Overnight Kayak Trip

This is the longest kayak trip I have ever been on and farthest I have ever camped from home. Join me as I kayak 21 miles down first the Johns River and then the Catawba River In Catawba County North Carolina. Recipe: Basic Bannock Mix 1 cup flour (white or a mixture of white and whole wheat) 1 tsp. baking powder 1/4 tsp. salt 1/4 cup of dry milk powder or water

Overnight Kayak Trip sentiment_very_dissatisfied 53

Kayak 12 years ago 185,727 views

This is the longest kayak trip I have ever been on and farthest I have ever camped from home. Join me as I kayak 21 miles down first the Johns River and then the Catawba River In Catawba County North Carolina. Recipe: Basic Bannock Mix 1 cup flour (white or a mixture of white and whole wheat) 1 tsp. baking powder 1/4 tsp. salt 1/4 cup of dry milk powder or water

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Most popular comments
for Overnight Kayak Trip

Judy Hooper
Judy Hooper - 7 years ago
Love your vids. Do you do all your videoing and editing? The work is awesome.
Gizmos' Adventures
Gizmos' Adventures - 7 years ago
great video :) i loved watching this. i made a video on some of my kayak mods too. well done
Sask Yak Fishing
Sask Yak Fishing - 7 years ago
Good video, looked like an awesome solo trip.
randy l
randy l - 7 years ago
Nice job!
Gray Hackney
Gray Hackney - 7 years ago
Good vid man nice editing. I live in Burlington N.C an am really thinking of doing a through trip of the hawriver to the cape an all the way to the coast.
Cess Outdoors
Cess Outdoors - 7 years ago
Leave you spot better than you found it, a great rule to always follow.
John King
John King - 7 years ago
Awesome video of your kayaking adventure. It's a pleasure to sub your great channel. You have a fantastic number of followers and you deserve every one of them. Thanks for sharing and take care...
crawdad 7
crawdad 7 - 7 years ago
Awsome brother, good job enjoyed watching. .
bfgivmfith - 7 years ago
Nice video!  I just got my first kayak at 50, kicking myself for not getting one at your age!  I am definitely going to plan a camping trip thanks to your video!

10. comment for Overnight Kayak Trip

3nertia - 7 years ago
This is probably my favorite kayaking video because you stop at that river birch! I would LOVE to see many more videos like this one!
Freedom Bushcraft
Freedom Bushcraft - 8 years ago
Awesome video and channel. What happened to you though? Did you just quit making videos all together?
Erick Martin Sucre
Erick Martin Sucre - 8 years ago
Cool video!! I've only done one solo kayak trip to Wekiwa Spring, FL and I wanna do it again. I have a video of it too on my channel.
Michael Case
Michael Case - 8 years ago
Great video! How old are you and where did you learn your skills?
Ryan Metzger
Ryan Metzger - 8 years ago
Great video, I appreciate the time you put into editing the nature scenes.
Joseph Gaspar
Joseph Gaspar - 8 years ago
Awesome vid. Alone time like that is the sh*t. I don't know if you fish, but it would of went great with that rice. Keep up the good work and attitude, and way to leave the camp site like that. A lot of people can ( should ) learn from you.
John E. Osman III
John E. Osman III - 8 years ago
Ok, this guy is/was having fun doing his own thing, videoing an overnight camping trip, while kayaking, & you guys are wrong for trying to attempt to analyze the this, & that, reasoning for every little move he made, good or bad/dangerous, if you are going to watch his vids, sitback, stfu, & enjoy his videos, ... only make positive comments about what he is doing, if you must comment, & I am quite sure he will give us more opportunities to learn from his xperiences, good, bad, or somewhere in between, ... negative comments only make you look like a "knowitall", ...
G. Woods
G. Woods - 8 years ago
Awesome video. Great to see young men get out and enjoy nature. Keep up the good work.
UnexpectedInquisition - 8 years ago
Future skin cancer. You got a little sun there, sir. ;)
NoirXplorer - 8 years ago
Great content and footage, man. Keep it up!

20. comment for Overnight Kayak Trip

bryguykayaker6000 - 8 years ago
Nice job! A little bushcrafting! Great tips on collecting tinder. Great job on your solo Kayaking camping trip! You are mostly self taught and I think that is the best way to learn.
BlackAnvil47 - 8 years ago
Great video,
Scott - 8 years ago
.. what an entertaining video you made here, Dude! You're pretty darn cleaver as a sportsman.. you put us old guys to shame. Look forward to seeing your other vids!
TheUnaBarber - 8 years ago
awsome video its my home area i will have to try this run
thanks for the video
Lisa Quartararo
Lisa Quartararo - 8 years ago
Great video!!!!!!
Martin Lim
Martin Lim - 8 years ago
Great determination!
Indian Outdoor's
Indian Outdoor's - 8 years ago
It's a slip knot
NATUR UND HUND - - 8 years ago
Super Tour ...
Mr. V.
Mr. V. - 8 years ago
You need to use a hammock for that kind of camping. Get off the ground, and get a great sleep. And that first knot is simply a "slip knot". Also carry a small hatchet. It's use is plentiful, like pounding stakes. You have some skills but need more experience. Keep at it.
FogDog68 - 8 years ago
That was really a great video. Thanks for sharing!

30. comment for Overnight Kayak Trip

Gary Cottreau
Gary Cottreau - 8 years ago
Thank you. The bannock look good. I will have to try some.
Sean McNierney
Sean McNierney - 8 years ago
Great idea, setup and instructional. Very nice, job well done. I got hungry watching you eat breakfast lol
dismaldog-William - 9 years ago
looks like you got a bit of sun on your paddle back home.
Tom E Muncey
Tom E Muncey - 9 years ago
Great video buddy!  Glad you see you have it all worked out so well.
DarkWolfBG - 9 years ago
I really like the quality of this video! I fully appreciate the amount of filming and editing work done here. Well done!
Scooter Build and tricks
Scooter Build and tricks - 9 years ago
How old are you
ERprepper - 9 years ago
very impressive filming skills for such a young man.
standish92k - 9 years ago
You should do an impression of Royalnonsuch while wearing that shirt you have on at the end.
404 error no channel
404 error no channel - 9 years ago
Nice piggly wiggly shirt
Florida Girl Adventures
Florida Girl Adventures - 9 years ago
Great Video editing and production! I hope you're still doing this stuff!
Darryl Hopper
Darryl Hopper - 9 years ago
man, I sure hope you learn a little more about camp cooking, I was genuine scared when you put that oil on a fire that way, with your body and face directly over it. if that oil was a bit hotter, and it flashed off, you could have been in big trouble bud. love your videos man, long time subscriber, but please be more careful when you are alone. ;) Happy trails brother
Hank Keene
Hank Keene - 9 years ago
I'm glad to see a young man doing young man stuff and not causing trouble or glued to a video game maybe there is hope for our youth keep it up maybe you can inspire some more young people
dwight little
dwight little - 9 years ago
man u got some good videos like I'm watch the discovery channel lol
markpnw10 - 9 years ago
what camera do you use?
fahr rurrozi
fahr rurrozi - 9 years ago
do you do this just with ur self dude?
Marilyn Causey
Marilyn Causey - 9 years ago
Very nice videography!  I keep the same shoes - hiking boots and flip flops- in my yak for the same reasons when river kayaking :)  I recommend less oil in the pan or deeper sides on the pain when frying over an open flame.  Thanks for sharing!
rich - 9 years ago
Those muscadines make good wine,I've been doing it for years.
Maverick Blackmon
Maverick Blackmon - 9 years ago
If you don't mind me asking, how old are you
Ted Tew
Ted Tew - 9 years ago
great video. It's been years since I've wilderness camped. You made it look like a great time
Walsh - 9 years ago
Great video! What kind of stainless tin is the big one?

50. comment for Overnight Kayak Trip

Kruno Peric
Kruno Peric - 9 years ago
if it rains, won't all your blankets get wet?
Cthulhu-Gang - 9 years ago
Really enjoyed this video! I'm a few minutes away from the Catawba river my self.
Kat Te Whetu
Kat Te Whetu - 9 years ago
lol you are so cool to watch....funny, honest and open....just love it! im such a fan:)
Charles Denning
Charles Denning - 9 years ago
Thanks for sharing enjoyed it a lot. Chuck
Stephen Anderson
Stephen Anderson - 9 years ago
Really enjoyed your video!
gp snipes
gp snipes - 9 years ago
You have to live in Louisiana
JoJo Fogarty
JoJo Fogarty - 9 years ago
It seems like you put a lot of effort into your videos and angles. I really enjoy watching. Keep it up
cardinal 141
cardinal 141 - 9 years ago
I love the time, effort, and skill put in all of your video's keep it up, GREAT job Reggie.☺
Gavin D.
Gavin D. - 9 years ago
What camera does he use? Anyone know??
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+gavocrazy I would imagine he use a DSLR. A pretty nice camera. I use the Olympus TG850 to film my adventures and it works good, just not quite this good lol
Andrew Cain
Andrew Cain - 9 years ago
thanks for taking us along,
goAdventure! - 9 years ago
nice vid man, i would replace glass jars etc with plastic, few ounces spared in case of carrying, good luck man!
Iron Feliks
Iron Feliks - 9 years ago
I met Bruce Jenner on that stretch of river...man, the things that (wo)man can do with his/her index and middle finger are amazing, at one point in the trip I actually mistook him for Jesus with the long hair and all, it was a magical 4 days and I hope one day that same light of the river shines down and illuminates your soul. Keep it real Brocephus...
Zeke aaron
Zeke aaron - 9 years ago
Cool vid but gay shirt. Jk.
Tony Lee Glenn
Tony Lee Glenn - 9 years ago
+King Joffrey Oh - OK. Now I have to go back and find the gay shirt, Ha!
Zeke aaron
Zeke aaron - 9 years ago
+Tony Lee Glenn I wasn't talking about that one.
Tony Lee Glenn
Tony Lee Glenn - 9 years ago
+King Joffrey It's a Piggly Wiggly shirt. Not gay to folks in the south - one of our favorite places to shop for food actually.
ProxySpam - 9 years ago
lol, you forgot the codeine in your first aid kit along with the WHIMIS laboratory regulations.
John Gaida
John Gaida - 9 years ago
nice job i enjoy your videos
Hardcore Dad
Hardcore Dad - 10 years ago
hahahaha the eye brow raise. great video, bud! young respectful guy who knows what he's doing!
Samuel Harvey
Samuel Harvey - 10 years ago
12:16 for the ladies :)
Daniel Felos
Daniel Felos - 9 years ago
+Samuel Harvey I tried it and it works :)
Andrew McCann
Andrew McCann - 10 years ago
He wears a gshock like it should be worn. For outdoor purposes. Not to pair it with your SnapBack and fake Jordan's. Fags.
11dmju - 10 years ago
this is a great video. good job
Cal Phillips
Cal Phillips - 10 years ago
Man this is so cool. I'm getting into kayaking this summer and this is exactly what i was wanting to do. Awesome video!
y4ukickmydog - 10 years ago
Love the video. So raw and wild. Well done. It looks like you really enjoyed making it. Thanks.
Jonathan Leake
Jonathan Leake - 10 years ago
im from catawba. Very beautiful rivers there
I kayak on those rivers every day
mphRagnarok - 10 years ago
that mud fire mixing is excessive. it's a waste of time ,dirty, and as a result  it heavily inconveniences the person doing it.

i know you'll say" doesn't hurt to be safe" ,but there is such a thing as taking it too far with no real benefit. 
chad hinz
chad hinz - 10 years ago
Any tips to keep mosquitoes and ticks away or just using your standard bug spray
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
If I'm worried about bugs I will typically soak my clothes and hammock in a permethrin solution before my trip. When I have done that in the past it has greatly reduced the annoyance that I have received from bugs. That and I also have a bug head net that works while you are paddling and isn't awfully uncomfortable. 
thomas k
thomas k - 10 years ago
pretty cool trip dude
teitzy83 - 10 years ago
Well shot and put together video, great work mate!
Amy Pritchard
Amy Pritchard - 10 years ago
love your videos but i would recomend a kayaking life jacket cause there is a possibility u could drown but still love the videos
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
I agree Amy. When I am on my kayak I started liking to wear mine. Especially when I make videos for Youtube I think it is smart to wear it to set a good example. 
Addervid - 10 years ago
I wish i could go camping like you!
Kris Nordberg
Kris Nordberg - 10 years ago
Another great adventure. You always have some great tip that I haven't heard before.
Austin berge fishing
Austin berge fishing - 10 years ago
You are lucky you get to go by yourself I have a lot of survival gear a the skills and 8 acres.
savagedragon79 - 10 years ago
Piggly wiggly shirt! Does that store even exist now?
santi tamez
santi tamez - 10 years ago
The when r u going to make a new video
kevin neel
kevin neel - 10 years ago
Who is picking you up?
Lazyike67 - 10 years ago
I would strongly suggest the 5th-9th Edition Boy Scout handbooks  the 5th ed is smaller in side but same thickness. Later editions deal with camp stoves rather than fire building.
hoobilly 65
hoobilly 65 - 10 years ago
Oh yah Dude that lamp oil is DEFINATELY cheating! I like it, LOL..   (Better than Boy Scout Water {aka Coleman] fuel] is better!) Great ideal... 
Andrew Henry
Andrew Henry - 10 years ago
i would love going on trips by myself but there are no areas around me. are you kayaking in parks or is it just in the wild
Eli montesino
Eli montesino - 10 years ago
YOU ARE AWESOME MAN! This really makes me want to go kayak camping.Thank you for the video.
mattxr2i - 10 years ago
1:27 in and I already like the way you think. I'm going to be taking a 2 day kayak trip down the Great Miami River here in Ohio this weekend to put some of my bushcraft skills to the test. Ok I'll shut up and watch the rest of the video now. :-)
stacey41971 - 10 years ago
SpicyGuacamole72 - 10 years ago
There is always that one person
stacey41971 - 10 years ago
That camping spot looks kinda squatchy
Jeff Burns
Jeff Burns - 10 years ago
What camera are you using for your videos..
Bank Bcompaq
Bank Bcompaq - 10 years ago
อาหารที่คุณทำกิน มันคืออะไร
Vladimir Dichter
Vladimir Dichter - 10 years ago
great fucking video man, i'm not at all an expeirienced camper but i would love to go camping with you and talk about life, no homosexuality.
Steven Noel
Steven Noel - 10 years ago
Very nice video Reggie !!  
John D
John D - 10 years ago
What camera are you using? I want that camera for my motorcycle riding!
Olando M
Olando M - 10 years ago
Thomas Conway
Thomas Conway - 10 years ago
I really enjoyed watching your video. It is nice to see younger people enjoying what our world has to offer without messing it up.
 My wife and I just did a rafting trip it was only two days but what a awesome two days it was. most people only get to see what they can drive to. It is really awesome to see all the things that most don't.
 It is just really cool to get away from the every day rat race and just enjoy the natural art of the world even if it is only for a few days, keep it up and again it was very.... no a great video.  
jackson cardnell
jackson cardnell - 10 years ago
what do you use to light up a fire?? is it flint
Nevets - 10 years ago
It is called a swedish flint and steel. They cost about $5, last for a long time.
Andrew Henry
Andrew Henry - 10 years ago
ya it looked like a rod of flint with a knife
Corey Kelly
Corey Kelly - 10 years ago
I grew up calling them Mustang Grapes. I love them!
tristan fazenbaker
tristan fazenbaker - 10 years ago
great video and I love your t shirt

100. comment for Overnight Kayak Trip

FroQQer - 10 years ago
I thoroughly enjoyed your video! I struggle with depression a lot, and I'm trying to get back in tune with nature and find some peace. I just bought myself a kayak and after I feel comfortable kayaking several miles I plan to do something like this. If I lived in N.C. I'd love to find a buddy like you to do stuff like this with, but I'm in Georgia. Who knows, maybe I can make some friends along the way. You have yourself a new subscriber. And I know you probably get asked constantly, but what camera were you recording with. Amazing work my friend. Look forward to watching more of your videos! You inspire me. =)
Diamond Realm
Diamond Realm - 9 years ago
The flint river is a great starting river and the broad river is a harder river at some spots
Brett Boyer
Brett Boyer - 10 years ago
Flint River floats are always fun probably a but of a drive for y'all but it's a good starter float. They can be long weekend trips or short day floats depending on where you go.
FroQQer - 10 years ago
 I couldn't agree more.
solobackpacking - 10 years ago
Adrenaline and hunger somehow seems to drive depression away for me.
Finding a activity that gives me a adrenaline rush while being hungry is like winning the lottery. Strange...
LostAltruism - 10 years ago
centralish...coweta/troup :) My girlfriend and I go down to west point lake quite a bit. I'm not sure how far off that is from Gwinnett though 
FroQQer - 10 years ago
 North, and you? (Gwinnett County)
LostAltruism - 10 years ago
you in north or south georgia?
onenikkione - 10 years ago
well done. can tell you really enjoy being out and learning
kirtan cannan
kirtan cannan - 10 years ago
Awesome video man! Just started adamantly perusing kayaking this year and I love it. Your shit is dope
jin bob koay
jin bob koay - 10 years ago
get a dog
jon michaels
jon michaels - 10 years ago
If you're willing to take some amenities like a tarp, pan, utensils, why not take a small two man tent, use the tarp as a under pad for your tent and your sitting area? Your kayak is big enough for some items that will make your trip and experience a lot more enjoyable. Also, why not bring a utility item like a small hatchet that also doubles as a hammer rather then a waterlogged branch. I do primitive camping all the time and while watching this, I was not following your reasoning for traveling so light? Wish I was doing this when I was your age?.
Dreded1000 - 10 years ago
yes cause carrying out un measured cooking ingredients and a cast iron skillet is extremely light. He is probably like a lot of people and sees buying a tent as a waste of money since a tarp works just as good and costs about $5. Unless of course you meant light on equipment in which case I would imagine it may be his way to feel closer to nature not having all the modern conveniences. But if you need modern conveniences to feel safe out in the bush then thats all good too.. I know when I started doing solo overnight hiking I absolutely had to have my tent or else I jumped at every tiny noise but now if its summer a tarp or even no shelter is fine
blkcpdconure - 10 years ago
+jon michaels
There isn't a rule book to camping. You do what you want to do. Some people use tents and some use tarps, hammocks, bivy bags, snow caves and primitive bush-craft shelters. Getting out there is the focus. What gear you use is secondary. I enjoy tarp camping outside of bug season and when I know I won't be seeing any extreme MN weather. When I want a fully enclosed shelter I use my Hilleberg Tarra. Knowing the capabilities of my gear helps me take a step outside my comfort zone when I want to be adventurous. What's the point of being alive if you aren't having any new experiences?
jon michaels
jon michaels - 10 years ago
I can't understand either one of your comments. Neither one of you making sense. My comments are perfectly understandable.
blkcpdconure - 10 years ago
+Nate fishes
Light as in reference to the second to last sentence of the OP of this thread.
Nate fishes
Nate fishes - 10 years ago
+blkcpdconure im guessing he tarp tents because he enjoys it. cast iron skillets arent exactly light HYOH
blkcpdconure - 10 years ago
I'm guessing he travels light because he enjoys it. Tarp camping is very fun! You should try it.
Dingus700 - 10 years ago
Awesome video! That is my idea of a perfect weekend!
Radek Niec
Radek Niec - 10 years ago
good lad!!
Marshall Herron
Marshall Herron - 10 years ago
Love this guys vids.not worried about admitting lack of exp.yet not scared to tackle the forest alone.+ allot to teach that he does have exp with.
Kevin Groen
Kevin Groen - 10 years ago
great videos! nice skills too! Id love to go on a trip with you!! Take care! :)
Gareth Peart
Gareth Peart - 10 years ago
Really enjoyed watching this . Keep up the good work
amandaggogo - 10 years ago
I have to say, this is one of the first camping videos I've seen that just has silence, the sounds of nature, no music overlaying, etc. It's very very peaceful. I'm counting down the days until my big camping trip. As soon as the rain lets up my kayak is hitting the water as well. These will tide me over until then. Great videos man.
Conraildan - 10 years ago
great video, so whats your MOS devil dog??  
DougJ - 10 years ago
Good job on this video, looked great, and your dialog was informative and to the point. You rock.
Aaron the Humanist
Aaron the Humanist - 10 years ago
another excellent video, very impressed.
h5y - 10 years ago
This kid is a boss
The Muffin Man
The Muffin Man - 10 years ago
*slip knot
Blackbeard - 10 years ago
I bet he crapped a lot after those muscadines...
Zaidi Badron
Zaidi Badron - 10 years ago
Good video shooting, good editing, good skill. Superb
Tobias Karim
Tobias Karim - 10 years ago
I would love to camp sometime.. but i hate bugs, especially spiders...  
DrTudorMarian - 10 years ago
Nice trip and beautyfull footage. What camera did you use?
Knifeman7474 - 10 years ago
@brogen Denny he lives in nc read the description and I love these videos just wish they were more frequent but you got a life so I understand haha
Brogen Denny
Brogen Denny - 10 years ago
By FAR the best camping video seen yet. keep it up and cant wait to go myself. also what state do you live in because i am not sure if those type of grapes grow in my area.
USMC_JBW - 10 years ago
Loving the Piggly Wiggly shirt!
Michael Hall
Michael Hall - 10 years ago
I'm from Catawba county, where did you put in on the John River?  BTW, the video was really well done.  
JOHN THOMPSON - 10 years ago
i was trying to figure that same thing, im thinking he entered in at the hwy 64 access...
SquadleaderMike - 11 years ago
Wow cool trip, cool video! you seem to be pretty young... how old are you?
Rick Kepple
Rick Kepple - 11 years ago
Nice idea for filming and I'm assuming it's a waterproof camera. I miss those days of camping. I used to use a tarp in that manner too. I made my own mix for bannock that was complete with all the ingredients, including raisins and bran. And very nicely done on the video. Thanks!
Robert Myer
Robert Myer - 11 years ago
It's great video but can u show us your sleeping setup?
Pierce Lawson
Pierce Lawson - 11 years ago
Great video!!! Really inspiring to go out and enjoy the outdoors!!
Guiding Mike
Guiding Mike - 11 years ago
Another nice video.  You go camping after the rain and knowing it will rain while you are camping.  Yet, you look confident and comfortable.  Thanks for the tips.  Very informative. 

Young friend, please do not use soap directly into the river or lake, even if the soap is biodegradable.  Use a pot or even a waterproof sack and carry the water away from the river to wash your face, etc.

Excellent job of no-trace camping!  I liked the fashion shirt on the last day of the trip.  No need to look shabby just because you are camping.   You probably figured it out already, but get yourself a nice brim hat to protect your melon and your face from that sunshine on the lake.
Jackson Donahoo
Jackson Donahoo - 11 years ago
What do you suggest to do if there is sketchy people on the river? Any methods or tips? Also how disk you mount your tripod?
JC Ruth
JC Ruth - 11 years ago
Cool video
PJ Jones
PJ Jones - 11 years ago
Hi there. Thanks alot for sharing this with us. Your filming and editing methods are fantastic. I like your opening mid and closing shots. I know how dificult this is with only one of you. I think you did really really well especially keeping the camping theme in mind and experiencing the event yourself. Excellent and thank you again. :¬)
Vinnie Taormina
Vinnie Taormina - 11 years ago
What boat is that
Liam Kuchta
Liam Kuchta - 11 years ago
next man vs. wild 
wout brillouet
wout brillouet - 11 years ago
waaw men this is a verry nice video !!!!!
Adam Gatrell
Adam Gatrell - 11 years ago
Hey Reggie... We talked before a little while ago and I have some more ideas for your channel. I think me and many other people would enjoy if you gave a run down on your camping bag. It seems very cool and well put together. Please get back to me on this! I would really enjoy talking to you about camping and maybe go on a future trip with you. Please respond, Thank You -Adam
Wilfredo Dinarte
Wilfredo Dinarte - 11 years ago
Nice video, like that shirt dude next trip that I have I will keep one of those with Me... LOL. I like your videos and the way that you are not trying to be an expert. One question in the other video you pull and drink some water from the creek... do you have something to purify the water inside of the container ?... I love the out doors too like you, good to add to your trips should be some fishing is fun and if you like to eat fish you have some free meal. BTW... I like your idea to put down the camp fire. \m/
Wilfredo Dinarte
Wilfredo Dinarte - 10 years ago
nice, thanks.
Blackbeard - 10 years ago
He uses what's called a "Lifestraw" which is some sort of on hand water filtration system.
Mathew Davis - Adventures and DIY
Mathew Davis - Adventures and DIY - 11 years ago
Very good job.  It's nice to see someone young that knows what they are talking about.
Martin Brix
Martin Brix - 11 years ago
Nice video, thanks for sharing :)
nealkinevil - 11 years ago
good video thanks for posting. Looks like tasty Muscadine Berries.
brandeberryac - 11 years ago
what size skillet were you using to cook the bannock
MMR Tactical
MMR Tactical - 11 years ago
Love your stuff Reggie, keep'em comin!
Justin Veno
Justin Veno - 11 years ago
You were very close to tying a slipped buntline but either way when you use a bite to give a knot a quick release like that, it's just the name of the knot with the word slipped before it.  Looks like you tied a square knot so it would be a slipped square knot.  Nice Vids!
Solo Lesta
Solo Lesta - 11 years ago
Nice shot at 30 seconds in.  I barely caught the edit on my 3rd pass.
joshua nichols
joshua nichols - 11 years ago
at least you didn't forget your tent pole's
Jeff Edwards
Jeff Edwards - 11 years ago
That looks like the Dam at Rhodhiss. I have fished there a lot.  My sister lives on the  top of the hill at the ramp access road.
SeaMonkey - 11 years ago
Great video, thanks for sharing.
bo daniels
bo daniels - 11 years ago
great job!! excellent video. I agree on the 2 day float. 21 miles is a short trip for me. I sea kayak camp a lot in my home state of Missouri. during the week you are alone on the rivers. i think I am going to start taking my camera with me..i learned some more from you again. you taught me about the Swedish torch that I try to use on every outing. thank you sir for sharing. hope to see you on the water someday..
NorthSurvival - 11 years ago
I agree, he does a great job and videos. NS from Sweden.
PhylBeeMe - 11 years ago
Great video!  You're an excellent photographer and editor.  I hope you get to enjoy your wonderful scenery often and for a long time.  And htat you share with us.
NorthSurvival - 11 years ago
He make great videos. NS.
Joshua Vaughn
Joshua Vaughn - 11 years ago
Nice piggy wiggy shirt!
funkophone - 11 years ago

Very chill video, man. I dig your stuff.
Chris Pigeon
Chris Pigeon - 11 years ago
I think that the knot that you were using is a slipknot.
MsOutdoorHunter - 11 years ago
Fantastic video. Everything was film exactly how is ahould be. Major Props!
NorthSurvival - 11 years ago
I agree with you.
Hose Flee
Hose Flee - 11 years ago
what kind of bushcraft pack do you have ?
Unnsteinn Freyr
Unnsteinn Freyr - 11 years ago
you should do some fishing and hunt to eat :)
Burton Carr
Burton Carr - 11 years ago
Wow dude great videos. You should send a copy to discovery channel!
NorthSurvival - 11 years ago
I agree, great videos.
ProdigyThePP - 11 years ago
really enjoy your video. i do a lot of the same kind of camping.you might want to research the wild edibles and medicinal plants of your area there.you could take a lot less supplies on your trips and still have everything youll ever need.wish you the best and safe trips.
bikenutter - 11 years ago
Safety points cooking with oil. Look for ripples in the oil - means It's ready for cooking. Bubbles mean It's too hot. Test a small amount of food to be cooked and gauge oils reaction when placing full amount in. ALWAYS lay from the edge off the pan nearest you and gently lower the remainder of food/steak/bannock into pan, so any splashes jump away from you. Source: I'm a chef ;)
monkeymilkybar 11 gaming
monkeymilkybar 11 gaming - 11 years ago
Cool videos I've seen them all‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼♦
NorthSurvival - 11 years ago
Me too, great job. NS.
ZombieTex1 - 11 years ago
Awesome Piggley Wiggley shirt!
Adam M
Adam M - 11 years ago
Awesome video, wish i could get out like you get to more often!
NorthSurvival - 11 years ago
I agree, he make great video.
Shane Brady
Shane Brady - 11 years ago
What type of camera did you use to shoot this?
John Mullaney
John Mullaney - 11 years ago
i really like your knife
NorthSurvival - 11 years ago
I agree my friend.
Bryson Foto
Bryson Foto - 11 years ago
Where are you from because there are lots of places to camp where you live
miketv - 11 years ago
good video, but the glass jars @ 9:35 seem unnecessarily heavy & fragile
Agus Widjaja
Agus Widjaja - 11 years ago
Excellent videos!
JUNKYARDOGvideos - 11 years ago
Tying a 'knot that you pull on the cord and it comes loose is called a 'Hitch' instead of a knot, Just so you know. I have been enjoying your videos, Keep up the good work man, all the best...
oviedo2912 - 11 years ago
I've seen many of your videos. I truly enjoy them. Keep them coming because I learn a lot from them.
jakehamilton - 11 years ago
What exactly is bannick?
colton allen
colton allen - 11 years ago
Where is he at?
IncognitoSpy - 11 years ago
What camera do you use?
Gat Rinehart
Gat Rinehart - 11 years ago
Mike Unher
Mike Unher - 11 years ago
We really enjoyed watching your trip. Your sensitivity toward the environment and "the next camper" is commendable. However, it really bothered us that you weren't wearing a PFD (life jacket).
Derek Bryant
Derek Bryant - 11 years ago
Hey I was wondering if you can send me a email of some quick recipies for a quick lunch while out camping my email is derekbryant25@yahoo.com I'd greatly appreciate it
Luis-Enrico Aravena
Luis-Enrico Aravena - 11 years ago
Where do u live?.
James Year
James Year - 11 years ago
TLC and the Discovery Channel should take notes on this.
Aris - 11 years ago
your video is amazing. You are not just charming, smart, and very knowledgeable. Your experience and the way you communicate it is engaging and informative. I stumble upon the video by accident and I watched the whole thing. Your attention to detail and the nature shots are awesome. It's easy to see how much you enjoy the outdoors, respect nature, and are an avid communicator. Its also clear that you enjoy good food and are not afraid to cook a full meal in the woods. Kudos and keep it up!!
Joe Robinet
Joe Robinet - 11 years ago
absolutely fantastic job on all accounts, I know this question must be asked a lot, but what camera are you using, I have been shooting with a dslr, and it is nowhere near the quality of this video. Thanks
dofishbuster - 11 years ago
First off lamp oil or any accelerant is not cheating as wet as it was (or any other time). Getting a fire going any way possible is a priority. Secondly learn a few knots. Those are good and suffice but there are others that may just make setup and take down easier. Thirdly I recommend you use a short loop of rope, bank line, paracord, or if you can find it that bungee type rope for kayak net tie downs in your grommets to tie off to so you can extend the life of the tarp. Good job keep learning.
dofishbuster - 11 years ago
While they live where he is I would worry more about cottonmouths and copperheads.
dofishbuster - 11 years ago
Yeah he has mosquitoes in great numbers there. I am betting though he is also using deep woods off like most of us in the Southeastern US pretty much use like aftershave. BTW I am about 200 miles south of this but I travel that way about once a month.
eenlaatstekans - 11 years ago
hi Reggie - wow - yet again such a great video. It is really well done and very very entertaining to watch. I watched so many bushcraft an dprep videos and most of them are so full of ****, with people who are just playing rambo, showin off or whatever. Youa re so completely natural and malke it really fun to watch. And it has a lot of educational value, every time. Thanks for all this - it is truely a gift to follow your channel!
C24B9 - 11 years ago
But, there is a thing called "propriety." And our culture shows a certain lack of originality, when it comes to word choice. For my kids, I appreciate that there are certain You Tube uploaders who reliably keep it clean and appropriate. I want to share this stuff with my children. I don't want to explain certain words to my young, special needs children quite yet. They'll only repeat it, loudly and frequently, to get a reaction. I'd rather my children be welcome in public places. My two cents.
TheRaellz - 11 years ago
No such thing as bad words anyway.
TheRaellz - 11 years ago
TheRaellz - 11 years ago
A firesteel...
Be The Blake
Be The Blake - 11 years ago
Great filming and editing
C24B9 - 11 years ago
About lamp oil: you packed it in! That ain't cheating! And about the burns. I applaud your restraint. Not a single "golf word!" Either marvelous restraint, or good editing, either way...good job.
Reginald Mittens
Reginald Mittens - 11 years ago
What kind of kayak.
viggman1 - 11 years ago
FullHD1080p - 11 years ago
sean churchill
sean churchill - 11 years ago
Christopher Roberts
Christopher Roberts - 11 years ago
What a great part of the world you live in pal. Superb vid. Cheers from a very wet night in England.
VABushcraft - 11 years ago
Nice video!
Jeremy Savilla
Jeremy Savilla - 11 years ago
Dude we live soooo close!
Raidmaxgaming1 - 11 years ago
all you need is some weed and chillax and watch this :d
stratagize - 11 years ago
Invest in a simple foldable/packable bowl or bucket and wash dishes and take care of your hygiene needs with that in the future if you are going to use bio-soap and then take the water and dump it in a hole 200 feet from your water source and fill the hole back in please. "Leave No Trace" includes things that aren't necessarily things seen by the naked eye.
stratagize - 11 years ago
I really like your videos...but I cringe every time you use the soap or spit your toothpaste directly in the water source. Biodegradable soaps were NOT meant to be used directly in the water source. There is plenty of information about them if you do a simple search. You are supposed to be 200 feet from any water source when you dispose of the bio-soap water. Dig a hole just like you would to go #2 and then fill the hole back in so the soap can be truly biodegradable. Not hating, just saying
jacky zhang 
jacky zhang  - 11 years ago
you must love your rice.
Louisiana Arrowhead Digging Crew
Louisiana Arrowhead Digging Crew - 11 years ago
nice video!
eqlzr2 - 11 years ago
Oh, and after watching the rest of your vid, I found it very enjoyable. Nice job. I'm going to check out the rest of your vids to see if they're similar quality.
eqlzr2 - 11 years ago
For some reason, it seems much of your video is too dark, at least the first part. I don't know if you can correct this with your camera, but I would find it easier to watch. Many thanks.
Orkhan Imanov
Orkhan Imanov - 11 years ago
I really liked your video, I see a great outdoorer to rise. Will watch other videos as well. Well done.
Liam Teetzel
Liam Teetzel - 11 years ago
i would die to be you
Reginald Mittens
Reginald Mittens - 11 years ago
i live very close to you, ever been to AJ state park in SC?
Andrew Su
Andrew Su - 11 years ago
ps. where is your life jacket?!?
Andrew Su
Andrew Su - 11 years ago
awesome dude! yea 2 days is def too short of a camping trip. Great vid
salty af
salty af - 11 years ago
Its a slip knot
contentsofsaucepan - 11 years ago
just subscribed watched 2 vids so far absolutely brilliant vids and really good use of the camera even filming the bee etc. this guy would make good documentaries best of all ? he doesn't talk garbage and waffle on and on .
Kinesis17 - 11 years ago
I know you didn't bring your backpack on this trip but I've seen in your videos you use logs as hammers, they're good but you should carry a hatchet on you pack with, just make sure you have a good leather cover for it, and it'll chop your wood to perfection and act as sturdy hammer for you. Love the videos by the way!
Jerrod Cook
Jerrod Cook - 11 years ago
What's the recipe for the bread that you are making. Looks really good for camp bread!
EpicWinNY - 11 years ago
As you can see at 10:25... Bushmaster nearly kills himself via grease fire and burns his foot to the point of disrepair. You can see by the agony displayed when his body violently retreats from the splattering oil. dorf68 is a cunt.
MisfitMafiaPB - 11 years ago
thats what i was thinkin lol
MisfitMafiaPB - 11 years ago
Ha piggly wiggley shirt
jted68 - 11 years ago
I love your videos, simple and to the point. Your camera work is excellent and your editing perfect. Keep up the good work and enjoy the solitude. By the way, the securing devices in your tarp are grommets....not rivets.... :)
Phillip Livngston
Phillip Livngston - 11 years ago
hell, lamp oil aint cheat'n. That's just smart. I carry zippo fuel ( small flat bottle )
DENMONKEY - 11 years ago
as per some of the other comments, check out some hammock set ups. Also, have a look at a taught line hitch. Might help a bit with your ridge line for your tarp. Might also be worth chucking your boots in your hatch. Don't wanna lose em if ya bail out :) Will sub and check out your other vids, ''cheers
9d Four
9d Four - 11 years ago
hey pigglywiggly shirt!!!
Tubacca - 11 years ago
Awesome trip. I love getting out for a couple of days!
Aysen Maksimov
Aysen Maksimov - 11 years ago
He uses Wanderer backpack (Duluth Pack US)
Aysen Maksimov
Aysen Maksimov - 11 years ago
I wonder if there are mosquitos or some bloodsucking insects, cause here in russia especially in the Far East they are everywhere, even mooses die from them(mosquitos cover mooses' breathing passage)
Star Jammer
Star Jammer - 11 years ago
I enjoyed ur vid - thnx for sharing! Hello from Alaska!
Big Joe, Outdoors.
Big Joe, Outdoors. - 11 years ago
Far too much oil when cooking your bannock. lightly coat oil on both sides then cook on each side till golden brown. For a minute I thought you where making chips. ( French fries.) Lol.
Kevin Munoz
Kevin Munoz - 11 years ago
You are a pro
Bryan Baker
Bryan Baker - 11 years ago
What about rattle snakes creepin up on ya in the middle of the night?
sabastian watson
sabastian watson - 11 years ago
Just wondering what bag he uses?
David Morales
David Morales - 11 years ago
Great job with the video I actually learning some stuff from you and the camera work is great what I do like most and olease take this as a compliment is that you do make mistakes but don't edit them all out and you explain what you did wrong again great job
Kobe Torrance
Kobe Torrance - 11 years ago
No he is not, but he is rlly good!
Abraham McDougall
Abraham McDougall - 11 years ago
12:15 made me laugh but this kid is better than bear grylls
Bryan Denning
Bryan Denning - 11 years ago
Very nice camera work. Love the shots/angles.
AJ Fischer
AJ Fischer - 11 years ago
nice job
Bub1886 - 11 years ago
Great video bro. me and my buddy are going on a One day trip this Sunday or Monday Lots of really good advice Definitely going to subscribe!!!
TheWaveSon - 11 years ago
Hi man, Great vid. I recommend you to learn 2 great easy knots here: 5hXAriNgw2M
Charles Diaz
Charles Diaz - 11 years ago
Great video quality!
Knifewizz - 11 years ago
really enjoys the vids man. Thank you for sharing!
itsyaboyshoy - 11 years ago
Great video man, what camera do you use?
Mr FishLots
Mr FishLots - 11 years ago
وات وات
وات وات - 11 years ago
paul puccio
paul puccio - 11 years ago
you need to make jelly out of muskadines
paul puccio
paul puccio - 11 years ago
its caled a slip knot
Ethan Johnson
Ethan Johnson - 11 years ago
Well son I wish I could watch your videos but YouTube doesn't want to work!
Ethan Johnson
Ethan Johnson - 11 years ago
did you go up to catawba and get out and do it or did you just go up river from your home?
SuperFernando2007 - 11 years ago
I 100% agree with Thomas! Great job kid!
MinTInsanity - 11 years ago
Whats that bread looking food he was eating?
telldotdk - 11 years ago
Mate, Haven't you considered wearing a life west? I get nervous when I see water when you around the dam. You never know what happens. Thanks for sharing these videos, looks so calm and peaceful
r2Kd0ugernaut - 11 years ago
maybe its a ft drum thing (risk of being snowed in) but when ever we go on adventures we always have a few MRE's broken down for weight purposes, but in a yak you wouldnt have to worry about the weight too much. just a suggestion!
Eric Ramirez
Eric Ramirez - 11 years ago
Great video.... And nice job putting it all together with some great camera work....I give you an A+ all the way around.....
darian wheaton
darian wheaton - 11 years ago
i know your not asking me but i go to the library to find what you can eat in the wild
sam mich
sam mich - 11 years ago
You carry a pistol
Hunter Coffman
Hunter Coffman - 11 years ago
Ive seen every video you've made. since you started with your short videos on tips and whatnot to now where your going on exciting trips. keep up the good work
Garrus Vakarian
Garrus Vakarian - 11 years ago
Where can I learn more about bush crafting? Like an in debth class about what plants can and cannot be eaten, etc.
ZombieitaN - 11 years ago
Bushcraft Adventures France
Bushcraft Adventures France - 11 years ago
another great video
iMatt65 - 11 years ago
Another great video. It's nice to see someone using what they have, and doing it well. I get so tired of seeing videos with people using disgustingly expensive gear that grossly exceeds their skill level. Piggly Wiggly Sales have skyrocketed because of this video!
Luis Cosme
Luis Cosme - 11 years ago
Wow. Nice trip. Thanks for taking us with you.
Ces Manansala
Ces Manansala - 11 years ago
My guess is that he's only 18 or 19. Either way, this young fella really knows his stuff!
Ed ude
Ed ude - 11 years ago
These videos are up to par with some television shows.Some of these shots are truly spectacular and beautiful,keep up the AMAZING AMAZING work!
Lauren Short
Lauren Short - 11 years ago
Hey man. Well first I wanted to say how awesome u. Ever since I was little, I always loved the outdoors. If u have any tips for cheap tool and good places to camp shot me an email at short.l.m00@gmail.com. Thanks
TheTrickshot77 - 11 years ago
19 Agoraphobic people disliked this video
Ryan Hom
Ryan Hom - 11 years ago
videos are awesome dude!
Michael Junkes
Michael Junkes - 11 years ago
This place looks like a lake here near my city (Curitiba-PR-Brazil), I love camping with my boat too! Thanks for sharing this vídeo, very cool!
Trevor Lee
Trevor Lee - 11 years ago
how old are you now? you are way cool kido!
nekea barajas
nekea barajas - 11 years ago
Water shoe 5buckz At walmart you can use them for every thing ....and a foil er sleeping blanket you also can use for every thing
colin whyte
colin whyte - 11 years ago
loved video sir many thanks stay safe and take care...colin
Logan Weiler III
Logan Weiler III - 11 years ago
Outstanding! Thank you for sharing this adventure.
copmuter - 11 years ago
Enjoyed that alot! Keep up the good work :-) Wounder is I could pull somthing like that off here in Sweden
Steven Fekete
Steven Fekete - 11 years ago
You should really post the recipes for the food you make in your videos. Or at least explain them in the video. That looks really good!
Dan The Rugged Man
Dan The Rugged Man - 11 years ago
blackhatch46 - 11 years ago
im in the NC area as well, in need of a camping partner
Mr73172 - 11 years ago
I would also like to see a video on gear
Mr73172 - 11 years ago
Good work kid. I enjoy watching your stuff. keep it up
Jackson Dortch
Jackson Dortch - 11 years ago
Outdoor Aesthetics
Outdoor Aesthetics - 11 years ago
have you done a video on your gear if not you should do one or an update video.
Cynthia Powell
Cynthia Powell - 11 years ago
Reggie, I love your cinematic approach to your videos. It's quality young man. Stay safe, and don't let rising popularity change you.
thelocust1919 - 11 years ago
Watch out for Lyme disease.
specsterd2 - 11 years ago
the boss, you are incredible bro! I discovered you like an hour ago, but I have a big respect and you have a new uscriber and someone who admires and enjoy your passion.
Renholder5x - 11 years ago
We got entertainment like this and people watch The Kardashians?? SOMEBODY GIVE THIS KID HIS OWN TV SHOW!!
Rene Corral
Rene Corral - 11 years ago
You're the man!
cykovisuals - 11 years ago
A bannock cake, it's in the video description.
MrZcruzer - 11 years ago
Xlnt! Very informative and smart camping
parker franklin
parker franklin - 11 years ago
what type of kayak is that ??
Tony Stites
Tony Stites - 11 years ago
I love that you showed you got lost and then how you stopped and got your bearings great video
Project Navy Hot Rod
Project Navy Hot Rod - 11 years ago
When building your fire, it's not called cheating, it's called being prepared.....well done!
wowhunter45 - 11 years ago
Good and bad bacteria
wowhunter45 - 11 years ago
Antibiotics are good for external use while probiotics are better for internal use it adds good bacteria instead of how antibiotics destroyed the cops and bad bacteria
drdizzly - 11 years ago
I'm interested in finding survival videos but not that fake Survivor Man bs. Any suggestions?
markpnw10 - 11 years ago
i wish i could meet you.
Dash Costello
Dash Costello - 11 years ago
i liked the shirt and the tent you are awesome
paintballmonkey666 - 11 years ago
Hey man your videos have really improved, i really enjoyed the shots of all the nature and such in this one,Keep it up!
Sassy Ayesha
Sassy Ayesha - 11 years ago
i can do that..im afraid of dark bushes.,,, i envy you and your skills.
Russ Woodard
Russ Woodard - 11 years ago
First one of your videos that I have watched and I was totally blown away!!! great skills for a young dude. I am looking forward to checking out your other stuff. Thanks for sharing mate, regards from the U.K
Raymond Goessens
Raymond Goessens - 11 years ago
nice to see your video's!!!
Solo Lesta
Solo Lesta - 11 years ago
nicely done. You have a real skill for camera work and keeping your monolog moving with no rambling or fill.
Donna Pierce
Donna Pierce - 11 years ago
Great video!!! Keep up the good work
DanMahBoy - 11 years ago
Dude, you were really sunburned when you got back to the pier. Did you just put up with it until it faded off or do you know some method of treating a sunburn? Besides that, awesome video. You've got very good editing skills for cutting out certain parts to keep the video interesting through and through.
dino do
dino do - 11 years ago
Kid, I thougt I knew everything until I watched your video. Awesome, simple and looked like a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing
Vongola X
Vongola X - 11 years ago
Nice shirt
Jerru Lopez
Jerru Lopez - 11 years ago
man great video as always and cool piggly wiggly shirt man
Christopher Ellis
Christopher Ellis - 11 years ago
Great video!
soulesskm4r1n3gaming - 11 years ago
i can see this kid being the next les stroud great job nicely shot and edited
Kelp on Leg in Deep Dark Ocean
Kelp on Leg in Deep Dark Ocean - 11 years ago
kay thanks sweetie pie
Gourami Fasolati
Gourami Fasolati - 11 years ago
Wonderfully shot and edited.
matrixi4i - 11 years ago
Good vid
Kelp on Leg in Deep Dark Ocean
Kelp on Leg in Deep Dark Ocean - 11 years ago
Where do you live?
Traveling.by.Bicycle - 11 years ago
Great video and amen friend. What camera do you use? Paul
Ayden B
Ayden B - 11 years ago
Ever think about becoming an ecologist?
Milk Is Good
Milk Is Good - 11 years ago
God... grammar is a problem these days.
BackForwardPunch - 11 years ago
Awesome video man! Way better than Bear Grylss!
Alex E.
Alex E. - 11 years ago
Cool,loved it!Can you make more videos like this one?:)
mich1264 - 11 years ago
Enjoyed very much. Subscribed!
Jonah Bobsin
Jonah Bobsin - 11 years ago
This is spectacular. More please!
Lucas Stewart
Lucas Stewart - 11 years ago
Great video. Would love to see more videos soon.
Upaginit 101
Upaginit 101 - 11 years ago
Good video lil buddy. Great with the camera. Need to be a lil more detailed on what you had in you breakfast dish lol. I enjoyed it, I'm gonna try a trip almost like yours, and try to film.
Ron B
Ron B - 11 years ago
Great stuff guy!! You're a very good lad and its nice to see you enjoying the outdoors!
Brent Wiseman
Brent Wiseman - 11 years ago
Do you shoot these by yourself? I noticed the stark upgrade in your equipment (camp and camera), and thought you might have gotten 'sponsored', if you will, and they had someone come out to help you shoot and maybe edit. If it's you, I'm impressed even further. :p I used to do that (shoot and edit video) for a living, and this is good quality stuff dude. Very cool vids.
Ssipp.fishing - 11 years ago
maybe bear grils had a fun night in america lol but great vid man, really it was enjoyable!!
xFearTheWickedx - 11 years ago
man, you have an amazing life.
Matt falconian
Matt falconian - 11 years ago
Just go out of the city in to the forest to a camp
Brian Tortise
Brian Tortise - 11 years ago
damn i wish i wasnt a city boy now all i want to do cuz of your videos is eat apples and jerky and drink spring water out of my uncles old flask!
Ala Zee
Ala Zee - 11 years ago
Wow bud... A lot of good videos learned a lot thanks bud!
John Zupkus
John Zupkus - 11 years ago
Hey man, your videos are the bee's tits. Your editing is prime too. What kind of camera do you use?? btw That knot is called a "slip loop" im pretty sure
Filip Kutle
Filip Kutle - 11 years ago
Loved it! Absolutely amazing
sup bro
sup bro - 11 years ago
me to hes awesome
sup bro
sup bro - 11 years ago
this guy makes great videos keep it up man. SUB
superhappyzeus - 11 years ago
Some helpfull info if u go camping and u don't what to spend a lot of money asked at a camping store for a hutchi
Kadoch Noam
Kadoch Noam - 11 years ago
good job editing. Try to put some music next time. And don't forget your sunscreen. ;-) 14:30
xXwelky1988Xx - 11 years ago
I love this kid
Alberto B. Schwonke
Alberto B. Schwonke - 11 years ago
Very nice trip!
oviedo2912 - 11 years ago
Loved your video! Awesome editing, awesome information and tips. Thanks.
tybeejeffro - 11 years ago
Dig the Pig!
blakepartin - 11 years ago
Did you do all of the filming or was someone else with you? I'd you did , that was a great job!
graysmoke89 - 11 years ago
wasn't expecting much, but I am actually impressed, this is some really good stuff. I would love to be out there with him.
ThePappaClan - 11 years ago
Nice. Thanks for sharing! Moving from West Yellow down to your neck of the woods here in a few weeks.. Tri-City Area of TN. -PC
santiguu236 - 11 years ago
great job editing your videos!
biblesnbarbells - 11 years ago
Good job my friend. Thanks for posting. Anthony.
landolakeslover - 11 years ago
Hey Reggie in what state do you do all of your videos
Cynthia Dringus
Cynthia Dringus - 11 years ago
this guy is on the ground by a river and he still cooks better than me.
EnjoiExtra - 11 years ago
Reggie I have the same hobo tool knife, fork,spoon,combo :)
Jonathan Leake
Jonathan Leake - 11 years ago
mother fucker
Jonathan Leake
Jonathan Leake - 11 years ago
I have seen your bamboo bridge.How did you come up with that.Keep up the good work :).
Colton Seibert
Colton Seibert - 11 years ago
Piggly Wiggly Duck Town haha
William Caron
William Caron - 11 years ago
Hey nice video I've been watching all of them. When I watch your videos I always want to go surviving in the forest. Keep up the good works!
Aleeeex1055 - 11 years ago
i love your videos!!! Keep on Making Them!!!!
JACKASS - 11 years ago
I have watched all of your videos, and you are getting better at recording, editing, and your outdoors skill. Like seeing a son grow up.
Brandon Sluder
Brandon Sluder - 11 years ago
Where's your life vest?
Tim Johns
Tim Johns - 11 years ago
I love watching your videos. Nice to see you're back posting. Yeah, you can use my river...
Matthew Dubas
Matthew Dubas - 11 years ago
Nice vid. Looking to do a long one on the Delaware River at the Gap. Did a 40+ miler last year in three days and two nights on the Upper stretch of the Delaware. River trips are fun! Lake trips with portages, fun too! Mosquitos/black flies - not so fun.
wickeddays4ever9 - 11 years ago
so i'm watching this video and then the film changes, causing a quick second of dark screen, i see my reflection, i see myself sitting on my bed staring blankly into a screen when i should be outside camping like Reggie is, these videos are inspirational and real nice to watch, thanks
EEELi - 11 years ago
i love this vid!
Coby Gaurin
Coby Gaurin - 11 years ago
12:16 eyebrow pump lol
Hinderon - 11 years ago
i like your videos :) i hope to see more
ThePinesOfGilbert - 11 years ago
Awesome video, you have it made were you live!!!
JOBBO - 11 years ago
Very nice!
Rick Cudney
Rick Cudney - 11 years ago
Nice video!! Thank you!!
tonkmonster - 12 years ago
You make very good videos. I'm really enjoying watching them. Thanks.
EEELi - 12 years ago
hey i love your vids! there awesome!
swig - 12 years ago
Very good video. Informative. Keep up the good work.
DaveKB - 12 years ago
@TheGods1marine Is all the water in the rivers and creeks in your area drinkable? That's really cool, in my area if you would drink straight from it you would be sick.
dirtturret - 12 years ago
That sure is a Fancy Shirt. Excellent Video.
SwtSmith - 12 years ago
Awesome vid man, subbed.
hldon1997 - 12 years ago
My man you are living the dream !
Seth Malin
Seth Malin - 12 years ago
do you advertise for piggly wiggly? lol jk...lol you have like two or three videos with piggly wiggly shirts on lol
Jesse Smith
Jesse Smith - 12 years ago
Hey i live like 10 minutes away from the catawba river we should go kayaking sometime.
James Liebig
James Liebig - 12 years ago
Hello there , I just wanted to say that I really enjoy your videos and keep up the good work . You really know how to film .
Tony Montana
Tony Montana - 12 years ago
yong bear grylls)))
Big D
Big D - 12 years ago
He's in the US.
Eightup Okie
Eightup Okie - 12 years ago
Cool vid, looks like u had a good time, just some food for thought tho, I don't recommend splashing creek or river water over ur eyes. I got a nasty infection from doing that in my eye and nearly lost sight. I now ALWAYs boil or disinfect the water for hygiene purposes around the head and face or even brushing my teeth.
Steven Noel
Steven Noel - 12 years ago
keep up the great vids Reggie !! i really enjoy them alot !!
Rue Stahl
Rue Stahl - 12 years ago
Hey Gods1marine, What brand of video camera are you using? I want to get one and I want a good one.
Ryan Primm
Ryan Primm - 12 years ago
This year you should make muscadine bannock on one of your trips
avrgjoe4x4 - 12 years ago
right in my neck of the woods, Great vid
Kwan Justin
Kwan Justin - 12 years ago
You in UK or US?
Dalton Brown
Dalton Brown - 12 years ago
You really must hate rice Reggie, lol god vids keep 'em coming
Dalton Brown
Dalton Brown - 12 years ago
when it comes to beries in the wild, I have herd "Green and yellow kill a fellow, but purple and blue are good for you" or "white and yellow..." If red berries grow in clusters its probably poisenous, if they are single and spread out they might be safe to eat. TRY and avoid red berries.
DonnyOutdoors - 12 years ago
Great video man.
madaraszi - 12 years ago
Never wash soap and never split toothpaste directly into wild waters. Otherwise good vid.
Xerxes Chan
Xerxes Chan - 12 years ago
Seems like Pokemon adventure :D
sean Geoffrey
sean Geoffrey - 12 years ago
You and your rice lol
Nick Torres
Nick Torres - 12 years ago
Next time plant the but of your knife in the ground and pull the rod towards you... This way you don't hit your tinder with the knife
Y S - 12 years ago
Such an awesome video, I really love your camera work. Keep it up, I look forward to seeing your adventures.
Jerwin Chan
Jerwin Chan - 12 years ago
like it
01Conductor - 12 years ago
Good vid! Thanks for posting.
Braden Brunnhoelzl
Braden Brunnhoelzl - 12 years ago
I love your vids
The Man With No Name
The Man With No Name - 12 years ago
what do you mean by that, is he on meth? lol
Marshall Joyner
Marshall Joyner - 12 years ago
he's been off it for a while
bennyboydude1 - 12 years ago
Wow! You just made me realize that I can do this also, almost any time I want. I have all the equipment, and the beautiful Norwegian nature! I have to admit, you're probably the toughest guy I've seen in a while. :)
Tiernan O'Kane
Tiernan O'Kane - 12 years ago
TheDemolitionMan100 - 12 years ago
do you live in the forest?
eric jacobs
eric jacobs - 12 years ago
Where's your dog?
SuperLaxbro1234 - 12 years ago
Make another video
Roger Walker
Roger Walker - 12 years ago
Those grapes are Muscadine, reallly good for you. You remind me of me when I was young.
RailsFox - 12 years ago
what camera shot this video?
EpicWinNY - 12 years ago
Lmao the reaction of sheer terror and vulnerable exposed skin when the oil splashed... Quickly changes scenes avoiding us witnessing the outcome of the fail and him screaming.
EpicWinNY - 12 years ago
Nearly lights himself on fire with that oil
Adam Vick
Adam Vick - 12 years ago
and also when are u going to make a video when u eat the turtle ??? u said u would reggie :~)
Adam Vick
Adam Vick - 12 years ago
hey reggie I was wondering if u can make a vid where u trap a squirrel skin it gut it and then cook it over a open fire :~)
ExoticWalrus - 12 years ago
paul puccio
paul puccio - 12 years ago
nice job i think its a pull knot
oldcutler100 - 12 years ago
Great video. Did you ever come across any dangerous animals?
AirsoftBuffet - 12 years ago
More pleaser
Amerikaner25 - 12 years ago
surprisingly good quality. must be a pretty expensive camera
Jeff Spate
Jeff Spate - 12 years ago
Excellent! Can't wait to get my own boat out on the water. Keep up the good work. Cheers from Montreal, QC
Sungho Yoon
Sungho Yoon - 12 years ago
You are so cool. I feel so shameful playing my ps3 all summer
Ferrarese - 12 years ago
Make mooooore please. Greetings from Denmark :-)
Ferrarese - 12 years ago
pipermaru2011 - 12 years ago
Its so nice to have you back my friend I love your videos please post more
Martin Hatch
Martin Hatch - 12 years ago
Nice video! You're making a hell of a good job I must say. I watch you and I can't wait for my next exploration this summer. Please continue posting videos like this it is so relaxing.
AluminiumLinoleum - 12 years ago
Awesome Video.
Traci Williams
Traci Williams - 12 years ago
Just subbed. You know alot of great information. Your video was very well done. Thank you for taking us with you.
EpicWinNY - 12 years ago
I have a feeling he is planning on joining... He already dresses, acts and cuts his hair like one. Sad thing is he is camping near a river boiling rice... When being a Marine, you have to kill.
Chase Murray
Chase Murray - 12 years ago
are you planning on joining the marines?
EpicWinNY - 12 years ago
New video every week you said a few vids back?
EpicWinNY - 12 years ago
Subbed and dude... Make more videos. You will have a hell of a channel.
Michael Morosko
Michael Morosko - 12 years ago
what kind of kayak is that and where did you buy it?
Atheris - 12 years ago
Sounds delicious. Recipe?
Scott Kristiansen
Scott Kristiansen - 12 years ago
Do you do all the filming and editing by yourself? Have you thought about doing a "behind the scene's" type video where you share how you learned to make such awesome video's and share a couple of techniques? Thanks, Scott
Christopher Eads
Christopher Eads - 12 years ago
in your next video you should try acorn pancakes there really good
fragsman - 12 years ago
I enjoy watching his videos. It gives me peace. I would like have the place, space, time, knowledge, will, elements to do that and take 1 or 2 days maybe at month and escape from the daily routine and relax.
ptfreedomstart - 12 years ago
Glad to see you back missed seening your vids
fragsman - 12 years ago
7:24 u cheating, what's that lamp??? ^_^ jajajaaj i like ur vids.. is like the amateur Bear Grylls or Les Stroud!!
Daniel Vigmann
Daniel Vigmann - 12 years ago
Love your videos, you should do a survival guide, like how to survive a night in a forest without ANY gear.
Victor Nguyen
Victor Nguyen - 12 years ago
Yes he's back
The Man With No Name
The Man With No Name - 12 years ago
wow great video, why dose it take so long for new videos, i could see like 2 or 3 months but 9 seems a bit long
egicoc - 12 years ago
Could you please upload a video teaching how to make diferent knots? Specially those that are useful in outdoor activities. That would be great for a nooby like me!. Great videos man!
Tristram Howard
Tristram Howard - 12 years ago
Have you ever considered becoming a wildlife (or outdoor) cinematographer? You should, because some of the best parts in your videos are the extraneous scenes (like the spider).
nick brawn
nick brawn - 12 years ago
great video's, i really enjoy watching, keep it up you will probably have a tv show one of these days.
Jake P.
Jake P. - 12 years ago
What weapon do you carry with you? You should at least have a knife.
Lazybiker60 - 12 years ago
That is great
Finley .W
Finley .W - 12 years ago
Hey dude heirs a challenge u have to spen a day or more in the woods with just a pocket knife and u have to get ur own food u don't have too its a suggestion
Perry Liim
Perry Liim - 12 years ago
The quality of your videos (as in every aspect) has REALLY improved. Great work, man!
Finley .W
Finley .W - 12 years ago
AWSOME subscribed
M82400L - 12 years ago
Great work man! As always!
shnppr - 12 years ago
great quality video. subscribed.
Koby Smith
Koby Smith - 12 years ago
you looked sunburnt at the end. great video
Jedhaase - 12 years ago
AWESOME! You should have a tv show. Your videos are very informative, entertaining, and relaxing to watch.
kasmrejk - 12 years ago
nice video! how old are you? :)
Abe Rafik
Abe Rafik - 12 years ago
North Carolina
moviesfromjeroen - 12 years ago
nice movie in HD good :)
FRUGAL PRIUS-RV - 12 years ago
Ever think of placing that tripod on the back of the boat and placing a smaller mirror in front of you so you can show where you are going and they can see your face yet not spoil your view of the area.
Beasttrollin - 12 years ago
Good work I wish I was half the person u are when I go camping I have to bring a teddy bear lol jk
Chris Ipock
Chris Ipock - 12 years ago
Before,i thought you were ok. Now i know you live in nc, you just went up on my awesome scale!
01doubledog - 12 years ago
hey i was just wondering if you could tell me what your kayaks name brand with a porthole in the back etc. please reply it would be a honor to get a reply from u thanks- 01doubledog
Koch Kasemsantitham
Koch Kasemsantitham - 12 years ago
what camera? nice vid btw
rudedogmakingtracks - 12 years ago
Piggly Wiggly! LOL!
Daniel Palmer
Daniel Palmer - 12 years ago
Love the video man. Great shooting. The only concern I have at all is that you are alone. I highly discourage people going on camping or canoeing kayaking trips alone. Keep up the good work though man, again love the vids.
Bruno Bronosky
Bruno Bronosky - 12 years ago
Wow, you've really stepped up your game in the area of cinematography. Your earlier videos were great, but this is really showing your maturity (and budget ;-).
Paul Meixner
Paul Meixner - 12 years ago
Dude u need to make more videos I love them
Andrew Brindley
Andrew Brindley - 12 years ago
This dude is Awesome!!!
Fred Shultz
Fred Shultz - 12 years ago
For a challenging Kayak Trip you might want to look into the NW inside Passage. Washington to Alaska. Great Sea Kayaking. Great Video.... Keep them coming!!
Coley Thigpen
Coley Thigpen - 12 years ago
its raisins
TMK 22
TMK 22 - 12 years ago
That camera is amazing.
Riftism - 12 years ago
Funny, cause i came to this video from gangnam style, strangely. Good find!
FeXY - 12 years ago
Were you adding some sort of berry or something to the bannock? maybe raisins?
Nicholas Fakira
Nicholas Fakira - 12 years ago
Great vid 2 questions 1 how do u do the camera takes of you jayaking from the shore and 2 what was the pancake thing and the nlack things in container
kabaruser - 12 years ago
its good to see a young boy doing what they should be making memories and learning not the world of witchcraft but just a craft and fun bro ill never unsubscribe you can count on that and if you ever want to come to pa. send me a line
kabaruser - 12 years ago
it takes a lot of practice with fero rod to get fire im just learning and been running around the woods for yrs. buy a mag block till you get used to it or matches
MrPocketfullOfSteel - 12 years ago
Great job on the video kiddo. I'm new to your channel, I haven't seen you around before. Look forward to some 1611KJV adventure! ;-)
JadedKingsGaming - 12 years ago
what kind of kayak is that
R3ap3r - 12 years ago
Man you deserve more views than gangnam style or any other videos RESPECT...
spindrift 1
spindrift 1 - 12 years ago
i kayakt 7 miles last year and my legs and hips were very painfull
prizm555 - 12 years ago
Really enjoyed it, you keep it interesting.
selketskiss56 - 12 years ago
I have to agree with you. He is out enjoying and learning what it takes to live, survive and have fun. This builds character. You can see his parents did a heck of a job bringing him up. He is very respectful and to the enviroment also. He's like the all American boys of the 50's-60's era...heck I'm proud of him for taking these adventures on his own and not drowning himself in worthless video games, he is being the one making great videos.
selketskiss56 - 12 years ago
Those are Piggly Wiggly shirts, the grocery store
selketskiss56 - 12 years ago
I like your videos your a cool kid and will be a surviver when the SHTF. The rivers where you go are beautiful and you do a great job of showing your surroundings.
AmCsi HunGarianbr0/
AmCsi HunGarianbr0/ - 12 years ago
what kind of camera are u useing?
BrandonWheeler1000 - 12 years ago
damn i dident know you lived that close i live in pamlico county
ElakjevelSpelar - 12 years ago
John Ternnunw
John Ternnunw - 12 years ago
T .Witherow
T .Witherow - 12 years ago
Glad to see another video up, man. Which state do you do all of these videos in?
Hades - 12 years ago
Reggies eye brows
Hades - 12 years ago
He does a video like every 5 months
Andy Lewis
Andy Lewis - 12 years ago
Reggie everyone loves your videos just keep making more I love them.
Hunter Mahen
Hunter Mahen - 12 years ago
Please!!! please make more videos Reggie!! We love them!!!
Dakotah Jennings
Dakotah Jennings - 12 years ago
jealousy ;). They can't do it, so they rage rate.
bob marley
bob marley - 12 years ago
Whens the new videos! Like upp so he can see
Jaeger2011 - 12 years ago
Ive watched all your videos and I love them! please make more, maybe a survival competition where you go out for 2 days with limited resources
Coley Thigpen
Coley Thigpen - 12 years ago
i subed
A's it up
A's it up - 12 years ago
Yo what happen to u bro??? Nomore video? I been waiting hhah jk no rush no rush but I love wathing ur videos hope u make another one soon bro
smugus - 12 years ago
im really diggin your cinematography! you are getting really good with your shot selection and camera work. your channel rocks!!! keep it up...
Emily Wegner
Emily Wegner - 12 years ago
WOW i know this is an informational video, but man God is just showin' off where you're at! Props to you Brother! :)
ransom182 - 12 years ago
Looks like Squatch country!
georgeman21222 - 12 years ago
why would ANYONE thumbs down this video ? seriously ? what could have possibly made anyone do this
rudedogmakingtracks - 12 years ago
Cool shirts! I like that pig!
noyzizi - 12 years ago
I've been watching your videos since a year ago and I've watched them all. It's really a privilege for me that you make these videos because it feels like I'm coming a long for the ride. I must say that for your age you are very resourceful and experienced, keep up the great work and I hope you record more trips. By the way your camera work has really come a long, again, great job.
CodSnipingProd - 12 years ago
He was never gone :/
North Windir
North Windir - 12 years ago
We are waiting for more videos! ;-)
North Windir
North Windir - 12 years ago
Hello from Russia! Very informative material, thank you :-)
i´m watching your videos. Are amazing! Thanks for that. Greetings from Mexico City
Synkornize รีวิว
Synkornize รีวิว - 12 years ago
Yeah! he's back with HD videos :D
Gaming101 - 12 years ago
Amazing camera work, keep up the great videos.
Matthew Cooke
Matthew Cooke - 12 years ago
I live on the Catawba River what school do you go to?
Spongegar - 12 years ago
just finish watching all your videos I love the outdoors. especially everthing you do. you my friend have the best backyard anybody would like to have. nice videos thanks for posting allready suscribed. will continue checking your vids for reference. thank you and yea all the glory be to God.
jhmari63 - 12 years ago
u ant lie i crave da out doors
TheGaminLlama - 12 years ago
hey man, i wished i lived where you did. My mom would never complain about me not going outside.
Benjamin Grayland
Benjamin Grayland - 12 years ago
Just stumbled on this and now I'm going to watch all of your videos - really like your style, seems so natural. What kind of camera are you using - some of the scenes almost like stop motion (hammering in the pegs, tying the first knot).
AAfishing - 12 years ago
Great vid please subscribe
Kevin Pickron
Kevin Pickron - 12 years ago
Levi (age 5) said you make great videos. We have watched several together. Emily
bokito - 12 years ago
great vid realy realy great vid
klatau barad
klatau barad - 12 years ago
This kid has talent.
Fox Law
Fox Law - 12 years ago
Great job! Can't really figure out anything else to say. :)
BrianTheChosen1 - 12 years ago
I learned a whole lot of useful information that the other crap people have on YouTube, gets straight to the point and well shown!

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About Overnight Kayak Trip

The "Overnight Kayak Trip" video is part of the kayaking category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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