Snow Kayaking

Damon Gold, doing more of his famous stupid human tricks. this video was shot in 1991 but has been re-edited into this youtube tease. but you know this if you have been following my more recent stuff.

Snow Kayaking sentiment_very_dissatisfied 15

Kayak 18 years ago 185,776 views

Damon Gold, doing more of his famous stupid human tricks. this video was shot in 1991 but has been re-edited into this youtube tease. but you know this if you have been following my more recent stuff.

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Most popular comments
for Snow Kayaking

Hooptie Hamburger
Hooptie Hamburger - 8 years ago
Cool video. What song is that?
Hooptie Hamburger
Hooptie Hamburger - 8 years ago
+damon gold
Thanks! It's really good. I spent some time trying to find it on Google by searching the lyrics.
damon gold
damon gold - 8 years ago
Hooptie Hamburger it's a song I recorded with Jeff Martin from Racer X it's called "The fool" it's on his solo album "the fool" on roadrunner records.
damon gold
damon gold - 12 years ago
Ok Alex show me better...
Alexander Wise
Alexander Wise - 12 years ago
not very good
Deezer Kid
Deezer Kid - 12 years ago
oo got it. YouTube is very strict about copyrights, I got 2 accounts banned in the past 2 years due to copy rights even though most of the videos that were flagged were made by me. Created this one yesterday still not sure what to upload. Last one was very successful but I don't have the time to edit music anymore.
damon gold
damon gold - 12 years ago
i purposely upload low rez versions of my edits due to piracy, it is shot in 16mm and digitized at D2 quality (basically Imax) the high quality video is sold off as stock footage. im glad you enjoyed it, it was super fun doing it!!
Deezer Kid
Deezer Kid - 12 years ago
great ending. wish the quality was better.
Chris - 13 years ago
you can tell its 1991 from that jacket hes wearing. from the jacket that badass is wearing*
Giuseppe Liverino
Giuseppe Liverino - 13 years ago
interesting, I didn't know people were doing this! though in this video it looks like you don't have much control on the kayak...I will try to find more videos to compare! thanks for sharing
Barbara Bowen
Barbara Bowen - 13 years ago
That was awesome! Great new sport.

10. comment for Snow Kayaking

Igor Andreev
Igor Andreev - 14 years ago
бля а как чувак откопался то
elmotreacy - 14 years ago
3:36 owch
damon gold
damon gold - 14 years ago
@AJcore8698 the reason for leaning back in the air is to balance the boat for an even landing, you must hit the snow at the correct angle so the will be no impact. also snow conditions have to be perfect to pull of airs of 30 or more feet. there is always the chance of injury but in all my nearly thousands of airs the only injury i sustained was breaking 3 ribs when i impacted a huge rock at 45MPH and that run had no air, it was a steep couloir that had a really tricky exit.
Adrian Cole
Adrian Cole - 14 years ago
@georgeou It's a risk that is a part of the sport and we all take pre cautions to help protect our backs. This is an old old movie. If you notice how he was leaning back every time he went over a cliff it looked like a lot of impact when he landed. If you look at newer youtube movies, we have developed ways to land properly that hurts a lot less. Never the less though, spine damage still occurs.
Dominic Armstrong
Dominic Armstrong - 14 years ago
Aaron Darkes
Aaron Darkes - 14 years ago
@damongold Like I said, You Rock Buddy!!
damon gold
damon gold - 14 years ago
@arcticarnie i still have about 1000 posters left i never sold, hit me back ill send you one!!
damon gold
damon gold - 14 years ago
@SuperGrrrrr it helps cushion impacts from rocks!! no really it does
damon gold
damon gold - 14 years ago
@whopperman98 dagger freefall LT. i use a jackson superstar now!!
Matt Beardmore
Matt Beardmore - 14 years ago
damon gold is MAD...<3 kayaking...never tried snow kayaking...but OMG that was good...try that in a jackson you'll die :P

20. comment for Snow Kayaking

clairmatinaustralia - 14 years ago
my Uncle, C.Castelain died doing this!
jenga - 14 years ago
specs23 - 15 years ago
whoa...amazing vid
mmschweizer - 15 years ago
I'd like to see you use a smaller playboat with a surfing hull. (Flatter on the bottom). I think it would give you more speed and control and you could carve turns faster. Nice vid but it hurts my back just to watch it!!!
Ravenkliff - 15 years ago
me and my friends did this today! but, like, on a much smaller hill. It was AWESOME! But this guy is like the king of it.
Aaron Darkes
Aaron Darkes - 15 years ago
I've had a black & white photocopy from an old fishing mag of the cliff jump at 1min 5sec on my wall for years. fishing mag long gone, glad to finally see the video!!!! Very Cool!!
Tim Carrollo
Tim Carrollo - 15 years ago
basically bad ass sledding
damon gold
damon gold - 15 years ago
my new boat fixes the back seat issue and i have a whole quiver of new tricks including cartwheels and backflips. posting soon.....
erick avanaq
erick avanaq - 15 years ago
I love when he's paddling on snow lol
HorK - 15 years ago
you are a king

30. comment for Snow Kayaking

TheBamakid - 15 years ago
UrUsoBu - 16 years ago
Pretty sweet, there were some good drops. You are always in the back seat though, I might try moving the seat back if I get a chance anytime to snowyak. You should try for some ollies and kickflips, maybe?
freedomfascist - 16 years ago
this guy prolly doesnt have children... str8 badass tho!
Austin Pritchard
Austin Pritchard - 16 years ago
Pre-boof pain
kgc20goober - 16 years ago
i like how he,s got the B.A. on in most of the pics just for padding etc lol.
CourtyardPigeon - 16 years ago
WTF is that music? I want to stab out my ears!
Bloodgod40 - 16 years ago
Looks like it would be very easy to screw up and go rolling end over end all the way down the mountain.
THEHURRICANERIDERS - 16 years ago are awesome!
Dan9156 - 16 years ago
sikkk!! i wanna have a go!! :P
AWeinert - 16 years ago
David Obremski
David Obremski - 16 years ago
awalanche danger??!! very cool
Alan Grant
Alan Grant - 16 years ago
ha looks fun if there was like a pond down the bottom and its all frozened and u crash into it u would still float again good idea of sport
Andrew Wahl
Andrew Wahl - 16 years ago
hahaha!! I love it.. surfers, skiers boarders.. we're taking over! So WATCH OUT!
damon gold
damon gold - 16 years ago
then it is time for glasses. in the early days i had to manhandle it a bit, but now i can go almost anywhere a skier or snowboarder can as long as the conditions are right.
coldflesh - 17 years ago
OMG im doing this
damon gold
damon gold - 17 years ago
you live in a great place to do it all it takes is some snow, a hill and the nerve to go for it =)
Pacific Northwest
Pacific Northwest - 17 years ago
This is great... cj
damon gold
damon gold - 17 years ago
the fastest i have been clocked at was 62mph. if you consider the air shot at 1:09 i am close to reaching terminal velocity 114mph but thats in the air not on snow. (with the right conditions 90 is not out of the question.) as for stopping, just carve, the newer boats i use are much more controllable then the old freefall i used 15+ years ago in these videos.
damon gold
damon gold - 17 years ago
the answer is yes it IS much easier in modern boats, if you were to read the description this footage was shot 17 YEARS AGO!! i keep all my current footage off the net until i have made sufficient monies selling it as stock.
madmiguelh2o - 17 years ago
With modern playboats it should be easier....Right?

50. comment for Snow Kayaking

damon gold
damon gold - 17 years ago
i would love a liquid, but i would take the fins off, when the snow is fresh you dont need fins. i use a jackson superstar now and it works great.
tubeneophyte - 17 years ago
The best yak on snow footage I've ever seen. A plastic surf kayak with fins would really excell at this (unfortunately only one manufacture has ever made one).
robco1 - 17 years ago
Holy crap. I was joking. You are one sick puppy!
damon gold
damon gold - 17 years ago
look at 3min. 11sec. i did
Harvey600 - 17 years ago
Wish we had snow like that in the UK!
robco1 - 17 years ago
I'd be really impressed if he pulled a C to C.
damon gold
damon gold - 17 years ago
warmer weather is 2.5 hours away, my way i just get to the top of the sierra crest and point the boat west!!!
damon gold
damon gold - 17 years ago
watch it again, they are grouped around 3min. in, but do occur throughout the video
damon gold
damon gold - 17 years ago
Donner Summit, CA. also Blackwood Canyond and Homewood Ski Area!
Downforce Recordings
Downforce Recordings - 17 years ago
damn nice!
frikinzero - 17 years ago
no life jacket? awesome video!
damon gold
damon gold - 17 years ago
i am not sure i know what you are referring to ???
damon gold
damon gold - 17 years ago
no special kayak here, i use the kayaks i get for filming in the rivers so modifying them for snow is pointless, besides the newer boats (jackson superstar) have such sharp chines the terrain and tricks i do now are lightyears beyond the stunts i did in this footage shot almost two decades ago !!
kayaksurfcantabria - 17 years ago
you are the god of the snowkayak, we are fond jeje... I hope that you find sponsor. Very good the video
MammaDuck - 17 years ago
LOLOLOL!!! Duh, when he planted the nose at the end, why didn't it just bob to the surface? High braces, low braces, air braces, he does it all!!! Also, that water is about as white as it gets.
damon gold
damon gold - 18 years ago
that IS the natural progressoin, however i can't find a yacht company willing to sponsor me!!! so until such time i am only yaking.
Shooter42 - 18 years ago
I wouldn't dare try that in my sit-on-top yak but looks fun... I wanna see a guy land nose first vertically and have the front of the cockpit cut his ass in half!! lol

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