Sea lion jumped onto my kayak

While kayaking in LA a sea lion was floating in the water. When he saw me he swam all around the kayak and eventually jumped on to the back, where he proceeded to eventually try to push me off with his chest. This video shows him before he got possessive.

Sea lion jumped onto my kayak sentiment_very_dissatisfied 38

Kayak 17 years ago 963,568 views

While kayaking in LA a sea lion was floating in the water. When he saw me he swam all around the kayak and eventually jumped on to the back, where he proceeded to eventually try to push me off with his chest. This video shows him before he got possessive.

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Most popular comments
for Sea lion jumped onto my kayak

Mike Theyssen
Mike Theyssen - 8 years ago
My wife and I had a sea lion pop up beside our kayak in Alaska. Pretty sure they are just curious and social.
CanYouFeelTheRythym - 9 years ago
I'd be worried when a sea lion jumps onto my kayak. I'd probably wonder what scared it enough that it will take refuge with a human on a kayak maybe a MOTHER FUCKING GREAT WHITE SHARK, TOSSED THAT BITCH BACK IN THE WATER AND PADDLE THOSE LITTLE LIMBS OFF AND DON'T LOOK BACK.
Jeanette Silhouette
Jeanette Silhouette - 9 years ago
How cool :)
ShortFingeredShreder - 10 years ago
"Please don't make me go back in the water!  There are sharks down there!"
LuckoDaStars Studios
LuckoDaStars Studios - 7 years ago
ShortFingeredShreder either there is a shark in there or it's taking a rest
Sidney Pullen
Sidney Pullen - 10 years ago
lol I laughed my head off lolololololololololol
john king
john king - 10 years ago
what sunset and topanga? i've NEVER seen sea lions anywhere there ever... grew up there pretty much since middle school - college....i've seen plenty of dolphins tho....thats crazy...i want to see one now...
ComMander0525 - 10 years ago
so what !! once i had a lion on my motocycle 
ComMander0525 - 9 years ago
+Sabrina Kitty yeah man, shit was crazy. i let him drive for a while 
balzonurchin - 10 years ago
That's not a sea lion.
balzonurchin - 10 years ago
Well it does look a California sea lion. It would be just a pup if it is.
sam skeath
sam skeath - 10 years ago

10. comment for Sea lion jumped onto my kayak

Tyler Pearson
Tyler Pearson - 10 years ago
your a very brave man dude, white sharks (every one knows them as great whites) love seals man they eat them like we eat chocolate I would have kicked that seal off and started paddling to shore as fast as I could. Never know if a shark was hunting that little guy.
Hans-Christian Bauer
Hans-Christian Bauer - 10 years ago
I don't think so. In the description it says that the sea lion swam a few circles around the kayak before hopping on. If the seal was being chased by a shark, it certainly wouldn't have taken the time to circle the boat.
peach plum pear
peach plum pear - 10 years ago
Loose Seal!!
acotytamwiesz - 10 years ago
did anyone survive this?
StudSupreme - 10 years ago
How super cute! I'd paddle towards shore just in case he was trying to escape a shark. Poor little guy....
isabella hernandez
isabella hernandez - 11 years ago
awwwwwwwwww this is so adorable!
Franki Miller
Franki Miller - 11 years ago
Aw! You being there probably saved its life ♡
Jesseh S
Jesseh S - 11 years ago
she was probably swimming away from a shark…
lukebccb - 10 years ago
Sea lions are incredibly fast and agile and can easily escape a shark without trying.  That's why sharks have to ambush them as that's the only way a shark can get anywhere near a sea lion.
NancyToday - 11 years ago
No way!  A blue whale came up under our boat in Gaspe, Quebec, but this is incredible!
miguel duque
miguel duque - 11 years ago
i would of had a conversation with it even tho it wouldn't understand me
Alfred - 11 years ago
d see lion es lyk "wat up nigas"

20. comment for Sea lion jumped onto my kayak

LongJohn Gold
LongJohn Gold - 11 years ago
there is a shark around i guess...
Orbb09 - 10 years ago
KIller Whales (Orca's) have never been recorded attacking people in the wild, and are very intelligent and may just hang around and wait for the seal. Sharks on the other hand may go right on up to the kayak to try and get the seal.
Brendan J.T.
Brendan J.T. - 10 years ago
Wouldn't either of those attack a Kayak anyways?
Ian Graeme
Ian Graeme - 11 years ago
shark?  More like a killer whale more likely.
CARDON LIFE - 11 years ago
thats a one in a lifetime experience cool
Carlos Alvarado
Carlos Alvarado - 11 years ago
Bruno Bastos
Bruno Bastos - 11 years ago
"Leopard seal jumped onto my kayak" would be much more interesting.
Goshindo Tanaka
Goshindo Tanaka - 11 years ago
lol the seal was hey man am tired can i rest for a while around here?
WESTIE - 11 years ago
Great to know now because I wasn't think about then! :)
Safra62 - 11 years ago
Hitch-hiker sea lion... cute!
73bosshog - 11 years ago
Where there's a seal, not far away is a shark. That's when I'd be heading to shore just in case.
patty wooza
patty wooza - 11 years ago
That's beautiful. Up close to nature. He wanted a ride.
whammazard - 11 years ago
and that's the last we saw of dave

30. comment for Sea lion jumped onto my kayak

Tiny Bird Productions
Tiny Bird Productions - 11 years ago
Lets sea ......hmm Pacific Ocean ,---> LA Coastline .... Young Sea Lion 2 choices , #1 Cool Sea Lion , #2 , Something Very big under your boat
Relly - 11 years ago
That is awesome, what an amazing experience to have. Not the same when they are at seaworld and approach you. This was a wild seal that wanted to interact with you. LUCKY!
Flood Gravemind
Flood Gravemind - 11 years ago
The sharks and seals are at peace. He is probably the Silver Surfer of Seals. Leading Galactus(shark) to devour human.
SWLinPHX - 11 years ago
I agree. They should be called "sea dogs".
SWLinPHX - 11 years ago
Not if it's "seaweed".
Ian Mangham
Ian Mangham - 11 years ago
Don't tell me, team6,of course! Lol
Soul de Tempête
Soul de Tempête - 11 years ago
By the way... wish # 1,972,433,861 of 2013, Status: Granted. You're welcome.
Soul de Tempête
Soul de Tempête - 11 years ago
Seal is like "Hitch a ride, bro?" Totally cute. We are so lucky when these creatures choose to interact with the few of us they do. It is amazing.
Ri Mind
Ri Mind - 11 years ago
ha great footage, he is sunbathing. lol
Natasha - 11 years ago
Great moment to share!!
2011manimal - 11 years ago
Nice moment thanks for sharing
Nick Jones
Nick Jones - 11 years ago
Story Time Dave
Story Time Dave - 11 years ago
I went from watching the creepiest "haunted video games" to this...not a bad transition.
Danny Dolan
Danny Dolan - 11 years ago
fml3131 - 11 years ago
Lol! Hilarious! That sea lion is just LIKE A BOSS!
Aizou - 11 years ago
And this recording camera was found inside a 18 foot great white shark.
Handbanana - 11 years ago
Kain Yay
Kain Yay - 11 years ago
hes just tanning.....just tanning
Jordan Butler
Jordan Butler - 11 years ago
ba dum ts :)
brunospnf - 11 years ago
Sea Lion: Yo whatcha doing human ? Gonna chill out with you.

50. comment for Sea lion jumped onto my kayak

tommygf333 - 11 years ago
its probably done that to escape the 18 foot great white underneath you
ImperialHyper - 11 years ago
What'd you do when it tried to push you off?
KJOSCOT - 11 years ago
Sea Lion was prolly avoiding becoming a shark's dinner.
g0dbel0w - 11 years ago
NoFun Inc.
NoFun Inc. - 11 years ago
"Booo" jk x3
twosdayschild - 11 years ago
Awww, you have your own pet wild seal. How cool. (He probably saw a shark down below and decided to chill on your kayak for a while.) hehe.
Derpy - 11 years ago
"I will eat him when he's not suspecting it..."
sam roswell
sam roswell - 11 years ago
ahhghh ha ha ha ....POST OF THE DAY.....20 thumbs up....ha ha ha
ozzy sandwich
ozzy sandwich - 11 years ago
Jonathan - 11 years ago
Katherine Uribe
Katherine Uribe - 11 years ago
Cutest, friendliest sea lion ever...even if he did try to take command of your kayak.
TheChannelCarlos - 11 years ago
I'd say that kayak got a seal of approval.
Casper Cobrax
Casper Cobrax - 11 years ago
Shark or Killer whale after this sea lion jumped on the kayak to escape.
AmusedChild - 11 years ago
"Just catchin' some rays, bra. Oh, I'm not in the way, am I?"
robert frederick
robert frederick - 11 years ago
Therese probably a shark around there and the sea lion was trying to get away..
Kabuki Kitsune
Kabuki Kitsune - 11 years ago
Seal's like "My Kayak. Hoomin go swimming."
outwiththem - 11 years ago
Can you shoot that shark that wants to eat me, please.
yajeec810 - 11 years ago
ewr ewr
Gc T
Gc T - 11 years ago
he wasn't trying to push you off, he just wanted you to give him the paddle, it was his turn. :-) thankfully you didn't get bitten.
Goibon udenlove
Goibon udenlove - 11 years ago
your video made me sing in ; )
Shortiee0528 - 11 years ago
Sea lions are soo annoying
Lucky Luke
Lucky Luke - 11 years ago
Haha! =D
Shadowcaster - 11 years ago
Lucky bastard caught a Dewgong without even trying...
radulyu - 11 years ago
Flip_ Fluitketel
Flip_ Fluitketel - 11 years ago
the seal is like: Its MY kayak now human!
DouglasRGreenwood - 11 years ago
The truly amazing thing here, is that you chose the blue Gatorade over the lemon-lime one.
CMZ neu
CMZ neu - 11 years ago
yep i have heard of sea lions jumping into boats to escape sharks or rest from being chased by one
Lilly Marie
Lilly Marie - 11 years ago
probably means there was a shark near by......
sye fi
sye fi - 11 years ago
super cool!
SWLinPHX - 11 years ago
The sea lion doesn't have to be able to out-swim the shark; just the human. ; )
SWLinPHX - 11 years ago
Chris Harper
Chris Harper - 11 years ago
I agree with the sentiment that the sea lion was probably avoiding a predator beneath the kayak.
TheSmokinBear - 11 years ago
LOL - get a mirror.
cardcaptorkickster - 11 years ago
sea lion: Hi, do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior jesus christ?
NYpaddler - 11 years ago
Have you been a moron all your life, or is it a more recent gift?
AzeraV - 11 years ago
Um....are you thinking of fish?
AzeraV - 11 years ago
J HNV. - 11 years ago
Yea thats why i put them out of misery with a bat... i just see them on the beach and i club em.
slecal - 11 years ago
That is amazing. Thank you for sharing!
Ethan CF
Ethan CF - 11 years ago
seals are dogs but with flippers
TheSmokinBear - 11 years ago
Um. Yeah. Here's a thought: What eats Sea Lions? A. Rabbits B. Great White Sharks C. Your Uncle Ted after a few belts of Jack Daniels If you chose B., the kayaker is lucky that a predation moment didn't happen dragging his craft down with it. From below, a kayak looks something like a sea turtle which is also a snack for sharks. Just sayin' Something drove a wild Sea Lion out of the water and onto a craft with a human in it - of course the Sea lion would try to shove him off.
ShadowSoldior - 11 years ago
The ones who aren't accustomed to humans. This was is probably pretty desensitized to people.
ShadowSoldior - 11 years ago
"Dis mah boat now, bitch."
May or may not be Nicole
May or may not be Nicole - 11 years ago
You could've died out there if he succeeded in pushing you. Mothafucking possessive sea lion
Howler Amadeus
Howler Amadeus - 11 years ago
lol I hope you had some fish
Mary Dann
Mary Dann - 11 years ago
1.You can't drown unless you have water in your lungs. 2. A sea lion is an air breathing animal and it must come up for air just like humans. (even whales and dolphins and other marine life of the sort have to do so as well from what I remember.) 3. It's a wild animal. Trying to put him back in the water may cause the sea lion to think you are a threat and will attack.
freshpinescent - 11 years ago
Kayaker: 'what the fuck is that?' Sea Lion: 'sup bro.' Kayaker: 'Holy crap! What are you doing??' Sea Lion: 'Just chillen.' Kayaker: 'oh..' Sea Lion: 'yea..'
otkoji - 11 years ago
are you actually retarded
mrvonfukustein - 11 years ago
thanks for that info, I'll sleep soundly knowing it.
MrJones - 11 years ago
weird i was always told seals are nervous around kayaks. very cool!

100. comment for Sea lion jumped onto my kayak

Steve Gad
Steve Gad - 11 years ago
Pidgeon is a surname from an archaic spelling of pigeon
Steve Gad
Steve Gad - 11 years ago
I was going to correct him/her, but I completely agree with you. What would we laugh at if it wasn't for idiots like that?
Alexandra Olivares
Alexandra Olivares - 11 years ago
they don't breathe water, they are mammals, they just breathe air. omfg
Folkenv2 - 11 years ago
MrPigroaster - 11 years ago
Ofcorse im on your kayak theres sharks down there!
Max Sorenson
Max Sorenson - 11 years ago
nerd ass hoe
GamePro0012 - 11 years ago
Pinnipeds (such as seals and sea lions) are aquatic mammals--they actually breathe air, not water. Like all aquatic mammals, they have to surface every now and then for air.
Griswald - 11 years ago
He might be trying to get away from a shark...these guys are a great use of warning among many sailors.
Griswald - 11 years ago
No, that's just it's oily skin in ripples and the suns just reflecting off of it.
William Robathan
William Robathan - 11 years ago
5 seconds in, it looks like a leash or brace around the sea lion. Correct?
Cheryl Sever
Cheryl Sever - 11 years ago
Where did you learn that from? Non correct school? They breathe both, doofus
SEECH7 - 11 years ago
lol he tried too push you off with his chest what chest do they have really
krazykatgamergirl - 11 years ago
Just chillin <3 :)
kgeedi - 11 years ago
"Head south bitch, i hear there's some fine hoes there"
SWLinPHX - 11 years ago
...and the man as shark bait instead.
amazo667 - 11 years ago
Matthew L. Schaffer
Matthew L. Schaffer - 11 years ago
mindyourowndamnself - 11 years ago
I'd be more concerned about why the seal was on my kayak. What lurks beneath the waves?
ダスティン・ライリー - 11 years ago
Life of Pi 2.
Geryphon - 11 years ago
They were expecting stoned seals to be attacking the entire earth with their atomic shits and walruses trying to save the earth with their almighty jiggle pills.
shadowwolf1991 - 11 years ago
lol sealion's like '....i dont wanna swim....i'm catch a ride"
ddavda100 - 11 years ago
"There's a SHARK in the water!!!! GTFO HERE!!!!"
hunter hoffman
hunter hoffman - 11 years ago
that would be awesome
NATUREmag - 11 years ago
Haha, so great! Did you enjoy the talk? Thank you very much!
Friedrich Wilhelm Viktor Albert
Friedrich Wilhelm Viktor Albert - 11 years ago
Oh my god.... It's a sea lion... Shh. Don't scare it. *click, click* *BANG!* ALRIGHT HE'S BLEEDING OUT. phew... That was close.
netgeardaw - 11 years ago
he was hunted by the jumping shark!! if a seal would jump on my kayak...i would be hell scared of it... i've watched how skilled the sharks in jumping out of water just to eat seals!! My God!! The seal and I would be praying hard!!
Penny Scioneaux
Penny Scioneaux - 11 years ago
purpleheart300 - 11 years ago
sea lion at 0:26 is like ahh the sun is nice, dont you like the weather today?
Camden Cullen
Camden Cullen - 11 years ago
26 people got eaten by sharks because they were to scared to jump onto daves kayak
ben gomez
ben gomez - 11 years ago
would be funny in a kind of terrible way if the seal was trying to escape from a gigantic shark by using the kayak as refuge
7jerryv7 - 11 years ago
Seals are an angry and possessive people...especially in the water
Roya1 Hero
Roya1 Hero - 11 years ago
its trying to get a tan lol
samantha KOCH
samantha KOCH - 11 years ago
Pet it and then name it
WontB Quiet
WontB Quiet - 11 years ago
You see gold, I see piss... to each their own.
WontB Quiet
WontB Quiet - 11 years ago
He's just hitchin a ride... and wondering why you're not paddling!
mrvonfukustein - 11 years ago
lol....take it easy, there's no need to get all upset and defensive, no one was calling you stupid, I just thought your spelling was a little funny.
Anna Felicione
Anna Felicione - 11 years ago
Yeah, that's what trolls do. I don't know if you're familiar with the term, but "sarcastic troll" is redundant. And thanks for the spelling correction, but you have several grammatical errors in your comment also. Capitalize the first letters of the first word of each sentence. Unfortunately, "btw" is not acceptable either. Also, after your ellipses, there should be another space before you begin your sentence. Farewell, whoever you are.
sl2k4u - 11 years ago
you are lucky he did not push you off the boat....
mrvonfukustein - 11 years ago
he was clearly being sarcastic...there's no "d" in pigeon btw.
gdog48001 - 11 years ago
This is the plot line to the purge, sharks be after him!
Anna Felicione
Anna Felicione - 11 years ago
I thank you, kind sir.
Hayden Moore
Hayden Moore - 11 years ago
Max Sorenson
Max Sorenson - 11 years ago
Thank you my good sir or madame.
The Antibeast
The Antibeast - 11 years ago
ROFLMAO! That actually made my day. XD I don't care if people are hating this troll. This here is straight up Comedy Gold!
AllonsYcustard - 11 years ago
I just... Bravo. Very well said!
Soggy Cereal
Soggy Cereal - 11 years ago
excuse me. are you that fucking stupid?
GiantArapaima74 - 11 years ago
It could have at least had a dance number in it.
SWLinPHX - 11 years ago
uh, ALL mammals breathe air, including whales & dolphins.
SWLinPHX - 11 years ago
abby collins
abby collins - 11 years ago
Too cute!
Huganis - 11 years ago
Sea lion: Home James.
Helen Kom Skaikru
Helen Kom Skaikru - 11 years ago
thats cute :)
Ricky Ricardo
Ricky Ricardo - 11 years ago
hes on there because old sharky is just below somewhere.....ya didn't mention that
Shmittenz - 11 years ago
Please thumbs this up so i can feel special ;3
lorraine green
lorraine green - 11 years ago
The seal is like this is cool I have to get me one of these then hes like you got anything for me. its just brilliant
geile sau
geile sau - 11 years ago
hahaha voll cool :)
Zack S
Zack S - 11 years ago
Seals like, oh your hiding to?
revolutionumber9 - 11 years ago
You are the luckiest ! This seal wanted to take a brake from swimming...
hawaiipigtrapper - 11 years ago
Wow that's awesome.
Rooster1Cogburn - 11 years ago
Yep, happened to me a couple of times. That is why I now keep an ice pick on board. Ram it slightly at an upward angle right under their chin/upper neck area.
dLimboStick - 11 years ago
Meanwhile, there's a Great White cruising 6 feet below you.
natashaowens96 - 11 years ago
Maybe a sea lion actually jumping on a kayak
Blimpdawg - 11 years ago
MrSlothymcsloth - 11 years ago
That would be so awesome
LowerTheBoom - 11 years ago
DId he bit you
Ellie Black
Ellie Black - 11 years ago
What he wasn't aware of though, was that the seal had a camera as well and was saying, "There is a human, on my ocean."
Renae Chay
Renae Chay - 11 years ago
Why are you so uneducated...? This is the kind of thing learned in elementary school.
Dalavine - 11 years ago
You are correct sir! Whale sharks are INDEED fish! I am however confused as to why you forgot to say sharks. You cannot go about calling things half their names. One does not call an alligator gar merely an alligator correct? Same goes for catfish - cat, dogfish - dog, cowfish - cow, tiger shark - tiger. You see how people can get confused if you do not type out the entirety of something name? People get confused, you witless jackass.... penguin!!
Dalavine - 11 years ago
Good thing an Orca didn't spot your stowaway that would have been bad for the both of you!!
Nicola Reddwooddforest
Nicola Reddwooddforest - 11 years ago
Whales are mammals like humans.
Ali - 11 years ago
he wasnt even trying to push him off
Vince Haylem
Vince Haylem - 11 years ago
Lol, I bet the shark would get scared and run away though.
Unknown Reception
Unknown Reception - 11 years ago
you must be one of the most dumbest people I have ever seen on youtube, and I have seen many dumb people on youtube.
mary murgo
mary murgo - 11 years ago
I love you,seal. Please kiss me & tickle me with your whiskers.
good point. who wouldnt try to get away from a shark anyway they could ?
combatcurtful - 11 years ago
only to prove your point about trollers
SWLinPHX - 11 years ago
You are saying you think whales are fish?
Anna Felicione
Anna Felicione - 11 years ago
If anyone ever comments to Max Sorenson, I feel bad for you. Trolls don't lose arguments. It's like playing chess with a pidgeon. No matter how well you play chess, the pidgeon is just going to shit on all the pieces and confidently strut around like he's a winner.
combatcurtful - 11 years ago
Whales are a type of fish...trolling type..?
nigen - 11 years ago
Seal: "Yeaaaah Boy! got myself a portable beach!"
TheJansport1 - 11 years ago
The seal tells the guy: "Bro!!! Go!! Go!! Go!! Damn shark's on my ass....paddle mo fo!!" The seal wanted to push the guy off: "biotch...if you aint gonna drive, move over, I'll do it!" lol
ddubs123 - 11 years ago
you got trolled.
Kara Lucas
Kara Lucas - 11 years ago
Theres Poop On My Kayak From The Seal!
SWLinPHX - 11 years ago
You haven't figured out he's using Trolling Type #4: "Play dumb about obvious things"
SWLinPHX - 11 years ago
All mammals breathe air; dolphins & whales too.
jdaccece200 - 11 years ago
What are you talking about? I'm not a murderer. Seals can breathe air! Look it up on Google, or start watching Animal Planet. Geeh, I'm done arguing with you. But, just to get this straight...Seals CAN and DO breathe on land. Why do you think they basking in the sun on islands, hmm? Bye bye now. :)
Max Sorenson
Max Sorenson - 11 years ago
Then you too are a murderer.
Max Sorenson
Max Sorenson - 11 years ago
Sleeping does not mean breathing.
Max Sorenson
Max Sorenson - 11 years ago
When you said "not unlike your own?" I believe you meant to say, "like your own". Now, please don't pretend to understand grammar my good friend!
nanoling - 11 years ago
Why do you pretend to know things when you obviously don't? Seals are mammals, they have a respiratory system with lungs not unlike your own.
jdaccece200 - 11 years ago
Seals rest on islands ALL the time! They can breathe air, they won't die. My gosh, I've seen all different types of Seals rest on islands perfectly fine without being in water.
TheGreatSquark - 11 years ago
... Uhhh... No. Seals have normal respiratory systems. You do realize they sleep on land, right?
Max Sorenson
Max Sorenson - 11 years ago
You are misunderstanding how Seals breathe. They NEED water, and when taken OUT of water, they will drown in the air. Drowning does not mean specifically in water
jdaccece200 - 11 years ago
How can a Seal drown when they are OUT of water?
humdrum bum
humdrum bum - 11 years ago
To daveyb200: That seal obviously 'knew' or sensed that you are an animal lover. I've been raised with many species, and they KNOW a kind, gentle human. I'm glad you let him/her 'hitch' a ride on your vessel. I truly enjoyed your video. Thank you SO MUCH for making me chuckle and put a big smile on my face. Personally, I would've loved to take your 'hitch-hiker' home with me and give him/her and name. Beautiful video!!!
Max Sorenson
Max Sorenson - 11 years ago
No. This is animal cruelty. It clearly states in the seal handbook page 420, "Do not leave seals out of water for no more than 2 minutes, as they could easily drown. To be safe, one should never attempt to prevent a seal from entering water."
Winslow Sassafras
Winslow Sassafras - 11 years ago
Is this a joke?
cat thornberg
cat thornberg - 11 years ago
just give him the kayak. it's obviously his now.
Heather H
Heather H - 11 years ago
Not true, Max, they breathe air.
SWLinPHX - 11 years ago
"sea lion noun 1 an eared seal occurring mainly on Pacific coasts, the large male of which has a mane on the neck and shoulders. • Five genera and species in the family Otariidae."
SWLinPHX - 11 years ago
...LOL, exactly!
C - 11 years ago
You are so obviously a troll
Max Sorenson
Max Sorenson - 11 years ago
This is animal cruelty...The lion could have easily drowned because they breathe water not air. You should have put him back immediately
Hannah Noles
Hannah Noles - 11 years ago
That is the coolest thing Iv ever seen
Ero Nini
Ero Nini - 11 years ago
That would scare the shit out of me since he's probably hiding from a great white.
SWLinPHX - 11 years ago
stoneygooner - 11 years ago
The sea lion is like "there's a shark down there that doesn't know where the fuck I went, I'm gonna stay here a second"
stoneygooner - 11 years ago
That sea lion's like
yukirinsnow - 11 years ago
that or a killer whale.
alex rivera
alex rivera - 11 years ago
wow haha
DemonstrateKindness - 11 years ago
LOL! That's exactly what i was thinking
Ari Ray
Ari Ray - 11 years ago
omg so funny
hdb80 - 12 years ago
Hahaha!!!! This is awesome!
SWLinPHX - 12 years ago
LOL, I love it when brainless idiots like you become so frustrated when confronted with facts and logic that their true language (profanity) comes out of their mouth like diarrhea. It must be hard when facts are in front of you that make too much sense. You are likely to implode. P.S. You lied. You said you were leaving. Let's see how many MORE times you come back now, LOL. You are hilarious!
Progster0192 - 12 years ago
BEFORE you said you have been commenting on it for months I didn't know you HAD commented on it for months you fucking retard. Talk about insulting your self. Wonder who's the stupid fucking troll here. I'll let you go now. You can keep going with your stupid shit all you want. Why not lie some more =)
SWLinPHX - 12 years ago
LOL... you are one stupid troll. In the same breath you say I wouldn't know if the title has been the same long before Spencerian's comment, then you say I've been commenting on it for months. Make up your mind dumb ass. Only thing worse than a troll is one so stupid that when facts are laid out before them they can't see the light or even comment on them. But the fact that you're leaving makes it worth it. Bye bye bud. : )
Rosaly Mendez
Rosaly Mendez - 12 years ago
The sea lion wants to go on a Kayak adventure with you!
Progster0192 - 12 years ago
You haven't demonstrated anything. Just because you assume that I know that you know weather or not the video name has always been the same only proves my point, Look at my first comment again and think a little. I doubt you will though. Also, you've been commenting on this video for 6 months.. get a fucking life man! Bye
SWLinPHX - 12 years ago
Again, no... 1) The title of the video hasn't changed in months (I've commented since then). 2) Once again Spencerian corrected someone who already corrected himself, which makes no sense. 3) The fact remains for the last time that a sea lion IS a type of seal, so again the comment is pointless. ...what part of all this aren't you understanding? You keep saying the same thing over and over disregarding how I demonstrated that it doesn't even apply in your responses?
Progster0192 - 12 years ago
Who cares? That's not what we're talking about. The fact still remains that he commented what he said in the video, the video name for all you know could have seal instead of sea lion in it at the time he made the comment. Whether or not this is the case doesn't bother be the slightest. I was just informing you that that might be the case. Logic!
SWLinPHX - 12 years ago
The point is he realized his mistake if so and corrected it so no need for SpecerianS18 to correct him again. And besides, as I said, a sea lion IS a type of seal.
Progster0192 - 12 years ago
Yeah but you can't know if the video owner wrote sea lion or seal, and changed it to sea lion afterwards.
SWLinPHX - 12 years ago
0:43 - "Ort! ort!" = "Quit screwing around and start rowing!"
SWLinPHX - 12 years ago
Yeah, but I'm assuming the person in the video is the one that wrote the title since it says "Sea lion jumped onto MY kayak", so obviously he realized his mistake. Besides, a sea lion is a specific type of seal.
Progster0192 - 12 years ago
He was referring to what he said in the video. =)
BloodyPocky15 - 12 years ago
lion are way to playful.... they probably wanted to play, or the seal lion wanted to assert it's dominance over him and take his sun bathing spot, because it is an awesome floating contraption, just because it's cute or playful does not mean it is not a wild animal. Some dolphins have been known to attack, bite, or bite and not let go. Every creature is a wild animal no matter how cute, big tall or small.
SWLinPHX - 12 years ago
That is true, meinLiebsterFeind. In as much as a zebra is a horse. But people like SpencerianS18 were saying it is one but not the other, which is what I was commenting on. - 12 years ago
A sea lion IS a seal.
Lewis Williams
Lewis Williams - 12 years ago
From when he said "oh there's a seal on my kayak" didn't it ever occur to him theres also probably a Great White right below him?
SWLinPHX - 12 years ago
It says "sea lion" in the title of the video: "Sea lion jumped onto my kayak"
SpencerianS18 - 12 years ago
That is actually a Sea Lion not a seal.
Haylei Sarnowski
Haylei Sarnowski - 12 years ago
So cute
NewYorkRawVideos - 12 years ago
he tried to seajack yo kayak.
IgotGreens101 - 12 years ago
what if a great white came flying out after him id shit bricks and never get back in the water..
berner - 12 years ago
So now that he's protected from sharks, does that make him a... "safety seal"? :D
Ravin Nanpatee
Ravin Nanpatee - 12 years ago
scratching like a boss
Just Dan
Just Dan - 12 years ago
more like an,,, SEAGULL he...he...he
SWLinPHX - 12 years ago
"Ort! ort!" Translation: "Step on it buddy, I don't have all day. Row!"
SWLinPHX - 12 years ago
LOL, this could be a sequel!
Just Dan
Just Dan - 12 years ago
life of pi the amateur version :D
njoelectric - 12 years ago
Little bastard thinks he's the captain. lol too funny.
SWLinPHX - 12 years ago
Yeah, manatees, sea cows, sea elephants, even dolphins. Back in those days when people believed in mermaids they were assuming just about anything in that shape might be one, LOL.
MrIronWar - 12 years ago
The Seal "IM ON A BOAT MOTHERF-****"
Fredo godofredo
Fredo godofredo - 12 years ago
♥_♥ ti amo xD amazing todos geniales wow!!!
terencecharisalexcha - 12 years ago
She cut a deal!
terencecharisalexcha - 12 years ago
Wasn't that sea manatees that sailors thought were mermaids? /columbus-mistakes-manatees-for-mermaids
terencecharisalexcha - 12 years ago
For a start it's a Sealion in this vid not a seal, completely different species and also I am Irish and many times had seals swim quite close to me in the waves, i've fed them fish scraps in harbors and even while on a wave breaker ( ride on kayak) had one huge bull seal pop his head up out of the water inches from me and just watch me for a few minutes so i'd say it was the captain who didn't want to listen to you all natter on.
Nicko Bodo
Nicko Bodo - 12 years ago
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MrAlmostFamas - 12 years ago
Should have kept filming
SWLinPHX - 12 years ago
Like I said, suit yourself. However, if you decide to load more comments you'll see people use to say it like ever other comment.
jcynavarro - 12 years ago
if you see the part that says "I've read".. to me that statement is true... from all the one's Ive read.... that one was spot on... I never said overall it was the only one "anyone" has seen... I don't speak for anyone other than myself... but yeah.. I can say that if I feel like saying it. It Does not matter to me if anyone disagrees with it..
SWLinPHX - 12 years ago
Suit yourself, but then you can't really say they're the first to say that, can you?
jcynavarro - 12 years ago
that is very true... it may look cruel to us when a lion, for example.. kills another animal.. and it's not a pretty sight. BUT, that's how a lion eats. I think if a lion was to see how we mass kill animals and then package their insides and body parts to sell for consumption....I think that's more disturbing than a lion or a shark hunting down another animal to eat it... ;D
yuch1102 - 12 years ago
yeah no problem, but we have to accept nature's cycle for what it is, even if it might seem cruel to us.
jcynavarro - 12 years ago
"scroll down".... ;)
SWLinPHX - 12 years ago
"nope" what?
jcynavarro - 12 years ago
SWLinPHX - 12 years ago
About a million other people made that remark. Scroll down.
jcynavarro - 12 years ago
you're the only one with an actual comment that explains exactly why the seal did this... at least from all the comments I've read.
Matt Broughton
Matt Broughton - 12 years ago
0:04 Seal: "Yo im just chillen"
Summernyx - 12 years ago
so cool!
OptimusProwlGirl - 12 years ago
Life of pi the prequel. LOL LOL LOL
iviewthetube - 12 years ago
It's all fun and games until that seal thinks that you are there to make love to his girl.
SWLinPHX - 12 years ago
Maybe, but the lion is smart. The shark is less likely to get him on the kayak than in the water, and if it did tip over the kayak the shark would be distracted by a human kicking their legs while the sea lion makes its getaway. It's not fair, but I have to admire their cleverness, LOL.
Anna - 12 years ago
And the sea lion is way faster than me, no doubt about it... scary. then again, I can't think of any shark that would be interested in me, I'm too skinny, there's just not enough meat :D unless the shark is on a diet, of course
SWLinPHX - 12 years ago
The shark could come with great speed and hit that kayak from the bottom flipping you and the sea lion over into the water. And the sea lion only has to be able to swim faster than you to escape the shark, LOL.
Anna - 12 years ago
I also think there was a shark nearby, since wild animals usually fear humans to a certain degree, and he probably decided to jump on when his fear of the shark grew bigger than the fear of a human... If I had been in the kayak and after a few minutes had come to that conclusion I would have shit my pants :D
Jason C
Jason C - 12 years ago
He seems like a cool customer, I bet I would feel different if I could've seen him getting aggressive.
BinkieMcFartnuggets - 12 years ago
I always kayak with a giant ball just in case I get this opportunity.
RaisingKahneGirl9 - 12 years ago
There was certainly a shark nearby, he was getting out of the water to get away from it. that's crazy!!
Edward Price
Edward Price - 12 years ago
Slowly reaches over to pet the sea lion. Sea Lion attacks!
pokemaniac6453 - 12 years ago
That would be the best day ever.
MelonB0mb - 12 years ago
Hahaha He's hitching a ride! Too cute!
Capt777harris - 12 years ago
That's pretty cool.
blacklotus1991 - 12 years ago
He's like MY Boat
yuch1102 - 12 years ago
I think he is hiding from sharks...i've seen another video like this before, the mother seal lion lost her baby to the shark
Chris Samuels
Chris Samuels - 12 years ago
Thats fucking badass.
Oliver Thulin
Oliver Thulin - 12 years ago
Quiet! I'm hiding from the shark.
Patrick Bateman
Patrick Bateman - 12 years ago
"Don't look behind you. Just take the briefcase filled with fish and keep rowing south"
SWLinPHX - 12 years ago
That's actually considered a bark.
hey413m - 12 years ago
ok, where to?
Nunya Buisness
Nunya Buisness - 12 years ago
Get over it.
ya_nassty - 12 years ago
0:43 His little grunt at the end,"Wtf, how did I get here?"
ya_nassty - 12 years ago
He's like,"I AM DA KIND OF DA WORLDZZ." xD <3
horseygurl143 - 12 years ago
So cool! A guy enjoying wildlife and not wanting to shoot it! Coolest dude EVER!
Sue Sita
Sue Sita - 12 years ago
Hey...I am claiming this log.
TheMuffinBurgler - 12 years ago
Sea LION, people, not SEAL. Completely difference species.
Stoke Alliance
Stoke Alliance - 12 years ago
I would have rode up to the shore and been like ya no big fucking sea lion on my kayak goml
JostenDooley2 - 12 years ago
The description of this video lmao
cell2befree - 12 years ago
thats why the killer whales are jumping on kayaks
mmmmmvodka - 12 years ago
That's when you name it, befriend it, go on adventures, and then make a movie out of it. HAHA!
brokenboarder22 - 12 years ago
man "Argh Argh" Seal "WTF did you just say to me?" "You die now!"
Turco949 - 12 years ago
Where is a beach ball or a hula-hoop when you need one, huh?
hunter figueroa
hunter figueroa - 12 years ago
when there a seals.....there shark around O_O
Alexhimself - 12 years ago
I would have B-slapped that seal trying to take MY kayak!
Jade Mckinnon-Cote
Jade Mckinnon-Cote - 12 years ago
sea lions are very curious animals and will have many interactions with humans. They like to smell your belongings and get a sense of who u are and whether or not you are a threat. Very beautiful creatures.
nOLan tanG
nOLan tanG - 12 years ago
How curious and beautifull are the animals...xD
mykmmc - 12 years ago
ahh the wind in my hair and a seal at my back
Family Fun and Kids Entertainment
Family Fun and Kids Entertainment - 12 years ago
tasteegold7772 - 12 years ago
and of course we have the complimentary stinky troll cock on here..every animal vid has some cocksucking coward bitch like you lick our collective bungholes
tasteegold7772 - 12 years ago
seals like to hell with this man gimme a ride lol..this swimming crap constantly avoiding being dinner for sharks aint all its cracked up to be
SWLinPHX - 12 years ago
"Ort! ort!" = "Step on it buddy, I don't have all day!"
SWLinPHX - 12 years ago
I love how it makes no apologies. As soon as it hops on it acts like it owns the kayak and has little regard for the guy who was already there.
Konu Irie
Konu Irie - 12 years ago
I chose E!
Swamp Wolf
Swamp Wolf - 12 years ago
he just thought you were a cab! :)
david trystman
david trystman - 12 years ago
just so you know this is a female California sea lion. they jump on thing to sun them selves. you here taking up a spot she could lay down.
Kim Peeler
Kim Peeler - 12 years ago
I'm an Associate Producer for AOL in Los Angeles. We think this video would be perfect for a new show we're producing called I CAN'T BELIEVE I SAW THAT which showcases surprise animal encounters. Were you the person filming this video? If so, we are interested in interviewing you for our show. If not, do you have the details for the original owner? Also, If you aren't based in the southern California area, where are you located? Please reply to this comment or the message in your inbox.
thegodlessvulcan - 12 years ago
Sea lion was floating in the water. Not swimming to get away from a predator. Sea lion checks the kayak out before coming aboard. Again not too rushed to get out of the water. Sea lion relaxing on the back of the kayak with head held high and eyes closed. Looks like it just wanted a place to sun itself. Just don't see anything to make me believe she was in distress from a predator.
Bre Fujimoto
Bre Fujimoto - 12 years ago
"Geez, humans can be so thick sometimes." oh hohoho! HEYOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
MaeNotEast - 12 years ago
She was probably trying to tell you to MOVE already! She had to get home before the kids do. You were the one who went out there to give her a ride. Geez, humans can be so thick sometimes.
diegoalejandro64 - 12 years ago
yeah, maybe a shark under ur kayak.
TheDanielson101 - 12 years ago
adventure time!!!!
Peppermint presents
Peppermint presents - 12 years ago
You got a hitch hiker XD
TheLightningSwordNA - 12 years ago
Probably thought it was a Taxi and wanted a ride lol.
deadman walking
deadman walking - 12 years ago
he went aft.
Kon Jamo
Kon Jamo - 12 years ago
0:43 Word is born
adam smith
adam smith - 12 years ago
andrew yancey
andrew yancey - 12 years ago
you are probably the first and last person this will ever happen to.
CrystalHunter1989 - 12 years ago
holly6280 - 12 years ago was probably trying to get away from a white shark. Really cool video! so cute!!
Maecy - 12 years ago
Ikr look out 4 jaws... LOL
skipskops - 12 years ago
lol, what did you do when he started trying to push you off? I'd have thumped it!
Ginvile Ruibyte
Ginvile Ruibyte - 12 years ago
he just wanted to say "he-llo"
animelover1290 - 12 years ago
Haha if you ever needed proof that your day was going to be awesome :)
goodlessnaren - 12 years ago
I think thats absolutely possible :)
Daisy Rodriguez
Daisy Rodriguez - 12 years ago
It's hichhiding
NekoChan - 12 years ago
If it was hiding from a shark why would the seal jump on a boat that looks like a seal?
bunnyfreakz - 12 years ago
Seal : Adopt me...
David Morgan
David Morgan - 12 years ago
seal: lets go on an adventure!!!1!
Ironlung916 - 12 years ago
Probably sharks around and he was looking for safety lol.
Christian Stinespring
Christian Stinespring - 12 years ago
I would ben like Your my sea lion now man i got a LION....OF THE SEA in god damb pool!
susipunkrockprincess - 12 years ago
SWLinPHX - 12 years ago
"Ort, ort!"
FreakMan420 - 12 years ago
I would of given it a ride to shore :]
SWLinPHX - 12 years ago
Well that would leave "ass", but you better get its permission first.
GaijinPrincess - 12 years ago
Haha I was just at the beach a week or so ago. I had some left over curly fries. Those damn gulls had the nerve to go stick their little heads in my beach bag when I got up to stick my feet in the water. ( I had closed the paper bag and stuffed it into my beach bag of course. They had been peeping me the whole time lmao. Gotta love modern nature.
TomXP411 - 12 years ago
Man, NO food is safe from the animals around here... chips, hot dogs, none of it. The gulls are especially brave. They will steal food right out of your hand if you're not careful.
chad Thomas
chad Thomas - 12 years ago
Cash, grass, or sea lion rides for free
FIGHTENPHILLS99 - 12 years ago
y do so many retards think the sea lion made the ARR ARR noise, it was the guy.
Pandaelim - 12 years ago
hitching a ride probably ha
ReturnTrip - 12 years ago
i has a kayak.
Dria Ford
Dria Ford - 12 years ago
Autumn Rain
Autumn Rain - 12 years ago
i'd haul ass back to the beach. if a seal is trying to get away from something in the water, you should too!
GaijinPrincess - 12 years ago
Yeah I have herd of that. I grew up in Cali the seals there think your their friends for sure. I have had seals waddle up and nap in the sun right next to me. Also stole my chips. Lots of Cali beach animals like to steal chips. I have never seen one of them get agressive either which I hear is something to worry about. They always acted like regular ol beach bums lol.
SWLinPHX - 12 years ago
Yes, he is between Malibu & Pacific Palisades.
SWLinPHX - 12 years ago
At 0:43 when he says "Ort, ort!" that means, "Will you quick f@#king around with the camera and step on it, already?? We have a shark after us!"
SWLinPHX - 12 years ago
It's neat how sea lions like sunning themselves and their glistening skin after a long swim just like us. I wouldn't mind hanging out with a sea lion doing that. Since they live out of water too, don't they get tired having nowhere to rest? Also, if I was being chased by a shark I can imagine now happy I'd be to find some kind of refuge. "A sea lion in need is a friend indeed!" : )
Hobby Machinist
Hobby Machinist - 12 years ago
Looks like you got... ... the seal of approval!
jay lemire
jay lemire - 12 years ago
Funniest commnt ever!
SWLinPHX - 12 years ago
Sailors used to mistake sea lions on rocks as beautiful mermaids (mermaids with whiskers I guess).
SWLinPHX - 12 years ago
What would you do in this case, since likely a shark is after that sea lion?: A) Try to push the sea lion over and hope it doesn't view that as an attack and bite or hurt you (or push YOU over) B) Row around looking for any conspicuous dorsal fins along the water surface C) Crack open a beer and offer one to the sea lion as a guest D) Start your meter and let him know it's running even while it's deciding where to go E) Row the fuck to shore as fast as you can WITH your new sea lion friend!
SWLinPHX - 12 years ago
I hate to say it, but that's actually smart of him. The sea lion gets out of the water and pushes the guy in then the shark is preoccupied.
SWLinPHX - 12 years ago
I would actually watch that show! :)
SoCalSummerSquad - 12 years ago
"k this is mine now."
cs92563 - 12 years ago
What make and model kayak? Looks pretty stable to handle a hitchhiker like that!
Shayne Martin
Shayne Martin - 12 years ago
Probably hiding from a shark haha
Wibble 215
Wibble 215 - 12 years ago
its the pacific ocean, your kidding right
stoopidvideo - 12 years ago
Awkward moment when hundreds start jumping on.
floatsup - 12 years ago
He was using the buddy system there. Throw the Shark your buddy ;D
Nina Peratrovich
Nina Peratrovich - 12 years ago
Mayonnaise - 12 years ago
Wibble 215
Wibble 215 - 12 years ago
gonna throw this out there, probably a big ass great white underneath of you
whenrainmeetssun - 12 years ago
Soooo cute!!
AdnanBosnjak - 12 years ago
haha what a preety animal,god bless animals
dogagilityrocks - 12 years ago
good point.... =P
stiefellus - 12 years ago
maybe the lion and the shark teamed up?^^
dogagilityrocks - 12 years ago
while watching this. I was thinking maybe he jumped up because he was trying to get away from a shark! And then you said he was trying to push you in after the video. Maybe he was trying to throw u in so the shark would eat you instead of him xDD
vickmakesmesick - 12 years ago
Lol, the seals just like, this is my Kayak now!!!
JBlue761982 - 12 years ago
To me this is a life and death situation. Not funny at all. You're so lucky to be alive.
JBlue761982 - 12 years ago
I would be in a state of utter PANIC that a shark was about to hit the boat any second!
dilbo4201 - 12 years ago
ha bet theres a big shark down there
XeenWoozy - 12 years ago
lol that's awesome. lucky man
MezzaLuna22 - 12 years ago
She's so cute.
TDLBallistic - 12 years ago
And not a single fuck was given that day
brindle flame 237426
brindle flame 237426 - 12 years ago
You are the taxi to it. He's getting a ride home.
muskyownz - 12 years ago
would have been funny if the guy pushed the seal off
wisewarriormuzic - 12 years ago
Better him than a great white
Shane Watson
Shane Watson - 12 years ago
Havent Seals been known for jumping on small boats, paddle boats and kayaks if theres a shark around?
baraclude - 12 years ago
He's chillaxing like a boss
Porcelanesa - 12 years ago
"TAXI!" ;)
LindsayMichelle〈3 - 12 years ago
Aww its so cute!!!!
Painindeass1million - 12 years ago
News flash, Davey. Any sea lion small enough to fit on the back of a manned kayak, without tipping it over, is most likely a female! In which case, she might have been one of those Irish Selkie-maids come to take you to her love nest beneath the sea (especially if your last name is Jones!).
Sam B
Sam B - 12 years ago
hey i just met you. and this is crazy.
The Ugly Barnacle
The Ugly Barnacle - 12 years ago
*cue the Jaws theme*
drskull - 12 years ago
lol que jaws music
The Expert
The Expert - 12 years ago
Seals just like to jump on floating things like Bueys,Kayaks,etc. California has Great Whites that patrol the coast but I just think the seal just wants to bask in the sun.
TheSouthern1cross - 12 years ago
pirate seal
Crawlertony - 12 years ago
He's is getting out of the water sharks are down here.
The Guy Who Games
The Guy Who Games - 12 years ago
lol win
Leanne Zackowski
Leanne Zackowski - 12 years ago
Too lazy to swim and wanted to hitch a ride for
snocamo154 - 12 years ago
Must have been a shark under your kayak or the seal expected a treat from you. Way cool!!!
Pali Aha
Pali Aha - 12 years ago
The sea lion hopped onboard cuz he wanted to see if he was closer to Topanga or Sunset.
dan conn
dan conn - 12 years ago
that is not cute it is dangerous, the seal wasn't there for no reason it was hiding from sharks or orcas that are trying to eat it and if you don't get it of quick it will eat you!!!
hilary benoit
hilary benoit - 12 years ago
Think about what time it was. It looked around late afternoon in the video. So it points to either sharks( late afternoon to evening is their feeding time) or Orcas pods in the area. Although, because it was a seal, it would have to be transient Orcas. Which live in specific locations only moving to mate, while finding food. Transients usually are single Orcas up to 3 Orcas and move from Antarctica to the Arctic. So, because of the time of day it was most likely sharks. Which meant to the seal:
Andrijko - 12 years ago
Either Great Whites, or Tranisent ORcas
​​​ ​​​​​​ ​ ​​​
​​​ ​​​​​​ ​ ​​​ - 12 years ago
sure* know* than* I never tried to act smarter than anyone here, I don't even know who you are. But after that ridiculously stupid reply you made to my comment, I can know for sure I am smarter than you.
Babybluehashyo - 12 years ago
.... you shure no how to be dumb when you try to act smarter then every one
GreatBallsOfFire97 - 12 years ago
Seals are dog mermaids...
Canadian-Rain - 12 years ago
sealion's thoughts "hey free ride don't even have to swim"
SuperTurbo1200 - 12 years ago
Ya know I know just cracken jokes that's all !
The Expert
The Expert - 12 years ago
Great Whites patrol those cold California waters ! Brave man !
Vanisia Covington
Vanisia Covington - 12 years ago
OMgah LOL nuuttuuuhhhh
​​​ ​​​​​​ ​ ​​​
​​​ ​​​​​​ ​ ​​​ - 12 years ago
Seal was all like "oh hi, I'm here too by the way"
GregoryTheGr8ster - 12 years ago
That's just what I was thinking! The shark will eat the seal and the guy on the kayak -- and maybe even they kayak, too!
82Bdog - 12 years ago
No, I was asking how did they get the sean lion to get out of the boat?
Kakashi101sensi - 12 years ago
hes basking in the sun avoiding sharks in the open water which is where they both are chillin at, or steaming....
SuperTurbo1200 - 12 years ago
"Seal is thinking" Paddle mother fucker there is a huge Great White down there he be loven our ass here in a second !
Dria Ford
Dria Ford - 12 years ago
lol that probably explains why he was trying to push him off the boat! how rude lol
Dria Ford
Dria Ford - 12 years ago
lol he tried to push U off UR boat?!?! lol hilarious! how's he gonna kick u off ur own boat? how cute :)
82Bdog - 12 years ago
How'd you get him out the boat?
Hott Dogg
Hott Dogg - 12 years ago
rubirubi89 - 12 years ago
General Obi Wan Kenobi
General Obi Wan Kenobi - 13 years ago
Lucky it wasn't to get away from a Great White.
Rachel Reichle
Rachel Reichle - 13 years ago
I just spit everything I was drinking all over my computer upon reading this.
LukeCageforhire - 13 years ago
difinitely a sealion not a seal.
datura1983 - 13 years ago
@Filayjay not necessarily a shark. seals seem very curious and interactive by nature. ive seen enough of these wild seal videos and read about them enough to know that their strength/weakness is being too trusting of people. its wonderful for those who love seals and a curse for the seal if its an evil son of a bitch that clubs them
Snowdemoman - 13 years ago
You wanted seals? YOU GOT SEALS!! It doesn't get a lot closer, when you're in a kayak in the cold sea water.
JDM Viking
JDM Viking - 13 years ago
I'm not sure why but this video makes my think about my good days in life and you were very lucky with this one:) haha it must be cool to think that you can tell this to your grandkids one day :)
Cavalas - 13 years ago
I bet there was sharks or orcas nearby..
carlos naranjo
carlos naranjo - 13 years ago
Shark , don't fall in
Damian Byrd
Damian Byrd - 13 years ago
hes takin your boat and know ur his bitch
Arjay Bantique
Arjay Bantique - 13 years ago
I'd be scared as hell... The fucking shark must be somewhere near you... lol
MissRomalyn - 13 years ago
he's like...''s it goin? hahaha awesome!
dolphinsdaydreams - 13 years ago
SUPER, love it!
Erica19880 - 13 years ago
He was just Chillin with you lol :))
Erica19880 - 13 years ago
That's amazing!!!!!
tall32guy - 13 years ago
Is that Malibu that's in front of you? Looks like it.
hanginwithmygirls - 13 years ago
That's CRAZY!!! I'd have peed myself. Bet you're glad ya had the camera!!
Emrah aus Izmir
Emrah aus Izmir - 13 years ago
Ya know taxes get height these days and what better to sell than a kayak and all the loan Sharks GET IT!! nu-ooo
Queen B
Queen B - 13 years ago
Lol this proper made me laugh!!!:')
archystudentbc - 13 years ago
He wanted your boat.
DeJanea Steward
DeJanea Steward - 13 years ago
@swordwhale1 sharks!
DeJanea Steward
DeJanea Steward - 13 years ago
Um Sharks hunt seals and you allowed that seal to jump on the kayak?
Amdi Nielsen
Amdi Nielsen - 13 years ago
haha its funny cos its gonna kick ur ass
jjdrama - 13 years ago
Probably she actually.
juddi90 - 13 years ago
Haha random much
Fire - 13 years ago
Awesome!! What are the chances???
swordwhale1 - 13 years ago
Hilarious! Wonder what he was running from?
trump it
trump it - 13 years ago
that was so cool
oklahomaisok - 13 years ago
He's kind of pretty sitting there.
Michael Louis
Michael Louis - 13 years ago
i was thinking shark in the water also. he probably was trying to push u in for shark bait
MBZ - 13 years ago
That is so freaking cute!
Rez dwan
Rez dwan - 13 years ago
0:44 eyy u got some beer down here?
rockstarrist - 13 years ago
Just sun bathing.
morecowbell69 - 13 years ago
Great White very nearby, I would say. Your kayak now looks like a seal hoagie
Original Safety Pin Lures
Original Safety Pin Lures - 13 years ago
What you dont see is the huge dark silhouette thats floating right under the water....
lukefraser77 - 13 years ago
bloody hell mate thats one way to pick up i guess. Thats the funniest thing I've seen since the cak or was it a yow. Cracking day though classic
Brandon Barth
Brandon Barth - 13 years ago
you know why he got possessive? you didnt have any fish to give him for tricks and said 'man screw this guy'
KingdraQueen - 13 years ago
I mean -3
KingdraQueen - 13 years ago
floorcatch - 13 years ago
I say pet em!
xdir - 13 years ago
Hope it pulled its weight, or was it sitting at the back for a free-ride...
shaylen sanders
shaylen sanders - 13 years ago
As cute as this is it's kinda sad wild life is getting so relaxed with humans it's dangerous for them. But omg.... Didn't think about the shark factor!! And sharks attack from below that would've been scary!!
stevaye - 13 years ago
WOW that is soo cool. Wish that happened to me. i'd be rofling. then capsizing hhaha
fullfist - 13 years ago
@CommonSense0695 LOOOOOOOOL xD
Sakul1321 - 13 years ago
i bet there was a great white in the water!
Rob williams
Rob williams - 13 years ago
ShwamoRox787 - 13 years ago
ar ar
Machinimator - Animation Destination
Machinimator - Animation Destination - 13 years ago
Andre the seal: The REAL Movie
The Ugly Barnacle
The Ugly Barnacle - 13 years ago
He probably needed something to get away from a shark or something. Animals can be so interesting sometimes. =P
Azrael - 13 years ago
just wanted to use the toilet. dont shit where you eat
DMSteller87 - 13 years ago
"I should have thought of this a long time ago." - sea lion
dontcareboutname1 - 13 years ago
the sea lion was probably hunting and instinctively retreated to land and the kayak being the only thing he could get on top your lucky you didnt get side swiped by a shark
Tre Fitz
Tre Fitz - 13 years ago
@AmazingWonderwalrus #Scream Movie Voice LOL
Datura - 13 years ago
There was probably a shark or a whale down below.
Fat Sausage
Fat Sausage - 13 years ago
Bitches this is mine now!
Jolly .Walrus
Jolly .Walrus - 13 years ago
Man: There's a seal on my kayak! Seal:... ... WASSUUUUPP
Fuzzycop - 13 years ago
Did it ever occur to you that he might have wanted to escape a larger predator?
gregoryjamesaustin - 13 years ago
Probably a shark in the water and he wanted out.
UFGatorGuy20 - 13 years ago
Like a BAUS.
srb8522 - 13 years ago
Probably a shark in the water
SeanStrife - 13 years ago
I'm sure that sea lion was thinking "They see me rollin'... they hatin'..."
cryingangel2515 - 13 years ago
...its a sea lion, not a seal. had a lady in san diego give me the 411 on the differences :P
Bob56565 - 13 years ago
I would feel so uncomfortable knowing Orca's and Great Whites hunt them. Most likely it was jumping up there from fear.
booty5584 - 13 years ago
hey big guy, did you ever consider that the reason it jumped up onto the kayak is what was in the water also like maybe a shark or killer whale?
Frost Vil
Frost Vil - 13 years ago
Puck it bro.. If shes female.. Nobody see..... Its up to you bro..
Frost Vil
Frost Vil - 13 years ago
Smash it bro... Let him know.. You are the boss...
dwaydway1 - 13 years ago
soo fuckin cool!!!
OoMASEoO - 13 years ago
that is so cool!
m420carbine4 - 13 years ago
@NXX1 ocean mysteries
Anindya Mukherjee
Anindya Mukherjee - 13 years ago
Taxiii, shore please ...............
Jared Flores
Jared Flores - 13 years ago
yeah he was avoiding the great white underneath you
TheBaronofBallstein - 13 years ago
LOL Seal onto your kayak.. Cute, funny BUT.. Next time a Seal jumps on board... be aware.. there might be an Orca lurking around..
riner9 - 13 years ago
@ismokewead420 Why?
Zeus the God of Thunder
Zeus the God of Thunder - 13 years ago
@PwnerTheBoner And if he doesnt care?
heartofchubbs - 13 years ago
HA HA HA!....cute. beware though, SEALS are orcas' fav snacks! they may be seeking ya Kayak for refuge O_O"
Alex Undiscovery
Alex Undiscovery - 13 years ago
your boat is orange like taxi
Mark Homiak
Mark Homiak - 13 years ago
@NXX1 theres a big shark trying to eat me
Deflection - 13 years ago
You just turned your kayak into a top water bait for great whites, good job:-)
metalrock111 - 13 years ago
Hey cool video...and I'm really intrigued that this happened to you in North LA county. Though the season is moving away from, I just bought my first kayak and am excited about using it in the waters around malibu. Do you have any tips, places to recommend, places not to go. Perhaps more knowledge regarding sea sharky areas... Thanks
oneshotjonny - 13 years ago
that is cool.. must be some friendly seals out there i reckon :)
Diego Derudi
Diego Derudi - 13 years ago
i think he wanted a ride
Willow Whiteflame
Willow Whiteflame - 13 years ago
Awwwwww that is adorable <3
baranguirus - 13 years ago
Holy shit! Yur lucky!!!
Kurtis Yim
Kurtis Yim - 13 years ago
Seal: There was a great white around me.. sorry guys.
Tylpak - 13 years ago
thats awesome
360 Fishing Charters
360 Fishing Charters - 13 years ago
youkilledkiller22 - 13 years ago
That is so cool.
twilightprincess640 - 13 years ago
0_0 Can you please teach me how you summon animals?
tylord6420 - 13 years ago
sea lion stole my kayak!
qcyoyop - 13 years ago
now i want to do some kayak

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