Skin-on-Frame Kayak self rescue

A clever self-rescue you can do with an unloaded medium-volume skin-on-frame kayak.

Skin-on-Frame Kayak self rescue sentiment_very_dissatisfied 23

Kayak 11 years ago 129,298 views

A clever self-rescue you can do with an unloaded medium-volume skin-on-frame kayak.

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Most popular comments
for Skin-on-Frame Kayak self rescue

manta1969manta - 7 years ago
Perfect! Really good explanations!
phdfxwg Fischercat
phdfxwg Fischercat - 7 years ago
my brother has the first half of the eskimo roll perfected ! then he swims the boat back to the beach !
Ancient Stone
Ancient Stone - 7 years ago
Very helpful thanks so much for sharing this information.
Explorer Mike
Explorer Mike - 7 years ago
Man, that water looks cold!! I would like to better understand the water evacuation technique. I have a wood kayak. I wonder if this technique could be applied to a wood kayak?
Kostas Voulgaris
Kostas Voulgaris - 7 years ago
Very nice video. What about if the kayak is heavy because of things and can not be lifted?
qaannat - 7 years ago
Wish i had seen this before I went all cleopatras needle one august roll session
Team Crooks
Team Crooks - 7 years ago
WHich boat is this, Brian? Your F1? Thanks for another great video!
Alabama Woodsman
Alabama Woodsman - 7 years ago
I see some nay sayers.... i guess they'd rather drown. Nice job! Thumbs up 463.
hypnosiscenter nyc
hypnosiscenter nyc - 8 years ago
Excellent demo ...

10. comment for Skin-on-Frame Kayak self rescue

Tito r
Tito r - 8 years ago
What type of water suit you have ?
Southern Fishing TV
Southern Fishing TV - 8 years ago
Southern Fishing TV
Southern Fishing TV - 8 years ago
the best way to get alot of water out of a kayak is to get a sit on top Jayesh
Southern Fishing TV
Southern Fishing TV - 8 years ago
what kind of paddle is that
Chris - 8 years ago
5:40 missed back left skirt attachment ;)
Henry Burkard
Henry Burkard - 8 years ago
All about him!
Андрей Г.
Андрей Г. - 8 years ago
Спасибо за информацию.
Oozywolf - 8 years ago
Sort of reminded me of Les Stroud. Not sure if it's your looks, voice, or just how you explained everything thoroughly, but I was taken back to my Survivorman binges haha. Great video! Very well explained and not rushed.
Tony Malferrari
Tony Malferrari - 8 years ago
Very well demonstrated! Thanks you!
pangrac1 - 9 years ago
Very well done and smart too. Thank you.

20. comment for Skin-on-Frame Kayak self rescue

Brian Skinner
Brian Skinner - 9 years ago
Show this in a serious chop with wind blowing. Unless you paddle in a pool this demo is not very realistic.
Pat - 7 years ago
Avoiding having to get back in seems like the best persuasion for perfecting your Eskimo rolls, even with other boats to raft up to getting back in in ‘a chop’ is never easy!
Explorer Mike
Explorer Mike - 7 years ago
Point taken, but it would not be a very good instructional video if it was done in rough chop. Better idea is to watch this video, then practice it yourself in rough chop.
Croatoan - 7 years ago
You don't learn anything from that, it would be hard for him to explain the stages and give a proper tutorial of what to do, show things in slow paces so that people can practice them in safe environment. This is not a showcase of his skills like it would be some survival show. It is a video that teaches a method which you can practice and apply in bad conditions if it is the only and best one available.
Lawrence 96367
Lawrence 96367 - 8 years ago
Most training is done in a controlled environment simply to show the techniques, but every situation varies.  What isn't realistic is that 95% of those watching wont have his exact boat, dry suit, PFD, paddle, haircut, and underwear.  So realistic is up to interpretation.  The idea that he took the time to address some tips is amazing.  IF you have realistic versions you would like to share I'm sure everyone would love to see.  Cheers!
Irony Itch
Irony Itch - 8 years ago
The aim of this demo is to show you what you can practice in calm waters. These are excellent skills to have. In serious chop, ideally you can count on some buddy assistance. Such rescue is never perfect due to waves and would not be so clear to us what you should do. I always set for a trip, but am aware I should be setting more just for practice. Rainy calm days are ideal for that. Typical days when you think you should stay inside the house, hahaha.
WillN2Go1 - 9 years ago
Thanks Brian, Terrific demonstration, excellent advice. Thanks for doing this and sharing.
iviewthetube - 9 years ago
I wonder if this technique will work for me and my kayak.  Thanks for demonstrating something worth trying.
Starr Kelleher
Starr Kelleher - 9 years ago
Roger Mainville
Roger Mainville - 10 years ago
Well done and clear directions Thanks
Jonathan Taff
Jonathan Taff - 10 years ago
super thanks
Pablo Enrique Tirabassi
Pablo Enrique Tirabassi - 10 years ago
Great !!...... Incredible way to get water out of the kayak !!......:)
Centurion Wizofid
Centurion Wizofid - 10 years ago
Thank you, I always saw them as tippy, now I see them for what they really are, low gravity boats.
ted johnson
ted johnson - 9 years ago
+Centurion Wizofid no, they are tippy. It is the tippyness that makes them suitable for the sea.
Chris Train
Chris Train - 10 years ago
Great informative video
Chris Gill
Chris Gill - 10 years ago
what suit is that?

30. comment for Skin-on-Frame Kayak self rescue

Joel Fleischer
Joel Fleischer - 11 years ago
What is the material that you put at the bottom of the cockpit seen at 4:29?
Joel Fleischer
Joel Fleischer - 11 years ago
Great video!  Thanks, Brian!

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