16,477 likes 30,129,556 views 12 years ago
From: Deep Trouble The man-made shark becomes something of handful, so the Rescue Bots dive to the rescue.
15,354 likes 13,311,416 views 7 years ago
Hey Kids! In this Video where in cars and shark are testing out the new Halloween mode. Watch the car transform into...
88,739 likes 6,352,523 views 7 years ago
In this video we attempt to save hundreds of fish from dying in a half dried up pond. If you want to see more videos...
4,056 likes 4,895,058 views 8 years ago
In this fun family video, LB rescues a turtle from the pool and wants to keep it! But, Aaron says he needs to let the...
7,798 likes 4,199,605 views 6 years ago
In this episode baby shark toy is stolen, will she be able to find them, so kids lets watch along with other cars...
2,322 likes 2,354,518 views 8 years ago
Subscribe Click! 👉 https://goo.gl/gjn359 Rescue Mission In the Fog with Shark Attack Megalodon - Learn Sea Animals...
755 likes 434,891 views 16 years ago
Leo demonstrates The Ladder self rescue in a sea kayak. From the DVD Sea Kayak Safety by rockandseaproductions.com -...
94 likes 319,896 views 17 years ago
A sea kayak self-rescue video from Water Walker Sea Kayak, LLC
2,661 likes 221,145 views 6 years ago
Jennifer Garner talks about the placement of her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and explains how she almost ended...
207 likes 136,225 views 13 years ago
This is the quickest wet entry / rescue /self-rescue / re-entry method to employ to literally get your butt back into...
611 likes 129,283 views 11 years ago
A clever self-rescue you can do with an unloaded medium-volume skin-on-frame kayak.
205 likes 122,841 views 12 years ago
Big group of 20 or so boaters converge on the Ranch to celebrate Stefanies 24th birthday!..
The "SOT Kayak Self Rescue" video is part of the kayaking category, which contains similar videos like this one.
Well, I mean, on the other hand, it is just FUN to jump into deep water in the middle of the lake, and confidently and easily re-entering really is a requirement as such for FUN, and of course for safety :)
Doing this in rough sea was very awkward. Don't be like me, practice this several times at least. And never take the Sea or rough water for granted, I certainly won't.
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