Sea Lion Pup Takes Kayak Ride
Kayak 12 years ago 1,192,013 views
At the end of a night dive I had quite the surprise when a very cute baby sea lion jumped on my kayak. Was the sea lion pup escaping a shark in the area? Was he cold? Or was he just playing around? In any case,it looks like I now have a new kayaking buddy. Filmed with GoPro HD Hero2 and GoPro dive housing. If you spot an injured or sick marine animal in Southern California you can contact Marine Animal Rescue at (310) 455-272. Their website is This is my original video and I own all the content
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10. comment for Sea Lion Pup Takes Kayak Ride
20. comment for Sea Lion Pup Takes Kayak Ride
damn, im so phobia
30. comment for Sea Lion Pup Takes Kayak Ride
50. comment for Sea Lion Pup Takes Kayak Ride
That was amazing.......
100. comment for Sea Lion Pup Takes Kayak Ride
2.i would take the sea lion home a name it idk not good with names
3.was anyone else expecting a great white to take a bite of the guy when the sea lion jumped up on to the boat
the guy: hey I just have a baby sea lion riding in my kayak
Human: Get off Plz
Translation: So you're the one that's been taking my lobsters!" I got ya now buddy, put em all back and don't come to this part of town again"
lion seal cause there is a fucking shark in the water
Sea Lion: Haha But first you have to catch us!
How does it not sink when full of water?
I'm concerned.
"No reason at all. Oh and don't worry about that shark a few feet away. I'm sure it won't mistake you for me."
Is this is a relatively common thing to do within the greater hobby of diving?
It just seems so incredibly dangerous. Pretty much any water that's within 2500 miles of the equator in either direction and populated with pinnipeds is also home to large, mammal hunting sharks. (outside of those zones the orcas rule that niche without much competition.)
Fish? It's clearly a mammal.
I agree.
I don't think it's too happy when u did that xD
orp orp orp (translation: THERE'S A FUCKING SHARK AFTER ME!)
Actually... I would be freaking out just by being in the ocean at night!
I could never, in my lifetime, swim in the ocean that dark!
I get it
Couple feet..
3:38 HEY
"Just hiding from the shark"
A sea lion probably not but there's a lot of things underwater such as coral that can be seriously harmed or killed by divers touching them. So you take on a look but don't touch approach to everything that lives in the ocean. There's also the fact that it's a wild animal with teeth and a natural reaction is to bite so it's also safer to not touch the animals.
It’s a meme way to say “the”
Thanks for sharing mate!
I was wondering by the way. Are you diving alone? Isn't it a bit risky?
Thanks for sharing.
Seal: " I was swimming away from a great white"
He might have been scared-maybe a shark was in the area, or maybe tired and needed a break or cold like u said. Whatever it was that made him do that, U gotta take it as a GIFT from whatever u consider "GOD" for giving u such a unique and fulfilling experience with a beautiful sea creature. SO...after that experience, can u still believe that there are people who take full advantage of their friendliness and club them to death for their fur?