Sun Dolphin Boss 12 SS & Ozark Trail Pro Angler Kayak: FULL REVIEW
Kayak 6 years ago 13,719 views
LINKS TO KAYAK SHOWN IN VIDEO: OTHER GEAR I DISCUSSED IN VIDEO: Gator Guard: Keel Protector: My Favorite Paddle: My Favorite PFD: My Favorite Kayak Cart: Handheld Bilge Pump: Waterproof Dry Bags: Actionhat Camera Mount: Overall, I am very impressed by the performance and quality of this kayak. I get the opportunity to test a lot of kayaks from all makers and brands. I try to be non-bias and fair in my reviews. For the money I think it is a phenomenal buy. I have seen this kayak at Walmart occasionally for around $398-498. It sells very quick at Walmarts and is next to impossible to buy due to high demand. Sun Dolphin Boss and Ozark Trail Pro Angler are identical so get whichever you can find. Let me know what your thoughts are...Comment below. WANT TO SEND ME A PRODUCT FOR REVIEW & TESTING? CONTACT ME VIA WWW.KAYAKDIY.COM
Great video Justin. What size is that pdf. Im kind of same body type. Thanks
10. comment for Sun Dolphin Boss 12 SS & Ozark Trail Pro Angler Kayak: FULL REVIEW
The C-TUG is the cart I wish I had bought 3-4 carts prior. It is built well, corrosion proof, and can come apart to stow inside most kayaks.
Both aren’t cheap, but they are the best in my opinion.
20. comment for Sun Dolphin Boss 12 SS & Ozark Trail Pro Angler Kayak: FULL REVIEW
Planning future videos. Might do a full skiff build. Found a gutted 14’ Skiff shell I might buy and rebuild. Want to make a skiff that is lightweight and capable of going in back of truck like a kayak.
Oh, and throw a bunch of pool noodles inside that hull and you’ll never ever sink it from taking on water. Zoff has a video on making your own scupper holes. I would absolutely make 6 of my own on this yak
Think that might work better for someone your size and get better performance. I think the Sun Dolphin Boss could support you, but would likely suffer a lot in performance.
What is your budget for a kayak?
30. comment for Sun Dolphin Boss 12 SS & Ozark Trail Pro Angler Kayak: FULL REVIEW