Pelican Argo 100 Kayak Review

We've had this Pelican Argo 100 for about three months now and have taken it out on the water a few times. So this review is not a first impression. It is based on some experience with the boat. My wife likes it very much. The hull design makes this a very stable boat and it also handles well on the water. The seat cushion and backrest are extra padded and very comfortable. We will most likely make a few modifications over time just to personalize it, but this is a good solid kayak right out of the box, and it doesn't break the bank. Music: Melodica Demo by Kevin MacLeod See my Pelican Trailblazer 100 Kayak Review here: Thanks for watching!

Pelican Argo 100 Kayak Review sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1

Kayak 7 years ago 10,214 views

We've had this Pelican Argo 100 for about three months now and have taken it out on the water a few times. So this review is not a first impression. It is based on some experience with the boat. My wife likes it very much. The hull design makes this a very stable boat and it also handles well on the water. The seat cushion and backrest are extra padded and very comfortable. We will most likely make a few modifications over time just to personalize it, but this is a good solid kayak right out of the box, and it doesn't break the bank. Music: Melodica Demo by Kevin MacLeod See my Pelican Trailblazer 100 Kayak Review here: Thanks for watching!

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Most popular comments
for Pelican Argo 100 Kayak Review

Aaron Gone Wild
Aaron Gone Wild - 6 years ago
I put a clanp on rod holder on my dash
Aaron Gone Wild
Aaron Gone Wild - 6 years ago
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS ive subed
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS - 6 years ago
Very cool. That'll work. I went with the flush mount rod holders. We've been doing a lot of backpacking but gonna be posting videos on some kayak mods real soon. Subscribe and ring that bell if you want to see what we've done. Thanks for the comment!
THE DIY DAD - 6 years ago
Good video nice yak check out my video Like love share and keep yakin ! ;)
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS - 6 years ago
Thank you buddy. Will definitely check out your video.
Gillysaurxx - 6 years ago
Is this kayak replacing the Trailblazer edition? They look identical
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS - 6 years ago
Not sure, but looking at the current product line, I do not see the Trailblazer. Possibly so.
whatfreedom7 - 6 years ago
At 4:10 do the grooves serve a purpose? Fishing poles or something?
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS - 6 years ago
Yes, I believe what you are referring to are vertical rod holders.
Kristan Vande Wouwer
Kristan Vande Wouwer - 6 years ago
Seems very similar to my 2013 Ultimate 100 SE, which I love. Great boats!
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS - 6 years ago
Yes ... very good boats for sure. Thank you Kristan!
Renee Patterson
Renee Patterson - 6 years ago
Since you have taken this out in the water, the more important question is how does it handle??? What is the tracking? Is it tippy or pretty stable?
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS - 6 years ago
Great questions, Renee. This one is my wife's kayak and she likes it very much. The hull design makes this a very stable boat and it also handles well on the water. It holds its course well and is not tippy at all. Thank you!
OWEN MURTHA - 6 years ago
Hello! Love the channel! I’m saving up for this right now and can’t wait to get it. Thanks for the review on it! I have one question about it and one unrelated. The one about this: How long is it?The unrelated(ish) one: do you know of any cheap kayak wheels? Thanks! I liked and subscribed.
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS - 6 years ago
Thank you Owen! I appreciate the kind words and subscription and I'm really happy to hear the review has been helpful. This is a 10 ft. kayak. It is fairly light weight and easy to handle at around 35 lbs, so I haven't purchased a cart for it, but I have seen they are available for around $20 - $35 on ebay. Here's one I have looked at:

Hope this helps and thanks again!
Willie G
Willie G - 6 years ago
cold? 25 degrees F, try -25-30 C below 0, like your video please post your mods
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS - 6 years ago
Right on ... Everything is in relation to everything else. Thanks for watching!
Jack Stalnaker
Jack Stalnaker - 6 years ago
Ha, the old law holds true... any time someone says it's cold, another person will show up out of nowhere to tell them it's nothing compared to where they're from.
Willie G
Willie G - 6 years ago
my pleasure
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS - 6 years ago
Thanks Willie! I have tried temps like that up in Alaska. That's cold alright. We don't generally get cold temps like that down here in Texas. Will definitely be posting videos of the kayak mods real soon, after an upcoming hike, so stay tuned for that. I appreciate you watching and your comment.
John McBride
John McBride - 7 years ago
Great review of a great looking kayak, I think I will be upgrading my kayak sometime soon. I currently own the Viper 10.4, I am thinking of getting a square stern canoe or a better kayak. thanks for sharing.
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS - 7 years ago
Thanks, we like the Pelicans a lot. Well made boats for sure. Thanks for watching!

10. comment for Pelican Argo 100 Kayak Review

MDing ETex with Kevin
MDing ETex with Kevin - 7 years ago
Showing support for small channels. Got you subbed. Could you return the favor. Thanks Kevin
MDing ETex with Kevin
MDing ETex with Kevin - 7 years ago
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS Thanks buddy. Much appreciated. Kevin
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS - 7 years ago
Thanks buddy I appreciate that. Already checked out your channel ... Good stuff. Subbed you back.
Free Karaoke Songs
Free Karaoke Songs - 7 years ago
Good review! Gave you one, bro. Support and onward to 1K!
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS - 7 years ago
Thanks! Will check out your channel too.
Flying Squirrel Outdoors
Flying Squirrel Outdoors - 7 years ago
Good review Don. We have two Trailblazers (like you say, not the same, but similar!) we bought for the boys, and have used ourselves quite a bit. Good all around boats.
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS - 7 years ago
Yep, we are very happy with ours too. Thanks for stopping by.
Rameman - 7 years ago
I've had sit-on's before now Don and they're great for stability but in recent years i've always gone for sit-in's, less of a wet backside to contend with! That's a good little kayak. By the way,those chimes are not doing my tinnitus any good at all ;-)
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS - 7 years ago
Ahh good, something about that didn't quite ring true. "No mind is thoroughly well organized that is deficient in a sense of humor." - Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Rameman - 7 years ago
Only kidding about the tinnitus Don,just my daft limey humour!
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS - 7 years ago
Thanks, we are really pleased with our Pelican kayaks. For sit-ins, they are extremely stable. Sorry about the tinnitus Andy. A lot of the time the chimes kind of blend in with the background noise ... I don't notice them at all.
Sarah B
Sarah B - 7 years ago
Nice boat Cindy, almost as cool as mine ;)
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS - 7 years ago
Hey Sarah! She said tell you thanks ... not gonna tell you what else she said. LoL We all need to go kayaking real soon.
Connie Tull
Connie Tull - 7 years ago
Nice review Don, those look like some real summertime fun. Hope it warms up for you soon. Thanks for the review, I'm looking forward to see the mods. that you make.  JT. from Oregon.   By some chance of fate for some unknown reason your channel has managed to stay at the top of my subs. Lets hope things have settled down for a while. Keep your fingers crossed.
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS - 7 years ago
Thank you JT. One thing about Texas weather ... if you don't like it just wait a few hours. High yesterday 25 -- high tomorrow 65! I am really looking forward to Spring & Summer though. Kayak mods coming soon. Fingers crossed! Don
Pinetree Line Outdoors
Pinetree Line Outdoors - 7 years ago
Very nice! Thanks for giving us a really good close review! Appreciate it Don!
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS - 7 years ago
Thanks Doug! We have become big fans of Pelican ... they know how to make a kayak up there in Canada for sure. Appreciate you stopping by buddy. Don
Hikergy 16
Hikergy 16 - 7 years ago
Excellent review, and definitely an investment I'll be making this Summer without a doubt! Thanks a lot!
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS - 7 years ago
Thank you. Our kayaks have definitely been a great investment for us. I appreciate you stopping by and commenting. Will look forward to see some kayaking videos on your channel.
Cindy - 7 years ago
Impatiently biding my time until the weather is warm enough to take her "out for a spin" again... Great little boat! I'm in love ♥.
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS - 7 years ago
Spring is just around the corner. You will be in that kayak before you know it.
kirk miller
kirk miller - 7 years ago
Good review nice kayaks
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS - 7 years ago
Thanks and thanks for watching.

20. comment for Pelican Argo 100 Kayak Review

Borderline Wild Camping
Borderline Wild Camping - 7 years ago
You got yourselves a nice pair of Kayaks :)) Been looking for one last year in summer...Over here they are a bit expensive :)) Have to wait...Theo,
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS
Smilin' Don OUTDOORS - 7 years ago
Thank you ... we are very happy with them. We were fortunate to find these kayaks at the discount price. I hope you find one too.

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