Seal Accidentally Slaps Man Across the Face with an Octopus
Kayak 6 years ago 171,542 views
Kyle Mulinder, a self-described "GoPro content creator," was having a chill time kayaking off the coast of Kaikoura. But suddenly, a seal pops up out of nowhere with an octopus in its mouth, and slaps it against Mulinder's boat, while also accidentally hitting him in the face with its tentacles. Taiyo Masuda, another GoPro videographer managed to capture the entire scene, and posted it on his Instagram. Thankfully, no one was seriously injured. In an interview with Yahoo 7, Mulinder explains that the group was well aware of the fight between the seal and the octopus before he got a face full of tentacle. Apparently the duo were struggling for a while and then briefly disappeared deep beneath the surface, before reappearing again at Mulinder's kayak. "He thrashed it in mid fight and my face happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time," Mulinder told Yahoo 7. "I was like 'mate, what just happened?' It was weird because it happened so fast but I could feel all the hard parts of the octopus on my face like 'dum dum dum.'" After getting thrown onto the side of the kayak, the octopus clung onto it for dear life. Mulinder was finally able to get it off with the help of his instructor. According to Mulinder, the octopus was fine after the whole ordeal, and was placed back in the water. Subscribe: Credits to Taiyo Masuda:
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