Re: Killer Whale Lands On Kayak : Proof It's fake

A comparison of the original stock wildlife footage and the doctored footage used for Asian Poweraid sports "very real power" campaign. The advertising company was Wieden & Kennedy and the campaign won a Cannes lion advertising award. Compositing software such as Adobe After Effects or Shake has been used to insert images of kayakers recorded in a pool or lake into existing wildlife footage of a leaping orca. Wild orcas are too careful to do something as reckless as this. agency Wieden + Kennedy, Portland client Powerade creative directors Roger Camp, Todd Waterbury, Tim Hanrahan art directors Joe Shands, Jayanta Jenkins writers Roger Camp, Dylan Lee agency producer Jennifer Fiske production company Harvest/Stock Footage producer Debbie Tietjen director Baker Smith editor Lucas Eskin, Mad River; Peter Wiedensmith, Joint sound design Noises Digital Special Effects Method

Re: Killer Whale Lands On Kayak : Proof It's fake sentiment_very_dissatisfied 17

Kayak 17 years ago 257,884 views

A comparison of the original stock wildlife footage and the doctored footage used for Asian Poweraid sports "very real power" campaign. The advertising company was Wieden & Kennedy and the campaign won a Cannes lion advertising award. Compositing software such as Adobe After Effects or Shake has been used to insert images of kayakers recorded in a pool or lake into existing wildlife footage of a leaping orca. Wild orcas are too careful to do something as reckless as this. agency Wieden + Kennedy, Portland client Powerade creative directors Roger Camp, Todd Waterbury, Tim Hanrahan art directors Joe Shands, Jayanta Jenkins writers Roger Camp, Dylan Lee agency producer Jennifer Fiske production company Harvest/Stock Footage producer Debbie Tietjen director Baker Smith editor Lucas Eskin, Mad River; Peter Wiedensmith, Joint sound design Noises Digital Special Effects Method

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Most popular comments
for Re: Killer Whale Lands On Kayak : Proof It's fake

JR Coon
JR Coon - 11 years ago
the mountains arent even the same in the background
Adrian Luces
Adrian Luces - 11 years ago
There are two different whales in these videos. They have slight different markings and their jump is not precisely the same. So the suggestion that there is a lack of authenticity in the video posted is uncertain as the person making the claim appears to be using inconsistent videos to prove their point.
Adrian Luces
Adrian Luces - 11 years ago
There are two different whales in these videos. They have slight different markings and their jump is not precisely the same. So , the suggestion thatof authenticity
Jordan Click
Jordan Click - 12 years ago
Orcas aren't stupid. They do jump out of water, just like any other whale, dolphin, shark, etc, and most of the time, it is like that. Who is to say that one orca whale did that jump already so it can't happen again? Come on guys! It looks pretty real to me. Any one remember that whale that landed on a sail boat, no video footage of that, just pics, is that fake too? This just goes to show how many people want attention.
MrSuperpiff4 - 12 years ago
somebody passed physics
Zubat - 12 years ago
Shows just how far people will go for attention.
clojap - 12 years ago
This has always looked fake, that Orca would be 50 feet long lol, they got the sizing all wrong.
MakINE16V - 12 years ago
Thanks for the info!!
kathie1441 - 13 years ago
so what caused the kayaker to go under then?

10. comment for Re: Killer Whale Lands On Kayak : Proof It's fake

Tim Waltham
Tim Waltham - 13 years ago
good debunk
Thomas - 13 years ago
@DanSnyder101 ... Do you mean killer of humans? Or just killer of animals in general... because they arent number one in either of those...
Ian Wilson
Ian Wilson - 13 years ago
@cbtaken well they are the number 1 killer in the oceans so they give themselves the bad wrap. theyre fuckin cool though.
TheDoorknob1 - 13 years ago
@TheRacistCunt OH MY!
TheDoorknob1 - 13 years ago
@TheRacistCunt I'm 12 years old and what is this
Bernardo Madeira
Bernardo Madeira - 14 years ago
@terminator847 Orcas=Perfect Predators. Humans=Dumbass Depredators.
TheDoorknob1 - 14 years ago
Venaloid - 14 years ago
Wow, I wouldn't have caught that, nicely done!
terminator847 - 14 years ago
Too bad. I wish the orcas would hunt and kill humans like Human hunt and kill it, instead of trying to be "playful" with them.
valiumsummer - 14 years ago
@Grommo or people of religious faith for that matter.

20. comment for Re: Killer Whale Lands On Kayak : Proof It's fake

Darth Belal
Darth Belal - 14 years ago
@missones Orcas DO venture in very close to shore and people do go out in kayaks and surfboards amongst them. For some screwball reason, Orcas just don't attack people, at least not in the wild. They kill just about everything else, but they leave people alone. An orca isn't going to accidentally capsize a kayak. I've heard of stories that people paddling about on surfboards have been CLOSELY inspected by Orcas because they kinda look like sea lions, but not of an out and out attack.
sorcene - 14 years ago
@khakain: No, someone just took one video and overlayed it on another. Whales do that leap out of the water naturally, it's called "breaching", and its a behavior common to many types of whales. No training took place, the original video was of an Orca in the wild.
Khakain ThisSux
Khakain ThisSux - 14 years ago
So they trained the whale to do that? Cool.
Crittab - 14 years ago
@BaileyJapes Awesome comment. You can't take such an incredible creature out of the ocean, stick it in a pool, teach it tricks and expect it to be happy about it.
Conor Sweeney
Conor Sweeney - 14 years ago
thesleepydude - 14 years ago
@Grommo ur moms fake and gay
Yukiko Dove
Yukiko Dove - 14 years ago
was it a commercial of PowerAde in USA?
Yukiko Dove
Yukiko Dove - 14 years ago
was it powerAde commercial in USA?
Kseriespaisas - 14 years ago
which one is real?
rivercarper01 - 14 years ago
@Grommo sounds like your the only person on this comments page that has credibility and inteligence. This vid is fake and the moon landings were real, end of (watch mythbusters moon conspiracy). As for as I can see these put any moon conspiracys to rest permanently. I dont understand why Americans havto eleborate on solid facts with wild and crazy theories,e.g thermite plasma in the twin towers? your barking up the wrong tree there, building 7 was the controlled demolition, not the twin towers

30. comment for Re: Killer Whale Lands On Kayak : Proof It's fake

amerbfr - 14 years ago
@Grommo ... Do you know why cow shit is flat.... Do you know why rabbit shit is round... Do you know why duck shit is wet... YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT!
Grommo - 15 years ago
Exactly. Verifiable reality is not a strong point with conspiracy theorists.
Bluenose352 - 7 years ago
Grommo I can't believe how many people think that video was real. That's Lolitas mother, correct?
pradtheprophet - 15 years ago
good job mate......
RetSquid - 15 years ago
@Grommo How do the' moonlandingswerefake" guys explain the laser mirrors that they left on the moon?
Dave Cee
Dave Cee - 15 years ago
moon landings= fake
Kalan B
Kalan B - 15 years ago
GuitarGunz178 - 15 years ago
wow man these guys are pricks. the moon landings werent faked,i think they do crack or something.
Grommo - 15 years ago
Have a look in the "more info " section. The advertising production company and people involved in faking the kayakers are thoroughly documented and you can track the info down independently from their websites. If you understand vfx and know stock wildlife footage libraries, the fact that the sequence was faked for the advert is beyond dispute.
Grommo - 15 years ago
In regards to what topic? Fluid dynamics is a subject beyond most people's comprehension so that's not surprising. Do you understand what a karman vortex street is in regards to the aerodynamic wake behind a vehicle or stationary object in moving airstream? Do you understand the coanda effect or bernoulli? Possibly not but although such topics are beyond most people's comprehension all aviation relies on them and so such topics are not shit. They are simply reality.
bob31629 - 15 years ago
@Grommo you talk shit beyond my comprehension
Grommo - 15 years ago
I am a truth seeker. That's why I know the moon landings were real. please try to learn about aviation science and film making and you will understand why the landings were not faked. I am a professional visual effects expert who understands in depth film making . I have worked on a number of oscar winning projects and understand aviation and aerospace detail to a degree beyond your comprehension I KNOW they were not faked.
Grommo - 15 years ago
You think the moon landings were faked? LOL Try to learn some optics, physics, history and critical thinking then try that claim again.
Grommo - 15 years ago
LOL. Some nutter once asked me "If orcas are so smart why don't they use fire like we do?" He was oblivious to the irony! Yes, perhaps they should build a rocket to the moon and put all the human idiots there. Then there would only be a few hundred thousand left on earth.
Ponguig Peopinn
Ponguig Peopinn - 15 years ago
So why don't they build a rocket to the moon?
whalelover1231 - 15 years ago
you dont know what algebra is. im 11 and i do. you are verry stupid. and it is an example that whales are smarter than people in allmost all ways. but they aren't in all. they are smarter in all ways in certian catagories. like surviving but not in math you ignorant stupid beeep
whalelover1231 - 15 years ago
can a whale solve an algebra problem? i think not. but they are very smart and your very rude.
Orionsbelt92 - 15 years ago
hah....srsly *sarcasm*
zeuselrayo - 15 years ago
Nico Echeverri
Nico Echeverri - 15 years ago
Dude that video is fake! tnx for showing us man
Napalmdog - 15 years ago
If the possibility of the kayaks being edited in is there, the possibilities of the kayaks being edited OUT is there too. I'm not quite sure proving this is fake is so important anyways.

50. comment for Re: Killer Whale Lands On Kayak : Proof It's fake

whalelover1231 - 15 years ago
thats because the way MOST people swim they can appear to be seals. honest mistake. i mean who know the orcas may have been old with bad eyes, or young and with no experiance. either way orcas aren't stupid
whalelover1231 - 15 years ago
so fake, the video is right, orcas aren't stupid. the're smarter than people in some ways!
Pob Marley
Pob Marley - 15 years ago
wow it was a fake, and. lol i mean why not just let others wonder.
Grommo - 15 years ago
Yeah, you can cross Orcas off your list of kayaking threats definitely. Great whites are another matter like that chap that tried to paddle from Australia to NZ and was stalked by one to a short distance off the NZ coast.
SiCopath - 15 years ago
Well im glad iv seen its a fake, just bought a Kayak and was shittin goin out into the ocean! Thanks for posting!
William Dutton
William Dutton - 15 years ago
i was being sarcastic
William Dutton
William Dutton - 15 years ago
lol like totally how could there be mountains and trees in a ocean background. everyone knows that the ocean only extends out from hollywood. psh
Grommo - 15 years ago
You're kidding right? Ever been to the ocean? It's that big wet thing with land and sometimes mountains at the edges or in the middle of it. Have a look at pictures of Frederick Sound Alaska or Vancouver Island British Columbia. Even have a look at Hawaii. I know orcas aren't stupid. It's members of another species I'm worried about.
Grommo - 15 years ago
What it proves is that the widely disseminated vid of the orca jumping on the kayak is Fake and was produced by Wieden Kennedy advertising agency for the powerade sports drink. No kayak was landed on by an orca! Many oceans have mountains on their shore. Those are actors speaking to a script in Korean.
ffggddss - 15 years ago
(2/2) And this "Mississippi-Missouri River" is longer than the "Mississippi River," from its source in Lake Itasca, MN to New Orleans, LA.
ffggddss - 15 years ago
(1/2) Actually true, in this sense. Where the Missouri flows into the Mississippi at St. Louis, it's just an accident of naming, which of the two upstream branches got the same name as the single downstream branch, from there to New Orleans. If what we call the Missouri River, had the same name as what we call the Mississippi River from their confluence at St. Louis downstream to New Orleans, that river is, in fact, the longest in the U.S. Some sources name this the "Mississippi-Missouri River."
lunarossa94 - 15 years ago
who is aircalv?
gt3107 - 15 years ago
thank you they arnt stupid
TheBamakid - 15 years ago
i knew it
garter10895 - 15 years ago
haha, wikipedia. Anyone could put stuff on that. It said that the missiouri river is the longest river in the usa. Not a reliable source.
Raymond Seakan
Raymond Seakan - 15 years ago
i knew it!!!
seemonkeydomonkey - 15 years ago
Grommo - 15 years ago
Wikipedia says it's fake too
0stmackaA - 15 years ago
I would laugh lol
Steven Vitovsky
Steven Vitovsky - 15 years ago
can u imagine if that really happened........ like one day ur just out kayaking and a fucking whale landed on u!!! lol lol fuckin priceless
Grommo - 15 years ago
Nope, go re-read the entry. it says "An internet distributed video with millions of viewers shows an orca appearing to jump on a group of kayakers. Regularly presented on TV news as a real attack and discussed by zoologists, it is really a hoax advert by Wieden Kennedy for a sports drink using computer compositing." i know because I wrote it.
Grommo - 15 years ago
Yeah, no worries, although you get the most idiotic genuine comments on youtube sometimes. Often hard to tell jokers from the braindead !
Grommo - 15 years ago
It is the same exact whale doing the same exact jump. If you mean it's the same whale doing similar jumps at different times that is impossible. It would be impossible for splashes and surface waves and body moves somehow filmed from the exact same angle to exactly match in two different jumps.
Grommo - 16 years ago
Look at the waves. When you have the frames and splashes in synch the wave positions and shape and configuration are identical. The colour is irrelevant as that is graded. Having identical waves over an equal span of time in separately shot footage is a physical impossibility.
y0u73b3r9 - 16 years ago
LOL like the dolphins in The Simpsons?
shedano - 16 years ago
Orcas have taken down and eaten sperm whales. They do not eat humans but there have been a few known attacks to happen. They're curious creatures and have even flipped humans off their boats just to see what they are. It also depends if they're transient, resident, or the more rare offshore Orca. I very much doubt they view the human as an aggressive animal. They simply view us a intelligent creatures. There have been orcas that follow boats all the time because it usually catches food for them.
Grommo - 16 years ago
Small, tight, furry...... mmmmmmmmm.... drool
Grommo - 16 years ago
Is that a recommendation? Which show works best for you?
Grommo - 16 years ago
Orcas would not be stupid enough to deliberately breach on top of a kayak containing an extremely aggressive animal (ie, human) far more dangerous than themselves. Wild orcas regularly display awareness of humans and wariness of dangerous boats and situations.
Matt - 16 years ago
What would orcas breaching having anything to do with them being stupid? You dumbfuck.
Chet Manlet
Chet Manlet - 16 years ago
damn.. i really wanted that to be true :(
Grommo - 16 years ago
That's only because the two original clips run at different frame speeds so my frame alignment is not perfect. But the fact that the splashes match drop for drop at various alignments, + the background position prove conclusively it is the same footage. Impossible for different splashes on different jumps in different sea ripples to exactly match like that. Basic physics, probability and occams razor. Plus it won a VFX award ffs !!!!!
BMac - 16 years ago
ur just a killjoy... i wish that guy got squashed... it would be so funny lol
elbowproductions - 16 years ago've been trying to figure out whether it was real or not and this just proved it to me...cheers for answering one of life's unsolved mysteries :D
Grommo - 16 years ago
If you layer the original wildlife footage and doctored advert footage over each other in adobe aftereffects you can see the body action and even the splash droplets match exactly. It is mathematically impossible that two similar "landings" could produce identical splashes. Identical jumps in the same landscape too? It is definitively fake.
Pizzaguy - 16 years ago
Thanks for ruining my dreams!!!
Wyatt Krapf
Wyatt Krapf - 16 years ago
such as??? (ooh i think i know the answer to this one!)
zack lewis
zack lewis - 16 years ago
Its not real, Poweraid and said it was.
Grommo - 16 years ago
Yeah, some observant folk have spotted that in the video title and content.
Grommo - 16 years ago
Watch the footage. The kayak never tips over. It is just erased when the orca lands. The kayak is filmed later bobbing to the surface of a swimming pool after being held under by ropes.
solonaviavenger - 16 years ago
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHH thats fucking awesome
anthony9thompson - 16 years ago
MAYBE they took the kayaks out! Then put them back!Just before the plane hit the WTC you can see that the flag is blowwing in the wind even though its supposed to be in space! AND you can see elvis driving a ski boat towing Hitler in a sea buscuit.....WAIT its the aliens starting to enjoy these anal probes....dont tell anyone granma
Curtis Reid
Curtis Reid - 16 years ago
(flipping pokermaster54 off) Wishful thinking with your name jerkoff!
carl sagan
carl sagan - 16 years ago
CBR you need to die.
Curtis Reid
Curtis Reid - 16 years ago
This is'nt sea world, there's a little logic for you!
Curtis Reid
Curtis Reid - 16 years ago
Not fake, have you been to the coast, this can happen!
Chad Estes
Chad Estes - 16 years ago
Wild orcas are too careful to believe you.
Tony Montana
Tony Montana - 16 years ago
i thought it was cooler with the kayakers!
yinyangthang - 16 years ago
LOVE the comment at the end: "ORCAS AREN'T STUPID." Briliant!
Orthophobia - 16 years ago
Good point, good point. ;)

100. comment for Re: Killer Whale Lands On Kayak : Proof It's fake

Alex Supertramp
Alex Supertramp - 16 years ago
lots of people
Orthophobia - 16 years ago
Oh. Thanks! ^^
Orthophobia - 16 years ago
I'm still wondering: How did the guy in the kayak drown himself in the vid?? Because he disappear for maybe 5 seconds and he appears like a couple of meters from where he were. So how did he drown himself? :S Oh and, before watching this, I thought it was real. XD
ckd04 - 16 years ago
darn it all to hell. i wanted it to be real. i mean if it was and no one got hurt that would have been awesome. but who kayaks on the ocean any ways
Marie Lévesque
Marie Lévesque - 16 years ago
Sure that it was fake... I Never heard about a killer whale who jumps on a kayakist. (Sorry for my bad english XD)
iluvkandu7 - 16 years ago
getahaircut27, have the whales you've seen jump the same way had the exact same identification markings as one another? didn't think so. if the same whale jumped the same way 2x (which is unlikely as they would differ slightly), in 2 different places in the world (which is unlikely as it wouldn't leave it's native part of the world), don't you think it's also extreemly unlikely that there would be a camera placed just so at the same angle to catch the second jump? i doubt it very much.
iluvkandu7 - 16 years ago
yeah, i figured. orcas are my fav animal & i know alot about them. they wouldn't make a mistake like that, not when it could have injured them like that could have. i've also seen the origional footage of the orca they used a million times. it's been used on three diff documentaries i've seen & is a photo in a book i have. same markings, so same whale. i checked to be sure after seeing your vid. so i know for a fact you didn't make a fake vid. anyone who says so are either paraoid or stupid.
Grommo - 16 years ago
If you were observant you would notice it was a video compression artefact from how youtube handles Sorenson 3codec and anywhere that the white text has been leaves a lighter blue patch. Sorry, no cigar
Alexa Cramer
Alexa Cramer - 16 years ago
hmm...looks like the water around the whale in the first vid is a little blue...looks like maybe YOU made the fake video...
mojave19 - 16 years ago
Thanks for posting this.
rrr777 I
rrr777 I - 16 years ago
Me 3
rrr777 I
rrr777 I - 16 years ago
Haha.... id like to see that. Go Sea Shepherd!
mrlego611 - 16 years ago
Plopjon1990 how do u know Big foot is real send me proof.
Rob Arlesey
Rob Arlesey - 16 years ago
Spoil our fun! Someone make a video of seals taking revenge on Loyola Hearn please!
Grommo - 16 years ago
The fake clip was specifically commissioned by a european advertising PR agency as part of poweraid's "very real" campaign. It won some medals at Cannes adverts awards for that year. It was then posted widely on the net but the posters cut the advert part off the tail end. It has also been reposted with the ad to show it's origins but I have included the undoctored footage to show there were never any kayakers present.
lesatseaside - 16 years ago
"R U sur its fake? i thuought it wuz reel." wow-some of the dumbest people own computers.
Brandon - 16 years ago
those videos are jsut ones with the kayakers taken out!
ThorAxeTheThunder - 16 years ago
Orcas arent stupid xD butit would be funny if a orca would do this :D
martziano619 - 16 years ago
WOW!!! Look at that hang time by the whale!! Should be slam dunk champion.
OAD1006 - 16 years ago
you'Re all wrong. the footage with the canoes is real. though it appears funny you can't use for advertising a product. that's why they retouched the mountains and the canoes and left just the killer whale and pretended the retouched footage to be real (like taken from discovery or fukken national geografic) and the footage that was actual real as the one they faked for the advertising. is much cheaper, innit?
Shokar Ramia
Shokar Ramia - 17 years ago
Grommo - 17 years ago
Because you can find the original high definition footage in film libraries, and you can download the trailer for "Lolita, Slave to entertainment" on the internet which also shows the original un-doctored footage.
Jim Ed Erimie
Jim Ed Erimie - 17 years ago do we know you didnt take the kim chee kayackers OUT of the video???
Kresten Kelaher
Kresten Kelaher - 17 years ago
so thirsty after that!
Kathryn Holland Official
Kathryn Holland Official - 17 years ago
thanks for showing REAL footage and not being a stupid advertiser and willing to make anyone look bad for money! YAY ORCAS!! haha i knew that wouldn't happen. it's people like you who make my day :)

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