Offshore kayak fishing setup - My ultimate Stealth fishing kayak

The opportunity to replace my old fishing ski came up recently and with the help of both Stealth Kayaks and AKS in Australia an order was placed for the offshore fishing kayak of my dreams. In this video we run though the stock carbon fibre Stealth Profisha 475 and talk about some of the reasons I chose it as my preferred kayak for surf launching and offshore fishing. We also kit it out with some basics that suit the way I fish and get out on the water for some testing and a few winter snapper. The new fit out includes a new Lowrance Elite 5Ti sounder. With Structure Scan and touch Screen, it comes with some advanced features that will take me a while to learn properly... then hopefully a new video with more detail should surface soon. This is by far more kayak then I ever thought I would get my hands on! Let's hope the oceans are good to me and I can convert some great catches over the coming summer season so we can get some new videos up with both fish and tips. Don't forget to Subscribe + Like + Share if your into it. Music: Ryan Little - Wandering Big thanks to my sponsors: Australian Kayak Specialists - Stealth Kayaks - Penn Australia - Lowrance - UglyStik - Pulsator Lures - Ice Mule Coolers - Lockrack Australia - Like and follow RoKKiT KiT here too:

Offshore kayak fishing setup - My ultimate Stealth fishing kayak sentiment_very_dissatisfied 7

Kayak 8 years ago 43,550 views

The opportunity to replace my old fishing ski came up recently and with the help of both Stealth Kayaks and AKS in Australia an order was placed for the offshore fishing kayak of my dreams. In this video we run though the stock carbon fibre Stealth Profisha 475 and talk about some of the reasons I chose it as my preferred kayak for surf launching and offshore fishing. We also kit it out with some basics that suit the way I fish and get out on the water for some testing and a few winter snapper. The new fit out includes a new Lowrance Elite 5Ti sounder. With Structure Scan and touch Screen, it comes with some advanced features that will take me a while to learn properly... then hopefully a new video with more detail should surface soon. This is by far more kayak then I ever thought I would get my hands on! Let's hope the oceans are good to me and I can convert some great catches over the coming summer season so we can get some new videos up with both fish and tips. Don't forget to Subscribe + Like + Share if your into it. Music: Ryan Little - Wandering Big thanks to my sponsors: Australian Kayak Specialists - Stealth Kayaks - Penn Australia - Lowrance - UglyStik - Pulsator Lures - Ice Mule Coolers - Lockrack Australia - Like and follow RoKKiT KiT here too:

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Most popular comments
for Offshore kayak fishing setup - My ultimate Stealth fishing kayak

Congratulations on the kayak fisherman! I have a question: On the Stealth website says that the kayaks are made of fiberglass. Is yours carbon fiber? Is it a special model? If yes what is the weight difference between the 475 fiberglass that has 23kg? And carbon fiber must be much more expensive ...
RoKKiT KiT - 6 years ago
yes they can make a custom carbon fibre version. It is a little lighter but not a huge amount as most of the weight saving have been refined in both fibreglass and carbon skis. You can expect it to come in about 1-2 kgs lighter but it changes due to them being hand made. The boat is a lot stiffer then fibreglass too. It is around $1500ish more to go carbon here in oz.
Francesco 24
Francesco 24 - 7 years ago
Hi Rokkit Kit,
What trasducer do you use for the elite ti 5?
Francesco 24
Francesco 24 - 6 years ago
Thank you. At what depth did you tested it?
RoKKiT KiT - 7 years ago
Its is included, but you can choose between the smaller one or this one. The difference is, this one has side scan the smaller on only has down scan
Francesco 24
Francesco 24 - 7 years ago
RoKKiT KiT thanks. It is included with the fishfinder or sold separately?
RoKKiT KiT - 7 years ago
I have the big total scan transducer
toomany hobbies
toomany hobbies - 7 years ago
One minute into the video I had to turn it off. Drop the music so we can hear your narrative better.
RoKKiT KiT - 7 years ago
Hope you push though and watch some more of my vids mate, this was pretty early on, hopefully i'm improving.
Wilfredo Garcia
Wilfredo Garcia - 7 years ago
Thats the most badass kayak ever!!!
Jose Sosa
Jose Sosa - 7 years ago
does not having an actual seat for back support on your kayak bother you at all during your outings??
Jose Sosa
Jose Sosa - 7 years ago
thank you thank you. im looking into a proper kayak for some off shore fishing similar to what youre doing
RoKKiT KiT - 7 years ago
No I find it better with out it. They have more of a proper paddling position then the plastic yaks so I find it forces me to have better posture. You can put the seat and back rest on if you prefer though. Most guys end up taking them off after a while.
Brad Gaffney Fishing
Brad Gaffney Fishing - 7 years ago
Nice yak mate........Love the Stealth.......Makes my Outback look like rubbish
Ricardo Hurtado
Ricardo Hurtado - 7 years ago
what baits do you use ? and where in the northen beaches do you go fishing?
Cheers, your vids. are always the best
RoKKiT KiT - 7 years ago
Depends on the type of fishing Im doing... during summer I like to troll pillys and slimys most of the time. Im living up on the Gold Coast so not Sydney if thats the Northern Beaches your referencing. I know Long reef is pretty good down there.
walker2508 - 7 years ago
Could you make a video showing how to put a handle on a kayak using a rivet gun? Maybe you could use your old yak for the demo.
RoKKiT KiT - 7 years ago
Ill look into it, unfortunalty I sold my old kayak
Mo Sunny
Mo Sunny - 7 years ago
G'day Rod.
You may have covered the gopro setup at your left foot but if you have ive missed it. Could you fill me in on how you've mounted the base please. Id like to do the same on my 525
RoKKiT KiT - 7 years ago
Hey Mate, I just have it on a GoPro suction mount on the front of the recess of the foot well. i like it so if it copes a good hit or get caught on the paddle leash it just rips off and does not leave any holes.

10. comment for Offshore kayak fishing setup - My ultimate Stealth fishing kayak

unionse7en - 7 years ago
tip: , you can build a little "well" for your transducer inside your ski, (fill it with fresh water ,put the x-ducer inside), then cap. You need to use a compression seal for the wire. The well should have no bottom , but rather the walls would be sealed..silicone or resin to the hull cavity. SO the water is directly on both sides of the hull (no air layer(s) )Xducer signal shoots through solid materials (boat hull) just can't shoot through air, hence the bottomless well design. In your case with the flush mount head unit it would be ideal as all would be inside the hull, no mess no set up ,no drag,nothing for line to catch on,no need to remember to take the xducer off for the landings. I need ti build a surf ski to get through waves, currently have a poly yak. (Tank)
unionse7en - 7 years ago
ahh sidescan..i'm jelly! keep up all the hard work...i live in COlorado, but I keep a craigslist kayak on ethe east coast here with my family so when i visit i can hit the ocean fishing, love it!
RoKKiT KiT - 7 years ago
Cheers mate, I have done similar installs in the past but with the transducer being so big this time and the limited access to the outer hatch and not just the fish box lining, this method is not so suitable on my kayak... also the use of side scan gets mixed results without the transducer being in the water and below the water line constantly... I do like the more accurate temperature reading too... but I do miss the ability to just set it and forget it and not have to deal with the clip and extra drag... Pros and cons hey :) Cheers Rod
Chrispy Chrispo
Chrispy Chrispo - 7 years ago
Was that lighting at 7:10
RoKKiT KiT - 7 years ago
I don't think it was... Im not so keen to be out in the lightning thats for sure... Boom!!! :)
AquaticApe - 7 years ago
What was the final transducer placement?
AquaticApe - 7 years ago
Appreciate the info. I'm going with the flush mount.
RoKKiT KiT - 7 years ago
My sounders typically last longer then people that do installs where you need to unplug when going through the surf, so yes Id do the install again flush mounted. I would however not use a touch screen model as the screen always plays up when it has water on it.
AquaticApe - 7 years ago
RoKKiT KiT any regrets on the placement of the fish finder? I really like your set up but I hate drilling into ski.
RoKKiT KiT - 7 years ago
Ended up just keeping it clipped on at the foot well. Still works well and no drilling holes. I also like having the proper temp reading.
John McLaughlin
John McLaughlin - 7 years ago
Awsome vid. So nice to see a fellow South African product doing well.
Primo Pesca com Caiaque
Primo Pesca com Caiaque - 7 years ago
ficou show
RoKKiT KiT - 7 years ago
Thanks mate
ars1crea - 7 years ago
Sup man. What paddle would you recomend for a trident 13? what paddle are u using for that stealth?
RoKKiT KiT - 7 years ago
Hey Mate, i guess it depends on what kind of paddling your doing... I use a Stealth Blitz Wing Blade and prefer it to a flat blade, but with paddle selection there is always tradeoffs so picking one can be tricky. Pick one that is kind to your body and joints and will allow you to do the most. Feel free to let me know any details and Ill do my best to answer. Cheers Rod
SuperBardley - 7 years ago
Hey Rod, when you say 8 "k's" for speed, are you talking kph or knots/hour?

Nice vid!  Looks like an awesome rig.  What's the farthest distance offshore you would take this?
RoKKiT KiT - 7 years ago
Yea, I can push the kayak to about 12kms but there is no way I could maintain that speed. If with a bunch of seasoned kayaks I would go a little further but would pick my day carefully for sure. Would be great fun sailing out there on a Hobie!
SuperBardley - 7 years ago
Yeah, I think the max hull speed for any kayak shaped hull is about 6mph/8kph.  So even though you are a He-Man, that hull just won't give up any more speed, sigh.  Still 8 km offshore is quite a jaunt.  Here off the North-Central California coast, the Continental Shelf (deep water) is where the big pelagics patrol and that is anywhere between 12-27 miles out with very strong currents and wind.  Needless to say, only the Hobie Adventure Islands with sail kits and power boats make it out that far, but I sure would love to get my Hobie Revo-16 out there....
RoKKiT KiT - 7 years ago
Hey Mate, 8 kilometres Per Hour. I wish Knots :)
The farthest I do is around 8kms out.
Curtis Davey
Curtis Davey - 7 years ago
Why no seat?
RoKKiT KiT - 7 years ago
The seating position has your legs lower so no seat is needed. Some guys start out with the seat attachment but most ditch it soon after as its quite a comfortable paddling position.
PsalmsofAsaph - 7 years ago
hey Rod, wondering where did you buy the black rectangle plastic bits that are used to hold the handle strap down? i've been to BCF, Boating/RV, can't find similar ones to make my own carry handles... I've bought the tri-fold pop rivets, but just missing the small piece of plastic... :( please let me know ? thanks!
SuperBardley - 7 years ago
Another excellent very similar product is commonly available for windsurf/kitesurf board foot straps -- SUPER heavy duty and pretty inexpensive.
RoKKiT KiT - 7 years ago
Hey mate, try the distributors at Dennis should be able to help you out. If not you can make them out of any thick plastic cut into the right shape, as long as it stops the rivets from pulling through the holes in the webbing you should be fine, even a wide washer should do the trick. Cheers Rod
John Lockwood
John Lockwood - 7 years ago
That is one sexy boat! Your video production quality is top notch. Thanks for providing this awesome content!
RoKKiT KiT - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching John!

20. comment for Offshore kayak fishing setup - My ultimate Stealth fishing kayak

Catch202 - 7 years ago
Really informative Rod thanks for this. Wow around only 20kgs ... I was looking at a Hobie PA, they tip the scales at close to 50kgs ..... I think it's more of a Timmy Turtle Pipe Dreams barge than a sea kayak. Like the plasti dip idea .... I was looking at spraying my old car with it recently ..... any chance you would spray the Subi a nice fluro orange ?
RoKKiT KiT - 7 years ago
Yea I carry the kayak on my shoulder to the water fully loaded so any weight saving is a big deal... Orange car hey... Think I'll leave it for now :)
Roders8189 - 7 years ago
G'day mate, I've been doing some online research looking for ocean fishing kayaks to dip my toe in (pardon the pun) can you suggest any yaks that have rod storage(inside the hull) other than stealth and jackson kraken? I'd rather not drop $2500 only to find i prefer boats to yaks.
cheers, Rod.
SuperBardley - 7 years ago
I have a Hobie Revolution-16 and a fishing buddy (has the Outback w/ same foredeck hatch) just showed me that it is possible to insert the rod via the front hatch, pointed towards the stern.  Okay, it is possible to do on the water, but as the OP notes, it is not conveniently located!

Also, one of the key features of a surf ski, like the Stealths, are those foot straps because they are what give you something with which to hold onto the boot when things get rough in the surf.  For example, when I take the Hobie through surf for landing, I have to pull my Mirage Drive, and I can only stay in place via gravity through my butt, which means I have very little ability to snap my hips and keep the boat under me when I lean into turns (bracing) on the wave faces.
RoKKiT KiT - 7 years ago
Hey Rod, Cool name mate! Thats the real tick with the plastic kayaks. very few of them have the big centre hatch to stow rods... and when they can fit a rod in most if then have small or inconvenient access hatch thats not reachable out on the water, or wont fit the rod in with the reel attached and rigged up. I have not found one that does the job properly. The kraken is big which can be handy but the bigger plastic kayak start to get very heavy. Maybe try and find a second hand kayak for a first go and see if your still keen before taking the plunge. The only kayaks I know that have a big rod hatch are the South African skis. Stealth, Pinnacle, Clark Ski (Erics) and Kaskazi... there maybe a few more. Hope that helps. Cheers Rod
99Problems - 7 years ago
Really nice!
James McCarthy
James McCarthy - 7 years ago
Hey mate, absolutely loving the vids! Keep them coming please! Inspired me to get my own Stealth down here in VIC...
Just wanted to ask you where abouts you picked up those tri-folding pop rivets?

James McCarthy
James McCarthy - 7 years ago
Went for a paddle last week..very happy.
Lucky you! Need one of those stores around here haha.
Will do, thanks for your help.
RoKKiT KiT - 7 years ago
Nice one James, Im sure you'll be happy with the new kayak. I have a kayak shop near me that I buy them from but I have seen them online too. Search Google for "Tri fold rivets kayak" and you should be good to go.
Bryce Mo
Bryce Mo - 7 years ago
Love the vids man. Really well captured and edited. That kayak looks pretty amazing too. I've been fishing on a typical plastic sit on top for the last 11 years and I've really been wanting to get into something that performs better on the water, especially through surf. Appreciate the walk-thoughs and comments in general.
RoKKiT KiT - 7 years ago
Opps... Bryce not Bruce :)
RoKKiT KiT - 7 years ago
Thanks Bruce, Yea the performance on the water is great and once you go back to a plastic you will really notice. If you have to deal with surf then having all your rods and reels fully rigged inside the hull for launch is awesome. If you can take one for a test paddle its well worth it. Cheers Rod
TridentDriver1987 - 8 years ago
I live in the US and fish out of an Ocean Kayak Trident Ultra 4.3 meter plastic kayak. I fish freshwater, a little ocean, and a lot of inshore saltwater including a lot of places I'm scraping bottom etc. I love your boat but I'm not sure it would work for the variety of stuff I fish. Looks like a dedicated ocean boat.
RoKKiT KiT - 8 years ago
Hey mate, the glass fishing skis are great for just about any type of fishing and some guys over here use them inshore too... but yes, as soon as you start scrapping on rocks they can't take too much of that. Definitely built to tackle surf and offshore fishing.
Peter Melton
Peter Melton - 8 years ago
Incredible channel, awesome videos!! Quick question. You mentioned the Railblaza behind the seat to hold the camera, what extension did you use? The Railblaza Extenda Pole 1000??
RoKKiT KiT - 8 years ago
Thanks Peter, I originally had the extending pole from Railblaza but it kept gumming up with salt and would often not lock in when adjusting the length, also the pole would work its way out of the plastic fitting from all the constant bouncing on the waves. Im guessing thats why they took it off the market recently. The pole finally popped off in the surf taking my camera with it (my fault as I should have had tethered) So I ended up putting this pole together from parts of a Ram mount and what I had left of the Railblaza pole. just added some new piping and connected the mounts. Then came up with the better way to lock it all down when coming in through the surf. Cheers Rod
Cpt. Gingerbeard Kayak Fishing
Cpt. Gingerbeard Kayak Fishing - 8 years ago
Howdy bud what was that spray on vinyl you used?? You said you can peel it off??

Wouldnt mind trying that on mine!

Got my stealth tonight and Im super pumped!!!
Cpt. Gingerbeard Kayak Fishing
Cpt. Gingerbeard Kayak Fishing - 8 years ago
Awesome stuff bud! Thanks for the tip!

Will try find it somewhere near me!

Keep well legend
RoKKiT KiT - 8 years ago
Its called PlastiDip. I brought mine from Auto Barn.
Its good for a bit of colour, but it wont hold up on any surface thats cops a lot of punishment, like dragging on the sand. So pick a good spot that is safe. Cheers Rod
Jake Lee
Jake Lee - 8 years ago
What reel and rod combo do you use most often?
RoKKiT KiT - 8 years ago
Hey Jake, It really depends on what Im after. In my most recent videos I have been putting details of rod and reels used. Check it out, or feel free to ask a specific question on any of them and Ill do my best to answer. Cheers Rod
Kayak Uprising
Kayak Uprising - 8 years ago
Hey so there's no drain in the seat area? Ugg, always sitting in water?
Kayak Uprising
Kayak Uprising - 8 years ago
I suppose you're right. I just may need a little time to adjust if i go for it, i've been sittin high and dry bass fishing out of a Native Slayer Propel for a while.
RoKKiT KiT - 8 years ago
Hey Henry, No scupper in seat I'm afraid... but after punching through 2 metre swell and getting completely soaked from head to toe.. a little water on the bum is not so big a deal :)

30. comment for Offshore kayak fishing setup - My ultimate Stealth fishing kayak

DKN MInister
DKN MInister - 8 years ago
Thats not a fishing yak.. What is wrong with you!!!!!!????!!!!!
RoKKiT KiT - 8 years ago
I don't quite follow... what have I been fishing off all these years then. Or am I reading this wrong and do you mean its one hell of a fishing kayak. Cheers Rod
james rudman
james rudman - 8 years ago
Nice yak, clean lines. Lives up to it's name, and cf, wtf dude... Awesome channel. Tight lines mate.
RoKKiT KiT - 8 years ago
Thanks James! Yea I'm loving the new ski.
Jared Hughett
Jared Hughett - 8 years ago
Just awesome vids man. Some of the best I've seen. Just subbed. Cold here where I'm at so these vids have me drooling.
RoKKiT KiT - 8 years ago
Thanks Mate, yea I know the feeling when the fishing shuts down.
Kris - 8 years ago
beautiful yak and awesome editing, very nice video
RoKKiT KiT - 8 years ago
Thanks Kris!
Samuel T
Samuel T - 8 years ago
Hey mate, looking to get a yak set up similar to yours. Curious to know where/what power is mounted for your sounder? cheers,Sam
RoKKiT KiT - 8 years ago
I have the battery in a small semi water resistant esky bag that wedges under the seat. I have a very light lifepo4 lithium battery that powers everything. If you bare with me I will put out a video in the next week or two that has some details. Feel free to ask any questions. Cheers Rod
if you get a chance check out my channel and my friend Rodney Harris he is a Aussie too!
RoKKiT KiT - 8 years ago
Thanks Mate!
ignacio guerra
ignacio guerra - 8 years ago
nice !
Steve Port
Steve Port - 8 years ago
G'Day RoKKit,
Steve here from Bilinga Beach mate, really nice set up I saw your bracket you made up for your transducer mount clip on. I was thinking about drilling holes and mounting it permanently on the side of the hull next to the keel, leading up to the rudder.
Can you give me any advise on making one the same as yours?
Any pics of a close up would be appreciated.
Cheers Steve.
Mark Aboud
Mark Aboud - 7 years ago
Hey Rod, simple question: whereabouts on the Gold Coast did you get that 30mm x 2mm flat bar? I can get 3mm thick flat bar but it does not bend nicely. cheers Mark
Chuck Farley
Chuck Farley - 8 years ago
Greetings from Canada!
For your 'ducer, did you ever try just the suction cup mount?  I messed around with all sorts of brackets & mountings before I just stayed with the good old suction cup for my Garmin.  So little drag I can barely tell it's there, and rarely comes off.
Steve Port
Steve Port - 8 years ago
Hi Rod,
Thanks for getting back to me with the info mate about the transducer mount , that helps me out alot. I will look out for you on the water, hopefully it won't be to long before Spaniards are spooling off the reel off Palmy.
Cheers Stevo
RoKKiT KiT - 8 years ago
Hey Steve, sure thing. I just bent a piece of 30mm x 2mm Aluminium to curve around the kayak from the foot well, you will need to start by leaving about 80-90mm at the foot well end to bent straight down to form the part that clips on to the side. I have mine ending at the transducer end just under the footwell drain holes. Will put some footage in my next video with a better shot of the whole thing as this description probably wont be that clear. Cheers Rod
heerden2 - 8 years ago
Nice Ski, what did you do with the Old One?
RoKKiT KiT - 8 years ago
Thanks Mate... sold the old one, would have been good to keep it, but wanted the spot in the garage.
Adrian Low
Adrian Low - 8 years ago
Hi mate, love your videos. Best kayak videos out there. Very professional and easy to watch!

Just wondering, did you ever think about getting a pedal yak like a hobie?

Also, how does your fish finder go with being flush mounted? Doesn't all the water screw it up and get smashed around a bit?
RoKKiT KiT - 8 years ago
The sounder is still going well. I have flush mounted 3 sounders like this in the past and they all survived. The biggest issue that kills my sounders is removing the plugs constantly if you have it sticking up in the surf, With it flush mounted I never pull out the plugs and the back is nicely protected. one thing I will say is that its not the best spot for a touch screen! I find myself having to constantly dry it. It's fine as I have the manual buttons and screen lock sorted out now, but may have mounted differently in hindsight... or chosen a non touch screen sounder.
Adrian Low
Adrian Low - 8 years ago
+RoKKiT KiT ahhh yeh the surf is hard to get through.. And about your sounder being flush mounted and the water issue? Any problems?
RoKKiT KiT - 8 years ago
I would be keen to have one of each if I could afford it :) Having my hands free would be great but the real issue with Hobies and other plastics I have had in the past is getting them through the surf. It can be done but theres a lot of rigging up to be done once through the surf and its pretty tough on your gear. On bigger surf days the Hobies just can't get through... I do like the idea of having one for inshore fishing... maybe one day.
Guy Logan
Guy Logan - 8 years ago
Hi there. I see you using a similar dead bait trace in most of your vids for targeting mackeral. Im from South Africa and i havent seen that type of trace used and id be keen to try it out on our monster Mackeral. Is there any way i could see what the trace looks like up close? Awesome channel. Come fish South Africa and Mozambique some time.
Grant Darmanin
Grant Darmanin - 8 years ago
Grant Darmanin
Grant Darmanin - 8 years ago
Guy Logan
Guy Logan - 8 years ago
Thank you so much. Will definitely give this a go. I was at that Comp and ill be doing it again this year. Special place that. Tight lines
RoKKiT KiT - 8 years ago
Hey Guy, check out this video its very similar to my rig. I also use the more common rig with the weighted holding hook and the wire to a stinger at the back. Both catch fish with a bit of tuning but rigs like the one in the video eliminate some of the issues causing the bait to have no swimming action. Let me know how you go.

Would love to get over the South Africa one day, almost got there last year to go to the Milli comp but ended up going to Hawaii instead last minute. Hopefully another time...the fish are over sized over there that for sure!
Patrick Cavanagh
Patrick Cavanagh - 8 years ago
Nice to see you making more films. Lovely kayak. I'm sure you'd said you were thinking about a 525 a while back. If that's the case, what changed your mind? I'm keen to try the 475 to see how they differ, not that I'm thinking of changing yet. I like the fish finder in that position, but worry about glare from the sun, how do manage to see it in full sun?
Patrick Cavanagh
Patrick Cavanagh - 8 years ago
thanks for your comments. i use a Raymarine Dragonfly so it isn't touch screen. if I'm very brave I might flush mount it as you've done although thinking about the alternative fish hatch as a way of doing this. i have to say, I like your method best, if it will work ok. always up for an excuse to buy a dremel....
RoKKiT KiT - 8 years ago
I do like the 525 but i don't really need to go up to it at my weight ad height so I stuck with the 475. Just that tiny bit lighter and manoeuvrable in the surf also shorter in the garage. If I was a little bigger or felt unstable on the 475 the 525 would be the perfect ski to go to. Because I can sit over the finder and its so close it cuts most of the glare out, as much as most other positions I guess... one thing I will say is that its not the best spot for a touch screen! I find myself having to constantly dry. Its fine as I have the manual buttons and screen lock sorted out now but still would have mounted differently in hindsight.
james phosy
james phosy - 8 years ago
i cant find any info on getting this kayak here in the states
RoKKiT KiT - 8 years ago
Hey James, I know they have them at Headwater Kayaks over in the States... Maybe a bit far... They also have a few demos in Florida near Pompano. Try getting in contact with Freddy York, he has a few comments under this video. Cheers Rod
KAYAK FRANK - 8 years ago
Gratz on the new Yak. Time to bloody it up.
Marcus O'Donnabhain
Marcus O'Donnabhain - 8 years ago
Delighted to see you back, the new ski looks awesome. Good luck with everything.
James Ireland
James Ireland - 8 years ago
looks uncomfortable
RoKKiT KiT - 8 years ago
Hey James, looks like Fred has answered a few of your questions which is nice. The seat shape and the lower foot resting position in the foot wells does make it quite comfortable, I have done some long days in the Stealths and not had a problem... but yes, its not going to have a folding padded seat like a Hobie PA anytime soon :) It's like most kayaks you compromise on certain features and find the one that suits you best. Cheers Rod
Pedal Pirate TV
Pedal Pirate TV - 8 years ago
+James Ireland, yes. There is an accessory padded seat and back rest available. I find it quite comfortable without the padding. It's not like the seat areas on an old plastic kayak. It's kind of like a bowl.
James Ireland
James Ireland - 8 years ago
Is there any seat padding ? It looks awesome i was just wondering about comfort after a couple of hours
Pedal Pirate TV
Pedal Pirate TV - 8 years ago
So comfy. You'd be amazed when you force your body to compensate.
_ InsomniYak
_ InsomniYak - 8 years ago
Cool vids man. I just subbed. check out my channel if you'd like.
Tipron norpiT
Tipron norpiT - 8 years ago
best kayak fishing chanel on youtube :D
Marie Brossard
Marie Brossard - 8 years ago
thanks for the video,
is what you can do on a instalation of the sounder .
is that the probe outside not too slowed kayaking ?
thank you
RoKKiT KiT - 8 years ago
Yes the transducer is clipped on the outside and does create drag... I may mount it towards to rear of the kayak just in front of the rudder but I would have to drill a hole in the hull so Im not sure if I want to do that :)
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
Great video! Sweet editing ! Where do you get your music?
RoKKiT KiT - 8 years ago
Cheers Mate, yea music is always a tricky one and never easy to find. I have found people that have been nice enough to let me use their music on Soundcloud and Free music archive...but it does take ages to go through and find the tracks that are suitable and under creative commons licence.

50. comment for Offshore kayak fishing setup - My ultimate Stealth fishing kayak

Fishing Channel
Fishing Channel - 8 years ago
your kayak rock and nice fish at the end
kfan1602 - 8 years ago
Welcome back man! Cant wait for your new videos, there's no other kayak fishing videos on the same level as you.
RoKKiT KiT - 8 years ago
Ha! cheers mate nice of you to say. will keep posting more vides for sure.
Pedal Pirate TV
Pedal Pirate TV - 8 years ago
Glad to have you back!!! Great video, as always.
Pedal Pirate TV
Pedal Pirate TV - 8 years ago
+RoKKiT KiT bro, for sure. You have a place here if you can make it. Stealth fam keeping it real. We have a minimum of 3 comps this coming year. Brett is coming her in October so hopefully we will get some good footage. We have the sailfish comp in January and two summer slam comps. Rumor is that we may get a second sailfish comp, so maybe four comps for pompano in 2017. You're welcome at my crib for any of them. Keep up the good work, brother.
RoKKiT KiT - 8 years ago
Cheers Fred, will have to try and get over your way next year for one of the Extreme comps.
Yakker 1969
Yakker 1969 - 8 years ago
Good stuff Rokkit, that's a nice rig mate
ytumer1 - 8 years ago
Great video mate. Glad to hear you are feeling healthy and ready to get out there and hopefully bring us some more top-notch fishing videos. Also, congratulations on the new addition to the family.
Ish With Fish
Ish With Fish - 8 years ago
welcome back! great review, looking forward to seeing the new yak in future vids.
Ryan Little
Ryan Little - 8 years ago
Hey, everyone! I'm Ryan Little. Super honored to have my music in this video. For those who haven't, be sure to subscribe to my music channel here on YouTube for more music and new releases.
Terry Webb
Terry Webb - 7 years ago
Ryan Little hi
TR*Ink - 7 years ago
Which plastic kayak would you recommend for offshore fishing? I remember one of your vids you mentioned you had several plastic before your Stealth.
RoKKiT KiT - 8 years ago
Thanks for being so gracious Ryan and letting me use the track. Was a great fit for the vid. Cheers Rod
Carl Banks
Carl Banks - 8 years ago
Nice vid, Sweet Ride!!!!!
Owen Gray
Owen Gray - 8 years ago
Good video mate. That thing is a weapon and a half. Looking forward to the vids and fish to come.
Those snapper were getting some pretty stupid bumps for that size too!

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