Ocean Plastic Turned into Kayaks | Blue Planet Live | BBC Earth
Kayak 5 years ago 8,648 views
Watch the new promo for Blue Planet Live! BBC One will air the program at 8 pm on Wednesday 27th March for the UK audience and BBC Earth will air at 3 pm for the Canada Audience. Let us know what you think and subscribe: http://bit.ly/BBCEarthSub Diver Rob Thompson was removing ghost nets from the ocean when he got the idea of using the marine recycled plastic to create Kayaks! Watch more: Planet Earth http://bit.ly/PlanetEarthPlaylist Blue Planet http://bit.ly/BluePlanetPlaylist Planet Earth II http://bit.ly/PlanetEarthIIPlaylist Planet Dinosaur http://bit.ly/PlanetDinoPlaylist Welcome to BBC EARTH! The world is an amazing place full of stories, beauty and natural wonder. Here you'll find 50 years worth of entertaining and thought-provoking natural history content. Dramatic, rare, and exclusive, nature doesn't get more exciting than this. Want to share your views with the team? Join our fan panel: http://tinyurl.com/YouTube-BBCEarth-FanPanel This is a page from BBC Studios who help fund new BBC programmes. Service information and feedback: http://bbcworldwide.com/vod-feedback--contact-details.aspx
Such plastic is already proven to be unsinkable and resistant to sea water :-)
Another good thing would be to have legal tags on the nets for each ship, so that when we find a net in the sea, we can charge clean-up fees for the people who dump trash into the sea.
There should be more drastic solutions in USA, it's called FINES or JAIL TIME.
10. comment for Ocean Plastic Turned into Kayaks | Blue Planet Live | BBC Earth
20. comment for Ocean Plastic Turned into Kayaks | Blue Planet Live | BBC Earth
Environnement even by small things ..together we can do it ......from morocco. My regards
30. comment for Ocean Plastic Turned into Kayaks | Blue Planet Live | BBC Earth