Pelican Strike 100x Kayak Fishing Setup with DIY Anchor Pole!

Visit: for affordable TOUGH kayaks! BUY KAYAK NOW on Amazon: MODIFICATIONS AND SUPPLIES LINKED BELOW Seat Options: Skipper Seat Shown: Walmart Rod Holders: PVC from Home Depot Anchor Pole Parts #1: Electrical Box 4"x4"x4": Home Depot #2: Paracord: #3: Harken 22mm Exit Block Pulley: West Marine #4: Fiberglass Pole: #5 Nite Ize Carabiner Figure 9: Pelican Strike 100x is a great kayak for those who want a simple, durable, ultra-lightweight, & affordable angler kayak with room for mods down the road. The Strike 100x has a capacity of 325lbs, width 30.5", length 10', weight 53lbs. My height and weight is 6ft 2in and 190lbs. "Hope you enjoy the video. Please Like, Subscribe, & Share. This helps us further provide you with content." Sincerely, Justin Lammers KayakDIY WARRANTY DISCLAIMER: Modification to your kayak may result in full or partial loss of warranty. Do all DIY work at your own risk. KayakDIY and associates/sponsors will not be liable for injury or damage to your kayak. Thanks for stopping by. We love our subscribers!

Pelican Strike 100x Kayak Fishing Setup with DIY Anchor Pole! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 15

Kayak 8 years ago 43,882 views

Visit: for affordable TOUGH kayaks! BUY KAYAK NOW on Amazon: MODIFICATIONS AND SUPPLIES LINKED BELOW Seat Options: Skipper Seat Shown: Walmart Rod Holders: PVC from Home Depot Anchor Pole Parts #1: Electrical Box 4"x4"x4": Home Depot #2: Paracord: #3: Harken 22mm Exit Block Pulley: West Marine #4: Fiberglass Pole: #5 Nite Ize Carabiner Figure 9: Pelican Strike 100x is a great kayak for those who want a simple, durable, ultra-lightweight, & affordable angler kayak with room for mods down the road. The Strike 100x has a capacity of 325lbs, width 30.5", length 10', weight 53lbs. My height and weight is 6ft 2in and 190lbs. "Hope you enjoy the video. Please Like, Subscribe, & Share. This helps us further provide you with content." Sincerely, Justin Lammers KayakDIY WARRANTY DISCLAIMER: Modification to your kayak may result in full or partial loss of warranty. Do all DIY work at your own risk. KayakDIY and associates/sponsors will not be liable for injury or damage to your kayak. Thanks for stopping by. We love our subscribers!

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Most popular comments
for Pelican Strike 100x Kayak Fishing Setup with DIY Anchor Pole!

sc1212able - 6 years ago
very cool setup, I have the same kayak, set it up just like yours, the other changes I made was added a 12 ft outrigger/ pontoon to the right side, purchase this from a company in St Pete, Florida the company is Expanda Craft, they have a lot of options for kayaks and canoes, also added a small deck to the outriggers, also available from this company, this setup is rock solid, I can stand up and fish all day, very little hull movement, I also added a 55 lb trolling motor to the left side and a light weight AGM battery, top speed is almost 7 mph, probably going to put on a honda 2.9 soon, do away with motor and battery, living in florida I had to register the boat, no big deal, the pontoon system goes together in 5 minutes and takes down in less time and fits in a 4x3 bag,
KayakDIY - 6 years ago
That sounds awesome. Key West is so much fun. Excellent fishing at 7 mile bridge. We did a fun trip at Key West. We did sailing, snorkeling, parasailing, kayaking, and jetsking. It was through Sebago Watersports for on $149 but I have seen it as low as $139.
sc1212able - 6 years ago
Thanks, we mainly fish Crystal River Area north to Yankeetown, lots of huge redfish and sea trout, then every 3 months we head to the keys, fish the 7 mile bridge and also boco chica across from the navy base, in an area called the submarine slips.
KayakDIY - 6 years ago
Sounds awesome! The Expandacraft kits are nice. You got a great setup.
Riley Voltz
Riley Voltz - 7 years ago
Where do I get a fiberglass rod?
KayakDIY - 7 years ago
I put links to all that in video description below video. Hopefully they are in stock. I paid $18 for mine I believe.
jfalbo - 7 years ago
I took this one step further .
Ketchen Raleese
Ketchen Raleese - 7 years ago
that pole rig is awesome but jeez! take the wrapper off your rod googan! lol!
Tomas Klimas
Tomas Klimas - 7 years ago
Would you recommend this kayak I've heard bad about pelican? I've also heard good from them but I was wanting an honest opinion. It's either the strike 120x angler or an ascend fs12t
cribcat 1
cribcat 1 - 7 years ago
for the anchor pole could put another para chord to the top for a firmer plant in the sand but that would complicate things.
Really cool idea, thanks
Mike Grimm
Mike Grimm - 7 years ago
Did the addition of the seat cause any unstableness?
KayakDIY - 7 years ago
+Mike Grimm not really anything noticeable. Still quite stable for my 6'2" 190lbs.
kaleb.m4 - 7 years ago
Hey, was looking to get the 100x as my next fishing kayak, have you tried standing up and fishing in it? is it possible? Thanks in advance!
kaleb.m4 - 7 years ago
KayakDIY okay cool thanks for the advice, I was wondering if you had any suggestions for a fishing kayak under our around 700$ Canadian as I am on a little budget, thanks!
KayakDIY - 7 years ago
+kaleb.m4 possible for very few people. I would say this is not a standing kayak. For similar money a great standing kayak would be a Perception Striker aka West Marine Cayman. Issues with Striker/Cayman would be it is a bit slower but it is CRAZY stable. Price fluctuates a bit but between $500-600. Ascend kayaks are very stable too but I feel Perception is bit better quality. or other colors
TnM in the wild
TnM in the wild - 8 years ago
That anchor pole is awesome!
TnM in the wild
TnM in the wild - 8 years ago
KayakDIY It is super simple it's kind of wierd that there is not a lot about them that I've seen. I looked for it after I saw this the other day. I think lots of shallow water anglers are missing out.
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
+TnM in the wild It certainly works incredibly well. I was kind of shocked how well it worked since the design was so simple. Sometimes those are the best designs.

10. comment for Pelican Strike 100x Kayak Fishing Setup with DIY Anchor Pole!

Victor kayak
Victor kayak - 8 years ago
awesome video man nice
Nick - 8 years ago
Hey. Was just gonna tell u thx. Because I am about to build the same power pole. I was just given u credit
maverickford79 - 8 years ago
good video

i going to buy boos angler 100 kayak pelícan and i going to do someting like your kayak
Michael Lopez
Michael Lopez - 8 years ago
That pole rig is so stupidly simple, probably the most awesome thing I've seen in forever! I'm going to duplicate it and run it on my jon boat.  Probs for one of the best DIY mod ideas that I've seen yet! Sticking it to that 1000.00 micro anchor, lol.
Arvan Subris
Arvan Subris - 8 years ago
I watched some how to on bending pvc pipes... How did you bend your PVC pipe for the rod mount?
KayakDIY - 7 years ago
Arvan Subris cheap heat gun is used to bend pvc.
B Givens
B Givens - 8 years ago
My only concern with this anchor where I am on the sound side of Dauphin Island, is that rough water would break fiberglass due to boat oscillation. Have u bet tried the anchor in large waves say in a flat?
B Givens
B Givens - 8 years ago
+KayakDIY ok thanks, appreciate the advice...I've been considering a pole, because my one pound grapple anchor don't hold in full moon current, and the really good anchors cost 50 bucks at least, and I don't think the Lemur Claw would catch well at all......
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
That would leave 3 feet above water line. Depending on how you anchor or attach to kayak it and how well it is driven into soil it should likely hold you in place. I have used mine in pretty decent current and some waves.
B Givens
B Givens - 8 years ago
+KayakDIY ok, thank you for your quick response. Would you feel comfortable using the anchor poll in a 5 foot flat in moderate waves?
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
I would be greatly surprised if waves could break this fiberglass rod. I could maybe cause it to pull out or not hold, but highly unlikely it would break.
AleaderWaterShoes - 8 years ago
Awesome video.Cool man.
AleaderWaterShoes - 8 years ago
HI if you need an water shoes go with that.Just check us anytime
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
Please avoid spamming this channel. I have seen your company's shoes before, but haven't tested them and therefore don't want them recommended on my pages until doing so. They appeared affordable, but questionable in durability of sole construction.
Teachit Learnit
Teachit Learnit - 8 years ago
Loving my Strike 100x. Thanks!
PrepperStateofMind - 8 years ago
nice have that kayak on order
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
It is a phenomenal kayak for the money. What I love most is how lightweight it is compared to others. It allows me to take it to more remote locations that would never be possible with my larger & heavier traditional rotomolded kayaks.

20. comment for Pelican Strike 100x Kayak Fishing Setup with DIY Anchor Pole!

SmallTownFish - 8 years ago
Great vid, just got the 120X and i love it. check out my videos! get those lunkers!
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
Agree...Great all around kayak for the money. Nice and lightweight. Easy to bring to remote places. That is what I love most about Pelican kayaks.
Lemon Bleach
Lemon Bleach - 8 years ago
How much is this kayak stock?
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
$549 at West Marine or $529+$69 shipping at Amazon:
STRIFE_45 - 8 years ago
is it really not stable enough to stand?
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
I could likely stand up on it but casting and fishing from it while standing would be very difficult. I have great balance though. I would say it has excellent balance of stability/tracking/speed for a 10ft SOT. If you put some really good outriggers on it you maybe could stand reliably while fishing. In the configuration shown in video I wouldn't stand fish from it.
Jim Gary
Jim Gary - 8 years ago
First time I've seen the strike 100, how is the stability, can you stand on it?
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
It wasn't designed for standing. It is stable for a SOT and it's size, but I don't think adults will be able to stand up reliably on it.
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
+Jim Gary You won't be able to stand up well. It is however a pretty stable kayak for its size and class.
ItZ HaVi
ItZ HaVi - 8 years ago
couldn't u use pvc with a heavy tip or fill it with a heavy item
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
+Xavier Jewell PVC flexed way too much and so I didn't like it. For only $18 I got fiberglass and it works really well. All pros use fiberglass poles. The stake out poles you see on shelves for $80+ are typically fiberglass. So for only $18 I built my own! I have links to supplies in the video description above.
ItZ HaVi
ItZ HaVi - 8 years ago
how do u make the pole go and stick in the river Lake or sea bed?
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
+Xavier Jewell The weight of the pole is enough to make the pole stick into the bottom when dropped. PVC doesn't work well as a pole due to having too much flex.
Dee Izzy
Dee Izzy - 8 years ago
+kayakDIY loved the fishing pole idea. and where in matlacha do you fish. I plan to take my kayak there and try it out.
Dee Izzy
Dee Izzy - 8 years ago
+KayakDIY awesome thanks.
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
Fish near Matlacha isles in the mangroves.
Eugene Fishing
Eugene Fishing - 8 years ago
I like that seat, should try on my Camino 8 SS :)
Pelican International
Pelican International - 8 years ago
Great job!
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
+Pelican International Thanks! Been really enjoying the Pelican kayaks. Lightweight yet rugged and capable of handling whatever I throw at them.
Swfl Snooker
Swfl Snooker - 8 years ago
I love matlacha beautiful fishing places, I live literally 10 minutes down the road!
Swfl Snooker
Swfl Snooker - 8 years ago
+KayakDIY ash that's cool man I live on country club bout 3 miles from cape parkway, I try to make it out there every chance I get, I'm still finding my way around out there I just got my kayak bout 1 month ago
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
+Delmar Allen Matlacha is awesome. My in-laws live there. I live in Pelican blvd area south of Cape Coral Pkwy.
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
We are there a lot. You can message us via FB I you ever want to meet up and fish. Don't claim to be an expert saltwater angler, but learn new things everyday.

30. comment for Pelican Strike 100x Kayak Fishing Setup with DIY Anchor Pole!

Stealth Outdoors TV
Stealth Outdoors TV - 8 years ago
Im 5'6 160lbs. Should i get this yak for recrational kayak fishing? Or the 12 ft. I was also looking at the catch 120
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
Kids usually have greater imaginations than adults so he might have better DIY ideas than us!
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
Don't be sorry. We love fans of all ages! He can comment anytime!
Michael McDowell
Michael McDowell - 8 years ago
My 6 year old grandson made that comment, sorry
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
Not sure what that means Michael but thanks for stopping by!
Michael McDowell
Michael McDowell - 8 years ago
Stealth Outdoors TV
Stealth Outdoors TV - 8 years ago
+Pelican International hey guys. Thats awsome! I shared the word on the local fishing groups!
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
Pelican Strike 100x is a great all around kayak for the typical angler. It is lightweight yet incredibly durable and capable of handling abuse. The trade off with any 10ft kayak vs 12ft is in the tracking. The 12ft kayak will track a little straighter. Although I will say this 10ft kayak tracks quite well for a kayak of its size. The Pelican Catch 120 is great if you want to pay a little more. It has what I would call an "all day" comfort seat and is stable enough to fish standing. It depends heavily on your budget. You won't go wrong with either one. I have several Pelican manufactured kayaks.
Pelican International
Pelican International - 8 years ago
If you are in Pittsburgh then you HAVE to participate in this promotion that we have this summer with the Pirates:

Spread the word!
Stealth Outdoors TV
Stealth Outdoors TV - 8 years ago
+Pelican International just for the rivers around here in pittsburgh and the lakes/ ponds
Stealth Outdoors TV
Stealth Outdoors TV - 8 years ago
+KayakDIY i might get the stealth 100x. You can stand on them right? Are they pretty fast? And stable?
Pelican International
Pelican International - 8 years ago
It really depends on your budget and what's important to you, Stealth.
Larry Trudell
Larry Trudell - 8 years ago
would like to see the build of how to make the anchor pole box. how does it go up and down? thank you I like the video
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
+Larry Trudell I will try to make a short video on the pole setup and how it was put together. I have another set of parts in the shop and could easily video it. Wife wanted one on her kayak so planned on building another anyway. Might not get to it till next week. Basically buy the electrical box....drill 3/4" holes on top and bottom then about a 5/16" hole for paracord where the pulley will be on the inside. The paracord attaches to bottom of fiberglass pole and goes up into bottom of box and through pulley then out the 5/16" hole. The paracord then continues via padeyes up to paddler and can have a cam cleat or nite ize figure 9 carabiner to hold paracord and prevent unwanted travel of pole.
Tech Zombie
Tech Zombie - 8 years ago
Just watched the vid again...LOL. I think i'm going to get the Strike 100 next Thursday after payday. That is a sweet rig! I like the seat mod too. I need a bit more back support and that would work slick! I already bought the seat at my local Walmart. haha.
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
+Tech Zombie Glad you like it. Haha. I like that I can still use the original seat. When you get your Strike 100 you know where to find me. Happy to answer any questions.
pheonix gaming
pheonix gaming - 8 years ago
how does the pole down by itself or some weight in the pole
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
+pheonix gaming The pole simply uses gravity and its own weight to drop into the ground. The pole is fiberglass and therefore has some decent weight to it. I have substituted cheap pvc anchor poles but they don't work as well. PVC poles are too lightweight, they flex too much, they get messy due to being hollow, & they won't drop down well if you have a cap on top due to air being trapped inside and causing the pipe to float. Thus, I use fiberglass poles. The poles are linked in my video description below the video...or above this comment.
Nicholas The Bold
Nicholas The Bold - 8 years ago
Omg that anchor, you're my hero
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
Haha. Well thanks. Although I can't take all the credit this time. My friends/FB KayakDIY group members Mike Treadway and Kevin Dismuke inspired the design with their anchor pole creations.
B Hod
B Hod - 8 years ago
That anchor pole setup is ingenious. Thank you for show it.
B Hod
B Hod - 8 years ago
+KayakDIY that would be awesome to see it built.
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
Thanks. I do love the simplicity of it. Just get a 4x4x4 electrical box, exit block pulley, rivets, fiberglass pole, SS padeye, and paracord. I linked items in the video description above. I will refine that list of links if I find better sources. I also may do another video just on building the anchor pole in case folks are struggling.
Big O!
Big O! - 8 years ago
Very nice work on the Pelican. It appeared to be a great day even though the bite was slow. that's what I love about kayak fishing. Id like to see more detail on the anchor pole. Keep em comig!
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
Any time out on the water is a great day for me. When the bite is slow I just start filming the wildlife around me. In regards to the anchor pole setup. I may do another video showing the build in more detail. I actually have parts to build another for my wife's kayak. Let me know until then if you get stuck or need help. It took me less than 10min to build the first pole setup. The mount on the stern was the difficult part due to limited flat surfaces to mount to. You can also get answers from KayakDIY group members at
Teachit Learnit
Teachit Learnit - 8 years ago
I totally need one of those anchor pole setups!
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
Pretty easy to build. I bet I built the anchor pole setup in 10min or less.
Tech Zombie
Tech Zombie - 8 years ago
Great Vid! Looking at getting this kayak next week after I get my paycheck. Awesome Ideas!
Pelican International
Pelican International - 8 years ago
Thanks for thinking of us!

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