Stand N Fish Stand and Fish Intro. Kayak Pontoon System intro HD final version

Stand N Fish Stand and Fish Intro. Kayak Pontoon System intro HD final version. Standing up and fishing from a Kayak couldn't be easier with the Stand n Fish Kayak Pontoon system. Easy to install, pack and put away for transport.

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Stand N Fish Stand and Fish Intro. Kayak Pontoon System intro HD final version. Standing up and fishing from a Kayak couldn't be easier with the Stand n Fish Kayak Pontoon system. Easy to install, pack and put away for transport.

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Most popular comments
for Stand N Fish Stand and Fish Intro. Kayak Pontoon System intro HD final version

JW Rhyne Jr.
JW Rhyne Jr. - 6 years ago
Awesome video and information! Thanks!
todo piola
todo piola - 7 years ago
desde argentina ,aca los vientos hacen oleaje continuamente ,en verano y peor en invierno,en lagunas hay olas de 50 cm,no es tan simple como vos lo haces ,igual esta buenisimo,aca si no anclas en 5 minutos te tienen que buscar del otro lado del lago,
Angel Hernandez
Angel Hernandez - 7 years ago
Can I install it on a kayak.
James F
James F - 7 years ago
Kill the background music
Joseph Limbrick
Joseph Limbrick - 7 years ago
does it come in cammo?
Patrick Babcock
Patrick Babcock - 7 years ago
All this worry about capsizing, and no PFD. Clearly, this man is a genius...
T serd
T serd - 7 years ago
any one know what's best for making the floats I have bamboo for the outrig
Eddie Quesenberry
Eddie Quesenberry - 7 years ago
Pauls POV
Pauls POV - 8 years ago
my wife wants to kayak but she is so insecure about the kayaks instability & flipping over , she wants me to find a system that will stabilize the kayak! can this system be purchased with just the pontoons.... she not a big fisherman! how much would the pontoons only cost?
Janet McPhail
Janet McPhail - 7 years ago
Pauls POV Get her a sit on top kayak.

10. comment for Stand N Fish Stand and Fish Intro. Kayak Pontoon System intro HD final version

Ge Raf
Ge Raf - 8 years ago
I made everything you see here from home depot for $35 thanks
Jason Kloos
Jason Kloos - 7 years ago
Ge Raf no you didn't.
Jody White
Jody White - 8 years ago
trolling motor bracket work just fine
J. Wesley Stevenson
J. Wesley Stevenson - 8 years ago
I'd like to see one of those on my Expandacraft modular boat.
The Sovereign of America
The Sovereign of America - 8 years ago
Put a motor on it you might have something.
DarkSagan - 8 years ago
Great product but.....youre trying to appeal to the broke ass people who couldn't afford to buy a super Trump like kayak....So make the price more affordable. The complete system cost more than my kayak actually two kayaks.
asaine - 8 years ago
The current price (as of 5/17/06) is $649.00. IMO, the "design" of the pontoons can be greatly improved.

Currently, the shape of the pontoons are "parallel" to the kayak. While this may look appealing and decrease resistance when paddling (down position), it is anti-productive in terms of water stability while standing/fishing on the kayak.

The shape should be of a "V" design that is "perpendicular" to the kayak. As the kayak leans port or starboard, the wider portion of the "V" shaped pontoon would create greater resistance.

Current: I---I---I
Proposed: >--I--<

Since the pontoons can be retracted (up position) from the water, the design of the pontoons makes no difference in terms of ease of paddling.
Bomara - 8 years ago
Or you could just get a better kayak with way more features, by just making the pontoon and back rest feature for like $30 yourself. Would save alot of money and would be better.
Dylan Zrim
Dylan Zrim - 8 years ago
DarkSagan all kayaks are expensive. But buy a pa12 (not overly expensive compared to the "cheaper" (quality not price) kayaks)

And u fish off the bow, or stern
DarkSagan - 8 years ago
Or you could just go watch a video for people who have enough money to pay for a better kayak...hater ass potato eating biatch!
Robert Seviour
Robert Seviour - 8 years ago
Excellent product / annoying muzak.
abglong_ kawasan
abglong_ kawasan - 9 years ago
how to buy this kayak
Dan King
Dan King - 9 years ago
Well thought out product...but, please...there is no such thing as "Marine Grade Aluminum"
peteohm - 8 years ago
Do a search on Marine Grade Aluminum. Among other items 5052-h32 is advertised as marine grade.

20. comment for Stand N Fish Stand and Fish Intro. Kayak Pontoon System intro HD final version

Holland Hollywood
Holland Hollywood - 9 years ago
Best. Very nice vid
Ivan Konstantinov
Ivan Konstantinov - 9 years ago
make it a seat post and you got a high seat like on expensive boats, will fishermen like that? You bet!
Ivan Konstantinov
Ivan Konstantinov - 9 years ago
why not make it a seat post, why lean post, how much of a brain is needed for a better idea? Its a no brainer!
Fish Magnet TV
Fish Magnet TV - 9 years ago
Leaning post doubles as a zimmerframe
An American Gose fishing
An American Gose fishing - 9 years ago
i just tested my home made outriggers on my kayak although the stability is great it produces a lot of drag in rough water and is hard to paddle against the current due to that drag oh well i got what i could afford 50 dollars in materials and my ideas.
CrestedPaingod - 9 years ago
Hawgslayer3 - 9 years ago
Wow! I'm amazed at all the idiots on here complaining about the price . This isn't some homemade shit from a box store this is professionally built and well engineered !
GtfoTyvm - 7 years ago
Hawgslayer3 if I could down vote your bullshit I would
The Astonisher
The Astonisher - 9 years ago
$650 for this system!  A bit pricey
Michael Baker
Michael Baker - 9 years ago
Excellent build.  I'll be checking out the price $$$ which is always the determining factor on your site.  I have my fingers crossed particularly for those of us (like you said) on the 50+  Not as agile as I use to be.  Thanks for being a part of this obviously new pioneering area of Kayak engineering and accessories.
quest 34470
quest 34470 - 9 years ago

30. comment for Stand N Fish Stand and Fish Intro. Kayak Pontoon System intro HD final version

JC - 9 years ago
I've got the 'perception rambler 130t tandem kayak' which can also be a single seater unlike most tandem kayaks, and it's extremely stable. You can put about 3/4 of your body weight on the side of the kayak before it tips. And it's really hard to tip. I got it for Christmas and I've only tipped it once, and that was when there was q people in it and I was trying to get in it in mid thigh deep water.
vivitar45 - 9 years ago
I just sell the kayak and get a canoe much better for fishing with and you can bring along a friend,cooler,tacle box etc and that's  something can not do with stupid set up and canoe with two people much easier to deal with and  load on the car
Gonnaneed Abiggerboat
Gonnaneed Abiggerboat - 9 years ago
Great setup ...
NOturtle - 10 years ago
Only way this would be worth is if you could stand on a platform where your elevated up to 10 feet above the yak.  I can easily stand in my cuda 12'
Ei Pi
Ei Pi - 10 years ago
650 bucks??does it have a glory hole or what?  DIY for 50-100 bucks w/ pvc and any kind of floats   hell i'd be tempted to buy another kayak for that much money and lash them together...still cheaper and have 2 kayaks
gaming brothers
gaming brothers - 7 years ago
Captain Cocoa Puffs
Captain Cocoa Puffs - 9 years ago
+Ei Pi Even if you buy Hobie's H Bar and Pontoons it'd be around 300 dollars, and it's the same thing. What an overpriced accessory.
Renato Pazini
Renato Pazini - 10 years ago
\o/ show
Tatersalad19 Cars
Tatersalad19 Cars - 10 years ago
built my poor mans version for 25 bucks PVC pipe and pool noodles, zip ties, and a few more odds and ends but generally don't use outriggers, just borrow my fathers bass boat if i fish lakes, mostly use my yak for rivers and small lakes/ponds
WereAllThatBored - 10 years ago
I owned a Hobie Quest.  Least stand friendly kayak around.  I can see why you'd throw pontoons on it.  Awesome product.
Z lives matter
Z lives matter - 10 years ago
I only paid $200.00 for the canoe....surely there are cheaper alturnatives...
Carlos T
Carlos T - 10 years ago
Make a custom one, doubt it will be near as nice but would save money. This one is designed and tested though. 
Maria Cannenta
Maria Cannenta - 10 years ago
Wonder if you can rig a D10T Ascend?
Waiter Kim
Waiter Kim - 10 years ago
You will not sell it on Amazon this product? 
So that people can buy all the countries
Alex Zakhartsov
Alex Zakhartsov - 10 years ago
i don't know what the price is, but i am sure u can buy a used boat + motor + trailer for less :)
American Patriot Calvin Kirby 111% 4 life!
American Patriot Calvin Kirby 111% 4 life! - 10 years ago
For a poor man's kayak they are out of my price range. I'll build mine cheaper.
Addison Roberts
Addison Roberts - 11 years ago
For those who ask why people are complaining about the price… Its the fact that the whole system costs as much as the kayak. After reading into this stuff I went up to BT Welding here in Titusville and they quoted me 300$ to build the whole system (no pontoons just the brackets) and I was amazed. I had them build me one that fit my kayak so I didn't have to drill into it. I didn't need the pontoons anyways all I wanted was the support bar for my kayak and sup. Ontop of that I also had bt make me a bad ass carbon fiber push pole (14ft) for 80 bucks when online it would of been 200 something. Its simple enough to take to a shop to have made. Its a good idea and they took it from an idea to production but now they just need to make it affordable around the 200-300$ mark. 
30milesOut - 11 years ago
what a killer rig... gota be killer for sight casting... 
808ROTY09 - 11 years ago
Its an add on for people who already have a kayak obviously.
Richard Saldana
Richard Saldana - 11 years ago
Why not invest in a USED or NEW f aluminum john boat and paddle out or even put a trolling motor on it instead for way less cash. You get to stand and have room just as well for all your shit and will cost less than buying a kayak $300-1000 plus the Stand In Fish for another $650??? hmmm....opinions please???
mark stangeland
mark stangeland - 11 years ago
I had the hobie pontoons system, looks nice but had trouble with fish line get waped up in the toons , and I could not stand up with it, yours looks much better,
Daniel Stoner
Daniel Stoner - 11 years ago
This is ingenious - outstanding. Yeah, I definitely see one of these in my future.
Daniel Stoner
Daniel Stoner - 11 years ago
Shoot, $650 is a steal for a quality, well-thought-out gizmo like that... glad I found this... may want to pick this up for my native ultimate 14.5 with trolling motor.

50. comment for Stand N Fish Stand and Fish Intro. Kayak Pontoon System intro HD final version

MicheleInAlabama - 11 years ago
Very nice.
Jess R.
Jess R. - 11 years ago
why the crap is everyone complaining about the price? If like me, you had already bought a kayak just to paddle, but then decided you wanted to fish out of it, this is a much cheaper solution than buying an entirely different boat. I own a 12ft perception pescador (which is an awesome kayak btw) but its not designed for standing. if I had to do over, my fist choice would be a Freedomhawk pathfinder, but since I already invested in the pescador, this is a MUCH cheaper fix than buying a new boat
JungJingymay2010 - 11 years ago
Good explaination. Does the distractive music add any value for your presentation?
SPCkeith - 12 years ago
i plan on biking with my kayak behind me if you guys could make the pontoons just fold up all the way without having to break it down that would be epic get to the lake and fold em down and launch come into shore fold them up hook up to my bike and off we go
SuperWhiteboy09 - 12 years ago
$650 LMFAO for what? great product but to much money heres how you can save small ladder from home depot$20 blue foam from any mariner$20 some places priceless 4 fiot pvc from home depot $?? what like $10? and your set to make your own under $50
Jay Collins
Jay Collins - 12 years ago
Jay Collins Rick produces the finest pontoon centered fishing system for standing up while kayak fishing available. I use the system on my Ocean Kayak Torque as well as feature them to be sold on my website, SmallBoatGear. Our volume pricing is worth checking out.
Jester Cohort
Jester Cohort - 8 years ago
+JayCollins, ...that site is just a domain name and for sale.   ..nowhere on that site do you sell anything,   ..what gives?
Kinjiru Oni
Kinjiru Oni - 12 years ago
indeed...not to mention all the people who land sharks and marlin and other large fish sitting down in their kayaks.
SuperWhiteboy09 - 12 years ago
can i us this on my hobie PA 12?
Michael R.
Michael R. - 12 years ago
If I am old enough to need this over-engineered masterpiece to put on a kayak, I'm old enough to buy a bigger boat. You can already stand and fish in well designed kayaks without this "look at me" add on that screams "Hey guys! I'm confused about what I really want".
Carlo Rivera
Carlo Rivera - 12 years ago
can someone make a video of thier own stand n fish installed on thier kayak......
Larry G
Larry G - 12 years ago
If only they weren't so expensive...if they made a simpler version for a little cheaper I would strongly consider for my revo
hzj79 - 12 years ago
made obsolete by hobie pro angler
MrRedskins0021 - 12 years ago
The Cuda kayak is excellent for standing.
dsshooter2000 - 12 years ago
Man i love this but it cost as much as my kayak but im gonna get one.
WolfgangHolzmann - 12 years ago
I have a tandem island, would the leaning post (minus the pontoons) fit? Could you rig a small seat on the post to sit higher while waiting for take?
nello j
nello j - 13 years ago
looks nice but how much extra weight is this?
Lomax675 - 13 years ago
3:19 surface action! get on it
rod brown
rod brown - 13 years ago
Beautiful! Problem is where do you buy in Australia?
Jester Cohort
Jester Cohort - 8 years ago
+rod brown, ...maybe just have to make something similar, ...where in Aus r ya?
LoboyCoolers - 13 years ago
That is AWESOME! Wound up here cuz I saw your ad in Panhandle Coastal Angler Magazine. Neat product!
MrUAV100 - 13 years ago
Very nice but how does it handle in rough water (UK weather is pretty bad most of the year, this 'summer' was a washout with big swells at sea).
Myong Chung
Myong Chung - 13 years ago
@drnrgizr2 I have a hobie revo and i drive a acura rsx. This is a coupe. I have a yakima roof rack and i move my kayak all by myself every time. the only thing you need is a kayak cart. with this and a rug to put on your truck of the car you can move any hobie sport, outback, revo. I think the outback would be your best bet for stability but i like how fast the revo is.
Mike C
Mike C - 13 years ago
will this work for the ocean kayak trident
hunter honeycutt
hunter honeycutt - 13 years ago
will this work for the pelican castaway 100
wisyakman - 14 years ago
this is interesting, I guess if you didn't get a Freedom Hawk kayak and needed to get stability to stand with your reg kayak this would do the trick. great job.
greauxpete - 14 years ago
I installed mine last night. It took about 3 hours.
greauxpete - 14 years ago
Just installed mine. Very well thought out. High quality parts made of aluminum, stainless, and starboard. Plan on trying it out tommorow on the lake.
pakalas06 - 14 years ago
**Notice how calm the water is
revolutionpm - 14 years ago
Best system on the market. And the price is very modest considering all you get.

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