Orca whales approaching our sea kayak...
Kayak 14 years ago 631,863 views
Orca whales, northern resident members of the A24 and I15 matrilines, gather in front of our kayaks in the Johnstone Strait, British Columbia, Canada. Aug 2010. Video by Nola K. Support orca whale advocacy and conservation programs by donating to SeaWolf Coastal Protection at www.projectseawolf.org
10. comment for Orca whales approaching our sea kayak...
1. I am not sure about that. I think they kill everything they can get. I know they killed people in captivity.
2. I don`t kajak in areas where there are killer whales ( or white sharks etc.) to be expected or possible.
2. It's not their fault they just happened to come across them while kayaking
20. comment for Orca whales approaching our sea kayak...
30. comment for Orca whales approaching our sea kayak...
In theory they could eat them easily...
50. comment for Orca whales approaching our sea kayak...
They can be unpredictable when touched
I'm sure he was just joking and not being serious, lol.
Must have been pretty amazing to see them up close!
Are you still organizing trips? =)
"Hehe yeah Fred, that was a good one...";)
100. comment for Orca whales approaching our sea kayak...
Who would choose marine abusement parks over this??
Just Google "kayakers attacked by 20 GW" and see what pops up. There was an attck in the SF Bay area back in the 80's...a girl was killed-her bf was never found...bite makes on her body indicate a 18-20 foot GW shark...
Orcas are extremely intelligent. They have what's called echolocation. I'll give you a sec to write it down. ECHOLOCATION. They can determine the difference between seals, rays, sharks, whales, or in the case of these resident Orcas, fish, and humans. They have no desire to hurt us. They're curious about us, yes. But that's it. They don't plan on eating us. Especially resident Orcas. But even transient Orcas(seal, penguin eaters) don't want to eat us. People even swim with these Orcas. They're THAT trusted. Think of them as a Gentle Giant to us. There's your facts for the day. Do some more research. Look up more info on Orcas before you start talking. It'll make your comments less embarrassing.
and while you are right in that it would be impossible to eliminate all sort of contact/influence on them, we are able to minimize it by quite a bit though.
and we should
humans tend to have a negative impact on anything wild they interact with.