Oru Kayak

Order now at www.OruKayak.com NEW KICKSTARTER - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1975288517/the-coast-a-16-origami-kayak-for-adventures-near-a

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Kayak 12 years ago 118,474 views

Order now at www.OruKayak.com NEW KICKSTARTER - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1975288517/the-coast-a-16-origami-kayak-for-adventures-near-a

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Most popular comments
for Oru Kayak

detoured briefly
detoured briefly - 7 years ago
i have an app on my i phone for a kayak
Gail Lambert
Gail Lambert - 7 years ago
my car was too new for a lift assist roof rack. This Kayak solved the problem for me!
Carlos Martinez
Carlos Martinez - 7 years ago
but there's no rod holder or anything. just a basic boat but if that's what you want then go for it I suppose although I still prefer ocean kayak and vibe
Tyson Nielsen
Tyson Nielsen - 10 years ago
Can anyone comment on how these would compare to normal kayaks in terms of quality/weight, etc. for the price?
biologicalleh - 10 years ago
OMG you must fucking suck and know jack all about kyaking, you use an offset paddle as you get more power in your stroke when you turn it IDIOTS
biologicalleh - 10 years ago
but still a great product, i personally own one :)
David Keets
David Keets - 10 years ago
Most people spend more on their laptop than this- and their phones- true it'd be great to be a tad more affordable but for an instant water craft it seems great to me.
Frank Bonafilia
Frank Bonafilia - 11 years ago
Would love to experience the Oru Kayak at the 2014 Edison Awards!
Reichart Von Wolfsheild
Reichart Von Wolfsheild - 11 years ago
The water is cold in SF :)
(Sharks too)
bill F
bill F - 11 years ago
a good used kayak might cost you $600. i know that because i found one on Craig's list. no way are there any good new kayaks for less than $600 dollars. those polyethylene child toys at Costco are not good kayaks. they do make good planters.
bill F
bill F - 11 years ago
would $1100 be cheap for a car? a house? if you say yes, then $1100 dollars is also cheap for a kayak. if you say no, then you are a troll.

10. comment for Oru Kayak

BeeeHonest - 11 years ago
In theory, I do agree with you. However, understand not many people make that kind of money. Perhaps you are in a much better financial position than many people out there, so it`s easy for you to say $1100 is cheap.
BeeeHonest - 11 years ago
I love to have one. I guess the cost goes to the ingenious designs. Indeed it is amazing. However, I just saw the price, I won`t be able to afford it. Perhaps I will wait till when they mass produce this product, then I will get one.
bill F
bill F - 11 years ago
if this kayak is durable, and if it handles well, 1100 dollars is cheap. remember this is made in California. if i were the owners, i would worry about foreign knock offs, which will cost less than 500 dollars, and be tough to defend against. defending the patents will cost millions. this company does not have millions. so...wait a year or two and your quest for a cheaper version will be answered. and the inventors will go broke.
Lv2flair - 11 years ago
I promise I will help you get rich because you have the coolest sideburns. I spread the word.
woodie44309 - 11 years ago
A cheap kayak costs 300-500 bucks. A good kayak can cost upwards of 3000. This isn't a bad price for a kayak of this design and weight. The size, weight and shape of a kayak makes a HUGE difference in the paddling and handling characteristics of the boat. I paddle a 35 pound wooden multi chine boat that is far easier and faster than a $500 dollar plastic boat, and it's much less effort to paddle. Mine is 14.5 feel long and weighs less than a 10 foot $500 dollar boat, they can't keep up with me
Collin Howard
Collin Howard - 11 years ago
DocBrownxyz - 11 years ago
hi there, maybe, but its very lightweight, compact and easy to dry after using (instead of an advanced elements or a sevylor pointer....)
Toni Smith
Toni Smith - 11 years ago
did they test the effects of UV light exposure on the folds of the polymer? I'd worry that given enough exposure, cracks and weakspots can develop. It'd probably be best to add some antioxidant components to the plastic.
MedStud 101
MedStud 101 - 11 years ago
what are you talking about?!?! A good regular kayak costs about $300-$500!!
Fernando Espinoza
Fernando Espinoza - 11 years ago
A normal kayak cost twice that price

20. comment for Oru Kayak

MedStud 101
MedStud 101 - 11 years ago
Yes, but the most efficient way of achieving it would be by lowering the prices a little bit so more people could even afford it...
MedStud 101
MedStud 101 - 11 years ago
I really want one... But why so expensive? Once you know the design, the rest is just plastic mass production... which is cheap...
1975acidburn - 11 years ago
Cool idea,I like to see thinkers ideas become reality.
FazeGaben - 11 years ago
Transcdent - 12 years ago
this kayak will be available in different colors??
Transcdent - 12 years ago
I wanna buy one or maybe open a shop with this stuff realy good idea for kayak well done!
Kevin Nguyen
Kevin Nguyen - 12 years ago
mvakleko - 12 years ago
Does it come with the paddle?
mvakleko - 12 years ago
This is fucking brilliant!!!!
Rafał Borowski
Rafał Borowski - 12 years ago

30. comment for Oru Kayak

hatebreeze - 12 years ago
this is awesome, i shared with everyone i know! hope they are in production soon!
Jeanene Arrington
Jeanene Arrington - 12 years ago
Great idea!
icantbelieveitspaul - 12 years ago
Really want one. Price?
speckspeck - 12 years ago
so is it affordable for what you get? longlasting or single use?

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