98 likes 77,782 views 12 years ago
Oru Kayak - Origami Folding Kayak Assembly Order now at www.OruKayak.com
57 likes 64,159 views 13 years ago
A quick and comprehensive video on how to assemble the modular Point 65 Martini kayak. The Martini GTX is a decked,...
173 likes 42,676 views 10 years ago
Please watch: "Bream & Blues Ep. 1 Some Days" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MD-qvaRjOEo --~-- Finally decided to...
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Hey Folks, As you may know I received the new Evo tank from Fluval about a week ago and I decided to record this...
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Bass Hunter Bass Baby Boat: Unboxing, Assembly, & Walk Around / Overview / 8ft Two Man Pond Boat Fits In a Truck Bed...
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I recently purchased the Classic Accessories Colorado XT Pontoon Boat and filmed the first trip from set-up to...
98 likes 77,782 views 12 years ago
Oru Kayak - Origami Folding Kayak Assembly Order now at www.OruKayak.com
57 likes 64,159 views 13 years ago
A quick and comprehensive video on how to assemble the modular Point 65 Martini kayak. The Martini GTX is a decked,...
The "Oru Kayak Assembly 2014" video is part of the kayaking category, which contains similar videos like this one.
As for the haters on the price, those are folks who have no concept what it is like starting a business. It's easy to look at something and say "that's easy to make, and cheap." They forget that during the few years a new product is being developed you are usually living on ramen, begging financiers to back you, trouble-shooting design problems, working 80+ hours per week, doubting yourself constantly, and having zero social or personal life at all.
It's easy to Monday-morning quarterback when you are collecting a steady paycheck, working a 9-5 job, and know where your next meal is coming from. This boat is worth every penny, and I hope the folks that develop it make a ton of money before all the cheap reverse-engineered knock-offs start appearing. They've earned it.
10. comment for Oru Kayak Assembly 2014
How durable is the kayak?
Is there a patch kit in case it leaks.
it's literally trying to pull itself apart, eventually those anchors will pull through the plastic and you'll have a hell of a time fixing it. if it fails when your out, you are hooped.
20. comment for Oru Kayak Assembly 2014
It does finally go together and is tight. I made a rigid foam piece to fit, like a wall, behind the seat. I have had knee replacements and still are not all that flexible and I need to get in and out by raising up to the deck behind the seat . Actually getting out of the boat is hard for me. Aside from that it is light and does travel through the water nicely. The inflatable is a slightly heavier but not much. It becomes quite rigid with the pump and is sturdy. I paddles well with the skeg provided and is much easier for me to get in and out of.The Oru is probably slightly faster. Sea Eagle has just made a made another that looks good; a "drop stich" inflatable , Razorlite, which means it can take more air pressure to get stiffer. I'm thinking of getting the tandem so I could take my wife out in it.
Neither compares to an ocean kayak but then, they also don't weigh 75 pounds and are 17 feet long.
30. comment for Oru Kayak Assembly 2014