Poor Man's Fishing Kayak Rigging Update 2014

This fishing machine hasn't needed much of anything for the past year and a half despite heavy use. But this past holiday season, I splurged and spent $24 on a new tool box for the kayak. I also got some new bungee cord and a new drybox. What can I say? Santa was very nice :) Visit me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/lovekayak.fishing See where I bought the toolbox: http://www.walmart.com/ip/Stack-On-26-Plastic-Tool-Box-with-Removable-Parts-Storage-Red/14958231

Poor Man's Fishing Kayak Rigging Update 2014 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 78

Kayak 11 years ago 411,055 views

This fishing machine hasn't needed much of anything for the past year and a half despite heavy use. But this past holiday season, I splurged and spent $24 on a new tool box for the kayak. I also got some new bungee cord and a new drybox. What can I say? Santa was very nice :) Visit me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/lovekayak.fishing See where I bought the toolbox: http://www.walmart.com/ip/Stack-On-26-Plastic-Tool-Box-with-Removable-Parts-Storage-Red/14958231

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Most popular comments
for Poor Man's Fishing Kayak Rigging Update 2014

NB Fisherman
NB Fisherman - 6 years ago
where can I get a box like this?
Nomad - 7 years ago
I got a million things on my kayak but never really thought about the 'first aid kit' . Good idea !
Bantham Nobilis
Bantham Nobilis - 7 years ago
Dood, just BUY a real boat!! I have a Sea Ghost 130 and I would NEVER put that much crap on it, so is your's diesel powered? If not it should be, paddling that thing would wear our a bear!
Danny Santos
Danny Santos - 7 years ago
I love your channel!! Got alot of great ideas from your little yak and pelican. Please check out my "Must see " video on my channel and let me know what you think of my budget kayak!!
Linda Greer
Linda Greer - 7 years ago
Thought your fans might want to help my son https://www.gofundme.com/fitness-fund-for-disabled-veteran
Dave Thomas
Dave Thomas - 7 years ago
You gotta love this guy. He loves trickin out his gear. As I do. It's all about enjoying the process.
Angelo Spagnola
Angelo Spagnola - 7 years ago
Spray WD-40 on your latch every day when you use it it will help to keep it from rusting and all other exposed metal
Nomad - 7 years ago
Interesting vid' !!
Dan Te Whaiti
Dan Te Whaiti - 7 years ago
sorry bro but hei matau - pronounced (hay maatoe)

10. comment for Poor Man's Fishing Kayak Rigging Update 2014

Arabelia Rodriguez
Arabelia Rodriguez - 7 years ago
wow this is great for people who can't afford an upgraded kayak
have you ever thought about making pedal kayak they are so expensive maybe you can create one that won't break the bank
Indus S
Indus S - 7 years ago
you could stand to beef up your first aid kit a bit, friend. nice rig, though.
hunter101 Chevy trucks
hunter101 Chevy trucks - 7 years ago
cool video
Anatoli Wolf
Anatoli Wolf - 7 years ago
What's your name?  Perhaps,,,,,,,mmm,,,, Mac Gyver?
Key Barrientos
Key Barrientos - 7 years ago
Say I was to buy everything just like you have that kayak and equipment how much $ would it cost me
niklas brazie
niklas brazie - 8 years ago
I'm want to start kayak fishing this year I have no idea what kind of kayak to get tho there's so many choices do you have any tips/recommendations
Detroit home inspectors
Detroit home inspectors - 8 years ago
You're my new hero!
Rick Rabies
Rick Rabies - 8 years ago
should always keep a turnoquit in first aid kit. bandaids wont save a life..
Nature's Finest
Nature's Finest - 8 years ago
Rick Rabies meh, you can make one from clothing/rope anytime
TJP Outdoors
TJP Outdoors - 8 years ago
What brand is your toolbox
21st Century Caveman
21st Century Caveman - 8 years ago
That really is quite ingenious my friend. Well done!

20. comment for Poor Man's Fishing Kayak Rigging Update 2014

Deveron valley Bushcraft
Deveron valley Bushcraft - 8 years ago
Hi, did your kayak come with the floats on the back
MidEast Beast
MidEast Beast - 8 years ago
No he made the outriggers himself, he has a video on them
Alexinho - 8 years ago
One year from now zoffinger will have 100k subscribers allready i hope you get them 100k subs zoffinger :D
AMbITIONz907 - 8 years ago
Poor man's Kayak you say, I can't even afford a Kayak.
AMbITIONz907 - 8 years ago
+street surfer 02 No you need it, trust me.
marble man
marble man - 8 years ago
Send me a message, I can donate one for you.
AMbITIONz907 - 8 years ago
Woah! Tough guy alert. Please don't hurt me i'm so scared.
Safety Group
Safety Group - 8 years ago
I like the setup. Very well thought out. Makes me rethink a lot of stuff. :-) Seems the prepared survive! Thanks for the video! Please check this out when you get a chance! http://www.chick.com/reading/tracts/0001/0001_01.asp
Drivepirate - 8 years ago
Innovative and artistic! Pretty awesome dude.
Nikia George
Nikia George - 8 years ago
Do sharks ever bother you ???
Mystic92 - 8 years ago
Absolutely love the channel. One quick question though, I recently noticed your kayak stabilizers and as a beginner for kayak fishing I became interested. Can you give me a link or website of where your got yours? I'm looking for ones pretty cheap that work wonders... Thanks!
max ahrendt
max ahrendt - 8 years ago
What is that Kayak model?
zoffinger - 8 years ago
Emotion Spitfire 8
Sal Leris
Sal Leris - 8 years ago
Do the stickers make the kayak go faster ?
zoffinger - 8 years ago
I doubt it'll make the kayak faster. Though, they say confidence is a key ingredient to catching fish, so if some stickers make you feel good about your yak, you might find yourself catching more fish.
Gonnaneed Abiggerboat
Gonnaneed Abiggerboat - 8 years ago
Kon-Tiki come back!

30. comment for Poor Man's Fishing Kayak Rigging Update 2014

Sean G
Sean G - 8 years ago
I know you've used some type of foam to seal where you used screws and bolts you keep everything watertight. I've used elastimeric for large holes for flushmount rod holders without much luck. any ideas?
Sean G
Sean G - 8 years ago
Thanks. I've got it all figured out now but I appreciate it.
Nature's Finest
Nature's Finest - 8 years ago
Sean G better off using a silicone over foam.. If I'm right, Marty uses silicon...
Hank L
Hank L - 8 years ago
Nice vids man keep them commen
Michael Humanes
Michael Humanes - 8 years ago
you can find me on Facebook my name is Michael Humanes I sent you a message on Facebook to my phone number should be there
Michael Humanes
Michael Humanes - 8 years ago
is there a possible as a way to get in touch with you a phone number I can call you and talk to you about making me something for my kayak find a new Pelican kayak you have you have that Michael anchor
Stephen Coleman
Stephen Coleman - 8 years ago
well done
sailawaybob - 8 years ago
Cool video, always like to see how others set up their boats.
Jonathan Nguyen
Jonathan Nguyen - 8 years ago
And did you paint the top of your toolbox sliver or did it come like that
zoffinger - 8 years ago
I can't remember the brand of toolbox it was (cheap Walmart brand) and yes. I painted the top silver. It was originally black and wanted it to reflect the sunlight and heat better.
Jonathan Nguyen
Jonathan Nguyen - 8 years ago
What kind of box was your original tackle box in
Jim Marcum
Jim Marcum - 9 years ago
if anyone has personal experience, is a Kayak better than a 17 foot Canoe?????
Dylan McDermott
Dylan McDermott - 8 years ago
Idk about your state, but you don't have to register a kayak under 13 feet in Iowa so it's less of a hassle here.
sailawaybob - 8 years ago
+Jim Marcum i have both a canoe and kayak, my kayak is a sit in so can't say if sit on is better for fishing. i use my canoe for fishing and the kayak for exploring but it would be great to have one that does both. Dick's sporting goods has a canoe /kayak called a Emotion Wasatch that looks versatile.
Nick Copek
Nick Copek - 8 years ago
Kayak will be easier for use and transportation but it's up to you. DO RESEARCH BEFORE MAKING A PURCHASE!!
Nicholas Hoover
Nicholas Hoover - 9 years ago
just ordered that exact model kayak off amazon cant wait until i get it and start modifying it
Tavenor Lewis
Tavenor Lewis - 9 years ago
Are you poor you dumb ass fuck
Sarah Head
Sarah Head - 8 years ago
+Tavenor Lewis hey shut you dont need to talk that way to him he is a cool dude and you need to lay off so what if he is tight on money everybody is so you can go back to the north cause im damn sure no southern boy would disrespect anyone like you did
MeAwsoME - 9 years ago
That's a fishing hotel
Earl Tash
Earl Tash - 9 years ago
I see u put some time into ur kayak....great job...
Erick Adrean Perez Moreno Perez Moreno
Erick Adrean Perez Moreno Perez Moreno - 9 years ago
todos tus vídeos me gustan
Jim Kayser
Jim Kayser - 9 years ago
Until you get a Hobie pedal system and get rid of the paddle, you ain't got nothing
Haroldo Malta
Haroldo Malta - 9 years ago
Beautiful place, where is it?
vauxhall63 - 9 years ago
Lane King
Lane King - 9 years ago
I just randomly found your channel and I love it keep it up dude
James IsAwesome
James IsAwesome - 9 years ago
I see the de-hooker!! :)
James IsAwesome
James IsAwesome - 9 years ago
+DropZofBloodGaming Also where can I message you
alfriedar - 9 years ago
You are the Gadget Man to be sure.. Loving your vids... on to the next.. pontoons I hope are up soon..

50. comment for Poor Man's Fishing Kayak Rigging Update 2014

MNT HUNTING - 9 years ago
awesome set up, I have seen the other kayak upgrades, and I'm very impressed. if I ever get a kayak, I will surely use some of your ideas, especially the pontoons..
BZH FISHING - 9 years ago
super video merci ;) je m'abonne n'hésite pas a passer faire un tour sur ma chaine ;) kenavo ami pêcheur!
John Surf
John Surf - 9 years ago
I headed to the Florida keys in mid fall How can I hook up with you to kayak fish in the keys!!!
John Surf
John Surf - 9 years ago
I like all your videos they all very good! I do open ocean kayak fishing, on Maui we really have to watch the wind here!!!! But its fun!!!!!Thanks for sharing with every one, you gave me allot of good Ideas!!! Happy paddling Aloha!!!!!
richard mitchell
richard mitchell - 9 years ago
what spitfire is this?
Arthur Moshier
Arthur Moshier - 9 years ago
pimp my kayak
the shadow people
the shadow people - 9 years ago
damn first time viewer here I have to say you are one well equipped fisherman with that vessel!
rspslastresort - 9 years ago
i need one of these.
bill kendrick
bill kendrick - 9 years ago
which video shows you installing the outriggers
Jose Aleman
Jose Aleman - 9 years ago
Love your videos! What model kayak is this?
Pete Sessa
Pete Sessa - 9 years ago
I'm an stunned.  Everything is very well thought out and ergonomically placed. The economic factoring has been well-incorporated into the whole scenario.  I'm not sure about the fish you catch but between the labor and materials to get them in the boat and back home, they must be in excess of $100 bucks a pound.  But it sure looks like you are having a great time and I think, that's all that really matters.  Good luck fishing!
Mark Allen
Mark Allen - 9 years ago
I noticed you have a different camera mount. And it is a powered telescoping mount. Where did you get it?
zoffinger - 9 years ago
+Eddy Bryk This one is an Emotion Spitfire 8
Eddy Bryk
Eddy Bryk - 9 years ago
+zoffinger what kind of kayak is this because I know the other is a hobie. (:
zoffinger - 9 years ago
+Mark Allen On my new Hobie kayak, the camera sits atop the Powerpole Micro Anchor's spike.
tim jum
tim jum - 9 years ago
Do u use a uglystik gx2??
tim jum
tim jum - 9 years ago
Ohh therr unbelievable no pop out therr nothing better haha
artsy fartsy stuff
artsy fartsy stuff - 9 years ago
+tim jum OMGGG so am I, I went and purchased a second being medium to heay light tip for floundering, but though uglies were always a great product, they reeeeaaaly stepped up the game and the new eyes are awesome as they r great for using braid :)
tim jum
tim jum - 9 years ago
I got my last month I got the medium action and ultralight action. I'm in love with them
artsy fartsy stuff
artsy fartsy stuff - 9 years ago
+tim jum I use them on my yak and LOOOOOVE them, the 6" heavy is SIIICK and I love the short handle as it makes jigging supreme and doesn;t get in the way :) very very light but serious back bone with just the right amount of flex :)
Clearanceman2 - 9 years ago
Outstanding rig.  Love when people make things work on a budget and create something awesome.
Patrick Bridges
Patrick Bridges - 9 years ago
Thanks for all the great videos. You've inspired me to buy my own yak and get out on the water. Looking forward to watching all you future adventures.
Scott Clawson
Scott Clawson - 9 years ago
Hey marty i just got my first kayak ever and i have no experience kayaking. I was wondering if you had any tips for a first timer, since you are the guy that inspired me to take my fishing on a yak in the first place.
zoffinger - 9 years ago
+Scott Clawson First be mindful of the wind and tide predictions. Especially, wind. Anything over 10mph makes for a rough kayaking experience. The rest, you can work on over time. And that's the second part; Time. Spend as much as you can on the water and you WILL get better. Be safe. And tight lines.
Nicola Acerra
Nicola Acerra - 9 years ago
Great man, I like the title "Poor Man's Fishing..." apparently in Florida is a crime to be not rich. You are my guide to fish in florida.
poblano11 - 9 years ago
Very cool!
Lachlan Thomas
Lachlan Thomas - 9 years ago
Hey Zoffinger,
I absolutely love you red kayak!! Have you done a video on your kayak(mods/setup/brand) basically everything on it.. If you haven't can you make one?
The Ted
The Ted - 9 years ago
Great video Marty. First one of yours that I watched and the start of my research which recently ended with the purchase of my first fishing kayak. Thanks and keep the lines tight.
zoffinger - 9 years ago
+The Ted Sweet! Happy paddling :^)
Trey S
Trey S - 9 years ago
You, Sir, are the man!
Jared Flaba
Jared Flaba - 9 years ago
Some really smart DIY idea's.
Jesse Anderson
Jesse Anderson - 9 years ago
Hey man, I'm a huge fan and just bought my first kayak. I was wondering if we go on a fishing trip? I don't know anyone else that uses kayaks to fish and it would be a real honor if you could show me some pointers and help me out.
Ali AlDossary
Ali AlDossary - 9 years ago
Alex Ervin
Alex Ervin - 9 years ago
youve turned a $200 kayak into something I would gladly pay $500+ for. You should consider branding this and selling them, I can say for a fact I'd buy one today!
Brendon Leitz
Brendon Leitz - 9 years ago
What type of kayak do you have in this vid.
Paul Munoz
Paul Munoz - 9 years ago
Too Cool!!!!
Joshua Reilly
Joshua Reilly - 10 years ago
You can always use those fart cushions 2 fill with water to get the shape you want for a esky
Joshua Reilly
Joshua Reilly - 10 years ago
to plp what say about fliping a kayak mas b uncoordinated bc kayak r very hard to flip or doing some dump shit
Joshua Reilly
Joshua Reilly - 10 years ago
hey mate good vido copy some of now dis ur gear dude just got a viking kayak it was cheaps as chips it great for camiping and fishing u dont need buy addon u can put a camping sit in the hole front of the kayak beter and nobe.find thus finshing net what fold up $35 and i got 35doll batt for 35doll and made it so i can changer my fhone and got a 2hp fuel motor 290doll for the long trip out it gets 2 11km mate and can run on 2doll for half a day
Adventure Time GA
Adventure Time GA - 10 years ago
I started with a stringer on the side of the yak, but quickly switched to a cooler after being attacked by a large Bull Shark after my three sea trout. It's not if a shark will attack your catch of you dangle it off the side, but when. You've been warned... Otherwise, Great Video and setup!!! :)
Ken Ketchfiche
Ken Ketchfiche - 10 years ago
Mate, love your vids. Can you show us how you do the stringer on the side. I hate taking a cooler (we say eski) and want to do this, but I'm not sure how it works, other than just poking a string through gills/mouth and hanging the fish over the side into the water. Is this a problem re parasites or bacteria or anything? We have surprisingly similar climate and fish in Brisbane, Australia as you do.
Ken Ketchfiche
Ken Ketchfiche - 10 years ago
Oh, you keep them alive. That would take care of the germ issue. Sharks (bulls mostly) are an issue here too and I reckon they'd be quick to take advantage of the free meal. But I will try it next time I want to keep some fish from the fresh, where sharks aren't so common.
zoffinger - 10 years ago
I also feel nowadays that a cooler on a yak is too much trouble. I have started poking the string through the skin under the fishes 'chin' then out the mouth. They stay a lot healthier that way instead of damaging the tender tissues around the gills. And if I catch a better fish or one that has swallowed a hook and will probably die, I can then release the first fish on the stringer, no harm. As far as bacteria, I don't think there'd be any problems that didn't exist before the fish was caught in the first place. They just swim along like a good dog on a leash. The main problem is when mr shark finds out you got a potential meal tied to your raft!
Louis Ng
Louis Ng - 10 years ago
u should work for NASA 
Jaron Craddock
Jaron Craddock - 10 years ago
Are going to sell your emotion spitfire 8?
Laura Tedder
Laura Tedder - 10 years ago
Hi Marty, My husband and I have been watching your video's and just want to thank you for posting such nice and helpful vid's.  You do a wonderful job, keep up the good work and keep the vid's coming.  You have some nice but cheap ideas.  Thanks again =)
sefox88 - 10 years ago
i used your same idea for the stabilizer although instead of using galvanized steel flanges i used 3/4 inch schedule 80 pvc flanges which will i think work better against the salt water or any type of water corrosion
Te explico como lo hago
Te explico como lo hago - 10 years ago
redneck mechanic
redneck mechanic - 10 years ago
Hey dude so kool I am rigging up a fishing kayak to and u give me so many ideas
JiinxYT | Aussie Pubstomper
JiinxYT | Aussie Pubstomper - 10 years ago
What size is the PVC
iamevildoing - 10 years ago
Holy crap hope you never flip. Regardless that's awesome!
Tylor Wallace
Tylor Wallace - 10 years ago
2015 kayak update ???
Ben Pearce
Ben Pearce - 10 years ago
Hi - love your videos. Is there a description on how to build the live bait well?
zoffinger - 10 years ago
Redneck 124
Redneck 124 - 10 years ago
What type of kayak is it?
mullet key
mullet key - 10 years ago
Cool set up! Good luck in 2015, I'll keep fishing TX with FL as the back up, mullet.key
Deer slayercole
Deer slayercole - 10 years ago
That seems to be a very heavy yak with all of your add-ons is it?
zoffinger - 10 years ago
It's half as heavy as my Hobie Pro angler 12.
Paat Commpo
Paat Commpo - 10 years ago
and...what its under tool box...
Paat Commpo
Paat Commpo - 10 years ago
love that live bait jar...ahahahaa...keep it
rorix - 10 years ago
love this vid! great work mate
My Adventures
My Adventures - 10 years ago
hi i am the england u im doing kayaking on a budget :)
Diane Terrizzi
Diane Terrizzi - 10 years ago
I noticed you said you hang your fish off the yak, have you lost any of your catch to sharks? I hate taking a cooler and would love to use a stringer.

100. comment for Poor Man's Fishing Kayak Rigging Update 2014

greenogue10 - 10 years ago
Brilliant rig, you've though of everything,kayak fishing season is coming to an end here in Dublin Ireland, it's time to start fishing the beaches,,
Kaileey Plunkett
Kaileey Plunkett - 10 years ago
Awesome videos!
Fexican Kringle
Fexican Kringle - 10 years ago
you are a genius  love your vids
Catholic51 - 10 years ago
Good Man

Thank You for You're video....
yakfishin - 10 years ago
wouldn't want to paddle that big box around in the wind. bet it acts like a sail and
you get blown wherever the wind wants you to go.
William Parrot
William Parrot - 10 years ago
me - 10 years ago
Will a small sail be next?
ihncameraman - 10 years ago
Great videos my friend.  How did you hook up the pontoons for stabilizing the kayak when you stand up?
RIYakFishing - 10 years ago
Do you have room to sit on that thing? All jokes aside I kayak fish in the ocean and I don't even take 1/4 of that much stuff with me.
Jay Chapman
Jay Chapman - 10 years ago
dang that is a sweet rig. I could get some great use out of that beast on the reservoirs lakes around colorado and nebraska
Kayak fishing Hudadak
Kayak fishing Hudadak - 10 years ago
Very nice kayak tuning
Garbage Man
Garbage Man - 10 years ago
Hey how does it feel ? You inspired me to buy a Kayak just now for $214 I'm going to rig it like you did the Poor Man way.lol I don't have a lot of money and most kayaks run around $400 and most people show off those things but are always to expensive for me to get involved with, but man you just showed me a new world THANKS and how can I get or make a pair of those stabilizers you have on the back??
J0Gu7 - 10 years ago
Hello Marty, just want you to know, it's great fisherman like you and Kris Flores from muddyrivers catfishing that have inspired me to get back to fishing and doing my own show. Thanks man. I can sit and watch you fish all day! Thanks for posting.
Rebel1280 - 10 years ago
Hi zoffinger, love the videos and ideas! Just bought a couple of yaks for my brother and I and was about to setup the anchor trolly like you have it in this video but at some point (cant find video if you addressed it, if so sorry) you installed a pulley system and now im hesitating to set it up as you have it set on this vid. Is there a reason why you ended up installing a pulley system?
hunter101 Chevy trucks
hunter101 Chevy trucks - 7 years ago
zoffinger - 10 years ago
I still use the big bulky rope for my anchor line, but I eliminated the need for pulleys by replacing the trolley rope with paracord. That thin, slippery rope passes through the pad eyes at the front and back with ease. 
Cue Balls
Cue Balls - 10 years ago
Okay, I shut up. I just found your video and updates. Good job! Your the best!
Craig Davis
Craig Davis - 10 years ago
I used the large pool noodles for my pontoons and they work great
Pierre-Louis Parant
Pierre-Louis Parant - 10 years ago
Good, never thouat of buying a small boat. ??
Blackout Division
Blackout Division - 10 years ago
no i am good thanks
Pierre-Louis Parant
Pierre-Louis Parant - 10 years ago
I am looking for sales rep in Florida. Want to make 100k a year ?
Blackout Division
Blackout Division - 10 years ago
+zoffinger are you still selling it i live in tampa 
zoffinger - 10 years ago
I have a 12 foot jon boat that I hardly ever use. Thinking of selling it actually.
Tab Wyo
Tab Wyo - 10 years ago
I'll be honest.  When I first saw your original rigging video I thought it was ghetto as hell.  But then I parked my high horse and really started to see the genius in your mods.  Have to say..... I am a fan of your videos now.  It doesn't have to be expensive to work.
Brian Ebersold
Brian Ebersold - 10 years ago
Had to share this story with you and your followers.  I had the my 3 kayaks loaded on the top of the van and the family and I headed for our little camping spot along the lake for some fishing and relaxing.  Along the way my straps came a little loose and I needed to pull over quickly to keep everything together.  As i was pulling over i noticed an object in the pull over lane so i stopped just behind it and tightened my load.  As i headed around the van i took a look at the object in the road...it was an adjustable rod holder!!!  LOL!  I had been waiting to get one for a little while and right there in front of my van sat one.  Immediately I thought of Poor Man's Fishing Kayak.  It will be installed soon!  Tight Lines my friend!
Jaron Craddock
Jaron Craddock - 10 years ago
What kind of kayak is that
Jaron Craddock
Jaron Craddock - 10 years ago
zoffinger - 10 years ago
It's an Emotion Spitfire 8
C moore
C moore - 10 years ago
I need to spend some serious money on my boat so I bought a sea eagle fp285 inflatable. Believe it or not, it is a pain inflating it and deflating, plus it is extremely small. It seems like everyone of the videos I see are either "don't buy a cheap one" or look at all I did to mine. I wish some of you would do a video that is more along the line of: I live paycheck to paycheck, am dog tired when I get home and don't want this to turn into a show boat or a major project".  I doubt any of these are safe. They must be about as tippy as a canoe. I live in the midwest where there are lots of res but even in the coves there is always some wind along with the jerk with the jet ski and the guy that wants to run 80 and then stop his boat as soon as he gets to the no wake area. I want to see someone in the conditions I described to see what actually happens. Like I learned a long time ago, you and will never see television lakes that the big guys use because they are private. Notice that you never hear another boat? Come on, someone make a video about a kayak without a bunch of things added and in real world conditions to educate me. I am willing to bet that there are other curious fisherman like myself that would like real information. I mean like, "what happens when you are minding your business and some jerk blows through on a jet ski. Are you swamped? I know you are proud of what you have done, but I wish there were more like, look what I haven't done and it still works.
Bigdaddy Dave
Bigdaddy Dave - 10 years ago
No wifi?
Liban Qasim
Liban Qasim - 10 years ago
This is nice!
MyRose911 - 10 years ago
you would be forever rummaging through tubs and boxes to trying to find what one u put it in i would hate it!!
On Day Five Fishing
On Day Five Fishing - 10 years ago
Thanks. What are your Kayak fishing safety tips for newbies?
NJ Eddie
NJ Eddie - 7 years ago
On Day Five Fishing - Safety tips:
Assume you will dump your 'yak at some point, because you will.
Don't bring a PFD... instead, WEAR it.
If you don't have a drybox, put your wallet, keys, & cellphone each into a Ziploc bag. Then put them all into a gallon-size heavy-duty storage ziplock. Blow a little air into it before closing.
If the water is cold, do NOT wear cotton... yes, this means no blue jeans! WET cotton = hypothermia, if it is cold out. Wear fleece pants, they can be inexpensive.
zoffinger - 10 years ago
Invest in a drybox. Keep your wallet, keys, phone, etc. in there. Everything outside that box WILL get wet. And keep it tethered to the kayak. And at some point, you should try flipping the yak in water where you can't stand (without the drybox, gear and with a buddy) so you know if it happens later on, you'll be ok and can get back on. Be extra careful if it's a sit-inside style kayak. They can sink if they flip. And always check the weather. Especially the wind forecast. Anything over ten mph is going to be no fun at all.
Ron Beatty
Ron Beatty - 10 years ago
A well done diy video. Thanks for sharing!
SergeantSerious - 10 years ago
Well done mate, a very nice rig indeed, impressive!
I think there are a few patent idea's there.
Maybe one day you can come down to Far North Queensland in Australia with your rig and try your hand at some fishing on the Great Barrier Reef and estuaries. Great part of the world! Like Florida......but better lol
Keep up the good work mate!
zoffinger - 10 years ago
That would be a dream come true, my friend :)
silver birch outdoors
silver birch outdoors - 10 years ago
the old girl finally needed a face lift eh, Marty. Long live Kon-Tiki!!
tjv323 - 10 years ago
I love the ingenuity
Music Media Group / Directed by Davo
Music Media Group / Directed by Davo - 10 years ago
You are great to listen to! Love it when I find someone who doesn't annoy me...lol
jessdress84 - 10 years ago
Thank you so much for sharing these videos! Me and my husband love watching them. We've been fishing every chance we get since moving here to Sarasota from Cali (I'm sure most of our facebook friends are tired of looking at our constant posting of fish pics), and were inspired to buy our first kayak and outfit it ourselves for fishing. We're very proud of her and so glad we didn't need to spend so much money on one of those fancy fishing kayaks. We took it out yesterday for the first time. I hooked a nice 25 inch red off of lido. Wish I could post a pic of our kayak here. I've got photos of it here on my blog. 
Cheers! :)
Reaving Channell
Reaving Channell - 10 years ago
You should make a video on how you did all of this.
gosoxyankeehater1 - 10 years ago
They got a box like that at harbor freight same size couple bucks more but it comes with 4 boxes total and all the parts are pvc no metal at all
floatsup - 10 years ago
Never thought of using magnets. Kewl Idea.
Thinking of putting some led's on mine. Just some white lights.
Changed my Hobie fins to Turbo over the winter, and took her for a test run yesterday. WOW, what A difference. Going out again tomorrow.
Cheers M8
lines tight.
jorge arevalo
jorge arevalo - 10 years ago
True kayak rigging at its best ... Much props
Krzysztof Cyganik
Krzysztof Cyganik - 10 years ago
Your kayak ROCKS. One day I might consider building something like this myself. I will subscribe to your channel and watch other videos, but in the meantime if you'd like to see my take on sea fishing in New York it's available on
/watch?v=4km2JbUJElM Good Luck!
Mark Abolofia
Mark Abolofia - 10 years ago
That is just about the goofiest thing I've ever seen! Way too much junk on there! If Fred Sanford had a kayak that would be it! Good job doing it all yourself though, be well and fish on!
mybigdigger1 - 10 years ago
Great videos bud
Jeff Porter
Jeff Porter - 10 years ago
That is one of the sweetest little yaks I've seen.  Damn good job.  Keep the video's coming.  Going to steal your toolbox idea and mod one up for my NuCanoe.  Thanks for sharing.  Tight lines.
James Walton
James Walton - 11 years ago
Love it!!!!
Frazer Wolf
Frazer Wolf - 11 years ago
could you make a video on how you made the floats at the back of you kayak what makes it more stable please.
Frazer Wolf
Frazer Wolf - 11 years ago
zoffinger - 11 years ago
Check the 3 minute mark in the following link to see how the pontoons were built... My Kayak Rigging Update
Mr FishLots
Mr FishLots - 11 years ago
Nice update thanks for sharing
umvhu - 11 years ago
Gotta start realising that the amount of money you have doesn't make you rich, it makes you wealth, big difference. ;-) Your videos make it look like you live a rich life regardless of your wealth! Thumbs up!
zoffinger - 11 years ago
Thank you for the reminder. It's easy to forget. I do appreciate all there is that no one can put a price on. What is most beautiful and free in the world. In a sense, anyone can be rich if they open their eyes to that. 
redwoodfox - 11 years ago
way to much stuff on that boat
OW Streak
OW Streak - 11 years ago
awesome set up!
RPete100 - 11 years ago
Great ideas. Magnets = genius.
Marty Cannon
Marty Cannon - 11 years ago
Great videos!
Jeremy Capon
Jeremy Capon - 11 years ago
Awesome video mate. Thanks heaps. helped me a lot!
Jeff Edwards
Jeff Edwards - 11 years ago
Thanks for the video.
I would put a float on those Lipgrippers. My old ones are on the bottom somewhere since they couldn't swim. Now I use a small float like the one on your anchor line to keep from drowning another pair.   
Deanxm1 - 11 years ago
Looking good Marty, are there any plans to move on to a bigger yak at anypoint or are you going to stick with yours untill it dies?
Been watching your channel since you first put up the 'poor man's kayak' video so this year i have bought an action cam and have started a youtube channel, ive been inspired mate lol
Chase - 11 years ago
Thank you
Chase - 11 years ago
Lot hank you
Chase - 11 years ago
Tell me wher you got a 5 dollar airrator I am a kid and can't pay 40 bucks to get one
zoffinger - 11 years ago
Walmart has these 'Tsunami air pumps'  in the fishing section for $5. I just checked Ebay and found them there for slightly more.
Runthecity - 11 years ago
Hey Marty, i don't know if you ever heard of reddit but check this out http://www.reddit.com/domain/yakangler.com, maybe you can post some of your video links on here. Also take a look at the homepage of reddit too.
sabin bontea
sabin bontea - 11 years ago
frixtx - 11 years ago
Great video as usual!  Everyman's Pro Staff. 
Wesley Hackney
Wesley Hackney - 11 years ago
Nice idea. I'm going to find omr like that at Walmart and add to back of my WS Rude 115. Got time on my hands right nie to customize the yak a little . Tells here in VA are brutal . Thanks again for sharing .
DRAGON76 - 11 years ago
Great Video as always Marty!   I can't wait for the good weather to come back to New England where i'm from.  thanks again for the "fix"
Caleb Dowling
Caleb Dowling - 11 years ago
Always a pleasure to watch Marty, your ideas come in handy when I'm looking to upgrade my own yak. Keep the videos coming!
Mike - 11 years ago
I wanted to let you know...you inspired me to build my own!  Watched all of your mod vids...and thank for putting those together for us. I currently live near Lake Fork, TX and the large mouth fishing season will be underway shortly.  Waiting on my Emotion Spitfire now (under $250 with shipping).  Any suggestions before I begin drilling holes??  BTW...my toolbox came in already!
Greg Hodge
Greg Hodge - 11 years ago
My wife didn't want to go to the HWY 41 landing because of the garbage.  I showed her how you were picking it up so I got her to go.  When we got done we followed your example. Thanks again for the videos.  I hope you got some footage of the big snook.
backwordsboyz - 11 years ago
What gopro do you use?
backwordsboyz - 11 years ago
zoffinger - 11 years ago
Did you see this one?   Kayak Fishing Filming Tips
backwordsboyz - 11 years ago
+zoffinger Me also! you should make a video on how to make your camera rig and what resolutions to do and stuff!
zoffinger - 11 years ago
Hero 3 Black Edition
Alexander Bronsky
Alexander Bronsky - 11 years ago
looks good man! awesome!
fire storm
fire storm - 11 years ago
enjoy watching your vid's here in Ohio its not the best of weather up to 10inches of snow with 0 and below temps nice to sit back and watch you fish and show off your kayak thinking of buying one myself and fish the great lakes and the rivers leading to them this spring but i have to save up.. moneys tight as we all know.. great vid thanks
KAYAK FRANK - 11 years ago
Marty's 2014 Pimped Out kayak rocks out! Poor man's kayak my arse. Your kayak has nothing to envy on those gas guzzling bay boats sir. Watch out fish...he's coming to get ya. Later brother.
Robb's Homemade Life
Robb's Homemade Life - 11 years ago
hey Marty, my favorite addition of yours is the outrigger. good use of magnets too. I like the neodymium magnets from computers you can get cheap on ebay, they are very strong.
it would be cool if you could rig a small sail for off the wind sailing as an assist to paddling.
Al  Barrilleaux
Al Barrilleaux - 11 years ago
I had to Google hei matau. Very interesting . Your knowledge of fishing is always educational. Learned something new today that I won't forget. Thanks
Al  Barrilleaux
Al Barrilleaux - 11 years ago
I had to Google hei matau. Very interesting . Your knowledge of fishing is always educational. Learned something new today that I won't forget. Thanks
Al  Barrilleaux
Al Barrilleaux - 11 years ago
I like the new look. Always great videos. Thanks for sharing.
Al  Barrilleaux
Al Barrilleaux - 11 years ago
I like the new look. Always great videos. Thanks for sharing.
Bicycling Kayak Fisherman
Bicycling Kayak Fisherman - 11 years ago
Your comment about rescuing a tool box from a dumpster made me smile. I have rescued the same way over the years. I noticed a "tackle box" cost way more than a tool box a long time ago. I've been using a lunch cooler (soft nylon type) for my tackle bag for about 2 years now. It works great and it keeps everything in it dry too.
Tight lines and many happy days on the water this year.
zoffinger - 11 years ago
YTour comment made me smile :)
fishwithandy - 11 years ago
Great vids really enjoy them, with the outriggers on your yak it reminded me of Capt Kirks starship,  The Snook Ship Enterprise ,    the enterprise bit being very appropriate 
zoffinger - 11 years ago
To Boldly Fish Where No Boat Has Gone Before...
More To Living
More To Living - 11 years ago
Great stuff ! Now your kayak needs a sail and a solar panel and portable generator hahaha ! One good thing about walmart is that they always sell the same thing. You can come back 20 years later to buy a replacement part or the same exact item. I bought a 55 gallon cooler from walmart which acts as a ice cooler/aquarium fish residence during tank moves/place for my snuba setup/place to store my scuba stuff/general storage. These coolers are awesome. It is like someone designed them thinking exactly like people who would use it... which is a rare thing these days. 
Buckrun11 - 11 years ago
You really have that baby fixed up nice. I have a couple set in Kayaks I rigged up more for the rivers in OH. I want to try squirrel hunting from them next year.
Garbage Man
Garbage Man - 10 years ago
 can you make a video on how you made the stabilizers
zoffinger - 11 years ago
I know folks duck hunt from them...Watch out squirrels! :)
spinesales - 11 years ago
Always fun to watch the evolution of your yak. Nice new box!
lewisfla06m - 11 years ago
Love it - creative, thoughtful, organized.  Cool.  I've been thinking about buying this desiccant stuff (Silica Gel Canister).. little metal box with a tab that changes color.  As the box of desiccant has absorbed max humidity, the tab changes color - then you toss in oven for a while to dry it out and use it again.  I'm thinking of using this in my tackle box to make sure my lures/hooks/etc stay dry. Mike
zoffinger - 11 years ago
I actually keep two of those silica packs in my drybox that I salvaged from shoeboxes. Though I often wonder if a plain ole paper towel would be better. They absorbe excess moisture and I don't need to worry about the dogs eating them. Paper towels are good for cleaning my camera lens too :)
lewisfla06m - 11 years ago
also... posted an idea to your youtube discussion section asking about recipes/cooking/etc
Nick F.
Nick F. - 11 years ago
wish i could buy a kayak!  i do pretty good fishing from shore though and i am saving up. tight lines!
Bryan Tena
Bryan Tena - 11 years ago
my wife bought mine for 300 off craigslist dont have to be fancy as the video suggest :) 
DRAGON76 - 11 years ago
I just finished my rookie season as a Yak owner and fisherman, it is a great time when you can be out on the water pulling in a nice catch!  You won't regret it!! I is certainly worth saving for!
Nick F.
Nick F. - 11 years ago
yeah i borrow my friends kayak occasionally and it is a totally different experience!
zoffinger - 11 years ago
They're an awful lot of fun. Good luck, Nicholas
jalen ferguson
jalen ferguson - 11 years ago

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