Octopus Caught While Kayak Fishing
Kayak 13 years ago 62,304,598 views
http://www.facebook.com/ZeeNorthwest http://www.hobiefishing.com/ http://www.kokatat.com/ http://nextadventure.net/ Bryce hooked into a octopus which he originally thought was a snag. I was able to get some pretty sweet underwater shots while it was next to his kayak. The octopus was kept and enjoyed. It swallowed a pretty large hook so its survival was unlikely. I used a Kodak Playsport (Zx3) to film this. Further info for the people commenting: This animal was not wasted. Its sacrifice was well respected among those that did eat it. I'm not a biologist of any kind, but a simple search on the internet shows that octopuses are not a rare animal. In fact, there is evidence that suggests they are overpopulated in their range. They have a life-span of 3 to 5 years so I'm guessing because of its size that this one was nearing the end of that span. So, I would rather it be killed quickly and not wasted than it be set free to suffer and starve for the last year or so of its life with a six inch hook in its mouth.
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You need to re-watch the video.
CLEARLY the octopus was alive because,
1) It has a FIRM bite on the lure. That colorful thing in it's beak (mouth orifice).
Look at the center of the underside of it, where it's beak is located.
2) It's tentacles are moving under the octopus own power.
Not listlessly floating in the water, decaying.
3) It BIT ON the lure in the first place to be pulled to the surface.
It obviously wasn't snagged from the water dead.
4) The breathing hole on it's side was working.
There was obvious water flow through it.
The octopus was ALIVE, fresh and ready to eat, for those inclined to partake, when this video was filmed.
No Worries!
False "octopus" live at the bottm
why are you going in bashing this man and saying he is trying to kill a protected species? 1st of all .... this Pacific octopus is not protected and not endangered. .... there actually an overabundance of them!
2nd, he didn't catch it on purpose if you idiots were smart enough to turn up your sound or use your brain to read first before you run your mouth,you would understand that. I would love to see you guys stick your hand up inside of that giant octopus and remove the hook!
I would have kept the octopus and cooked it when I got home if I were him.
We all make choices daily and I Personally believe the biggest freedom lost on modern man is self direction. We are controlled by so many rules and regulations which are simply others dictating what they believe is right.
The animal you caught that day is a beautiful creature. Obviously your intent was not to hook her. (Auto correct changed it to book her three times so I giggled at thought of handcuffing an octopus.) It seems to me you respected this creature coming from a warrior code of not letting it suffer and appreciating a life sacrifice. I also ponder that the footage does not show the typical distress signs of her turning white and projecting ink. Maybe she we ok with her ending for a reason unbeknownst to us.
In the last few decades the octopus has been studied and many new discoveries have made headlines concerning the intelligence, emotions lifespans of an octopus that many have changed their first thoughts of creature from slimy oddity to fascination and wonder.
Now that we realize that the intellect and some of its evolutionary traits can be quite beneficial to us more than just a food source.
The worst thing we can do is decide that we should verbally beat up others because they don't agree with you. I think that usually makes people even more determined to do the opposite. So I think you did the best you could do with the situation. Just my thirteen cents.
que crueldad por es a nadie y yo me incluyo no los gusto tu vídeo que maldad.
Translation:How lucky are you that would be good to eat
Is it thefisher27
Yeah thefisher27
No man I feel like the bottom it could eat you and they look scary