Setting up Strip-Built Kayak Forms

Setting up the forms to build a strip-planked wooden sea kayak. The strongback is an aluminum extrusion. Form spacers are made of pine and the forms are MDF This is from a series of videos showing the steps of building a wooden kayak using the "strip-planked" or "strip-built" method. This particular boat is a high performance sea kayak design called the Petrel by Guillemot Kayaks. More information about the boat is available at . Further information about the building techniques shown in these videos is available in the book "Building Strip-Planked Boats": For more videos in this series please visit:

Setting up Strip-Built Kayak Forms sentiment_very_dissatisfied 74

Kayak 14 years ago 273,662 views

Setting up the forms to build a strip-planked wooden sea kayak. The strongback is an aluminum extrusion. Form spacers are made of pine and the forms are MDF This is from a series of videos showing the steps of building a wooden kayak using the "strip-planked" or "strip-built" method. This particular boat is a high performance sea kayak design called the Petrel by Guillemot Kayaks. More information about the boat is available at . Further information about the building techniques shown in these videos is available in the book "Building Strip-Planked Boats": For more videos in this series please visit:

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Most popular comments
for Setting up Strip-Built Kayak Forms

Jay Winters
Jay Winters - 7 years ago
Bongo drums & cymbals?!...oh, a muffled trumpet!... what a geek!
Pushyhog - 7 years ago
Now pull a couple molds from it.
Captain Bartolo
Captain Bartolo - 7 years ago
Thank you for this very helpfull video !
Elias De Melo Da Silva Melo
Elias De Melo Da Silva Melo - 7 years ago
gostaria de saber se alguem tem as medidas das cavernas ,pra fazer um kaiake ,essa espinha dorsal no caso ,
Nick Schade
Nick Schade - 7 years ago
Plans for this kayak and others like it are available at my website:
redwood49931 - 7 years ago
Hey Nick where did you get the aluminum strongback. Sources and dimensions would be nice; thanks in advance.
Nick Schade
Nick Schade - 7 years ago
The strong back is an aluminum extrusion, 2"x4" with 1/8" walls. As delivered it was 20' long. Using a diagonal cut, I got 2 pieces each 13' long. I purchased it through Yarde Metals and they delivered it. Before I used it I rounded over the corners using a 1/4" radius round-over bit in my router.
Martin Prickett
Martin Prickett - 7 years ago
Hey Nick the aluminum strongback is the way to go .  I made one of  plywood (per your book) but a bit more flex than I was comfortable with. Building your Great Auk design and I stretched it by 8" so now 17' 8" .  Dabble in woodworking as a hobby but nothing ever like this....time consuming but loads of fun watching it take shape. Jointed, planed and ripped my own strips and am hand planning them to fit each other over the curvatures of the forms ( vs bead and cove)'s a labor of love.
Phil hayward
Phil hayward - 7 years ago
Volume set to zero.....all good now
Nick Schade
Nick Schade - 7 years ago
Its amazing how many people fail to figure that out.
Scott Baker
Scott Baker - 7 years ago
Can't tell you how many times I thought "WTF - why is he... ooohhhh clever ". You've done this more than once, haven't you? :-)
kinficher - 8 years ago
to God hates jazz

10. comment for Setting up Strip-Built Kayak Forms

jan lechner
jan lechner - 8 years ago
Patrick Ellis
Patrick Ellis - 8 years ago
jan lechner the music made me dizzy! Lol
Gene Berry
Gene Berry - 9 years ago
I can build one of Andrew Linn's Lazy Weekend Canoes in the time it would take to set your strong back up. the trumpet was obnoxious too.
Steves Projects
Steves Projects - 9 years ago
Love your bobbin sander
Magnus - 9 years ago
Where can i finde the measurement? me and my schoolmate a going to make a canoe before thursday, so if someone have a plan for a 2 or 3 man canoe please write to me! :D
thanks Magnus
lnesland - 9 years ago
Impressiv :-)
rusty riddle
rusty riddle - 9 years ago
to much bs, but I guess it would work
Piti Seramethakun
Piti Seramethakun - 10 years ago
very nice knowledge sharing ^___^
fafa bass
fafa bass - 10 years ago
beautiful work...what's the name of music please? 
Anoir nunes de souza
Anoir nunes de souza - 11 years ago
my friend u could help me, I am woodworker and would faser a kayak and if you could send this form and measures the length and width of the kayak thanks for helping me and how do I get in touch with you
Matthew crook
Matthew crook - 11 years ago
What neat and tidy preparations. . Excellent stuff

20. comment for Setting up Strip-Built Kayak Forms

Nick Schade
Nick Schade - 11 years ago
MDF - Medium Density Fiberboard
Nick Schade
Nick Schade - 11 years ago
38 pounds (17 kg) They are actually very light.
SeanCum732 - 11 years ago
this boat looks really heavy. what is your expected weight once completed?
Drew Campbell
Drew Campbell - 11 years ago
What's that material you're using for the forms?
Edilson Santana
Edilson Santana - 12 years ago
muito bonito trabalho, parabéns.
boat buddy
boat buddy - 12 years ago
This video would really come to life if you would talk about the steps.
eugen floigl
eugen floigl - 13 years ago
@seljo12344 thank you
eugen floigl
eugen floigl - 13 years ago
NICE WORK!!!! I would like to make one,can you help me by sending me a build plane

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