PESCADOR PILOT 12 FT PEDAL KAYAK by perception - Kayak Review

Today on 30milesOut kayak fishing TV. Ty Southerland does a on water test run review of the Perception Pescador Pilot 12 fishing kayak. It's a fun day at Pensacola Kayak & Sail. Check it Out! 30milesOut AMAZON STORE: GEAR WE USED IN THIS EPISODE- pescador pilot 12 kayak- ty's black/red watch- gopro session 5- yakattack panfish cam pole- ty's blue sunglasses- NEW EPISODES EVERY THURSDAY ****SEE LINKS BELOW**** HELP US FUND THE ADVENTURES... Donating even the smallest amount helps us continue to bring you awesome new kayak fishing adventures. 30milesOut KAYAK FISHING CHARTERS Booking at: Visit our website for gear and charter pricing: DOWNLOAD "30milesOut" THEME SONG NOW on iTunes, iHEART RADIO, GOOGLE PLAY SOCIAL MEDIA FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM ****Visit Our Sponsors**** (Use code 30MO20 for a 20% discount) (Use code 30milesOut for 10% OFF) (Use code 30milesOut for 25% OFF) CONTACT US 30milesOut PO Box 36301 Pensacola, Florida 32516 email:

PESCADOR PILOT 12 FT PEDAL KAYAK by perception - Kayak Review sentiment_very_dissatisfied 11

Kayak 7 years ago 25,305 views

Today on 30milesOut kayak fishing TV. Ty Southerland does a on water test run review of the Perception Pescador Pilot 12 fishing kayak. It's a fun day at Pensacola Kayak & Sail. Check it Out! 30milesOut AMAZON STORE: GEAR WE USED IN THIS EPISODE- pescador pilot 12 kayak- ty's black/red watch- gopro session 5- yakattack panfish cam pole- ty's blue sunglasses- NEW EPISODES EVERY THURSDAY ****SEE LINKS BELOW**** HELP US FUND THE ADVENTURES... Donating even the smallest amount helps us continue to bring you awesome new kayak fishing adventures. 30milesOut KAYAK FISHING CHARTERS Booking at: Visit our website for gear and charter pricing: DOWNLOAD "30milesOut" THEME SONG NOW on iTunes, iHEART RADIO, GOOGLE PLAY SOCIAL MEDIA FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM ****Visit Our Sponsors**** (Use code 30MO20 for a 20% discount) (Use code 30milesOut for 10% OFF) (Use code 30milesOut for 25% OFF) CONTACT US 30milesOut PO Box 36301 Pensacola, Florida 32516 email:

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Most popular comments
for PESCADOR PILOT 12 FT PEDAL KAYAK by perception - Kayak Review

sc1212able - 7 years ago
Nice review, you need to promote safety on the water, that means wearing your PFD
universshitter - 7 years ago
The yak looks very nice but the drive seems to be a pain in the ass to put in place , the less intuitive one , it's like an amator conception .
edm - 7 years ago
where is this launch at? I may launch there next time I'm in Pcola
30milesOut - 7 years ago
pensacola kayak and sail parking lot
braulio neira
braulio neira - 7 years ago
All videos show users struggling with that pin.
911 Tech
911 Tech - 7 years ago
Know it is an old vid but props to Ty for responding to his viewers. One of my favorite channels.
30milesOut - 7 years ago
thx 911 tech! i do try to chat with everyone.. least i can do for the support................ WHAT!
outrunsage 2
outrunsage 2 - 7 years ago
Wait you live in Louisiana if you ever ride bayou Lafourche hit me up
30milesOut - 7 years ago
live in florida ... used to live in louisiana. family is in louisiana. houma. i did live on bayou lafourche in thibodaux way back,.
Jeff Knowles
Jeff Knowles - 7 years ago
my only worry with the propeller style kayaks is then if you flip they might hit you in the head and kill you. I love that kayak besides that point
kona12 - 7 years ago
You tube comments crack me up...people saying the drive will break....the pin looks terrible etc. etc and then you realize they not only don't own one but have never seen one in person let alone pedaled one. I am 4 months in on mine. I have put some long trips and hard pedals multiple days each week with out so much as a problem with the drive. I also find it easy to raise and lower the drive. The only problem I have had is I did need to replace the rudder cable. I love my pilot (and the bass hate it)! Haha!
Donald Martin
Donald Martin - 7 years ago
The one thing about kayaks is the fact that no two fishermen will set their's up the same way, also any design defects are often repaired or improved on by the mto each his own.....this is definitely a sport where one size DOES NOT FIT ALL....

10. comment for PESCADOR PILOT 12 FT PEDAL KAYAK by perception - Kayak Review

Caleb Geddens
Caleb Geddens - 7 years ago
how much does this thing cost
30milesOut - 7 years ago
Jason Baker
Jason Baker - 7 years ago
What do you think about the pedals? That is like a bicycle and the hobie is more of a "pump" pedal?? Hobie looks more comfortable to pedal? Never been in any of the pedal jobbers, thinking about it though.
30milesOut - 7 years ago
best thing to do is go to a shop and try them all. u will know what u like in 20 seconds. as soon as u try them out. most yak shops have paddle days or will rent you yaks and apply the rental toward your purchase.
Jerry ODell
Jerry ODell - 7 years ago
Don't like any of the bicycle pedal yaks. The angle of my legs is uncomfortable. Instant backache. Also any advantage of instant reverse is negated by the drag of the drive unit. Stop pedaling and the darn thing stops. It's Hobie Mirage drive for me.
weedsnager - 7 years ago
Jerry ODell stop peddling and it stops? Huh ? Are there flaps and a giant parachute that comes out to instantly stop your momentum?
rcagle123 - 7 years ago
Looks like they need to rethink the peddle drive. Like the kayak itself though.
Syrupsipper - 7 years ago
lets tell the truth. the kayak isnt great or going to win any competition in the pedal world. It's also the first gen. years from now if they can keep sales for this thing im sure it will improve
Gonnaneed Abiggerboat
Gonnaneed Abiggerboat - 7 years ago
Great video, Ty ... That pin for the drive looks like a real pain not to mention "cheap". I think I'll pass on this one. Thanks for sharing.
Intrepid Fisherman
Intrepid Fisherman - 7 years ago
Don't have to see it in person and I already know I wouldn't like that pin configuration for the drive. Interesting that they don't do it differently. I do like the instant reverse but not enough to deal with the pin Plus if you are fishing flats and hit a shallow spot a hobbie can put the fins up to the body and this thing I have to pull that awful pin first then raise the drive. Not great. Thanks for showing it though. Great video
Wagner Santana
Wagner Santana - 7 years ago
I liked this yak. Some things to change but looks nice...
John nunya
John nunya - 7 years ago
Wagner Santana What needs to change?
Fishing the Catch
Fishing the Catch - 7 years ago
Piece of junk!
Josh Yeater
Josh Yeater - 7 years ago
The Pilot I saw this past weekend at a demo day here in Charleston SC had plastic gear track.......WHAT?????.....I'll take a Native Manta Ray with a proven pedal drive over this all day long.

20. comment for PESCADOR PILOT 12 FT PEDAL KAYAK by perception - Kayak Review

Joe Allen
Joe Allen - 7 years ago
I see 2 things that would keep me away from it.
1. That pin for the drive looks terrible to put in for each position.
2. The drive hanging below. I fish a lot of shallow water, and with the tide ripping I doubt if it would
survive oyster beds.
3. Still haven't seen a Hobie beater.
Larry Talbot
Larry Talbot - 7 years ago
I don't know, or even understand why they did go with the traditional shear pin that's tried and true for decades and decades. I guess they just had to be different. I'll bet they learned a costly lesson with all those replacements they had to put out though! I just hope they put a dent in the market, us poor peasants like to fish too!
Larry Talbot
Larry Talbot - 7 years ago
+Luda_yanez. Way too much Hobie-money for a peasant like me!
Luda_ yanez
Luda_ yanez - 7 years ago
You should check out the new coosa fd from Jackson kayak. They tackled the thought of the prop being in shallow water
jeremy pierce
jeremy pierce - 7 years ago
Yeah they had no lockwasher or anything on the prop and the lack of support was causing a lot of drive issues so they put out some fixes and made a lot of apologies and returns. I think the tried to rush to get in the market a little too fast but because they wanted to provided a hands free fishing kayak at a lower price for people. It sort of worked because the original MSRP for the outback with the 180 was going to be $2500 but when Perception announced they were bringing out the pilot this year Hobie dropped their price to $2300 and the Slayer Propel took some end of year price cuts.
Larry Talbot
Larry Talbot - 7 years ago
I didn't know about that. I only heard about the lock pin falling out and a few complaints about the cables snapping on the rudder.
jeremy pierce
jeremy pierce - 7 years ago
That was already a big issue. All the pre March release ones did have screws on that plate, but as of March all new ones have like 6 bolts with lockwashers and nuts on them and Perception sent out a kit to all owners with new drive units, the bolts for that plate, and that clevis pin which wasn't on the original drive pin.
Larry Talbot
Larry Talbot - 7 years ago
The biggest thing that makes me back far, far off is that the drive shaft has no support at all. All that rocking back and forth from constant forwarding and reversing is going to wear something out. That plate looks like its only screwed in and that will wear out in time. With no access that I could see, that's going to be extremely disappointing to a lot of people in a year or so! I expect to see Preception to get slapped with a class action law suit on that one!
JT Kayak Fishing
JT Kayak Fishing - 7 years ago
the real question is pilot or hobie?
Larry Talbot
Larry Talbot - 7 years ago
My father always told me to "save my money." That's pretty hard to do when you have no money to save!!!
Thystaff Thywill
Thystaff Thywill - 7 years ago
Larry Talbot You don't get rich by spending money.
Larry Talbot
Larry Talbot - 7 years ago
The real, real questions is "rich or poor?!"
30milesOut - 7 years ago
no. made by perception . i think they are owned by wilderness systems now
Thanks Ty great video. My wife has a Native Mariner that I peddle around sometimes and I really do like being able to hold my position. Our only problem with drives like that compared to Mirage drive is when it gets shallow you can get stuck easily because of the amount of drive below the boat. I think Hobbie has a huge advantage there. Tight lines and God bless you.
seanfishingtexas - 7 years ago
I don't have a kayak yet but I've been looking at some of the Perception Kayaks like a Pescador 100. I just don't know if I want to paddle or pedal. also I have a Jeep so I'm probably have to go in the back seat and stick out the back cuz I don't have a rack
FishingtheKeystoneState - 7 years ago
seanfishingtexas get a vibe skipjack 90, I love mine
Larry Talbot
Larry Talbot - 7 years ago
I have a Pescador Angler 12 and its a fishing machine. However, it will wear you out on a long day of fishing! That''s where a peddle system would come in handy. Other than that, its great exercise too!
wipe23 - 7 years ago
Ty, Do you think it work for offshore fishing?
30milesOut - 7 years ago
yes if your less than like 195 lbs
Patrick Palombo
Patrick Palombo - 7 years ago
easy forward and reverse compared to Hobie's hold your mouth right... pull the line for reverse... oops lost the fish because I was switching gears.
TridentDriver1987 - 7 years ago
You need to be willing to talk crap when you need to. Face it. That drive sucks.
Larry Talbot
Larry Talbot - 7 years ago
To be fair, its the only peddle drive for that price out there. Not a whole lot of options. That's why they are selling so good, no price competition! If Native dropped their prices on the Manta Ray Propel 12, Preception would tank.
Roger Rice
Roger Rice - 7 years ago
The outback is only 8 pounds heavier than this pilot
TridentDriver1987 - 7 years ago
Sean McEwen Yeah they are all kinda heavy but remember there is a huge difference between a pro angler and a revo.
seanfishingtexas - 7 years ago
One bad thing about the Hobie Kayaks it's a really heavy and you almost have to have a trailer to haul them anywhere
TridentDriver1987 - 7 years ago
Sean McEwen Yeah because at that price there aren't any others ha ha.
seanfishingtexas - 7 years ago
for the price it's the best Pedal kayak out there
Roger Rice
Roger Rice - 7 years ago
Fair enough. I thought you were referring to the stowing of the drive. I have a local outfitter that has a demo. I want to take it for a spin just to see how it performs. In just not sure you can tell from a video
TridentDriver1987 - 7 years ago
Roger Rice Look how choppy the pedaling motion is when he starts out. it's like it spins out when you put a little too much power to it.
Roger Rice
Roger Rice - 7 years ago
TridentDriver1987 sucks compared to what? I don't own one but it doesn't look anymore cumbersome than the natives.
TridentDriver1987 - 7 years ago
and I'm unbiased lol. I paddle.
Patrick Woolbright
Patrick Woolbright - 7 years ago
Good Review. How did you like the bicycle pedal system vs the Hobie mirage drive?
Patrick Woolbright
Patrick Woolbright - 7 years ago
I hear ya on that. Mirage drive seems easier to use.
30milesOut - 7 years ago
love my hobie mirage drive. hard to beat
A. Manfredi
A. Manfredi - 7 years ago
Is it worth spending the extra money for a Hobie Outback or is this a better "bang for your buck" if you will. I am fairly new to kayak fishing and really want a peddle kayak. I am also a bigger guy 6', 270lbs, any recommendations? Thanks in advance, love the channel.
Paul Molter
Paul Molter - 7 years ago
A. Manfredi I tried all of them and my favorite pedal drive is the predator, it move nice in the water. I liked the radar, because it paddles good and the drive is decent. the native has and ergonomic issue for me. the mirage drive I would need to get use to it.
A. Manfredi
A. Manfredi - 7 years ago
Thank you, really appreciate the advice. Tight lines, from Virginia Beach.
30milesOut - 7 years ago
this kayak is better for like 190lbs and down. look at the predator with pedal. the new big native yak and the pa 14.

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