Oru Kayak - Homemade folding Kayak (DIY)

Oru Kayak Homemade folding Kayak https://www.facebook.com/blacksheepkayak The easiest way: Buy http://www.orukayak.com the arduous way: http://www.google.com/patents/US20110017121

Oru Kayak - Homemade folding Kayak (DIY) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 10

Kayak 9 years ago 31,472 views

Oru Kayak Homemade folding Kayak https://www.facebook.com/blacksheepkayak The easiest way: Buy http://www.orukayak.com the arduous way: http://www.google.com/patents/US20110017121

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Most popular comments
for Oru Kayak - Homemade folding Kayak (DIY)

George Alexander
George Alexander - 6 years ago
Hi, what is the total length of the plans when before it is folded ?
TheKunsthammer - 6 years ago
Virginia Paddler
Virginia Paddler - 7 years ago
your holding paddle upside down.
skydrones2012 - 7 years ago
Hit a rock and you sink!
TheKunsthammer - 7 years ago
No so fast does not happen. It can happen, if you drive frequently over stones, that the outer layer is damaged. This is not nice but I can quickly build a new one. I can do that: D
олег кравцов
олег кравцов - 7 years ago
PORNO kayak ////
Vito Gaudiuso
Vito Gaudiuso - 8 years ago
hi! how much thick is the sheet?
Antonio Amezqueta
Antonio Amezqueta - 8 years ago
Viendo los materiales y los costes me parece muy caro
Melinka Dektri
Melinka Dektri - 7 years ago
un kayak cuesta mas de 400 - 600 euros como minimo.
TheKunsthammer - 8 years ago
Los costes de material no son muy altas. 100 EURO
Sin las herramientas adecuadas, es muy difícil.
esteban sanchez
esteban sanchez - 8 years ago
buen trabajo.pero la pala la usas al reves
Guido Mdp
Guido Mdp - 8 years ago
conminucion - 8 years ago
Congratulations! very very nice work. I like very much the way you substituted the seam channels. I made one myself to 1:1 scale. I had the same troubles as you (the plans available published online from the patent are not exact) but I managed to make the corrections.
I gave up on 5 mm polypropilene as I was unable to bend it correctly, and I tried 3 mm thick poly. I regret that, it is not stiff enough and I am going to give it a new try on 5 mm.
Please, could you give me some ideas on making the creasings for folding it. (i tried with a creasing tool but it cuts the poly and it is not strong enough, heating with a heat gun sometimes breaks the poly. I managed it with a hammer and a round shaped impactor, but is very laborious and the results are not cool...).
Thank you!!!
TheKunsthammer - 8 years ago
on my facebook page you'll find the answer.

10. comment for Oru Kayak - Homemade folding Kayak (DIY)

mélodie rouge
mélodie rouge - 9 years ago
thank you very interesting, I gonna make it, I just have a little difficult to understand how you strengthen the structure
can you give me the dimension off your polypropylene piece
TheKunsthammer - 9 years ago
KrisenvorsorgeTTMike - 9 years ago
10+ from Mike Berlin / Pirat Kayak
TheKunsthammer - 9 years ago

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