Rigging an $88 Youth Kayak!....Broke Yakin How To

I decided to get my kids a kayak suitable for their age level, and of course I decided to rig it so they can fish and record from it, and I will use it as an equipment trailer for the kayak. This thing will carry everything I need, and is quite light weight. This won't be for everyday use, but it will come in handy on those longer trips. I'll be testing this thing out over the next week or two so that I can make necessary adjustments. As with all things in this genre, I'll have to get it wet to find out exactly what it needs. Check out my other channel for psychological short stories that will change the way you look at your neighbors: Http://www.youtube.com/Brokeville Mall Walker by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artist: http://audionautix.com/ Act Two - Tenebrous Brothers Carnival by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100641 Artist: http://incompetech.com/

Rigging an $88 Youth Kayak!....Broke Yakin How To sentiment_very_dissatisfied 46

Kayak 8 years ago 89,442 views

I decided to get my kids a kayak suitable for their age level, and of course I decided to rig it so they can fish and record from it, and I will use it as an equipment trailer for the kayak. This thing will carry everything I need, and is quite light weight. This won't be for everyday use, but it will come in handy on those longer trips. I'll be testing this thing out over the next week or two so that I can make necessary adjustments. As with all things in this genre, I'll have to get it wet to find out exactly what it needs. Check out my other channel for psychological short stories that will change the way you look at your neighbors: Http://www.youtube.com/Brokeville Mall Walker by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artist: http://audionautix.com/ Act Two - Tenebrous Brothers Carnival by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100641 Artist: http://incompetech.com/

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Most popular comments
for Rigging an $88 Youth Kayak!....Broke Yakin How To

just every thing
just every thing - 6 years ago
Funnest kayak vid ever LOL
Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 6 years ago
Movin on up lol
Free Template Maker
Free Template Maker - 6 years ago
loooove the curious cat :D
J RVolluz
J RVolluz - 6 years ago
With your bait holder, tape some fine mesh over the hole so you can still drain it and not lose your bait.
Trophy Fish with Scott
Trophy Fish with Scott - 6 years ago
Love the voice over. Nice vid.
jay love
jay love - 7 years ago
nice skills
Freeman's outdoor adventures
Freeman's outdoor adventures - 7 years ago
hey dig what you are doing man you have inspired me on my own kayak and adventures with it check out my vids and let me know what you think of my mods I'm a big guy and its an sun dolphin aruba 8 ss and I love it it carries me and my gear just fine
Dylan#12 - 7 years ago
We're do you get a kayak rod holder
Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 7 years ago
+BrEzUs Skimboards Wal-Mart has them.
Indiana Hill
Indiana Hill - 7 years ago
were do u sit?????
bob chuboca
bob chuboca - 7 years ago
he plans to tow his stuff in this kayak
Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 7 years ago
+Indiana Hill kids sit towards the back, but this is for towing gear.

10. comment for Rigging an $88 Youth Kayak!....Broke Yakin How To

Deutly Leito
Deutly Leito - 7 years ago
Been watching your channel for a while now but never left a comment til now because this video is the best one yet! Lots of great ideas to incorporate into my own rig. Plus I love your cool laid back style of narrating the videos. Keep up the great work and tight lines!
Nightstalker350119 - 7 years ago
That voice lmao. I feel like I just bought an item and it came with a instructional dvd on how to use it. XD
abraham ramirez
abraham ramirez - 7 years ago
instant like for cat
Eff Yoo
Eff Yoo - 7 years ago
dude, frigging rigging hilarious . love your style. your voice is $.
STAY HOOKED - 7 years ago
that oil drain pan bait well is genius for sure thanks for sharing
Jonathan Nguyen
Jonathan Nguyen - 7 years ago
What reel was that
surunner455 - 7 years ago
Looked like the Abu Garcia Cardinal SX that they also sell at Walmart
Lonnie Smith
Lonnie Smith - 7 years ago
What's the light called
Robert M
Robert M - 7 years ago
You could put some stuff to do some hardcore out in the wild cooking and now you have the room to bring it with you.
Robert M
Robert M - 7 years ago
I don't what it is, but people love food videos, especially catch and cook @ home or out in the "wild". Some people have channels dedicated to just cooking and you can be like Frodo and have the one to rule them all!
Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 7 years ago
+Robert M Hmmmm... That's an interesting idea.
iamelvisman68 - 8 years ago
amazing video the music was hilarious lol
Theseustoo Astyages
Theseustoo Astyages - 8 years ago
LOL! I spool my reels exactly the same way... ;)

20. comment for Rigging an $88 Youth Kayak!....Broke Yakin How To

snatcher420 - 8 years ago
was going to use a belly board but this will do much better for carrying 2-3 rods,small ice chest,tackle and small live well.
Unkle Fritz
Unkle Fritz - 8 years ago
Just Ree Outdoors
Just Ree Outdoors - 8 years ago
good ideal...I have been thinking about getting two of these and attach to my yak as outriggers and extra storage.
Jesmine Ryckman
Jesmine Ryckman - 8 years ago
great channel. How would you (or can you) rig this for the ocean? would be great to put a cooler/fish bag there and other storage.
Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 8 years ago
+Jesmine Diaz I haven't tested it in high seas yet, but I'd imagine a simple outrigger system would suffice so long as the load isn't too high.
Snookman28 - 8 years ago
You are definitely prior military and probably Infantry..... I love the oil pan idea and I am going to incorporate that on my Kayaks!!! Thanks bro, tight lines
Pat Myott
Pat Myott - 8 years ago
Great idea, never enough room in the yak. I know what my next purchase is. Thanks for the vid.
Michigan Mister
Michigan Mister - 8 years ago
"look how shiny my knob is"!.........had to sub!?
BloodSweatnBass - 8 years ago
I spool my rods the same way, haha lol I had no idea it was old school!
halfbreed02 - 8 years ago
too funny. still great content man, I'll mind my own business from now on. lol
ernie - 8 years ago
good idea on the tow behind . i have a hobie pa 12 and was trying to come up with something to put camping gear and fishing gear for a weekend fishing and camping trip down the peace river. really enjoy the videos broke . keep em coming
Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 8 years ago
+ernie Thanks ernie! I didn't think about that, but it can hold up to 130 lbs so you should be able to put everything you need on it.

30. comment for Rigging an $88 Youth Kayak!....Broke Yakin How To

latorgator23 - 8 years ago
Been doing the toe spool since about '94... Digin' it Broke!
Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 8 years ago
+latorgator23 Right on!
Al St Aubin
Al St Aubin - 8 years ago
I like that idea, might work for hauling the decoys for duck hunting.
Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 8 years ago
That's a good idea!
Silver HvH Noob
Silver HvH Noob - 8 years ago
yo ive seen you at my little friends school when i go to pick him up.
Dirtbike_Kody - 8 years ago
+Broke Yakin lol
Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 8 years ago
One of my subs didn't care for my music so I've been messing with him a bit. All in good fun.
Dirtbike_Kody - 8 years ago
+Broke Yakin it might I mean it's just going to be slightly different bo3 and y no intro music
Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 8 years ago
It might be, but it sure will be nice to play something without lasers and jet packs. COD4 was also fun because everybody was on the mic back then, so hopefully they get that figured out too.
Dirtbike_Kody - 8 years ago
+Broke Yakin it's going to be gay
Silver HvH Noob
Silver HvH Noob - 8 years ago
+Broke Yakin yea!!
Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 8 years ago
Right on man! You excited about that COD4 remaster?
Wayn Jul
Wayn Jul - 8 years ago
When I first saw those at Walmart I was going to buy one for each foot.
FaZe Ligma
FaZe Ligma - 6 years ago
Wayn Jul I want one to paddle shark baits out
Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 8 years ago
+Wayn Jul lol that might work
gman77gas - 8 years ago
BS.....this is for towing STEVE around!
Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 8 years ago
+gman77gas That's a mighty big accusation!
Justin Coleman
Justin Coleman - 8 years ago
no man I meant just buy one lol
Justin Coleman
Justin Coleman - 8 years ago
Just watch out for them dumbass boat wakes
Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 8 years ago
+Justin Coleman Ah, that makes more sense. I could but I wanted to get my kids a yak they could use too, and I wanted something to tow while I train for my 23.5 mile trip
Justin Coleman
Justin Coleman - 8 years ago
FYI man it's called a Canoe. just saying lol good shit man
Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 8 years ago
+Justin Coleman I'll send you a picture of the receipt lol
danny - 8 years ago
The toes to use as a spool assistant!? You just bought me brownie points! My girlfriend hates holding the pencil while I spool. Lol! Thanks
Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 8 years ago
+danny Glad I could h help lol
Lzyfisherman - 8 years ago
looks like fun times ahead for you.
OPLlama - 8 years ago
nice affordable and useful
slimdog71 - 8 years ago
You're a card bro, I'd love to had out fishing with you!
Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 8 years ago
+slimdog71 lol thanks Slim
BUTTHOLASAURUS - 8 years ago
sweet getup man
B-Ham Bus
B-Ham Bus - 8 years ago
Preglide Plays
Preglide Plays - 8 years ago
are you actually going to fish on that?
Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 8 years ago
+Preglide Plays Lol no, this one is for my kids but I'm gonna tow it behind me sometimes too.
The Irish Pickel
The Irish Pickel - 8 years ago
Great vid Laddy
Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 8 years ago
+TheIrishleprchaun TheIrishleprechaun Thanks!
The Irish Pickel
The Irish Pickel - 8 years ago
Know I know what I'm going to do with my kayak
76unclefester - 8 years ago
also great for camping gear . over nighters . awsome.
yellowdeer 7
yellowdeer 7 - 8 years ago
You can also use a bed pan. That way it's used for double duty. Get it, double duty.
Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 8 years ago
+yellowdeer 7 Lol good thinkin.

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