Sea Lion Pup Takes Kayak Ride

At the end of a night dive I had quite the surprise when a very cute baby sea lion jumped on my kayak. Was the sea lion pup escaping a shark in the area? Was he cold? Or was he just playing around? In any case,it looks like I now have a new kayaking buddy. Filmed with GoPro HD Hero2 and GoPro dive housing. If you spot an injured or sick marine animal in Southern California you can contact Marine Animal Rescue at (310) 455-272. Their website is This is my original video and I own all the content

Sea Lion Pup Takes Kayak Ride sentiment_very_dissatisfied 131

Kayak 12 years ago 1,192,013 views

At the end of a night dive I had quite the surprise when a very cute baby sea lion jumped on my kayak. Was the sea lion pup escaping a shark in the area? Was he cold? Or was he just playing around? In any case,it looks like I now have a new kayaking buddy. Filmed with GoPro HD Hero2 and GoPro dive housing. If you spot an injured or sick marine animal in Southern California you can contact Marine Animal Rescue at (310) 455-272. Their website is This is my original video and I own all the content

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Most popular comments
for Sea Lion Pup Takes Kayak Ride

Mark Smith
Mark Smith - 6 years ago
Probably shark in the area
NTDTV - 6 years ago
Dear Sir, It's Michelle from NTD Television ( ). Our mission is to uplift the world through sharing Truth, Hope, and Humanity.
This video is great! We totally love it ( )! We would like to upload your video on our websites with full credit and would like to give you more details. Please drop me an email at
Thank you.
Akeisha Pears
Akeisha Pears - 6 years ago
I would have taken it home lol
Vue Lee
Vue Lee - 7 years ago
he umm might be running away from sharks, so be wear next time....
FitzWolf 12
FitzWolf 12 - 7 years ago
Poor thing was probably scared for its life because of being chased by sharks
Kandi Hinshaw
Kandi Hinshaw - 7 years ago
I think maybe the little guy was in need of some help
CHARGE - 7 years ago
That seals like SIKE! Mine now
LA5150 - 7 years ago
So cool...I'd be worried about the mother.
Pao Lor
Pao Lor - 7 years ago
usually when seals are scared. predators like white sharks are after them.

10. comment for Sea Lion Pup Takes Kayak Ride

Muszywianka Źródło magnezu
Muszywianka Źródło magnezu - 7 years ago
Shark was there sea lion was scared
Big Fella
Big Fella - 7 years ago
Awwww they remind me so much of dogs lol
Rickard Swenson
Rickard Swenson - 7 years ago
so cool!
Christ Lyk Swag
Christ Lyk Swag - 7 years ago
So play with it and show it some love instead of sending it away! Panzy! U get a dislike jus for not showing him some love!
Kimberly Van Dusen
Kimberly Van Dusen - 7 years ago
Aww poor thing. Glad happy ending.
El Guapo
El Guapo - 7 years ago
Does anyone not wonder WTF Kayak Man .. was doing there at night ..
Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael - 7 years ago
Most of the times seals jump on the boat is because they are chased down by other animal
Oh No Here Comes Commonsense
Oh No Here Comes Commonsense - 7 years ago
sea lions mean sharks
Gexcco - 7 years ago
alilie 233
alilie 233 - 7 years ago
Aaaahhhhhhh he's so cute

20. comment for Sea Lion Pup Takes Kayak Ride

ALBANIA CYRBJA TV - 7 years ago
that was so cute
Patrick Karauria
Patrick Karauria - 7 years ago
Poor thing looks frightened from getting chased from a shark
Mei Bean
Mei Bean - 7 years ago
He’s like “oh no silly human I need a ride, Uber said you’d be here so bish.”
Klay GILES - 7 years ago
Fuck Rick Coleman the sea lion was hurt
Cooper Trickett
Cooper Trickett - 7 years ago
Thank god you let him stay on if you kicked him off you cold have ended his life
Cooper Trickett
Cooper Trickett - 7 years ago
BABYGIRL - 7 years ago
damn, im so phobia
cillasphotography - 7 years ago
Wow ! How sweet❤️
Tiah Júlia {Japinha}
Tiah Júlia {Japinha} - 7 years ago
So cutie
DYLAN DEPOLO - 7 years ago
hey dude you are on CNN news

30. comment for Sea Lion Pup Takes Kayak Ride

Rodelia Salvador
Rodelia Salvador - 7 years ago
So. Sad. He needs help. He seems so scared
Blue Wolf
Blue Wolf - 7 years ago
Oh shit gateau go fast cmon I own a lot of money to a shark fucking paddle
William Taylor
William Taylor - 7 years ago
At 31 seconds you see the shark on the other side of the kayak, baby sea doggo looks right at it twice.
SlimeQueen XOX
SlimeQueen XOX - 7 years ago
You should help it is hurt
ThatOneDepressed Freak
ThatOneDepressed Freak - 7 years ago
Night swim? He's ocean man
J&E GAMING - 7 years ago
It was fleeing from its mother when sea lions get to a sertain age the mother tries to kill them so it was good he let him/her get on the kayak
How4Basic - 7 years ago
0:26 he is probably hiding from that killer whale just under you!
Jade Woo
Jade Woo - 7 years ago
Me; now where are your parents? (Sea lions are bigger than humans)(especially the males)
Jade Woo
Jade Woo - 7 years ago
Pitch black in ocean* Feels something big hit leg* Remembers all the shark movies I've seen* me; screams bloody murder
Andrew Min
Andrew Min - 7 years ago
Legends says that the sea lion kept on jumping in people's kayaks
Maria Montse de la Garza
Maria Montse de la Garza - 7 years ago
Wow, must've been an amazing experience.
MV Bishop
MV Bishop - 7 years ago
You should have kept it it was adorable
Joe Yang
Joe Yang - 7 years ago
Sea lion was probably drunk. Glad you were the designated kayaker! :)
Zack Queripel
Zack Queripel - 7 years ago
GodivaRealness - 7 years ago
He's like dude im freezing my nuts off down there
Jelly bean
Jelly bean - 7 years ago
I wouldn't have the heart to force it off
Gaming addiction Liam
Gaming addiction Liam - 7 years ago
That is awesome
BlacKwoLF CoNsPiracY
BlacKwoLF CoNsPiracY - 7 years ago
A very special experience?! You pushed him off when he clearly needed you. Don't give me that shit. Ha, all of a sudden a special experience? Please. I wonder how you treat your dog.
BlacKwoLF CoNsPiracY
BlacKwoLF CoNsPiracY - 7 years ago
He came to you for help and you do that shit . Typical haoles . There like dwarves
BlacKwoLF CoNsPiracY
BlacKwoLF CoNsPiracY - 7 years ago
Don't push him off asshole

50. comment for Sea Lion Pup Takes Kayak Ride

BlacKwoLF CoNsPiracY
BlacKwoLF CoNsPiracY - 7 years ago
Wow that's fucked UP
BlacKwoLF CoNsPiracY
BlacKwoLF CoNsPiracY - 7 years ago
.....ah that usually means there's a shark around chasing it
Kickrock GT B
Kickrock GT B - 7 years ago
cute sea lion
Cortland - 7 years ago
irish kannair
irish kannair - 7 years ago
He's probably there because one time I watched a video, a seal got on an boat because there were whales gonna eat 'Ed, so he's probably trying to escape :o
Cady Jay
Cady Jay - 7 years ago
Darah Chloe L. Tadena Girl 123
Darah Chloe L. Tadena Girl 123 - 7 years ago
go home cute quite my go not adopt can i you cute x: buddy cute very shy sea liob
Zero_action - 7 years ago
xgt grizzly bear
xgt grizzly bear - 7 years ago
Sea pupper is here now
Pro The Awper #kecskék
Pro The Awper #kecskék - 7 years ago
is cute :D
lyricsBYCHRIS s
lyricsBYCHRIS s - 7 years ago
Aw he was scared and injured
Marcio Campos
Marcio Campos - 7 years ago
Ohh my God you scared me..........
That was amazing.......
Kimora McKee
Kimora McKee - 7 years ago
Did he say nigga
TheVictorb69 - 7 years ago
Don't you worry about sharks when you night dive?!!!
Kevin Vlog Fray effects
Kevin Vlog Fray effects - 7 years ago
0:16 jumpscary
Real God
Real God - 7 years ago
Seal team six on their warship
skullz and bones
skullz and bones - 7 years ago
I want one :3
Cameron Metcalf
Cameron Metcalf - 7 years ago
At 4:47 he's like ew fuck it's scary down there
xsammyx101x - 7 years ago
QuickdrawMcG - 7 years ago
Get your feet out of the damn water Jesus.
P A T H E T I C - 7 years ago
Night diving is one thing. But alone? Jesus man. How did you even lift thoose balls out of the water again?
John Flanagan
John Flanagan - 7 years ago
Idiot shoulda just rode the seal into shore without any debate.
Alberto_S. - 7 years ago
My first thought after seeing how stubborn it was would have been "FUCK!!! There is something dangerous in the water!!!"
Nccp9 - 7 years ago
"orp orp orp" Translation: "Look at me. Look at me! I AM DA CAPTAIN NOW"
hamiltrash forever
hamiltrash forever - 7 years ago
what a cutie!
Wiicked - Critical Ops
Wiicked - Critical Ops - 7 years ago
Cawa - 7 years ago
I am the captain now
anti-jack-boot - 7 years ago
I would be worried about what he was gettin away from
HorseLover 101
HorseLover 101 - 7 years ago
So cute
Sinzarh - 7 years ago
"this is my kayak ride now bitch"
Ravish WO
Ravish WO - 7 years ago
3:27 the sea lion is like: oh screw you!
NOOBRIDERR - 7 years ago
I ride in speeds of 190mph or more but i feel like that adrenaline wouldn't even come close to me if I were in that dark night ocean kayakin
Tito Diaz
Tito Diaz - 7 years ago
that dude trying pulling a gta
Ethan Ahlers
Ethan Ahlers - 7 years ago
quiere estar contigo
ツAllanzo - 7 years ago
so cute though
Chicken Nuggets
Chicken Nuggets - 7 years ago
3:03give me that GoPro I want to start a vlog channel
korpakukac - 7 years ago
Seal: "Hey, I take your boat, you take my shark."
XtremeBudgetMusician - 7 years ago
WOW!! VERY COOL! cute little guy!!
Prite Pro
Prite Pro - 7 years ago
Pinoy Anglers Club
Pinoy Anglers Club - 7 years ago
Sooooo, awesome rick....
Zach H
Zach H - 7 years ago
3:37 the sea lion. : not today bitch.
Matthew Cupelli
Matthew Cupelli - 7 years ago
hello friend yes hi where are we going
blackbadgurl - 7 years ago
so cute!!!!!!
BRACO DC - 7 years ago
ese pobre lobo marino solo queria sus organos :'(
Angel Deville
Angel Deville - 7 years ago
He could be trying to escape a shark, and you've got your flippered feet dangling over the side of a kayak. Not too bright.
Tarkus - 7 years ago
in the sea at night i'd be wondering why a sea lion is on my kayak and if its because of whats in the water. >:D
mattgotsskill - 7 years ago
who in the fuck goes diving... alone..... at night....
I pee out of my butt
I pee out of my butt - 7 years ago
You're so evil dude
English Cloud
English Cloud - 7 years ago
You should always allow a sea lion pup onto your boat because they could be too exhausted to carry on, injures or being hunted. They aren't stupid enough to jump into a predators territory without a reason.
The Autumn Skye Show
The Autumn Skye Show - 7 years ago
dog mermaid

100. comment for Sea Lion Pup Takes Kayak Ride

The Autumn Skye Show
The Autumn Skye Show - 7 years ago
its like this is my kayak now
The Autumn Skye Show
The Autumn Skye Show - 7 years ago
so cute
Abraluce - 7 years ago
Throw a pokeball at it
* Psycheolelie
* Psycheolelie - 7 years ago
HawkeyeOfTheSky - 7 years ago
little dude didnt wanna leave
Roman Cavazos
Roman Cavazos - 7 years ago
bruh he said jesus! u scared me!
Jay Lew
Jay Lew - 7 years ago
you usually see them do this when theres a threat in the water, next time maybe don't leave your foot in the water or u guys could have more in common
Caren Rosales
Caren Rosales - 7 years ago
sow cute sea lion
x_MySecretShadows_x - 7 years ago
Maybe he was scared of something... Maybe a shark in my opinion.
Noah Crowden
Noah Crowden - 7 years ago
so cute!!!!!!!
DEVMAR 3815 - 7 years ago
Little does the guy know that the sea lion is probably avoiding a shark
Farhad Sher
Farhad Sher - 7 years ago
Abbie - 7 years ago
there was something probably after it..that's why he kept getting back on. lol.
Darth Vader
Darth Vader - 7 years ago
1. Why u be taking a night dive I the sea at dusk
2.i would take the sea lion home a name it idk not good with names
3.was anyone else expecting a great white to take a bite of the guy when the sea lion jumped up on to the boat
Royzkie obenza
Royzkie obenza - 7 years ago
It so cute
Mr.Xenomorph - 7 years ago
It was probably seeking shelter to sleep and avoid sharks
Just1nK - 7 years ago
sea lion be like: can we go now!!!!! a great fucking white shark is fucking chasing me
the guy: hey I just have a baby sea lion riding in my kayak
Cody King
Cody King - 7 years ago
Incredible video, Rick. Was interesting watching the two of you trying to figure out if you could trust each other. He apparently decided it was worth the risk for a little warmth. Very cool to see how you just went with it. Great video.
GabrielGamingAregile - 7 years ago
Aqua Pupper.
Tom GD RBLX Gaming
Tom GD RBLX Gaming - 7 years ago
I did know how but it just come for your lobster
Jaki Kimble
Jaki Kimble - 7 years ago
as a pet
Jaki Kimble
Jaki Kimble - 7 years ago
as a oet
Jaki Kimble
Jaki Kimble - 7 years ago
ass a pet
Jaki Kimble
Jaki Kimble - 7 years ago
he like u
LightRealms - 7 years ago
that is one stubborn thing lol
LightRealms - 7 years ago
omg thats sooooo cute and congrats on 11k btw
The meme Life Can you eat
The meme Life Can you eat - 7 years ago
Wow me and my friends saved a seal from drowning when it couldn't get on land
Konor Sacks
Konor Sacks - 7 years ago
looks like you were far from shore, probably did bit want to swim
Marcus Aploy
Marcus Aploy - 7 years ago
Damn, the ubers are evolving
DogBreathh - 7 years ago
most likely a shark attack if he got on. it's always that
FlamerzZz - 7 years ago
When you got up. The little pup probably was thinking "oh boy thats a weird ass looking sea lion with long flapping limbs !!!" And when you start removing those glove "Omg it's pulling its own flippers out !!"
Arek Michalak
Arek Michalak - 7 years ago
nice bro
Ghost Dragon
Ghost Dragon - 7 years ago

Human: Get off Plz

Flash - 7 years ago
The seal wanted to see how big his balls were.
Faith Isted
Faith Isted - 7 years ago
I would never hurt an animal I would leave him be and take him home like hey I'm gonna name you...
Oscar-Mike - 7 years ago
was the baby nice to you or were you kinda afraid?
Oscar-Mike - 7 years ago
this is bad ass
Mysterious Kommando
Mysterious Kommando - 7 years ago
I wish a sea lion would come up on my kayak.
bruhh - 7 years ago
Plot twist!!! He's secretly saying "THEYRE COMING..."
FoneArc - 7 years ago
Little guy is absolutely adorable. I would've take him home, newest member of the family.
Nale Gaming
Nale Gaming - 7 years ago
Be nice to the pup
Brendon Binges
Brendon Binges - 7 years ago
i would not take my own sweet time to get on the kayak or leave my legs dangling after the seal hoped on. The only other video where a seal did this, it was being chased down by a shark
Brendon Binges
Brendon Binges - 7 years ago
KommodantSlorvo - 7 years ago
Hops on kayak
Translation: So you're the one that's been taking my lobsters!" I got ya now buddy, put em all back and don't come to this part of town again"
KommodantSlorvo - 7 years ago
Splash "What was that?"
Emilio Hernandez
Emilio Hernandez - 7 years ago
#so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Bep
The Bep - 8 years ago
he wanted to stay so badly
Mdog67 - 8 years ago
why are u up on my kayak
lion seal cause there is a fucking shark in the water
Tom Sawyer
Tom Sawyer - 8 years ago
I wouldve chilled with the dude
Abou Benadam
Abou Benadam - 8 years ago
Ya lucky Bugger!
Raiden Jack
Raiden Jack - 8 years ago
Shark: Come here sausage? I take you with ketchup!

Sea Lion: Haha But first you have to catch us!
Gamer 4life
Gamer 4life - 8 years ago
You hear a pup in your boat bat when you look you taught it was a demon bat it was a DOGE
Peter Ferreira
Peter Ferreira - 8 years ago
Very cool. I would love to have experienced that!
stiepan holkien
stiepan holkien - 8 years ago
That's what Internet is for, not watching screaming Swedish retards
Chaotic Influence
Chaotic Influence - 8 years ago
would be cool if you met him when he grew up and it was friendly
Wild cat
Wild cat - 8 years ago
The sea lion pup was proble scared
Gaminghaukdeath - 8 years ago
There is probably a shark that bothered him if I'm right
lllwewlll Max toon
lllwewlll Max toon - 8 years ago
haha nice so cuts
xXt0x1c-sl1m3Xx - 8 years ago
I know this is probably a dumb question but I've never been near a kayak.

How does it not sink when full of water?
Jorge B.
Jorge B. - 8 years ago
It does
Slaughter - 8 years ago
Imagine he was running away from an orca or a great white
miguel89ist - 8 years ago
that's good bait I use it all the time
Thluaimen Sung
Thluaimen Sung - 8 years ago
nice phone
Mr Koffi
Mr Koffi - 8 years ago
That Sea lion is a free loader
foxcross312 - 8 years ago
he couldn't touch it because govermant rules :-(
Riteyoyhy - 8 years ago
"You been taking my lobsters bish"
Alex Trlin
Alex Trlin - 8 years ago
FrEeZe Natioin they love octopus
sdfgsdfg - 8 years ago
I love that this is happening and the first thing he does is call his wife.
Squishy life 101
Squishy life 101 - 8 years ago
He or she loves you
Munch Master
Munch Master - 8 years ago
How is that Kayak still afloat with that massive pair you have diving at night?
Eddie Rivera
Eddie Rivera - 8 years ago
grasias por salvarlo god bless you
Patrik Kantor
Patrik Kantor - 8 years ago
Its So cute
Avengedsevenfoldersteven Seven
Avengedsevenfoldersteven Seven - 8 years ago
It's so sexy and rubbery
Ms.Doodle - 7 years ago
Um. Explain this.
I'm concerned.
Avengedsevenfoldersteven Seven
Avengedsevenfoldersteven Seven - 8 years ago
Andy F. Hahahahah
Andy F.
Andy F. - 8 years ago
What the fuck?!
Ollilele - 8 years ago
so cute!
Midnight Foxy
Midnight Foxy - 8 years ago
aww let it stay for a longer while before it goes home
SuperEpicalex - 8 years ago
Noah Walsh
Noah Walsh - 8 years ago
Are they dangurous
Andy F.
Andy F. - 8 years ago
Alex.T.2015 I thought they ignore penguins and go after live fish.
Alex Trlin
Alex Trlin - 8 years ago
Noah Walsh a fully grown one could inflict some damage, but just so you know, they are known to rip penguins stomachs open drag them onto land and then eat the fish from inside their stomachs, then leave them to die
SirDuck - 8 years ago
big ones can do some damage
Anthony pond
Anthony pond - 8 years ago
two things on that little guy he was really hungry or there was danger near by
randy himawan gaming
randy himawan gaming - 8 years ago
palsu ini
T MI - 8 years ago
This guy is insane!!!! Does he get scared swimming in the ocean at night??? I'm terrified of what's in the ocean I would never do it
Cupcake Zinger
Cupcake Zinger - 8 years ago
I would've kept him in the bathtub and named him Sammy
Ashton - 8 years ago
Cupcake Zinger lmao
w̶h̶i̶p̶c̶r̶e̶a̶m̶m̶m̶ - 8 years ago
don't they run from sharks and when they do they get on land or something similar like a kayak
Neb88 - 8 years ago
Bro if a seal jumps out of the water, yo do too. There's a high chance it's trying to run away from something trying to eat him, and you just became the side dish...
Sauvage Blagues
Sauvage Blagues - 8 years ago
its o cut
cool kayak
cool kayak - 8 years ago
I have a kayak, I sound be scared to be out on the ocean that late.
Ryuthewolf2 2
Ryuthewolf2 2 - 8 years ago
Ghost Kid
Ghost Kid - 8 years ago
You stupid, if there is a shark after your baby would you just leave it to you wouldn't so why did you make it get off?
Juzz - 8 years ago
interSpeces Family
interSpeces Family - 8 years ago
giving this pup a chance is what I revere most
Lizzy Koopa
Lizzy Koopa - 8 years ago
probably thought you where another over sized sealion, well if you have a dive suit that is, its why sharks normally bite people, they get confused by it.
阿德里安 - 8 years ago
I would've probably stayed there until the baby sea lion got off himself.
Terrance Turner
Terrance Turner - 8 years ago
"Hey, little guy. What are you doing on my kayak?"

"No reason at all. Oh and don't worry about that shark a few feet away. I'm sure it won't mistake you for me."
coal wagon
coal wagon - 7 years ago
Yeah sea lion is runnin from something even bigger lol
Andrea Moscoso
Andrea Moscoso - 7 years ago
Terrance Turner Exactly...
Terrance Turner
Terrance Turner - 7 years ago
+Erik Leonardi My comment was a play on how it's said that some sharks mistake humans on surfboards as seals/sea lions.
Erik Leonardi
Erik Leonardi - 7 years ago
Terrance Turner sharks really didn't have any interest in human.
Stephen Schultz
Stephen Schultz - 8 years ago
Victoria Rose There was probably a shark after it.
YRN GAMING - 8 years ago
ur phone ugly asf
YRN GAMING - 8 years ago
why df are ppl disliking
Robert LeRoy Parker
Robert LeRoy Parker - 8 years ago
usually when they are getting out of the water... there are orcas about. I'd get out of the water too.
Scuba Billy-UK
Scuba Billy-UK - 8 years ago
you sure there wasn't a great white in the area?
walter perry
walter perry - 7 years ago
clorox bleach why do i see u everywhere ?
Ely Castillo
Ely Castillo - 8 years ago
Scuba Billy-UK maybe a killer whale??
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 8 years ago
Scuba Billy-UK they usually don't hunt at night. That's something common in South Africa.
GoldenSlimeYT - 8 years ago
Cora Syverson
Cora Syverson - 8 years ago
He is so Kirsten
Isaac Sanchez
Isaac Sanchez - 8 years ago
In one of the newest season. Forgot which episode
A Spooky ghost
A Spooky ghost - 8 years ago
What if he stole all his gear and his phone and threw it in the water
A Spooky ghost
A Spooky ghost - 8 years ago
haha je moeder vriend aha
haha je moeder vriend aha - 8 years ago
this guy is over the top crazy why u thinj he jumped on your kayak , cause a great white was hunting him haha amd u stayd in the water like 2more minutrs
KING33 l
KING33 l - 8 years ago
did anybody else see in the background the shark fin
Clash With lupe
Clash With lupe - 8 years ago
Call a dame vet
Leviathan JTV
Leviathan JTV - 8 years ago
He did better, he called Harbor Patrol and Animal Rescue. Your dumbass wouldn't know any better though. Probably don't even know the vets number.
A M - 8 years ago
he probably thought you were another seal cause of your wet suit and flippers...a really really weird ugly looking seal
Dinopanda Is KEWL
Dinopanda Is KEWL - 8 years ago
I'd be like well your mine now
ZackAttack - 8 years ago
Imma call you jeffery. Lets go home.
Coolfirelava Gaming
Coolfirelava Gaming - 8 years ago
i was smileing the whole vid
Jalin Wilson
Jalin Wilson - 8 years ago
it wanted you to take him home
Adam Mcneil
Adam Mcneil - 8 years ago
sea lion on fear do Shark or Killer Whale..
Sr.Splittington - 8 years ago
0:18 i cant stop replaying his reaction xD
Journey Is The Way
Journey Is The Way - 8 years ago
lmao! The beginning is the best part, you must have needed a change of pants. First thing that would had popped in my mind is that a great white was going after it. I've heard that great white are infested in cali waters, scary thought. Have you heard of distilled rotten shark, just pour some of it where ever you are diving and all sharks disappear from the surrounding area.
Journey Is The Way
Journey Is The Way - 8 years ago
Amazing experience.
SpaceLambs - 8 years ago
So cute
Dongjun Yoo
Dongjun Yoo - 8 years ago
Sea Lions=Pleiosaurs of the Canines.
armandas2008jan - 8 years ago
PlantMan12 - 8 years ago
Dat flip phone do 1:56
Senpai Solo
Senpai Solo - 8 years ago
there was prob a shark after it xD
Jay R
Jay R - 8 years ago
omg it is soooo cute..
Marat Semenov
Marat Semenov - 8 years ago
why was the guy scared of it? do they bite or something?
GECKO lives on
GECKO lives on - 8 years ago
Marat Semenov it jumped out of nowhere I would be scared to he might of thought it was a shark or something
Bofa D. Snutts
Bofa D. Snutts - 8 years ago
Think about it- if you were swimming alone at night and something jumped out of the water less than five feet away from you without warning, wouldn't you be at least a little surprised?
MissMidoria - 8 years ago
Because he's kayaking at night and probably didn't see the pup coming. And sometimes they do bite.
Mathisse Bisceglie
Mathisse Bisceglie - 8 years ago
3:57 He had like some sort of bite in his neck, unless they are suppose to have that, I don't know much about sea lions
Mathisse Bisceglie
Mathisse Bisceglie - 8 years ago
+a leyba Oh my bad
Tiny - 8 years ago
that's not a bite that's just fur or whatever it's called
Carlitos Ventura
Carlitos Ventura - 8 years ago
You are so mean you suck you should of left him on your kayack he probably got hurt you should of took him to a vet
Mike Does whatever
Mike Does whatever - 8 years ago
If I was you I would have hop in there cause it could have been running from a shark
Harpercottonvlogs - 8 years ago
Fuck off bich
Alekseev Collado
Alekseev Collado - 8 years ago
Hes so cute so sweet
Harpercottonvlogs - 8 years ago
sorry but come on
Ladiesman217 - 8 years ago
You're * sorry force of habit .
Rob Boss
Rob Boss - 8 years ago
Crauble7777 - 8 years ago
so cute
ZeNoZ Exi
ZeNoZ Exi - 8 years ago
What if he or she lost its mother?
Mr. Brown
Mr. Brown - 8 years ago
most sea lions are abandoned at a very young age+
Mr. Brown
Mr. Brown - 8 years ago
most sea lions are abandoned at a very young age
Isaac Sanchez
Isaac Sanchez - 8 years ago
You know your video was on ridiculousness. (Tv show)
A Spooky ghost
A Spooky ghost - 8 years ago
What episode
Joshua Mckinney
Joshua Mckinney - 8 years ago
Hey lied he ate that thing
Richard Brown
Richard Brown - 8 years ago
So cool
Andrew Hales
Andrew Hales - 8 years ago
So concerned with phones and cameras you missed your true opportunity to connect with him. Sad day we live in...
Josh - 8 years ago
this andrew guy is a fucking wanker
darrel deras
darrel deras - 8 years ago
^ Think before you say something andrew
A Spooky ghost
A Spooky ghost - 8 years ago
If you cuddle seals especially at a young age they will think that everything will cuddle them and then they will go to sharks for a cuddle
ibo ayoubi
ibo ayoubi - 8 years ago
the camera is on his head, you can't just pick it up and cuddle it, it might bite. cute or not it's still a wild animal
Team McBox
Team McBox - 8 years ago
+Seeing Eye Hamster (Siro332) damn. Just damn.
Vail Lam
Vail Lam - 8 years ago
SeeingEyeHamster - 8 years ago
and you have a profile picture with someone squeezing his nipple in the background
Sebastian's Mind
Sebastian's Mind - 8 years ago
That f*cking thing is so Freaking Adorable ^ω^
Logan Coleman
Logan Coleman - 8 years ago
macho Man
macho Man - 8 years ago
What if a shark was deep and the sea lion was scared
Holy_Hand_Grenade-of-Antioch - 8 years ago
Who the fuck goes out and dives by themselves AT NIGHT in a marine predator environment? (maybe he wasn't entirely alone, he seems to have a buddy a little ways off who he talks to at the end of the clip)

Is this is a relatively common thing to do within the greater hobby of diving?

It just seems so incredibly dangerous. Pretty much any water that's within 2500 miles of the equator in either direction and populated with pinnipeds is also home to large, mammal hunting sharks. (outside of those zones the orcas rule that niche without much competition.)
Paul McKnight
Paul McKnight - 8 years ago
if it needs outa the water - just sayin.........''/
Kody Williams
Kody Williams - 8 years ago
Saw this video on ridiculousness and had to see the whole thing. That's so awesome man!! Probably saved that little guy's life! Probably one of the coolest things I've seen.
Devastation - 8 years ago
Poor thing just wanted help he had an injury
ibo ayoubi
ibo ayoubi - 8 years ago
no it didn't?
Stardust - 8 years ago
Two things: thats extremely adorable: secondly why are you swimming at night
Alexis Padilla
Alexis Padilla - 8 years ago
+Andrew Clark read my comment again.... im saying a fish would scare me at night
Andrew Clark
Andrew Clark - 8 years ago
+Alexis Padilla
Fish? It's clearly a mammal.
Alexis Padilla
Alexis Padilla - 8 years ago
fuck that shit way too scary i know shark attacks arent common but any fish would give me a heart attack.
The Dank Lord
The Dank Lord - 8 years ago
I think that was a Spongebob reference, if so...... I applaude.
Chris Rivera
Chris Rivera - 8 years ago
Swimming......... At night
Sirah Ouellette
Sirah Ouellette - 8 years ago
Lobster come out at night, check out his lobster diving videos! they're pretty cool, and they're at night :D
Clean Socks
Clean Socks - 8 years ago
Super cute
Michael Brashier
Michael Brashier - 8 years ago
first thing I thought of is that he jumped on board to escape a predator but as you said he was probably just cold or tired.
tu nguyen
tu nguyen - 8 years ago
0:18 NIGGGA omg you scared me you black motherfucker hey little guy heeyyy
Jai Stinson
Jai Stinson - 8 years ago
+Floppa_ Kev lol what?, he says 'JESUS'
Thunderzealous - 8 years ago
i would totally steal the sea lion
kevuuhn d_
kevuuhn d_ - 8 years ago
LOL I heard nigga aswell
curtflirt2 - 8 years ago
Yeah looks like something may have been after it.
curtflirt2 - 8 years ago
Dangerous late at night but hey, I guess life is full of risks.
Fernando Gomez
Fernando Gomez - 8 years ago
were you night diving by yourself? crazy dude
BOBSAIDHI3 THE KING - 8 years ago
I un subscribed to this jack ass fuck jerk
BOBSAIDHI3 THE KING - 8 years ago
Night's King can you shutup
BOBSAIDHI3 THE KING - 8 years ago
+alexreising85 jack ass didn't help the poor thing
Holy_Hand_Grenade-of-Antioch - 8 years ago
uh... what the heck dude... what's wrong with you? Chill out.
Stardust - 8 years ago
y tho
Paradasea - 8 years ago
And then sea lions mom came and bited him
Paradasea - 8 years ago
+alexreising85 no english is not my native lang and i dont give a fuck about grammar
Holy_Hand_Grenade-of-Antioch - 8 years ago
now, if English IS your primary language then... you're a fucking retarded idiot.
Holy_Hand_Grenade-of-Antioch - 8 years ago
"bited him".... English may not be your native language, so I won't belittle you... but the correct form of the word in your sentence would simply be "bit". "Bit" is the past tense verb of "Bite".
Colby Nelson
Colby Nelson - 8 years ago
what if the sea lion was on the boat because a shark was chasing him
Apud1984 - 8 years ago
Fantastic clip! watch my channel, I'm sure you will enjoy it.
Gareth Jones
Gareth Jones - 8 years ago
Beautiful animal. Seems like a young one.
Julia Rose
Julia Rose - 8 years ago
such a cutie
Lucia Lopez
Lucia Lopez - 8 years ago
awww poor thing!
Vireak Long
Vireak Long - 8 years ago
it was just .. oh come on man ... give me for a ride XD
Satsuki Large
Satsuki Large - 8 years ago
wasilaify - 8 years ago
Night dive alone in the ocean? That seems super spooky to me..
David Murphy
David Murphy - 7 years ago
My brothers friend died freediving at night alone.
Billy Maize
Billy Maize - 7 years ago
More risky than spooky. Never dive alone... Heard that is a cardinal sin in diving.
阿德里安 - 8 years ago

I agree.
Viper - 8 years ago
Gently taps sea lion with paddle
I don't think it's too happy when u did that xD
Viper - 8 years ago
he's cold and hungry poor guy
TheAssholeProphet - 8 years ago
You see these kinds of videos occasionally, makes you wonder how tiring it must be for them to swim in open ocean; nowhere for them to rest really. So it's not surprising when they see a boat they hop on board- it's very cute tho.
morphman21 - 8 years ago
Does your friend still hangout with you?
re re
re re - 8 years ago
he was like wheres my food bitch
0161 - 8 years ago
'wow you scared me' like its the norm to see a sea lion jump in your kayak
Cody Curtis
Cody Curtis - 8 years ago
Or prop get out fucking big ass shark he bite my ass
dLimboStick - 8 years ago
Hey little guy. What are you doing in my kayak?
orp orp orp (translation: THERE'S A FUCKING SHARK AFTER ME!)
raibux fors
raibux fors - 7 years ago
Kimberly Van Dusen
Kimberly Van Dusen - 7 years ago
lol right!
Cooper Trickett
Cooper Trickett - 7 years ago
Fucking dead right
Ghassan Habboushi
Ghassan Habboushi - 7 years ago
My first thought exactly ... I would have jumped in the kayak after the sea lion , before asking any dumb questions lol
Danny Allard
Danny Allard - 7 years ago
Andy F.
Andy F. - 8 years ago
dLimboStick The proper translation is "I'm cold and a shark bit my butt."
BX ROCKILLER - 8 years ago
why is he still following the guy oh yah the fucking shark
Jaime Keever
Jaime Keever - 8 years ago
dLimboStick LOL
coldcrystalsnow - 8 years ago
GamerFI - 8 years ago
seems u can translate em are u sea lion cousin or are u the shark :D
Incursive - 8 years ago
MJ Blue
MJ Blue - 8 years ago
He's like hiiiiii!
Ilyas Yusuf
Ilyas Yusuf - 9 years ago
its sooo cuutteee
vV SNIP3R Vv - 8 years ago
But ur not xD
ISayMolonLabe - 9 years ago
Finally, someone with some respect for other species.
Notice my original name
Notice my original name - 9 years ago
By the looks of it, could that seal been a orphan? I know this was 3 years ago, but still.
AnimationArts! - 8 years ago
No it wasn't
ILL ORBIT - 9 years ago
He tried telling you there was something below trying to get him. I dont get how humans cannot understand other life.
ILL ORBIT - 8 years ago
+Joe Kahn Yes I'm an expert on animals especially your mom and your bitch. Ask them about me sheep.
Spears - 9 years ago
+Anthony Navarro or maybe like the dude said, it was cold and wanted out of the cold water
Ant 1
Ant 1 - 9 years ago
I KKNOW RIGHT??? Dude was totally acting like a dick. I was about to dislike the video till I was glad to find out he took the pup for a ride so i ended up liking the vid.
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 9 years ago
The little thing loved your kayak
Holy_Hand_Grenade-of-Antioch - 8 years ago
(...and Jesus wept?)
Dark Pred
Dark Pred - 9 years ago
Seal be like crud you gotta get to shore
Nameperdefinition - 9 years ago
Life of Rick
Apina Adventures
Apina Adventures - 9 years ago
Oh my gosh!!! That was the cutest surprise! Although, if I were you and I heard that splash in the beginning, I would have freaked out!!!

Actually... I would be freaking out just by being in the ocean at night!
Jake Rivingston
Jake Rivingston - 9 years ago
That, is adorable
MABUHAY DOLLS - 9 years ago
night dive? alone? am I the only one that cant even go to the sea and take a swim there only near the shore because I'm too paranoid thinking that there's a shark or something there? hahahah
Wiicked - Critical Ops
Wiicked - Critical Ops - 7 years ago
MABUHAY DOLLS yep plus hes far away from the fuking city
We Slice and Dice
We Slice and Dice - 8 years ago
+Wil game the things they breath with that are on their sides are called gills in English
MABUHAY DOLLS - 9 years ago
+Wil game yah, I always watch documentaries about shark and to survive and stop them. thanks for info
Raven - 9 years ago
+#BARBIE EXPERT 21# it's not difficult to defend yourself hit I'm on the eye even get it out of his socket if you want hit him on the things he breath with ( I'm French so I don't know the word in English) he will go off in the distance giving you enough time to seek help normally sharks bite once and wait for there pray to die
MABUHAY DOLLS - 9 years ago
+Wil game but if you're really unlucky, you could be one of those people! LOL
Raven - 9 years ago
You have more chance to get killed by lightning then a shark also shark attack about 15 people a year in the hole world so no danger
MABUHAY DOLLS - 9 years ago
+FUCK YOU GOOGLE I kinda want to try Cuz I think it's relaxing ( quiet, dark and no people) but still dangerous! LOL
FUCK YOU GOOGLE - 9 years ago
+#BARBIE EXPERT 21# You're not crazy. I've done a few night dives before and they're awesome but even with people sometimes it can be disorienting and dangerous. This guy is a pro though and probably has 100s of dives under his belt.
Bloodyx_xMurder 1018
Bloodyx_xMurder 1018 - 9 years ago
It so cute
Concentrate Corner
Concentrate Corner - 9 years ago
"I am now zee captin of zis vessel! To BC my slave" - sea lion
RHYAK - 9 years ago
nice, these furbags are way to comfortable around people.
Ari Rosenbaum
Ari Rosenbaum - 9 years ago
I'd be afraid he'd led the shark right to the boat
Mr. Cuddles :3
Mr. Cuddles :3 - 9 years ago
Baby sea lion jumps on boat Rick: JESUS! xD
JLA80 - 9 years ago
haha love your reaction to the seapup jumping in your what an experience! Thanks for posting the video
David Saunders
David Saunders - 9 years ago
What an awesome once in a life time experience. That's one not only will you get to tell the grand kids about but you have the video to show them. Thanks for posting it so we could all enjoy it.
Allen Guardado
Allen Guardado - 9 years ago
he wanted a friend why D:
Breanna Smith
Breanna Smith - 9 years ago
i think either sea lions love to come aboard, or that pup really loved ya! LOL
Kedda kedda
Kedda kedda - 9 years ago
that was a wonderful video thanks for sharing
Hi - 9 years ago
I wouldve been like "Oh hell no, he's hiding from something." and would have gotten my ass on that kayak.
CourtyardPigeon - 9 years ago
You can't stay up here......wanna bet?
That Average Gamer
That Average Gamer - 9 years ago
very cool , that would be a fun experience
ㅤㅤㅤZhatar - 9 years ago
Night dives... Imagine If as soon as he kicked him on the water a giant great white came out of the water and swallowed the lion, or if the lion flipped the kajak and make you loose all the equipment. Night dives: not even once
Johannes Hedström
Johannes Hedström - 9 years ago
he likes you
KiLL DoZeR - 9 years ago
love how he tries to act all rescue like but he kicked it off ........ idiot it was obviously hurt
Vakama 905
Vakama 905 - 9 years ago
Well, his options were to gently kick the sea lion off the kayak or sit there all night until the lion decided to move so he could pull his anchor and go home. Do you enjoy sitting in the cold in a kayak at night while wet?
Vakama 905
Vakama 905 - 9 years ago
Well, his options were to gently kick the sea lion off the kayak or sit there all night until the lion decided to move so he could pull his anchor and go home. Do you enjoy sitting in the cold in a kayak at night while wet?
Eddie Adams
Eddie Adams - 9 years ago
Jesus man,I know it's really common but that's so eerie, I wouldn't even go kayaking at night let alone diving, lol i guess I'm just a pussy and scared of the ocean lol
Bob Loblah
Bob Loblah - 9 years ago
+Eddie Adams or smarter than this guy...even the sea lion refused to go back in the water
joe bristol
joe bristol - 9 years ago
Poor seal, I am assuming west coast. Usually shark sometimes orca in the area. Monterey bay. ca those are the two usual suspects chasing seals.
Galaxy - 9 years ago
It's not a seal tho
Birth - Of - Gamer
Birth - Of - Gamer - 9 years ago
I wouldn't mind taken in the sea lion as a pet but I would feel bad stealing a mothers pup
jason L
jason L - 9 years ago
Awesome video as usual.
katelynn767 - 9 years ago's sooooo CUTE!
nova - 9 years ago
Night dive? No thank you lol
pisse3000 - 7 years ago
nova pretty sure "night dive" is next to "bad idea" in the dictionary
I Huh
I Huh - 9 years ago
get on the friggen kayak.  The sea lion was likely evading a great white!!!
Milton B
Milton B - 9 years ago
i think there was a shark or he just loves you alot
QuikScope - 9 years ago
You didnt see the Great White shark that chased it out of the water .lol Really cool video.
Stay classy
Stay classy - 9 years ago
wow very cool
Lily Konteh
Lily Konteh - 9 years ago
I think he just wanted to be your friend!
ebennett7 - 10 years ago
Awww. You are a nice guy!
bisquitnspanky - 10 years ago
My first thought was, "Where is the shark chasing it?" 
mark anthony fortich
mark anthony fortich - 10 years ago
hahahaha..kuratan lage ka...hehe
Addi Aaj
Addi Aaj - 10 years ago
Ah ha ha
PTM45 smi
PTM45 smi - 10 years ago
why'd you have to shoo him away? you should've let him go with you until he decides where he gets off
Damianjaje - 10 years ago
He needed to pull up the anchor, and he might of been worried that it might bite him. 
emilio cina
emilio cina - 10 years ago
HEYY me and that seal are on the same team were both scared of sharks let him ride with you man
Serg Kaizen
Serg Kaizen - 10 years ago
Shark in the water
Zach Nicolet
Zach Nicolet - 10 years ago
I would of been scared 2
Ayako Ninomiya
Ayako Ninomiya - 10 years ago
TOBY RIVERS - 10 years ago
he was prolly runnin from a great white!!!!
Daniel - Broseidon Incarnate
Daniel - Broseidon Incarnate - 10 years ago
Disgusting humans club seals.  Awesome people go clubbing WITH seals.
Nikolai Burgardt
Nikolai Burgardt - 7 years ago
anounamois cause my mom said so maybe so, but it is also a videogame term and I'm pretty sure that's what the original commenter was talking about, but I didn't know that, thank you for the information :-)
Anonymous Cause thats how i roll
Anonymous Cause thats how i roll - 7 years ago
Nikolai Burgardt seal clubbing is when you herd seals inland with a rattle made of bones then put em in a pen and beat them to death with clubs so the fur doesn't get ruined
Nikolai Burgardt
Nikolai Burgardt - 7 years ago
Owen Spiteri btw, seal clubbing is a video game term for someone who is experienced and high level, intentionally playing against new players for amusement
Arthur Mcmahon
Arthur Mcmahon - 8 years ago
Daniel - Broseidon Incarnate shut up hippie
Owen Spiteri
Owen Spiteri - 10 years ago
He wasnt trying to harm the seal, he just pushed it a little :) but still i wouldnt do that to a baby seal its so cute :)
Daniel - Broseidon Incarnate
Daniel - Broseidon Incarnate - 10 years ago
+ZDG I never claimed this was a seal, did I? Of course I knew it was a sea lion.
ZDG - 10 years ago
not a seal
Cisco Rock
Cisco Rock - 10 years ago
Awesome video.. Diving at night I dont have the balls. 
William Goble
William Goble - 10 years ago
that was way cool !  thanks for taking the sea lion into consideration. what goes around comes around !  good vibe
Nils Holgerson
Nils Holgerson - 10 years ago
You handled that situation like a pro.
Vinnie Vernola
Vinnie Vernola - 10 years ago
That was the funniest reaction ever hahaha
Raymond Torres
Raymond Torres - 10 years ago
That seal just swam from a shark and jumped on the kayak for safety! 
sookyz - 10 years ago
thank you for not kicking him off a second time, he clearly needed to be there if he came back a second time, wild animals dont reguarly seek human company that bad, even though these are fairly sociable animals... thanks for doing him well
Andrea Kuehnis
Andrea Kuehnis - 10 years ago
Big question: what happen to it? I hope you did take care of that little, wounded animal. It does not seek a human so close if it would not been urgent.
wendelin maduro
wendelin maduro - 10 years ago
hahahhaha cute
Katherine Uribe
Katherine Uribe - 10 years ago
God bless you for taking him ashore. After a rest and warming up a bit, he may have been able to go on. Only God knows, but you did the good and kind thing and that's always best!
Sky Lane
Sky Lane - 10 years ago
I was totally waiting for an Orca to come swallow everyone whole
Decepticon Seeker
Decepticon Seeker - 10 years ago
Federico Luppi
Federico Luppi - 10 years ago
lemmik1900 - 10 years ago
Man you gotta be quick in grabbing those lobsters. I had no idea that they could zip away so fast. Nice haul and an awesome humanitarian move letting that sea lion pup catch a ride to safe shallow waters. I'll bet there was danger in the water and that's why the seal hopped aboard to avoid being chewed up. Can you say SHARK!
PXraid - 10 years ago
Lol u shit yourself
Junaid Ahmed
Junaid Ahmed - 10 years ago
Definitely subscribing.  This is like a real life version of "life of pi"
Wumbo Jr
Wumbo Jr - 10 years ago
Let is rest it will leave
Dolly Belladonna
Dolly Belladonna - 10 years ago
andytran010 - 10 years ago
lol maybe there was a great white shark around 
Kenny R
Kenny R - 10 years ago
looks like you made a new friend
KRISPY BEATS - 10 years ago
erm... god gave you a test... will you save his life... injury he had looked bad... you could save him and have a realy good buddy for like 30 years :) id build him a pool and shit :)
Thaison Nguyen
Thaison Nguyen - 10 years ago
That was adorable. The feels from this video though.
M. Lake
M. Lake - 10 years ago
Awww..I would pet um..hug um...and kiss um....poor ting...take him home..heck I would..and make it my pet!!!!
Robin Minkler
Robin Minkler - 10 years ago
That was really wonderful to watch! 
Cepb 77
Cepb 77 - 10 years ago
craaaazy hope you wear shark shield
911ambulancegirl - 10 years ago
TOOO cute!!!
Faby 246
Faby 246 - 10 years ago
hey lil guy, heyyyy wink lol 
Mark McVamp
Mark McVamp - 10 years ago
ZSZSAS !!!!!!!!  OMG that sound was awesome....
Morgan Robinson
Morgan Robinson - 10 years ago
I would be worried about WHY is jumped into the kayak...
OldSchoolFilm1930 - 10 years ago
Yeah, thanks for checking out after all. :)
Andrea P
Andrea P - 10 years ago
Shark fin at 0.26
DarkMeowz - 10 years ago
aww :) what a cool experience!
Qwerty Charlie
Qwerty Charlie - 10 years ago
so sweet!
Sandy Hooker
Sandy Hooker - 10 years ago
Major balls man, I would be scared shitless diving at night.
Bryan Beck
Bryan Beck - 10 years ago
Baby seals lose their mothers and usually die not too long afterwords. It's likely he was hiding from sharks and lost his mom.
sookyz - 10 years ago
06cdvanw - 10 years ago
"Hey little guy, what are you...wait....what are you escaping!!?" I'd have been in that kayak in a half a second
UncleSiam - 10 years ago
That was my first thought... I would have been like..."shit this might mean there are sharks right under me."
jackson melton
jackson melton - 10 years ago
Sad truth :( ?
Emma Pigeon
Emma Pigeon - 10 years ago
A Shark maybe scared the baby sealion... he's so cute! 
Nexaes - 10 years ago
0:18 Zszsas!(Sea jesus i presume) I'm still laughing..
Dot Er
Dot Er - 10 years ago
It looked like the sea lion was bit around its neck. Maybe a small shark got hold of it and then the sea lion got scared and just jumped on the first thing it could find (kayak).
Pru Cman
Pru Cman - 10 years ago
May be he feel scare to stay alone so he jump on your Kayak
Lilith_Affairs - 10 years ago
I'm glad u let it stay.  Yay!
Coouge - 10 years ago
You're really brave!
I could never, in my lifetime, swim in the ocean that dark!
Will Panday
Will Panday - 10 years ago
This is a great video i love you night dives if i'm ever in california ill try to do something like this!!!
Jordon Folger
Jordon Folger - 10 years ago
Lol the pup jumps back on
aiden keech
aiden keech - 10 years ago
I like your kayaking buddy
Christopher Chambers
Christopher Chambers - 10 years ago
Very, very cool!
Barb Donnelly
Barb Donnelly - 10 years ago
so FREAKING ADORABLE:  "imprinting"?  tee...hee.... :)
MrMagnat007 - 10 years ago
Shark avoidance...
Tetsuo Takahashi
Tetsuo Takahashi - 10 years ago
Haha that's awesome
Dustin D
Dustin D - 10 years ago
he knows there is something more scarier in the water then you that's why he got out so fast
grouperslayer20 - 10 years ago
3:26 but there is a big ass shark under you!!!!!!!
christian seely
christian seely - 10 years ago
He may be escaping a shark
dawnpatrol - 10 years ago
Hey Rick, any sharks in Mission Bay?  Also what do you think of (mindset of fear) during night dives?
Try Andy
Try Andy - 10 years ago
this guys has some balls. went to the sea at night alone to dive. hats off
boogietaveras92 - 10 years ago
GARNET RED - 10 years ago
Probably got separated from its mother... 
nomis3391 - 10 years ago
my first instinct is this little homie is hiding from sharks or killer whales or someshit! 
SirLobsterman - 10 years ago
yeah, the dispatcher said what I was thinking, probably got tired and cold and wanted a ride into shore, I've heard of adults even taking rides in on the back step of larger dive boats, taking advantage of a easy ride. you never know though, a shark also might have given him a bump and scared him to the surface and onto your kayak, the first thing I was worried about is a shark possibly coming after you, like the pup escaping from it. 
Alec Stall
Alec Stall - 8 years ago
SirLobsterman thinking the same thing
Burning Oil Gaming
Burning Oil Gaming - 10 years ago
I'm no Sea Lion Expert or anything, but did'nt it seem like he was trying to stay out of the water? Like he was trying to stay away from something. Plus the injury there as well. Hope it made it through the night. =) Brilliant Video.
Casey Mongillo
Casey Mongillo - 10 years ago
That's such a cool encounter! Thank you for checking that the pup was okay, too. That's awesome of you :D
Markus Schöberl
Markus Schöberl - 10 years ago
whow!! What a great contact to wildlife !!!
Lee Czere
Lee Czere - 10 years ago
Thought something heavy was gonna go down....turns out the pup we sea was just lion there for a while.
Lily Joseph
Lily Joseph - 7 years ago
I get it
UhhLuna - F/A
UhhLuna - F/A - 10 years ago
haha! that was very punny
Sebastian Pini
Sebastian Pini - 10 years ago
could have been*
Simon Frost
Simon Frost - 10 years ago
LOL hes seen the huge shark and taking cover...
Arrowacks Korsou
Arrowacks Korsou - 10 years ago
Second (viral?) clip in a short time of a diver with no buddy. Where did I go wrong?
arconisreaper1 - 10 years ago
aww what a cutie and how you handled it was very well done
Phred Phish
Phred Phish - 10 years ago
My first thought would have been "what is it running from" and my first action would have been to get my feet out of the water!!!
전진주 - 10 years ago
악 너무 귀여웡ㅜㅜ
artofvoice - 10 years ago
awwww curious little thing. I love the very conversational tone you took with him. "You scared me!" lol. Very cute. 
cambot 27
cambot 27 - 10 years ago
Lol such a cute little thing
CannibalizedSociety - 10 years ago
Sounds like Kermit the Frog
liver stoner
liver stoner - 10 years ago
Have a like good sir
Oskar Roland Spets
Oskar Roland Spets - 10 years ago
sounded like you jelled "niggas!" when it came up
UncleSiam - 10 years ago
Yall need Church, it was "JEESUS".
Joey Bailey
Joey Bailey - 10 years ago
'Niggaaa' lowl
Michael Lucki
Michael Lucki - 10 years ago
I rewatched it just to see if its true. I'm literally in tears from laughing!
Shem Lopez
Shem Lopez - 10 years ago
RALAMA2992 - 10 years ago
Can't. UNHEAR!
Amanda Halverson
Amanda Halverson - 10 years ago
This made me smile. :)
RALAMA2992 - 10 years ago
I love how imgur is quoting youtube comments and Youtube is quoting imgur comments. XD
Oubadah Adam Alwan
Oubadah Adam Alwan - 10 years ago
this is way too cute
Yeng Pu
Yeng Pu - 10 years ago
Quit lion around
Jhazzrun - 10 years ago
i die laughing every time he get scared xD
Matthew Heiskell
Matthew Heiskell - 10 years ago
dude, you kayak out and dive solo at night?!
Wes W
Wes W - 10 years ago
Hilarious imgur comment I had to share:
Insert good channel name Here
Insert good channel name Here - 7 years ago
At 3:23 ( no no please let me stay noooooo)
kimbt - 10 years ago
I wanna touch the butt
weatherleaf - 10 years ago
This is amazing. It's such an assertive pup too lol. I wonder if it followed you while you were in the water before you reached your kayak.
TheKyroOf92 - 10 years ago
Was wondering if there could have been a shark, whilst still casually having your feet in the water. 
Susan Tripp
Susan Tripp - 10 years ago
What harbor were you in? I volunteer with the Marine Mammal Center that covers from Anchor Bay to Oceano.  
Chook alana
Chook alana - 10 years ago
36 tiger sharks disliked this video...
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 7 years ago
It's 120 now.
M Taufiq Kesuma
M Taufiq Kesuma - 7 years ago
Chook alana u made my day man lmao
Michael Thompson
Michael Thompson - 7 years ago
Chook alana 96
TheFonzig - 10 years ago
How big is it?
Couple feet..
HumansAreTheEnd - 10 years ago
3:38 HEY
Jas2davir - 10 years ago
the seal must have been screaming in sealish " GET OUT OF THE WATER!!"
PuppetWatcher - 10 years ago
I have a friend who works in a Marine animal rescue place in So. Cal. There has actually been an increase of sea lions doing this lately. The theory is that the lack of food or possibly increase in older sea lions dying has caused the babies to be abandoned. The little guy was probably trying to find somewhere dry and safe to sleep for the night and a creature that looked like a sea lion (you in a wet suit) and figured you were safe enough when you didn't try to eat him him/her.
Scatter - 10 years ago
Best ending ever
Sy monkeh
Sy monkeh - 10 years ago
Rick that was cool thanks for sharing :)
shockwavebramble - 10 years ago
Imgur comments: That raft has been properly sealed. Stay classy.
Henry Liu
Henry Liu - 10 years ago
He had its seal of approval!
un13 - 10 years ago
Probably just trying to warm up.
EPR89 - 10 years ago
"Dude! Thank Aquaman you're here! That ichthyosaurs was so close to getting my ass this time!"
Bruce Lee
Bruce Lee - 10 years ago
should have let it stay, there might have been a shark in the water
joshuaoha - 10 years ago
Well handled.
Jonny A
Jonny A - 10 years ago
"Hey, what you doing on my kayak?"
"Just hiding from the shark"
K1asH3r - 10 years ago
He thinks you're his mommy 
Pierre Martin
Pierre Martin - 10 years ago
Animals amaze me, this little guy looks like he knows the diver is definitely not a threat, he senses it somehow, I find it so cute, but also kind of mysterious...
Blahblah - 10 years ago
When dogs refuse to get in the water, and seals jump out of it, you better believe there is a predator somewhere close. I'd get my butt out of there ASAP.
Slothy Pooh
Slothy Pooh - 10 years ago
This was amazing!!!! Thank you 
kiyabcs - 10 years ago
omg pick it up, hold it, kiss it love it. nom nom nom
evilassaultweaponeer - 10 years ago
I probably would have clubbed it for startling me.
evilassaultweaponeer - 10 years ago
+Andy Kennedy lol
Andy Kennedy
Andy Kennedy - 10 years ago
+evilassaultweaponeer  You need to take account of Murphy's law too. :-)
evilassaultweaponeer - 10 years ago
+sookyz *sigh* I really thought that an understanding of Poe's law would have pervaded society by now. How wrong I was.
sookyz - 10 years ago
+evilassaultweaponeer well arent you a big man. people like you consistently take a crap on mothernature and then drop to your knees when theres an earthquake. if you dont respect life in all forms, how do you classify yourself as intelligent? what a waste of air you consume
Ninnky - 10 years ago
+Nakor Z Children are often the same as non-human species. So yes.
evilassaultweaponeer - 10 years ago
+Nakor Z Oh, well excuuuuuuse me princess!
Nakor Z
Nakor Z - 10 years ago
+evilassaultweaponeer Not very funny for a supposed joke. I guess next time a child startles me, I will bash them. Or do you only find it funny when we commit senseless violence on non-human species? 
jυѕт a pengυιn ιn a ѕυιт
jυѕт a pengυιn ιn a ѕυιт - 10 years ago
It's nice to know that I'm a VERY serious person~!
evilassaultweaponeer - 10 years ago
+Angel Luongxay Indeed it would be fun to see it clun me. I am interested to know what that means, lol. BTW, you need to learn how to recognize a joke when you see one.
jυѕт a pengυιn ιn a ѕυιт
jυѕт a pengυιn ιn a ѕυιт - 10 years ago
Isn't that kind of cruel? Wait, no shit, it is cruel, it would be fun to see the Sea Lion Pup clun you, da?
evilassaultweaponeer - 10 years ago
And for the sport of it. Be vewy vewy quiet!
jυѕт a pengυιn ιn a ѕυιт
jυѕт a pengυιn ιn a ѕυιт - 10 years ago
Just for startling you?
TheRisenPeopleEire - 10 years ago
Amazing video, great guy
zdf46 - 10 years ago
This guy is great with wild animals, he talked to it and worried about it but didn't attempt to pet it with his hands or keep it as his own pet like most other people would :)
LovelyLilDevilWings - 10 years ago
+Bianca Bh That's just a myth.
Bia B
Bia B - 10 years ago
+EinsteinEMP826 As for most wildlife touch any animals, even if they are friendly, could cause a bit of havoc. One of them they could get infected by a touch or even get killed. Not to sure about sea lions but as for fawns for example, touch them they will get rejected by their parents due to human scent. So wildlife pretty to look at but don't touch rule.
Elpenor43 - 10 years ago
 A sea lion probably not but there's a lot of things underwater such as coral that can be seriously harmed or killed by divers touching them.  So you take on a look but don't touch approach to everything that lives in the ocean.  There's also the fact that it's a wild animal with teeth and a natural reaction is to bite so it's also safer to not touch the animals.
TheNight Angel
TheNight Angel - 10 years ago
+Shepard He looks like he's just a pup.
Shepard - 10 years ago
Who in their right mind would try and keep a wild sea lion as a pet?
Armorith - 10 years ago
Life of Pi 2
LG1031 - 10 years ago
If that was me the title of the video would be "check out my new pet sea lion" cause he'd be going home with me.
skullz and bones
skullz and bones - 7 years ago
I'm three years late but I would do the same
blue playz
blue playz - 7 years ago
SparrowHawk same
ShadowMage602 - 7 years ago
quaysha1 - 7 years ago
humpty doody lol
darkwalter - 10 years ago
Where was your dive partner during all of this?
HugeStallionCock - 10 years ago
Is your wife hot? post pics
Moon Chick
Moon Chick - 10 years ago
stupid question!!! I bet ur "Cock" isnt even that big. 
Trubbish - 10 years ago
+Blu_Haze I like that.
Blu_Haze - 10 years ago
+Trubbiish Disgustingly smooth.
Trubbish - 10 years ago
God you're disgusting...
hillbilly067 - 10 years ago
thanks for the concluding notes...really topped off the video
Justin Moore
Justin Moore - 10 years ago
His "Jesus!" sounded a lil like Mr. Slave from South Park. lol
john reed
john reed - 10 years ago
plot twist: he was running from a shark thats right under him
john reed
john reed - 10 years ago
yeah well if i was him and i saw that sea lion do that, i wouldnt be hanging out on the water talking to it like he is. i would be out of the water so fast your head would spin
anhphan1 - 10 years ago
Thats not a plot twist, that's what actually happened. He wasn't cold or playing around. He was trying to hide from a nearby shark. They dont jump onto your raft like that because they think you're awesome, it did that for a reason.
ianthegreatt - 10 years ago
"Listen to me, I am da captain"
[DG] Dark Gaming
[DG] Dark Gaming - 7 years ago
grouperslayer20 *da
It’s a meme way to say “the”
grouperslayer20 - 10 years ago
diverse04 - 10 years ago
That was pretty awesome. There was probably a great white lurking underneath somewhere.
ddstar - 10 years ago
"JESUS!!"... hahah
Stephnist - 10 years ago
This is truly AMAZING to watch!!
Josh Darnell
Josh Darnell - 11 years ago
Your initial reaction had me in tears I was laughing so hard. Subscribed!  This should have millions of views already!
tmtm325 - 11 years ago
Sea Lion: "I am Jack Sparrow!"
Jessica Leigh
Jessica Leigh - 11 years ago
So there's this shark circling the water, so if you'd let me hang out here for a little bit that would be A+.
GeneralKenobi75 - 11 years ago
Sea Lion:"I claim this vessel as my own! Get off human!"
Addison Veitch
Addison Veitch - 7 years ago
Sea lion: "Look at me. I'm the captain now."
ThaCuDiKiD - 7 years ago
GeneralKenobi75 he copped it
NotAboutMe79 - 11 years ago
That would've scared the day lights out of me as well.
Alex Peters
Alex Peters - 11 years ago
What is the kayak
Mauricio Múnera
Mauricio Múnera - 11 years ago
hahaha... incredible!
Thanks for sharing mate!
I was wondering by the way. Are you diving alone? Isn't it a bit risky?
John D
John D - 11 years ago
It's always safer to dive with a buddy but it's not that dangerous depending on the depth. I work cleaning yachts in the canal in south FL. We dive alone and my company has been in business for over twenty years and we never had a serious incident. Worst case scenario you don't keep a good eye on your gage and run out of air. If you're deep enough, having a swim buddy is optimal but these situations are very rare.
Conrado Bojorquez
Conrado Bojorquez - 11 years ago
Probably escaping a predator, a friend that is a fisherman told me a story of one that got on their boat and would not get off because there was an orca whale around.
Frank Abyss
Frank Abyss - 11 years ago
Great video... !
htothejay - 11 years ago
Haha very cute and funny
QQ - 11 years ago
Very cool!... 

Thanks for sharing.
Violet Cherry
Violet Cherry - 11 years ago
So adorable!!!!!
RememberRox - 11 years ago
Amazing, so sweet. Thanks for sharing!
Ponna - 11 years ago
So cute!
MelonJMusic - 11 years ago
So very sweet!
aleja908 - 11 years ago
hahaha that was so funny. arent you afraid of sharks in the water?? love the videos!!
Major Media freak
Major Media freak - 11 years ago
Very cool video thanks for sharing!
Michael Strike
Michael Strike - 11 years ago
LOL. I busted out laughing when you yelled Jesus. I think I would have pee'd myself. Quite socially acceptable while scuba diving.
eric jacobs
eric jacobs - 11 years ago
He's trying to get away from the giant shark below lol. Great reaction
gootubesucks bigtime
gootubesucks bigtime - 11 years ago
It was so special that you shoved him overboard with your paddle?  It didn't occur to you then that there was something he needed? 
John D
John D - 11 years ago
He needed to get his anchor up. He could have tried to do so with the sea-lion on the boat but I doubt that would happen without incident. I'm glad he got it up and was able to stick around long enough for it to get back on.
Cassie Croft
Cassie Croft - 11 years ago
How sweet and special would this experience have been. Thanks for sharing :) 
drumm3r28 - 11 years ago
Diver:"What are you doing buddy?"
Seal: " I was swimming away from a great white"
Zach Dale
Zach Dale - 11 years ago
who would dislike this
igguhs - 11 years ago
ah so nice.  thanks for the storyline at the end.  means i sleep tonight.
Elsa Colon
Elsa Colon - 11 years ago
U talk SO low I couldn't hear a thing
Zach Dale
Zach Dale - 11 years ago
get better speakers
Chloe - 11 years ago
I would of taken it home and kept it as a pet
Austin Garcia
Austin Garcia - 11 years ago
Your a dick
ZooBuddyDoo - 11 years ago
Aww! Maybe he (or she) wanted you to adopt them!
nicougrikify Pelletier
nicougrikify Pelletier - 11 years ago
little does he know, the sea lion is hiding from a predator right under him lol
Abida Babida
Abida Babida - 11 years ago
That is just awesome! I wish a sea lion would jump on my boat and hang out with me!
He might have been scared-maybe a shark was in the area, or maybe tired and needed a break or cold like u said. Whatever it was that made him do that, U gotta take it as a GIFT from whatever u consider "GOD" for giving u such a unique and fulfilling experience with a beautiful sea creature.  SO...after that experience, can u still believe that there are people who take full advantage of their friendliness and club them to death for their fur?
damnyoustamos - 11 years ago
"Fuck this noise, I'm taking a break."
Francisco Rubianes L.
Francisco Rubianes L. - 11 years ago
if you ask me the sea lion was saying something like "DUDE! first rule of diving is never go diving solo!.. and at night? are you insane!!! there are sharks out there!!"
Abigail Riza Bologa
Abigail Riza Bologa - 11 years ago
Cool. It's a stretch but maybe he was a buddy of yours in a past life just saying hello. :)
Rayce Sugitan
Rayce Sugitan - 11 years ago
Poor guy, probably trying to get away from predators.
C B - 11 years ago
Great video What make is your kayak?
orlandobabe - 11 years ago
"What are you doing on my kayak?" "I'm cold and there are sharks around here" That is so amazing, he is so cute and you were so nice to him.
Anna K
Anna K - 11 years ago
Hey it wasnt very nice to push him off the kayak! Such a cutie :) Anyway, you are very brave - deep night, alone in the ocean and possibly shark around, I would freak out!
Yysdis - 11 years ago
I'd say that kayak got a seal of approval.
grjsb13 - 11 years ago
That was an AWESOME video. Cool to hang out with such a beautiful creature, and have him take to you like he did. Thanks for sharing!
Kira Chifong
Kira Chifong - 11 years ago
what a sweet experience !!
RiesenWuschel - 11 years ago
... >.< I would snuggle up to it and pet it... it's so freaking CUTE!
Sicotic Dawg
Sicotic Dawg - 11 years ago
If i were you I would pet it and welcome it not just push it right off
Angela Whitfield
Angela Whitfield - 11 years ago
u saved an Angel in the form of a baby sea lion. jah bless u...
Punished Turtle
Punished Turtle - 11 years ago
Anna Sasson
Anna Sasson - 11 years ago
This is amazing! What an experience!
turtleman426 - 11 years ago
Hess Dominguez
Hess Dominguez - 11 years ago
bon guri
bon guri - 11 years ago
this is nice video. very rare experience
Olaf Pe
Olaf Pe - 11 years ago
great video and funny situation :) thanks for sharing!
MrZaphel21 - 11 years ago
Wow as feminine as this will sound...that is so cute! Thanks for sharing this awesome video!
louisvl10 - 11 years ago
Thanks for sharing!
Rick Coleman
Rick Coleman - 11 years ago
For video I only use GoPro. For underwater photography I use a Canon 20d in an Aquatica Housing. For GoPro lighting I use Niterider HID dive lights, but unfortunately the dive division for Niterider has gone out of business.
Jake Mason
Jake Mason - 11 years ago
Hey bro, what do you use in the way of photography/video gear? I see you use the gopro but what do you use in the way of lighting and other cameras? Cheers
IntoTheGreenDiver - 11 years ago
WOW! very cool. Too bad we will never truly know what the pup was thinking, but what an awesome encounter!
Albert    Einstein
Albert Einstein - 11 years ago
I wish that happened while I was out paddling :)
R Mason
R Mason - 11 years ago
A great experience . But I am inclined to suggest that the pup was being stalked by a shark and was seeking refuge. Be careful. ps Thanks for sharing this great experience.
iPalmYaFace - 11 years ago
shut up fuck head he took it to shore and called the animal resc read the video before talking shit you limp dick
iPalmYaFace - 11 years ago
that was incredible to watch
Allen Bassterd
Allen Bassterd - 11 years ago
you are a dick man it was need your help
ToivonenPekka - 11 years ago
Do you mean the one which later mysteriously turns into an oar attached to the side of the kayak?
CapnCrunchGaming - 11 years ago
Mayela Pena
Mayela Pena - 11 years ago
Great encounter! be carefull thoug The soon of a friend was a professional diver and he died diving alone. Cool experience diving at night though.
henriquemaranhao - 11 years ago
hahahaahh. amazing!!!
Trystan Snodgrass
Trystan Snodgrass - 11 years ago
Definitely not a smart thing to do alone though... on a kayak, at night, alone. Pretty much breaking every rule of diving there ;) Cool experience though!
SilverFlame819 - 11 years ago
He definitely knew a safe ride when he saw one! I'm glad you let him stay in the end. Poor thing was probably being stalked by a shark, and too tired to make it back to shore. He protested when you dumped him into the water. Jaws was probably under your kayak the whole time, just waiting for his dinner that you stole. It's too bad you don't speak Sea Lion, or you would have understood his protest! :)
clax302 - 11 years ago
Events like this are what its all about.
clax302 - 11 years ago
Thats his paddle floating
M0R0N172 - 11 years ago
that was his paddles :P
Pk Yang
Pk Yang - 11 years ago
Star Jammer
Star Jammer - 11 years ago
Amazing! Hello from Alaska! :-)
Vito Dorito
Vito Dorito - 11 years ago
Shark fin on the other side of kayak at 27
philippstoke - 11 years ago
He falls in love with you, the big flash...Sooo cute !!!
Magma Gaming
Magma Gaming - 11 years ago
So cute he is so small that I can carry it to a zoo or a vet to check his bite mark
ilovetheninetiesssss - 11 years ago
did you see it again?
stopsuckingme02 - 11 years ago
Your his/her new momma

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