NEW Pelican Catch 130HD Affordable Pedal Drive Fishing Kayak | ICAST 2018
Kayak 6 years ago 95,010 views
I got a chance to get a full walkthrough of Pelican's new budget-friendly pedal drive kayak. This kayak uses a fin-style drive almost identical to the Hobie Mirage Drive, whose patent has expired, allowing other manufacturers to now produce this proven pedal drive system. This boat boasts a ton of features and a premium pedal drive for the low price tag of $1,499. Look for this fishing kayak to begin hitting dealers in January of 2019. COMMENT BELOW what you think of this boat, and be sure to ask any questions you have! If I don't know the answer, I will do my best to find out. Learn more by visiting SUBSCRIBE to Zoffinger's channel! His videos are AWESOME! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Follow Me on Social! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Facebook → Instagram → Twitter → ▬▬▬▬▬▬ Follow YakFish TV on Social! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Facebook → Instagram→ Twitter → Website → ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ My Favorite Brands ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Shop the Camera Stuff I Use! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Main Camera → Garmin VIRB → GoPro → Editing Software → Editing Computer → Drone → Audio Recorder → Smart Watch → ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Shop the Fishing Stuff I Use! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Fish Finder → Fish Finder Battery → High End Spinning Reel → Low End Spinning Reel → VHF Radio → ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Shop the Kayak Stuff I Use! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Gear Crate → Camera Boom → Rod Holder → Visibility Kit → Paddle → Life Jacket → Knife → Rod Leashes → ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Shop the RV Stuff I Use! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Cell Signal Booster → Emergency InReach → WiFi Signal Booster → Verizon Jetpack Hotspot →
10. comment for NEW Pelican Catch 130HD Affordable Pedal Drive Fishing Kayak | ICAST 2018
20. comment for NEW Pelican Catch 130HD Affordable Pedal Drive Fishing Kayak | ICAST 2018
30. comment for NEW Pelican Catch 130HD Affordable Pedal Drive Fishing Kayak | ICAST 2018
I'd like to see some of the companies come out with a standard no holes/no add on for $400-$500. Then you could eventually afford it and add on as a diy as you save $15 a month by eating nothing but beans. Until the car breaks down anyway...
50. comment for NEW Pelican Catch 130HD Affordable Pedal Drive Fishing Kayak | ICAST 2018
for much less if you want something cheap. If you want a pedal drive, this is about as affordable as it gets right now.
100. comment for NEW Pelican Catch 130HD Affordable Pedal Drive Fishing Kayak | ICAST 2018
As far as the Pelican fin drive not having reverse, hopefully everyone still carries a paddle with them.
The price point of this rig ($1499?) is a great deal.
Now if we were to remove all these variables, hypothetically speaking, the fin drive is a more 'efficient' system...both mechanical loss and human workload. More surface area and slower speed is always going to be a more efficient propulsion design than a smaller surface area and higher speed, not even factoring in things like driveline loss from the bevel/conical gears, bearings, etc that prop drives need. As for pedaling, the back and forth motion of a fin drive recruits less muscles than traditional cycling style cranks on prop drives, meaning a smaller workload on the user.
I have some choices to make in January!
I have a Feel Free Lure 11.5 and am seriously considering selling it to get this.
I started on a lil Pelican trailblazer 100 and beat the hell out of that thing. It will still do what I need it to in the gulf.
This looks like a solid yak and we will soon see how many Hobie potentials take this route instead.
You cannot ignore that price. Its that simple.
As far as thickness of plastic, I'm not sure about the hull, but I installed a round hatch in my grandson's Pelican Apex100, and the deck mat'l was every bit 1/4" thick.
i wanted to upgrade my kayak to a newer one and my first kayak to choose was a hobbie but then i realized it was to expencive so now i know what to get
at that point, i'll use my jetski to go fishing LOL
I'm seriously considering selling it for this when it comes out. We will see what happens when they start hitting the water.
Reverse is overrated. I've had a Native with reverse. I've had a Revo 11 without it. Just turn 90° quickly and the fish can't pull you. I've always been able to circumvent the need. For $1500 it looks like a great boat. Hands free, comfortable seat, wide enough..... 13' is a little bigger that I like. My preference is short and wide. I had the 38" wide and 10'2" long Native (discontinued). I loved the boat. I didn't like the prop peddle.
Nice video, thanks Rob.