corroded and you went straight into the dock. So they pretty much proved until hydraulic gear boxes came out that system wasn't nearly as reliable as a manual system.
Stu Hauti
Stu Hauti - 8 years ago
I'll stick to my kayak, and my old aluminum boat. I have a grand total of like 500 bucks in them combined. that being said the fun we have in them is priceless.
HOGSTER HUNTER - 8 years ago
Rule #1 (of sane people) if it ain't broke, don't fix it. So my assumption is the company that makes these is run by politicians who always find a way to f**k something that was working fine.
SittingMoose Shaman
SittingMoose Shaman - 7 years ago
...the Mokai company is found in New York State
- soo, yeah, you are totally correct.
Devon James
Devon James - 8 years ago
I want one nice video
Randy Miller
Randy Miller - 8 years ago
new ones are junk. Why would you change a good thing. Hopefully I can find an older one for sale.
Cryptopolis - 8 years ago
$5,400.00USD seems a little steep for a kayak. I guess I'll just keep paddling...
Cache Hunter
Cache Hunter - 7 years ago
Cryptopolis me too
Loni Carr
Loni Carr - 8 years ago
Did you paint them ?
Diane Holling
Diane Holling - 8 years ago
I really like your site!
I watch it every day!!
I would really like a metal detector for the Florida sand!
Travis Goggin
Travis Goggin - 8 years ago
what year Is that white Ford?
Billy Bob
Billy Bob - 8 years ago
Lots of comments so far Most likely this has bee asked before, but on the newer boats with the extended jet drive, would not a sheet of a not to heavy/lightweight aluminum attached to the stern extending underneath the jet drive cure this problem? Just a thought. As always, a great video.
Alistairm Kerr
Alistairm Kerr - 8 years ago
did they sell in the uk ?? or just the usa  keep up the great video
Michael E. Klingbeil
Michael E. Klingbeil - 8 years ago
Thanks for showing you boat very interesting

50. comment for My Motorized Mokai Kayaks

Phillip Payne
Phillip Payne - 8 years ago
FOUND ITTTT …..Sorry i asked if you could do a video of your boat well you have sorry I'm new to your channel …great boat kind regards Phil from O z
Cj Norman
Cj Norman - 8 years ago
how do you start it
Stephen King King
Stephen King King - 8 years ago
You said ask, so i will.. These are unavalible in Norway but can you get your hands on one and ship it to Norway? Or in other words sell one to me? I'll pay good for it :)
Joe Hastings
Joe Hastings - 8 years ago
isn't the rear end get a little heavy in this boat.?
Outdoorsygal O
Outdoorsygal O - 8 years ago
Awesome boats! Would LOVE one of these! A real essential tool for river exploring! NICE! <>< - - - -
josh smith
josh smith - 8 years ago
Do u want to sell that Toyota truck ?
Al Diehl
Al Diehl - 8 years ago
Thanks for the video. I looked them up and I think that are a little too pricey for me.
Homeboi Holmes
Homeboi Holmes - 8 years ago
I like that boat what was the price
UK#1 KYKID - 8 years ago
This is really neat, I never seen one of these. Do you think it would be safe to use one of these on the Ohio river?
Lord Jock
Lord Jock - 8 years ago
We don't get to see the boat in the water just listen to you rabbiting on So the whole thing could be shite and it probably is
Alex Eaton
Alex Eaton - 8 years ago
The Mokai Es Kape looks like theyve went back to the original design, even stating that they are ideal for shallow waters and going back to original thinking. I like the fact, the front and engine part can nest into the main part for transporting easier, thats cool, pity its hjard to get thewe kind of kayaks in the UK though, theyd be ideal in the west coast of Scotland between small islands and sea lochs.
Robert Nurden
Robert Nurden - 8 years ago
brandon fisher
brandon fisher - 8 years ago
Take a look and help this guy!
stxmariner - 8 years ago
We definitely think alike, when it comes to modifying things to suit our needs. Awesome video buddy
qzone26k - 8 years ago
Thought I spied latches and/or mounting points on both sides of the stern. Are those for outboard containers of some kind? Storage or floatation maybe?
treehorn70 - 8 years ago
You have enough subscribers to crowd fund your own design. 75,000 views from nearly 350,000 subscribers. I am not surprised they have not reached out. You are competition.
treehorn70 - 8 years ago
sorry for picking on Samuel Clemens, talk to Reggie Fountain or Boston Whaler, really man... realize the cultural phenomenon you are.
treehorn70 - 8 years ago
get with the program sectional sofas look good at Costco now. Plenty of room.
James Smith, The Quiet Hiker
James Smith, The Quiet Hiker - 8 years ago
I saw one on the New River last weekend. I didn't know exactly what it was other than a motorized kayak.
Marco Ventura
Marco Ventura - 8 years ago
Do you have a twitter account?? I love all your videos.
Joseph Lim
Joseph Lim - 8 years ago
bai long
bai long - 8 years ago
look cool but its fun...
Eric Thomsen
Eric Thomsen - 8 years ago
Maybe your missing the point here. The reason I kayak is to get to the quiet backwaters where noisy motorboats can't go. Another motorized piece of junk screwing up nirvana. Swell.........
flysubcompact - 8 years ago
Never seen one.  Cool rig.
This comment is in every YouTube video
This comment is in every YouTube video - 8 years ago
At first I thought it was a machine gun in front
chocolate fish
chocolate fish - 8 years ago
Check out New Zealand "mini" or "small jetboats" - the best fun you can have with your pants on!
nr3rful - 8 years ago
there's no way I'd buy one if the company doesn't even care enough to get back to you
LuxorVan - 8 years ago
You should see if that outdrive portion matches to any former sea craft, to pull a outdrive unit and attach a reverse gate, another idea like sea doo did, is to attach two plates for power free steering while off or at idle, you could make them yourself! The one thing that sucks so much about a jet pump is when it gets clogged you have to clean it out and when you suck up gravel it really can cause issues! I had a small stick get stuck on my polaris while at a high speed jam in between the impeller and the walls of the drive, it would not go past 5 mph and I had to tear off the grate, then break the stick to free it from the gap it wedged in! I have thought about designing a pedal powered screw type propeller driven kayak, that has no chains, only gears and a shaft with twin rudders for shallow and open water use! Either using a gear reduction system or finding a centrifugal clutch to increase the propeller turns with less effort! I will be moving to Alabama and we have a big lake/reservoir called Wilson/Wheeler lake to test different types, it is about 5 minutes from my other home!

For the hull, I want to try a combination or several combinations of materials, including carbon fiber/fiberglass, fiberglass/plywood and layered wood veneer with a resin based bonding agent! I think a foot powered version will be good for the environment and great for family outings in groups of boats, the propeller combinations will include fiberglass/plastic composite, machine aluminum and carbon fiber! The rudder system will be spring loaded, will be a combination of composites and will move to avoid snags like trees, etc and the rear hull of the kayak style boat will be raised and flattened so only a few inches of the propeller sits below the lowest part of the hull and will have a circular shield to protect against low depth encounters. It will have a double hull that is either foam lined or a pressurized air core using a single layer on the interior to make the emergency flotation completely sealed and prevent a complete sinking!

The addition of catamaran style pontoons as an attachable option for extra roll control and storage will be on the agenda, for camping gear, fishing gear, food and even a cooler! The foam insulation would be great for cold climates like Alaska shoreline kayaking!
Marshall H.
Marshall H. - 8 years ago
Are those Subaru engines 2 strokes?
DeathByMisAventure - 8 years ago
Sounds like to me as far as the new models go....the company hired a new head honcho, and he has to justify his outrageous salary and so he changes everything. He's making decisions dag nubit, (notice the magic 8-ball on his desk?), doesn't matter if its right or wrong.. I have yet to see any of these college educated nimrods ever make a logical decision even if the life of the company is riding on it, (and it usually is) . Just as long as they get their bonus, (and they always do). Oh and by the way, nice vids....always interesting :')
freebird1ification - 8 years ago
they made every 1 of those changes for exactly 1 reason to sell you another boat when you brake the piece of crap there selling now its not for any other reason than to generate more revenue
blackops84321 - 8 years ago
thanks for the info. good to know.
Rat Sleds
Rat Sleds - 8 years ago
cool kayaks
pdoggy10inch - 8 years ago
Mokai should have stuck with that model of boat, the 2011 and 2012 years..........the jet pump was super protected.
Classic example of how a company keeps screwing with a good product to make it better but engineers get it backasswards
and now sales will tank then the company goes bankrupt.
el dork pistolero
el dork pistolero - 8 years ago
mmmm I'll stick to a regular sit in kayak without a engine
Keith Cox
Keith Cox - 8 years ago
It's a wonder u can go in shallow gravel creeks like u do having the same design as a jetski it would kill a ski .  you ever have to replace the jet pump
Mike Hale
Mike Hale - 8 years ago
Many years ago, circa 1974-5 I bought an "electric kayak". It had a control stick almost exactly like your boat with an electric trolling motor in the rear. The only giveaway was a small hump on the rear to allow for the steering arm for the motor. the motor had a weed basket over the prop that protected it.... I would put a Marine battery in the bow and with a cockpit at least as big as yours you had plenty of room, in fact room enough for my wife and I both. You needed about 5-6" of water beneath the boat for prop clearance, but still that wasn't much... We bought a larger boat and sold it, I really wish we had held onto it. The battery would last about 8-10hrs of hard use and recharge in about the same amount of time... I miss it, I believe the company located in northern Utah is not in business any more.... good job, like your channel and Deep Diggers also, neat he is in the US. Years before I bought the electric, I build a kayak, wood frame with canvas over the top. I ran the Colorado, Green and several other rivers, we sent 2 wks on the Yellowstone Lake, camping and fishing in the southeast arm of the lake (primitive area) what a beautiful time, if you tore a hole in the boat you simply pulled over, cut a piece of canvas to cover and used rubber cement of patch and 20 mins you were bake on the water...
Charles Janoe
Charles Janoe - 8 years ago
Kayak boat design.  May be you could call it a Kayoat.  Pronounced Coyote,   Maybe......
enwi01 - 8 years ago
Which type of jet drive is it? Where can i buy it?
ImprovingYourMokai - 8 years ago
Mokai makes the jet pump, and they wouldn't sell anyone one that wasn't attached to the entire boat. ;) You would be better off sourcing the pump from a jet ski, much better design and cheaper.
heiðinn - 8 years ago
A motorized Kayaks? That has got to be epitome of lazy.
aardvarkiq - 8 years ago
Those things look cool, I wanted one bad, but I settled on an Old Town Discovery Sport with a SPS Thai longtail motor. Tons of room, can fit 2 people comfortably plus a cooler and supplies. Perhaps they went to the 3 piece design for shipping and liability reasons, 3 separate compartments, 3 times the chances of it not sinking if swamped? If anyone has one in NJ I'd be interested in meeting up and comparing the 2...
Blazin'Blades - 8 years ago
+ImprovingYourMokai I did have a friend who paddled alone and lost his life from hypothermia falling overboard from his sit on top kayak unable to climb back on.
I would never encourage people to remove safety features like bulkheads or buoyancy reserves set by a manufacturer or as a coast guard requirement.
I did speak with people who own these boats and made these observations.
Promoting safe use of your boats should be your main concern in my humble opinion.
I may be wrong and removing buoyancy reserves may be just fine.
I wish you all the best on your boating endeavors.
Safe boating to all
ImprovingYourMokai - 8 years ago
You don't have one of these to make that claim, do you? There is a large center positive flotation tank behind the seat as well, removing the front foam block doesn't make the boat dangerous. Any boat can be dangerous in the wrong hands, like anything else. These boats are safer than most kayaks or jet ski's, do you tell people those are irresponsible to own or promote too? LOL
Blazin'Blades - 8 years ago
+Aquachigger still
You have a responsibility to your 350,000 subscribers, this vessel is a death trap.
Bot everyone will use it on a calm pond or slow running river...
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
+Blazin'Blades No problem. If the motor sunk to the bottom of the river, I'd have it up and running again in an hour or less. It's that easy.
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
Won't most motor boats become dangerous when swamped if in use? As far as ruined... how?
canigetachannel - 8 years ago
thanks Beau.
Be cool 1
Be cool 1 - 8 years ago
By way this is not my YouTube channel account
Be cool 1
Be cool 1 - 8 years ago
Hey could you go check on channel please and thank you you don't mind can you please give me shut out other watching you since you tell start it
Shari Bittick
Shari Bittick - 8 years ago
Check this out for an example of the new boats with the jet that sticks out,
ImprovingYourMokai - 8 years ago
I make a pump guard that protects it from damage, the steering nozzles on the new models are plastic too and are a guaranteed problem without something to shield it.
Pat McBride
Pat McBride - 8 years ago
Those are pretty cool!
I thought about motorizing my kayak with a jet that runs on batteries for when I get tired of paddling, but the Socialist People's Republik of Kalifornia considers any watercraft with a motor to be something that requires registration and fees.
ImprovingYourMokai - 8 years ago
You can own one, you just have to register it out of state. ;)

100. comment for My Motorized Mokai Kayaks

Lummox Lewis
Lummox Lewis - 8 years ago
Great vid. Thanks.
James Maxwell
James Maxwell - 8 years ago
Like your video, just have a suggestion for the flotation issue. You can get small devices that fit under the gunnel on
both sides that can be inflated by a CO2 carriage if and when needed Will provide enough flotation to keep the
vessel from sinking. I've seen some earlier Kayaks and the Louisiana version a Pieroue which we use in the
swamps with an electric trolling motor added and mechanical controls and waterproof switches. Used for fishing,
duck hunting and transportation loads back to the camps.
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
I've not used electronics like that, but the forums are full of guys ripping it out and putting in cables. Maybe they are crazy, idk.
Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton - 8 years ago
Do you have to have insurance on this? & A boating license?
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
No insurance needed but they must be licensed. Anything with a motor must.
justame smith
justame smith - 8 years ago
Some nice ideas for this. It'd be great if bass boats could incorporate the jet. But I think i'll pass on this.
MegaTriumph1 - 8 years ago
Wonder if you can put a Honda 14hp motor in it to soup it up.
Chris Barrett
Chris Barrett - 8 years ago
I vote Beau for President!
tuledude89 - 8 years ago
Thanks chig!!!
Dan Martin
Dan Martin - 8 years ago
You should sell your extra Mokai to a long time subscriber. Your wifes never going to use it.
qzone26k - 8 years ago
+Dan Martin
Just check his other recent video uploads, the thumbnail is his wife sittin' in the boat =)
Dan Martin
Dan Martin - 8 years ago
So have you found it yet?!
Dan Martin
Dan Martin - 8 years ago
Where his wife is using the other Mokai? Which video is it, Id like to watch it.
Dick Out For Harambe
Dick Out For Harambe - 8 years ago
you obvious haven't seen his other videos.
John Hooper
John Hooper - 8 years ago
they are very cool there accompany here in new Zealand that makes them wish had more information but as u maybe know the jet boat engine was invented in new Zealand, I will try find some more information and try to link you some how but yea they are cool and so are your videos thanks for the time and effort you take to share ur finds with the world awsummmm
Jim Grisham
Jim Grisham - 8 years ago
what is an average price on these used?
Terry Ladouceur
Terry Ladouceur - 8 years ago
I've been waiting for this video , so glad you made it . sometimes simple is better,
Og Gamer
Og Gamer - 8 years ago
How u want for one
Og Gamer
Og Gamer - 8 years ago
Can I have one
Ethan Hope
Ethan Hope - 8 years ago
I have the same paddles!
TerraGermania - 8 years ago
I will never understand why some companies doesn't take advantage of their customers experiences with their products. It's such a cheap way to get valuable improvement proposals!
in this case I would say: if you want something done right do it yourself
Steven Booth
Steven Booth - 7 years ago
Any business that ignores customer feedback does so at it's peril. I believe the new models suitable for inshore use whereas the older model is very suitable for shallow draught use, so why not produce both? Mind you if a customer cannot get an answer to an email enquiry why bother buying any.
spymaine89 - 7 years ago
humans being idiots buy and then call maker wining. not fast enough, need in pieces so can trunk it. , so word gets around , not usable, maker goes out of business. .
Hello By
Hello By - 8 years ago
Unless the company is at max capacity I don't see why the won't take advantage of new customers.
Bailey Is so cool
Bailey Is so cool - 8 years ago
I like it when you find the guns and bullets and all the civil war stuff.
Captain Cobb
Captain Cobb - 8 years ago
Looks like a blast.
californiadigger - 8 years ago
its a shame they are leaving a lot of money on the table and discontinued that version and not offer both boat lines so they could hold on to all there costumers .... O well
VideosUnrelated - 8 years ago
I have a jet propulsion boat design. that is suppose to have a super shallow draft, but its a side by side design, where the driver and a passenger sit side by side, but its very short, suppose to navigate the super shallow swamps of here in Florida. still in the design plans.. mainly having trouble sourcing the 'jet' part of it. but I hope to have it done in about 2 years.
Nick - 8 years ago
Wow those boats are expensive and prolly would be to fix to. I think I will stick to my canoe/shallow boat with a mud motor
Irelands history Hunters
Irelands history Hunters - 8 years ago
I think with a bit of know how you could make one of these boats it's basically an impeller system from a jet ski
zalmaflash - 8 years ago
An honest review is a rarity and I thank you for that.
Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Relics TM
Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Relics TM - 8 years ago
Beau: Thanks for the review. I was considering one of these (the new ones) until I saw your review. But I think I'll pass now. I've also contacted the company and suggested they watch this video and reach out to you. Perhaps if enough folks complain, they might offer two models - one for those who prefer speed and one for those of us who prefer shallow water performance.
Jake Colson
Jake Colson - 8 years ago
i found a gun while i was looking for stuff
Alec Hunt
Alec Hunt - 8 years ago
Awesome! Yeah I was also wondering what you used. Thanks for the info on them!!
Dirt Chiefs
Dirt Chiefs - 8 years ago
Now this is awesome! ill need to get one and zoom up and down the rivers
Richard Butterfoss
Richard Butterfoss - 8 years ago
Hey, Thanks for sharing that ... that was great!
Grandpadew - 8 years ago
Seems to me, considering  your back ground, considering  your experience on the water, considering  you already possess the knowledge of pros and cons of this type vessel, .... well  you know where I am headed with this.... " Da Chig's Transporter"
awesomeGuy adventures
awesomeGuy adventures - 8 years ago
nice "boats" haha
Smuffez - 8 years ago
Maokai belongs into jungle
grh angelone
grh angelone - 8 years ago
So you're basically saying you bought a crappy boat from a company that has no customer service and changed nearly everything about it, now its perfect.
And we can't get this version anymore since the company now only has a newer even more crappy version out :)
Outdoors Alabama
Outdoors Alabama - 7 years ago
grh angelone when did he say he changed almost everything about his boat? Stop over exaggerating like a school girl. He changed the holes in the engine mount plate and took out some flotation devices. You act like he rebuilt the whole boat. And if you'd have paid attention you'd heard him say he highly recommended the older model boats like his.
Mike the man
Mike the man - 8 years ago
grh angelone
Mike the man
Mike the man - 8 years ago
grh angelone
Mike the man
Mike the man - 8 years ago
grh angelone
Jennifer Z
Jennifer Z - 8 years ago
What i understand is he bought them used so not from the Company itself
ImprovingYourMokai - 8 years ago
He got lucky and bought the best of the year models. Can be set up very nicely. But otherwise you summed it up fairly well. lol
dollar7176 - 8 years ago
Thanks I've been wanting to see your boats!
john wheatley
john wheatley - 8 years ago
Thanks for the look around your boat.... Interesting - When I first saw it, I assumed it was of military design..
michaelovitch - 8 years ago
Programmed obsolescence...
why to keep reliable and simple eh ?
NzRuhines - 8 years ago
would those boats be able to go in the sea?
ImprovingYourMokai - 8 years ago
Salt water is rough on the motors in these, they are basically lawn mower engines with a jet pump. Have seen many eaten up pretty bad from salt use.
phlodel - 8 years ago
Tell that to the Inuits
Ronald Kent
Ronald Kent - 8 years ago
you don't really want to take a sit in kayak since, they can fill up with water and sink, unlike sit on top kayaks which have supper holes and can drain any water that comes in.
Gage - 8 years ago
+Danny Boy I would not do it 1 big wave and your upside down
Danny Boy
Danny Boy - 8 years ago
Sure, why not ? As long as they have the flotation devices in tact.
Serio _0
Serio _0 - 8 years ago
From how you explained it, seems like they ruined it
anthony preston
anthony preston - 8 years ago
Hey why not just have a kyak with a paddle ? Keep it simple lol they shove electronics in everything to break and make more money thanks for vid
Sold to be Diers
Sold to be Diers - 8 years ago
Build them for what they claim they will do @ first... Lose a little profit just to get the Prod-ur-Duct out there in order to gain a good reputation... Then simplify the engineering costs with the old "New and Improved"/"Computer Aided Efficiency" slogan, to allow the greed of the consumer, to better the next guy with what appears to be a better and less "Prod-ur-Duct" model... Sell the hell out of them before the age old truth of "Bait and Switch" is exposed... And don't answer the "Consumer's Thoroughly Prodded-Duct Complaints." By that time, you will have amassed enough profit to start up a New Rival Company... Under a New Tax Write Off Name. Do they teach this "Business Model" in College as a Course? Or is it taught in Lawsuit / Bankruptcy School? "Hell" What would i know about "New and Improved Quality"... i contently drive a 1950 model Chevy Pickup. The one that had the same body style and function from 1947 on thru to, the middle of 1955... Till they too, went with the continued to date, "Cracker Box Computer Aided" style.
Or maybe all this just started up... With Japan? -gilpin 6-30-16
Maersk Sukotto
Maersk Sukotto - 8 years ago
Finally! i've been wondering this since the first vid with them
Kristoffer Winter
Kristoffer Winter - 8 years ago
Okay I was thinking how you could manage going up to that Burnside bridge in so shallow water. Good video!!
Robert Reese
Robert Reese - 8 years ago
they look like a motorized layout boat for duck hunting.
spyvsargent - 8 years ago
I want one,lol Beau, Did you get the mokai new or secordhand and how much was it ? Thx
HeROsiNhEaVeN - 8 years ago
Beau..,,,what is your suggestion for an all around metal detector, ones you sell, I want it to be able to operate just as good in water as it does on land.....there's a bunch of places I can go here in NYC to explore....I'm looking on your website and can't make a decision.....not breaking the bank what would you suggest?....of course I will need a few accessories....Thanks in advance...... Don.....
Odkrywca Historii
Odkrywca Historii - 8 years ago
Lubie oglądać Twoje filmy. Powodzenia w nagrywaniu kolejnych odcinków
aaron phelps
aaron phelps - 8 years ago
a few years ago someone came on the show pawn stars trying to sell one of those boats,,,
fishingsgreat - 8 years ago
I love honest opinions it's the only way to be. I only wish the manufacturers would listen to their customers more.
DTT Soft Spot
DTT Soft Spot - 8 years ago
If I were you I wouldn't call it a kayak, I would call it a Beaut.
Jim Northland
Jim Northland - 8 years ago
Anthony Momsen
Anthony Momsen - 8 years ago
I like these boats. Reminds me somewhat of the river rescue jet boat that I operated. We carried a special tool to clear the intake with. What I loved about those rescue jets was how shallow they would operate. I had never thought of a kayak with a jet before. Wouldn't you know I recently bought my first kayak but I am the motor.
goldsilverandiamonds - 8 years ago
Partner up with Polaris and maybe Garrett and make your own designed for what you do. I could see plenty of areas for improvements and additional accessories. These would be great for adventure , fishing, hunting, military, white water, rescue, competition, surf, ect.
Science Insider
Science Insider - 8 years ago
Anyone interested in selling their 2012 model please comment!
WarmWaffel - 8 years ago
Since I am a little hypersensitive I would have modified it to an electric engine, of course waterproofed to the point of idiocy.
Getting rid of exhaustfumes and noise would make the journey up a river so much more serene...
Great video, as always. I am hooked on this channel, you have a really good way of presenting everything so that a viewer feels like you are talking directly at them as if they were there with you.
stefantrethan - 8 years ago
Depends on the range you want, if you expect to putter around all day probably not. But we are getting there, slowly.
WarmWaffel - 8 years ago
I have considered this and I am thinking that the petrol engine in it now must have some weight to it already plus the weight of the fuel, so I recon the total might even come out to the electrcal engines advance?
stefantrethan - 8 years ago
Even with the best battery technology it wouldn't exactly be light, or cheap. But yea I totally get what you say, the noise is annoying even just watching the videos.
young bassmaster
young bassmaster - 8 years ago
How fast do they go?
ImprovingYourMokai - 8 years ago
10-15 mph depending on year model and occupant weight.
unleecensedminky - 8 years ago
I'd love a boat that could skim above politics :)
stefantrethan - 8 years ago
You'd need a hovercraft.
IBStevieB - 8 years ago
Can get Mokais in California. Illegal to use, environmental issues!
ImprovingYourMokai - 8 years ago
You can use them in CA, but you have to register it out of state.
unleecensedminky - 8 years ago
Awww chiggar this is too close to Europe 'v' the rest of the world (Go Europe) ;)
Old school Gamer
Old school Gamer - 8 years ago
when i first found your channel wasent that into it
but now im hooked
im soo addicted on your videos that as soon as i see one come out i watch it no matter where im at
your doing such an amazing job
keep it up!
Face - 8 years ago
Thank you for making this video. Very informative. Now here's to hoping they fix the issues with their new designs or someone else sees this video and comes up with something even better.
Marina Capri
Marina Capri - 8 years ago
Initially, I thought you rented the boats. Now I find out you bought them and modify them. Nice going!
david fox
david fox - 8 years ago
Best boat kayaks I've ever seen in my life! ... at least the year model you have, and the way you've configured it, that is.
STEINonIT - 8 years ago
man, maybe they will hire aguachigger for their new ceo! those are so cool, wish i lived somewhere i could do those things!
G56AG - 8 years ago
I'm sure you are aware there are several folks out there that make improved parts and accessories for the Mokai, like the conversion that eliminates the servos, and they have a cage that protects the jet drive. I can see their idea behind the 3 piece hull, but I'm sure the old one piece was stronger.
ImprovingYourMokai - 8 years ago
I'm the only one making all the parts you mentioned, if anyone else is making parts for these boats they are doing a great job of hiding. LOL But yes, I can make these boats better and more reliable. You are correct that the one piece was the stronger and better boat. 2010-2012 were the best years.
Wild Kiwi Cuz
Wild Kiwi Cuz - 8 years ago
I'd love to own one of them
bigg_ Outdoors
bigg_ Outdoors - 8 years ago
Thanks man!
Trevor Lahey
Trevor Lahey - 8 years ago
super neat i may try to cobble a diy one together for the cottage they seem like a good time
PfunkNH - 8 years ago
Im not trying to be rude at all its just what i would do... for 5,400 USD I would just make my own with a 500cc + 2stroke
Dieter Kopf
Dieter Kopf - 8 years ago
O well you still ride em
QuestionMan - 8 years ago
Couple thoughts... one, imagine you just put a grille over the input area which you could reach back, pull and flap it a couple times to clear it. I think it would solve the plugging issue. Second, to my way of thinking, those tires/wheels should rotate up and away so they could always be attached (if you wanted them attached). Should you need to do any fording, they would be lifesavers, right? Good video and thanks.
leann lewis
leann lewis - 8 years ago
Honestly that was a very informative video. Thank you.
brian nelson
brian nelson - 8 years ago
Can you say planned obsolescence?
Ron - 8 years ago
Ask and you shall receive. Thanks for showing and telling us about your boats.
Josh Merrell
Josh Merrell - 8 years ago
Great video! I'm gonna figure out how to construct one myself! Keep digging my brother!
Wildy Snow
Wildy Snow - 8 years ago
Cool little boats/kayaks, never seen them in Australia. Thank you for posting the video. Cheers.
Vin DiVergilio
Vin DiVergilio - 8 years ago
Thank you for the info vid!  I have been looking for one like yours but the only ones I have been able to find are the newer 3 piece ones.  As soon as I can find an older one like yours.....wife said (*gotta make her feel like she is giving me permission, LOLOL!) I could buy it.  I have a 'plan' to pimp it out just for water detecting if I get one.  Once again, thanks for the info vid.
ImprovingYourMokai - 8 years ago
If you go to my forum, there is a classified section that is usually up to date with what is available on craigslist etc..
Master Don
Master Don - 8 years ago
What's the cost for the older model?
ImprovingYourMokai - 8 years ago
When you can find them, they sell from $1500-$4000 depending on the year, condition, and options. 2010-2012 were the best ones. They came with the Subaru EX21 engines.
Kickinpony.66 - 8 years ago
It is what it is. Great video! I had no idea that Subaru made small engines!
alpha Pennsylvania
alpha Pennsylvania - 8 years ago
I have a feeling that a jet powered canoe made with everything everyone loved about the older models would sale like made
Michigan Mister
Michigan Mister - 8 years ago
do YOU think gov. regs. have something to do with keeping this manufacturer down as well as their own inadequacies?
Michigan Mister
Michigan Mister - 8 years ago
the idea for the rig is a river rats dream. been dying to learn more. now I HAVE the info for my research THANKS! p.s. my mind is going nuts with the mods I could accomplish with this rig!
BeamDigger - 8 years ago
A 340k subscriber base...I'm surprised they don't GIVE you one. I imagine they'll be getting inquiries since you've been using them. I know that I went out right away and looked them up. Very rare indeed!
Tennessee Gem
Tennessee Gem - 8 years ago
I want one.
Rollyone - 8 years ago
Man I want one of those... Guess I gotta start savin
Andrew Cooper
Andrew Cooper - 8 years ago
Great video. I've been hoping for a video about the boats since you got them.
da teatorjr
da teatorjr - 8 years ago
Bit pricey. Used 09 on CL $3500
ImprovingYourMokai - 8 years ago
An 09 is overpriced at $3500. $2500 would be high but fair for that year.
seth neese
seth neese - 8 years ago
Yeah man I do alot if water hunting!! Way better hunting I believe! I've had great luck in the Rivers an creeks around here! Anytime you'd like to come down just hollar! I work at Nissan in Smyrna TN but I have tons of vacation built up! Heck we even have a spare room so we could save you $$$! Lol the wife is one heck of a cook as well!!
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
Sounds like a plan. Here is my email, if you get the chance could you send me a quick email so I don't lose your contact info.? aquachigger@gmail. com
northcacalacka545 - 8 years ago
That is a cool little fast is it?
seth neese
seth neese - 8 years ago
ok sounds great! I usually only land hunt in the winter myself because everything dies down! I do alot of water hunting as well! Keep the videos coming man love them an hope to hear from you later in the year! Are you in TN or??
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
Oh, I didn't know you were talking about water hunting. I am not in TN, but hunt there often.
James c
James c - 8 years ago
That's so funny! I was gonna ask if you could do a review of your boat
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
Glad it worked out....
Richard Maunder
Richard Maunder - 8 years ago
That was good to see those boats thank you for the video.
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
my pleasure
Nick G
Nick G - 8 years ago
That is a bad mama jamma
JLH CREATIONS - 8 years ago
350 000 subscribers Beau!!! Awesome! I just saw myself getting 47 subs and got really happy! It makes you understand the massive amount of people! Congrats Beau and keep up the great work!
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
Thanks, I appreciate that. I do nugget hunt some and plan to do an Arizona trip next spring.
JLH CREATIONS - 8 years ago
Also will you ever search for gold? Would be cool! With that, have you ever found a gold nugget with the metaldetector? Would be awesome!
seth neese
seth neese - 8 years ago
Well how about I give you my number? These spots are strictly off limits to the public I promise you wont be disappointed! Last winter I dug 16 Confederate plates an probably 25+ Union! including a few baby us buckles!! Up to you? I hunt with a Garrett at gold an whites pro 6000 small box! Would love for you to join me sometime!
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
I really do appreciate the offer and it sounds like a great opportunity. But I really can't plan out a trip right now as my water hunting has to take priority. If this is a land hunt, I can do that most any time once it gets cool. Maybe October or later?
Frank Kelly
Frank Kelly - 8 years ago
1 for sale now in Dingmans Ferry on Craigslist. Looks badass chigg.
ReclusiveMountainMan - 8 years ago
Regarding the boat design, why mess with a good thing? Geez! talk about dumb dumbs.What about boat maintenance? How often do you change the oil? Is there anything else you have to do to keep em running?
ImprovingYourMokai - 8 years ago
Change oil every 10-15 hours, grease the hull bearing every 5 hours, and keep the tank topped off. Simple to use and maintain, a blast to use once set up right.
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
I've changed it a couple times, but it's super easy. It's just a basic Subaru go-cart motor.
Spuddy L
Spuddy L - 8 years ago
The only downside in my opinion is that they are so damn noisy. With a bit of aluminium, a metal pipe and some steel wool you can easily make your own muffler and greatly reduce the noise. Or just buy one from a dirtbike or something
ImprovingYourMokai - 8 years ago
Sounds like my mufflers got a "thumbs up" right there. ;)
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
They aren't noisy at all with the right muffler.
SilentHunterdz - 8 years ago
if i can ask, what does your family do for employment/ are you guys retired? thanks
SilentHunterdz - 8 years ago
+Jonn B thxxxx bb :)
SilentHunterdz - 8 years ago
+SpiritBear12 I've seen those videos but I guess I just forgot, thank you
SpiritBear12 - 8 years ago
Beau never really says what he does for an income. His wife is a veterinarian, he has mentioned that a number of times. They also have a few videos taking care of a few abandoned animals bringing them back to health. One was about a faun that had some nasty open wounds on her. Another was a lost baby fox they found while on a walk somewhere. He was a little dehydrated and a bit beaten up. Possibly attacked by some other animal. But he turned out alright. All he needed was a little care and some food. Both were released to an animal rehab place and turned out into the wild. Not sure where you got the daughter in college thing. I don't think they have kids, but I could be wrong. Beau doesn't put his whole life on YouTube and I respect him for that.
SilentHunterdz - 8 years ago
+SpiritBear12 I've watched a lot of his videos , I think they have something to do with teaching and his daughter and college or something like that, I was just asking him directly but thanks for the "help"
SpiritBear12 - 8 years ago
Watch more videos, you might find out.
seth neese
seth neese - 8 years ago
Lol well how about we plan a hunt together? I've got permission for several good spots an I'd love to hunt with you sometime man? How about that?
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
I will definitely be down there this summer, but have no idea when. That can change daily depending of the rains. I just can't plan it.
Me R
Me R - 8 years ago
you and nugget are my only channels. keep up the good work
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
Thanks. I'll try.
Daniel Burgess
Daniel Burgess - 8 years ago
Anyone on, or in, the Potomac watershed knows the ability to go shallow beats the need for speed.
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
Fer sure...
Effen Fish
Effen Fish - 8 years ago
isn't one of those for the little lady?
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
Vince Pelcat
Vince Pelcat - 8 years ago
You should do life story videos, you probably have seen some interesting things. Plaese respond...
Vince Pelcat
Vince Pelcat - 8 years ago
+Aquachigger Glad you saw my suggestion, I've been watching for a while and I really like your content. I wasn't trying to be anoying, I just really like good stories.
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
It ain't over yet. The fun has just begun.
bigsky12001 - 8 years ago
I was dieing to ask you about the boats and was hoping you'd get around to it. You covered everything that I would have ask.
Thanks stay safe. We'll be watching!
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
Glad I was of help.
Ryan Granitto
Ryan Granitto - 8 years ago
Are you going to be doing any more river scuba videos?
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
Yep, uploaded my first of the year today.
KD8GIS Bruce
KD8GIS Bruce - 8 years ago
OK, Questions, When your setting in it, right behind each shoulder there is what looks like a place to insert "Polls" Is this for maybe a shade cover?  I expect the new boats are more for fun runarounds, where the older boat is more of a work, fishing boat.Didn't see them on the other boat. (Mod)?  By law do you have to have a floatation device?  At least a seat cushion?  I know where it is law, you don't have to wear one, but have it in the boat..
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
I think they are rod holders. I alway have a life vest and all the other gear required by law. I don't need any fines or hassles for sure.
Ron Buskirk
Ron Buskirk - 8 years ago
I have often thought about asking you about them as it seems like a nice boat to have, but now that you putthis video up, I think I have had secong thoughts now. Thanks for the info
Rob Plotts
Rob Plotts - 8 years ago
They sound when they are running like they use a centrifugal clutch is that right?
ImprovingYourMokai - 8 years ago
I invented the clutch that works with these boats, but they don't come with one. It's one of the best upgrades I make, allows increased maneuverability in shallow water and the ability to have neutral so you can stop your boat without shutting the motor down. It also prevents the pump shaft from stripping out like the factory direct drive setup is known for.
DustinJD - 8 years ago
May I ask how much you paid for yours?
DustinJD - 8 years ago
+Aquachigger Not bad, especially when you see what they want for one of the new ones.
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
$6,500 for two boats and the trailer.
Young Pretender
Young Pretender - 8 years ago
They should sponsor you! Loved the outro too ;)
Young Pretender
Young Pretender - 8 years ago
+Aquachigger anytime partner. I just ordered my Ace 250 (newbie right?) thanks for inspiring me to get out there and explore!
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it.
AZ Maximus
AZ Maximus - 8 years ago
Really enjoy your channel, Beau! My nine year old daughter even enjoys watching with me, lol! Keep up the good work! GL&HH
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
Thanks. I'm always happy to hear that kids enjoy my videos as well. I'll keep them clean for the young 'uns.
Rare Gaming
Rare Gaming - 8 years ago
whats your camera ? the one who goes underwater !
Rare Gaming
Rare Gaming - 8 years ago
+Aquachigger Thank you beau
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
Olympus TG 4
Magic Tune
Magic Tune - 8 years ago
Thanks for this vid, I had asked previously and boom there it is..... LOL
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
my pleasure
gavin hirt
gavin hirt - 8 years ago
u talkin the stand on or the new ahite that Is fed reg ed miss the ole stand ons ohhh the er visits lol
Kevin Terrell
Kevin Terrell - 8 years ago
probably a dumb obvious question but, do you take those wheels off when you put it in the water?
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
yes, you"could" leave them on I suppose.
Steven C
Steven C - 8 years ago
do they have nos?
Stephen Post
Stephen Post - 8 years ago
To bad somebody couldn't start making them like the design of yours Chigg .
landlockedviking - 8 years ago
like the looks of them. I think it would be cool to have a little flap(or set of flaps) on the side at water line that you could open ahead of the intake to do a stay in boat intake flush. It doesn't look like it would be that hard to make a few of those up, if a guy had enough interest might be worth while.
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
That would probably work. I have seen mods with sweepers underneath, but it's really easy to clear by hand.
RC Tanks & Trucks 24/7
RC Tanks & Trucks 24/7 - 8 years ago
Excellent video. I was wondering what you use. They look fantastic and fun to use.
Thanks for the awesome video.
ImprovingYourMokai - 8 years ago
If you or anyone ever needs help with a Mokai, I am always quick to reply and can help with anything necessary. ;)
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
I won't link them, that's for sure.
Charles Wilson Peale
Charles Wilson Peale - 8 years ago
Hmm, I will no longer link other's to their web site. I had no idea they wouldn't answer consumer questions. What a let down. :-(
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
Mutlap - 8 years ago
why bring up the modification and not talk about it, hmmmmmmmmmmm?
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
I get perturbed easily sometimes ;)
Mutlap - 8 years ago
the company has you perturbed for sure.
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
why bother?
Buster Cooper
Buster Cooper - 8 years ago
loving all you videos keep up the good job
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
rednecklowlife - 8 years ago
Thanks for doing this video! Yes I did research on them! And found there sight! They are out of New York. Thanks for the heads up! Will keep that info in mind!
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
huntin4life - 8 years ago
I guess they never heard of the term "If its not broken don't fix it". Anyways another great vid. Keep up the great work.
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
not much competition for them
DugMoney Detecting
DugMoney Detecting - 8 years ago
Thanks man. HH
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
my pleasue
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
borderruffian - 8 years ago
Thanks for the video covering the pros and cons.I was bummed to hear that the newer ones that "nest" together for transport had issues.I was looking for something to use that would transport easily in my truck.
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
They may have fixed that problem, but I don't now because no one from the company would return my inquiries.
Jim Grisham
Jim Grisham - 8 years ago
thanks chigg, would love to have one someday, they are cool indeed
anselb2000 - 8 years ago
I love your honesty and I love most all of your videos! Thanks!
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
Thank you.
Mike Merrill
Mike Merrill - 8 years ago
Thanks! Good information! You answered all my questions!
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
I DIG HISTORY - 8 years ago
Those are so cool! I saw one atop of a truck last week and instantly thought of you. Too bad they don't know what they are doing wrong.
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
On top? Not many of those out there... ;)
Joel P
Joel P - 8 years ago
Very cool Chig.
Scooby Doo
Scooby Doo - 8 years ago
Beau, I love your video's and this one included but my eyes were kept drawn to the blue and white pick up in the back round,
I love the American pick up trucks and the one you have looks to have a nice colour combination, I would love to own a one a one to use here in the UK
Scooby Doo
Scooby Doo - 8 years ago
Hi Beau,
Yep I was wrong about the colour of the pick up I was tired and my eyes must have been going lol Yeh its the silver one over your right shoulder @ 1.19 it looks a good truck
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
Hmmm... I have a silver one and a green one. No other colors...
WysteriaGuitar - 8 years ago
Thanks Aqua!
John Burdette
John Burdette - 8 years ago
Always appreciate you're honesty Beau !
John Burdette
John Burdette - 8 years ago
+Aquachigger And ours to , Happy 4th weekend to you and the Mrs.Aquachigger ! y'all be safe out there really enjoy the videos .always great advice right to the point with reasons to back them points lol. I love the history in it  so cool  a few videos ago you hit a gold mine of civil war bullets and like 7 cannon balls and a musket WOW  that's incredible bud. always good stuff I thank you Beau .thanks for you're time and giving us entertainment with some education along with it.I dig this stuff man ! JB 
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
my pleasure
Stroker Ace
Stroker Ace - 8 years ago
Glad you did a video on the boat kayak. Thanks for all the info. I'll make sure and stay away from the new models. You would think they would test out their own equipment and see where things don't work and do work
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
They may have fixed the problem, idk. People were adding seals to make them work.
John Burdette
John Burdette - 8 years ago
Sometimes the newer ideas just don't cut it !!! the one you have are cool !
Madison Maine
Madison Maine - 8 years ago
Thanks for the info Beau. I'd love to have of those.
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
my pleasure
Daniel J.
Daniel J. - 8 years ago
alan30189 - 8 years ago
Nice review. That seat looks uncomfortable though.
Sounds like the company should hire more help to return phone calls, build more boats, etc.
ImprovingYourMokai - 8 years ago
You are one of a very few that like that thing.... LOL 95%, including myself, hate the stock seats.
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
I actually like the seat. Most people do change them out though
bo jangles
bo jangles - 8 years ago
Can you pleaaassse do a video on the James shell you got awhile back?
bo jangles
bo jangles - 8 years ago
+Aquachigger sounds good thanks for making awesome videos.
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
It won't be done for a while. I have it roughed in, but it will take a lot of delicate picking.
I DIG HISTORY - 8 years ago
I 2nd that.
Z BEAR - 8 years ago
Ok I looked up mokai in 7 different states even with craigslist but can't find any for sale. where and how did you find the 2012 model?
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
There aren't many out there. Make sure you research the different models.
Delinquents Fag
Delinquents Fag - 8 years ago
Yay you I've ask some much for this video!!!
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
My pleasure.
Bharley57 west
Bharley57 west - 8 years ago
Thank you for the very helpfull video,
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
My pleasure.
1 - 8 years ago
I love you dad <3
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
ExSapper BadMan
ExSapper BadMan - 8 years ago
Over complicating small boat's or kayaks surely defeats the purpose of them. They are mean't to be tough and reliable and, the less electrical parts the better you would think?.
ImprovingYourMokai - 8 years ago
I've been making these boats work right for years, if the company wanted to do something better they would have followed my lead, not run as far to left field as they could to get away from my ideas.
ExSapper BadMan
ExSapper BadMan - 8 years ago
+Aquachigger Hopefully some bright spark at the company sees your vid and notices that they could make more money if they build them right.
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
No doubt.
Bill S.
Bill S. - 8 years ago
The boat company would be wise to pay you as an advisor to their design department.
Bill S.
Bill S. - 8 years ago
Oh well... their loss.
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
They apparently just do their own thing.
georgiaridgerunner 79
georgiaridgerunner 79 - 8 years ago
well that company probably wont last judging by what this video says...but then again tracker boats is still around and theyre stuff aint to good either...
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
They have been around a long time and own the patents. They aren't going anywhere.
CG Gaming
CG Gaming - 8 years ago
Chigg you are amazing I absolutely love your videos I always watch them with my mom keep up the great work
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
Thanks. I appreciate that.
Irelands history Hunters
Irelands history Hunters - 8 years ago
What's the used value beau ?
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
Depends. I've seen the old ones sell for $1,500.
Michael Fike
Michael Fike - 8 years ago
great video and thx for all the information
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
glad you enjoyed it.
Roca89 - 8 years ago
really like the purpose of that kayak.I wish you could find something like that where i live...
just something for you to think: you should try to get a spare turbine/jet pump so when they discontinue that model and you have a problem, you are not SOL. love your videos man.
ImprovingYourMokai - 8 years ago
The new pumps are backwards compatible with the old models with a little adjustment. The steering nozzle is the only major change that couldn't be used, but the old nozzle would bolt right on.
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
I think it's the same pump, it just sticks out of the plastic on the new ones.
j mcf
j mcf - 8 years ago
i get your right left control, how about your up and down?
ImprovingYourMokai - 8 years ago
Throttle is twisting the handle like a motorcycle, push forward for right, pull back for left.
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
Cerebral Nomad
Cerebral Nomad - 8 years ago
You took my hint! :) I assume the rip cord in the bow is a pull start?
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
Yes, in case the battery dies.
samambrotv - 8 years ago
Have you seen videos of the throttle mods that turn it upright 90 degrees almost like a joystick, gets rid of the twist throttle, you push forward to go and left/right to steer?
ImprovingYourMokai - 8 years ago
My steering relocation uses the stock assembly and moves it to the vertical position on the deck. It's much more comfortable to use, and opens up room in the cockpit for easier entry/exit and positioning your leg while seated. You can't snap it off, the handle is solid aluminum. The throttle still twists like it used to, clockwise to go, and still push forward to go right, pull back for left. Everyone that's used it so far, (120 to date) loves it. ;)
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
I've seen them online but don't think I want that sticking straight up as I fear I would snap it off.
Jason Huckstep
Jason Huckstep - 8 years ago
If it ain't broke,don't fix it!
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
inyango1 - 8 years ago
Chigg, if you could. Are there any "alternative" or similar craft like this. Besides a kayak Hah.
Michigan Mister
Michigan Mister - 8 years ago
I foresee that happening with the interest this vid has resulted in. as I remember, you traveled to buy these from a private seller. was he able to give you good insight about them? I cannot see this design not being improved on and sold by others in the future?
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
Nope. They need some competition for sure.
Chris Hazelwood
Chris Hazelwood - 8 years ago
ive been subscribed for awhile and im not sure how i found this channel but i really love every video keep it up
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
Thanks. I appreciate that. Like and share! ;)
Dustin Hughes
Dustin Hughes - 8 years ago
Great video! I have always wondered how those boats were made and how you didn't mess up the propeller when you went over rocks.
brad b
brad b - 8 years ago
You should check out the aquanami jet angler . Made by aquanami = )
Wyatt Delashmutt
Wyatt Delashmutt - 8 years ago
+Aquachigger how would you fix a hole
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
That does look interesting. I wonder what it would be like.
Ellwood Bear
Ellwood Bear - 8 years ago
Thanks for the information!!
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
my pleasure
seth neese
seth neese - 8 years ago
Was curious if you would be interested in coming out this way an doing some hunting? I'm in Shelbyville TN! The Civil War played an big roll around here! I did tons of stuff on a daily basis! Getting ready to start some filming as well! Love your video's brother!
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
I get out that way a few times every year. Keep your eyes open and you may see me.
poonjaber1122 - 8 years ago
Sweet boats... And sweet little Toyota in the background if my eyes serve me right... Maybe a video on that too lol
poonjaber1122 - 8 years ago
+Aquachigger hard to find a decent one here in Ohio because the salt destroys the frame and body
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
Thanks. Yep, '88 with 200,000+ miles and still going strong.
salsolo - 8 years ago
thanks beau :)
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
my pleasure
uhfnutbar1 - 8 years ago
maybe its in 3 units for shipping , trying to save costs ? or manufacturing ,
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
I do believe it's really for transport. It would be a lot harder to make.
CLureCo - 8 years ago
Thank you very much. We were discussing buying two new ones. Not anymore.
I'll find an old one, or coble one up from parts. Wife may have to wait. ;)
ImprovingYourMokai - 8 years ago
You would be better to find a couple of the older models for rocky conditions.
CLureCo - 8 years ago
+Aquachigger ,
I have, and the very reason we were even considering is because of the shallow water/rocks and rapids. Floating is fun, but here it can be hours and hours before you even see a bridge, at least where the fishing and occasional relics are.
I had noticed the jet/body difference, and I'm always weary of non-one piece not a good idea in water.....
Thanks again for the comparison, and opinion. I believe I can take your advice as the truth, as I seem to have pretty good video evidence that you know what you're talking about.......
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
Do some research, they may suit your needs. Just stay away from rocks.
TheMaddogT - 8 years ago
A great review. Thanks
Ed D
Ed D - 8 years ago
Love the boats! But..... nothing worse than poor or no customer service. Good luck!
Larry Robertson
Larry Robertson - 8 years ago
no shit, i will dump any doing business with a company that has crappy customer service. it tells me that all they want is to sell and not take care of their customers.
Chris Barrett
Chris Barrett - 8 years ago
+Ed Darby sounds like you may be my era. Eg 1953 born. We used to fix things till they couldn't be fixed anymore. Lol.
Ed D
Ed D - 8 years ago
+Chris Barrett True! I'm a Union Electrician and hate seeing poor quality work from a company or contractor to never be or heard from again. back in the day if we screwed something up we fixed it on our own time.
Chris Barrett
Chris Barrett - 8 years ago
I know what you mean about poor service but let's face it, Beau can make or fix just about anything he lays his hand to so guys like him don't need a service department. There a guy like that at my church, he can play anything he lays his hands to, ( I want to slap him hahahahaha)
The Dude
The Dude - 8 years ago
cool little boats actually I'd like to have one myself
treehorn70 - 8 years ago
Chig holds a lot of water. I was looking at the new models about a rear ago. I am missing my left thumb tip. Looked too complicated, was not interested in a three part boat. Keep it simple. He knows what he is doing. Watch what the models he describes sells on EBay, no joke. YouTube endorsements are potable.
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
I can get about 14-15 mph in flat still water.
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
Thanks. I haven't been up that way in a while. Who knows, maybe one day soon.
Z Nelson
Z Nelson - 8 years ago
+Aquachigger how fast do your your boats go
The Dude
The Dude - 8 years ago
+Z Nelson thanks man I've got quite a bit of stuff on mine....I liked your go kart that was cool I've made a few like it in my time
Z Nelson
Z Nelson - 8 years ago
+georgiaridgerunner 79 thanks nice channel and videos as well
Z Nelson
Z Nelson - 8 years ago
+The Dude thanks I like your channel to
georgiaridgerunner 79
georgiaridgerunner 79 - 8 years ago
+Z Nelson i got one too (channel)
The Dude
The Dude - 8 years ago
+Z Nelson I'll check out your channel I have one as well
Z Nelson
Z Nelson - 8 years ago
+Aquachigger ps I also have a channel if you want to check it out
Z Nelson
Z Nelson - 8 years ago
+Aquachigger dude I love your videos and you are always funny and make me laugh I love to watch your videos and it's so exciting when you find something really expensive and ancient ps I wish I could meet you in person but I live in Minnesota and I don't think you live in Minnesota but you are awesome and keep up good work
The Dude
The Dude - 8 years ago
+Aquachigger definitely useful for what you are using it for... most excellent is that suburu a 2 or 4 stroke engine?
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
they are fun and useful
ZuLu ViSiOnZz
ZuLu ViSiOnZz - 8 years ago
Love your channel amazing video like always
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
'Apprciate that.
inyango1 - 8 years ago
I'm glad you made this video, I was dying to know what you were getting around in.
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
My pleasure, thanks.
seth neese
seth neese - 8 years ago
Hey Aquachigger, awesome little boats!! Still hoping to hear from you soon got a couple questions sir!! Thank you sir!
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
You'll have to ask quick here, I can only answer questions for a short time some evenings.
Drake Arendale
Drake Arendale - 8 years ago
When the next river treasure hunt
Drake Arendale
Drake Arendale - 8 years ago
+Aquachigger ok love your vids
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
Just posted one to Patreon. Will release it here probably on Sunday.
Nick - 8 years ago
Very cool. Love your videos. Keep it up! Hope you keep finding neat things on gour journeys.
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
Rusch 420
Rusch 420 - 8 years ago
420 th
Ben Mott
Ben Mott - 8 years ago
Do you ever go fishing?if you do you should upload it
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
I do, but not too often.
uhfnutbar1 - 8 years ago
Email sucks this world falling a part :)
Ben Mott
Ben Mott - 8 years ago
Tempting to get one
eman8854 _
eman8854 _ - 8 years ago
How deep would civil war relics be in ground?
eman8854 _
eman8854 _ - 8 years ago
Wow. That's deeper than I thought. Hopefully some will be within 2 feet because my detector is just I cheap one. Thanks for the replies! Love your videos!
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
No, it's a fact. They can be any depth. I see them on the surface many times so I'm sure it could detect some of them anyway. I've dug relics 15 feet down.
eman8854 _
eman8854 _ - 8 years ago
Are you being sarcastic? But for real, could you give me an average depth. I want to see if my metal detector would be able to detect them.
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
Up to 100 feet or more.
Falcon Warriors
Falcon Warriors - 8 years ago
I absolutely love this channel! Great video once again absolutely amazing! :)
TRUMP2016 Local187 WallBuilders Union
TRUMP2016 Local187 WallBuilders Union - 8 years ago
I'm glad u did a vid on these .. after I saw your other vid I was searching for what the heck they wer called .... I def want one bu seems like they are hard to find used !
Falcon Warriors
Falcon Warriors - 8 years ago
+Aquachigger I absolutely will :) thanks for the reply :)
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
Thanks. Spread the word! ;)
XEX Promo44
XEX Promo44 - 8 years ago
Lol Ive watched aver video
XEX Promo44
XEX Promo44 - 8 years ago
+Aquachigger thank you I am playing allstars for Little leguae I can't whit to move from California to Minnesota to metal detect on 26 acres do u no if there was any civil war actived ?
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
I appreciate that.
XEX Promo44
XEX Promo44 - 8 years ago
You are awsome replay?
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
Totoroto 789
Totoroto 789 - 8 years ago
ZuLu ViSiOnZz
ZuLu ViSiOnZz - 8 years ago
tripp lawrence
tripp lawrence - 8 years ago
ZuLu ViSiOnZz
ZuLu ViSiOnZz - 8 years ago
Aqua when do you put up your vids by the way love your account
ZuLu ViSiOnZz
ZuLu ViSiOnZz - 8 years ago
+Aquachigger sweet man keep up the good work
Aquachigger - 8 years ago
Depends, but I usually try to post them in the evenings Sunday through Wednesday or Thursday.
SH1FKA - 8 years ago
thats cool
TheBrownBomber - 8 years ago
6th lol
XEX Promo44
XEX Promo44 - 8 years ago
Danktanic - 8 years ago
alex t
alex t - 8 years ago
Yediel Delgado
Yediel Delgado - 8 years ago
Wassup First
XEX Promo44
XEX Promo44 - 8 years ago
Rasta_boy - 8 years ago
My Bum Freestylers /epic Football Boots
My Bum Freestylers /epic Football Boots - 8 years ago
My Bum Freestylers /epic Football Boots
My Bum Freestylers /epic Football Boots - 8 years ago

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