Orca whales approaching our sea kayak...

Orca whales, northern resident members of the A24 and I15 matrilines, gather in front of our kayaks in the Johnstone Strait, British Columbia, Canada. Aug 2010. Video by Nola K. Support orca whale advocacy and conservation programs by donating to SeaWolf Coastal Protection at www.projectseawolf.org

Orca whales approaching our sea kayak... sentiment_very_dissatisfied 52

Kayak 14 years ago 631,863 views

Orca whales, northern resident members of the A24 and I15 matrilines, gather in front of our kayaks in the Johnstone Strait, British Columbia, Canada. Aug 2010. Video by Nola K. Support orca whale advocacy and conservation programs by donating to SeaWolf Coastal Protection at www.projectseawolf.org

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Most popular comments
for Orca whales approaching our sea kayak...

Deanna Wheeler
Deanna Wheeler - 7 years ago
Your lucky they didn't eat you.
colleen t
colleen t - 7 years ago
Pucker factor UP!!!
Fred - 7 years ago
You people are stupid.
Mike Kenney
Mike Kenney - 7 years ago
Same thing happened to me in the San Juans a few years ago.  A couple of the bigger ones displaced so much water that my kayak was pushed sideways a couple of feet.  Thrilling and scary at the same time.
guayaquilander - 7 years ago
Nice, but they still are wild powerful animals, I wouldn't like to be that close.
jesbsnrn - 7 years ago
my bowels would involuntarily empty at that point , undoubtedly.
ElfHighMage - 7 years ago
Amazing how fast they are.
fulya hede
fulya hede - 7 years ago
they are so beautiful
orbit flyer
orbit flyer - 7 years ago
Mark my word, beautiful creatures they are, but I would definitely be in a bigger boat.....respect the apex predator of the sea...lol

10. comment for Orca whales approaching our sea kayak...

Kellie Williams
Kellie Williams - 7 years ago
I want a whale.
nate word
nate word - 7 years ago
Accountant InTraining
Accountant InTraining - 7 years ago
It was a beautiful day, you guys had the best of fun. Although you did get lucky that none asked what happened to Shamu, if they did this video will be edited to cut the footage of a gruesome murder by blackfish gang...
baca350 Piotr
baca350 Piotr - 7 years ago
Co za debile, za durny filmik ryzykują życiem. Ale- chcącemu nie dzieje sie krzywda, jak kilku przygłupów będzie mniej -tym lepiej. Hej!
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 7 years ago
After experiencing this a couple of dozen times, it becomes clear that there really is no danger or intent to injure. Suggest that folks like 'misanthrop1958' leave his mom's basement once in a while and enjoy the real world, vice Southpark. LOL!
misanthrop1958 - 7 years ago
Beware idiots are out again...
Jay Sherard
Jay Sherard - 7 years ago
misanthrop1958 they only kill people in captivity not in The wild.
misanthrop1958 - 7 years ago
Jay Sherard
1. I am not sure about that. I think they kill everything they can get. I know they killed people in captivity.
2. I don`t kajak in areas where there are killer whales ( or white sharks etc.) to be expected or possible.
Jay Sherard
Jay Sherard - 7 years ago
misanthrop195 1. killer whales don't kill humans in the wild.

2. It's not their fault they just happened to come across them while kayaking
misanthrop1958 - 7 years ago
+ Jay Sherard You don`t think it is idiotic to risk your life being on a small kajak in the middle of a group of KILLER whales??? It was probably like a lottery win, that they survived this unscathed.
Jay Sherard
Jay Sherard - 7 years ago
misanthrop1958 how are they idiots
surfinDelMar - 7 years ago
No thanks.
Am_I_Human aka FindStoicism
Am_I_Human aka FindStoicism - 7 years ago
I don't think you all knew the danger you were in, lol
Sergio Valencia
Sergio Valencia - 7 years ago
Sonny Bravo
Sonny Bravo - 7 years ago
I would have shit my pants!

20. comment for Orca whales approaching our sea kayak...

HeySuze Christ
HeySuze Christ - 7 years ago
orcas are dolphins, not whales.
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 7 years ago
Dolphins and whales are all members of the cetacean family - so that means apples to apples. :)
Mad Dingo
Mad Dingo - 7 years ago
How did u keep ur balance with such huge balls?
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 7 years ago
Gooniessss - 7 years ago
Not all Orca are even regarded as the same species by some. Some Orcas only eat fish, others eat Mammals like seals etc. There has even been documentation of them eating Deers. I remember watching a bbc documentary where they seemed to be trying to wash the crew from a dinghy into the sea. They were spy hopping and organising it like when they wash seals from ice flows. Usually people see Orca coming, so get out of the sea when they are around. Yes, they have high intelligence and I think in general they would avoid humans other than curiosity or play but don't treat them like a dog because I'm pretty sure one day someone may pay the price.
Joe Schmidl
Joe Schmidl - 7 years ago
They were feeding
chaps - 7 years ago
Man people forget because they would never hurt us but orcas kill and eat great whites they are the apex predator of the oceans
Here We Are
Here We Are - 7 years ago
I would cry of joy. Seeing an orca is on my bucket list. We're heading to San Juan island this June to hopefully see some!
Ididsubmititalready - 7 years ago
FOOD! Humanburger!
Valechaos - 7 years ago
Fuck no, thats the king of the animal kingdom right there, aint no kayak gonna make me feel safe lol
Darcy Burlingame
Darcy Burlingame - 7 years ago
They are gentle
Steve Gordon
Steve Gordon - 7 years ago
The experience......however brief....... Of a lifetime!!

30. comment for Orca whales approaching our sea kayak...

808steveA. - 7 years ago
Must have been such an awesome experience.
Ivana Radulovic
Ivana Radulovic - 7 years ago
Hi, I'm Ivana from Rumble.com. We are interested at featuring your amazing video on our site. Please email me at ivana@rumble.com for more info. Thanks!
sirus312 - 7 years ago
that last second turn though... lmaooo
Allan Mac Donald
Allan Mac Donald - 7 years ago
That stupid SOB should be charged for interfering with wildlife. He purposely steered his kayak directly into the pod!!
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 7 years ago
Do you see a trail of movement from the kayak, buckwheat? Watch the track the orcas take - you'll realize that you should keep that Walmart job, Allen. No deductive reasoning at all. LOL!
Ikaika Boiser
Ikaika Boiser - 7 years ago
Damn guy calm down...........dont bust your load just yet.
Teo P
Teo P - 7 years ago
....and the water turned brown
GaffleBab - 7 years ago
What a moment!
Summer Night
Summer Night - 7 years ago
the whales will kill u! that was scary and they didn't even realize their lives were on the line
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 7 years ago
Sure - been there now about a dozen times and it always ends the same. These whales do not intend to harm humans in the wild.
בלדווין הרביעי, מלך ירושלים
בלדווין הרביעי, מלך ירושלים - 7 years ago
I wonder why they are not aggressive to humans.
In theory they could eat them easily...
Galactus G
Galactus G - 7 years ago
Not one recorded attack on humans in the wild I believe
Chuck Mcilvaine
Chuck Mcilvaine - 7 years ago
I wonder is their a reason why they call them killer whales? I wonder.
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 7 years ago
Yes, a mistaken conception from decades past.
Elizabeth Hodge
Elizabeth Hodge - 7 years ago
I bet you had to go home and change your depends after that LOL
S Lian
S Lian - 7 years ago
the thing is huuuugeeee
truth news
truth news - 7 years ago
More like you drifted in the way lol great shots tho
Tracey Lynn c Falconer
Tracey Lynn c Falconer - 7 years ago
They won't be beautiful when they turn around and eat you
That One Trumpet Player
That One Trumpet Player - 7 years ago
Tracey Lynn c Falconer orcas have no interest in eating humans. They're have been no intentional attacks on humans in the wild.
Tracey Lynn c Falconer
Tracey Lynn c Falconer - 7 years ago
Michael Kundu oh I wasn't trying to be mean but you never know they might eat you
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 7 years ago
Tell you what Tracey ; call us if that ever happens, and I'll give you a $10,000 reward for being correct ;)
kevin karzel
kevin karzel - 7 years ago
They weren't hungry and hunting! Nor were they in their killer mode. Friendly my ass!
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 7 years ago
Oh? Have they ever killed anyone in the wild, Kevin? Methinks you listen to much to the Seaworld BS.:)
TAPP Channel
TAPP Channel - 7 years ago
wow thats crazy!!! :) Great footage... So jealous :)
John Mcwilliams
John Mcwilliams - 7 years ago
Balls of steel no way I would do it ✌
MissMinLyn - 7 years ago
Beautiful encounter!
Jason Gafar
Jason Gafar - 7 years ago
I love and highly admire orca whales, but orcas charging straight towards me - goodness, I'd die right than and there from a heart attack caused by fear.

50. comment for Orca whales approaching our sea kayak...

C T - 7 years ago
FU SeaWorld for making ALL Dawns friends & family hate these animals.
Prasanth Panicker
Prasanth Panicker - 7 years ago
Orcas r highly intelligent mammals.
B Sa
B Sa - 7 years ago
Oh HELL no!!!!!
7MonarC - 7 years ago
what a treat!
The Gooch
The Gooch - 7 years ago
How quickly the orca's moved when the lady said, "It's coming right toward us Michael" was beautiful! Beautiful, powerful creatures!
rosita castillo
rosita castillo - 7 years ago
Ke hermoso
bigbaba1111 - 7 years ago
look at 0.19 how the whale turns sharp left to avoid the boat. they do not attack human when they are free and happy.
FlyinCameras Mike
FlyinCameras Mike - 7 years ago
Great footage! WooOOOOooo
John Carroll
John Carroll - 7 years ago
Fantastic experience, once you realised they weren't going to eat you and were just being nosey.
Vince Phan
Vince Phan - 7 years ago
Just got into kayaking, this is a beautiful thing to see. However, i can assure you my sit in kayak would be filled with feces should one of these majestic animals come at me like that
Yarply Twelve
Yarply Twelve - 7 years ago
awesome creatures. They could so easily eat us.
XManu '-'
XManu '-' - 7 years ago
hmmm.i see am not the only one who has gone through this experience
Sharlene Bolinger
Sharlene Bolinger - 7 years ago
How very cool is this it very cool
blkindians - 7 years ago
(its coming right towards us micheal).... lady, lady, lady, micheal can't do shit at this moment. not a thang. zippoooo
CSI Tech
CSI Tech - 7 years ago
"It's coming right toward us!" Keep steering towards the pod!!!
Jessy thark
Jessy thark - 7 years ago
OMG i would be scared but excited as well lol
Mark - ComputerRepairCentral
Mark - ComputerRepairCentral - 8 years ago
WOW, unbeliveable, what a special thing to experience.....
tausendstein - 8 years ago
Be happy that You are still alive...
Deanna Wheeler
Deanna Wheeler - 7 years ago
areeb1296 these things kill sharks.
That One Trumpet Player
That One Trumpet Player - 7 years ago
Lonewolf Gaming that's only in captivity. Wild orcas have no interests in eating humans.
Lonewolf Gaming
Lonewolf Gaming - 7 years ago
They can be unpredictable when touched
areeb1296 - 7 years ago
tausendstein You do realize they aren't sharks right?
Kari  Chandler
Kari Chandler - 8 years ago
Absolutely GORGEOUS animals. ❤❤❤❤
Eloïse Lorenzi
Eloïse Lorenzi - 8 years ago
Oh my god........
OkiPuhno - 8 years ago
I wonder which pod this is? I spotted at least 4 male orcas
funkyflights - 8 years ago
Its' a little scary ... If they decided to attack there is absolutely nothing anyone can do to help you... But thankfully Orca's are incredibly intelligent and in the wild you never hear of attacks on humans...
Jim Browski
Jim Browski - 8 years ago
Awesome! Never seen them in my kayak before but have sailing. A little scarier in a kayak I'd imagine.
Budha Misapa
Budha Misapa - 8 years ago
The other 2 mins is them washing out the kayak
Stu Mitch
Stu Mitch - 8 years ago
I've got goose bumps watching this.
Francisco Chacon
Francisco Chacon - 8 years ago
yo ubiera llorado como una ninña que miedo
Bluenose352 - 8 years ago
I can't get enough of this video. So lucky to have experienced this.
Beverly Hills
Beverly Hills - 8 years ago
When Orcas are more humane than humans. Just look at them. They could have easily flipped you folks over, but they didn't.
take that
take that - 8 years ago
orca do attack people secretly after boats go missing
Bluenose352 - 8 years ago
+Solo Rider I hope so. A lot of people do take that seriously though, unfortunately.
Solo Rider
Solo Rider - 8 years ago
I'm sure he was just joking and not being serious, lol.
Bluenose352 - 8 years ago
+Michael Kundu I think someone's been drinking too much of the conspiracy Kool-Aid lately.
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 8 years ago
And you know this how?
Ravenpawfan 161
Ravenpawfan 161 - 8 years ago
Awesome. But a little scary.
Must have been pretty amazing to see them up close!
Fruity Kitchen
Fruity Kitchen - 8 years ago
Kristine Buckley
Kristine Buckley - 8 years ago
amazing. beautiful.
northern rainbows
northern rainbows - 8 years ago
Jimmy Juarez
Jimmy Juarez - 9 years ago
to freaking awesome
Bluenose352 - 9 years ago
What an incredible experience! I plan on kayaking with Orca someday. Whether it's the Pacific Northwest, Norway, or New Zealand. Extremely intelligent, and very social. I can't wait!
Sunshine 1991
Sunshine 1991 - 9 years ago
Can you also see the A23s over there?
Are you still organizing trips? =)
GLHunter - 9 years ago
Wow. It's amazing to me how how arrogant it is to think you know exactly what these Orcas will or will not do. You are lucky to have experienced this and lived to tell about it.
MrThomasbeamon - 9 years ago
+GLHunter Nobody knows what any animal is gonna do. I dont know that im not gonna get punched for no reason in line at the grocery store but I still go. That last sentence lets me know what kind of role fear plays in your life.
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 9 years ago
Amazing to you perhaps, but everyone who spends time around any wild animal - sharks, whales, bears, etc. make their best decisions based on their experience and observation of that species. Does it always ring 100%, no - but with all the orca researchers and advocates we associate with, these whales have never harmed a human in the wild. Ironically, someone else might make that exact comment to you, about knowing exactly what your spouse will or will not do - I would wager you a beer that my orca friends are more predictable than your spouse is! ;)
camouflage873 - 9 years ago
Amazing but I'd have most probably soiled my wetsuit if that had of been me filming
Chris Dans
Chris Dans - 9 years ago
U lucky lucky guys......im tearing up just watching the video, it must have been awesome to be there. As we see in other videos Orcas eat other whales, they could easily have attacked you but there intelect tells them we are not prey, its just a massive friendly fish huh!
Bong dity
Bong dity - 9 years ago
Wow, what an amazing video. I bet it was such an exhilarating and memorable experience. Congrats.
Muhammad Salah-Eldeen
Muhammad Salah-Eldeen - 9 years ago
this is so scary :)
DLlovesJB - 7 years ago
Michael Kundu I've only seen orcas in parks and even touched one too in marineland! I'd be nervous in an encounter like this only because they are wild animals and are unpredictable! But I still love and adore them....
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 9 years ago
+Muhammad Salah-Eldeen - if you keep in mind that mo wild orcas have ever hurt a human (wild ones - not the ones in marine parks), and if you keep faith in nature, your fear diminishes...
Rin Kagamine
Rin Kagamine - 9 years ago
This is where you should go if you want to see orcas.
Emma Leanne
Emma Leanne - 9 years ago
Too scared to full screen!
silo13 - 7 years ago
I'm crappin' kittens just watching!
Nick Duel
Nick Duel - 9 years ago
WOW! That's awesome!
Jettero Fletcher
Jettero Fletcher - 9 years ago
"Hey Clarence, watch me scare the @#$% outta the hot chick on the left!"

"Hehe yeah Fred, that was a good one...";)
Kemal Kinali
Kemal Kinali - 7 years ago
How do you know what their names are? Liar.
Gina Tasich
Gina Tasich - 7 years ago
I don't think I would of stayed so calm!!
rick charles
rick charles - 9 years ago
They're just curious. You got a rare treat.
SomaSaysMeep - 9 years ago
MrOnionRing - 10 years ago
i would have seriously lost my shit lol.... omg scary.
Smitty G
Smitty G - 7 years ago
Amber Wakefield
Amber Wakefield - 10 years ago
Omg! If that was me, I would try and reach out to touch one. Cause I. Love. Orcas!
Caitlyn-jai Woodward
Caitlyn-jai Woodward - 9 years ago
1bleachlover1 - 10 years ago
fucking wow.  *is almost in tears at the power of those animals*  Absolutely a privilege to be so close!   :)

100. comment for Orca whales approaching our sea kayak...

Eric Brannon
Eric Brannon - 10 years ago
They really won't attack you? I would of fainted
Twisted Orca
Twisted Orca - 10 years ago
Hi, We'd love to post this on our our Wild Encounters page at http://www.twistedorca.com . Please let us know if you'd like to share it and tell us a little about the experience (optional). You can contact us through our website or at twistedorca73@gmail.com
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 9 years ago
+Twisted Orca email me at projseawolf@earthlink.net - we'll discuss!
Kate Boe Bate
Kate Boe Bate - 10 years ago
I'm so jealous!!
Who would choose marine abusement parks over this??
Magdalena Krynicka
Magdalena Krynicka - 10 years ago
awesome, thanks for sharing! Id kill to experience that! :D 
SasquatchBobby - 10 years ago
These are Wild Animals, Understand that? W.I.L.D.? Meaning, Unpredictable! I guess Grizzlies are OK to hang with, right my Cluess, Low-Informational, Naive and Ignorant Knuckleheads! Yall are Not only dangerous to yourselves but also others, as well. No, I'll tell you what this Video proves, and proves in a strong & decisive  way; LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER!!!
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 9 years ago
+Mette Jones - says Mette Jones from the couch, watching videos and wishing that life would start to happen. When you die of old age, disease and boredom, you'll appreciate the adventure that you missed. LOL!
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 9 years ago
+SasquatchBobby - Judging from your lack of basic English skills, I think your conservative judgement probably has some pretty questionable qualities to it as well. How many orca attacks on humans have you heard about, my educated Republican friend? LOL!
Dnunessaldanha - 10 years ago
Orcas do not attack humans in wild , just in captivity because of stress.
Mette Jones
Mette Jones - 10 years ago
it's their choices to go kayaking in orca grounds. they knew the risks and they took them anyways, or they didn't and this just managed to happen. either way, things like this are going to happen. i'm not saying they're not powerful animals that shouldn't be respected, i'm all along that. but encounters like this are going to happen whether anyone likes it or not. it's just accepting that people do things and sometimes there are shit consequences for it. its the product of being an idiot. 
Shalaka Booyaka
Shalaka Booyaka - 10 years ago
You know how many Orca have killed and eaten humans in the wild? We aren't part of their diet.
Mette Jones
Mette Jones - 10 years ago
or like. they wanted to go kayaking right? and then nature happened and some orcas showed up in the area and the got curious to check them out. life happens man. calm down, smoke a little, go kayaking. 
lookatwhatic - 10 years ago
It's a good thing they were not seen as a threat
sherman4970 - 10 years ago
They were saying Hello,,absolute honour to be that close,brilliant!!!
GRiND.HARD&STAY.HUMBLE - 10 years ago
WOW!! such amazing footage.. kudos to ya'll and what an awesome experience and feeling.
juhtuhb1 - 10 years ago
"Look, they're right here beside us. Oh-ho-ho". You can hear the relief in his voice :)))
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 9 years ago
+juhtuhb1 - That was my Santa impression - I thought they were raindeer! ;)
PrettyOne ☺
PrettyOne ☺ - 10 years ago
I envy this soooo much! Great video!
yellogalchun - 10 years ago
wow! thats really an amazing experience. my next vacation is to see these creatures in the wild.
Tania Cedillo
Tania Cedillo - 10 years ago
spijkerpoes - 10 years ago
pucker factor at 11
iDris - 10 years ago
Fuck Seaworld. Man, that's awesome. Such a beautiful animal.
8fox261 - 7 years ago
Agreed.  The ONLY place to see Orcinus Orca is in the wild...
soleiux - 10 years ago
Unforgettable...moments...with nature. Wow!
zoggin - 10 years ago
Kayakers have been killed by 20 foot great whites in coastal Pacific waters...
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 9 years ago
+zoggin - I've only heard of one 20-foot great white! Do you know where others hang out, zoggin?
Hilary C
Hilary C - 10 years ago
There are no great white sharks in the waters off of British Columbia. Your comment has nothing to do with the video which is about whales
zoggin - 10 years ago
+Michael Kundu
Just Google "kayakers attacked by 20 GW" and see what pops up.  There was an attck in the SF Bay area back in the 80's...a girl was killed-her bf was never found...bite makes on her body indicate a 18-20 foot GW shark...
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 10 years ago
Zoggin - please tell me more about that!  I suspect that's just a fable... if you have real details, hundreds of readers are waiting!
Alex Tobin
Alex Tobin - 10 years ago
Orcas are quite friendly creatures. While I would not suggest swimming with them, it's not uncommon for them to swim close to a boat and put on a little show. I live on the west coast and grew up seeing these amazing whales and never once worried about my boat being toppled over.
Paul Jason
Paul Jason - 10 years ago
amazing..beautiful creatures..
Adrian Alvarado
Adrian Alvarado - 10 years ago
Is this in Washington?
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 10 years ago
Johnstone Strait, British Columbia
Cesar Cortez
Cesar Cortez - 10 years ago
Abba Girl
Abba Girl - 10 years ago
That is so awesome. You guys got to experience something so many of us dream of. Wonderful beautiful creates. Praise God for making them.
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 10 years ago
I'm planning on leading a trip here again in August this summer (2014) - anyone seriously interested in joining a small group - and capable of moderate physical kayaking and camping activity - text me at www.projectseawolf.org
blkcpdconure - 10 years ago
I so wish I could but I'm just getting started with kayaking at the moment. Gonna get my first sea kayak next spring for adventures on the Minnesota ocean(Lake Superior) Sometime in the future I hope to take small groups into the Northern Minnesota boreal forest for life changing wildlife encounters. It is so much fun being with someone when it clicks in their head that these beings are absolutely real. That is all the payment I will ever need!
BreakdownKnockoutForever - 10 years ago
They come say 'hello'! Seems they can't help it when they see humans around XD
Bora Rossi
Bora Rossi - 10 years ago
"Thank you" that says everything.
CatsRants - 11 years ago
Peter New Zealand
Peter New Zealand - 11 years ago
Christianne Robichaud
Christianne Robichaud - 11 years ago
I would SHIT myself.
Janaina Toledo
Janaina Toledo - 7 years ago
I was just thinking about that. I would have a fucking heart attack then and there
Jessy thark
Jessy thark - 7 years ago
You can snorkle with them lol
Christianne Robichaud
Christianne Robichaud - 10 years ago
It's always been a dream of mine to see these up close and not in captivity. Just not in a sea kayak a haha
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 10 years ago
Then you'd smile about it!
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 10 years ago
Yes, but you'd be smiling afterward! :)
Bora Rossi
Bora Rossi - 10 years ago
Nah!! we humans are more scarier....
anna kleinschmidt
anna kleinschmidt - 11 years ago
You were so lucky to have had such close contact to these magnificent animals! This Video has been added to my favourite list.
anna kleinschmidt
anna kleinschmidt - 11 years ago
This just shows that they don´t want to harm humans. It wouldn´t be a problem for them to topple the Kayak and eat its occupants. But no they just want to have a closer look at these humans in their Kayak! I always hat a wrong picture of Orcas and always thought they were killers. I think once one understands these animals more one finds out that they are extremely intelligent and worth saving!
Oliver Charette
Oliver Charette - 7 years ago
I have no idea why i wrote that....was that even me ??? Im sorry and have a great week !
Sunnchilde - 7 years ago
Jettero Fletcher They all deliberately turned to go by the humans. I think they were "playing" with them.
Oliver Charette
Oliver Charette - 7 years ago
Fuck you Carmen and fuck anything you have to say
Oliver Charette
Oliver Charette - 7 years ago
Im still gonna shit my pants if Im stuck in a kayak next to these things.
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 8 years ago
Your logic has been proven wrong. As much as I dislike marine parks, they are evidence that orcas and humans can develop sentient relationships. I suspect your animal experience is very limited, Audfile. If orcas 'intended' harm to humans in the wild, the many interactions with people they have had would have resulted in an attack by now. But, of course, some people will always be paranoid about anything bigger then they are. Those are the ignorant people that would prefer to see wildlife through a rifle scope.
slw59 - 8 years ago
If only we could convince the Japanese who kill them.
Bluenose352 - 8 years ago
+Audfile Not at all. I know Orcas. Michael knows Orcas. Anna knows Orcas. Hundreds of Marine Biologists who study mammals, know Orcas. I've come to a conclusion about you. Either you're a scared little person that lives in a safe bubble at home, and won't trust anybody. Despite the fact, we've pointed you in the right direction to do some research. Or you're a troll, and you're being an ass cause you simply want to argue. So which is it? You won't listen to any of us. It doesn't take much to do some research on Orcas. Or do you simply refuse to admit how wrong you are? Because you are in fact Wrong.

Orcas are extremely intelligent. They have what's called echolocation. I'll give you a sec to write it down. ECHOLOCATION. They can determine the difference between seals, rays, sharks, whales, or in the case of these resident Orcas, fish, and humans. They have no desire to hurt us. They're curious about us, yes. But that's it. They don't plan on eating us. Especially resident Orcas. But even transient Orcas(seal, penguin eaters) don't want to eat us. People even swim with these Orcas. They're THAT trusted. Think of them as a Gentle Giant to us. There's your facts for the day. Do some more research. Look up more info on Orcas before you start talking. It'll make your comments less embarrassing.
Audfile - 8 years ago
+Bluenose352 I think you have a fantasy in your head that they understand that you're human and understand all of what that means, they watch the Grammy's, they like recycling...
Audfile - 8 years ago
bullshit. "they don't want to harm us". ok fantasyland. Bring on the unicorns.
Bluenose352 - 8 years ago
+Michael Kundu Thank you for proving our point. I don't think he understands Orcas well.
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 8 years ago
Clearly, your concept is that humans are the only species that possess sentience. You are wrong. Speak with any primate or marine mammal researcher, and you will become better educated. Years of observation and documentation exist to prove that your premise is incorrect.
Audfile - 8 years ago
you're an idiot If you think they want to be your friend. this is cautious curiosity, nothing more. I hate it when people like you say "they don't want to harm us". HTF do you know what they want or even what their concept of harm is?
Bluenose352 - 8 years ago
+Michael Kundu I see it as, they're just as curious about us, as we are of them. No matter where you are( PNW, New Zealand, Iceland, Norway) they become curious of boats, kayaks, and people swimming or diving. Their curiosity draws them closer to us. Depending on what they're doing, sometimes they have certain routes the pods swim along. Sometimes kayaks may be in the path. They could either keep going, after they realize what the object(kayak, boat, or human) is, or stop and spend more time with you. It differs on what's going on.
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 9 years ago
There's definitely a chance that they're playing - we've watched orcas toss around logs, seals, etc. just for what appears to be 'fun' - they are certainly highly intelligent enough to do something like that...
Jettero Fletcher
Jettero Fletcher - 9 years ago
+Michael Kundu Hey Michael, you seem like you know quite a bit about these mammals. Any chance that they coming real close to the kayaks just to "mess" with yall a bit? Not in a malicious way, just like "Hey, I'll just swim real close to these humans and see what they do, for kicks!;)
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 9 years ago
We've been around orcas enough to know they are very sentient, and respectful of humans even.  Rick is right - the one orca that took a nip of a human surfer in Big Sur, CA three decades ago immediately left after taking nip of his thigh (mistaken identity - he was on a board lounging in a black wetsuit near a sea lion haul out). Humans are filled with chemicals, preservatives and crap from our unnatural diets and pharmaceuticals - we definitely would taste like 'crap' to them! 
rick charles
rick charles - 9 years ago
+anna kleinschmidt They definitely don't want to eat us. It would taste to them like us eating a shit sandwich.
Dino Alberini
Dino Alberini - 10 years ago
"It wouldn't be a problem for them to topple the Kayak and eat its occupants" not to mention chew the polyethylene after a nice crunchy meal, to clean their teeth XD
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 10 years ago
You are spot on!
Pesty warrior
Pesty warrior - 11 years ago
Magnifique!! Cette vidéo prouve a quel point les orques ne sont pas des killers d hommes!!!! I looooove
GG2K7AU05 - 11 years ago
This is how we should interact with these friends. Not in captivity!!
The Gooch
The Gooch - 7 years ago
Jack Müller
Jack Müller - 7 years ago
in a literal of metaphorical way?
Johnny_MacArthur - 7 years ago
Jack, piss in your yard from now on. :D
Jack Müller
Jack Müller - 8 years ago
i do understand the economic and environmental influence we have on their surroundings as well as on themselves through sonar, etc...
and while you are right in that it would be impossible to eliminate all sort of contact/influence on them, we are able to minimize it by quite a bit though.
and we should
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 8 years ago
Unfortunately, that's impossible in our world, Jack. You may not realise this, but every time you flush the toilet, medicines, chemicals, drugs, and any compound in YOUR body flushes into streams and oceans, and into the marine ecosystem - so even taking a piss results in your 'interacting' with wildlife to a degree - and don't even get me started about all the medicines that we flush down the toilet. We have no choice about 'interacting' with animals in our world - its more about 'how' we choose to interact with them, positively or negatively.
Jack Müller
Jack Müller - 8 years ago
to be fair though we shouldnt interact with them at all...
humans tend to have a negative impact on anything wild they interact with.
Alyssa Morrison
Alyssa Morrison - 11 years ago
GG2K7AU05 - 11 years ago
what a day you've got!
XTheSonofTheSunX - 11 years ago
interesting comments, it seems most humans have forgotten their wild side kayak on, brothers and sisters
Paris D
Paris D - 11 years ago
To the commenters calling the people "stupid", there is no record of an Orca killing a human in the wild. The worst that could have happened is maybe the waves made by the whales could tip the kayaks over, but they weren't necessarily putting themselves in grave danger by being near the Orcas. Orcas are curious and intelligent, they like to look at us (sometimes) just as much as we like to look at them.
8stral - 11 years ago
There are tons of Orcas on all sides of Vancouver Island. Though bet these Orcas were the protected pods near Alert Bay who are VERY used to humans.
8stral - 11 years ago
Yup, that pod has been there forever. Think its two or three pods now. Boats have to travel on the other side of Johnson strait.
ChyloeReece - 11 years ago
And because of your restricted view on matters and fearful nature, the people in this video will enjoy and experience more in life than you could ever dream of.
Katie Nethercoat
Katie Nethercoat - 11 years ago
WOW! I so want to do this! Ive been lucky enough to see whales off Vancouver Island but i so wanna go back!! you're so lucky!
heyohsurferdudes - 11 years ago
Dude I need your help. First things first, have you seen into the wild?
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 11 years ago
I suppose there's a trade off between experiencing the wild through your television, or taking the chance of encounters on-site - some people choose to live their lives cautiously; others prefer risk. People are different - but I can tell you quite clearly which ones are the more interesting ones at cocktail parties ;)
Maura Quast
Maura Quast - 11 years ago
They are dolphins. They aren't even whales. Glad someone on here knows they are dolphins.
ashley lesniak
ashley lesniak - 11 years ago
Lets go with stupid! I would be freaking out and have to check my pants. I don't think they realize they are sitting ducks if they really wanted to do some damage
Freeflyin Base
Freeflyin Base - 11 years ago
haha love that answer! Outdoors FTW!
WaxOnWaxOffSon - 11 years ago
im looking for a clean pair of shorts.
The Expert
The Expert - 11 years ago
I would need a boat the size of a cruise ship to view these whales ! You wont catch me on the news floating in the bay
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 11 years ago
Either one - at least we're not sitting on a couch watching television ;)
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 11 years ago
North end of Vancouver Island, BC Canada
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 11 years ago
If you look for the bow wake on the kayak, you will not see one. If you watch the image until the end you will see that we were stationary. I was sculling to keep a motion in the water so the orcas knew our position (people familiar with paddling know a scull stroke is a stabilizing stroke), and the pod moved toward us, not the other way around.
rltreasure - 11 years ago
The Orca's did not approach the kayaks, the video shows the kayakers approaching the whales!
Sailing Harley Quinn
Sailing Harley Quinn - 11 years ago
No documented attacks on humans so not really. Big dolphins basically
Spoopty GomJabbar
Spoopty GomJabbar - 11 years ago
That would be so intense in person! Those things are huge!
Moon Dragon
Moon Dragon - 11 years ago
I would rather have a mishap with an Orca than a Great White any day of the week...
harmfulsweetz - 11 years ago
They attack because they're in a swimming pool, and forced into pods that are not natural to them. Made to do tricks for food. Wouldn't you attack if you were locked up, and forced to just exist for someone else's entertainment?
kulminaator - 11 years ago
If you eat ham you don't usually try to figure out what exactly it was made of. I think orca will eat you without any intelligent afterthoughts. The only reason they haven't done that yet is that they are careful about what they eat (but if they are hungry then you're just meat like a sealion or seal). I'm not saying orca is stupid, i'm saying that human is no holy species and it's just flesh, fat and bones as far as the orca cares.
Nehema1000 - 11 years ago
everydayidie alilmore
everydayidie alilmore - 11 years ago
dude.. fuck that.
251best - 11 years ago
Where were y'all?
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 11 years ago
Actually, there was a single attack (one bite on the leg) of a black-clad surfer off Big Sur, CA in the 70s, but the orca quickly let go when it realized the prey was not a sea lion - mistaken identity in the waves. Orcas are intelligent and, in the wild, will not attack humans.
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 11 years ago
You should see our footage of grizzly bears ;)
k karine
k karine - 11 years ago
impressionnent de voir ces orcs de prés , j'aurais peur de me faire dévorer !!!lol
Oilisdeathtomany - 11 years ago
First off, catching these animals for our entertainment is wrong. Secondly, if I was locked up in a confined space, then dragged out for the entertainment of others, I'd be pretty dangerous as well. BTW, state the bleeding obvious. Of course they can hurt you. The reality is, that they don't do so in the wild and it poses some interesting questions, and reveals a lot about orca and human interactions.
CrimsonRider - 11 years ago
Of course they won't prey on humans ! We're not their natural food ! And what about the attacks on SeaWorld ? These animals are dangerous...even playing they can shred you into pieces.
sheene71 - 11 years ago
brave or stupid
Thomas Reynolds
Thomas Reynolds - 11 years ago
So much better than anything at SeaWorld!
Oilisdeathtomany - 11 years ago
ConcordClark - 11 years ago
Thanks for the heads up about the attacking/eating information. If I am ever surrounded by Orca Whales, I will tell myself that over and over and over. Hurrah for mixed emotions AND for nature! :)
Oilisdeathtomany - 11 years ago
Dangerous? There's been no documented cases of orca hurting humans in the orca's natural environment. Sadly, the reverse cannot be said.
Oilisdeathtomany - 11 years ago
Whilst it's generally known that there has never been a single case of orca attacking humans in the wild, I must admit I'd be feeling a mix of emotions if I was suddenly fortunate enough to be where these people are. Hurrah for nature in its intended location.
LazingOnSunday - 11 years ago
my daily random animal video spree usually starts with cute dogs and then ends up with orcas.
Kari  Chandler
Kari Chandler - 11 years ago
My heart kinda raced for a second when the woman said, "It's coming right towards us!" Beautiful creatures though! That would be an amazing experience to see them up close! <3
myababy891 - 11 years ago
SnappingTurtle801 - 11 years ago
So cool, but I would have pee'd my pants.....uh wetsuit...lol
LisaHadEnuf - 11 years ago
wow soooooo cool :) lucky lucky people ....... we are not on the Orca menu - great to see them like this and not in captivity!
Nimbus811 - 11 years ago
now this is the proper way to view these animals, not in captivity.
aprotosimaki - 11 years ago
Awesome!! Love the orca as it turns toward the kayak.
TheBaconWizard - 11 years ago
WOW! I have to admit, that would really scare me: THE most powerful apex predator alive on our planet today and you are in its environment. But I'd also give my right arm (hehe) to experience that.
CrimsonRider - 11 years ago
Crazy people...orcas are dangerous animals !
VaderMadness - 11 years ago
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Ateeq Raja
Ateeq Raja - 11 years ago
Anyone is able to effortlessly get over 4000 usd every month simply by responding to easy surveys at home. This site shows exactly how bit.ly\1cBF9uI
ConcordClark - 11 years ago
You're right. NatGeo states that they feed on marine life. Still, if it was me on that Kayak I'd say a little prayer when the Orcas passed by so close. WOW!
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 11 years ago
Haha! This was in north Vancouver Island - and, yes, we make this trip to this location for orcas every couple of years.
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 11 years ago
She was thanking them for the show - she filmed the segment while talking on camera...
ConcordClark - 11 years ago
I wonder if the woman is saying thanks for the show, or thanks for not eating us. Holy Smokes.
Mr fisherman
Mr fisherman - 11 years ago
I realize it every day... Don't you watch tv? You are getting eaten by Gov. every day... ))
Denise P
Denise P - 11 years ago
Instant Goose bumps. This is on my bucket list. Where are you?? Can I join you sometime?? PLEASE
sherman4970 - 11 years ago
Size and power...Awesome!!
The Site
The Site - 11 years ago
Orca's don't attack people. The only reported cases (that I know of at least) of Orca's involved in human deaths are those in captivity.
James V
James V - 11 years ago
That moment when you realize you are food.
Redd Wizard
Redd Wizard - 11 years ago
a few seconds before death
yoman844 - 11 years ago
David Walker
David Walker - 11 years ago
Love to see them just start eating the kyaks and then the people.
Tranzorius - 11 years ago
Well here it is....... it is a predator afterall, so obviously you always have to beware around a wild animal. I once touched a wild orca and it was one of the most nervous moments of my life.
joseph hensley
joseph hensley - 11 years ago
you guys are fucking idiots. next on their list, swimming with crocodiles yay!
Akira Fukushima
Akira Fukushima - 11 years ago
I would of laughed if the guy said "Yeah, they're only coming to check us out." and then the Orcas attacked them.
Ammar Rebhi
Ammar Rebhi - 11 years ago
ALLAH Who has made the sea subject, that ye may eat thereof flesh that is fresh and tender, and that ye may extract therefrom ornaments to wear; and thou seest the ships therein that plough the waves, that ye may seek (thus) of the bounty of Allah and that ye may be grateful.
ddavda100 - 11 years ago
I know about their peaceful interactions in the wild and gentle behavior, but still. If I were to see that, I'd need a new pair of pants after that.
Matt Nims
Matt Nims - 11 years ago
You're lucky as hell
Tranzorius - 11 years ago
Dinkus? That's a new one. Go back to your flash daddy.
tom02061997 - 11 years ago
it looks awesome and i wish i could experience it but i have to say i would be scared aswell. i dont care that they dont harm humans, they are huge and in the water so they are scary
jerry burn
jerry burn - 11 years ago
i don't know of any instances where these creatures have harmed humans but i think there is still an element of risk when in the water with any large sea creature. must have been quite an intimidating experience but a wonderfull one too. very cool video.
Naomi Gray
Naomi Gray - 11 years ago
beautiful i would kill to do and see them like that freedom is amazing <3 down with seaworld :)
Scottie Ulon
Scottie Ulon - 11 years ago
Awesome . i have to check my under where after that !
DramaQueen90101 - 11 years ago
Soo crazy.. Soo scary.
SergioWW1WW2 - 11 years ago
intense as hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kahlua mota
kahlua mota - 11 years ago
Jennifer Strain
Jennifer Strain - 11 years ago
Beautiful! !! Thank you
Abraham Jimenez
Abraham Jimenez - 11 years ago
I would love to get that close to an orca in the wild. Thanks for sharing.
dave brown
dave brown - 11 years ago
You mean the surfer called "No Hans"Kretschmer?Sorry,couldn't pass that one up.Wow,one attack?It looked like a blast being that close to an Orca.Its really a shame that so many of them are in captivity.
njide chukwumezie
njide chukwumezie - 11 years ago
@Michael Kundu: This is my first time here. Your comment is funny. Baseline: 1) Dumb; 2) really dumb; 3) really, really dumb; and, 4) oh, dayum, no hope at all.
barcardirazzftww - 11 years ago
Those people got a fucking death-wish.
Paddle Fyre
Paddle Fyre - 11 years ago
Beautiful. I would have shit my pants at 0:15 though.
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 11 years ago
August and September are good times to get the A pods in that area, but as it gets later, they tend to move north and hunt in the areas a bit further away from there.
TessaVosters - 11 years ago
Your video is amazing! I added it to my favourites and have probably watched it over a hundred times :) I'm planning to go to Vancouver Island in September, do you happen to know if there are many orca's there in that period?
k min
k min - 11 years ago
Tranzorius - 11 years ago
Correction. Sharks can smell, they say orcas don't or that they smell other ways than fish or whatever it is. Who knows.
Tranzorius - 11 years ago
Well, I won't, I once touched a wild orca, not captivity, wild one. But I get what you mean. I have another point of view in this video, if these orcas would have been sharks instead they would have probably jumped bitted those humans, hunger or no hunger, can't guess whatever sharks will do. Some people say orcas don't smell, like sharks, therefore they don't smell and hunt human meat like sharks do, don't know if that is true though. Any animal have noses to smell, but orcas are different.
CailJhill - 11 years ago
I get it, they are gentle and nice to humans blah blah blah...if I am in a kayak in the ocean and see the largest apex predator swimming toward me, i'm gonna be scared!
john mcelroy
john mcelroy - 11 years ago
a little too close for me, but very cool....
Mike Bird
Mike Bird - 11 years ago
100 stitches from a Orca bite sounds like maybe a fluke incident, 100 stitches aint shit, the surfer probably ran into the side of ones mouth or something lol, I think if a Orca wanted to bite a human there would not be enough flesh to put in stitches lol
Tranzorius - 11 years ago
Oh, I really didn't know that. It's obvious that it is always better to beware of such animals. It's an animal afterall, anything can happen. But I'm surprised. Thanks for the comment. I guess I should beware now, I once touched a wild orca. I wonder what was the orca thinking when it bitted the surfer, missidentified prey or something..
Gnomefro - 11 years ago
"They don't harm humans, never seen a single attack from wild orcas." According to wikipedia that's not true. Apparently, there's an incident with this surfer called Hans Kretschmer was bitten in the wild and required 100 stitches. I'm sure such incidents are rare, but any sane person should be wary of such large animals. Sadly, one obvious reason there are more(but still few) attacks in captivity is that humans simply spend more time with them there.
Marion - 11 years ago
this is so cool
sbrown2652 - 11 years ago
If I was there to witness that I could die content.
Nicky C
Nicky C - 11 years ago
thats unbelievable
Zia Jeelo
Zia Jeelo - 11 years ago
Don't they attack people?
PeachButt - 11 years ago
@luisbabymama2284 If you perhaps had a tad bit of knowledge on orcas, you would of known killer whales don't prey on human beings. They hunt marine life. They don't mind people!!!
veronica hernandez
veronica hernandez - 11 years ago
they r wild, yall r lucky they didnt tip the boat and devore yall. how stupid r yall to go out in the sea where their at and probably hv gotten killed. thats y people get killed BC of stupidity. luck was on yalls side.
kam2057 - 11 years ago
Yeah I think I would have shit mine too for a sec. Wicked cool though!
mic cen
mic cen - 11 years ago
i would of shit my paints
123mysweetvoice - 12 years ago
*of sorry
123mysweetvoice - 12 years ago
It's that moment if silence at 00:13-00:17 lol
Dreadboyhoy - 12 years ago
i whould have needed to clean the inside of my kayak and change pants after something like that..
elbossoso - 12 years ago
why killer whale dont eat human ? they can capsize the boat and they know it, so why ?
Sonyag1 - 12 years ago
Thank you for sharing. That must have been a super awsome experience.
thekca333 - 12 years ago
I would shit my pants. That is all!
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 12 years ago
generalphrenic won't respond sensibly to your comment Steve because he's just not smart enough to use science - ignore him. I tell my kids we need people like him around so we can compare the intelligent folk to a baseline. BTW Steve, the legit science community would support your position on this. Thanks for your support.
The Expert
The Expert - 12 years ago
Some people will just never get it they think wild animals are their friends also people put to much trust in government mauling records. Just because no one reported and deaths by Orcas does not mean it never happened
Steve Ennever
Steve Ennever - 12 years ago
Predatory for what? Orca's have never attacked a human being in the wild. So what are you basing your eloquent thesis on, generalphrenic? Their other name... Killer Whale? Do you think that applies to Humans in some Holywood phobia kinda way? Well it doesn't. Turn the words around & you have it's source... Whale Killer, a term conjured by sailors as they described what they saw. On a different note, beautiful video & I so wish I could join you.
Heather H
Heather H - 12 years ago
Wow! I'm so jealous! Amazing video
drepop803 - 12 years ago
did you get scared at all? that was beautiful and must of been exciting to see them approach like that. but being such dominant animals in the sea i'd be terrified if they came towards me. good job thanks for the vid.
marcin388 - 12 years ago
Fuck, I wish I could live in such a place, there's lakes, forests and mountains all over the place, it's so fucking beautiful. Here where I live there are only houses and farmlands...
OuchxLovexHurts - 12 years ago
Savannah - 12 years ago
wow I would have shit myself
michael peacock
michael peacock - 12 years ago
thatd be a bit scary.
MacdaddaymiB - 12 years ago
amazing but could have easily gone very very wrong thank god they smart enough to refuse to develop a taste for humans
DaveandChristine1 - 12 years ago
That must have been an incredible moment. It looked amazing on the video. You're so lucky to have been able to get so close to these magnificent creatures in the wild.
Henriette Anton
Henriette Anton - 12 years ago
They don't attack people! They certainly don't knock you out of your kayak to eat you... this perception of these animals is completely wrong.
Jah Fizz
Jah Fizz - 12 years ago
"Huuuuh! It's coming right towards us Michael!"
Erin M
Erin M - 12 years ago
Wow that us amazing
liam ferguson
liam ferguson - 12 years ago
Well said tranzzer
Tranzorius - 12 years ago
Why are people saying they would piss in their pants or they would be freaking scared if they were in the boat. They don't harm humans, never seen a single attack from wild orcas. Captivity yes and it's obvious why. Orcas are dolphins, dolphin family, they are just double/tripple size of a dolphin with of course bigger teeth so they can hunt for hunger and defend themselves from attacks. Lots of researchers out there come real close to them and some even swim with them and no harm was given.
dabyg - 12 years ago
Wish I could do that it looks soo amazing!!
apexpredator617 - 12 years ago
This exact moment is like I dream for me ...u guys are lucky and ty for sharing the experience
MsCleverable - 12 years ago
I'd kill for an experience like that, you are SO SO lucky. Amazing. :)
tommaso701 - 12 years ago
vi siete cagati!!!!
Lance Underwood
Lance Underwood - 12 years ago
I hope that you realize why we're are out there with the whales. We care deeply about the endangered southern residents. I don't make much money being a whale watching guide, but the rewards of being on the water, educating people about wild whales are infinite. We have seen and documented terrible boating behavior amongst the whales on many occasions, but those who are breaking the rules and disturbing the whales aren't the commercial operators, its the private fleet.
Lance Underwood
Lance Underwood - 12 years ago
We have done volumes of research into what our high efficiency, low emissions outboards sound like underwater. The noise produced is the equivalent of rain hitting the surface of the water when we're idling. The noise is even less when we're shut down, which we are most of the time. We also keep a minimum distance of 100 metres in Canada (where I guide) and 200 metres in the US - when we're off of the west side of the San Juan Islands, a quarter of a mile.
Lance Underwood
Lance Underwood - 12 years ago
I can believe that the whales did the approaching, they do it all of the time. But I see poorly informed boaters AND kayakers approach the whales constantly. While it is true that kayaks are quieter and don't produce carbon, when ANYONE approaches whales, especially resting whales, we are in danger of severely disturbing these creatures.
Lance Underwood
Lance Underwood - 12 years ago
NiklasMD: Are you some kind of an expert? Do you know the rules and regulations that we abide by? You must not. Our low noise, highly efficient outboard motors running sounds like the equivalent of rain falling on the surface of the water. This is a proven fact, backed up by volumes of studies. We have to stay 100 to 200 metres from the whales and are NEVER allowed to drive right into them. We are out there because we care about orcas. I hope you get the opportunity to come out with us sometime.
This adventurous world of mine
This adventurous world of mine - 12 years ago
OMG.... I would pee in my pants! AWESOME ANIMALS!!!!!!!!!
Azekiel - 12 years ago
Fantastic video! My heart almost exploded when the whales turned towards the camera
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 12 years ago
@Lance Underwood - It may be hard to say for you, but as someone who was there, I can tell you that the whales did the approaching. Frankly, it's a bit ironic to hear a critical comment like that from someone who makes a living putting hydro-carbon based vessels within breathing distance of these family units; if you work as a WW guide in the San Juans, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Acoustic and air pollution from boats arguably are more intrusive than self-propelled vessals are.
Lance Underwood
Lance Underwood - 12 years ago
We need to give them respect
Lance Underwood
Lance Underwood - 12 years ago
Orcas are awesome! As a whale watching guide though, I get a bit peeved to see folks getting that close to the whales. Every day when taking folks out whale watching, I see kayakers, who are subject to the same rules and laws as I am paddle right into pods of whales. The whales do often come to the boats, so its hard to say what happened in this situation. I'm just writing to remind everyone that these whales are out there in their family units, living life just like you and I.
Sergei Russakov
Sergei Russakov - 12 years ago
i would shit in my pants
Demetri V
Demetri V - 12 years ago
i knew it was BC as soon as I saw the backround
Chris Kavanagh
Chris Kavanagh - 12 years ago
There has been 1 documented case of an ORCA "attacking" a human in the wild. I put "attack" in quotes because we have no idea if the ORCA was actually trying to harm the diver. He might have just been curious. . .So once again, I fail to see how they were being "extreme" by this.
zombieholic - 12 years ago
sam, the orcas swam up to the kayakers the kayakers never paddled towards them when the orca's passed the kayakers turned their kayaks using the paddles! Orca's to me were curious and checking them out! anyways amkundu thank you for sharing an amazing video!:)
Allison Richardson
Allison Richardson - 12 years ago
its a transent pod!
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 12 years ago
The northern residents are there intermittently throughout July and August - check the website for Stubbs' Island Charters as a resource - Jim Borrowman runs an excellent whale watch operation up there.
tingz crown
tingz crown - 12 years ago
Its my dream to be with these beautiful whales ...they're so friendly ...look at keiko and luna !!
picassogilamonster - 12 years ago
What time of year did you guys do this...what month???? This is on my bucket list.
3w0k79 - 12 years ago
I think that this is probably misinformation. An orca can tell the difference between two different species of salmon from a km or more away using their echolocation. I doubt they mistook him for a seal. It makes more sense that the orca didn't know what he was and took a bite to investigate or he was just being aggressive or playful.
scefen - 12 years ago
Kingtorm - 12 years ago
Wild Orcas don't purposely attack humans, and never in open water like this. The only recorded attacks were accidental and the Orcas stopped once they realized the human weren't a seal. They are very gentle and the only real attacks were in captivity(some fatal). These people were very safe.
naty56995 - 12 years ago
every time they to a inhaled or exhaled, it sounded like my dog sneezing in my face. :)
Robin Lewis
Robin Lewis - 12 years ago
Hey Flannagom, thanks for the message. Hoping to kayak in Pembrokeshire b4 the end of the year if the weather holds so I'll keep my eyes peeled.
Bakana - 12 years ago
Nice Video
Robin Lewis
Robin Lewis - 12 years ago
Incredible. Getting myself a kayak next Saturday. No Orcas in Wales sadly but I've got to start somewhere!
faz1991 - 12 years ago
you fool, the orca's are extremely aware of their surroundings otherwise they wouldn't be one of the most successful species on the planet. They approached the kayak out of curiosity and merely continued, they've probably seen them before.
moon beeams
moon beeams - 12 years ago
Awsome!!!!! U r so lucky to have caught that on film...wonderful...
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 12 years ago
Hmmm, clear by what evidence? No bow wake, no paddle movement, no side wake...
TheTastymama - 12 years ago
Wuld have shit my pants 100%
HaveApascalSwirl - 12 years ago
That must be breathtaking! And they don't bother about your oars under the water?
Leanne Zackowski
Leanne Zackowski - 12 years ago
I swear to god my heart skipped a few beats...and a nervous giggle escaped too!!
Caelantoo Weems
Caelantoo Weems - 12 years ago
from under the water a kayak looks just like a seal (an orca's main source of food)
silvertwist12345 - 12 years ago
They rarely attack people in the wild!
Faith Cooke
Faith Cooke - 12 years ago
Must have been such a relief for them to have not capsized the boat. I would be so frickin scared!
tomscup - 12 years ago
Fish food talking,"Oh Man they didn't eat us!"
01Conductor - 12 years ago
Very nice...
jinska - 12 years ago
Orca whales? no its not a whale, orca is the largest species of dolphin..
Darkvine - 12 years ago
holy shit! that's awesome! :o just unreal :o
PersonaG31 - 12 years ago
honestly i would be scared as shit, just thinking of what they are capable of, they are normally wonderful and friendly....then u watch animal planet and gain a taste of reality!lol
pat banks
pat banks - 12 years ago
What a wonderful experience this was for you guys!!!....something you will never forget. A thing like this changes you & how you view the world and wildlife conservation. I would really love to see orcas in the wild someday....they are such neat animals!! You were so lucky!
GregoryTheGr8ster - 12 years ago
You were easily close enough to smell their breath. What is it like?
Niklas Olsson
Niklas Olsson - 12 years ago
I know that I have no reson for this, but if that happend to me. I wold shit myself.
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 12 years ago
We definately feel fortunate that we've had a chance to introduce friends and family to these kind of encounters! To the comments on orca attacks - there's only been one real 'attack' documented in the wild on humans - it was a surfer in Big Sur, CA a few decades back that was bitten and momentarily grabbed by an orca that mistook him for a seal - he was injured but immediately released when the whale realized he was not a seal. He survived. Only captive orcas have killed humans.
SWLinPHX - 12 years ago
They're so big that their blowholes sound like geysers!
Loren - 12 years ago
Yeah I definitely would have crapped my pants when they turned and started coming straight toward me!! Amazing moment though!
mikevikeus - 12 years ago
Cool video. I've never heard of cases of orcas attacking or killing humans, but have you heard of any? Also, where I know orcas and dolphins are closely related, have orcas defended humans against shark attacks like dolphins often have?
KamoBam - 12 years ago
wow this is truly amazing!! you guys are really brave! i think i'd pee myself if they were that close
UltraMagnusLovur - 12 years ago
yes im sure and i have too much respect for them to contaminate them with germs and stuff especially with our pods being endangered but thanks for your permission :) oh by the way just so you know, there has never been a single death with wild orcas killing humans only captivity
skangmox - 12 years ago
Are you sure? Because most if not all of those shows usually have some little blip saying some scenes are created. If your sure then by all means go swim with the wild orca.
UltraMagnusLovur - 12 years ago
again there has been attacks on humans by accident just no one has died from them
UltraMagnusLovur - 12 years ago
that has died there has been attacks but they let go realizing it wasnt prey
UltraMagnusLovur - 12 years ago
lol i have seen bears wolves sharks snakes elephants etc do things to humans in the wild :) on tv on those shows
UltraMagnusLovur - 12 years ago
thats northern :) souther is J, K, and L. This is A and I
chizoioioi - 12 years ago
no one has ever died by an orca in the wild.
Eric stablein
Eric stablein - 12 years ago
For a moment you could tell she started to shit herself when they sped up and came right at her. Bet that was a rush.
Ténéré - 12 years ago
Nice video! But, don't you know you could have been killed by those whales? Lucky...
Superbex56 - 12 years ago
wow this is a once in a lifetime deal here
Tlatoa Usui jessica
Tlatoa Usui jessica - 12 years ago
las orcas son muy hermosas y maravillosas es lindo . maravillosos , hermosos, y ademas a mi me gustan las orcas aunque son asesinas. Las orcas son preciosas disfruten este video y recuerden el animal es el amigo del ser humano
drtrydr724 - 12 years ago
Incredible video. The moment he was heading toward you made this video worth watching more than once. Thxs for sharing.
jason royale
jason royale - 12 years ago
thanx for sharing a once in a lifetime experience.
adkgirlsince01 - 12 years ago
i saw orcas in alaska and it was the most beautiful and best thing i ever did in my life, and i would do anything to re live that
Daniel Densing
Daniel Densing - 12 years ago
I got a little worried there for a sec....I couldn't imagine seeing those big animals comming that close....awesome!
spaztickolon - 12 years ago
I get shivers watching this!!! Incredible!!
ATN - 12 years ago
WOW! That is AWESOME! I would be a little afraid that they accidentely tip the boat and I'd be too stupid to flip the kayak back over but in this very moment I don't think I would care. If I were you, I'd cried!
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 12 years ago
I agree. But I certainly find people who take the time and effort to experience nature at its finest far more interesting then those who sit on the couch and watch television - they are much more fun at cocktail parties too ;)
roentgen571 - 12 years ago
Sure, and it's pretty rare to be struck by lightning, too. But only an idiot stands in an open field during a thunder storm, waving a metal pole around...
phuturephunk - 12 years ago
Man, you got to interact with the whole pod. That really is pretty awesome.
outfoxedatwister - 12 years ago
nope, that's them showing their young something new and interesting. They were very relaxed, no jaw popping or fluke slapping. They were curious :) Typical Southern Resident Killer Whale behavior
outfoxedatwister - 12 years ago
NO ONE has ever been killed by an Orca in the wild in any fashion. Orca related attacks have only been recoded in captivity.
SuperDuperFlapjack - 12 years ago
yo thats pretty badass. once when i was a kid i got pulled out to sea on my boogie board and i had a bunch of dolphins swimmin around me. that was pretty kewl too
skangmox - 12 years ago
I bet theres more cars in his town than whales
Tranzorius - 12 years ago
Not really, depends which animals I like :)
skangmox - 12 years ago
Have you seen wild bears, lions wolves cougars sharks sea lions snakes water buffalo rhino elephant etc. do anything to humans? no but I bet you would stay the eff away from them.
zoraironic - 12 years ago
lucky they didnt jump on your kayak
YeChewB - 12 years ago
I'm no doctor dolittle, but based on what I've seen other animals do, I'd have interpreted their behavior as aggressive. As in, get the f##k out of our territory.
LoveisLifeJDBG - 12 years ago
Tranzorius - 12 years ago
Why would you crapped in your pants? Honestly, I don't know. Never seen wild orcas doing something bad to humans.
The Expert
The Expert - 12 years ago
Exactly !
The Expert
The Expert - 12 years ago
I would understand nature better from a bigger boat. I just have to much respect for the ocean than to risk my life playing 'the Orcas are my friends" 20,000lb Orca in play mode with a man or woman on a Kayak is a episode on (When animals attack)
Chris Kavanagh
Chris Kavanagh - 12 years ago
How was this "going to the extreme"?? They were out Kayaking and had a great experience of seeing these ORCAS. They don't attack humans, period. Even if they did, I fail to see how this is pushing the extremes.
Disneyfanatic21 - 12 years ago
Dude my heart was pounding just from watching this video as they swam past you...what a AWESOME and scary experience for you guys
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 12 years ago
@Tierrien - I'll bet that there were more people killed in your town by cars then were killed by orca whales flipping their kayaks, last summer. Boy, those neighbors of yours who drive cars on these dangerous roads really go to extremes, don't they? Joking aside, risks are calculated, and some risks earn you wonderful rewards that make you a lot more interesting at cocktail parties. You can be sure I'll be smiling when you grab your car keys and head out on the freeway tomorrow morning. :)
The Expert
The Expert - 12 years ago
There are always people no matter what that are going to go to the extremes when it comes to nature & this is extreme. These animals are wild animals that have the power to flip that boat and kill a human. When I hear about people getting killed in the Ocean or in the woods on the news I just smh because they choose to ignore the risks.
valathor95 - 12 years ago
I like your comment.
larsjune1 - 12 years ago
i think, when she said thank you, she meant god for saving her life.
Martins MiniMonsters
Martins MiniMonsters - 12 years ago
That was insane!! :O I have paddled with orcas, but THAT was close!
YouSirAreNoob - 12 years ago
can it
Bongo Photoman
Bongo Photoman - 12 years ago
and me in such a small boat.. can feel her trepidation being in the front of the boat as the orca approaches... exciting... nice video channel WallaceIdaho83873... thx
M. S
M. S - 12 years ago
0:14 all the whale thinks is FOOOOD...
bryanxwh - 12 years ago
Like if at 0:14 you would have pee all over yourself of how scary it was! Lol...beautifull video!
Hidro Dois Eko
Hidro Dois Eko - 13 years ago
Nossa, muito perto! Inacreditável.
SpeisAutarr - 13 years ago
You lucky dude...
Free Thinker
Free Thinker - 13 years ago
those people are lucky they didnt get rammed and eaten lol.
RUDYAKAHALIBU77 - 13 years ago
You made me squirt in my yak
John Orca
John Orca - 13 years ago
wow i would give anything to go sea kayaking with orcas
MrsDivaLindsey - 13 years ago
Very nice!
cloverkatt - 13 years ago
I Love that she says "Thank You". thanx for sharing. More of these clips, humans & less of concrete tanks..... Namaste
kayaksf - 13 years ago
@AMKundu, I'd like to know more about your plans!! drop me a line at kayaksf@gmail.com Cheers, Chris
Chris Schmidt
Chris Schmidt - 13 years ago
SeaWorld has begun breeding mothers with their own sons !
chko tezcatlipoca
chko tezcatlipoca - 13 years ago
Uf so close. Awesome.
golfmaniac007 - 13 years ago
jamie foxx made a joke about this kind of situation about white people
sparklywindsield88 - 13 years ago
That is awesome. You were so lucky that they came so close
adam - 13 years ago
i would definently have crapped my pants
swordwhale1 - 13 years ago
Awesome! One of those things I want to do. I'm sure there is an etiquette involved in where you postion yourself so as not to annoy the orcas (though they are fish eaters in this area). In the north they say: orca and wolf are the same spirit wearing different shapes for land and sea...
Deanna Wheeler
Deanna Wheeler - 7 years ago
They eat meat too.
swordwhale1 - 13 years ago
@yumyumpeachpeach really really bad idea... though when a fin (clearly cartiliginous) surfaced near my kayak, I had the same insane urge. I refrained, and the fin turned out to belong to a cownosed ray. it still could have knocked me overboard in its startlement.
Michael Louis
Michael Louis - 13 years ago
damn i would of passed out.
Kim Bowman
Kim Bowman - 13 years ago
I hope you realise how lucky you are to have experienced that.
PeachButt - 13 years ago
I would of hit the orcas with the paddle!
SpottedTigress - 13 years ago
the 1 dislike came from a shark.
SpottedTigress - 13 years ago
the 1 dislike came from a shark.
desidol22 - 13 years ago
i know these orcas eat fish, but i would still be scared, like what if they make ur kayak topple over or something?
kmkfiction2 - 13 years ago
@t97135862 In short, I find it very telling that you invoke "shark experts" that incorrigibly prate on and on about the human mind and sociobiology- but never the man-eating behavior that killed, say, Jaime Daigle. I mean, citing "bee sting mortality rates" is immaterial to the observed behavior. Either sharks eat us or, like Orcas, they don't. "Experts" simply try to condition the public to see sharks as "misunderstood" and point to Jaws because there is no science to support their views.
kmkfiction2 - 13 years ago
@t97135862 I get it is easier to argue against a straw man ("sharks are not blood thirsty monsters!") but the scientific fact remains that they are as close as "mindless killers" can be insofar they have zero capacity for emotion and/or empathy due to their generalist feeder, ecological niche, i.e., resources in the open ocean are scarce and it is their job to remove helpless prey. That is why many "harmless" species fed on humans after the USS Indianapolis sank. Nothing you write can undo it.
kmkfiction2 - 13 years ago
@t97135862 What's your point? That the subjective views of Benchley (induced by post hoc guilt) or grant seeking "shark experts" somehow makes the man-eating propensities of sharks less real? Conspicuously, purported expert Eric Ritter tried to "validate" your views and show Nigel Marvin how "Bull sharks are harmless". Oh snap, one bit off his calf on live TV. Notably, nothing you say is founded in science- it is just faulty speculation, e.g., people in areas w/no TV are still afraid of sharks
kmkfiction2 - 13 years ago
@t97135862 First of all, the ISAF statistics have zero reliability- as there are many people that go missing at sea and documented predation events from the 3rd world that never go recorded. For example, there might have been 60 Haitian immigrants that were attacked when their boat capsized in the FL straits on 5.04.07...and that isn't even documented in the ISAF. But it happened. What, the fear people had that night was "caused" by Jaws, the 1916 attacks or media fears? That is silly.
Lorelay48 - 13 years ago
Super!!! Orca, I love you!!!! :)))))
John Joe
John Joe - 13 years ago
@kmkfiction2 Almost all shark experts feel that the danger presented by sharks has been exaggerated, and even the creator of the Jaws phenomenon, the late Peter Benchley, attempted to dispel the myth of sharks being man-eating monsters in the years before his death. out of those 60 attacks only 11 were fatal. (cricket cricket)
John Joe
John Joe - 13 years ago
@kmkfiction2 A shark attack is an attack on a human by a shark. Every year around 60 shark attacks are reported worldwide, although death is quite unusual. Despite the relative rarity of shark attacks, the fear of sharks is a common phenomenon, having been fueled by the occasional instances of serial attacks, such as the Jersey Shore shark attacks of 1916, and by horror fiction and films, such as the Jaws series.
kmkfiction2 - 13 years ago
@t97135862 youtube search "shark takes woman's leg" how did she fare in non-baited conditions? (cricket, cricket)
John Joe
John Joe - 13 years ago
@kmkfiction2 lol some sharks ate some dead ppl OMG!!! look up swimming with sharks NUFF SAID DONE ARGUING WITH A RETARD
kmkfiction2 - 13 years ago
@t97135862 That's funny, I've trained with Paul Vunak and he train the Navy Seals? Look, pal, I'm not going to do tricks for you. You don't know what you are talking about when it comes to sharks. So go find me a punching bag, i.e., someone that you will concede knows more than you and bring them here so I can debate them. As for proof, try using google (May 4, 2007 + Haitians + consumed by sharks) or (USS Indianapolis + sharks) or even (Lloyd Skinner + shark attack). Proof.
John Joe
John Joe - 13 years ago
@kmkfiction2 lol i wasnt talking about fighting, ur just spitting a bunch of bs out....show me some proof...like a webpage or something.. and i served 8 years in the marines. kung fu doesnt work in real combat. except maybe ju jitsu
kmkfiction2 - 13 years ago
@t97135862 good thing I am a 3rd degree black belt and a shark expert
John Joe
John Joe - 13 years ago
@kmkfiction2 you sound like mike tyson right b4 he got knocked out
romakayak - 13 years ago
incredible footage
kmkfiction2 - 13 years ago
@beautifulstar33 Calls for speculation, but no predatory intention- most likely abstract curiosity.
kmkfiction2 - 13 years ago
@beautifulstar33 Orcas have never been known to prey on humans. For good Orca footage off Patagonia search "La Ernestina"
kmkfiction2 - 13 years ago
@t97135862 Finally, it is an undisputed fact that I know a hundred times more about sharks than you. Why don't you enlist someone with purported expertise and they can come debate me on this thread. I will gobble them up and leave the sea red.
kmkfiction2 - 13 years ago
@t97135862 Fact: once a shark bites into a human being, it "knows" what we are. In fact, once in close proximity, it relies more on its lateral lines to detect any weakness or patent infirmity within its immediate vicinity and, if necessary, bumps the prey to ensure that the prey item is not capable of imminent escape. This also "confirms" the identity of the know prey item via the Ampullae of Lorenzini, e.g., presumably each prey item has its own "signature" electromagnetic field. Fact.
kmkfiction2 - 13 years ago
@t97135862 Fact: pelagic sharks' perceptive faculties coalesce together in order to zero in on feeding opportunities, i.e., many theories focus on a single faculty (e.g., sight and "mistaken identity"). Fact: it's midnight in the Florida straits on May 4, 2007. Tiger and oceanic Whitetip sharks hear the commotion, then swims toward the sound using its sense of smell to identify the maritime disaster (Haitian immigrants). The sharks ate at least a third of the people. It's their ecol. niche.
John Joe
John Joe - 13 years ago
@kmkfiction2 give me some facts you know nothing...u just act like you do.....if ppl go and swim with 400 tiger sharks and none of them attack a single human that just makes you look arrogent and ignorant....hence you are arrogent and ignorant
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 13 years ago
@beautifulstar33 - They were foraging and socializing across from our campsite; we paddled out from our cove and sat in the kayaks and the different sub-groups moved to a larger gathering just west of our boat. They just move in a group, sometimes curious, sometimes just ignoring the things floating on the surface. Their echolocation and visual glances help them figure out where things are on the surface, and they just avoid them.
kmkfiction2 - 13 years ago
@t97135862 What does watching people swim with sharks under baited conditions disprove about what I wrote? Zip. Look, kid, Tigers/White/Bull/Oceanic Whitetips all are documented man-eaters. There is no condition precedent of blood in the water. We are a known, tertiary prey item. But the fact attacks on humans are rare hardly disproves they aren't real or have anything to do with Jaws or society's "view" of sharks. Res ipsa loquitur.
John Joe
John Joe - 13 years ago
@t97135862 tiger sharks, they will attack something injured if theres blood in the water, or pick at something dead
John Joe
John Joe - 13 years ago
@kmkfiction2 they usually dont, just look up swimming with sharks...and a bunch of scientists are getting together and swimming with like 400 sharks
kmkfiction2 - 13 years ago
@t97135862 What do you mean sharks don't attack people? Orcas, no. Sharks, yes. Humans are 100% edible and sharks are opportunistic, GENERALIST feeders. There is ZERO scientific evidence whosoever that sharks attack humans on account of "mistaken identity." Sharks predictably gather to feed at maritime disasters b/c is their ecological niche.
Eilne122 - 13 years ago
@BloodyPaperclip sorry for my english, you can look in youtube to Roberto Bubas, is very interesting, and maybe solve many your questions about this animals.
John Joe
John Joe - 13 years ago
@BloodyPaperclip killer whales dont attack humans for the same reason sharks dont.....humans have a very low fat content.....there called killer whales because they hunt in packs and are very efficient...or good at killing...hence the name killer whales...... and by the way bloody paperclip. there use to be alot more ppl that kayak and alot more whales and still it was very very rare for there to be an attack they are the most intelegent species in the ocean
Cty2 - 13 years ago
maybe u should check on Ingrid Visser work on the NZ orca she has a book called swimming with orca and she been on many doco tv series too
jsk8drummer - 13 years ago
not gona lie i woulda shat myself when they started going towards the kayak lol but man that must have been amazing to see in person
Kristyn Morin
Kristyn Morin - 13 years ago
@BloodyPaperclip And you my friend, are an idiot. They get the word "killer" for their hunting strategies. Also, as AMK already told you, they are Orcas. These beautiful creatures rarely attack humans, and with the little amount that has, it's either the humans fault; coming up to it too quick, trying to pet it, etc. Or the whale accidentally mistook it for prey or thought the human was a threat. Also the females are very protective of their young, protecting them at any cost.
BloodyPaperclip - 13 years ago
@5084204 There's a first time for everything, and accidents happen. I'm not saying it has to charge full speed at the kayak but I've seen them get close to boats before out of curiosity, what if it accidentally gets too close and it tips? Maybe I'm just being irrational because I have a phobia of orca's, which is why I'm trying to learn more about them.
Martin - 13 years ago
@BloodyPaperclip There is not even one recorded case of kayaker being harrased by whales. Go and get your antipsychotic tablets now.
orcaandsims - 13 years ago
@AMKundu OMG that's so cool my dream is to become a marine biologist, to study them in the wild not in a tank. Thanks for this video!
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 13 years ago
If they tipped me over? I'd just continue filming :) In fact, you might be surprised to learn that the underwater orca footage our crew took for both the 2002 broadcast documentaries aired throughout the west coast by KIRO/CBS and KOMO/NBC involved myself and two other divers filming 'at the mercy' of wild J-pod orcas - with no boat at all... and they didn't even nibble at us! (in fact, one male started 'courting' [;)] a female on camera 6 feet from my lens)...
BloodyPaperclip - 13 years ago
@AMKundu Well I'm no expert on whales but they seemed very hostile when they were coming towards the kayak, they waited until last minute to turn away. What would you do if it actually did tip your kayak over? It's suicide going into open water in such a small boat with huge predators.
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 13 years ago
@BloodyPaperclip - members of our group were involved with both the Keiko effort and the rescue/rehab of Springer in 2002. Each one of the researchers we've worked with will tell you you're mistaken. The only documented attack by a wild orca on a human happened to Hans Kretchmer, a knee-boarder off Big Sur, CA in the early decade - he was grabbed for an instant and released after the orca realized he was a human. These whales can tell the difference between humans and prey.
BloodyPaperclip - 13 years ago
@AMKundu I've looked up the cases of wild orca attacks on humans, in almost every single report the whale(s) mistook the humans for something else. These creatures can not tell the difference between a human and their prey because they look at humans AS their prey because once again, they are KILLERS, hence the name KILLER whale. These things are dangerous and it's only a matter of time before kayaking accidents start happening. A kayak is a small piece of plastic, its no match for a huge beast.
Deku3 - 13 years ago
awesome, one of a kind experience.
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 13 years ago
@bloodypaperclip - your comments are precisely why some humans hunt and exterminate wildlife - I don't blame you, you probably just haven't been exposed to the world around you. Orcas were called 'killer whales' a long time ago, when people misunderstood them. (I can give examples of some human cultures that were also called horrendous names before they were studied) - the truth is, these whales and other sentient cetacea are not at all a threat to humans in the wild.
BloodyPaperclip - 13 years ago
@CowieMooCowxo87 But they're called KILLER whales for a reason. They kill EVERYTHING they come in contact with, and even if it didn't want to kill somebody in a kayak, accidents happen. What if it accidentally came too close and tipped the kayak over, then it tried to help by grabbing the person with it's teeth, breaking several bones in the processes, and throwing it in the air trying to get it back to the kayak? They person would be dead. These things are murderers.
BloodyPaperclip - 13 years ago
Am I the only person afraid that the whales would flip the kayak over and kill everyone? The whales at seaworld aren't very happy creatures so I'd imagine these aren't very friendly either....
Laughing Man
Laughing Man - 13 years ago
You should be glad Orcas haven't considered us to be food...yet.
Jennifer Villanueva
Jennifer Villanueva - 13 years ago
Awesome..you are so lucky ..
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 13 years ago
The rest of this video (with some really cool audio!) is at our Youtube video called Òrca Whale Superpod Gathering in Johnstone Strait...
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 13 years ago
To see the continuation of this video - as well as some incredible orca superpod spy-hops and surface vocalizations (!), check out our next you tube video at called `Orca whale superpod gathering in Johnston Strait`
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 13 years ago
I wish everyone would choose to see orcas and other cetacea in the wild instead of in captivity - those that really take the time to learn about these animals come to their own conclusion that whales and dolphins never belong in captivity...
Aimee Hughes
Aimee Hughes - 13 years ago
actually there has never been any recording of a killer whale attacking a human in the ocean. in captivity, yes. because they aren't in their natural habitats where they need to be. so the odds of them attacking the kayak are slim to none. and if it was really that dangerous for them, then they wouldn't allow people to kayak by them (:
jamaal edwards
jamaal edwards - 13 years ago
i would have been scared ass hell
Mary Nesbitt-Larking
Mary Nesbitt-Larking - 13 years ago
Oh that's just the most perfect thing ever! I'd have loved something like that. This is what I don't understand, why would anyone want to go to SeaWorld and watch them swimming round a concrete tank when you can experience something as amazing as this?
giggie - 13 years ago
very cool !!!!
FreedomForOrcas - 13 years ago
Martin - 13 years ago
I would have to pump out my excrements just after...
gdub454 - 13 years ago
Man...this vid starts off real innocent..cool.. look at the orcas...and la dee da....but it took an ominous turn at bout 0:13...if i was on that boat ..i would have to change my pants.....
TheBaronofBallstein - 13 years ago
@shckar You just give them a Sneakers.
id be scared, and shocked, but also be like " OMG OMG OMG " lol... nice video :)
YogDodoth - 13 years ago
so suicidal... so stupid... so lucky
J0KERB0I - 13 years ago
@SavageEpicness AWESOME comment...it almost made my soda come out my nose cus i was thinking the SAME SHIT. great video tho!
The Standstills
The Standstills - 13 years ago
This video is amazing, i can't stop watching it!
Jenna Lee
Jenna Lee - 13 years ago
That is amazing :) What a great experience! I would go to British Columbia just for that :p
gkb - 13 years ago
i would of passed out. but that is AMAZINGGG. that must of felt good
SteveSabbai - 13 years ago
SavageEpicness - 13 years ago
Fuck that!
baldycant11 - 13 years ago
Il bet you had a brown coloured wetsuit after that one
EdwardandBella1718 - 13 years ago
wow i would have been a little scared but since they didnt bother you what an amazing experience!!
Dave Turner
Dave Turner - 13 years ago
@AMKundu maybe .
TheBrasilian09 - 13 years ago
@AMKundu unfortunately i live in Florida >_< i guess if i want to volunteer i'd have to plan a couple months ahead. man what a bummer.
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 13 years ago
@honkiy - north part of Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada in the Johnston Strait
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 13 years ago
@turner593 - hmmm, perhaps we should have let them hit us broadside... :)
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 13 years ago
@shckar - well, I guess that's kind of like driving a car or flying - you just hope it doesn't happen... :)
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 13 years ago
@lewismclinton Yes, some of it is - just search for Project SeaWolf and you should be able to find some of the other clips...
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 13 years ago
@TheBrasilian09 No degree required, we just need to ask you to be available in the Puget Sound area of WA state so that when we head out on a tour or assignment or project, you can be available in the area....
TheBrasilian09 - 13 years ago
@AMKundu for volunteering does one have to have a marine biology degree? i was a criminal justice major. but i love these animals. i would love to see these animals up close. are there any specific requirements to volunteer?
Cpl.Carrot - 13 years ago
@AMKundu i'd love to see the other footage, is it availabe online?
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 13 years ago
BTW, just to clarify - this was not a paid 'tour' - these trips are 100% self-funded and self-guided... all people pay are thei own ferry and gasoline costs to North Vancouver Island, and rent their own kayaks (from anywhere they want) and prepare their own groceries - absolutely no payments are made to take these trips. Most of the participants are underpriviledged students or volunteers...
Dave Turner
Dave Turner - 13 years ago
nice turn towards the whales
dmarko20 - 13 years ago
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 13 years ago
So I'll raise the ante - find conclusive evidence and I'll give you $500. If you're not just spreading rumors, surely you could ask the State police, the media stations, the Times or the National Marine Fisheries Service. I think you're simply spewing false reports without any evidence. Your move - remember, $500....
Rin Kagamine
Rin Kagamine - 13 years ago
@chadvipe2 : Yeah, because orcas do that all the time, right?
Devan Theos
Devan Theos - 13 years ago
@onlywhenpissed Your a dumbass. What falsity! There is not once case of a wild orca attacking/killing a human being. ONLY captive orcas do this, obviously due to the tremendous amount of stress put upon them in captive situations. Orcas seem to have some sort of respect for humans although I don't understand why as ,generally speaking, we do not reciprocate. The top dog of the sea-just one of them could crush this boat and everyone in it to PIECES but instead acts curiously and swims away.
Tete - 13 years ago
I would have given my first born child to be where you were
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 13 years ago
No kayakers have ever been killed by orca whales, 'onlywhenpissed' - if you have evidence that proves I'm wrong, I'll give you $100. Time to put up or shut up....
CPTBEAST 117 - 13 years ago
Srry crapping my self. Darn iPad
CPTBEAST 117 - 13 years ago
It would be cool but at the same time draping my self
Nick Ames
Nick Ames - 13 years ago
same thing happened to me when i went on a kayaking trip up there in middle school. coolest thing i have ever experienced in my entire life!
sherhak - 13 years ago
i love them so much, i'm willing to die to save them, honestly.
Wes Beare
Wes Beare - 13 years ago
Santa Claus audio at 0:28 hahah, awesome footage :)
beliveintime - 13 years ago
That is a once in a lifetime experience. Beautiful.
norfolkinchance - 13 years ago
They did exactly the same to us in our kayak in New Zealand... we thought they would tip us, yet they went straight under... amazing - thanks for posting this
uirá Siqueira
uirá Siqueira - 13 years ago
@AMKundu Hi, i saw your post on Youtube. saying about orcas and people interested in your groups. How can i talk better with you?
MusicEvryDay - 13 years ago
OML! When I saw that killer whale coming at you I was thinking, you're gonna tip! Thank God you didn't! Oh yeah, and I started laughing when I heard and gasp and, "Oh, Michael, it's coming right at us!"
Valeria Ruzina
Valeria Ruzina - 13 years ago
That thank you ... means ... thanks to say that today I'm not your lunch!
Britta Schönhuber
Britta Schönhuber - 13 years ago
Wow! Sooooooooooooo nah! Die hätte ich so gerne auch gesehen/ Gespürt! Orcas sind einfach ein Traum! :o) FEELING!!!!!!!!
Johanna Zevenbergen
Johanna Zevenbergen - 13 years ago
I would have crapped my pants at 0:12
pandabear - 13 years ago
The new link is up - orcas in a superpod infront of our kayak... search for the video called - "Orca whale superpod gathering in Johnston Strait"
pandabear - 13 years ago
Don't usually post things to YouTube - there is another interesting video we took of a superpod gathering and surface vocalization that happened right after this segment; I'll see if we can get that video up shortly...
1grizzlyman - 13 years ago
@AMKundu Is this other footage you speak of anywhere on youtube? BTW I was just there 2 weeks ago and I'm planning to go back up in Sept. Very special area of B.C. isn't it?
fordlukebo - 13 years ago
better than seaworld!=D
Lor Myers
Lor Myers - 13 years ago
Most amazing thing, you are all so lucky.
Caulfield Holden
Caulfield Holden - 13 years ago
that amazing
PrincessMegan Elsa
PrincessMegan Elsa - 13 years ago
Aww so cool!!!
Bryan Sarauer
Bryan Sarauer - 13 years ago
I'm 2000 km away sitting at a desk and I was thinking "holy sh!t holy sh!t holy sh!t" while watching this.
HyakkoShachi - 13 years ago
Great video.Gotta love those guys.
Paulo Lobo
Paulo Lobo - 13 years ago
pandabear - 14 years ago
Yup - we sold it to them! :)
Victor - 14 years ago
OMG, that is soooo cool! Did you guys know this was featured in a show on the History Channel? I think it was called...Underwater Universe?
C. Natureluver
C. Natureluver - 14 years ago
@AMKundu Hi where is project sea wolf located? Do you do anything like the Center for Whale Research on San Juan Island? I was accepted to do an internship there this summer, do you do internships? How is your work similar/different?
Jim Ridgway
Jim Ridgway - 14 years ago
Amazing - this is how Orcas were meant to be experienced!
Jo lande
Jo lande - 14 years ago
wow this is so amazing!!
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 14 years ago
BTW, if anyone is interested in our groups' work with orcas, we are at projectseawolf - dot - org and we're always looking for volunteers!
Michael Kundu
Michael Kundu - 14 years ago
If you look closely, you'll see that the kayak was stationary and the the whales were the ones moving. Other footage from this trip does show some of this superpod (the A25s and I-15s) voluntarily stop and 'talk' at us for over 45 minutes. It was quite amazing!
SimonVinJapan - 14 years ago
Whale watching guidelines recommend that you do not approach them from the front, I hear. You were lucky that they didn't take offence. Or maybe that's why they took off and left you there. If you'd approached from the right angle they might have stopped to talk.... who knows.....
H - 14 years ago
WOW! I'd be scared they'd knock the kayak over (by accident...on purpose?). Great video.
bkm091 - 14 years ago
WOW. My heart was pounding just watching this. I would love to do that someday. Amazing.
clojap - 14 years ago
I would LOVE to do that, such an awesome experience I'm sure.
hktfr - 14 years ago
OMG! that was just... im just speechless... wow!

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