Powerkayak Kayak Motorizado - Motorized Outboard Motor Kayak

Mis Kayaks Perception Tribe 11.5 motorizados, el naranja usa un motor Nissan 3.5hp y el amarillo un Mercury 3.3hp, este video fue grabado el primer día de pruebas, se probó el soporte de motor, el acelerador del motor y el brazo de dirección, todo funcionó a la perfección como lo puedes ver. En otros videos detallaré cada parte del kayak, Video showing my two perception kayaks tribe 11.5 motorized with outboard motors Nissan 3.5hp and Mercury 3.3hp, this was the first day tests we did, the motor mount, throttle control and steering bar worked perfectly. In other videos I'll show each part of this project.

Powerkayak Kayak Motorizado - Motorized Outboard Motor Kayak sentiment_very_dissatisfied 120

Kayak 12 years ago 791,725 views

Mis Kayaks Perception Tribe 11.5 motorizados, el naranja usa un motor Nissan 3.5hp y el amarillo un Mercury 3.3hp, este video fue grabado el primer día de pruebas, se probó el soporte de motor, el acelerador del motor y el brazo de dirección, todo funcionó a la perfección como lo puedes ver. En otros videos detallaré cada parte del kayak, Video showing my two perception kayaks tribe 11.5 motorized with outboard motors Nissan 3.5hp and Mercury 3.3hp, this was the first day tests we did, the motor mount, throttle control and steering bar worked perfectly. In other videos I'll show each part of this project.

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Most popular comments
for Powerkayak Kayak Motorizado - Motorized Outboard Motor Kayak

DAV3 DUDE DAV3 DUDE - 7 years ago
I would like to see a 200hp on this!!!!!
Brayden Richter
Brayden Richter - 7 years ago
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 7 years ago
Australian Themeparks
Australian Themeparks - 7 years ago
Claudio Hernandez I love your schnauzer
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 7 years ago
Thank you!.
D Madej
D Madej - 7 years ago
Retarded. You could probably buy an aluminum skiff for the same price...
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 7 years ago
And you have to insult first? What if I could, but I didn't want?.
eric oneal
eric oneal - 7 years ago
Why??? Just because you can. Love it! Just having some fun.
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 7 years ago
Yeap! Thanks!.
X S - 7 years ago
Pontoons and a Bimini top...
And a doobie!
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 7 years ago
Diogenes Laertius
Diogenes Laertius - 7 years ago
Jesus christ!!!...LEAN FORWARD, WILL YA?!
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 7 years ago
Jesus christ! don't take others life so seriusly man!.
Nick Mathews
Nick Mathews - 7 years ago
Game warden would love it!
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 7 years ago
Adrian Eugenio Graña
Adrian Eugenio Graña - 7 years ago
Hola claudio, buenas tardes, me gustaria comunicarme con vos, dado que estoy en el proceso de querer hacer un kayak a motor, me seria de mucha ayuda poder hablar con vos. Saludos !
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 7 years ago
Hola, claro, envíame un mensaje, en lo que te pueda ayudar. Saludos!.
Cosme souza silva
Cosme souza silva - 7 years ago
Coloca um hidrofolio que ele empina menos e ganha mais velocidade.
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 7 years ago

10. comment for Powerkayak Kayak Motorizado - Motorized Outboard Motor Kayak

Juan Nadie
Juan Nadie - 7 years ago
Hola,mi pregunta, es donde podria comprar, el conjunto que tiene puesto en el kayak, para acelerar y parar el motor, pues quisiera ponerselo a mi kayak,un saludo desde ESPAÑA
Juan Nadie
Juan Nadie - 7 years ago
OK,gracias Claudio, le he mandado unas fotos, para que vea lo que yo le he echo a mi KAYAKS, haber que le parece , saludos
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 7 years ago
Hola, todo lo hice yo mismo. Saludos!.
Quintan Schank
Quintan Schank - 7 years ago
How did you mount the motor
Doubius - 7 years ago
Now try a 9.9 !
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 7 years ago
I'm crazy, but not that much!.
noah fishburn
noah fishburn - 7 years ago
how do you attach the motor to the kayak
wilson vamm damm
wilson vamm damm - 7 years ago
hola, pudiste corregir el trim ? por que queda en proado todo el tiempo?
wilson vamm damm
wilson vamm damm - 7 years ago
Claudio Hernandez y como navega? Planea derechito con el 3.3/3.5 ?
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 7 years ago
Fun World for children
Fun World for children - 7 years ago
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 7 years ago
Thank you!.
maggs131 - 7 years ago
I can see putting an electric trolling motor on a kayak but a gas motor? May as well put it on a canoe or small Jon boat
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 7 years ago
Life it not just black & white, may be the goal was not important, but the journey to do it.
Randall Gutiérrez Madrigal
Randall Gutiérrez Madrigal - 7 years ago
Cómo lo ajustastes a la estructura del kayak?
Randall Gutiérrez Madrigal
Randall Gutiérrez Madrigal - 7 years ago
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 7 years ago
Gracias, finalmente un comentario inteligente, checa mi video Jacknuts & Kayaks, ahí lo explico, a partir de este vídeo en todo el mundo comenzaron a hacerlo así, me da mucho gusto. Saludos!.
Frank Stein
Frank Stein - 8 years ago
I just make my wife hold onto the back and kick.

Works great!
snikwad003 - 7 years ago
Far more cost effective
Ryan Lodge
Ryan Lodge - 8 years ago
Frank Stein
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 8 years ago
Lol, sounds funny!.
Cristian Ghiotto
Cristian Ghiotto - 8 years ago
me gusto
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 8 years ago
Que bien!. Saludos!

20. comment for Powerkayak Kayak Motorizado - Motorized Outboard Motor Kayak

Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 8 years ago
Great!, lets get some stubborn fish!.
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 8 years ago
Sorry what?
IL - 8 years ago
does kayak have the centerboard?
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 8 years ago
Hello, no, it does not. Greetings.
IL - 8 years ago
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 8 years ago
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 8 years ago
Hola, tengo varios vídeos donde muestro como lo hice si gustas checarlos. Saludos!
Thomas J
Thomas J - 8 years ago
lmao! Just buy a damn boat.
Andrew Townley
Andrew Townley - 7 years ago
One man's boat is another man's boat.
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 8 years ago
Imao!, don't take others life so seriusly.
Saul Bibas
Saul Bibas - 9 years ago
Claudio excelente. Gracias por compartir. Como hiciste los controles remotos de velocidad y apagado? Como haces si tienes que subir la "pata" del motor? Ponerlo de lado como en otros videos será muy malo?... te queda todo al alcance. Por último cual es la autonomía de combustible?
Saul Bibas
Saul Bibas - 8 years ago
Gracias... excelentw
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 8 years ago
+Saul Bibas Hola, tengo otro vídeo donde explico con peras y manzanas como hacer el control de velocidad. Para subir la pata del motor sólo lo puedes hacer estando abajo del kayak, no hay otra forma. Si lo pones de lado no hay ningún problema, más que un manejo más incómodo, para dar vueltas debes tener mucho pero mucho espacio. Saludos!
john darmiento
john darmiento - 9 years ago
I tried this once with a 2 hp and then I realized how nuts an idea this was
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 9 years ago
+john darmiento Yeap, not everyone can do something like this, normal people are excluded.
Farmer2492 - 9 years ago
its all wrong its not just a matter of putting an outboard on it needs to be trimmed properly to get the nose down
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 8 years ago
Well, I did it to my self, didn´t plan to sell it.
Farmer2492 - 9 years ago
you have done a great job get the nose down and you could sell them in there hundreds
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 9 years ago
+Farmer2492 I don't think it's all wrong, it works!, don't be such a negative or narrow-minded person, yes I had to fix the angle, wich I did with an hydrofoil that works just perfect!.
octavio moro
octavio moro - 9 years ago
Hola que tal, una consulta. Estando en el medio del rio o laguna, como haces para encenderlo? ya que el motor lo tenes atras y no esta al alcance la "piola" de arranque? Gracias
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 9 years ago
+octavio moro Hola, lo más sencillo del mundo fue anexarle una cuerda a la piola de arranque, y dado que mis motores encendían hasta con un rozón nunca tuve problemas. Saludos!
Gary West
Gary West - 9 years ago
the front of the Kayak being so high in the front is telling me it is way out of trim. To get the front of the boat down and pick up more speed, to get on Plane, you need a hydroplane on the outboard motor that you can adjust the pitch on it, meaning the more you adjust it up in the front and down in the back, it will direct the prop blast lower, thus pushing down the front of the boat, they adjusts are small, adjusta a little at a time to get the boat leveled out and get the speed up use a gps on the phone, once you have the fastest speed achieved you are done.
Andrew Townley
Andrew Townley - 7 years ago
Exactly, in proper trim you could expect the top speed to at least double. I run a similar Mercury on my kayak but in 5H.P.. It's a bit scary at top speed, and not for children at all.
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 9 years ago

30. comment for Powerkayak Kayak Motorizado - Motorized Outboard Motor Kayak

A M - 9 years ago
Gracias por el video Claudio. Me ayudo a adaptar un 3.3hp Mercury a mi Hobie Pro Angler 14. Tus videos fueron de gran ayuda para resolver los problemas del kill switch y el throttle control. El unico detalle que no funciono fue tapar el shifter para que el cable bajara las revoluciones del motor, so lo resolvi con un spring en el acelerador estilo maquina de podar.
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 9 years ago
+Manuel Perez “yakfishingtexas” Excelente, en mi caso en ambos motores no fue necesario el resorte pero si, es lo ideal. Felicidades.
A M - 9 years ago
Lo hice, pero no trabajaba consistentemente, so use el spring para forzarlo a su posicion original de velocidad baja.
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 9 years ago
+Manuel Perez “yakfishingtexas” Hola, me da gusto que te hayan servido, para que el cambiador pudiera bajar las velocidades había que retirar los empaques que mantienen el acelerador en su lugar, de tal forma que no hubiera resistencia ni para bajar ni para subir, pero si, con un resorte funciona mejor. Saludos!
Roger Oz
Roger Oz - 9 years ago
una pregunta mas carlos, como te la arreglastes para arrancar el motor? es decir si tienes que apagar el motor y prenderlo de nuevo como haces p[ara tirar de la cuerdad desde tu asiento?
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 9 years ago
+roger mijares Ah ya, le amarré una cuerda de 1.2 mts que llegaba hasta mi asiento y desde ahí le daba el jalón. Saludos!
Sici Elbuensici
Sici Elbuensici - 9 years ago
Donde grabaste es en mexico? esta super jejeje
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 9 years ago
+Sici Elbuensici Hola en Jalisco México.
83RBurke - 9 years ago
A cheap two person with you up front would be more stable, faster and less wet. ""A"for effort though!
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 9 years ago
+83RBurke I solved that with a self made Hydrofoil. Thank you. Saludos!
ryan davey
ryan davey - 9 years ago
if u move ur seat foward or put weights at the front to hold down the kayak to make the engine flat, u will go much faster and easier to control
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 9 years ago
+ryan davey Trust me, it worked flawlessly.
ryan davey
ryan davey - 9 years ago
yea that foil still does nothing if u have the wake flat u will be much more stirdy and faster
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 9 years ago
+ryan davey I know, but I solved using a Hydro Foil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bENUbEOp1DY instead o moving my seat or adding some weight to the front.
UNITED NATIONS - 9 years ago
my motor 7ph
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 9 years ago
+코드네임버블 Too much!
UNITED NATIONS - 9 years ago
must outlger stick-------must .        꼭 아웃트리거해야한다 ----나의 충고 ㅎㅎㅎ.
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 9 years ago
+코드네임버블 What?
UNITED NATIONS - 9 years ago
sea wind danger hehe    바다에 바람이라도 불면 ㅋㅋzz
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 9 years ago
+코드네임버블 Danger = Excitement!
marektube - 9 years ago
an insult to this beautiful sport!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GoGo Gordo
GoGo Gordo - 7 years ago
Wat a f u c k you are marektube!!! Go Claudio!!!
Mickael Cohen
Mickael Cohen - 7 years ago
Claudio Hernandez no worrie budd they r jyst jealous thats why thet talk shit .if they didnt like the idea they wouldn't even spend tume watching and fir sure not even comment on it.that shows unterest n jalousies
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 9 years ago
+Manuel Perez “yakfishingtexas” Thanks for your comment, but don't waste your time explaining things to people that doesn't have the capacity to understand. Enjoy!
A M - 9 years ago
+marektube sometimes you want to do something different when the current or wind is kicking your arse! I go 15-20 miles out offshore in my Hobie PA and when I come back I had times the current was kicking my 6. That is why I put an outboard on it. Only for those trips offshore or when I plan to do > 10 miles
marektube - 9 years ago
sorry if i hurt your feelings......
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 9 years ago
+marektube Really?, nothing more smart to say?.
marektube - 9 years ago
.... but i'm not FAT......mine runs on fat and costs no money,,,,,,,yours costs money and makes you fat ;)
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 9 years ago
+marektube Oh dude, you are so f**kd. If you want to respect the environment then please don't buy kayaks, paddles, life jackets, even your car to transport all that to the water, all of these are made of f**king oil dude, but I know you are so smart that you already know it.
marektube - 9 years ago
The beauty of life is living and respecting our enviroment,,,,if you want to enjoy nature and you are to lazy to do some exercise,,,, just  sit on a rock and don't make noise and let others enjoy their life too,,,,,;)
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 9 years ago
+marektube Don't do it and be happy dude, let others do what ever they want, that's the beauty of life.
Jeff Norman
Jeff Norman - 9 years ago
Whats the point in owning a kayak if your going to run a gas engine? I own a 9.9 currently looking for a Jon to put it on, not my kayak.
A M - 9 years ago
+Jeff Norman the distance.... I kayak fish and have traveled 8hrs to cover 20-30 miles and with the motor I cover that in less than an hour. Once I get to the place I want to fish I use the Hobie Mirage drive and back to stealth mode...
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 9 years ago
+Jeff Norman Good for you my man!.
Carla Williams
Carla Williams - 9 years ago
What's the point??? You want a boat, buy a boat.....
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 9 years ago
+Carla Williams Don't do it and be happy dude, let others do what ever they want, that's the beauty of life.
JOSE GONZALEZ - 9 years ago
Es el mismo diseño para una ocean kayak scrambler xt ???
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 9 years ago
+JOSE GONZALEZ Debe ser similar, sólo busca que el espejo del motor quede a 90° del agua y listo. Saludos!
Luis Manzi
Luis Manzi - 9 years ago
Hola Claudio, tengo un kayak de 3.70m de eslora. Pensas que con un Yamaha 2 hp sera suficiente? gracias por los videos!!!
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 9 years ago
+Luis Manzi Si por supuesto, una ventaja de ese increible motor Yamaha de 2hp es el peso y el rendimiento de combustible, creeme por muy cargado que vayas, irás mucho más rápido y más lejos que a remo. Saludos!
Mariano - 9 years ago
Hola Claudio. Una pregunta, yo estoy en Buenos Aires y deseo comprar un kayak de esos con motor de 3,5 hp, como el que hiciste, ¿¿me venderías uno??. A que precio lo vendes? Gracias
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 9 years ago
+Mariano Hola, tuve 3 y los 3 ya los vendí, pero tu los puedes hacer, hay una persona en Argentina que los hace, se llama Tito Fontana, tiene videos aquí mismo en internet. Saludos!
Mariusz Cholewski
Mariusz Cholewski - 10 years ago
A kayak seen this version? https://youtube.com/watch?v=oxP-bqwANC0
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 9 years ago
+Cholewski Mariusz Yes, that's pretty common, but I don't like it, to much noise very poor power. Good video!.
PATRICK MCKOWEN - 10 years ago
Interesting but too noisy for my taste -- I want to get out to hear nature and not hear the noise of a motor or smell the fumes of gas! Electric with a nice big AH Lifepo4 battery.
Cheers, Patrick
Andrew Townley
Andrew Townley - 7 years ago
Before buying a torpedo, check into Elco electric outboards. USA based and making electric outboards and yacht motors for over 100 years. I run a 20 H.P. outboard on my 21 foot Avalon pontoon boat. It's so much nicer than yelling over a gas engine.
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 9 years ago
+Manuel Perez “yakfishingtexas” Yeap, that's exactly why using a gas motor is not a bad idea. We all know we can use an inflatable with the same outboard, but it's less efford just to put your kayak on the water and you are ready, when you need to go short distances, it's less efford just to paddle.
A M - 9 years ago
Hobie makes a trolling motor called the torqueedo evolve v2 that is design for my Hobie Pro Angler.  I just couldn't pass through the idea of forking $2,200 dollars for it when my kayak is $3200.  With $300 I was able to purchase an old Mercury 3.3hp outboard like the one in the video and after making the base and other materials I probably spend less than $500 on this project.  A cheaper option would have been to use the Minnkota C2 that sells for $99 in Walmart and get a $80 battery.  The weight, distance, and speed made me decide to go with the outboard at the end.  We are talking roundtrips of 30+ miles when I go to the oil rigs to fish for king fish.  I used the Hobie Sail kit, but had trouble beating strong currents, so decided to try this.
PATRICK MCKOWEN - 9 years ago
+Manuel “yakfishingtexas” Perez for the most part you are correct but I guess that would depend on the battery that one would purchase - if you go with expensive LifePO4 than the weight comes way down and the range goes way up, comes down the $$'s I guessCheers, Patrick
A M - 9 years ago
+PATRICK MCKOWEN I agree with stealth, but the problem is weight. Those electric motors require a big heavy battery to give you 10-15 miles range tops, so the gas outboard although less eco friendly is best for long trips. Also, way lighter!
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 9 years ago
+Zyzyzx Zyzer Good for you dude. Leave the danger for those who can handle it
Zyzyzx Zyzer
Zyzyzx Zyzer - 9 years ago
+PATRICK MCKOWEN especially when it can roll over so easy without outriggers and spill gas in the water.
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 9 years ago
+PATRICK MCKOWEN That's why colors exists.
Margalida bennasar suñer
Margalida bennasar suñer - 10 years ago
perdona mi ignorancia, pero, el motor, exactamente, cuántos caballos tiene? No entiendo eso de hp. Podría acoplar ese motor mercury en una canoa biplaza hinchable ? Gracias de antemano, magnífico trabajo. Estoy cansado de remar. Gracias.
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 9 years ago
+Margalida bennasar suñer Hola, en la descripción del vídeo viene, es un motor 3.3hp o 3.5hp, hp=Horse Power = Caballos de Fuerza.
Rodolfo Carrera
Rodolfo Carrera - 10 years ago
Claudio muy buenos vídeos gracias por compartir. Solo me gustaría saber como hiciste la extensión de la dirección o timón ?
Rodolfo Carrera
Rodolfo Carrera - 10 years ago
Muchas gracias Claudio , 
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 10 years ago
+Rodolfo Carrera Hola Rodolfo, ese es un vídeo que me faltó sacar, no son más que 2 tubos de aluminio atornillados juntos en uno de sus extremos, lo cual crea la articulación. La parte que va perpendicular al brazo del motor sólo va pasado con un tornillo. Saludos!
Roger Oz
Roger Oz - 10 years ago
carlos como te la arreglastes cpara alargar el acelerador del motor?
Roger Oz
Roger Oz - 10 years ago
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 10 years ago
Roger Oz
Roger Oz - 10 years ago
+Claudio Hernandez si claro por favor, se ve q eres habil con las herramientas, si ouedes muestrame como hicistes el tramson para el motor
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 10 years ago
+roger mijares Hola, tengo otro vídeo donde muestro como hacerlo, si gustas verlo.
Alfredo Gisbert
Alfredo Gisbert - 10 years ago
Hola Claudio, una consulta, entre la barra de direccion que prolongaste del motor a la prolongacion de la caña, la union para el juego de direccion es solo un tornillo pasante entre ambas ?
Alfredo Gisbert
Alfredo Gisbert - 10 years ago
+Claudio Hernandez
Muchas Gracias Claudio !!!!
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 10 years ago
+Alfredo Gisbert Ah que buena pregunta, en efecto, es sólo un tornillo pasado, tanto el que se conectó al brazo del motor, como el que compone la articulación de las 2 barras de aluminio. Saludos!

50. comment for Powerkayak Kayak Motorizado - Motorized Outboard Motor Kayak

rebitmusic - 10 years ago
put a hidrofoil ! buy a cheap waterbird and diy !
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 10 years ago
Dog. Camper.
Dog. Camper. - 10 years ago
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 10 years ago
+steve king Thanks!
Al Andrade
Al Andrade - 10 years ago

Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 10 years ago
+Al Andrade Ah que bueno, me da mucho gusto.
Al Andrade
Al Andrade - 10 years ago
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 10 years ago
+Al Andrade Perdón, te refieres al tubo donde monté el acelerador?, o al brazo de dirección?
Al Andrade
Al Andrade - 10 years ago
esta muy interesante!
donde me recomiendas  podre conseguir un brazo parecido?

gracias y saludos
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 10 years ago
+Al Andrade Hola, es un brazo articulado, lo fijé con tornillo y tuerca a la palanca de dirección del motor.
claudio almeida
claudio almeida - 10 years ago
muito loko
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 9 years ago
+claudio almeida Yes I know!
p p
p p - 10 years ago
 Claudio: te pregunto con qué y como fijaste el brazo de dirección?
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 10 years ago
+Paulo Piquioni Hola, es un brazo articulado, lo fijé con tornillo y tuerca a la palanca de dirección del motor.
Homer Simpson
Homer Simpson - 10 years ago
Mmmm, Me thinks it would go much faster if you weighted the front end down, i recon it'd do at least 25mph if it was plaining right and not constantly fighting the water like its goung uphill
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 10 years ago
+iva hardy Yes, but I fixed that with an hydrofoil, instead of playing with the weigth, I got much more speed and stability.
Valli Hemp
Valli Hemp - 10 years ago
An enjoyable video. Looks like you had lots of fun. Very enterprising. We too are in process of attaching a 3.6hp outboard on our hobie kayak. Good work
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 9 years ago
+Valda Hempel Thank you it's a lot of fun in any way. Greetings and good luck!.
oGERONIMOo - 10 years ago
you need to adjust your motor, the front should not stick up that high, but what do you expect fro the french... you should know this... what a blatant idiot !!!!!!!!
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 10 years ago
I didn't get it, are you writing just to offend?.
Al Kaholic
Al Kaholic - 10 years ago
Could do wIth shuffling your weight forward under full power to trim the boat better.  Bow's too high in the air at full throttle
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 10 years ago
Hi, we fixed that with an hydrofoil, worked flaulesly, we show it on another video. Thanks for your visit.
Miquel Gelabert
Miquel Gelabert - 10 years ago
Espectacular, dónde está realizado? Me gustaría saber si en España es legal hacer algo así
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 10 years ago
Hola, en méxico, desconozco si en españa lo puedes hacer. Saludos!
無明lee - 10 years ago
才3.5P.這麼大個體積太重了 ...
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 10 years ago
Sorry, English or Spanish only.
Elias Matoffi
Elias Matoffi - 10 years ago
Hola, la verdad que ha resultado maravilloso! Me podrías dar una mano para comenzar a pensar la instalación del espejo en un kayak?
Detector 79
Detector 79 - 10 years ago
dale gracias! yo calculo q tiene q volar el kayak, 
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 10 years ago
+Sebastian Vega Si, es más chico de 11 pies, sugiero un motor de 2hp.
Detector 79
Detector 79 - 10 years ago
no sube agua por el cardan!! xq el nivel del motor es mas alto q el del agua! de todas formas si entrara, no le hace nada xq tiene los asientos de bancada sellados, en cuanto a la modificacion, es una helice en lugar del cabezal. igual si se banca ese motor del video mucho mejor, pero como andara en un kayaxion wild spirit como el mio? no es tan largo como ese!
AUTOTEKS - 10 years ago
+Sebastian Vega Si, sin duda, pero ahí hay que modificar la bordeadora para que use propela y no suba agua. Además casi en todos lados sólo requieres registrar un motor cuando pasa de 10hp, menos de eso no hay problema. Gracias por comentar.
Detector 79
Detector 79 - 10 years ago
ponele un motor 2t de bordeadora naftera de 35cc, tiene 2hp y pesa 1/4 de lo q pesa ese motor, y ademas como no es fuera de borda no necesitas nada para q sea legal, con el mismo puño dirigis y aceleras, y no necesitas reformar el kayak.
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 10 years ago
Hola, claro, checa mis otros vídeos ahí documenté todo el proceso. Saludos!
John Flynn
John Flynn - 11 years ago
Great job! Please do a video on the extended steering set up. Thanks.
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 11 years ago
As soon as I have time, I'll do it!. Thanks!.
SNI - 11 years ago
Me dads tiny is 9 whats that like on this kyack ??
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 10 years ago
+SNI | Minecraft Gameplays, Skits & Commentaries Not necessary, many guys use 4 and 5hp, if your kayak is very big you can use them, but I think 3.5hp has the best power/weight ratio, 2 stroke are 13kgs top, 4 and 5 can get up to 20kgs or 25kgs, on a small kayak, with so much weight and power can get very unstable.
SNI - 10 years ago
+Claudio Hernandez So 3.5Hp is as good as it gets?
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 10 years ago
+SNI | Minecraft Gameplays, Skits & Commentaries Will be insane, a Kayak will never handle the weight of 9hp outboard, not to mention de power, I'll never put more than 3.5hp.
Ozzie Peck
Ozzie Peck - 10 years ago
+SNI | Minecraft Gameplays, Skits & Commentaries nah still no 
SNI - 10 years ago
+Claudio Hernandez  Sorry fgt i meant My Dads Tinny is a 9 HOrsE Power What is that like on a kyack? do get me now..?
J Hull
J Hull - 10 years ago
+Claudio Hernandez English is my first language and I don't understand this question.
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 11 years ago
I'm sorry my english is not good enough, I didn't get your question.
Heath Rowley
Heath Rowley - 11 years ago
Alfonso Lora
Alfonso Lora - 11 years ago
Gracias por todos tus videos me estan sirviendo de mucho te agradeceria que ivieras un tutorial de como iciste el timon gracias y saludos.
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 11 years ago
Es el único vídeo que me faltó hacer, ahora no he tenido tiempo, pero tu puedes hacerlo y compartirlo, así otros se pueden beneficiar. Saludos!
Ash Taylor
Ash Taylor - 11 years ago
How much hp
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 10 years ago
+Ashley Taylor 2 Stroke, 4 stroke are too heavy.
Ash Taylor
Ash Taylor - 11 years ago
nice is it 2 or 4 stroke ?
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 11 years ago
Sara Ramírez
Sara Ramírez - 11 years ago
muchas gracias x tus videos lo estoy aciendo igual en mi kayak podrias acer un tutorial de la barra articulada del timon? gracias salu2
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 11 years ago
Es el único vídeo que me faltó hacer, ahora no he tenido tiempo, pero tu puedes hacerlo y compartirlo, así otros se pueden beneficiar. Saludos!
Dominic Suniga
Dominic Suniga - 11 years ago
You need a hydrofoil
Dominic Suniga
Dominic Suniga - 11 years ago
oh sorry didnt see that my apologies +Claudio Hernandez 
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 11 years ago
Dude, I made it after shooting this video, watch my other videos.
dogmusher - 11 years ago
Why not try air boat . I don't like hull raise up I can't see where hull it's block my view. Because air boat it keep hull down and I can view any where
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 11 years ago
Dude, I was playing, it's my toy. If I need an inflatable boat, I'll use it.
David Schropp
David Schropp - 11 years ago
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 9 years ago
+Trevor Via Dude, I know he is referring to the motor noise, but I don't care, when you all understand that we are free to do what ever we want if you don't hurt anyone?. Try to do as much as you can, and try to get fun on the way.
Trevor Via
Trevor Via - 11 years ago
+Claudio Hernandez  he is referring to the motor noise.  why buy a kayak if your gonna put a loud ass motor on it. 
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 11 years ago
If the music's too loud...you're too old...
JeepCollector91 - 11 years ago
Now just attach the two Kayak's together with some PVC and make it into a twin engine Kayak Catamaran. Maybe even make a place to attach a sail for a windsurfer then you will have a twin engine Kayak Catamaran Sailboat.
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 11 years ago
Yeap, I almost do that too, but haven't had any time.
mickjbull - 11 years ago
Nice work. Thats pretty quick for a yak! Need something similar on mine
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 9 years ago
+mickjbull Good! you won't regret.
Making Sawdust
Making Sawdust - 11 years ago
De Pinga.
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 11 years ago
Hi, well, that's very easy and cheap to do, search on the web for "motoyak" they have a design that works very well, do the same. Greetings!
Fisher man
Fisher man - 11 years ago
I'm going to put my 2.5 suzuki motor on my yak for my fishing. It takes too long to paddle 10km. But how do you start it? I'm going to put outriggers on my yak and put the motor in front of me to the side.
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 11 years ago
Claro, en mis otros vídeos documenté como se hace si gustas checarlos. Suerte!
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 11 years ago
Hola, los que menciono en el vídeo 3.5hp y 3.3hp. Saludos!
Harold Estevez
Harold Estevez - 11 years ago
Cuantos HP tienen este motor?
5561a - 11 years ago
Hola Claudia, me interesa mucho motorizar mi kayak pero no se como hacerlo ¿como hacer el soporte del motor y el mando de velocidad , ¿podrías enseñarme como hacerlo? mi emilio juanesmerodes@gmail.com un saludo y gracias de todas formas
maplefu fu
maplefu fu - 11 years ago
thanks, please send to maplefu0601@ gmail. com
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 11 years ago
I know!. Thanks for writing.
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 11 years ago
it's a articulated tiller, like an L so if you push the tiller you turn rigth, if you pull the tiller you turn left, it's a hard concept to understand until you make it work.
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 11 years ago
Hi, very good question! I have a pic of another kayak and motor that could help you see how it works, send me an email so I can show it to you. From my kayaks I don't think I have one, I don't know why. =(
maplefu fu
maplefu fu - 11 years ago
Oh maybe I know. You make a perpendicular, so you could turn left easily,
maplefu fu
maplefu fu - 11 years ago
Hi Claudio, how could control your direction using your extend handle? Do you have any videos or photos to show how to make this extend handle? Thanks again.
redwoodfox - 11 years ago
I need this on my yak..lol
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 11 years ago
Yes, just attach a rope to the pullcord and you are ready to start it any time.
maplefu fu
maplefu fu - 11 years ago
Thanks. So is it easy to restart your engine when you are in the center of lake in your kayak
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 11 years ago
I fixit with and hydrofoil, you can see it in my videos.
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 11 years ago
Hi, I didn't do that, my motors still manual start. Thank you!.
Nick Sozansky
Nick Sozansky - 11 years ago
just a tip. i think maybe you should put more weight in the front to help it plain a little better. great video
maplefu fu
maplefu fu - 11 years ago
Hi Claudio, it's an excellent video. could you explain how could you convert the manual start motor to electrical start one? and what's your outboard motor?
mexican707 - 11 years ago
What would happen if u put a 20 inch shaft on it ?
01maxiboy - 11 years ago
great video! well done :) thanks for posting
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 11 years ago
Well, if you are in a lake, and you get bad weather, trust me, the only safe way to get you out of there is with a motor, a kayak runing with an outboard motor it's way more stable than with a paddle. And if you are stoped, for fishing it's like all kayaks, behave the same way.
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 11 years ago
Yeap!, you are all right, I fixed the drag problem with an Hydrofoil, got 30% more speed, however same motor on a planing hull will get even more. But, was just for fun and learning!. Thanks for writing.
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 11 years ago
Thank you!.
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 11 years ago
Pues depende, hay kayaks de 3mts usados en menos de $3500 pesos mexicanos, y el motor por ejemplo un 2hp de yamaha lo encuentras también usado desde unos $4000, lo demás es mano de obra.
Iván Tapia
Iván Tapia - 11 years ago
muy ingenioso...estamos hablando d cuanta inversión?

100. comment for Powerkayak Kayak Motorizado - Motorized Outboard Motor Kayak

Devine Rights
Devine Rights - 11 years ago
mexico is beautiful
3G Michigan
3G Michigan - 11 years ago
Looks like you have done a great job of mating the engine to a kayak. The problem may be that the kayak is probably not a planing hull. It is probably a displacement hull and therefore cannot plane. That is why at speed your hull is sucked down into the water instead of planing on top of it. With 3.5 hp pushing so little weight, you should be going more than twice as fast as you are....with a planing hull.
corkyakker - 11 years ago
Hi I like the way you set up your outboard on a kayak.Nice video.I'm wondering how it goes when you stop for fishing in a choppy windy condition.You think you need to put on a stabilizer or that set up will do.It looks cool.
MrJohnjohn04 - 11 years ago
come to Texas... i live on a small river that intersects into a larger one! very peaceful!! Miles and miles of river to yourself... no people hardly,no houses...just river and wildlife! :)
piepiedog1 - 11 years ago
Peaceful? Where I kayak the water is mostly full of drunken teenagers on motorboats D:
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 11 years ago
Nop, I didn't a new video with the hydrofoil or how I did it, currently I'm working in other projects so is not in my plans do it soon. Greetings!.
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 11 years ago
I did that too, but as I'm telling other folks, nothing worked as the custom hydrofoil I made for the leg of the motor, got 30% more speed by reducing that drag. Thank you anyway.
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 11 years ago
What? Sorry dude, only english and spanish.
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 11 years ago
Thank you. Every part is hand made, is not so dificult but you have to make all the parts. I'll send a photo of the hydrofoil installed. I made docens of speed tests, including triming, nothing works as the hydrofoil, I don't have a video of the kayak runing with the hydrofoil but trust me, it works.
jens frederik Krag
jens frederik Krag - 11 years ago
Congratulations Very Nice Indeed!!! Are all fittings homemade or can you suggest where to buy what is needed? I live in Denmark all surrounded by ocean and waterways, so it could be great fun to supply our cano with a motor. Photo your hydrofoil? I think you could get far in speed by putting a little more downward angle to the motortrim and place the gasolin tank in front of the canoe. Please let me know if you can support me with futher detail. You can mail me at jfkrag@gmail.com
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 11 years ago
I'm very glad you like it, I hope these ideas help you keep fishing. With a 2hp outboard you can use a 9-10 foot lighter kayak, or use it with a trolling motor too, when outbards are forbidden. Thank you again!.
MsSaint1962 - 11 years ago
This is fantastic, don't listen to the knockers please.. I have a disability and love fishing. I use a 14 foot canoe with a 2 horse power motor..runs good, but due to my illness the canoe can be difficult for me to lift in and out of the water. I have been thinking of converting to a kayak, but trouble paddling due to illness. This idea is perfect for people like myself..and lots of fun too it seems. I cannot afford a big expensive boat but can enjoy life with simple things like this.Thank you
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 11 years ago
oh dude! you are so fckd!, get a life!, find your self a woman!. Seriusly, do you really think that I care what you think?.
Guenounovitch - 11 years ago
but he's right and your kayak is a pure shit dude
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 11 years ago
So exaggerated!!!, come on dude!, your are more intelligent than that!, how many people do you know that uses a powerkayak?, do you know that we live in different countries?, trust me, you'll never ever see me arround you on my kayak, so, do I take the "peaceful" out of YOUR kayaking?. bs!
Chris Wilhite
Chris Wilhite - 11 years ago
Yup. While we're out their in creeks / streams / rivers peacefully kayaking, you're coming blaring around the bend...taking the "peaceful" out of our kayaking.
bigburpboy - 11 years ago
I am such a racist!? whoa! excuse me, but its just a question. Shame on u! señor, i guess u can't take a joke. btw, nice motor kayak.
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 11 years ago
Another pessimist/negative fellow?, the US economic crisis it's passing by, you are doing great, don't worry, soon USA will be number one again, heads up!. Don't think in terms of "took out", but in "ADD up", I ADDed to my kayak, exciting, speed, emotion, unlimited exploring, etc. If I want "peaceful", I just turn off the motor and use my paddle, what more can I ask?, I have it all in one piece of plastic!.
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 11 years ago
The always pessimist/negative fellow. Turns out that runing, it's very very dificult to roll over, because of the down force, but if you roll over all you need to do is to dry/clean the spark plug, try to start it without the spark plug a few times, and you are back again, this two strokes outboards are unbeatable!.
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 11 years ago
Oh you are so racist!, I live in mexico you idiot!, I've never been in the states. I made this video in english 'cause there are a lot of -good- americans who wanted to know how I did it. Shame on you.
MrJohnjohn04 - 11 years ago
just took the "peaceful" out of kayaking
Rafael Malonjao
Rafael Malonjao - 11 years ago
that's a expensive gamble, all it takes is one roll over and those out boards are toast.
bigburpboy - 11 years ago
is that how they crossed the border?
theseakayaker - 12 years ago
Depends on how much Red Bull you've had before the paddle.
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 12 years ago
LOL, without getting tired?
theseakayaker - 12 years ago
LOL. Come take a class with me and I will teach you how to paddle that fast!
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 12 years ago
Hola, tarde pero seguro, ya subí un vídeo de como monté el soporte del motor, se llama Jack Nuts & Kayaks, si gustas verlo.
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 12 years ago
Hola, tarde pero seguro, ya subí un vídeo de como monté el soporte del motor, se llama Jack Nuts & Kayaks, si gustas verlo.
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 12 years ago
Hola, tarde pero seguro, ya subí un vídeo de como monté el soporte del motor, se llama Jack Nuts & Kayaks, si gustas verlo.
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 12 years ago
Yes, I noticed that, after shooting this video, I made a custom Hydrofoil, we got 30% more speed, just by reducing drag.
Alisha - 12 years ago
You need to tilt it..
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 12 years ago
Gracias a ti por comentarlo y agradecerlo, me llevó mucho tiempo descubrir como hacerlo y finalmente pensé que debía hacer un vídeo para compartirlo y otros pudieran beneficiarse. Un saludo!
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 12 years ago
Yes, I noticed that, after shooting this video, I made a custom Hydrofoil, we got 30% more speed, just by reducing drag.
The Dubya
The Dubya - 12 years ago
If you can get the boat to plane out, (add weight to front, or trim it down) you can make it go faster. w/ your current status... creating too much drag
lito duro30
lito duro30 - 12 years ago
Hola. Me llamo jairo de costa rrica y me encanto la idea de adactar un motor al kayak gracias por dame buena idea para yo hacerlo al mio nada mas que es diferente modelo...
Juan Carlos Fleitas
Juan Carlos Fleitas - 12 years ago
Despues de ver su video del mando acelerador quise hacer el mio gracias por la idea chicos aunque algo diferente básicamente es lo mismo saludos
ivan lastro barbado
ivan lastro barbado - 12 years ago
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 12 years ago
Perdón por no responder antes, he tenido mucho trabajo, lo fijé con jacknuts, hay una forma de instalar jacknuts sin herramienta y es un método de fijación super barato y es lo más fuerte que hay.
Fishin' Ain't Easy
Fishin' Ain't Easy - 12 years ago
Dionisio Herrera
Dionisio Herrera - 12 years ago
Me gusto como lo montaste pero en el video no se ve bien, si la estructura no es muy incomoda podria ser permanente y me parece q es mejopr ponerlo en la popa q de costado. He visto sistemas de costado y es muy sencillo pero el tuyo se ve muy bien
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 12 years ago
Que kayak es?. El soporte lo piensas dejar permanente o de quitar y poner cuando lo necesites?, lo piensas poner en la popa o al costado?.
Dionisio Herrera
Dionisio Herrera - 12 years ago
Felicidades , como lo fijaste al kayak , pedi un motor electrico de 45 lbs de empuje y estoy pensandcomo fijarlo atras asi como lo hiciste tu. Te agradecere tus tips
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 12 years ago
Muchas gracias!, si quedó padre el video y mejor aún los kayaks. Un saludo hasta la Argentina.
Mati Cumbia
Mati Cumbia - 12 years ago
buen video me encanto felicidades
Claudio Hernandez
Claudio Hernandez - 12 years ago
Hola Adrian, gracias por tu comentario, fuiste de gran aporte para la realización de este proyecto, la flota sigue creciendo, que siga así!.
ravigniani - 12 years ago
Quedo muy bien Claudio!, las prestaciones son correctas para la eslora y potencia y visualmente quedo bien resuelto. Me pone muy contento ver tus power en el agua y funcionando OK. Te mando un abrazo y felicitaciones!

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