Surfejant a la Fosca en un mar molt inflat per un gregal que donava onades molt potents! Kayaker: Marc Adroher (P&H Delphin 150) Càmera: Xavi F. Platja de la Fosca (Costa Brava)

SICK KAYAK SURF by KAYAK EXPERIENCE (18-02-14) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 51

Kayak 11 years ago 298,605 views

Surfejant a la Fosca en un mar molt inflat per un gregal que donava onades molt potents! Kayaker: Marc Adroher (P&H Delphin 150) Càmera: Xavi F. Platja de la Fosca (Costa Brava)

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Most popular comments

uselessvidproduction - 8 years ago
Haha, I love this guy! hardly conventional but he's handling it like an absolute master.
MrLoadedHog - 7 years ago
Couldn't immediately see another immediate response so I have to commend the excellent camera work from the videographer!  Well done!
ROLF HENDEL - 7 years ago
Blog Caiaque Aventura e Natureza.Rolf from Brazil.
WILLIAMROCK71 - 7 years ago
Christopher Smith
Christopher Smith - 7 years ago
Massive respect man! Love the Greenland paddle. I just ordered a Gearlab Akiak Greenland Paddle.
Nomad - 7 years ago
I really didn't know this was even possible with that style of kayak ! I always expected him to be 'broad-sided' in those waves. Great skills !
Rocstoneau - 7 years ago
At 1:24 I was impressed!
Cormac - 7 years ago
Well able to control his boat. Impressive.
Richard - 7 years ago
He does have experience....

10. comment for SICK KAYAK SURF by KAYAK EXPERIENCE (18-02-14)

Vladimir Bakhchevnikov
Vladimir Bakhchevnikov - 7 years ago
Прекрасно снято видео, а каякер отчаянный, смелый и решительный.
Kev Mac
Kev Mac - 7 years ago
I love this watch loads over the years...
What boat you using?
KAYAK EXPERIENCE - 7 years ago
P&H Delphin 150
Jeff Laxier
Jeff Laxier - 7 years ago
Some nicely surfed waves in a sea kayak.
chuck thomas
chuck thomas - 7 years ago
Did Stevie t do the surf music? This is an awesome video.
Rino D'Amico
Rino D'Amico - 8 years ago
What moves people to dislike videos like this??
Francisco Javier Narbaiza
Francisco Javier Narbaiza - 7 years ago
Ignorance, plain ignorance.
Robert H.
Robert H. - 7 years ago
Probably a bunch of over weight donut eating American fat cows lounging on the couch...
Wahalla Groove
Wahalla Groove - 8 years ago
wow great control!!! cool~!!
daniel diaz
daniel diaz - 8 years ago
De quien es el tema que tocan?
daniel diaz
daniel diaz - 8 years ago
gracias!!El video está mortal el mar es un alucin!!
KAYAK EXPERIENCE - 8 years ago
Dr. Frankenstein - Necrofago
ADAM SHAN BIN RAZALI - - 8 years ago
this much harder
Skymax - 8 years ago
Excellent! I would not try this in a long-straight boat even though I know how to surf, well done :)
Kayak Life
Kayak Life - 8 years ago
Should try to back surf, sink the stern, and do a sweep into a front surf :) Some nice rides! Any new vids?

20. comment for SICK KAYAK SURF by KAYAK EXPERIENCE (18-02-14)

Troy Lee
Troy Lee - 8 years ago
What type of kayak you're using? flat bottom or V shape?
KAYAK EXPERIENCE - 8 years ago
Flat bottom always better, like surf board.
robert emmett
robert emmett - 8 years ago
Can you give me lesions please
MrLoadedHog - 7 years ago
Only if you have sex with him?    Forgive me....just being silly!
Ecua - 8 years ago
love ur video. Thx ^^
mordokch - 8 years ago
Mad skills - this is much harder than the guy makes it look.
6hemi9 - 8 years ago
Scottswahay one
Scottswahay one - 9 years ago
Great control and recovery, wish it was me :)
Ricardo Feijo
Ricardo Feijo - 9 years ago
William Seifert
William Seifert - 9 years ago
Nice. Now go kayak surf Mavericks and then ill subscribe. lol. Good job
Lon Kincannon
Lon Kincannon - 9 years ago
Awesome! Love it! BRAVO!
BZH FISHING - 9 years ago
sportif le mec!

30. comment for SICK KAYAK SURF by KAYAK EXPERIENCE (18-02-14)

Zen Dog
Zen Dog - 9 years ago
Sweet video man; loved the surf guitar too Rick Dale style! It would be equally fun on my Dewey Weber Performer long board.
OMGWTFLOL - 7 years ago
*Dick Dale style
paty to
paty to - 9 years ago
I didn't know about kayak surf...
romakayak - 9 years ago
excellent very skillfully paddled. I don't have control like that!
Joseph Gelb
Joseph Gelb - 9 years ago
yeh lets all keyak
mazin alharthi
mazin alharthi - 9 years ago
this  is crazy ! i love it
guloguloguy - 9 years ago
Great video!!!    AWESOME "Surf" Music!!!!  => What is this Music?!!!.....  :D
KAYAK EXPERIENCE - 9 years ago
+guloguloguy Dr. Frankenstein - Necrofago
Alexandre Lopes
Alexandre Lopes - 9 years ago
what is the song's name? thank you in advance (-:
Alexandre Lopes
Alexandre Lopes - 9 years ago
Thank you!!
KAYAK EXPERIENCE - 9 years ago
+Alexandre Lopes Dr. Frankenstein - Necrofago
Pablo Enrique Tirabassi
Pablo Enrique Tirabassi - 9 years ago
Genial !!
Aus Yak
Aus Yak - 9 years ago
Nice video. Check out my YouTube Chanel, lots of kayak fishing videos from sunny Australia. Please subscribe to my Chanel & help me reach my goal of 1,000 subscribers. Tight lines
Kiril Prochorov
Kiril Prochorov - 9 years ago
whats the brand's name of dry suit you have ? Thank you
KAYAK EXPERIENCE - 9 years ago
+Kiril Prochorov Kokatat Expedition
Roberto Pérez Alcaraz
Roberto Pérez Alcaraz - 10 years ago
Grande palista, buena técnica, muchas horas le has echado a esto del kayak surf (playboating), y muy buen barco. Bravo!
iceblue1969 - 10 years ago
text book yak control-greenland paddle very cool.
AGM PRISMA - 10 years ago
Well done, great waves, and great music.
Chris Rezac
Chris Rezac - 10 years ago
Very impressive. Great video.  Great skills. Sick sea kayak surfing?  Absolutely.  That's some pretty sweet stuff for sea kayaking there, and there are very few, very few sea kayakers you would see out tackling that stuff. I certainly would find it challenging and thrilling, and would hope that I could handle it as well as you. I'm not sure that I could.  I think you do something that I'm trying to do less and less, and I think in a Delphin, you maybe could do it less.  I see anticipation of  pearlinsg/bow dive/stall in front of the broken whitewater wave, and so you broach your kayak, where I think you could keep riding out front without broaching, and minimize side-surfing more often.  I know why I learned to broach my sea kayak in those situations, so I understand what's going on. I've taken some thrashings bow diving and stalling, getting thrown forward randomly in a wall of turbulent whitewater.  But if your bow doesn't dive and your kayak doesn't stall, which is the idea behind that bow rocker in a Delphin, you can maintain your directional control and extend your rides right along in front of the broken wave. I should say it looks like it might be possible.  In the boat in the conditions is the only place a person can figure this out, and this could be a case of easier said than done. Keep it up.  That's some awesome stuff.
Chris Rezac
Chris Rezac - 9 years ago
+Kev McG Too much volume in a sea kayak.  He and I both know that he can't break off of that much broken wave.  In a sea kayak, you've lost most of your control when you're in a side surf.  If you can spin it forward on the foam pile and start going forward, you gain that control back.  If you prevent yourself from broaching, you keep that control.  Riding the foam pile is a lot of fun in a sea kayak.  It's not a wave ski or surf board, doing bottom and top turns at will as long as you're in position on a breaking wave off of a point.  Different sport, different skill set, different goals. It's really not the same for sea kayak surfers.  But it's still a lot of fun.
KMc 11
KMc 11 - 9 years ago
+Chris Rezac To be honest in my opinion he didn't want ride the white water into shore like you do or suggest..
I think he was trying to break off the wave to get on the next one..
Soon as a wave breaks its over for the surfer..
You don't see surfers riding white water..
Same for kayak surfers...
David Kaplan
David Kaplan - 10 years ago
Skilled paddler.  But, far from "sick" kayak surfing.
John Malone
John Malone - 10 years ago
I don't what idiots gave you thumbs down, I gave you thumbs up. You're good at it, I get rumbled more lol
wolf - 10 years ago
Nice video;) 
santacruzer - 10 years ago
Remain calm, paddle on...
Rob Woolf
Rob Woolf - 10 years ago
Great Video, and agree with the bracing comment..........Nice skills with the greenland paddle.
Jetteråttan på äventyr - Jette Gustafsson
Jetteråttan på äventyr - Jette Gustafsson - 10 years ago
sooo impressive!!

50. comment for SICK KAYAK SURF by KAYAK EXPERIENCE (18-02-14)

Trent K
Trent K - 10 years ago
As a kayak fisherman & surfer..Hats off bro that was sick!
perimjc - 10 years ago
Com esse equipqmento todo achei que ia atravessar o oceano.
Joe Doe
Joe Doe - 10 years ago
I love it! Where was it?

Great to see another Greenlander that likes to surf.
sebastian rodriguez
sebastian rodriguez - 7 years ago
KAYAK EXPERIENCE - 10 years ago
Snurre .Sprett
Snurre .Sprett - 10 years ago
Brilliant surfing - great video
Todd Holtzleicer
Todd Holtzleicer - 10 years ago
Nice work!
juan clavel
juan clavel - 10 years ago
Molt bo tio.....y a pèl, sense timón..!!! visca els teus co.....s..!!! ? Una cosa: Si inclines el tors per a arrere no escaparies millor de l'onada rompiente??
Al HALE - 10 years ago
very nice, and he never had to put up with any jetskis or SUP W@#kers.
Ramon Pintó i Ratera
Ramon Pintó i Ratera - 10 years ago
Molt bé Marc !!!
Bon vídeo i excel·lent surfejada !
Carles Villalba
Carles Villalba - 10 years ago
Genial, Marc. Imagino com has disfrutat. Feliçitats.
Mike S
Mike S - 10 years ago
Jonathan Reggler
Jonathan Reggler - 11 years ago
Cool video.  And GREAT bracing with  such a skinny stick!
Iván Lamas
Iván Lamas - 11 years ago
Marc, los surfistas de tabla ya te deben tener fichado, en éste sólo aparece uno, y como que va medio perdido ... ya nos dirás qué es de ellos, ¿cuando te ven ya no se meten? :D
Félix Millán
Félix Millán - 11 years ago
La sonrisa de esa niña no tiene precio...
jomanolu garcia yañez
jomanolu garcia yañez - 11 years ago
El kayak es de polietileno?
Chris Ketner
Chris Ketner - 11 years ago
great waves for long boat surfing!
Richie Dunne
Richie Dunne - 11 years ago
Mad! 8^O
yosi wolfson
yosi wolfson - 11 years ago

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