Sea Kayak Sailing, Tasmania

A trip from Stanley in NW Tasmania to Wynyard. A two day trip done mostly under sail.For details regarding our sail rigs visit my web site at

Sea Kayak Sailing, Tasmania sentiment_very_dissatisfied 6

Kayak 14 years ago 122,127 views

A trip from Stanley in NW Tasmania to Wynyard. A two day trip done mostly under sail.For details regarding our sail rigs visit my web site at

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Most popular comments
for Sea Kayak Sailing, Tasmania

PatDaBunnyLego - 6 years ago
Maybe the bow wouldn't sink if you didn't have anything in the front.
Titbit M.M.
Titbit M.M. - 6 years ago
what kind of drysuit you recomand?
Jeff Jennings
Jeff Jennings - 6 years ago
We dont actually wear drysuits in Tasmania. Water temperatures are between 10 degrees C and 20 so there is no real need. Usually wear thermals and a windproof/waterproof jacket on top and shorts/bathers below. Sorry cant help.
Captain Bartolo
Captain Bartolo - 7 years ago
Beautiful video ! Looks much fun :-)But it work only downwind ? I have 2 leeboards . Good fun !
FlatlandMando - 7 years ago
rather unfair, the " grandmither's bedsheet comment...this is the ocean, a few of these kayaks likely have a max. beam of less than 23", I see no leeboards but likely the bow & stern of these boats are sharp enough to give some lateral plane. I think these guys' whole idea is to keep it simple & have some fun in a loose group event. I'd trade home is mid- continent. very little navigable water.
Sachin Patil
Sachin Patil - 7 years ago
Awesome !! what a nice group ... great kayaking/sailing
Hoon Birdpersonpilot
Hoon Birdpersonpilot - 8 years ago
this is cool. Im just about to put my first kayak rig into sea trials, its good to see some other stayless kayaks. functioning fine with mast positions about where mine is, the trends for the bought ones seems to be stayed and with the mast way out on the foredeck. I think my next sail will be roughly modeled on variations with the one large baton and the upswept boom a la Jeff Jennings. it seems no one is doing this much where im at, its all multisports boats, in th 40s here too so I get the apeal of the minimum windage. im also thinking of sticking the biggest old windsurfer fin I can find under the boat, I installed something to screw into in the keel when building the step, not till I see where lateral resistance point is with a couple of sails though. I could even imagine putting a bolt on bolt off weighted fin keel, could go fast. the other thing that could be pretty nice is a balanced lugsail, but I like the single batton as a halyardless rig. one less string is one less worry. I apreciate the sheet cleat tips too, I had in mind running the sheet through a block like on any normal yacht, or even using a traveller. but the rules dont apply with such tiny sails, I will make up 2 wee jam cleat and hook arangements,
Wan ZalmanWZ
Wan ZalmanWZ - 8 years ago
can u make tutorial how to fix sail on kayak
ariel picco
ariel picco - 8 years ago
lo menos, es mas..cuando una vela se infla siempre emociona .sailing. un altro mondo he
Ralph Latham
Ralph Latham - 8 years ago
Looks like at least one Schwarzenegger-arm power. Hauling ass ... relentlessly. Sensational would be the word.

10. comment for Sea Kayak Sailing, Tasmania

canal-livre vitória
canal-livre vitória - 8 years ago
canal-livre vitória
canal-livre vitória - 8 years ago
, Beautiful images that cool bro, beautiful images,
jose Manuel Iniesta Navarro
jose Manuel Iniesta Navarro - 8 years ago
bonito video lo rápido que vais el grupo de piraguas
Otto Fagerstedt
Otto Fagerstedt - 9 years ago
A beautiful film clip! But what about the sail if a roll is needed?
Secret Squirrel
Secret Squirrel - 9 years ago
That's why I use an umbrella. Works just as well and if you need too, you just let it go.
Ernest Mejías
Ernest Mejías - 9 years ago
Hello Jeff, congratulations for the video and the nice sails that you and your friends have build. May I ask what is the sail material you used? I am thinking to build a sail for my kayak. Thanks!
Hoon Birdpersonpilot
Hoon Birdpersonpilot - 8 years ago
its probably nylon. im using an old cut down windsurfer for my first sail. only cost a couple of bucks.
Flemming Behrend
Flemming Behrend - 9 years ago
How is the speed? how many knots are you doing wiht these sails. Looks fantastic!!
Serge Salnikoff
Serge Salnikoff - 9 years ago
It's cool )))
Raul Ressano Garcia
Raul Ressano Garcia - 10 years ago
it looks nice
SirLobsterman - 10 years ago
it's funny how small of a sail you need.
bustybroker1 - 11 years ago
It's all downwind. Using your grandmothers bedsheet will do fine as well. Where is the actual sailing?

20. comment for Sea Kayak Sailing, Tasmania

Janusz Widla
Janusz Widla - 11 years ago
Beautiful vid .
Carlo Giovagnoli
Carlo Giovagnoli - 11 years ago
it's a very dangerous speed.... kayaks hasn't brakes!!!!
Tarkan gürler
Tarkan gürler - 11 years ago
I have a prijon tandem repairing the hull,which sail would you prefer if I may ask.
Island Line Rail Productions
Island Line Rail Productions - 11 years ago
how easily do they pitch poll?
Island Line Rail Productions
Island Line Rail Productions - 11 years ago
nice twin master! main and mizzen mast !
Jeff Jennings
Jeff Jennings - 11 years ago
Yes you could and you would probably end upside down as the kayak changed course.
Jacopo Tersigni
Jacopo Tersigni - 11 years ago
cannot one use the paddle as a center board?
Jeff Jennings
Jeff Jennings - 11 years ago
Hi John, yes we can take out the mast very easily if you capsize. Just release the sheet and reach forward to lift out the mast and sail. We have also practiced rolling back up with the mast and sail in place. This requires a slower, more controlled roll as the extra drag created by the sail requires a sustained paddle action often requiring a reverse support stroke to finish the roll. A hip flick has to be done late because of the slow recovery.
John Tempest
John Tempest - 11 years ago
John Tempest
John Tempest - 11 years ago
In the event of the tip over and the mass be broke down so that a role can be performed?

30. comment for Sea Kayak Sailing, Tasmania

emelina8 - 12 years ago
Jeff you web link doesn't work - at least from the UK. It takes you to some commercial phone company eftel
Mark R
Mark R - 12 years ago
hobie Adventure island can
Jeff Jennings
Jeff Jennings - 12 years ago
Some of our sails, the tall, narrow ones can sail into the wind but unless you have a centre board, which most dont, you cannot effectively sail into the wind.
Antipodean33 - 12 years ago
Can you sail into the wind on these yaks?
Jeff Jennings
Jeff Jennings - 12 years ago
If you look at my web site there are a few details on how we rig these sails.
Phill Smith
Phill Smith - 12 years ago
Wow, I'm fairly new to sea kayaking and these sails look fantastic. How are they rigged to the boat?
Jeff Jennings
Jeff Jennings - 12 years ago
The sails have no effect on the bow of the sea kayak since we have the masts on either side of the cockpit, even with only one sail in front there is no tendency to dip the bow.
spud gun
spud gun - 12 years ago
is the sail pushing down on the front of the boat
quedecree - 13 years ago
Fantastic! Enjoyed that a lot thanks. The sails looks like they're worth their weight in gold!
Jeff Jennings
Jeff Jennings - 14 years ago
Thanks for the comment, we had a great time scooting along, surfing the odd wave. It was windy but there was little swell which made it easier.
Robb's Homemade Life
Robb's Homemade Life - 14 years ago

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