Perception Kayaks | Don't Get Yakked Off

A Guide To Not Getting Yakked Off Full Guide: Don’t let a yakoff happen to you. In this video, we’ll teach you the signs that you could be buying a cheap kayak knockoff. Instead, look a Perception Kayak, backed by over 40 years of boating know-how.

Perception Kayaks | Don't Get Yakked Off sentiment_very_dissatisfied 13

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A Guide To Not Getting Yakked Off Full Guide: Don’t let a yakoff happen to you. In this video, we’ll teach you the signs that you could be buying a cheap kayak knockoff. Instead, look a Perception Kayak, backed by over 40 years of boating know-how.

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Most popular comments
for Perception Kayaks | Don't Get Yakked Off

OustFoX - 6 years ago
Came here so I could stop getting yakked off. Thanks for making an enjoyable ad.
Action Paddling
Action Paddling - 6 years ago
Where was Perception when I had my paddling shop..I was offering free instruction with every kayak purchased..service to the boat cleaning outfitting clinics, night time slide shows..etc etc etc..BUT when big box stores started selling the cheep kayaks..silence from all kayak mfgs..only raising prices..and keeping in the territories with limited boats..rules, shop didnt last..thanks to the territory rules..well the customer didnt care about the rules..they went to wal Im cleaning portable toilets..yakoffs
consultdragt - 6 years ago
Nice advertisement. I'm going to look into your kayaks. I just hope someone drowned that ugly fucking asian kid after the shoot.
Blitzer117 - 6 years ago
I have neither the need nor the desire to buy a kayak, but this ad actually got me to watch the whole thing and not desire the "Skip Ad" button to show up more than my desire for the sweet, cold embrace of death.
Edward Mayo
Edward Mayo - 6 years ago
Here I am trying to watch a YouTube video and I get marketing nonsense reference to masturbation. Fuck you guys. If you want to talk about people manually stimulating their genitals than do it. Say the word penis. Grow the fuck up you goat mouth mamby mother fuckers. If you actually made a decent product you wouldn't need this viral marketing, native advertising shit. Fuck you and your inferior product. Kevlar reinforced or bust bitches!!!!! You want to talk a big game than talk a materials science big game or GO THE FUCK HOME. YOUR MARKETING SUCKS DISEASED DONKEY ANUS.
Edward Mayo
Edward Mayo - 6 years ago
Can you shitheads like ban me from your videos or something so I dont have to watch them anymore? Consider it a humanitarian effort so that I can avoid putting a knife in my eye to end the suffering.
Edward Mayo
Edward Mayo - 6 years ago
Ugh christ still seeing these videos. What the ever loving fuck did I watch to male google think I was a good target for mamby pamby poorly engineered hipster bullshit. Must have been that amerian giant sweatshit my wife bought me- THIS AMERICAN MADE SWEATSHIT IS SOLD OUT FOR MONTHS! YOU WONT BELIEVE WHY!
bostonute11 - 6 years ago
If it’s too light it’s a “yakoff”? Yeah no. High quality composite boats are light. If it isn’t one piece roto molded it’s a yakoff? Also, Yeah no. High quality thermoformed boats are two piece assemblyBut the part about shaming kayak owners is what really gets me effing riled up. Go after manufacturers who cut corners in the name of low costs... fine. But shaming kayak owners who might be buying all the boat they can afford? So not cool. So, so not cool.
Peter Scott
Peter Scott - 6 years ago
Great Ad very well done.
LuigIan2000 - 6 years ago
They're called leg-boats, guys!
Misha Eide
Misha Eide - 6 years ago
Pretty good advertisement.

10. comment for Perception Kayaks | Don't Get Yakked Off

Marla Hill
Marla Hill - 6 years ago
OMG.. This was sooo funny. I Own a The Perception Tandem 2008. Used in Jackson Lake Wy. as a rental.... If it can stand daily rental use, you can BET this is a great Kayak.
Franck B
Franck B - 6 years ago
What a great response by Perception! We have their Tribe and there is a difference. I have tried others and they just don't track.
Night Water Project
Night Water Project - 6 years ago
Loved the video!
Walt Herbert
Walt Herbert - 6 years ago
Haha. Watch for sharp edges......!!!!!
Brandon Watts
Brandon Watts - 6 years ago
This is amazing! Finally someone speaks up about the made in China garbage kayaks that are flooding the market! You can add Vibe and Feel Free to the Kayak Fishing Yakoff list!
Greg Jackson
Greg Jackson - 6 years ago
Where did the $300k mold price come from? Actual cost, or just a guesstimate?
Brandon Watts
Brandon Watts - 6 years ago
Well, that's where you are wrong. The molds that make the overseas kayaks (Vibe and Feel Free) and nowhere close to the quality of the $300,000 molds that make Hobie, Wildy, Native Watercraft, Old Town, Ocean Kayak, Perception, Jackson Kayak, etc. But cool story :)
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 6 years ago
Just for the record. Pelican, Lifetime and Future Beach are all top offenders of selling cheap pool toy kayaks and they are all made right here in North America. Vibe is made in china, but at least has solid rotomolded construction. Feelfree's are Thailand at one of the best rotomolding facilities in the world, and have construction that is on par or surpasses every US manufacturing. They are a global company that so happens to be based in Thailand and NZ. So if your issue is the fact that its imported thats 100% valid, but spreading bad info about construction is not cool. Happy Paddlin.

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