Rowing is Passion - ROWER vs KAYAKER

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Rowing is Passion - ROWER vs KAYAKER sentiment_very_dissatisfied 174

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for Rowing is Passion - ROWER vs KAYAKER

Boris Chang
Boris Chang - 6 years ago
Chill out. This is like Gibson vs Fender, Canon vs Nikon, Steak vs Lobster, Ginger vs Mary Ann... Just follow your own path and your own passion and smile at the A-B comparisons many people make to pass the time.
VermistiS - 6 years ago
2000 is way more usual for rowing and than the rower clearly wins seeing that the kayak slows down during the race
Baked Utah
Baked Utah - 6 years ago
This is the second “rowing vs kayaking” video I’ve watched so far (gawd knows why!), and, although admittedly based only on those two, it’s hard to see why anyone who wanted to pick up one of the two sports would choose rowing! I mean:

a) fast, highly maneuverable, not-to-mention ripped, snowboarding-cool, water-skimming machine OR
b) kinda sedate, only-in-a-straight-line (and backwards for gawd’s sake!), no-doubt fit but fit like Hodor from Game of Thrones, with a maiden-aunts-out-for-some-gentile-Sunday-skiing vibe, floaty boat

Why would anyone pick b) !?

Clearly I’m missing something because ... well, rowers. And they don’t just do it, they appear to love it. So, what is it? Early morning after early morning, come rain or shine, with what by all reports are mind-crushing levels of physical discomfort; why?

P.S. And the title, about rowing being passion, is a bit click-baity, no? I thought it was going to be all about how rowing might look less cool, but in practice is where the awesome performance lives. In other words, “Yay, rowing!” And of course, that’s not how it actually comes across. Or is the point being made that the only thing keeping rowers going, in the face of it appearing to be (in the video’s terms) a suckier sport than kayaking, is that particular form of bloody-minded insanity typically referred to as “passion”?
Daniil Gumirov
Daniil Gumirov - 6 years ago
Wow.. wouldn't expect the kayaker can win... The girls must be rowing pretty relaxed or had a tough night :)
B Outthere
B Outthere - 6 years ago
I would like to see a straight up single against a single and keep it man vs man and woman vs woman
Samuel Mchale
Samuel Mchale - 6 years ago
I’m quite a good level kayaker but I’ve just started rowing training and tbh rowing is so fkn fun
Claire Harrison
Claire Harrison - 6 years ago
they we're rating 34 for the entire race, thats a training row honestly
Mathew Hollins
Mathew Hollins - 6 years ago
"Lets have a fair race with a K1 trying to out sprint a K2", said no one ever. Put a K2 kayak, with Hank Mcgregor and Andy Birkett together, and the 2 best rowers, the kayak will come out victorious.
BoniaS X%
BoniaS X% - 6 years ago
I love rowing is the best water sport

10. comment for Rowing is Passion - ROWER vs KAYAKER

N a t a l i a a a a
N a t a l i a a a a - 6 years ago
I from poland❤ trenuje kajakarstwo mega sport oraz porównanie...
Quaylan King
Quaylan King - 6 years ago
I love rowing singles
Joao Gabriel
Joao Gabriel - 6 years ago
Oii eu tambem fasso canoagem e é muito legal
Nastya Serbskaya
Nastya Serbskaya - 6 years ago
Серьезно??? Академия двойка и байдарка одиночка?? Че за бред??
Fire Boom
Fire Boom - 6 years ago
2 минуты 500 м. очень долговато для двойки академички
davie jones
davie jones - 6 years ago
The fact is that a kayak will most likely go faster than are shell due to the fact that kayaking is a continuous flow of forward momentum as to rowing being a stopping starting type of motion. This will be 9/10 the deciding factor in this kind of race.
Arijit Sinha
Arijit Sinha - 6 years ago
A rower is suppossed to displace more water. How did they lose?
Cormac Stapleton
Cormac Stapleton - 6 years ago
what with only 35 SPM for 500m? Especially in a double and such a short race they should at least be at 40
Aaron Dickson
Aaron Dickson - 6 years ago
rowboats are way more efficient then kayaking, duh. you cant compare different sports by speed or a novice kayaker could beak micheal phelps. whatever sport you do doesnt make you better. its how hard you push
Андрей Сермягин
Андрей Сермягин - 6 years ago
Мля я на байдарке в 16 за 1:50 прошёл)такчт академисты молчите мужик тоже не айс был

20. comment for Rowing is Passion - ROWER vs KAYAKER

Jb A
Jb A - 6 years ago
Yeh but it’s flat water so it’s boring regardless
leo hedl
leo hedl - 6 years ago
MortaleVeleno - 6 years ago
Girls are beautiful!!!
SkiFF - 6 years ago
Найс подлет в корму.
Remkour - 6 years ago
Las canoas mandan
peppepit - 6 years ago
Hi friend, the time lap 1:50 for 500 mt is a very good time by k1. But not for the double! This boat it very speed, So I think that the two athletes... Weren't in good phisical condition.
martin sinclair
martin sinclair - 6 years ago
What a bunch of useless whiners you all are. What difference does it make which is faster and who was the competitor? You are missing the point of athletics. It is to get out there and keep fit by something that you like doing. Fresh air, nature, blood pumping. Didn't your mamas ever tell you that?
Ростислав Поліщук
Ростислав Поліщук - 6 years ago
2х какие-то лошары сидят, я бы их в 1х выебал
einufo ofunie
einufo ofunie - 6 years ago
Gut gefilmt und einfach mal witzig dieses kleine Rennen "just for fun".
Gruß Tino
Adam Perkins
Adam Perkins - 6 years ago
I really enjoy small boats. Designing, building, being on the water, it's all great to me.
That said, the comments on this video make a lot of you sound like overbearing, over-competitive people.
The sort of folks that won't be able to leave a comment like this alone...

30. comment for Rowing is Passion - ROWER vs KAYAKER

Two Eye
Two Eye - 6 years ago
Duh girls are slower then men
Paul Mainwaring
Paul Mainwaring - 6 years ago
At least do it with 2 rowers who don't sky at the catch
Mal Stewart
Mal Stewart - 6 years ago
Bit of a miss about a k2 against 2 men scull
Georgi Lambov
Georgi Lambov - 6 years ago
Haha something you messed up a kayaker can not beat an acadammy boat camels to be a pair of cheekbones and to such a distance
Macy Jorquera
Macy Jorquera - 6 years ago
they aren't very good rowers, I am a rower myself and I compete every Saturday. They're technique is horrible. Good video though
Stephanie Low
Stephanie Low - 6 years ago
How long have you been rowing for? I am a rower myself so was curious to know
crazy observations
crazy observations - 6 years ago
The women look way more hot! they win. How are you going to get all your fishing gear in that little kayak. I never understood this as a sport. Speed on the water is what a V6 is for
J Tapia
J Tapia - 6 years ago
Hu... geeez not even 2 women can compete with a man.. #bringthehate
Bat Max
Bat Max - 6 years ago
The result could have been more even with man vs 1 man or woman vs 1 woman The strength would have been the same and perhaps the weight would make a difference
Axel05 - 6 years ago
Those girls seems to be really week their rate is way To slow for 500m and 1:51 is a new rower time
vkovacevix - 6 years ago
This needs to be equal!Why would you put a womens double againts him alone?Not only are women physicaly weaker but there are double the weight they have to pull!Plus they suck!
Daniel Price
Daniel Price - 6 years ago
Rowing may be passion but kayaking is also passion.
mrtoolegittoquit2 - 6 years ago
Wtf. Those chicks are ass rowers. Technique is trash. No Wonder
João Dias
João Dias - 6 years ago
The best Portuguese time of 15 year Olds was 1:38 in skiff so I think this isn't very accurate.
Peppa Piggg
Peppa Piggg - 6 years ago
Rowing is love, rowing is life ❤
David Bostock
David Bostock - 6 years ago
From what little I know (real little) about displacement craft and waterline length the 2 place boat with the women rowers should have smoked the 1 person kayak, as excellent as he was.
James Friesen
James Friesen - 6 years ago
Interesting video, but kayaks and this type of row boat are made for totally different purposes. If you raced these two boats against each other in rapids, the results would be totally different.
Slafix - 6 years ago
Idiot ideea 1 kayaker an vs 2 rower girls??? Let's compare a chair with shampoo
Matthew Sidlowski
Matthew Sidlowski - 6 years ago
If it was a heavy weight men’s boat then the kayak wouldn’t even be able to see them
Mr. Rippovich
Mr. Rippovich - 6 years ago
Watch the Race-Off Rowing (M4) vs Kayaking (K4) - Melbourne, Australia if you want to see a fair dubs.
Hays Clark
Hays Clark - 6 years ago
That is like the most rad boat storage place I have ever seen! I think what is so special about rowing is the teamwork and the effort to get multiple individuals to be in sync. Watching the German world record footage for 8x is just amazing.

50. comment for Rowing is Passion - ROWER vs KAYAKER

Ming FAI Wong
Ming FAI Wong - 6 years ago
It doen't fare, 2 person fight 1 person
Guilherme Bayer
Guilherme Bayer - 6 years ago
The only reason that the girls didn’t win is bc they checked the boat on almost every stroke otherwise they would’ve dusted the kayak
Ivano Cruseido
Ivano Cruseido - 6 years ago
one man against 2 ladies?? Confusing....would be more fair man/woman against man/woman etc...2 against to...
Ckameron 99
Ckameron 99 - 6 years ago
Please, get some good rowers. When I was 15 I did 500m in 1.49 in a single scull with a headwind
Ckameron 99
Ckameron 99 - 6 years ago
I don't mean to dis the rowers, they may just be a bit new, it's just the kayaker is clearly a better athlete
C - 6 years ago
What length is a single rowing Schull? The k1 kayaks are 5.2meters. Unless you match the craft length the test cannot be a direct comparison. These are displacement hulls so it matters.
Long Clock
Long Clock - 6 years ago
This is bull
Maarten Toner
Maarten Toner - 7 years ago
If only you could surf a rowboat like a surf kayak :)
Robb's Homemade Life
Robb's Homemade Life - 7 years ago
so, I think all rowers will agree that the kayaker came in next to last.
David Aronovitch
David Aronovitch - 7 years ago
Everyone should know the intention of all these videos are to insult the sport of rowing (despite the purposely misleading title).
Antonio Ant
Antonio Ant - 7 years ago
1:51 for a double is very slow. Those girls were having a light paddle...
Gianluca Cottino
Gianluca Cottino - 7 years ago
As a former rower who has transitioned into kayaking (which I personally prefer), I can say that the rowers should always win pretty much most distances (With the exception of maybe a 100m or 200m sprint where a kayaker's higher rating is favoured). Simple physics provides rowers with far more leverage than a kayaker (A couple of meters more), and rowing also engages a far larger range of muscle groups making it significantly more powerful. This video is really cool, but if athletes of similar fitness levels from each sport were used the rowers would consistently win. (Or you could just look at record times :D).
Chase Mead
Chase Mead - 7 years ago
Only 500 meters, as a rower I wanted to see that kayaker suffer
Ábel Bálint
Ábel Bálint - 7 years ago
Who the fuck is going 36spm in 500m in a duble skull? Its way too low
Ronnie1001 - 7 years ago
Hello, a question to (probably slightly older?) rowers/coaches. I was able to buy a 40+ year-old wooden/varnished fine-shell single-scull (assembled weight 22kg) with original wooden macon blades (2.7kg each) very cheaply to save it from scrap. After tidying, I have been able to do some long-distance outings in it (for example 28km including self-carry over 2 locks in 3h10m). I wondered if anyone has any factual evidence as to how much slower than a brand-new carbon scull with the latest blades it might be if I wanted to do some half-serious competition in it - or should I hire a new boat?
simobotta04 - 7 years ago
But the kayaker is a shit I do better
Anakinator 01
Anakinator 01 - 7 years ago
Why is there so much hate towards kayakers in this comment section. Can't we just get along and enjoy our sports?
Eric Edler
Eric Edler - 7 years ago
Ja... Die wollen RBL fahren?? Die fahren auf einer 36... Das kann auf 2k fahren
Thomas Elliott
Thomas Elliott - 7 years ago
In my opinion rowing is better
ImagineBanane - 7 years ago
Die ruderer waren aber such bet wirklich schnell
ELREMER - 7 years ago
the girls are not pulled hard
Alex3Miss - 7 years ago
its great!
Achim - 7 years ago
Worlds fastest kayaker (K1) 1000m: Max Hoff, 3:22
Worlds fastest rower (M1x) 2000m: Robert Manson, 6:31 (thats 3:15 for 1000m)

So even though Robert Manson was aiming for 2km he still beat the best kayaker of the world. In a race over 1km he would be even faster than 3:15.
Hardrive33 - 6 years ago
Antunn M. I think he was more pointing out how bad this race was perhaps. It should of been a definite win for rowing.
Raman532 - 6 years ago
Hein Htet No, kayak is not an arms sport. Body rotation comes from leg drive in kayaking. Torso and arm just lock and transfer power. The point is that rowing boats are longer than kayaks and therefore have a lower drag at top speed due to less wave making resistance. It would be interesting to see this race in boats of the same length.
pasquale intrano'
pasquale intrano' - 6 years ago
yea man!
Hein Htet kayak technique should barely engage your arms, the main muscles for power should be Lats, abs and hamstrings.
Hein Htet
Hein Htet - 6 years ago
That's basically leg muscles vs arm muscles
Csaba Ivanics
Csaba Ivanics - 6 years ago
Achim , the thing is, the huge advantage from the leg muscles in rowing makes the comparison useless. I know how it is. Max Hoff's time is unbelievable.
Paul Schrenk
Paul Schrenk - 7 years ago
Is the video made in Ottensheim ?
Ajax - 7 years ago
35 spm , come on
Stephanie Low
Stephanie Low - 6 years ago
Actually that's not bad for females. I just won the British rowing junior championships at my boys were sitting at 40 spm off the start
TheSauce Group
TheSauce Group - 7 years ago
The girls are useless. Use MEN
isaac sirotic
isaac sirotic - 6 years ago
Is this to me or the sauce group (and you comment doesn’t make sense it should be”you probably like to use men”)
isaac sirotic
isaac sirotic - 6 years ago
Men are more effective against kayakers
Taladon - 7 years ago
Dude ... a male rower would be way faster
Plamen Apostolov
Plamen Apostolov - 7 years ago
It so fun....1 kaykar vs 2 gilrs skull...Why not run 1 man skull vs Kaykar or 2 man razpashno Rower vs 2 Kaykars.500m is a kaykayrs discipline....
Saahil Dhawan
Saahil Dhawan - 7 years ago
They were going at a 1:51 split for 500 metres - really?!
Jack Manete
Jack Manete - 7 years ago
To be fair rowers are so fast we have to handicap ourselves by banning sliding riggers and the like.
xbrCesar - 7 years ago
Great Video concept! Kayaks definitely move fast. But not quite a truly Versus video. It's comparing apples to oranges. Let's have a Men's 1x Single scull vs a Kayaker over 500m distance and a separate race over 2k distance. And let's have the athletes be similar in experience and weight class. Men vs Women is not a good comparison for these types of sports.
Terry Hamilton
Terry Hamilton - 7 years ago
The World Record for the K1 500m is 1:35. The World Best Time for the M1x is 6:30 for 2000m. Robbie Manson did 1:38.3 for the first 500m when he set this record and his average split was about 1:37.5. While rowers don't train specifically for 500m races, a world class 1x sculler needs to be able to do better than 1:35 for 500m. And the rate for a max 500 m piece should be in the 40-46spm range.
joe shmo
joe shmo - 7 years ago
The rowers we're at a 35, they could have been at a 38 with more power...
joe shmo
joe shmo - 7 years ago
Kappa - 7 years ago
a double men sculls can easily pull below 1:30
Gabriella Vitale
Gabriella Vitale - 7 years ago
rower is faster then kayaker
Lord TripleL
Lord TripleL - 7 years ago
well I'm moving from rowing to kayaking
Victor Bruneaun
Victor Bruneaun - 7 years ago
Why did you take a women's'double sculls, a men's single scull do 1"42 in average
hypesxmental - 7 years ago
Men vs woman?? Not being sexist but there is a clear strength difference and weight difference. Men's single would have been better, but still a good video concept
Jetsumo70 - 7 years ago
and this is a fair race how? not even interesting to watch
Deppy Argyropoulou
Deppy Argyropoulou - 7 years ago
a kayaker will be faster than a rower at a 500 metres race because their races are only 500 and 250 metres. On the other hand rowing is about big distance so of course they can't be as fast as a kayaker...rower's work out is focused on big distance and miles but if a kayaker would race 2000 metres their definitely would be won. So I am not sure if someone could compare a rower with a kayaker there's a big difference between them
mattice sablain
mattice sablain - 7 years ago
200 m
noctusowl - 7 years ago
Deppy Argyropoulou of course youcsn compare. you just did it. duh. comparisons are supposed to find similarities and DIFFERENCES.
mroriona2 - 7 years ago
There also seem to be a headwind which seems to be lifting thr doubles' oars up in the air affecting them more
David Aronovitch
David Aronovitch - 7 years ago
Oh brother! Another one. We get the message, you don't think highly of rowers though they're probably the fittest athletes on earth. Keep cherry picking has-been rowers for your videos. Sorry you didn't make the college rowing team.
Claire Harrison
Claire Harrison - 6 years ago
ooft, yeah, he probably got some average rowers, 1:51 for 500m is just embarrassing
Izzy Rowing
Izzy Rowing - 6 years ago
David Aronovitch so true
cxrxxna m
cxrxxna m - 7 years ago
Man gegen Frau, ernsthaft?
TheRealCarlos \
TheRealCarlos \ - 7 years ago
Why didn't you use a single man rowing boat? I mean the video is great but it's useless because we can't really compare two boats that have a different ammount of crew members. Plus male and female give very different performances in these sports wich is why we have different categories in first place.

Great idea but very weak delivery.
Erwin Trummer
Erwin Trummer - 7 years ago
DaRealCarlos \ it's not easy in Austria to organize something like this. We have less than 10 kayakers and the amount of rowers is also very low. I know that this is not the perfect Battle, but better than no Video in my opinion.
!SeattleMan! - 7 years ago
this is unfair... those are female rowers. Female rowers are insanelllyyyyy slower than males rowers.
King Mindless
King Mindless - 7 years ago
Why would the rowers rating be so low? 34 is my doubles 1500m rating.
I'mGoingForAWalk - 7 years ago
It's official. I man is worth more than 2 women.
Brian Allely
Brian Allely - 7 years ago
Yeah, but who would win a fist fight ...a womble or a telly tubby.
Matthew McGlinsky
Matthew McGlinsky - 7 years ago
Dude a 1:49 is slow. Put a men's single up against that kayaker and he wouldn't stand a chance.
Emily P
Emily P - 6 years ago
Mens single would have a virtually identical result dumbass, mens double would win.
Alberto Díaz Delgado
Alberto Díaz Delgado - 7 years ago
even better, kayaker vs 8+ male ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Prepare for the 30 seconds of diference
Matthew McGlinsky
Matthew McGlinsky - 7 years ago
If the men's single is any good
millard filmore
millard filmore - 7 years ago
1:51 over 500 meters is embarassing for a rower.
Aero Cus why not
Aero Cus why not - 5 years ago
You have to remember rowing in a double is a lot slower than an eight and erg times also don’t translate
Turner Bate
Turner Bate - 6 years ago
Especially a double
princess consuela
princess consuela - 6 years ago
mrtoolegittoquit2 you think 1:45 is trash ..Mate have you ever won anything in rowing 500m doesn't matter a 2k does
At training we do 10 500m pieces in less than an hour including warm up and stretches I'd love to see you try keep your average at 1:45
princess consuela
princess consuela - 6 years ago
Danny O'Connor yeah but they're girls so they don't have as much strength as men ..
Mark Munro
Mark Munro - 6 years ago
+princess consuela well when i was 2 yers old i pulled a fatty 1:24
Danny O'Connor
Danny O'Connor - 6 years ago
Dude if it was a men’s double or single it would have been in low 1:40s 1:30s ish
Sicko Goat
Sicko Goat - 6 years ago
+Jules Kral mine was 1:10 when I was eight now im at 0:30 for 2k
Jefferius - 6 years ago
+Quaylan King in not talking about ergs, 1:55 on water
Quaylan King
Quaylan King - 6 years ago
+Jefferius can do 1:48 and I'm 14 on an erg
Quaylan King
Quaylan King - 6 years ago
About 2000m
Max Gibbs
Max Gibbs - 6 years ago
That’s true i, hit mine at that at a slower pace
Sydney Huetter
Sydney Huetter - 6 years ago
Well for my 20 minute split it’s usually a 2:09
Michele Seravalle
Michele Seravalle - 6 years ago
My best is 0:35 and I'm 7
Nathan Ferm
Nathan Ferm - 6 years ago
I started last year and can hold a 1:35 so I’m pretty happy with myself
Jules Kral
Jules Kral - 6 years ago
I_am_Mitchell_ Adrian thank you i know
I_am_Mitchell_ Adrian
I_am_Mitchell_ Adrian - 6 years ago
+Jules Kral ya you really look 9 in your picture
Jules Kral
Jules Kral - 6 years ago
my best is 1:14 for 500 and im only 9 years old
I_am_Mitchell_ Adrian
I_am_Mitchell_ Adrian - 6 years ago
My best for 500m is 1:24
Mewkitty 43
Mewkitty 43 - 6 years ago
mine is 1:32 but I'm 14
Leschevich Andrei
Leschevich Andrei - 6 years ago
Так надо было мужчин поставить и в одиночку
Jefferius - 6 years ago
I had 1:55 on 500 when i was 12 in a single
AJ Butler
AJ Butler - 6 years ago
True, a semi-good rower could have done that in like 1:30-40 and beat the kayaker, especially in a double with a pretty strong current
mrtoolegittoquit2 - 6 years ago
What program you row for? If you're not rowing for Malvern Prep, you're not gootchie. That or Saint Johns eight
Michael McMillan
Michael McMillan - 6 years ago
As a high school junior in an quad, we usually did about 6:24 for 2000 meters. In the 8 it was 6:13. The kayak is going all out, the rowers are pulling 20-25 strokes per minute, 32-38 strokes per minute is race pace for me at 6 foot 6, race pace is quicker for shorter people. So the rowers look like they are doing a 20km daily steady state non-race event.
mrtoolegittoquit2 - 6 years ago
millard filmore fuckin garbage even 1:45 is trash for a double. Y'all need to check your life if you can't even bust 1:30's on a Sprint piece
Full-time Penguin
Full-time Penguin - 6 years ago
different strokes for different folks
princess consuela
princess consuela - 6 years ago
my average is 1:45 and I'm 15 so..
Anya Dougherty
Anya Dougherty - 6 years ago
Mines 2:10 sooo like......
Darushan AZ
Darushan AZ - 7 years ago
millard filmore Mine is 2:05 so that must that's a bit sad for me

100. comment for Rowing is Passion - ROWER vs KAYAKER

tommaso aterini
tommaso aterini - 7 years ago
this is rowing VS gay people
Keegan Vannier
Keegan Vannier - 7 years ago
I rowed a 1.5k a hell of a lot faster than this kayaker today. The rowers in the video are just bad…
Jay blade
Jay blade - 6 years ago
I've seen kayakers go a lot faster than the guy in the video, also there were 2 rowers to 1 kayaker
Mewkitty 43
Mewkitty 43 - 6 years ago
their recovery is way too fast for the obvious weakness of their strokes, I'd say they're giving half effort with little training in good rowing tempo.
Greg Vassilakos
Greg Vassilakos - 7 years ago
That's a result I didn't expect! This prompted me to look at the record times for rowing, kayaking, and canoeing events. The standard length for a rowing event is 2000m. The closest length to that for kayaking and canoeing events is 1000m. In the following list, I doubled the times for the 1000m kayaking and canoeing events just for purposes of comparison. I wouldn't expect the same pace to be maintained for twice the distance. I could not find a record time for a woman's 1000m canoeing event.

M1x 2000m Single Scull - Mahe Drysdale - 6m 33.35s
Men K1 1000m Kayak - Max Hoff - 3m 22.485s x 2 = 6m 44.970s
Men C1 1000m Canoe - Sebastian Brendel - 3m 44.578s x 2 = 7m 29.156s

W1x 2000m Single Scull - Rumyana Neykova - 7m 7.71s
Women K1 1000m Kayak - Teneale Hatton - 3m 48.560s x 2 = 7m 37.120s

The kayaks are definitely faster than the canoes, and the sculls are definitely faster than the kayaks, but I didn't expect the time margins to be so narrow between the kayaks and the sculls given that the rowers are able to use the strength of their legs.

Another interesting thing is that the kayaker in the video jumped to an immediate lead but didn't increase it by much for the remainder of the race. Perhaps the smaller mass of the kayak allows for a significant acceleration advantage.
edthered26 - 6 years ago
Your maths is far too basic and takes no fatigue into account. You can't just double the time for kayakers, I know for a fact my pb 2k is well over double my 1k time
mattice sablain
mattice sablain - 7 years ago
how about a 200m sprint, rowers don't even get close to kayakkers at that distance
Jules Vangeel
Jules Vangeel - 7 years ago
it's not the smaller mass that makes him a quick starter, because versus a lightweight male rower his start would still be waaay faster. Kayakers use their legs as well btw, they push extremely hard with the leg on the same side where they're doing a stroke. Rowers are faster over longer distances because they use a lever.
Squid - 7 years ago
Not Mahe Drysdale anymore, Robbie Manson, also a New Zealand rower lol. His mum is my coach lol
comsunjava - 7 years ago
Right, he starts out at 18 km/h, and the rowers accelerate slowly but steadily, until at the 500 they are matching or exceeding his speed. Also his stroke rate drops from a high of 130 and drops to 100 at the end, whereas the rowers are at a steady 34-35 (seems a comfortable pace) so as far as this rather narrow scenario, with these athletes, at 1000 or 2000m, I would expect the rowers to blow past the kayaker. But as others have mentioned, an odd match, at least match a single scull vs. a single kayak.
Mr. Sunrise 1961
Mr. Sunrise 1961 - 7 years ago
What I find surprising is how little difference the waterline length of the two boats made. The wave-making drag of the double has to be less than that of the kayak (on a per-occupant basis), but the shorter boat still won. Hmmm.
mythic_fci - 7 years ago
I agree with you there. Especially considering the kayak stroke is shorter the per-stroke leg output is likely a bit lower. It would indeed be interesting to see such statistics in regards to total leg output, especially as in sprint races kayakers usually race with over twice the stroke rate of rowers...

According to ICF regs, sprint K1s (for races between 200-5000m) must weigh 12kg and be 520cm long. You're probably right in regards to the friction for kayaks being lower, plus due to the lower stroke rate of rowers the boat slows down slightly between strokes while kayakers can maintain a more steady speed.
Pete Robinson
Pete Robinson - 7 years ago
fcisuperguy Yeah not arguing about kayaking with your legs at all (I've done some), just the relativity between them and rowers. Although it would be interesting to see the difference between total leg power output over the course of a race - the rower putting down more power per stroke, but obviously taking far fewer strokes.

What does a K1 weigh? A 1x is 14kg (the 2x from the vid is about 26kg), and a lot longer so more friction between the hull and the water.
mythic_fci - 7 years ago
Pete Robinson I would disagree somewhat - good kayakers (see Adam van Koeverden) win by leg strength, not upper body strength. Again, the kayak stroke uses far more leg power than you would imagine - you really have to learn it to believe me. Trust me when I say that a good kayaker doing long races like the 1000m or 5000m will be using more leg strength than arm strength to win. It's all about how you 'lever' your body around the paddle for optimum power, not how you push your boat with the paddle (which is incredibly inefficient).

Although you do have a point in regards to the physiology of it all - I can see how the rowing stroke uses one's legs more. And my apologies about the stroke rates - my point about the faster off-the-blocks acceleration still stands though. Professional kayakers average 110-120spm in sprint starts - compared with 40spm for rowers it's no wonder kayakers are faster off the start.
Pete Robinson
Pete Robinson - 7 years ago
Greg didn't say kayakers don't use their legs, he only referred to how much more power a rower gets from their legs. You only have to look at the athletes' physiologies to see that kayakers are upper body dominant and rowers are lower body dominant (when compared with each other).
And I'm not sure how you row but I've never seen a boat average 50-60 strokes a minute. The fastest men's 8s in the world will get off the start in the high 40s and settle in the high 30s for the vast majority of the race.
mythic_fci - 7 years ago
Kayakers do use their legs. If you pay attention to the way sprint kayakers paddle, the kayakers are driving their legs to shift their body left and right with each stroke, providing a driving force that increases the power of a stroke exponentially and also allowing a kayaker to more effectively use their core and back muscles. In fact, in an optimal kayak stroke the arms don't do much at all, they mostly maintain optimal paddle entry and placement for power application (of course, they also apply a lot of force movement wise, but not as much as most would think). It's mainly the back, core and leg muscles that do the work in a kayak stroke.

And you're right - the kayaker in the video gained a lead very quickly. That's primarily down to the stroke rate - professional kayakers can put down up to 120-130 strokes per minute in sprint races. Although a kayak stroke by nature is less powerful than a rower's stroke, kayakers put down a LOT more strokes - in your average pro race, most kayakers average out at around 90-100 strokes per minute, while rowers average out at 50-60 strokes a minute at best. When you can put down nearly double the strokes, you're obviously going to get off the line faster.
Jason 7
Jason 7 - 7 years ago
Greg Vassilakos that was an amazing and insightful comment. I'm glad people like you care enough to provide a realistic outcome to the public
Marcus Roizen
Marcus Roizen - 7 years ago
DJmrk right, but the point is kayaks are slower. So if 2x1000 for kayaker is slower than a rower's 2000 then a kayaker's 2000 has to be slower than a rower's.
DJmrk - 7 years ago
Greg Vassilakos the kayaks would be slower if they had to race 2k instead of 1k so you can nearly say that it is bullshit to compare 1000m and 2000m times :)
Strahinja Jankøvic
Strahinja Jankøvic - 7 years ago
Why girls? If it was a man single sculer it would be a different story
Elizabeth Constantino
Elizabeth Constantino - 7 years ago
Great idea for a video but it would have made a lot more sense to have used a men's 1x than a women's 2x - mainly for weight differences between boats/athletes
Clément Chanceaulme
Clément Chanceaulme - 6 years ago
You forget to tell that the rowing boat is a bad chinese boat
oneworldfamily - 6 years ago
Agree. Also, importantly, the girls really need to get their stroke rate up into the 40s if they're only doing 500m.
Emily P
Emily P - 6 years ago
Actually it's the same - womens double sculls record is 6:37.3 and mens single is 6:30.7. A premium male athlete will go faster than a premium female athlete, and 2 athletes will go faster than one - both pretty much cancel each other out, so both times are within 1% of each other.

As for why 2 athletes go faster: 2x weight and 2x power. 2x weight = 2x volume displacement = 1.4 (root of 2)x area displacement, hence double the power but only 1.4 times the drag. This is also why men go faster - as well as having a slightly higher power to weight ratio, they have higher weight limit (70kg compared to 57kg for women). Heavier rowers perform better on water due to disproportional displacement.

Men go about 9% faster than women, and doubles go about 8% faster than singles - so you have a pretty fair test.
Tony Lee
Tony Lee - 7 years ago
Smatchimo the WR or WB is 7 seconds faster in the single compared to the women's double
Smatchimo - 7 years ago
right? seems like rowers know nothing about power to weight ratios? two less powerful women and bigger boat against single male in lighter craft... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
RedBull Rebel
RedBull Rebel - 7 years ago
Yeah thats what i was thinking
Luella Blackwood
Luella Blackwood - 7 years ago
Keegan Witney
Keegan Witney - 7 years ago
LOVE this channel! unfortunately the rowers are getting rather salty :(
Frank Ladd
Frank Ladd - 7 years ago
Only time I've ever seen two girls lose to one guy.
Claire Todd
Claire Todd - 7 years ago
Those girls' rate was WAY too low. I'm a novice rower and my 500m is way better than a 1:50 and these seem to be rowers much more experienced than me.
mrtoolegittoquit2 - 6 years ago
Magnesium Star so you're saying low stroke rates and high power on a Sprint piece is faster than high stroke high're lost cuck
Magnesium Star
Magnesium Star - 6 years ago
Mate their stroke rates were fine. High rating doesnt mean low power.
mrtoolegittoquit2 - 6 years ago
I'mGoingForAWalk 35.... You'll never be collegiate cuck
mrtoolegittoquit2 - 6 years ago
I'mGoingForAWalk 500m is a Sprint piece....cuck
mrtoolegittoquit2 - 6 years ago
Alberto Díaz Delgado you're trash pulling 1:30 on an erg
Polarbear1 - 7 years ago
What team are you on?
RedBull Rebel
RedBull Rebel - 7 years ago
+Claire Odd whats your 2k?
Mercutio Escalus
Mercutio Escalus - 7 years ago
That not a rate numnuts it's a split
Claire Todd
Claire Todd - 7 years ago
Johnson1615 Tim notice I said my 500m is better than a 1:50. If you'd like to know, we sent 3 boats to nationals this year and my team has only been a thing for 14 months.
Johnson1615 Tim
Johnson1615 Tim - 7 years ago
Claire Odd wow your cool, and if your the second best with a 1:50 pr then ur team is really bad
TheRealCarlos \
TheRealCarlos \ - 7 years ago
Claire Odd IKR in a 500m they should be doing at least 42 SPM.
themacattack671 - 7 years ago
@I'mGoingForAWalk really no difference between sweep and sculling sr. 35 is hella low over 2k, though if your in hs i could see how that makes sense. I rowed sweep through college and we raced our finals at NIRC at a 38-39 for the body of the piece and we are just DIII.
I'mGoingForAWalk - 7 years ago
To be fair I row sweep... Don't usually go above a 35 for a 2k.
themacattack671 - 7 years ago
I'mGoingForAWalk most halfway decent collegiate rowers are at a 36+ for 2k. bearly hitting a 36 for like 100m over a 500m is pretty weak sauce.
Alberto Díaz Delgado
Alberto Díaz Delgado - 7 years ago
Was irony
Claire Todd
Claire Todd - 7 years ago
Alberto Díaz Delgado sounds about right
Alberto Díaz Delgado
Alberto Díaz Delgado - 7 years ago
Claire is a humble bitch
I'mGoingForAWalk - 7 years ago
Lol y'all are scrubs
Midnight Breakfast
Midnight Breakfast - 7 years ago
I'm a novice too, stop getting so worked up.
Claire Todd
Claire Todd - 7 years ago
Lucas LaGiglia yeah novices are still rowers. And I'm the second best on my team overall, varsity included, just haven't rowed for a full year yet.
Midnight Breakfast
Midnight Breakfast - 7 years ago
I think that your a novice.
Claire Todd
Claire Todd - 7 years ago
Lucas LaGiglia yes what do you think I am? I just got back from regionals and medaled in both of my boats.
Midnight Breakfast
Midnight Breakfast - 7 years ago
Claire Odd Have you even rowed in a boat yet?
DJmrk - 7 years ago
Claire Odd when I row 500m my stroke rate is on the start at 42, then 38 and that's what I am bringing to the finish line. would be more in a double
I'mGoingForAWalk - 7 years ago
You're actually dumb. They were pulling a 34-36 for the whole piece. I don't know what your stroke rates are like, but the only situation where you should be above that is during your sprint, or starting sequence.
DJmrk - 7 years ago
Claire Odd I am a Lightweight Junior sculler and my personal best over 500m is an 1:45 so this comparison doesn't say anything but those girls aren't the fastest
Alberto Díaz Delgado
Alberto Díaz Delgado - 7 years ago
Sorry but I don't belive you: Female 4X 500m: 1.44 And they are very experienced.
As stated below ergo times don't mean anything, I pull out a 1:30 at the ergo and I'm not even close to that in water
Star Hemi
Star Hemi - 7 years ago
Claire Odd yeah maybe on the ergs but erg times don't mean anything when you're on water
JustinTheSmexy - 7 years ago
Would be cool to see world class men's k1 vs a world's male rower. 1:49 is pretty slow for men's k1
JustinTheSmexy - 7 years ago
great video though excellent cinematography and the data presented in the screen was great
Mr. Riley Dueck
Mr. Riley Dueck - 7 years ago
LOL I'm starting to not like these. The rowers lost here and the rower lost to the crossfitter last time! Still super epic though.
Alaina Noelle
Alaina Noelle - 6 years ago
Hardrive33 Yes women aren’t dead slow and the difference isn’t huge, but there is an obvious difference in times bc men are just physically stronger, it’s just the way it is. To have a fair race between rowing and kayaking they should have had a men’s single vs the men kayaker in my opinion. Also the women’s stroke rate was too slow so that could have affected it too...
Hardrive33 - 7 years ago
Keegan Vannier there's a small difference from women to mens rowing, youd be surprised. That kayaker would still be in close contention to a men's scull though. Girls are not completely dead slow
Keegan Vannier
Keegan Vannier - 7 years ago
Its girls vs a male kayaker. No shit the rower lost.
mega delkozz
mega delkozz - 7 years ago
Why wasn't there a single men rower against the kayaker ? The video was cool, don't stop making videos ! =)
Maplicant - 7 years ago
Always looking forward to these
Kurt Bayer
Kurt Bayer - 7 years ago
Gratuliere! .... da wird sogar das Wahlergebnis in Frankreich zur Nebensache,...
Αντωνης Σκορδυλακης
Αντωνης Σκορδυλακης - 7 years ago
Why girls?
oh yeah yeah
oh yeah yeah - 6 years ago
+ʟᴀʟᴀ because men are proved to be stronger than woman and that's a fact
Princess Fun
Princess Fun - 7 years ago
Γιατί είναι καλύτερες, έχω πάει σε αγώνες και έχω βγει πρώτη και σε δικοπο και είμαι 13 (πίστεψε με στην ηλικία νου με δύναμη 1:50 στο εργομετρο το Χιλιάρι είναι καλός χρόνος)
ʟᴀʟᴀ - 7 years ago
why not?
-Comedy life-
-Comedy life- - 7 years ago
Αντωνης Σκορδυλακης γεια
Birute00 - 7 years ago
Erwin this is just EPIC! I felt like I was watching a production movie! Awesome editing. I'm always so excited when you upload a new video! Have an awesome day

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