Oru Kayak Assembly 2014

This is the Official Oru Kayak Assembly Video for the Oru Kayak 2014.

Oru Kayak Assembly 2014 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 8

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This is the Official Oru Kayak Assembly Video for the Oru Kayak 2014.

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Most popular comments
for Oru Kayak Assembly 2014

山親爺 - 7 years ago
How much are on sale on site?
D WS - 7 years ago
any yak that is liteweight can make miles of portages a lot easier to deal with when getting into the less traveled locales
The Traveling Together Journal
The Traveling Together Journal - 7 years ago
As long-term overlanders I'm in love with the idea of having one of these. When we left on our big trip I wanted a kayak but we just didn't have the room. I regreated not having one so many time. I'm going to be getting a kayak for the next trip this winter.
Jay Cosel
Jay Cosel - 7 years ago
Some advice.  WATCH THE ENTIRE VIDEO.  Don't assume that disassembly is the reverse of assembly  Second, don't be afraid to manhandle the thing.  You have to!  Third, practice.  Over and over.
britiw - 7 years ago
When I saw $1300 price I nearly fell of under table
Marek Marek
Marek Marek - 7 years ago
how many times it can be folded and unfolded before plastic cardboard breaks? Good hard hull kayak costs 500e, good inflatable 500e, cheap inflatable 100e, used plastic one 100e. Why this costs as much? Assembly last as long as inflating my two seat kayak... What is advantage?
Cassandra Van Buren
Cassandra Van Buren - 7 years ago
The company says 20,000 folds/unfolds, and after 3+ years and too many paddle trips to count, mine is in great shape and I'm really pleased with it.
Charles Ederer
Charles Ederer - 7 years ago
About as durable as a kite. More Bay Area techie ""magic" bla bla bla
Emily Blair
Emily Blair - 8 years ago
Just got my Oru a couple of weeks ago. I'd recommend putting it together a few times indoors on carpet to get a feel for it. The first couple of times it's a bit like a wrestling match. But, it does get easier. Finally took it out on the lake last weekend and was very impressed with the stability and handling. There was a 10-12 mph breeze and it tracked well, felt sturdy.
As for the haters on the price, those are folks who have no concept what it is like starting a business. It's easy to look at something and say "that's easy to make, and cheap." They forget that during the few years a new product is being developed you are usually living on ramen, begging financiers to back you, trouble-shooting design problems, working 80+ hours per week, doubting yourself constantly, and having zero social or personal life at all.
It's easy to Monday-morning quarterback when you are collecting a steady paycheck, working a 9-5 job, and know where your next meal is coming from. This boat is worth every penny, and I hope the folks that develop it make a ton of money before all the cheap reverse-engineered knock-offs start appearing. They've earned it.
Tim G
Tim G - 8 years ago
Bloody genius!

10. comment for Oru Kayak Assembly 2014

MetaView7 - 8 years ago
I like it.
How durable is the kayak?
Is there a patch kit in case it leaks.
Cassandra Van Buren
Cassandra Van Buren - 7 years ago
Do you own one? Your description doesn't match our experience at all.
J br
J br - 8 years ago
It's corrugated plastic, the anchor points the straps that hold it together will eventually fail. With the weight of the person and motion of the water
it's literally trying to pull itself apart, eventually those anchors will pull through the plastic and you'll have a hell of a time fixing it. if it fails when your out, you are hooped.
jeremysev - 8 years ago
The design great, its out of this world. makes any other Kayak look ugly. But, like any one else i'm surprised at the price of this thing. it completely made of corplas. this is at best $500 new.
Andrew Hillhouse
Andrew Hillhouse - 8 years ago
Nice design but never in a million years would i pay that much for one. In the UK you're asking for £2,327 for your top of the line coast+ which is over $3,000 USD! Ridiculous!
Roy Chung
Roy Chung - 8 years ago
Any retailer in Hong Kong?
Onyx - 8 years ago
I don't understand the pricing, the materials probably cost max 250$ but you sell these for 1000$+
Jay Kolls
Jay Kolls - 7 years ago
also per shark tank manufacturing is closer to $500
John Whitesell
John Whitesell - 7 years ago
You've obviously never been involved in a manufacturing process. Selling price includes cutting, shaping, assembly, rent, insurance, etc, etc, etc.
Nathan Jennings
Nathan Jennings - 8 years ago
Awesome video, thanks for showing me just how it goes together. Now I can make my own from this video!
butter is sexy
butter is sexy - 8 years ago
I hope these drop in price on day. The cheapest package that includes shipping costs around $1600 Canadian. Guess I'm sticking with an inflatable lol
clevername333 - 8 years ago
You should do an instructional video on how impossible it is for anyone to get into the boat without falling out several times into the water first. Forget about paddling over to that jagged coral island in your hood because you simply won't be able to exit out enter the boat without falling out onto the jagged rocked below the water...
Cassandra Van Buren
Cassandra Van Buren - 7 years ago
Aw, sorry that was your experience! I've never fallen into the water, after 3+ years in ocean, river, and lake settings.
Greg Kors
Greg Kors - 9 years ago
Awsomeeee kayak
L. Heidi Primo
L. Heidi Primo - 9 years ago
I am an avid kayaker and think this is brilliant, but have not tried an Oru yet. If I had heard about it before, I think I would have contributed to the kickstarter campaign. It does look flimsy, but the concept is absolutely astounding.

20. comment for Oru Kayak Assembly 2014

qrthrse1 - 9 years ago
I'd rather buy a $500 real kayak that'd last a lifetime than a $1300 fold kayak that doesn't look like it'd last 5 trips.
Cassandra Van Buren
Cassandra Van Buren - 7 years ago
Your loss, oh well :) We've had ours for 3+ years and been on countless paddling trips, and love the Oru Bay. Lakes, calm-ish rivers, open ocean - they are fantastic. Love that they are so light and we can check them on planes as baggage. No need for roof racks on cars or storage space at home.
dictater2 - 9 years ago
how well does it track though without a skeg?
stoner seattle
stoner seattle - 9 years ago
i ike orukayak genious swedens greetings from Chile sudamerica
Em Grace
Em Grace - 9 years ago
Awesome! looks like it takes about the same amount of time or less to assemble as it would to strap a normal kayak+ roof racks to the roof of a car. This would be great for vacations and road trips!!
Pablo Enrique Tirabassi
Pablo Enrique Tirabassi - 9 years ago
Genial !!.....:)
marcelo roman planzo
marcelo roman planzo - 10 years ago
cuanto sale en dolares ? saludos de Uruguay sud america 
brian campbell
brian campbell - 10 years ago
Just got mine today and reviewing this again before I try to assemble in my living room. I am so excited about this boat. I have several ocean kayaks which weigh about 70 pounds each. The real problem is taking the boats to the lake or to the shore for vacation. I bought a sea eagle sit on top type to try to deal with taking it to the shore. It's about 40 pounds but takes up a bit of space. It has been good and seems to be durable but really am looking forward to this lighter kayak. Hope to get it in the water soon. I'll let you know how it goes.
brian campbell
brian campbell - 8 years ago
oops...sorry...must have dozed off. I did get this boat along with a sea eagle inflatable,"Fasttrack" (a good one) and they both have their points. The Oru is not quite so easy to build as the as it looks with the one that's been built and rebuilt a huindred times.
It does finally go together and is tight. I made a rigid foam piece to fit, like a wall, behind the seat. I have had knee replacements and still are not all that flexible and I need to get in and out by raising up to the deck behind the seat . Actually getting out of the boat is hard for me. Aside from that it is light and does travel through the water nicely. The inflatable is a slightly heavier but not much. It becomes quite rigid with the pump and is sturdy. I paddles well with the skeg provided and is much easier for me to get in and out of.The Oru is probably slightly faster. Sea Eagle has just made a made another that looks good; a "drop stich" inflatable , Razorlite, which means it can take more air pressure to get stiffer. I'm thinking of getting the tandem so I could take my wife out in it.
Neither compares to an ocean kayak but then, they also don't weigh 75 pounds and are 17 feet long.
Nathan Jennings
Nathan Jennings - 8 years ago
Craig Lilyestrom
Craig Lilyestrom - 10 years ago
I've had the Oru Kayak in Puerto Rico since mid December, 2013.  I use it mostly for kayak fishing, nearly every weekend, in coastal lagoons, rivers and nearshore areas in the Caribbean.  It's fast, fun, very well made and has given me zero problems.  It takes the same time, or less, to set up for paddling as the more traditional kayaks my fishing buddies use.   Love my Oru Kayak.
Judy Rose
Judy Rose - 9 years ago
+Judy Rose Mine was delivered last week. Been practicing the assembly and disassembly. It gets easier each time.This little bugger when folded into its box will fit nicely into my SUV. Sold my other two heavier, more bulky kayaks that needed a  pick-up truck  for transport. Said goodbye to them and didn't look back. Hope to get many happy years of paddling in my Oru.
Jimmy James
Jimmy James - 10 years ago
Thats a lot of work! And the plastic looks really cheap and uncomfortable!!
Luan Phan
Luan Phan - 10 years ago
This is an awesome product no doubt....for versatility, i can be careful with the straps and it won't wear out, what i'm more concern is, whenever you keep folding something and opening it, it'll start to tear at the seam, even rubber will eventually tear, and that's the most flexible material...i still want to get one
Judy Rose
Judy Rose - 9 years ago
+Luan Phan  Go for it, you won't be sorry!

30. comment for Oru Kayak Assembly 2014

tony vy
tony vy - 10 years ago
Awesome product but I'm just skeptical on how long those bolts and straps will last. From what I saw in the video if those straps go bad, you would have to replace the whole kayak. It's not as simple as drilling and tapping a new hole to mount the strap. Is there any type of warranty that comes with the kayak in case those straps go bad?
KYON HSU - 10 years ago
how much is it ?
tony vy
tony vy - 10 years ago
Their website puts it at around $1000 and up
clevername333 - 10 years ago
Did u ever ship to your kick starter backers?
Craig Lilyestrom
Craig Lilyestrom - 9 years ago
+clevername333 I got mine under the kick starter program. So, yes.

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