SOT Kayak Self Rescue

A quick instructional video to show you how to do a self rescue if your SOT fishing kayak ever capsizes.

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Kayak 11 years ago 29,803 views

A quick instructional video to show you how to do a self rescue if your SOT fishing kayak ever capsizes.

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Most popular comments
for SOT Kayak Self Rescue

PharmGeek Outdoor Fun
PharmGeek Outdoor Fun - 7 years ago
"hopefully it doesn't happen to you"

Well, I mean, on the other hand, it is just FUN to jump into deep water in the middle of the lake, and confidently and easily re-entering really is a requirement as such for FUN, and of course for safety :)
Leon Bourne
Leon Bourne - 9 years ago
I watched this video several months ago and it probably saved my life a couple of days ago. I paddled to a small island I have visited on my kayak several times without a hitch. Whilst I was returning a Monsoon squall came from nowhere, (I am in Thailand), and the sea became very rough, it became very hard to steer and a wave caught me broadside and rolled me over. The next bit was slow motion, I flashed back to your video and successfully got back in my Kayak, unfortunately I lost my paddle and all my fishing gear but luckily a friend was in another kayak and attempted to rescue my paddle, in doing so he also rolled over, thankfully copied my recovery with the good sense to keep hold of both paddles, (one with his feet). Thankfully we made it back. We would not have if I hadn't seen this video..A great big thank-you for going to the trouble.
Doing this in rough sea was very awkward. Don't be like me, practice this several times at least. And never take the Sea or rough water for granted, I certainly won't.
Thagirion9 - 9 years ago
Nice video. I'm in Florida and new to kayaks. I took mine out to the Gulf of Mexico yesterday with my husband. We both took turns and helped each other and we did this. Much harder than it looks. We were very tired afterwards but were able to do it. I feel a little better now about the limits of our boats.  I think we will keep practicing this until it is easy for us as the beach we tried this at is nice and safe to practice with lots of people around to help. Your video helped a lot and best to learn now and not in a real emergency.
silver birch outdoors
silver birch outdoors - 10 years ago
Len, that was amazing! I watched this video before, when I first got my Cuda 12. Today I rolled it and remembered what you showed in your video. I tried the technique 3 times and just kept pulling my kayak over again so I finally gave up and swam to shore pulling my kayak with me. I'm not saying your way doesn't work, because obviously it does. What I'm saying is that just watching a video isn't good enough. I now realize that I really need to practice this near shore before I really need it in open water. Thanks for the tutorial.
silver birch outdoors
silver birch outdoors - 10 years ago
thanks for the advice Len, safe paddling
Len Zilkowsky
Len Zilkowsky - 10 years ago
Hey John.  First off I am glad that you were able to make it back to shore, and you are okay.  Secondly, I am glad to hear that you are going to do some more practicing before it's a bigger problem.  It's always tougher with gear, etc. on the kayak.  Also, take care in selecting your paddling clothes.  In the video I had on a Kokatat dry suit that sheds water and keeps me quite buoyant.  If you are out wearing cotton clothes, heavy boots, .... then this simple task can be a nightmare.  I might also recommend that you look into getting a piece of rope somewhere easily accessible in case of emergency.  Tie a loop on both ends of the rope.  When the kayak is upside down you can loop one end around one of the kayak's side handles.  Then throw the rope over the hull of the boat.  Swim around the boat and grab the rope.  Take a foot and put it through the loop you made on the other end of the rope and then use it as leverage to get yourself up on the hull.  It also works very well for leverage to flip the boat back over if it's loaded up too.  Just make sure the rope is long enough to do this of course.  :)  Stay safe out there!
Len Zilkowsky
Len Zilkowsky - 11 years ago
Yes Victor. The bungee style leashes are more than adequate. I didn't bother on this video tutorial, but I can confirm that they work from personal experience.
Victor Yang
Victor Yang - 11 years ago
Would the bungee chords be capable of holding your gear if the kayak did flip like that?
encru062471 - 11 years ago
Great job, great vid.
Glenn Rogers
Glenn Rogers - 11 years ago
Great vid., thanks for posting. I recently purchased a Cuda 14 in forest camo. I will practice self rescue using your video only in warmer weather here in SC.
Matt - 11 years ago
its amazing how many people don't do this and just stay in the water and radio for help.

10. comment for SOT Kayak Self Rescue

Peti Gabanyi
Peti Gabanyi - 11 years ago
Awesome educational!
Jean-Francois Marleau
Jean-Francois Marleau - 11 years ago
Nicely done Len
Michael McRae
Michael McRae - 11 years ago
Len, Thanks for the info, the count down is on.. Labrador ice out in... 60 days or.. more
Len Zilkowsky
Len Zilkowsky - 11 years ago
Glad you guys liked the video.
Frank Haran
Frank Haran - 11 years ago
Thanks Len. Very clear instruction.
Louie Molnar
Louie Molnar - 11 years ago
Great job Len. Another reason to love the Jackson Cuda kayaks, they are so good to work with, even on a self rescue.

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