Snow Kayak Race in Estonia - Red Bull Snow Kayak 2013

For more snow sports visit Kayaking and canoeing are popular adventure sports in Estonia. This time the participants were challenged in a 4-cross style race on a custom-made downhill snow track. Check out the action clip from Red Bull Snow Kayak 2013, set in Otepaa, Estonia. _____________________________________________________ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Sign up for our Newsletter here:

Snow Kayak Race in Estonia - Red Bull Snow Kayak 2013 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 78

Kayak 12 years ago 566,237 views

For more snow sports visit Kayaking and canoeing are popular adventure sports in Estonia. This time the participants were challenged in a 4-cross style race on a custom-made downhill snow track. Check out the action clip from Red Bull Snow Kayak 2013, set in Otepaa, Estonia. _____________________________________________________ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Sign up for our Newsletter here:

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Most popular comments
for Snow Kayak Race in Estonia - Red Bull Snow Kayak 2013

Joe Witkowski
Joe Witkowski - 7 years ago
Mammalogy Master
Mammalogy Master - 8 years ago
Make this an olympic sport!
FireFox - 8 years ago
I am doing this this winter for real
Hooptie Hamburger
Hooptie Hamburger - 8 years ago
It would be cool to watch people doing it for more than a split second at a time.
Micah Cox
Micah Cox - 9 years ago
Red Bull when are we having another race here in the USA? I have a ton of friends who would be down for this race anytime.
seba28 m4
seba28 m4 - 9 years ago
WTF !!!
nortonUnleashed - 9 years ago
You got to love red bull for supporting all this crazy sports!!!
Jonah Button
Jonah Button - 10 years ago
How do I get in:)
Ian Blackburn
Ian Blackburn - 10 years ago
wonder if they use spry deak and what use one would be in this situation 

10. comment for Snow Kayak Race in Estonia - Red Bull Snow Kayak 2013

Ian Blackburn
Ian Blackburn - 10 years ago
mixing two of my fav things
Samuel Nicholls
Samuel Nicholls - 10 years ago
That's a must try
TheLookingOne - 10 years ago
You know they had to be up to SOMETHING during the winter.
Max Wils
Max Wils - 10 years ago
I wanna try this now...
Jason Zecchin
Jason Zecchin - 11 years ago
Trust Red Bull to sponsor an event like this hahahaha
Mike Patterson
Mike Patterson - 11 years ago
snow kayaking looks SUPER fun!  Its something  have to try soon!
Rafael Fonseca Luraev
Rafael Fonseca Luraev - 11 years ago
And here in Brazil, kayak is not an developed sport. Is more probably play soccer in a waterfall than play in a kayak. Almost 12.000 fantastic beaches and 6.000 waterfalls. ;/ I have my white water kayak, and FEW friends from 3 different states. In canada, in a single river, almost 100 hundred white water kayaks in a small town.
Will Northrop
Will Northrop - 11 years ago
"hey guys you know how drowning and being a rag doll at the same time was so awesome? lets do it on dry land and just hit real things that will kill us immediately!"
Callum McMahon
Callum McMahon - 11 years ago
David Holden
David Holden - 11 years ago

20. comment for Snow Kayak Race in Estonia - Red Bull Snow Kayak 2013

TheRealist - 11 years ago
try to stop on a normal ski route :D
Marc Ifurung
Marc Ifurung - 11 years ago
They should do this on a bob sled track
NinjaOfDarkEpicness - 11 years ago
This looks like fun and something I'm actually capable of doing which is fun
Alberto Villarrubia
Alberto Villarrubia - 11 years ago
How can I take part in the next championship??
James Creative
James Creative - 11 years ago
i sooooooo want to do this xD
Georgeka60 - 11 years ago
awesom. Pure awesome
lareprechuan - 12 years ago
Thats sick dude, It snowed like a foot (which is rare in VA) and I thought of taking my Kayak down a hill and had a blast... now Red Bull strikes again and always has the coolest comps... Thank you RED BULL!!!
쿠헬헬낄낄 - 12 years ago
thr elm
thr elm - 12 years ago
oo yeah
Drewrob99 - 12 years ago
That would be fun

30. comment for Snow Kayak Race in Estonia - Red Bull Snow Kayak 2013

Snow4life1999 - 12 years ago
this is my kind of race!
SnoopCatTV - 12 years ago
anoyo kiero eso
FreshButtaBricks - 12 years ago
shhh this is youtube remember. what did tommy nash pay you to counter all his bogus comments? actually dont answer that, that is all.
TranceFormMusic - 12 years ago
Why the fuck have I not tried this?!
th3cr34tor - 12 years ago
Bad mannered people will always remain bad mannered people. Maybe if you were not illiterate you would have another way of seeing things
FreshButtaBricks - 12 years ago
yeah, shes a distraction
FreshButtaBricks - 12 years ago
you would think the cr34tor would have a little more common sense. you sound like you fuck your sister too. not everyone speaks english, get over it
Thomas Nash
Thomas Nash - 12 years ago
Do you know this from experience?
th3cr34tor - 12 years ago
So not knowing russian means that he fucks his sister? nice logic, i have a friend though he does not know russian, speaks fluently 5 languages. Guess what though not knowing a language is ok, not knowing english in order to be able to communicate... sad. And no english is not my native language but i find it pretty nice knowing that half the population speak a language so that i can communicate with them
FreshButtaBricks - 12 years ago
if u would quit fucking ur sister so damn much, u could use the time to learn
boombapboom - 12 years ago
if redbull was involved the ski resort wouldn't care.
Thomas Nash
Thomas Nash - 12 years ago
Still can't tell
Patrick W
Patrick W - 12 years ago
this amazing and really creative!!!
daybreaK - 12 years ago
guy years ago died snapped his neck on one of the mountains
Евгений Семёнов
Евгений Семёнов - 12 years ago
учите Русский)))
Derek O'Connell
Derek O'Connell - 12 years ago
Great job red bull, I wish we got more than a teaser, I'd like to see a full race
Thomas Nash
Thomas Nash - 12 years ago
I have no idea what you're saying
sebastian figueroa zuñiga
sebastian figueroa zuñiga - 12 years ago
THEEN KUB - 12 years ago
yes i mean it, this is really fantastic. the thing is, i get sent a list of high paying surveys every few days and easy make around $60 off each list. i got it from here. you can also try it:\Xea0BN
Tribus - 12 years ago
is that like a real sport ? :p crazy but nice

50. comment for Snow Kayak Race in Estonia - Red Bull Snow Kayak 2013

Евгений Семёнов
Евгений Семёнов - 12 years ago
чудики)))но ведь весело и экстрима до ушей!!!!И это круто!
Herr Muradin
Herr Muradin - 12 years ago
song ?
ComaPictures - 12 years ago
And what about trying a freestyle kayak?
Piotr Smugała
Piotr Smugała - 12 years ago
hahaha what the hell is this? :D awesome! :D
Thomas Kovacik
Thomas Kovacik - 12 years ago
couldnt stop on a dime haha
tiger333ms - 12 years ago
Geile IDE
Fabi Beck
Fabi Beck - 12 years ago
u people from nothern europe are really a kinda strange.... but I love it !
Negro YiYo
Negro YiYo - 12 years ago
Sucribanse y me sucribo
André Voß Erdbau und Transport GmbH
André Voß Erdbau und Transport GmbH - 12 years ago
^^ no water?
MrBigT - 12 years ago
wheels - 12 years ago
Wtf im from estonia.
KrixSolith - 12 years ago
I really wish that I could witness a youtube comment war where an argument over grammar or syntax ends with "You're right, I made a mistake." Instead, it is always "comment deleted" or a viciously defensive reaction that usually makes presumptions about the offending "grammar nazi's" sexual orientation or preferred, taboo sexual act.
Seth Chitwood
Seth Chitwood - 7 years ago
KrixSolith typical right
Miguel Lúcio
Miguel Lúcio - 12 years ago
BleepinJeep - 12 years ago
What would happen if you tried this at a ski resort?
Will Pendleton
Will Pendleton - 12 years ago
"The message no longer exists"
Georges Kohler
Georges Kohler - 12 years ago
Fefe-The-Cat - 12 years ago
after that you will not have ass ^^
donald ducky
donald ducky - 12 years ago
the person who thought of this. the man
Semmao - 12 years ago
Well... not always. ;)
TS - 12 years ago
I bet their backs are jarred now
Deniz Sutlu
Deniz Sutlu - 12 years ago
no but i have friends from tallinn =)
Deniz Sutlu
Deniz Sutlu - 12 years ago
kayak means skiing in turkish too. mm i wonder what the connection is.
JoseRichardIV - 12 years ago
Justin Dodson
Justin Dodson - 12 years ago
I wanna do this now
Вадим Жминковский
Вадим Жминковский - 12 years ago
Since this moment I would like to see kayak back flip and kayak 360. Then big air. :)))
Nyle - 12 years ago
I did this with my Kayak Club, it's indeed a lot of fun :D
enricoleottero75 - 12 years ago
che spettacolo :D anch'io devo provare!
Jude Boag-matthews
Jude Boag-matthews - 12 years ago
I did this
Alessandro Gatta
Alessandro Gatta - 12 years ago
human are crazy...i wanna be crazy...
MrLembnau - 12 years ago
looks fun
Edwin Goitia
Edwin Goitia - 12 years ago
I would totally do this.
thevidguy11 - 12 years ago
just sliding with minimal control
name - 12 years ago
this is pretty stupid
Noah Boudart
Noah Boudart - 12 years ago
Red bull has some crazy events!
Smelly Meatus
Smelly Meatus - 12 years ago
hey no
Smelly Meatus
Smelly Meatus - 12 years ago
i approve of this
G Rat
G Rat - 12 years ago
Thumbs up if you're estonian! no, nobody?
Atu Oma
Atu Oma - 12 years ago
hahaha looks fun really!! ^^
Lukas Eddy
Lukas Eddy - 12 years ago
Why? Because you can, no better reason.
Caleb C
Caleb C - 12 years ago
"kayaking" is a verb...
FCBayernJunkie - 12 years ago
cause why the fuck not
Remy - 12 years ago
Esimest korda näen sellist spordiala :D Greetings from Estonia .
pacs CS
pacs CS - 12 years ago
Red Bull is the coolest company in the world! I mean, you recap their videos and they have vids on the most awesome things concieved!
dnorman - 12 years ago
Arunchai Radas
Arunchai Radas - 12 years ago
k5lc ,6-]. b thumbs up if you like dicks
John DnB
John DnB - 12 years ago
Is CooL
ABE SuperKiteDay
ABE SuperKiteDay - 12 years ago
Ziperzap - 12 years ago
I love electronic music, but... really?
Teodulf - 12 years ago
haha I'd like to participate :D
Jason Hoover
Jason Hoover - 12 years ago
are there complimentary butt cushions at this event?

100. comment for Snow Kayak Race in Estonia - Red Bull Snow Kayak 2013

Rich Godfrey
Rich Godfrey - 12 years ago
I was doing this in the back garden over christmas. It's suprisingly fun :)
Tomasio - 12 years ago
This is hilarious. It should be a real thing, with Kayaks actually designed to go on the snow, like put some kid of blades/edges on the bottom of them.
Ruben N
Ruben N - 12 years ago
ill fuck today, oh yeah, oh yeah (0:26)
Jake MightBeAnOwl
Jake MightBeAnOwl - 12 years ago
That looks sooo fun
jackmccann17 - 12 years ago
RedBull always amazes me, not only does it always introduce weirdly amazing sport, but also reply's to people on youtube, pretty rad!
Freestyle Productions
Freestyle Productions - 12 years ago
so ----- rides on------- equals pro wakeboarder rides on cranberries?
Daniel - 12 years ago
Why the hell isn't this an Olympic sport yet?
Brandon Dapper
Brandon Dapper - 12 years ago
they need to make runs for this
tristan moroz
tristan moroz - 12 years ago
coq at 0:04??
Matthew Reeves
Matthew Reeves - 12 years ago
Isn't kayaking a verb? still awesome!
Constant Moto
Constant Moto - 12 years ago
Well I think I know what I'll do if it snows again here...
rudebeats907 - 12 years ago
Now give me a kayak and some powder...
Elliott hutton
Elliott hutton - 12 years ago
How did that fail at the water bit
TheLethalMoo - 12 years ago
damn, i tryed too take one of my boats down a hill once.. but sadly its not very hilly round here and it was more of a bum shuffle
Ruben00021 - 12 years ago
I'm gay.
tonissoos - 12 years ago
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkkkkk yeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa redbull doing a vid of my contry !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ho Hu
Ho Hu - 12 years ago
red bull <3
StuPhee - 12 years ago
God this is why Red Bull is AWESOME.
drozenilll - 12 years ago
When don't have any idea to create a new sport ...
Carlos - 12 years ago
Only thing good on the ice.
Marko - 12 years ago
the shit red bull sponsors... is awesome :)
Erik Finstad
Erik Finstad - 12 years ago
That is some crazy shit. I want to try :)
tarek smith
tarek smith - 12 years ago
Varga Léna
Varga Léna - 12 years ago
Akiitoshii - 12 years ago
JBO VIEW - 12 years ago
XD that was Awesome!!
LowerTheBoom - 12 years ago
I really don't think people should be riding kayaks down hills like that what if your finger falls off.
Ferrettank - 12 years ago
I wish my couch could do this
Santi Caribe
Santi Caribe - 12 years ago
306th viewer
Jan Niemann
Jan Niemann - 12 years ago
This Idea :D i want to do this shit..
MegaMagixMusic - 12 years ago
0:50 laskdjfhadb vhdagfasd fasdgfasdhfvkjdc ajchbaefsdfhlkasdhf....... :D
Jude Boag-matthews
Jude Boag-matthews - 12 years ago
What on earth who comes up with
daweil94 - 12 years ago
What is this I don't even.. but it looks fun!
raging247 - 12 years ago
And the music is....?
sidisbrn2pwn - 12 years ago
0:43 nice girl =D
Fran Seki
Fran Seki - 12 years ago
Who even thinks of this ?
TheSmileygrenade - 12 years ago
pero que coño!!!
Divine - 12 years ago
Estonia you say...
Maxwell Borden
Maxwell Borden - 12 years ago
I want to try!
Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin - 12 years ago
This is beyond awesomeness

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