NY Kayak Murder Suspect Tells Police 'I Wanted Him Dead'

Part 2: Ten days after her fiance disappeared, Angelika Graswald was questioned by police for nearly 12 hours.

NY Kayak Murder Suspect Tells Police 'I Wanted Him Dead' sentiment_very_dissatisfied 112

Kayak 9 years ago 245,641 views

Part 2: Ten days after her fiance disappeared, Angelika Graswald was questioned by police for nearly 12 hours.

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Most popular comments
for NY Kayak Murder Suspect Tells Police 'I Wanted Him Dead'

responsibleparty - 6 years ago
Tip for the day: If you are this incredibly stupid, don't murder anyone.
proud deplorable
proud deplorable - 6 years ago
If the police want a confession, it's because they need a confession for proof
don't read replies
don't read replies - 6 years ago
Woooooow her mannerisms are so Jodi!!!!
Belinda Cooper
Belinda Cooper - 6 years ago
Bet they didn't feed the cat
Athensdm Dio
Athensdm Dio - 6 years ago
it is the third woman i see in interrogation room doing stupid things after she killed her man
lily blu
lily blu - 6 years ago
How is this woman out of jail already??
Filipe Matias
Filipe Matias - 6 years ago
Never trust or talk to the cops without a lawyer present! Period!
Tommy Stuart
Tommy Stuart - 6 years ago
Samsung fridge
Matt Well
Matt Well - 6 years ago
She's the one who deserved to die after singing that shit song Hotel California.
Dethrone Idiocy
Dethrone Idiocy - 6 years ago
I f*cking hate that stupid song too! & this bitch deserves to die!

10. comment for NY Kayak Murder Suspect Tells Police 'I Wanted Him Dead'

Kendra Carver
Kendra Carver - 6 years ago
When they were pressing her and she said “I wanted him dead and now he’s gone”
Does that just mean she could of saved him and didn’t or a part of her is glad that it happened. Doesn’t mean she killed him?
moreofawave - 6 years ago
I don't know. Wanting someone gone/dead is not the same as doing something to cause it. Why did this guy drown? Because he couldn't swim? If that's so, that's the stupidest thing anyone can do.
moreofawave - 6 years ago
Fair enough. Did not hear she took his back paddle. How did she do that? While he was in the boat? I don't understand how she could have gotten it.
RidingOnLightning - 6 years ago
He died from hypothermia from the near freezing temperature water. I wouldn't go as far as to call this murder but if someone sits there getting off and doing nothing when they could try to help in ways that wouldn't put their own life at risk (like offering back the paddle she took from him) then fuck them.
MICOLE WHYTE - 6 years ago
Men don't get married
Hamiid Mohamed
Hamiid Mohamed - 6 years ago
lil kol
Douglas Pelin
Douglas Pelin - 6 years ago
What a weirdo. She will have plenty of time for her "yoga" behind the bars. Little bitch.
Dethrone Idiocy
Dethrone Idiocy - 6 years ago
Well I`d say she`s a `typical american woman` right? America is full of deviants
Alfonso Arciga
Alfonso Arciga - 6 years ago
I think she's in the stages of grief. Her 'confession' was merely her anger with him coming out
Emily Windon
Emily Windon - 6 years ago
I think that he did fall out of his boat started drowning and she didn't do anything about it because hes a Jack a** but I don't think she murdered him
RidingOnLightning - 6 years ago
She took his paddles away, I don't think it was premeditated but it's definitely possible that she saw the opportunity to get rid of him and played it to her benefit.
Eleven Words
Eleven Words - 6 years ago
...and we want you dead too you worthless bitch. So get the fuck off the youtube scroll already. White trash bitch.
Brandon Harbaugh
Brandon Harbaugh - 6 years ago
so where the hell is the next part?
Regina Ozawa
Regina Ozawa - 6 years ago
No thinking. Its seems there’s a mentality disorder.
Dethrone Idiocy
Dethrone Idiocy - 6 years ago
What`s to expect? She`s american after all.

20. comment for NY Kayak Murder Suspect Tells Police 'I Wanted Him Dead'

Mandingo's Movie Mayhem
Mandingo's Movie Mayhem - 6 years ago
0:35 Dat booty!
TCthaCrisis - 6 years ago
Mandingo's Movie Mayhem
I guess your goofy ass will be her next victim
Jose EstaBom
Jose EstaBom - 6 years ago
naive woman, talking to the police...
Doug Rice
Doug Rice - 6 years ago
Update. They let this Demon out of prison. Unbelievable.
Dethrone Idiocy
Dethrone Idiocy - 6 years ago
She`ll join the `Demons club` specializing in preying on men to kill when shes out.
Bethany Cameron
Bethany Cameron - 6 years ago
Tell Scott Peterson to kill himself he's nasty no one wants him he's not in a cell meet you you wish not I n a cell he's in mn not safe he's crazy killer baby killer no move on kisser killer he's in mn he's on his way back to a cell killer your nasty kill yourself never go na make fruit cake kill yourself die keep it you done losser
Foofy - 6 years ago
She didn't commit this. She said that to get out of there.
formhubfar - 6 years ago
She is a redhead.., 80% demon.
Dethrone Idiocy
Dethrone Idiocy - 6 years ago
Eradicate all that red head shit!
formhubfar - 6 years ago
That she didnt want threesomes?.., bullshit.., redheads are sexual deviants.
WJValente - 6 years ago
This is yet another case of an obvious sociopath... People, they are everywhere!
California Golden
California Golden - 6 years ago
Straight Moron can we interview you Fuck off have a nice day go investigate come back with an arrest warrant and im still not talking to anyone bye
Rachel JeanPierre
Rachel JeanPierre - 6 years ago
They should not be able to interrogate anyone past 6 hours, she already looked incompetent to begin with.
plopsa x
plopsa x - 6 years ago
Psycho fucking whore

30. comment for NY Kayak Murder Suspect Tells Police 'I Wanted Him Dead'

EFP91 - 6 years ago
Damn she has a nice ass
Jo Threefingers
Jo Threefingers - 6 years ago
Ya that's wierd.
Blah BlahBlah
Blah BlahBlah - 6 years ago
Let dumb ass murderers talk to cops they want go to jail for the rest of their stupid lives there. Murderers r prolly reading this comments right now. They're thinking "How to get away w/ murder?" "How to hide from police/detectives"
Jacob Wellington
Jacob Wellington - 6 years ago
As a Milenial, Ive seen stories like this my whole life. In case you wonder why my generation isnt marrying these stupid whores...
4A6F6F6C730D 4A
4A6F6F6C730D 4A - 6 years ago
A sad narcissistic middle aged man falling for a gold digging sociopath, what could go wrong
Reinulus Aurelius
Reinulus Aurelius - 6 years ago
This is a prime example of a crazy western b*tch jacked up on too much of all that "girl power" b.s. that they are all brainwashed with through Hollywood, music, cartoons, etc.
Will Tesler
Will Tesler - 6 years ago
Classic good cop, bad cop technique
Peter Yeshvasun
Peter Yeshvasun - 6 years ago
Dude she looks like a meth head I mean kinda don’t feel sorry for the guy
Big Bob
Big Bob - 6 years ago
She only said she wanted him dead... she didn't say she contributed to his death
James P
James P - 6 years ago
Shit cop leading the witness...
Noel Mcloughlin
Noel Mcloughlin - 6 years ago
Never be allowed in the UK. No solicitor no legal representation no nothing . America is a 3rd world country
hhhk20 - 6 years ago
If she wasn't such an imbecile, this dumb cop would never have gotten a confession out of her.
Sam Sam
Sam Sam - 6 years ago
this so called woman is a very sick person go to hell
Flaca Diabla
Flaca Diabla - 6 years ago
Feelings don't make you a killer
temporarysanity - 6 years ago
Anything you say can be used against you but NOTHING you say can be used for you so there is absolutely no benefit to talking.
temporarysanity - 6 years ago
I'm not defending her in any way but you never ever ever talk to the police.
irishbreakfast - 6 years ago
doesn't matter she only did 2 years anyway. but I doubt she got paid out on the policy.
irishbreakfast - 6 years ago
he reads her her rights THEN expects her to talk?! NO WAY!!! LOL!!!! you read me MY rights now you can talk to my attorney. ill utilize my right to remain silent. you just fucked up any chance of discussing anything with me. lol!!! NOW you wait for my attorney to show up you just screwed up your own interview.
Riccardo Depaoli
Riccardo Depaoli - 6 years ago
You have the right to remain silent shut the fuck up,
satinwhip - 6 years ago
A police officer once told me the five most important things to remember when being questioned by the police are 1. Never talk to the police 2. Never talk to the police 3. Never talk to the police 4. Never talk to the police and 5. Never talk to the police. Number 5 is particularly important. The police can legally lie to you and they will try to entrap you. The police are not interested in justice. They are interested in obtaining incriminating evidence or a confession. They will wear you down. All of this advice came from a police officer. Never talk to the police.
RidingOnLightning - 6 years ago
It's amazing how many people don't exercise their right to remain silent. Police love to spin your words and use it against you.

50. comment for NY Kayak Murder Suspect Tells Police 'I Wanted Him Dead'

Ishkabibble - 6 years ago
She'll be dyked out in less than a year .
Victoria K
Victoria K - 6 years ago
none of that was a confession, hope they had more actual proof
John Pruett
John Pruett - 6 years ago
Detectives are terrible, she's a woman (golddigger) and her fiance was an idiot.
jacob suren
jacob suren - 6 years ago
Alex Zander
Alex Zander - 6 years ago
"I wanted him dead, & now he's gone....." Technically it's not a confession......GTFO!!
William Phillips
William Phillips - 6 years ago
Sounds like he is an asshole got what he deserved. Do what i want sexually or we wont marry is actually rape and coercion. Pretty fucked up. Id drown you too.
RidingOnLightning - 6 years ago
No it's not you dumbass social justice warrior. It's not her goddamn right to get married to him, if she didn't like it she could have fucking left.
William Phillips
William Phillips - 6 years ago
Is there a rule you can't move on or grieve differently than others? I dont see how singing a karaoke song is proof she did something. Or not crying. Or doing a cartwheel
J. Erickson
J. Erickson - 6 years ago
He was s pervert though...
RidingOnLightning - 6 years ago
Because he wanted to be able to have threesomes when he got married? Fuck off..
IanInVan - 6 years ago
Bannerman Island?? What's that piece of heaven???
Patricia Mamani
Patricia Mamani - 6 years ago
Dexter Haven
Dexter Haven - 6 years ago
It's nice to be single.
TCthaCrisis - 6 years ago
Dexter Haven
Its nice to eat pringles
stalag Alter Egos
stalag Alter Egos - 6 years ago
After being read your rights, shut the f#ck up. Of course cops will get info out of you that fits their theory...please people lawyer up.
Ben Dover
Ben Dover - 6 years ago
is she retarded or something?
how hard is it to act sad, the death was almost believable..
Rachel Baity
Rachel Baity - 6 years ago
Ok I've got alot of insight to share here but I think I can explain everything:

Any avid kayaker watching this would know it's nearly impossible to sabotage a kayak simply from removing a piece of the paddle and the cap (which is on top of the kayak and extends upward slightly in most models). The hole is small and would take alot to fill up enough to capsize someone, especially because it remains above the waterline, even in rough waters. You would have to pretty much intentionally submerge that portion of the kayak and then wait for all the air to be displaced and to expel thru bubbles. A little splashing here and there around an open cap wouldn't drown someone. Even if someone pours water in it ahead of time, for one, that would be noticeable when moving and transporting the kayak by the weight and sound of water sloshing, so the targeted person would empty it out before pushing off into the water. And secondly it would lose buoyancy as soon as it's placed in the water, and wouldn't float well to begin with.

As for the paddle, u can still use even just the end of an oar if you had to. It's not ideal, but as long as u have more than just the stick, u have the most critical function still available.

As for her behavior, everyone reacts differently to tragedy. She's obviously doing yoga to try to calm herself in a stressful situation and hopscotching to stay awake. Although she's given food and water provisions, she could be sleep deprived and stressed due to the interrogation AND due to recently losing a loved one. Could be false confession from that, and/or internal guilt, and/or desperation to go home. Police often tell people they can go home once they "tell the truth" about what happened, yet when you tell what you know to be true, they don't always let you go. So u offer another story and they still don't let you go. Now you've told conflicting stories in an attempt to go home, not realizing police can lie to u and keep u there until ur story lines up with their suspicions. Some people will say anything to be able to leave, not knowing it will actually make them worse off. Most people don't know they have the option to just up and walk out... police don't make it clear or easy. Cops use many isolation tactics such as bringing the person in their police cruiser, meaning they are the person's ride to and from, and you can't call a friend, taxi, or uber. They take their phone so they have no outside contact or concept of time, all contributing to that trapped feeling.

She clearly snapped and said what she knew they wanted her to say, thinking it would end the stressful situation and free her.
Jeff Green
Jeff Green - 6 years ago
So, she didn't kill him. She just allowed him to drown and didn't try to save him. Is that even a crime? Are human beings required by law to risk their own life to save someone else's? Some people are heroes and some are cowards. They'll have to live with their decision.
Youtube Watcher
Youtube Watcher - 6 years ago
She will kill again
Bill J
Bill J - 6 years ago
People you never very let the Police question you.
Thomas Mauro
Thomas Mauro - 6 years ago
Devil may cry, but it won't stop you from rotting in prison you fucking filthy trash
Thomas Mauro
Thomas Mauro - 6 years ago
I hope you rot alone until you're 150 years old you demon whore
Thomas Mauro
Thomas Mauro - 6 years ago
Another product of insane Liberal lunacy
Carmine Mineo
Carmine Mineo - 6 years ago
She did it no doubt
joshua turner
joshua turner - 6 years ago
11 hrs of interrogation...damn
Carrieann - 6 years ago
Alex Oelkers
Alex Oelkers - 6 years ago
Lol "how on baby"!!
Hungry Basset
Hungry Basset - 6 years ago
I would notice pretty damn fast if the ring was missing on my oar and the drain was open on my boat. The whole incident seems strange.
Vee Gy
Vee Gy - 6 years ago
Sick worthless bitch.
Borrusimo B
Borrusimo B - 6 years ago
4:42 is when you realize they don't have any evidence against you.
Noah Stone
Noah Stone - 6 years ago
That's not a confession. Sorry. She may have WANTED him dead.. but didn't kill him. Doing nothing to save someone is not murder
RidingOnLightning - 6 years ago
Candy Smith That's actually first-degree murder. First-degree just means that it was premeditated, it has nothing to do with either directly or indirectly killing anyone. Second degree murder is not premeditated.
Candy Smith
Candy Smith - 6 years ago
Tampering with the boat first to cause him to flip and then not help him is considered second degree murder. The same would be if someone tampered with the brakes in a car and when they crashed and just watched them burn instead of trying to help them.
Tom Bender
Tom Bender - 6 years ago
jkbrkly - 6 years ago
you "feel" like this is an illegal interrogation? why don't you and all of the other mangina's and feminists quit with that damn idiotic statement of "you feel something". feelings are great for love and emotional moments but they are useless when you deal with facts, logic and law. it wasn't illegal regardless of how sensitive you are, she agreed to it, she at any time could have walked out or insisted on remaining silent or calling in a lawyer, this is why we have laws, to protect us from "feelers" like you who have the illogical notion that feelings take precedent over facts or feelings will solve problems. logic, factual solutions and action will help more than any emotion you want to impale yourself on.
jkbrkly - 6 years ago
Jack, why don't you pay attention, she wanted him dead, that isn't a crime, she sabotaged his boat, that is a crime.
jkbrkly - 6 years ago
she is not believable when she says she was mistreated by him, it may be true but many women use that default excuse to do horrible things, to justify their criminal acts, and the liberal justice system many times buys into it. she should have been given a life sentence, female privilege again.
King OfAllDishwashers
King OfAllDishwashers - 6 years ago
#metoo right ?let her off the hook right.
Richard s
Richard s - 6 years ago
She's stupid.. after 4 hours she's smiling and grinning with the police as if they are her friends... Time to clam up and get a lawyer.. Take a nap on that table while you wait..
giselle joseph
giselle joseph - 6 years ago
Interesting she kill him for the insurance money
Missy B
Missy B - 6 years ago
WTF she never confess to anything other then she wanted him dead shit there r times I say I want someone dead and if one day they happen to show up dead it doesn’t mean I did it
isailwind - 6 years ago
So a guy that can't swim goes out in a kayak without a life jacket? A kayak won't sink if it fills with water.
Angela G
Angela G - 6 years ago
Ok, through this whole thing I couldn't see her guilty of killing him. Maybe guilty of not helping save him, and being cold about how happy she is he's gone, but not a killer. I know she's out of jail already, but this was in my recommended. I just don't think she should have been locked up at all. 12hrs being interrogated in that tiny room, and she never wavered.
Matthew Kratz
Matthew Kratz - 6 years ago
She needs some serious help
Jameson Cross
Jameson Cross - 6 years ago
Hopefully she got herself a nose job.
Pedro Gallegos
Pedro Gallegos - 6 years ago
Angelika graswald = Jodi Arias..

would have been LYNCHED..
Calcia Masaki
Calcia Masaki - 6 years ago
too bad, how my fellow men got killed like that
Jack Shite
Jack Shite - 6 years ago
11hr interrogation? She wasn’t guilty she just told them something so she could leave... these cops should be in jail.
Mike Johnson
Mike Johnson - 6 years ago
Men, when ya meet a girl, no matter how good she gives head, when she brings out a cat or two it's time to head for the door. Believe dat.
Mike Johnson
Mike Johnson - 6 years ago
When a crazy bitch sits like that, does Yoga and acts like that, pal you've got trouble.
Mike Johnson
Mike Johnson - 6 years ago
Some crazy, crazy bitches out there. Who knows what they're really thinking?
doo 'n dwee be doo shwah
doo 'n dwee be doo shwah - 6 years ago
Love watching dumbass bitches who think they are clever get wrecked.
monkeymanxxl - 6 years ago
Who sits and talks to cops. You never have anything to gain, not as a suspect or a witness or even to ask them to pass the salt.
Ray Zavala
Ray Zavala - 6 years ago
He's a grown ass man he should have taken a lifejacket
Spoony Love
Spoony Love - 6 years ago
I'm not gay but my butt hole is.

100. comment for NY Kayak Murder Suspect Tells Police 'I Wanted Him Dead'

Voice of the People
Voice of the People - 6 years ago
Nothing says I’m guilty like a game of hopscotch
Myles Mcminn
Myles Mcminn - 6 years ago
You TV ratings whores you 20/20
Stewart Low
Stewart Low - 6 years ago
Ya gotta love computer marketing moment= An add for a kayak adventure company came up before this played.
Cut - 6 years ago
Nick Dee
Nick Dee - 6 years ago
J. Erickson
J. Erickson - 6 years ago
I know right, like WTF !. There were not better names, none?. Triburcia is a much better option.
chopper dragger
chopper dragger - 6 years ago
Bag of fruitLOOP in her head
baler johnson
baler johnson - 6 years ago
Never talk to the cops ..For God's sake never talk to the cops ! The first thing the cops tell you is that anything you say can and will be held against you ? Dumb ass people talk to the cops .
nurul soheil
nurul soheil - 6 years ago
One guy got soft voice and the other guy got harsh loud voice!!! If you want to know something deeper you need soft cool low pitch voice!!!! Death of his husband is bonus for her !!!! She is happy because of insurance fat money!!! Guy died by drowning and she watched the whole time !!! That's all ! She knows the camera was there! That's why she never looks at the top even for a second!!!
tampajohn - 6 years ago
.........but inexplicably , 20/20 never returned ..........
tampajohn - 6 years ago
I think her nose knocked him overboard when she turned her head.
KyleMatt11 - 6 years ago
Why is it all these high profile female murderers sing, dance, yoga, hop scotch when left alone in the interrogation room. Seriously... Angelica, Jodi Aries, the chick that shot her lawyer boyfriend in face, and more.
Jacob Galloway
Jacob Galloway - 6 years ago
Dumb cunt!
JFF Gaming
JFF Gaming - 6 years ago
She got the cake
Ongo Gablogian
Ongo Gablogian - 6 years ago
Why am I watching these videos? These detectives do amazing work I don’t know how they do it
Barret Norcross
Barret Norcross - 6 years ago
Barret Norcross
Barret Norcross - 6 years ago
Cameron Angel
Cameron Angel - 6 years ago
I don't think that's a confession she's just saying fine you want me to say I don't care fuck it I don't care
Achilles_Wing - 6 years ago
She is free, you dumbass Thot
Brandon Cook
Brandon Cook - 6 years ago
Ya...loosened the paddle...news doesn't know the water
Jeremy Stone
Jeremy Stone - 6 years ago
Evil bitch
Stewart J
Stewart J - 6 years ago
leading the witness, this constitutes unethical behavior on the part of the detectives. Case should have been tossed
Michael Cipriani
Michael Cipriani - 6 years ago
Never talk to police
justin hyland
justin hyland - 6 years ago
I always find it so hard to believe that some of these interrogation techniques actually work. A lot of it is blatant patronizing and building up this fake buddy-buddy friendship, and to me its so obvious that its facade and would never work..... but apparently it works perfectly on idiots like this.
Johnmckinley Mc
Johnmckinley Mc - 6 years ago
justin hyland always lawyer up
N. 2.
N. 2. - 6 years ago
these people are idiots for talking to the police without a lawyer. I would guess they think they are smarter than the police.
J. Erickson
J. Erickson - 6 years ago
Never talk to a pig. not even if he offers you soda and Kentucky fried chicken. :-D
Asael Baez
Asael Baez - 6 years ago
The Last Rebel Show
The Last Rebel Show - 6 years ago
Another greedy cunt.
Gunnar Marr
Gunnar Marr - 6 years ago
cold cuz ur a straight crazy pos
beryale x
beryale x - 6 years ago
the last think i do is life insurance!
Dgzy Gzy
Dgzy Gzy - 6 years ago
Sr Chalice
Sr Chalice - 6 years ago
Proverb 31:3... <--- Men Learn, Recite it & Live It. For you are more at Danger than you think. Times has changed, It's time you pussy Chasing S.I.M.Ps wake The Fuck UP!.. Your life No longer matters, cause they say we are "Privileged". You've been warn, think with your big brain and Not your little brain.
Kenny Rogers
Kenny Rogers - 6 years ago
Joe Smith
Joe Smith - 6 years ago
Guys....don't be alone with a woman. Have another guy with you. Women are psycho killers
Tam Martin
Tam Martin - 6 years ago
Insurance job doing yoga in room nut job
Victor Da Silva
Victor Da Silva - 6 years ago
Women are evil. Some just hides better than others
Joe M
Joe M - 6 years ago
"You have the RIGHT to remain silent", "Anything you say can and WILL be used against you" was the cops first statement. Don't say anything guilty or not.
Lenny Pepperidge
Lenny Pepperidge - 6 years ago
invoke your fith STUPID!!!!
leivon chung
leivon chung - 6 years ago
Why didn't he swim?
SOL LUNA - 6 years ago
No lunatic bitch you don't have a angel side or a demon side , you are 100% demon period . .. to much crazy mother fucker's walking free on this world .
Martin West
Martin West - 6 years ago
Women are evil
Conor 'pls dont take my belt' McGregor
Conor 'pls dont take my belt' McGregor - 6 years ago
She's no different than jodi arias. Bitches are just psychos.
:RWC - 6 years ago
This crazy bitch killed her husband and spent 2 years TWO YEARS!!!! In jail and now she is a free citizen. in what judicial world is this okay? plenty of men killed their wives and get the death penalty or life! How is this fair to his family?
Mark Andrew
Mark Andrew - 6 years ago
She has some kind of disorder clearly . And the pigs get her mixed up . Hope she SUES that PIG department.
88Beats - 6 years ago
Its not a confession.
Bobby Amdro
Bobby Amdro - 6 years ago
Everytime my wife watches these. She always says, this is what happens lol
Madina Abdullah
Madina Abdullah - 6 years ago
Poor woman, she was abused sexually by that devil. Its good that he died.
Phillippe Herr
Phillippe Herr - 6 years ago
If she doesn't know how to swim, then she can't even save him from drowning. She wanted him dead, it's very suspicious because she wants the greed of money.
creamsykle - 6 years ago
the moment they say "you have the right to remain silent" exercise that right.
Terry King
Terry King - 6 years ago
I hate this psycho bitch...what a snob....does everyone she know act like this...I bet she puts out to dumber people than her
Stranac Oppilas
Stranac Oppilas - 6 years ago
Lesson: Don't put money on your death.
Common Sense
Common Sense - 7 years ago
I don't understand how she got out after 2 years ?
Jose Pablo
Jose Pablo - 7 years ago
Wow that's not a confession? Then what is? Please help me understand.
Shamrock Shore
Shamrock Shore - 7 years ago
National Lampoon should make a movie about this.
ThereAreOnly TwoGenders
ThereAreOnly TwoGenders - 7 years ago
So they read her miranda rights the first time she sat in the police station? That means she's under arrest already!
Chaz Michael
Chaz Michael - 7 years ago
A good defense lawyer could argue a coersed confesson on that
Apollos 02
Apollos 02 - 7 years ago
Apollos 02
Apollos 02 - 7 years ago
Bitchs be crazy.
Chayavat Mokarakorn
Chayavat Mokarakorn - 7 years ago
Jason Jackson
Jason Jackson - 7 years ago
You have the right to remain silent .....
walmars3curity - 7 years ago
This to me looks llike the police just wanted someone to blame. She was wrongfully accused..
Colin Tran
Colin Tran - 7 years ago
She may be guilty but they way they handle these interrogations is not cool.
Sri Yantra
Sri Yantra - 7 years ago
Another Jodi Arias in the interrogation room.
Sri Yantra
Sri Yantra - 7 years ago
What kind of kayaking man would not notice his plug not in his boat, and his paddle being tampered with? Was she the man in the relationship? Wow.
South Beach Miami Art
South Beach Miami Art - 7 years ago
I can't see her being convicted regardless of how guilty she seems. If OJ got off for what he did, how will she not?
J. Erickson
J. Erickson - 6 years ago
You are smart mate, keep safe !.
Edo Deković
Edo Deković - 7 years ago
If I would have to sit there for 11 hours I would confess what ever they want...
3 Subscribers Without Any Videos!!!!!
3 Subscribers Without Any Videos!!!!! - 7 years ago
8:00 if anybody has seen law abiding citizen then you will know why that technically wasnt a confession
Katie Newmeyer
Katie Newmeyer - 7 years ago
She spent on 2 years in jail. FEMALE PRIVILEGE
bizzyb13 ya
bizzyb13 ya - 7 years ago
Tig ole bitties
joe Poe
joe Poe - 7 years ago
Another woman married that is terrorized by her husband wanting sex....
Andrew Jaramillo
Andrew Jaramillo - 7 years ago
Why are people so dumb? Seriously. You know that Miranda Warning thingy where you have the right not to make self-incriminating statements? Maybe you should heed that advice. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm glad she's a moron and confessed, but it boggles the mind.
Peter Almvall
Peter Almvall - 7 years ago
Threesome and porn. Sick dude.
Santana Shaw
Santana Shaw - 7 years ago
She’s free now . Btw.
Chris Chris
Chris Chris - 7 years ago
l like to know what country she's from someone please tell me
Tammy Chapman
Tammy Chapman - 7 years ago
I was accused of something one time I found myself stretching. Moving around the cell .I wasn't worried it was all bullshit. If I watched someone die and couldn't save them it would send me completely mental I think I would need a shrink. And her partying well guys if she is innocent it's drug and alcohol fuled. She was let down badly on this their should of been something in place maybe she would of coped better if their was. Also people wouldn't have a bad option for her actions after.
Audi2.7Biturbo - 7 years ago
Ugly bitch
Cintia Santos
Cintia Santos - 7 years ago
What is up with yoga and killer women? Judy Arias did the same thing....
Nick Dee
Nick Dee - 6 years ago
inability to regulate emotions and breathing. stiffness caused by over control of muscles to hide body language tells.
Mandy Simms
Mandy Simms - 7 years ago
What is it about these murderers that they have to do cartwheels of stand on their heads.
Just Angel
Just Angel - 7 years ago
Fuck that bitch
M Leibs
M Leibs - 7 years ago
Coulda just ghosted him...
SIR VIKS - 7 years ago
M Leibs hes a ghost now? Isn't that ghosted?
dBolotok - 7 years ago
Gidgy Gold
Gidgy Gold - 7 years ago
Police are always quick to judge something they very well may have been an accident.. I’m not saying either way but police are quick to do that
Brandon Moskos
Brandon Moskos - 7 years ago
She was forced into a shitty confession.
MrPhotomedic - 7 years ago
We will never truly know what has happened! She may or may not have done it and if she did it was only by not helping him. I can see both scenarios. European women are for the most part honestly brutal and very cold at times. Different cultures. The western world has had it very easy compared to Europe. So to me her reactions are kinda normal for women over there.
riva2003 - 7 years ago
A life insurance for an elder man to benefit his young wife is a legit contract of murder. Just remember that.
Rayne Kimi
Rayne Kimi - 7 years ago
I think she's a liar. Like Jodi Arias. She is a cold blooded murderer. A life insurance was all it took.
Rayne Kimi
Rayne Kimi - 7 years ago
She carefully planned everything out.
altruistic angel
altruistic angel - 7 years ago
the biggest travesty here is she is now out of prison. she did get away with murder.
Jessica Leila
Jessica Leila - 7 years ago
Whats with these sociopathic women and cartwheels? Im lookin at you Amanda Knox
SofiaSofia - 7 years ago
I don't trust these cops. She was under great distress and was emotionally unstable. That's why she acts psycho. The cops were very manipulative and clearly asked leading questions.
"You watched him drown." Angelika says no to all questions calmly.
"Now, did you really wanna save him?"
"How long before you went on your kayaking trip, did you take that ring. Was it the same day?"
"What's the demon side saying?
"Why did the demon side win out?
You killed Vinnie, right? She mumbles sth and he interrupts her.
"No, I'm asking you a question"
"I want you to tell the truth!"
"And what is the answer to that question?"
"Angelika, what is the true answer to that question?"

Are you kidding me. So you are gonna lock someone up in a small room and not let them go until you hear what you want to say.
People, don't be so blind, rewatch and think. You don't know what she is going through emotionally because you never had your boyfriend/girlfriend drown in front of you on a massive river in the dark. We don't know if it was an accident or a murder but she cannot be pleaded guilty based on how she acted and said during the interrogation. It's sick how the justice system works, anything you say can be used against you. They just needed her to say that one sentence and then these cops would be rewarded for doing a great job.
MICOLE WHYTE - 6 years ago
SofiaSofia dumb bitch
Angelo - 6 years ago
Luke Skywalker Exactly. Her cunty manipulative brain threw out all logic. People saw her tip over her own kayak. The plug was missing. The paddles were sabotaged. She does hand stands and Karaoke days after his death. She does hopscotch in the interrogation room. She admitted to feeling euphoric over his death. There was a life insurance policy.

The OP is a manipulative cunt.
Juan Da Silva
Juan Da Silva - 7 years ago
Thid was just for the life insurance money...
VL Threading
VL Threading - 7 years ago
This bitch is sick. Just throw her in the ocean and watching her begging for help just like him did but she still kill him
Brittany Golden
Brittany Golden - 7 years ago
If she let him drown, but didn't actively participate, how is this any different than the teenagers who watched a man drown in a pond and didn't help or call 911? They weren't charged- and she called emergency services.
kellianne spry
kellianne spry - 7 years ago
jodi arias part 2
MICOLE WHYTE - 6 years ago
kellianne spry not jodie arias part 3. There was a, the woman who killed her lawyer boyfriend who was going to break up with her. She was doing the same similar shut and its arrogation room prancing around singing Amazing Grace.
BlueDiamond - 7 years ago
A psychopath clearly. She wanted to remain with him and spend his money with her not working. But refused to give the sexual favours he wanted and that annoyed her.

But instead of leaving the relationship like any sane person would, she took adventage of his life insurance, and let him die slowly in front of her knowing fully sure what was happening. She wanted all, but didnt care about the others.

A sociopath wouldnt have known a better way, she knew she could stop the weeding, but she refused, and killed him. Clear sign of psychopathy.

... And the demon part is just an excuse put by the public to cover their own fault with magic & religion instead of taking responsability of themselves to become better human beings.
PUMA BEAR - 7 years ago
I don't get it though...why not just leave him?
marlene g
marlene g - 6 years ago
PUMA BEAR but divorce is so final.
Dylan Cheney
Dylan Cheney - 6 years ago
You should actually watch the WHOLE doc.
5winder - 6 years ago
Matthew Kratz
Matthew Kratz - 6 years ago
PUMA BEAR I agree with you 100%
Sri Yantra
Sri Yantra - 6 years ago
PUMA BEAR ; she said that she couldn’t. :-(
SERIAL KILLER - 6 years ago
PUMA BEAR cuz then she would get all his shit ..she is one evil bitch
brent white
brent white - 6 years ago
PUMA BEAR money and a ring. you can be the biggest asshole but once you present a ring they always say yes.
Kat Prinner
Kat Prinner - 6 years ago
Love Life
Stop complicating shit. There are plenty of innocent people who suffer from split personality disorder that would never do some evil.. SHIT.like. this.
Kat Prinner
Kat Prinner - 6 years ago
Love Life
Love Life - 6 years ago
South Beach Miami Art
No way this is a sociopath,if this was about money then an elaborate plan would have been made and she would have not confessed,instead this is a case in which a woman with split personality disorder let her darkside takeover.
Love Life
Love Life - 6 years ago
Because she is a fkn Nut.
Richard's World Traveler
Richard's World Traveler - 6 years ago
I think she did leave him. Left him in a sinking kayak.
Apollos 02
Apollos 02 - 7 years ago
PUMA BEAR bitchs be crazy
7aoz - 7 years ago
South Beach Miami Art
South Beach Miami Art - 7 years ago
PUMA BEAR ...attention, maybe life insurance policy? Lots of reasons.
Relentless Avos
Relentless Avos - 7 years ago
altruistic angel 4:54 It is in this Clip
altruistic angel
altruistic angel - 7 years ago
they either mention it in this clip or i saw it mentioned on another documentary.
Wen Chu
Wen Chu - 7 years ago
how do you know these is insurance on him ?
altruistic angel
altruistic angel - 7 years ago
he had a life insurance policy and she was the beneficiary.
Grouchy Dude
Grouchy Dude - 7 years ago
ricoaztec1 - 7 years ago
Puma Bear the life insurance.
American Made
American Made - 7 years ago
She's a creep. Justice was not served, not even close.
Jonah Epling
Jonah Epling - 6 years ago
Honestly women very rarely receive proper sentences in America.
Br00tal Teutonic Thrasher666
Br00tal Teutonic Thrasher666 - 7 years ago
Fun fact: Mainstream media is a fraud and you are a brainwashed slave to the freak male-supremacist Jewish bankers.
Meg B
Meg B - 7 years ago
Truth serum pizza
Lloyd Woodward
Lloyd Woodward - 7 years ago
Never NEVER talk to the POLICE! doesn't anybody watch these interrogation videos ? she didn't kill him she's just weird!
MEDiAgamer - 7 years ago
Why doesnt she have a lawyer in that room? They keep trapping her? Sure she terrible but i feel like this is an illegal interrogation.
Pizza Baratheon
Pizza Baratheon - 6 years ago
She was read her rights. Could’ve left at anytime. it’s her own damn fault
Tony From Syracuse
Tony From Syracuse - 7 years ago
this is good police work mixed with the womans stupidity. I NEVER EVER....would have guessed that this was anything other than an accident. it seems like such a bizarre yet brilliant way to kill someone. how the police even thought that it was anything but an accident just shows how they have analytical minds and can tell when something isnt added up. me...I would have bought her story. good job detectives!
Squatting Squirrel
Squatting Squirrel - 6 years ago
Tony From Syracuse no its shows that cops whether your guilty or not trick you into being guilty because it makes them look competent to their superiors ....that's it nothing more . The cops want to make a better name for themselves and get promoted. Even if your innocent they don't care ,they have something to prove
Silver Wolf
Silver Wolf - 7 years ago
Why do people talk to police without a lawyer? Don't get me wrong, she belong in prison for the rest of her life. I just don't understand why anyone wouldn't get a lawyer.
Stephen Bray
Stephen Bray - 7 years ago
Angelo - 6 years ago
Stephen Bray They’re crazy
princess bell
princess bell - 7 years ago
whatever happened to her? maybe its just me but there are some people I wouldn't rush to help ..they brought that on themselves....
Monty Chronik
Monty Chronik - 7 years ago
Cull her
Angelo - 6 years ago
Monty Chronik evil deserved fire
t4705mb6 - 7 years ago
Only really stupid people talk to police.
Tmarie PI
Tmarie PI - 7 years ago
Right from the beginning, she seems to be enjoying this interrogation.  She seems so happy. Yoga and stretching and hopscotch?  Just like Jodi Arias and Amanda Knox.
XtinaLucia - 7 years ago
Why don’t you link your videos?! You’re so annoying!!!
D.A. MCF - 7 years ago
those detectives have no finesse at all
Ian Rexas
Ian Rexas - 7 years ago
she said she was screwed over from day one and I guess I can believe it. Just because she posted selfies doesn't mean she killed him. I thought she was guilty at first...now Im not so sure. 11 hours???? give me a break.
Felicia C Fortin
Felicia C Fortin - 7 years ago
Holy shit just like Jodie Arias nut job
moodi a
moodi a - 7 years ago
Americans are evil sick and have no morals they are terrorists crimes and killing are a daily thing
J. Erickson
J. Erickson - 6 years ago
Not true. Americans and cool and lovely. They spent the whole day on Facebook posting videos of Cats. How awful can that be ?.
Meg B
Meg B - 7 years ago
moodi a I think you meant Syrians.
Br00tal Teutonic Thrasher666
Br00tal Teutonic Thrasher666 - 7 years ago
To that non-logic you might as well say we are dogs since we share a "common ancestor" with them, as well. Evolution is more complex than you think.
Joe ROCKER - 7 years ago
So just how many Americans have you even met? You do know just how stupid you made your self to be, right? You see this one thing and then you profile a entire nation of people you know nothing about, when the woman is not a American! That's like me saying how stupid, narrow minded, ignorant, racists, who would judge a nation! Not just a group or some but the entire nation of all being the same ! Then stating your whole country must all be just like you! Yet your OK with this?
I would never say your country must all be as hateful, narrow minded, ignorant, racists, who pretend to know about things they know nothing about. Who would post something as this and think that it would be taken as what would be anything but a hateful, racists, remark of a idiot! Did you know that the USA is a mixture of the world populations that have come here from all other countries all over the world! Have you ever heard the term "melting pot" Not to be confused with "crack pot"! I am certain you have heard that one a few times.
It's high time people accept the fact we are all related to one another! Like it or not we all have the same likeness with out any one being greater than the other! But to many people teach how to hate a group or people with out really knowing them! If you hate a race of people, it is only because you were taught to hate them or your just a fool like this guy presents himself to be!
Your taught who to hate and why to hate them by people who were also taught to hate and given reasons why to hate as well! A rational and reasonable mind would question this type of behavior! Even though you would post something as stupid as this, I don't hate you or even wish you ill feelings! Your thought process has been taken from you and replaced with some one else thoughts and ideas! Your taught to hate!
But you don't have to stay being hateful! Take time to learn about it your self! Your next post could even be one that presents you in the light that you should be represented by! Not one like this did! Excuse me for my out burst but this is a very sour subject and I hate racists! How much better off the world would be without them!
Br00tal Teutonic Thrasher666
Br00tal Teutonic Thrasher666 - 7 years ago
Yes. American MALES.
Meg B
Meg B - 7 years ago
moodi a YOU ARE DUMB, this woman is Latvian. Hahahahahahahaha
Tony L
Tony L - 7 years ago
She's has a nice thick body.
TCthaCrisis - 6 years ago
Tony L
She is average at best. Yall MFs just extra horny or have low standards
Johnmckinley Mc
Johnmckinley Mc - 6 years ago
Tony L bangable but def not ring material
Woo Bino
Woo Bino - 6 years ago
Tony L yes totally....front and back.......
Jen Reports
Jen Reports - 7 years ago
she couldve ended that whole night locked in an interrogation room with 4 words.... I WANT MY LAWYER
Luna Cally
Luna Cally - 7 years ago
Bitch is stupid . I can't believe she's out of jail.
Michael Vialpando
Michael Vialpando - 7 years ago
She's another psycho like the gal who did a headstand in interrogation room jodi Arias....
chevon1920 - 7 years ago
What?? This bitch is doing cartwheels and karaoke, lol i know ita terrible but the cajones on this one my goodnes.
signoguns - 7 years ago
The judges will be lenient, sentencing women to a fraction of the time a man would receive for the exact same crime, because of the damaging notion that "girls just wanna have fun." Cold-blooded murderer, seen as an innocent, just looking for fun and excitement. "Girls just wanna have fun" is not a mitigating factor, it does not excuse women of abhorrent crimes.
Angelo - 6 years ago
frank fox That’s because men are designed to protect and care for women. Women are master manipulators. Don’t trust them
Logan Gomez
Logan Gomez - 7 years ago
She's a nice lady and an accident happened.
Navy XA
Navy XA - 7 years ago
fucking slut!... typical female bitch, non can be trusted..
I'm Beautiful
I'm Beautiful - 7 years ago
Fucking monster!
Recubs - 7 years ago
The detective in the interrogation room looked hot. Am i wierd? Haha
Angelo - 6 years ago
Meg B The part where he pulled out his cock was really weird
Gwenshire Bros
Gwenshire Bros - 6 years ago
Recubs ahhhh my daily dose of YouTube comments
Meg B
Meg B - 7 years ago
Recubs I really think he was trying to use that as an interrogation tactic
Joe Munoz
Joe Munoz - 7 years ago
Kinda reminds me of Jody Arias with the show she put on at the interrogation room..
Nick Dee
Nick Dee - 6 years ago
probably both borderline histrionic
Christopher Lee
Christopher Lee - 7 years ago
some people act strange when dealing with tough situations. 250K. really?
Abel B.
Abel B. - 6 years ago
I've lost friendships and exes over much less, believe me.
Tupac Shakur
Tupac Shakur - 7 years ago
The fuck is wrong with this bitch?
Malvo McVeigh
Malvo McVeigh - 7 years ago
Why paddle the boat if you can't swim?
Martian - 7 years ago
She is FREE btw released 21Dec2017
I was not there but you interrogate anyone for (12hr (in her case) and they don't lawyer up they most likely will give you a false confession just get the out of the room in her case they(crooked cops) said you tell us you killed him you can go home and feed your cat. Even the corner called the death a drowning. And the police said she took the plug (that's on top the kayak not on the bottom like a boat) out of a kayak which she did admit days and weeks earlier to doing once again to get the H out of the interrogation room I bet.
People who are easily coerced score high on the Gudjonsson suggestibility scale. Internalized false confessionsare those in which the person genuinely believes that they have committed the crime, as a result of highly suggestive interrogation techniques.

dBolotok - 7 years ago
Kayak Killer confessed to murder after 6 hours, while having access to food, drink and fucking smoke (idk if I got that wrong). as far as I know, Police can't submit edited footage as evidence because defence would immediately argue what you're arguing. I'm sure if there was coercion the ABC news would leave out that juicy bit.

Kayak Killer isn't a 3 year old kid who would say anything to feed the cat, but a premeditated murderer and beneficiary to the insurance of the victim who will never see the light of day again, will never be able to present himself in court or youtube comment section and will never be featured in front of ABC cameras, all because Kayak Killer robbed his chances.
Matthew Baughman
Matthew Baughman - 7 years ago
Martian r u stupid or something? your the one with the name calling bitch, saying I'm privileged!!gtfoh.two bitch I'm 5/11 200lbs come fukkin touch me if you can clown n see wyd would happen to you real fukkin talk tiff guy. Funny how I say one thing n you wanna call someone privileged then u say your gonna put your hands on me!! trust me internet tuff guy come to hag.md in talk that shit who're.
Beauty killer Deal with it
Beauty killer Deal with it - 7 years ago
Matthew Baughman since have been to prison then you should know even more that it does happen...it’s a known fact that innocent ppl go to prison ...there was even men put to death when they were innocent....it’s a very corrupt system,..a lot of evil in this world
Martian - 7 years ago
Matthew Baughman
What's with all the name calling?
I come to find out that's how sheltered people talk on the internet.
You ever talk to me like that in real life....
Well let's just say I don't have AT&T but I know the devil will tempt me to reach out & touch you.
Well to get back to your vega points.
You act like cuz you haven't met someone in this situation it can't & will never & won't happen ever & hasn't happened. And your other vega point is off the table don't assume I don't have a long family of LEO CO's & FD's I will not elaborate due to security concern ( your security dumb people need protected to even if it's from themselves)
Matthew Baughman
Matthew Baughman - 7 years ago
Martian what did I say idiot? that I don't know one person that's facing a murder charge that would say yes I did it just to get out of the situation she was in. not one idiot!!
Martian - 7 years ago
Matthew Baughman
I think your own facts said it enough quite contradictory & deserve No Rebuttal
Matthew Baughman
Matthew Baughman - 7 years ago
Martian I live in md and in 6yrs n went from institution to institution n not once met a not guilty man!! been there lives that life sorry!!! not one!!! sheltered life though?!!Lls.. where do you people come from with this shit?i bet you never even went to a county jail let alone a prison? then got the nerve to say that I lived a sheltered life?!Gtfoh lames.
Matthew Baughman
Matthew Baughman - 7 years ago
icecoldjustice1991 Deal with it first off bitch I been to prison n the majority meaning 98 percent r there bcuz they did the shit. the 2 didn't. get your facts straight. you know nothing about prison. just keep taking up for your hopscotch bitch.lmfao.sheltered life!!! you made my day when that was said!!! thanks again for the laugh!!!
Matthew Baughman
Matthew Baughman - 7 years ago
Martian sheltered life?!!bitch you don't know WTF I've been thru in my life.i lived that life went to prison. sheltered life LMFAO!!!
Martian - 7 years ago
@ icecoldjustice1991 Deal with it
Well said he will most likely delete his comment most do after finding the truth or when it slaps them in the face cuz their too lazy to seek the truth but not too lazy to comment on something they have no idea about, you know what they say about assholes or is that opinions? I don't remember it's something about assholes and opinions I think this guy fits in the category tho'.

"Opinions are like assholes everybody has one" some wise person somewhere said that & still rings truth today❗
Beauty killer Deal with it
Beauty killer Deal with it - 7 years ago
Matthew Baughman happens all the time ..that’s why there’s innocent people in prison...as someone else said you obviously don’t get out much
Matthew Baughman
Matthew Baughman - 7 years ago
I don't know one person who would say yeah I did it just to get out of that room!!!gtfoh
Martian - 7 years ago
@shay jefferson
Ur a feminist I bet?
Martian - 7 years ago
@shay jefferson
Not sure what that has to do with this case she didn't rape and murder then abuse the corpse of the guys son did she? Just asking maybe you know someone I don't.
But if I was to take the question hypothetically I will be @ the doors of that prison In 11 years or more like 8 years with gain time.
But I like what this guy said

altruistic angel
altruistic angel - 7 years ago
her behavior in the interrogation room was so eerily similar to jodi arias. must be a sociopath thing? or a demonic thing?
Dj Mrich
Dj Mrich - 6 years ago
A white women thing?
gihan asela
gihan asela - 6 years ago
Its all acting to escape. If you can set someone to get killd they not crazy or any type of mental problems
Jose EstaBom
Jose EstaBom - 6 years ago
just pure body relaxing calculation so you don't give away facial expression tips
Scovya Porsha
Scovya Porsha - 6 years ago
Angelo You're sick lol
Womp Bozer
Womp Bozer - 6 years ago
Adriana SanchezPerez That’s stupid.
tampajohn - 6 years ago
carpii Demons know no bounds lol
carpii - 6 years ago
a demonic thing? lol what century is this?
tampajohn - 6 years ago
altruistic angel Good call. After I read this I went back and watched it again. Very similar.
Adriana SanchezPerez
Adriana SanchezPerez - 6 years ago
Beauty killer Deal with it lol punch her
Adriana SanchezPerez
Adriana SanchezPerez - 6 years ago
Maybe demonic
Angelo - 6 years ago
It’s a woman thing. They’re master manipulators bro. The Russians say to hit your woman once per week because you won’t know what they did, but they will.
Cableguy818 - 6 years ago
Yes it was very close to Jody’s
don't read replies
don't read replies - 7 years ago
altruistic angel Yeh agree. I seen the thumbnail and thought 'jodie' how she was sat uncomfortably rigid like shes in some beauty contest. Then f**k me the happily exercising and stretching AFTER being accused of MURDER! This one is more loose than jodie though, jodie like a mental mannequin and atleast this one confessed
don't read replies
don't read replies - 7 years ago
Claud Brown both women are innocent then? Intesting spin, jodie has admitted countless times she killed him, maybe you should write to her and tell her she's wrong?
Éimhear & Aoife-Rose
Éimhear & Aoife-Rose - 7 years ago
I was just thinking the very same thing...
Sura S
Sura S - 7 years ago
I think if I was in a room for hours being interrogated I would probably start doing yoga too
Claud Brown
Claud Brown - 7 years ago
altruistic angel or a being in a tiny room for 12 hours thing. Watch the first 48, it seems sometimes they force a confession out of people even if they are innocent. Always invoke your right to an attorney, no matter what.
BlueDiamond - 7 years ago
A psychopath clearly. She wanted to remain with him and spend his money with her not working. But refused to give the sexual favours he wanted and that annoyed her.

But instead of leaving the relationship like any sane person would, she took adventage of his life insurance, and let him die slowly in front of her knowing fully sure what was happening. She wanted all, but didnt care about the others.

A sociopath wouldnt have known a better way, she knew she could stop the weeding, but she refused, and killed him. Clear sign of psychopathy.

... And the demon part is just an excuse put by the public to cover their own fault with magic & religion instead of taking responsability of themselves to become better human beings.
Beauty killer Deal with it
Beauty killer Deal with it - 7 years ago
altruistic angel she’s nothing like Jodi arias ...I can actually watch this girl and not want to punch her face like I did with Jodi
tauresa ttauresa
tauresa ttauresa - 7 years ago
altruistic angel a psychopath thing for sure.
a1seus - 7 years ago
nothing she said was incriminating. those two idiots fucked up the interrogation.
Eliza Stoner Eliza
Eliza Stoner Eliza - 7 years ago
She's a psycho
Br00tal Teutonic Thrasher666
Br00tal Teutonic Thrasher666 - 7 years ago
The US government is controlled by men. All corrupt, thieves, liars, and organised crime leaders!
BlueDiamond - 7 years ago
^ I dont know if you are trolling or not, but, with that attitude, you will just end like this girl.

Everyone reserves to live, and to be happy. Generalising all males is like the meninist generalise all woman. Generalising is NEVER good.
Br00tal Teutonic Thrasher666
Br00tal Teutonic Thrasher666 - 7 years ago
Males are worthless abominations of the planet and deserve everything that comes to them! You disgusting cockroaches consist 99% of organised crimes, homicide, mass-murdering terrorists, abuse and exploit females. Your precious little turd wonderfully tortured women to a well-deserved fate.
Germanic Anglo-Saxon poser males were always low scum with 0 rights because we know you are all truly worthless. Female Anglo-Saxons dominate. Proud to be a Germanic woman who isn't brainwashed by a backwards ethnic culture to worship your weakling asses!

BlueDiamond - 7 years ago
A psychopath clearly. She wanted to remain with him and spend his money with her not working. But refused to give the sexual favours he wanted and that annoyed her.

But instead of leaving the relationship like any sane person would, she took adventage of his life insurance, and let him die slowly in front of her knowing fully sure what was happening. She wanted all, but didnt care about the others.

A sociopath wouldnt have known a better way, she knew she could stop the weeding, but she refused, and killed him. Clear sign of psychopathy.

... And the demon part is just an excuse put by the public to cover their own fault with magic & religion instead of taking responsability of themselves to become better human beings.
Br00tal Teutonic Thrasher666
Br00tal Teutonic Thrasher666 - 7 years ago
Actually, you're a demented male supremacist slave weakling!
Mustafa - 7 years ago
Moral of the story: If you are a man, living in USA and you are rich, make a decleration that if you die by unnatural reason, your wealth will go to some kind of save the dogs charity. Do not buy life insurance. Your young wife will take care of you like a baby.
Christina Leifeste
Christina Leifeste - 7 years ago
If I just lost the love of my life the last thing I'd be doing is Downward dog position and hopscotch!
american Dingo
american Dingo - 6 years ago
Doing yoga doesn't necessarily indicate happiness over killing a boyfriend. It could be her way of trying to de stress. Sitting in a chair in a tiny room for hours accused of killing your boyfriend might do that to a person.
Myles Mcminn
Myles Mcminn - 6 years ago
Christina Leifeste she was in the room for 11 hrs & I can tell you they keep the rms cold on purpose so people will say almost anything to get out of there.
Sura S
Sura S - 7 years ago
If I was in a room for 6 hours you bet I would start doing yoga... I especially do yoga when Im extra stressed or depressed.
Allison Halpin
Allison Halpin - 7 years ago
Christina Leifeste   I was hoping the cops would smuggle a goat in there while she was doing the yoga.   All we needed next was the Jodi Arias headstand.  These 2 are some fucked up women.
J. Clowers
J. Clowers - 7 years ago
She only let him drown...
Lee Teplitz
Lee Teplitz - 6 years ago
J. Clowers you are an idiot! She only let him drown. Maybe you should be in a cell next to her!!
The Captain
The Captain - 7 years ago
Why do people talk to cops? Silence and asking for a lawyer is your best answer! Don't matter if you're guilty or innocent.
rav - 6 years ago
does asking for water make someone look guilty?
responsibleparty - 6 years ago
Especially when you're this incredibly stupid.
Dethrone Idiocy
Dethrone Idiocy - 6 years ago
Yeah cops are scumbags
Wayne Andrews
Wayne Andrews - 6 years ago
My sentiments exactly. I enjoy watching these "Who dunnit's" and am always puzzled as to why these suspects just blab and blab and blab. Eventually digging a hole for themselves. They should call these programs "Worlds dumbest criminals"!
temporarysanity - 6 years ago
Running Debate - Police gather evidence to be used in court to convict. They use all kinds of tricks and psychological methods to get suspects to incriminate themselves. Your statements can be used against you but not for you so there is no benefit to talking. Anyone who talks to the police risks conviction even if they are innocent.
Running Debate
Running Debate - 6 years ago
temporarysanity prove me wrong then? Police charge people not convict people.
temporarysanity - 6 years ago
Running Debate - Wow. This is actually the dumbest comment ever.
Running Debate
Running Debate - 6 years ago
Blank Page dumbest comment ever, police merely arrest people, peers and a judge put them in jail, so maybe you should get your facts straight.
StevenArchitect - 6 years ago
she seemed really naive.. how did he not notice the plug missing in his kayak? she wouldn't have been able to save him unless she could lift 250 pounds .. she was in that room for half a day and told them what they wanted to hear so she could go home. she seems like she was abused by him which is why she wasn't sad and made her decision to watch him drown..
Andrew John
Andrew John - 6 years ago
Regardless of your guilt or innocence, these detectives are experienced, trained interrogators whose job it is to produce incriminating evidence. They are looking for anything to incriminate you. If you don't shut your mouth and ask for a lawyer, even a public defender, you're an idiot. They're going to arrest you anyway. Asking for a lawyer doesn't make you look guilty, it makes you look smart.
Kat Prinner
Kat Prinner - 6 years ago
"Dont matter" ... it does. tho.
Kat Prinner
Kat Prinner - 6 years ago
The Captain
Angelo - 6 years ago
Anne Arteaga I’m glad she didn’t
Anne Arteaga
Anne Arteaga - 7 years ago
The Captain I know huh! That’s why they say YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT! People need to do just that
BlueDiamond - 7 years ago
^ Hm, after some research, your point is much better than mine. I must say that in most places its like you say, but that would only apply in civilized places, in some rural areas with kinda crooked law systems this could be different.

But yeah, its most likely as you said. Still, i will keep my other comment up so people realise what you say to be the true here.
Blank Page
Blank Page - 7 years ago
BlueDiamond No, asking for a lawyer does Not make you look guilty. It doesn't. That is a lie. The police will manipulate people into confessing or making incriminating statements against themselves. It is best to always have a lawyer present when dealing with the police. Too many innocent people go to prison because they thought since they didn't do anything, it was okay to talk to the police. It isn't.
BlueDiamond - 7 years ago
Because this is real life, she took a life, and she felt guilty. Some people are monsters and are apathic towards others, and will do anything to get their will done, even if it means hurting others. She wasnt one, entirely.

Also, a lawyer costs lots of $$$, makes you look suspicious towards the police, not everyone have good lawyers, etc.

Its a matter of balance.
ApproximateInfinity - 7 years ago
Cognitive Dissonance. They feel guilt and a need to confess; even if she didn't murder him she may feel responsible and thus, compelled to confess.
Jack Sprat
Jack Sprat - 7 years ago
Well....wanting someone dead is not murder. "Not saving someone" is not murder either.
IanInVan - 6 years ago
Actually, not saving someone when you reasonably can is a felony. 'Pretty sure its not murder though.
5winder - 6 years ago
Sabotaging their kayak and letting them die IS murder.
bentleyr00d - 7 years ago
And acting like a moron just because a chick is involved is not intelligent.
Sandy Tibs
Sandy Tibs - 7 years ago
"... I wanted him dead and now he's gone."
Jack Sprat
Jack Sprat - 7 years ago
Help me out, did they find his body with a paddle stuck in his head?
Jack Sprat
Jack Sprat - 7 years ago
I'll help you out. Fuck off.
bentleyr00d - 7 years ago
Read the FACTS of the case. There, I just helped you out.
uMADden - 7 years ago
Wow the cop looks like he works out.... He is hot the interviewer
CHAMPbastien - 7 years ago
half these people could get away with it if they would just shut the fuck up and ask for a laywer
Sun-Extinguisher - 7 years ago
First count:1st degree murder GUILTY!Carrying a life sentence

Second count:Doing yoga during a interrogation GUILTY! carrying a possible Death penalty execution
Mandy Simms
Mandy Simms - 7 years ago
Maybe she took the opportunity to get rid of him?
Angelo - 6 years ago
Mandy Simms Fucking Columbo over here
Maria Gonzalez
Maria Gonzalez - 7 years ago
she refers to her husband as He! Tht woman is lunatic.
Burning Trees
Burning Trees - 7 years ago
People don't break up anymore? Jesus!
Angelo - 6 years ago
Life insurance. Never get life insurance or at least never tell a spouse you have it.
denormal - 7 years ago
Burning Trees not when there's money to be made
BiG JuiCe
BiG JuiCe - 7 years ago
You gotta watch women these day's. These hoes ain't loyal!
Jonah Epling
Jonah Epling - 6 years ago
these hoes ain't sane let alone loyal
Eileen LeValley
Eileen LeValley - 7 years ago
BiG JuiCe .... Yeah like men never kill hoes.
Joe Reyes
Joe Reyes - 7 years ago
She didnt do it cop are lieing
Of course she seen her bf or husband drown dumb cops they brainwash her to confuss that she kill her lover that cold an fuck up poor woman they made her lose her mine an geting mad at the fucken??????? These dirty cops play with her mind thinking her was the killer
Christopher Dones
Christopher Dones - 7 years ago
But who took care of her cat?
JAS 83
JAS 83 - 7 years ago
I bet living with her psychotic ass on a daily basis was awesome.
sparklebutt111 - 7 years ago
Why the f$#@ didn't she have a lawyer?????????????????????????????
Angelo - 6 years ago
sparklebutt111 Who gives a fuck
Freedom-Vietnam Kay
Freedom-Vietnam Kay - 7 years ago
Damn skippy jimmy baggs
Danny Bennet
Danny Bennet - 7 years ago
Psycho bitch !!
Your wise cousin Joe
Your wise cousin Joe - 7 years ago
Cartwheel her way into the prison cell and she can hold a karaoke party in her jail block.
JR HUNT - 6 years ago
Your wise cousin Joe. Unfortunately she got time served and is free. The cop fucked up big time
Fuckin pigs. Cops would fuck up a Bowl of cereal.
beth 9891
beth 9891 - 7 years ago
Holy crap.....that is cold.
David - 7 years ago
I agree. I would leave a man before I would ever kill in cold wet blood! THAT i sick and sad. What about their kids and family?!?
Lust move to another country!! DO not hurt,,,,,,,,,,,,
ProudToBe AnAmerican
ProudToBe AnAmerican - 7 years ago
This happened close to me. That's one cold bitch.
dekkoo84 - 7 years ago
Where is this slut now? I wouldnt mind visiting her tap that fat ass
Chill E.D.
Chill E.D. - 8 years ago
Threesomes porn etc with your young wife and your old ass! Got to love these old fuckers! lol
Chill E.D.
Chill E.D. - 8 years ago
All women have a good side and a demon side this is called a menstrual cycle! lol
Jonah Epling
Jonah Epling - 6 years ago
Angelo - 6 years ago
STANLEY PARANORMAL well egg on your face dipshit
hitomi yoshiga
hitomi yoshiga - 8 years ago
Que frieza! Não parece abalada com a morte! Ele parecia ser uma pessoa do bem!!
Paul Steed
Paul Steed - 8 years ago
never trust a woman, Trump for president make America great again
Angelo - 6 years ago
Paul Steed smartest person in the room and you got only a few likes. Never trust women is right - they are born to be highly manipulative creatures.
Meredith Conrad
Meredith Conrad - 8 years ago
well she will feel glad he was wanting things she did not want to do
dukhru luck
dukhru luck - 7 years ago
if she don't want to do what he say why don't she ran away instead f killing she s monsters..she deserve to die bitch she look like witch
gooni goo goo
gooni goo goo - 8 years ago
will not hold up in court....11 hours of interrogation constitutes as harassment....a good public defender can get this thrown out. the investigator is leading and demanding that she say those words. after she is tired of 11 hours,,she says " ok," and repeats what he told her to say. ..these types of confessions are thrown out all the time...whether she did it or not, this will be most likely inadmissible.
Juan Salinas
Juan Salinas - 8 years ago
It is very strange... remember my brothers... Jury and Government and Law and Jails all are parts of the game... Looks a very scary business i can visualized ....
Trisha C
Trisha C - 8 years ago
Ugly bitch
Jonathan Reynolds
Jonathan Reynolds - 9 years ago
it's all thanks to the American court system that tells women your entitled to everything a man has worked hard for .
Jonah Epling
Jonah Epling - 6 years ago
Pumpum Pum sounds like you been around wanna be thugs and crack heads to he real...
Meanwhile In bronze.
Meanwhile In bronze. - 6 years ago
Pumpum Pum oh, please. As a father I work full time too, and watch my kids full time too. Work circles, pls.
Angelo - 6 years ago
Pumpum Pum If a women has a lazy husband, it’s her fault. Men don’t pick women, women pick men. Yet people keep blaming the men.
Wen Chu
Wen Chu - 7 years ago
she grew up in Latvia... i guess culture is different there
Pumpum Pum
Pumpum Pum - 7 years ago
Jonathan Reynolds you are right in some sense but not completely. Alimony is a joke and how the justice system is lighter on females but the hard work part is not accurate. Women work circles around men. We juggle full time jobs while being full time mom's and mothers to our incapable spouses. Pretty uncommon these days to find a hard working man or person for that matter. Not much a man can offer these days unfortunately. Women either. Both sexes are awful lol
Gail - 9 years ago
I think she knew there was a camera rolling...who wouldn't?
Jimmy Baggs
Jimmy Baggs - 9 years ago
What a fucking psycho. American women largely seem to have the same personality disorder. They don't know the difference between love and their own sense of entitlement. All a wedding is to them is a commitment of your earning-power. If they can substitute your insurance policy for your earning power look out, you are about to go for a swim.
Anne Arteaga
Anne Arteaga - 6 years ago
Jimmy Baggs NOT ALL American women
Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker - 6 years ago
American women are narcissistic and entitled.
They act like children
Anne Arteaga
Anne Arteaga - 7 years ago
CobraR1993 no we are not. I’m not like that
Anne Arteaga
Anne Arteaga - 7 years ago
Jimmy Baggs not all women are like that
James M
James M - 7 years ago
CobraR1993 Looks like someone’s never had a girlfriend in their life ;)
Audrey Blake
Audrey Blake - 7 years ago
Bitch what
Jamie Brown
Jamie Brown - 7 years ago
Except she's not American
sue she
sue she - 7 years ago
Jimmy Baggs no different than american mens entitlement to free sex and free labor in the home. This is why im single with no kids ladies.
Meg B
Meg B - 7 years ago
Jimmy Baggs American men largely are stupid
Tony From Syracuse
Tony From Syracuse - 7 years ago
she wasnt froim america...she's latvian. you just got schooled on making silly nonsensical assumptions.
Daniel Gomez
Daniel Gomez - 7 years ago
Chad K
Chad K - 7 years ago
Most of these psycho women truly are selfish and only concerned with themselves. They only care about what the relationship does for their benefit, and when the balance swings, they selfishly abandon you and run away to repeat the cycle with a new host LOL
Adrian Benavides
Adrian Benavides - 7 years ago
It's systemic lawful love.
ReptileMan 0912
ReptileMan 0912 - 7 years ago
Actually she is not American -- she is from Latvia
David - 7 years ago
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Puerto Ricans are so much better, even the Jews. THANK god Jimmy can see this.

Rich people know this type of stuff! RUGHT Jimmy>???????? YOu are rich like us? no?
Megan Breen
Megan Breen - 7 years ago
Except for the part where she's originally from Latvia and only moved to the USA in 2000.
CobraR1993 - 7 years ago
Jillybean yes you are.
John Lamphier
John Lamphier - 7 years ago
Jimmy Baggs. Lol
Jillybean - 9 years ago
We're not all like that! I promise. I have to admit that there are a lot of money hungry, psychotic& selfish women here though.
JJ Anthony
JJ Anthony - 9 years ago
Stupid worthless little cunt. I swear women can be so cold and callous and it's always about the money. I hope this little gold digging bitch spends the rest of her life in prison with nothing more than a few bucks in her commissary account.
AOCLIVE - 7 years ago
+hannah kim men are as emotional as women but society dictates that they hid their feelings. Women are master manipulators who are driven by self perseveration.

You mrs. Kim can only blame yourself for your poor judgement on your mates . Maybe your expectations are unrealistic and you should try to seek professional help and see what’s wrong with you.
Joe Reyes
Joe Reyes - 7 years ago
Cops brainwash her to confuss to the murder
JJ Anthony
JJ Anthony - 8 years ago
+ly Pr I didn't mean all women. I know most women are not like this. This particular story pissed me off and I can't stand women like this so i was venting...didn't mean to generalize.
ly Pr
ly Pr - 8 years ago
Umm...? I understand you're angry and, yes, she's crazy! But, using the word "women" is wrong. Check the facts too. 93% of all violent crime is done by men. It's usually men you hear who kill their wives, girlfriends, families. You speak as though all women are like this. strange.
hannah kim
hannah kim - 9 years ago
Agent 47
Agent 47 - 9 years ago
+hannah kim No shit? If you're a woman, then you should already expect that all us men want is the poon. Why fight it? Take advantage of it like Ivanka Trump or Anna Nicole Smith.
Danny Alvarado
Danny Alvarado - 9 years ago
+hannah kim then why assume all men just want sex?
hannah kim
hannah kim - 9 years ago
+Danny Alvarado well wer not all about money
icutemall - 9 years ago
+Danny Alvarado she's full of shit
Danny Alvarado
Danny Alvarado - 9 years ago
+hannah kim not all men just want sex. The fact you say that means you just can't choose a good guy, or haven't had one at all.
hannah kim
hannah kim - 9 years ago
We r more emosional than men. You guys just want sex
Nobody likes the chanting Zombies
Nobody likes the chanting Zombies - 9 years ago
Is this dumbass really imitating Jodi Arias with the stretching bullshit? Look at me, I'm a cunt too! She's just another primitive skank...give her a lethal injection...move on... already forgot her name...Done.
ArchAngel King
ArchAngel King - 9 years ago
I saw the entire video here and I believe the death of her fiance was a complete accident. Hypothermia is 120 seconds in the Hudson before you loose too much core heat, have a heart attack and it's over at that point. I can explain her strange behavior as stress. It's obvious that she lost the love of her life. Strange behavior is just stress. She is under stress of her loss. I would never convict her of any wrong doing. not at all. Mother nature is powerful and relentless. A lesson to learn, don't take chances with your life. Even if he had a life jacket, same result, hypothermia in 120 seconds. It was the wrong vehicle by amateurs kyakers. He is innocent in my books.

Police forced her so called confession. AT 2:40 she states that "I tried to do something about it!" Police asked if she wanted to save him (fiance). She replied 1st answer. "Yeah", she wanted to save him (fiance). All the other crap after that is after Police are stressing her out. Strange behavior, so what, that her trying to cope with the stress of the situation, which started when her rights were read and the evidence was never presented by the Police to her. There is no probable cause that a crime was ever committed. She is lucky to be alive. Lucky her she gets to keep $250K that proves he loved her. She loved him. The sex issues is between them and has nothing to do with his (fiance) death. Mother Nature and his risk taking behavior did that.

Running Debate
Running Debate - 6 years ago
ArchAngel King you sir are mentally retarded.
Lyran Princess 6913
Lyran Princess 6913 - 6 years ago
Hamilton Rodgers EXACTLY ... you're correct
Hamilton Rodgers
Hamilton Rodgers - 7 years ago
What about the drain plug being missing and the connecting ring on the paddle too? Sound's like she set him up, he paddled out to the island with no problem, she must have removed them while they were there.
greatwhiteprivilege - 7 years ago
There are thousands of documented cases of individuals admitting to crimes they didn't commit. You should research it, it's extremely common.
bentleyr00d - 7 years ago
You are completely ignoring the island confession, the many lies and the admission in court. There's something wrong with you.
American Made
American Made - 7 years ago
ArchAngel King I hope you're never put on a jury duty.
greatwhiteprivilege - 7 years ago
You had nothing intelligent to say so you just went with a grade school insult. Brilliant.
Matthew Baughman
Matthew Baughman - 7 years ago
greatwhitepriviledge seems like you suffer from eating lead paint .I'll leave it at that.
greatwhiteprivilege - 7 years ago
You can be glad that someone is dead and simultaneously have nothing to do with their death. Use some common sense.
Matthew Baughman
Matthew Baughman - 7 years ago
ArchAngel King yeah my husband just dies n I start doing yoga n hopscotch!!! yeah she's not guilty?gtfoh
Matthew Baughman
Matthew Baughman - 7 years ago
WTF plays hopscotch in a interrogation room?hmmmm....jodi....
Matthew Baughman
Matthew Baughman - 7 years ago
R u slow?? she wanted him dead dumbass!!!
darkerdemon2 - 7 years ago
Nah, shes guilty as fuck.....i don't think you watched the video.
drumtravelfun - 7 years ago
Hopefully you work no where near The Justice System. Unbelievably obtuse.
Lloyd Woodward
Lloyd Woodward - 7 years ago
ArchAngel King I agree, and I think I saw somewhere that was proved.
coolguy3100 - 9 years ago
damn she got a fat ass
Karla Looney
Karla Looney - 9 years ago
This woman is crazy!
shart farter
shart farter - 6 years ago
She is just another gold digging cunt.
Jonah Epling
Jonah Epling - 6 years ago
most pretty ones are not gonna lie
BlueDiamond - 7 years ago
A psychopath clearly. She wanted to remain with him and spend his money with her not working. But refused to give the sexual favours he wanted and that annoyed her.

But instead of leaving the relationship like any sane person would, she took adventage of his life insurance, and let him die slowly in front of her knowing fully sure what was happening. She wanted all, but didnt care about the others.

A sociopath wouldnt have known a better way, she knew she could stop the weeding, but she refused, and killed him. Clear sign of psychopathy.

... And the demon part is just an excuse put by the public to cover their own fault with magic & religion instead of taking responsability of themselves to become better human beings.
Sajad Hussain
Sajad Hussain - 9 years ago
Falme si jaak
nikada vise
nikada vise - 9 years ago
So how many dumbass old men get with these 20 somethings and really think its love? Really grandpa? yeah no they are either severely mentally screwed up or money hungry why else would you want to marry someone whose ass you will be wiping in 5 years or less?
HOLLOW HILL - 9 years ago
4.35 Jodie Arias did that and later confessed to murder after all the lies were unmasked................. and her stories keep changing... come on if life insurance is involved there is murder involved in it as well........ somebody is going to cash on it......
GiGi - 9 years ago
+Quietsoul180 JA all over again, yoga and silly antics in the interrogation room included. JA never confessed to murder though. She claimed self defense. She was found guilty of murder.
Twostones00 - 9 years ago
Cold evil and entitled. Looks like murder in the first degree with hopes of profit to me. They get upset when they find out they are not getting that house and a man to enslave so they can live in luxury.
Anonymous Person
Anonymous Person - 9 years ago
When my father and mother die. I WILL BE HAPPY! They abused me for years. After a car accident I should have received physiotherapy so I could walk again... instead my mother kept me in a cast for 3 months (unnecessary) and then when I tried to TEACH MYSELF to walk again at 16 I was shouted at and my crutches taken! I remember the feeling even now that I tried to walk but the muscle felt like it was not there. When they die I will be free fully, I went no contact over a year ago but they still send letters and try to turn up at my house. I moved to get away but they find me! What my father did, I still cannot talk about and my mother knew.
This woman may be innocent! 11hrs in a room is barbaric! If you are stuck for hours wouldn't you try and relax?
Plus have any of you had someone die suddenly, it is so weird as if they will just walk in the door again. At first I didn't cry but then I found something and suddenly I realised they were gone. Then I cried. SOme people don't cry, they try and ignore it. IT IS NOT LIKE HOLLYWOOD!
Wolf Pak
Wolf Pak - 7 years ago
nikada vise - get a job, you're not entitled to anything you didn't earn
nikada vise
nikada vise - 9 years ago
+Anonymous Mohammed I am with you only my father murdered my mother and tried to kill me all my life, he stole my inheritance from my mother and kicked me out on the streets at 15 and that nearly killed me numerous times so yeah i will be cheering at his funeral and gravesite. Why do evil bastards always seem to win? He is still living off the money he got after killing my mother while i am looking at homelessness.....stay strong and never let those monsters back in your life.
Leyla Jolly
Leyla Jolly - 9 years ago
Where's the third part! you always do this!
lily blu
lily blu - 6 years ago
Turn on auto play during these and it'll automatically go to the next part. :)
Doctor Astronomy
Ashley Yoder
Ashley Yoder - 7 years ago
Yes!!!! I always have to go to google to find the rest of the story!!!

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