Popping Cork and Gulp Shrimp - Grass Flat Kayak Fishing
Kayak 8 years ago 148,652 views
Popping cork isn't my favorite technique to use but sometimes the conditions call for it! Amazon Affiliate Links: Popping Cork (overpriced)- http://amzn.to/2n5X6Jv Good popping cork lure- http://amzn.to/2nU2Tq3 Music: Vexento - https://www.youtube.com/user/Vexento/videos?nohtml5=False JayTea - The last of it's kind - https://soundcloud.com/jaytea-o-o/jaytea-the-last-of-its-kind-01
10. comment for Popping Cork and Gulp Shrimp - Grass Flat Kayak Fishing
20. comment for Popping Cork and Gulp Shrimp - Grass Flat Kayak Fishing
NOT a "Popping" cork! it's an egg clicker/rattle cork.
Next thing you know you'll be calling your 18" leader a "Shock Leader"
Just messin with ya... But really... Thanks for sharing.
30. comment for Popping Cork and Gulp Shrimp - Grass Flat Kayak Fishing
50. comment for Popping Cork and Gulp Shrimp - Grass Flat Kayak Fishing
cant wait until mid June, will be Yak Fishing